THE DULY DEMOCRAT. PRINT KD AND P0BLXEIIKD BT TTARNEY, HUGHES & CO. Z1STSIDB lit niK Tliaii IT21ET. and MiiiiT jirnnoi. SPECIAL ADTKRTIflSa NOT1CJT.. AH Fellows'. Pa'ic e.'Bi. aJasone,'ad ! r Moure o Piremea'a, a. a ,ara efearfei Cfty tea lines urate the am iasertiea, eaa tweaty-Cv- t eat cca (Bbataaat Bfrtia. AaaartiteBeata ( iuaattare Waat, Eelirioos, Ckaritaale. MuTiife, ana Oaitaar Moweet, h in- bu fisaa or are charged tweaiy-av"VaT-'aravaBLS i TaaasicaT (t ABVaKCB. - DKCEMBER 18. 1S56. THURSDAY, Lxingtodand Bij Sandy Railroad it nuking flaw but promising advances. A large portion of the grading ii done, and a little will bauen ita completion at an early dsy. Thia eity bai effered no ail to this enterprise; cor hti the Louisville and Frankfort road fTTa off .red any. We don't see why the roads from this point to Lexington hare not lent a band in itaV.ub'ng a connection with the travel and business beyond Lexington. We understand that the d!re:tora of the Lexington and Big Sandy road are ready to joia our road ta Ltxington, to adopt the lime grade, and mate tbeir read for parpojos a continuation of ours; and all they ask if a subscription of $150,000; oor di they ask that any liability fhU be iconrrei until their road is completed from L;xioiton to lit. Sterling, a distanoe cf thirty miles. It pa&sei through a wealthy and fertile region of the State, and it cannot be doubted that it would add te the receipts of our to roads to Lexington fourfold the snm pay the interest on the sum subscribed. Eo atd5, when the road ii completed to Big Sandy, it will connect with the Virginia roads east, and we shall bare a continuous railroad connection to the eastern cities from this point; and when the road to Nashville is completed, a connection between the eouthaest and the east through Lou isville. Could anything be mere important to this city; at. I especially to the two roads from this point to Ltxington? Unless this connection is secured, our roads now finished will remsiu local; tbey will never assume the character of great thjTooj'ifirei which this eonaeetioa wool! give then; and it seems obvious to us that ruch a connection is worth far more than the proposed the iaterssts of a road to seek every cdsu It ii cosrection that will give business. All the fsci1-iti- is of acje-- s t3 it from localities in its vicinity are important, asl none should bo osrlock?d liven a saort turnpike or a line of stages may ad J fax more than the little ocst to encourage them in tha course of a year; bus a continuation i f lice that offarai by the Lexington aud ii'gSiiiy roal.eauaot bs toa highly appreciated It uiiy bo objected that cur roads pay no dividends now, anl taat every increased liability pud t pose 3 the day when dividends can be It will t6 remembered that the stock rf thsLisisrilla aad Frankfort roid is not half i n Oat, and that the earnings are paying cif the Ob'n. About niaety taoasand ws paid las jtt.t. Tae mn who buys a farm is doing well if it produces enough to py Lalf its cost by the time the deferred payments fall due. Ail he Las 4o do to mike tbe outlay an excellent investment i j to tike care of his farm, and Increase its value by ispraveme:.:!. Let the stockholders in tie two roads to Lsxmgtvn act on this prudent and ce jiociical principle. It is certainly an eavief policy to LelectlxportaatooDcectioaS, aaIioae laem to be caugat cp oy otuer roaj. cat we Lave tiu idea that this liability, assumed for the f aka u! a continuance of travel and tiade taitty mile, will pojtpjiio tae timo wheu dividends caa (e prudently made. Who can doubt but this tkiity milts will aid ui re than the interest ou a lidiirti and fifty thouaaad dollars to tkeroceips of tie Louisvi.lo and Frankfort roais; beside a sinkicg fund to pay off the principal? enough Ba'--, in iiitioc to, this thirty milo) w.U be spiedily C'lutiused to Big Saody, acd tht n the vzla and importaL:e cf tbe road wo tew have via be Vistiy insreaced. Indeed this Lexicgton ai.d B g Sndy ii the natural costinoaiioa of rhc road wo have ; it is unfinished whilst th other ii uumiio. husecarsi the con section between LexingtoL and 0anviil3,ai:d will be happy to connect with this road to Big Sicdy, so doubt, if the tppcrtanity tff rs. T.Ve h p th directors snl siockholdcrj of this road will oniUcr ttiis It certainly is cf great imporlakce to them; and unless se me details shall Uii: tne value cf the connection, it onht at OEcc to te effected. It is c: rtaiily worth to cur road more than the cost ; and besides tbe fact that there is a couunuaton of railroad farmed from to the mouth of Biz 3iuiy, must 12- creis the pre;eat price of stock in the roa Is ccw flnLhed froji this pjint to Ltxington. Aa cp- prtuuiry t injure such a continuous route should not be lost. We shall say nothing of the advantages to L)ui-:ville- , but they are of great Vilue, and tbey wi:l be still g eater wheu we Lave the Nashville road completed. fr ml Col. Marshall and the organ here are gree'.iy exercised about a difference of opinion in the Democratic party, is to whether a territorial Li l leejitltturo unier the Kansas-Kebrask- a cau exclude slavery. The Northen Uemo-cri- ts generally believing that the kiiilituro bts the power; whilst the Southern Democrats believe it has not. The seem aaxious ahuat this difrence of opinion, ad de-fito stir up an agitation over it. Now Democrats all understand this difference. Tbey are not at all disturbed about it. Tbey didn't make these differences an issue, and don't intend to do it. Tae may exer-vis- e themselves up?n it until they grow tired. It i a euitabls subject for them to quarrel ov;r, and worth about as much as their issues generally are. We hope the Know Nothings will t ntertain the oouatry on this harmless tubjsct. Let them Introduce a resolution that neither Congress ncr t'i territorial legislature can either eUblish or prohibit slavery in a territory ; or that either can do it. Tne Democratic party wilt not make no issue upon such a question, fur the pUin, simple reason that Congress and the President can decide it; and prastica'Iy it is quite unimportant what they think about it. It Involves an interpretation of the Constitution which belongs to julioie. tribunals. No Congressional enactment can alter the aspe t of the question Tne legislatures of the territomaterially. ries have all rightful powers of legislation; subject to the provisions of the Constitution. If tasy transcend their powers, the remedy is in the judiciary. Now, maa North or South may differ as to what restraints the Constitution imposes in a particular case; but agree that a legislature may exercise the power it has ; subject te that Cons itation. Tn.ii is precisely the position of the Dt mooracy have no North and South. The Enow-Nothinopinions on tkc subject as a party, and can, therefore, employ themselves about it as much they please. It is just such a frivolous question M suits the genius of that party ; and furnishes a convenient subject for stump speakers. Practically, any organised community that does not want slavery has the power to exclude it. They can do so by making no laws to protect it, without any positive enactment. The power it only postponed at most a year or two ; for when they form a State Constitution, all agree that they have the power over this subject. What has the South to gain or lone by a settlement f this question one way or the other f She does not intend to foroe her institutions on an unwilling people ; whilst the denies to the North the light to foroe hers. But the Democrats, sis a party, neither deny or affirm what the power of the territorial legislature is on this point. Those legislatures must de as other legislative bodies make laws to suit the people and if they exceed their constitutional power, their acts mast bo corrected as the acts of other legislatures axo corrected. The Democrats will not submit such s question to Congress, nor to any political party. Faetlons may agitato rVaor?ttio3, SB! rmsgjswiawT Cocgres, J, U idle u,. D.'a.ccrtii oiUV upra thii print, ui Ld perhaps tlcy differ aa to whetntr Jonah 0r allowed the w aic, or the wbale swallowed Jo-ta-h ; but we doa'i gee that it would be worth a f'Uty resolution, or a Congressional enactment. tut it is refreshing to see thoe Kcow-Nthitcavilitgab ut the d ffarfecos iu other parties & :bo slavery question. Tbey blew up and rxp lo ded, and split and split, and s:atterodand scattered cn this subject. No two of them ever agreed cpon ir, and no one ever agreed with trm6e!f. How Democrats could agree, pass a bill, and settle tbe question, is a mystery. They think there must be some secret trick iu it, and they are asxious to learn tricks for the sake of picfi;able practice. But they need not be uneasy; the understand the whole subject ; know what differences of opinion axe, and what they amount to. fiir-;- BY AUTHORITY. . mi'tU bowQ that thi Secrtary reIt fined to eihib't the returns to Messrs. Keel and lVo"tly r kli the fratning comuieata of m b&x Nicbtt umyeterare uaavaiUug. Lim. Journal. 3 So the Secretary did cot refue t exhibit the returns to lleaera. Heed k Woolley at all. Woll, wo thought it would come to that a flit denial of a fact that cm not be defended. That would Save been the better way at first. Since the organ have tried to make exsuses without success, let item asd the Secretary deny the whole story, and swear that tbere is no truth in it ;that R?ed ana Woolley never applied to see the returns, and that, of course, the Secretary never refused such a request Circclars MaiL. We are requested to call atteBtion to the following regulation of the Post. Gee Department, vis The Uw, fixing the penalty for violation at fiftj dollars, proviies that no postmaster or as.iftant pof'runsrer act as ejreat tcr lo:ttry offices, or or otntrwiee, vond under auy coior ot pure-nice-, lot ery t'.olcots; acd taat 110 po3tmtter shall re eeivelreoof postage fr friut Idttery schuuies, circular or tickets. 1 boretore, all cuou lottery ssbene , circulars, or ticket! addressed either to a p:.itxater or a'iiataiit postmHt-ter- , tnunt bere- a:terb ix;uded from tha mail, together witti All otbe--r tranrint matter of tLis kir.d aitlre rrd limply to am men, or box in an iffloe, acd to any ind.vidubl. We ucde-start- d there is much complaint that great ruabirs of circulars, gecerally unpaid, and ia mtny instance of a most effantive eharacter, aveforcdi upon iniividuala by bcirg adiresod to theaumbor of theb'.x or boxes they may hap pen to hold in any post She ; and that it is tbe order of the Postmaxter Giacral to setd all ua terthos addressed (if it fills iu way into the mails) to the dead letter f B;e. T Gov. I rche,td,! Dereliction of Duty The fallowing reflictioas astothederetietion cf daty upon the pvrt of oar Suite Executive, are severe but just, aci the concluding p.tallcl, drarnby the editor of the Kentucky Stmmm, U very pertinent acd prictic! : We from an nrticln in the Yeoman that oar ptr.etcres upon Uiv. il reneai, beoauso of bi ( ffijial misfoaSicca in UV.ic2 to notify tbe re- turnip fac:rsof tha diSrent couati.s of the i ctcrini'it'i-- s ia tleir cirtifiitcs at.U procuring tbeir corre.uioa, are ful'y borno cut ty th ffcets tseauje of Five of the e.)uaii?? diclraactisod tcc3 technical inforailiiics, mio the.r returns two weks be'tre the dey the vote ws cunted, bu giving ebandant time to tbe Governor end Secretary to inform tbeiaof the f ttal dekct in tho certificate, and to receive tbe come ted report, a'. r ot only dii these if&jials fail to give this notice, cot only did ihn O.;.veraor fa?l "li see the .a;b:ai'y exrCuted," but by tht owa law act ia furninciag tefe very rturu8 to tu'.ir t papers, aid pjriait-tii- g Frar.kio-tbe editors cf the ti.iai to i: there publieael as efficial, lulled a.l tcstisioa of error, acd gave every afsuri.nCc to tbe county officers that their repcrts were unobjectionable. Tc-s- e returns were cpened immediat: ly on their rtcoption. Why were the Secretary and O.v-eru.- ,r siliiit up'.n theso iaawurasiei? If tl!sy to did Lot fit--l it iLCumbut cpoa ttim-'elve'she returning ( Coirs ( f tbo defect iu thir certifi tttet, why w.s the ljectin concealedT at Frtns ort who felt inTneie were in the rscilt to have informed tbe terest oonnty tfSers cf tbe informality cf their returns, and e euteruia no doubt tbt it' aa been given cf ths iutondo j di;fraach;tia.?nt of any copty on aiiy uca account, wea.nrss would beea taken by private gentlemen at tho atat of government to nave secured i- -e requisite correoiiun. Bat no such intimatioa km iiven. Oa thecontrcry, thcraturns were perjiit-te- d by the Secretary ta bo publirhed u.i tfajial, and tha j an acknowledgment eiven of teir accuracy. To mike ffce charg agiinf t the Executive mere poinuti.the Yoomn cites a contra preceint daring tte admiaistra ioa of Oov. Poeil. IteteinB that during the tffijiai term of that gentleuin, aa exactly similar care was t.resested. certificate, SAoilicg ths came ia with deftc'-irn. But tae Democratic majority of the 01 po-i- ti U .vern'.r renumbered his swtrn d uty.and promptly adriici the tthters cf ei. ctiou of tho error io their returns. And such was bis vgiiance ia this regard tb-i- t Le succeeiei ia having ail iaaccara-ci.oortected, and securing to every couuty it-te. There if here a at'iaing Contrast, a id one which the people of Kent us-- y will not fail to mark acd remember I. may be true, and we have no doubt that the G.vern r was smarting uader defeat, and soured by the prospective revolution in the legislative department of the State whereby his senatorial acpirations uiht be e!eattd. But bis bom) and petiontl vexations Are no apol'gy for an effijial dereliction of daty. It was bis duty to have ued every effort to bave there defective certificates rectified, and his fxilure condemnation. The propia shcutd meet its on tbo see, ia the contracted conduct of Governors Powell and Morohcad, tho difference beg executween a Dem.iratie and a feolingj in his tive. Tho one fcrg:ts ail part. earnest eodsivor toee that the laws are faithfully executed." Tho other is so completely controlled by bis party pre j unices that he cannot even govern bis temper when a cmaiittse of Demofar is be cratic electors visit bis fSje,a-iJirpfe l to take any measures to prevent the of a Democratic county. The Gov ernor' urbanity acd politeness sre excoriated by our coutemporarica. We think that a smil mt-te- r if bis duties le impartially executed Tcu day is not far distant when our little seat cf government may boast a whl!y different order of men in its public affairs. God speed the time. t ju. Willikd The gallant Willari,of Isdi-an- c, hns beea in our city on a vLiit, and in company with Senator Bright. We all owe him the kighefi honors for the untiring exertions he 1111 do during the recent campaign in Iadiana. If he ha not already given proof of courage and conduct in the field, we should have eid that he bad nobly woa his f purs. As it is, he has added a no w tropty to his pat achievements, and the grateful Democracy ef other States than bis own willlorg remember the soldier wbo went so devoted'y into the struggle ia Indiana in the campaign of 1858, and came out so gloriously triumphant. Gov. jjatvirnrfrrrmr v- .- scti "ray bio men knew that the discussion in wfcere iuch qu?'t;c-rcannot ha P. Y JVt,15t. Ah Unbcccbssfcl Saaapga. The New York News, of the 15:h. contains the following : On the 21.h of On. last, a Freon'itnan about CO years of ae, representing himself to be one of the firm of Borlia Brothers, of St. Louis, Mo , called at the Store of Gastave A. Fauobe, Esq., dealer ia watches at No. .15 John street, a d alter introducing tim elf as above, stated that he wUhed to bay about 10.000 fraacs WuUh of watchc-s- . He stated further, that ho traveled most of bis time in the Southern oountry, and dealt largely with planters. After making himself quite agreeablo, be left, promising to call the next day. lie fulfilled his premise, and selected 41 gold watohee, worth $2,103, wbioh he requested Mr. Fauche to keep for him until the next Monday morning. Mr. F. di J so, and at the time named, Albrecht(tho St. Louis merchant) cUled wita a lad, whom he represented te be bis son. The watches were again produoed,and he commenced packing them into a cxall wovden box fcrnli hed bita by the storekeeper. After bis packing was 6 3 inked, be called for some wax to seal it up; and while iJr. Fauche was getting the wax, be supped the box into one of his pocaets, and put on the counter, in its place, one very similar to it in weight and in every other respect. De then sealed up the bogus package and left, saying ho would call in the afternoon, pay for it, and take it away. Shortly after he left, Mr. Fauche, in putting the box away, heard something jingle in it, and being suspicious that a trick bad been played upoabim, he in tho preaenoe of two witnesses, opened tbe bcx, and found it to contain brickbats and cobble stones. The police were immediately notified, but, in the eoursc of the day learned that Albrecht bad sailed for New Orleans. He subsequently, however, returned to this city, acd on Saturday last Mr. Fauche met hint on board tho steamer Arsgo, about to sail for Europe. He was then arrested, and in his possession eleven of the stolen watches were found. Justice Osborne locked him up to answer tho charge. MJL littie girl about three years old went to Oa her return heme sho was a.ked what charcX tho minister said, when she replied, "Oh, he went ap on top of Wgb Jf?stia,and hurrahed for ' 1 " somebody." ' Laws of the United States. No. 6. Eespectinc Cisturhancei in rf.nni. Territorr. BT THE PBESlDKNr OP THK UNITED STATES A PROCLAUaTIOS. VThkrhas, indieations txlFt that nubile tras- and the tucremasy of U tn tbe Territory K(!a?, are emlethrcd bv the reprehecsi- o eacutr purposes of both within bad aiiLout the same, who vrspofeto direct and control its political oran'mtioo by force : It a; eombinatu-nhave been tberein to resiH the execution c f the Terri crial Uws, and thus, ia effict, aubvert by violence all present constitutional and authority; It alsi that p?rjnns residing without tha Territory, ut near its borders, contemplate arxed in tbe affairs thereof: It also appearing that O'.her pernors, iababitants of remote Statee, are cuileotirv; luoney, engtgiog men, and pro v id eg arms fi r the came purpof: And it former appear tig that eouibisations witbia the rVrricorj are endeavoriog, by tbe apeooy of id othorwise, to induce ininilual States f the Ui.ica to intervene in the tffirs tierof, vulatioa of tha Constitution of the United States: Aua whereas all snob plans for the determination cf the future institutions cf the Territory, if carried into aoticn from within the same, wiil constitute the face of insurrection, acd if from tthout, that of invasive aggresditn, acd will, in either case, justify and reqairethe forcible inter- pockior. ef tbe whole power of tbe General O v- trnuieut, as wel. to mmritain tnc laws of the Territory as those of tfco Uninr: Now, therforo, I, HUNKL1X PIERC2, President cf tbe United SiMs,d j is"iua tcis cy to cotnmaud ail pnri ns engaei in unlawful oombinatiuns against the constitated au tcority cf th Teiritory ot Kansas, cr of the United State.-- , to disperse and retire peueably to their respective abod s; and to wara a!l sucn persooa that aay attempted icaurrection io said Territt ry, r agrestive iutrusl n mt tne sime, will be not only by the employment of the local militia, but aUo by that of any available forest ira- of the United States: to tbe eni of tnuaity from violence, and full protection 10 the person, property aud civil rights of all leucetul inhabitants of tne Tetri'.ory. and If, in any part of tbe Union, the iury of fac tion or fanatical, iato d:sregarl of tbe jreat priscipies of popular sovereignty, which, under the OoLBtituti n are fandauienta! in the wholo structure of our icstuuii oni, is to brloir 00 :he country tho d're calamity of aa arbi'ramnt if aruid in that Ttrriur?, it be betwoeu lawless violence oa the one side, and conservative torce on tae other, wielded by le&l authority of thn 0r.erai (Jovernucct, I oa the ciuiena, bath of R'ij )inicg acd of Jitc-n-t S'.ate.j, to hbstain from unuuthrr z.'d la ermed ilirg in tbe local ooaoerns of tbe Territory almonisuiEg tacm teat I s orga no law is to bo xecu:ed with iitpirtial juaiice; that all indi vidual asts of illegal i2trtreuca ill lacor con J'sra i.ttbbmcnt; nd that any er.dtihvor to ve .e cy organized force v. ill be firmly withdttcd. 1 invoke all gjod cmsjns to proaiote order by renderlt-- obeduncc to the law; t seek remedy for temporary evin by peaceful mean; to diacouote a ncs and tepule the counsels aud the instigations of aiUitori and of oisorganiser, and to teufy iheir auaohinent tn toeir country, their frid in its greatara?, thiir appreciaion of tho blessics they tnjov, and their determination that caa institutions shall not til in their hands, by to uphold the majesty of Uws, and to vindicate tne sancu:y ot the Uouitiiutioa 1 have hereunto set try vtbtreol la tcMiu-or- j haad and caused the teal of the United S.atss to C8 I lae"J tBIta i 'ashinzt-.n- , j Done at the city of tie eleventh day of February, ia thn year of our Lird oac thcuf&t.d t ght handled and fiitv-n'X- , srd l. i. of the Independence of the United Suuct ite, lgl ior rwl tec ei'Uietn. Bt FHE5IDKXT TBB So. BY FRANKLIN PlEliCE : V. L. MAKvY,Stc'y 7. of Stata. Boundary fiespectlng with Mexico. TUB PBISIDENT OF THE UNITED Of AMaKIJA: riTE3 A PROCL.VMAIIO.V. pursuant tj tae first article of the trtvy between t5s Ujitel S ates aad tho Jlexi can Republic, of the tnirlieth day of Dooemoer, nee thousand e'ht huaired and fifty-lbrethe troolur.ita beteeu thJ territories of tho co were asfolliw-trobe trac'inc prtie dsiltrsi 'Rataiuing the E.ina dividit line between iba tro Cfililornirt', m already deanei and esta'i-te- i actordire to tao fif n ar.wlc of the tretty 01 (aa da'.upe Ilida'go, the limits betweun the lf re-ub'ie; shall r.o a IoII.'wk: "iix'nning iathe Gull f ileiic.i,brc9lapaf.s from Ur.d, opposite the mouth cf the Rio Gri,-..ue- , r.f the treaty 01 ts provided in tno fitta ar:i;lo Guadalupe Hi J ilo; there-- , &a deuced ia the slid article, up the middle f mat river to tte point where ibe jarallel of 31 d'g. 47 min. nonh latitude crohes the sam:; iLence oue weft ono tisa-.rc- d mi!e then iith to the par;iel of 31 deg. 2'J min. north latitude; tkenee aorgtce sa'd par-iUi;f 3lda4 23 m a , t t'te lllta nwridiuu of in a stra'ght wetot Greenwich; thr-iiline to a point cn the Colorado Rivr, tweu'y Er.(-.(bmiles below the junction ef the G laaol Colorado riv?rt; thence up taeniidile of River Col.'Tido ut:'il it iiitereci!i the iine let ween tho United States and tho aid diviiio line has beea AniwbtTf", surveyed, carked cut, and es:at luheJ, by the tfioncri of the contracting par ies, pariBKQt to the St rue article 01 tho sai4 trr?', : N w, therefore, b it known, that I, FRANriLlX PItRCL, rretidont ot tne Luited Staei of America, do hereby &icr to ail wh m it rav concern, that tbe line afore-U'saall be h?M n.i.1 considered as the bona arv botweca tbUaitod rtiatei tLd the Mex.can R 't utiie, and s'.ail be as such, by the Lnuei btates aai tbe cinseos teereef. Io testimony hereof, I have Ciadtho an& of thiiLuited Mates to be fcereunto affixed. Given under my band, at the city ot Washington, this second day of June, in tae yoar of our Lord oae tbouind oizht hundred and aai f tan Independence of the l.s. fl L nlted States tae iintie'.n. FRANKLIN PIEKCC. WnKRKai. tlisit Bt th Prksidk.nt: W. L. MARGY, Sc'y of State. o. 6. Cal'lnj aa Extra Session of Congress. 01 TflK UNITED STATES BY THJS PHESIDENT or AJiiMtiA : A PROCLAMATION. Weekbas, whilst hostilities extt with various Indian tribes on tbe remote froatiers of the United States, an J whilst in other rorpecis the pubiio peace is surioasiy tproatenea, uongres lias nd jourued without grant ic aosssary sup&lios f.r the army, depriving the Executive of the power to perioral cis duty in relation to the eoaim n de fense and security, und an cxtraoidinarv ccra.-;-i- n has thus cwen for aafcmbling the two H iuscb of CocgresH, I do, therefore, by this my prooUu.ation, convene the sai-- t uou3os 10 meat at tho tJui'ol. in tho city of Washington, on Ibursday, th 2Ut day of August instant, bTeby requlrinir the re speotiva Senators and Representatives thea and thereto assemble, to consult and deiermiae on such measures as the atv.e of the Uuien may seotu to requne. In testimony whereof, I have caastd tho goal of the United States to be hereunto affile I, and signed the same wua my nana. Done at tbe city cf Washington, the eighteenth day of Angist, in the year of ourL.rd one thousand eight hundred and fi!fy-siL.s.J and of the Independence of tho United states the eighty nrt. FRANKLIN PIERC Bt Order: W. L. MARCY, Scc'y of State. TREATIES. BT TAB PRESIDENT OF TTTB UNITED STATES A PROCLAMAIIO.V. Wbbbiis, a general convention of frlftdship, reciprocal estuoiisBmn, oomaierce, aai for the surrender of fugitive eriuimali, between treUni ted States cf America and the bm'ut Confxiera- ti d, was coacludod and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries, in the city of Berne, cn the twenty-nu- n day ot November, eighteen hundred and fiity; which convention, as subsequently mended by competent authorities of the respect ive governments, ana oeing in tnefengiisa and larguaser, u word lor word as follows The United States of America and the Bwis Confederation, equally animated by the desire to preserve and to uraw more closely the bonds of friendship wmca so nappily exist between the two republics, as well as to augment, by all the means et their disposal, the commercial intercourse of tbeir respective oitiins, have mutually re.iolved to oonclude a genet al convention of friendship, reciprocal establishments, commerce, and for the surrender 01 fugitive criminals. For this purp e, they have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries, The President of the United State, A. Dudley Mann, special agent of the United States, on a mission 10 the Swiss Confederation; and the Swiss Federai Council, Henry Druey, President of the nwiss Confederation, director of the Political e, Department, and Frederick moinber 01 tne Jecerai, uircotor of the Depart ment of Commerce, and of Tolls; wbo, after a communication of their respective full powers, nave agree to tae lonowing articles: ART1CLX I. " Tbe oititeni of tho United States ef America, aua uieciusoni 01 owiuinno, saaii oe admitted and treated upon a footing of reciprocal equality in tho two eoontriiw, where such admistioa and treatment shall not ool flick with theootstitutiop-- 1 or legal prov sions, aa well federal as State and cantonal of the contracting parties. The cicigani of tho United Statu aud thecitiicns of 8 witter-lanaa well as tbe members of tbeir families. subject to the constitutional aad legal provisions aforesaid, anl yielding cbedlenee to the laws, regulations and nsuares of tho oountry wn-ra- ln they reside, ahall be at liberty to coma, gp, sojeurn i - r - - ,r" teeapcrarlly, domiciliate cr eitablUh themselves peruanntly, tbe former lathe caatoos of the Sal s Confederation, the Stsj in tta States of the Au.ericaaCi.ii!:";, to acquire, posjes- - aad alienate therein proptrty, (as i exj.lmcd ia article V , to manage tbeir affairt; to eiircise tbeir pro- i3.iion, ineir injmiry, ana tneir eoaimerce; to bavo ostablUhmenU: to possess warehouse: to consign their products and their merchandise, and ,to ell them by wholesale or retv.l,citherby themselves or by such brokers or other amenta aa they una irop-- r; tney sikii Duve ireacoses to the tribunal.", aad hali be mi libartv t. Dr )fu:a and derent" tneir rights btfere oaurts of justice in tue Huia manner as native einsecs, cither by themetives cr by eu:h aivwatei. attorneys. r othor cgaaU as they mty thiik proper to seleot. No pecuniary or other more condition fhall be imposed upoa their rosidenoa or estab- nanment, or upon tn ei jyment of tho abeve mentioned rights, than shait be imposed upon cit-i- a ns of the country ihro they resile, nor arv oondition whateirer to wbioh the latter shoil cot be subject. The fereriD privilflees. howsvor. shall not ex- tead to the exercise of olitical rights, nor to a participation m the property of commHnitie-'e rporations, or institutions cf which the cl:iins of one pirty, esUblihed in the othjr, aball not owidae membfra or ARTIOLK II. The citizens cf one of the two countries, resid ing or estat lifhed in tho other, shall ba free from personal military service; but they shall bo liable to the pecuniary cr mkterial contributions wbioh may be required, by wav of cnrctmLsatiun. from oit zns rt the country whero they reside, who are exempt fron tho said service. A j lapost. under whatever tmni. hll be exacted from the eitians o." one ot the two countries, retidicg or established in the other, than fchali be levied up-cit z:ns cf tho country io which they nor any contribution what soever to wnica the latter shall not be liable. Incse of war, or of exnropriation for curri'-s- s of puldio utility, the ciiifjns of ore of the two countries, residing or established in the other, snati oe piaoea upon aa equal footing with the citizins cf tbe country ia woia they reside with respect to indemnities f:r damage they may hvr su3:&iad. ARTICLE III. The citiians cf 00 of the twi reoabliua. re esubli-iiesiding or ia tho ether, wb shali to return to their Ojuu'ry, or who shail be till thither by a judioial deciri n, by aa act of poiico, or ia conformity wi.a taj and regula tions cn mcra.s ard mendicity, shall be received at all times and under all circumstance, tbey, their wives, and tieir legitimate i?ue, in the oountry to which tbey belong, aud ia which they have pra?rved thtiir rights In conformity wr.a tae laws taeraoi. AlTfCLt XT. . O i the part of the U .i'edSta'eJthefnrrsBder shall mide only by tho authority oft ha Executive thrc f ; and on the of the Swua by that of the Fdetai Counsd. ps V ARTICLI XVI. The expenses cf dotantiou and delivery, c3"et-e- d in virtue of the pree? Uig articles, so a 11 ba at tho of the party mklo the demand. ot aariCLi zrit. TheprovUlona of the afcrsg oiag artioles relating to the sarraa ! jr of fugitive criminals, shall not apply tj c2"orcJ c ioiuit:ed before the date r hereof, tj thus of a political ehaiae'er. ARTICLB xvtti. The convention is conclude 1 for the period cf ten years, couiticj; from the dav of the exjhingecf tUeratiflaatlon; and if, ons year before the expiration of that period, neither cf tho 0 itTHetin parties shail have announced, by an Intention to the other to official notification, arrest the operations of said oonvention, it shall coatinus binding for twelve moc'bs lorgcr, ard so on, from ycr to year, until the cxpiratiia of the twelve months which w 11 follow a aixi'ar declaration, whatever the time at which It may takspleeo. AR'ICLS XIZ. Brunswick and Lanebor was eeneluded and signed hy tbeir respective Plant potentiaries, in the city of Waihiig--n- , en ttj twr,ty-fi-s- t day cf Auiut,egtteeu hundred and fifty-fouwiioh convention, boiog iu tte Eoi;lia aci Uirmoa lanvtuagia, is word for w..ri as fohow-- : Tne President of the Unltod Su'.i of America anl his H ghness the Duke of Brunswick and Laaeourg, aaimated by the desire to sscure aad extend by an amio .ble convention the relatione happily eximicc between the two ooaatri, hav, to this el-ct- , appunifcd as thci, p!eiip;teciiano, 'fho Preaiuent cf o United Wilham L. ilorcy, Secretary cf Sutetl th United State- - 4nd b'd HighrMs'the Duke ct Brunwioi anl Laneburf, Dr. Julias Sam-obi.i ail tl ghaeei' conial at Mobile, Alabama; eh , atter tho exchange of their fell pjwers, f juad ie good aad due forx, have a,jre.d tfoa aad the folic w:rj' ar;i:laj; aariCLi x. The cltiioi of e.-.- t ne cf the Llga parties shall have power to aiipw, cf their rf- onal pr..Lr:y. witia the inij-- .a cf n oiber,!&bj-.e- t t taeia vj t f tr.j S.a.a tr coanto wnere tue domica is, or the pprty tit fuuni, eitavr by testiuiect, dostioa, or ul (,t..ifo, 01 in any other macner; and the:r h ir- -, ben oiti sens of tha othrr parry, shall inherit all f uca personal cstHt's, whether by tw;aaint or ai. fe.ia a (e.ans tcy in ly taKa ot ia tai PrilXXh CT TBI FCTTH CaXCL KA FlVaTB of Cel. Jsms Chtinolhai t' tl ro tha Sea:! C.r'in T'n Ciailwtoa ; Mercury cmmea-'- S vr b!.r ir. D!3rraaci MrsTSEiots by the came cf a c' v, 12 appeared oa Miudy loo hsori of. y arg nan .T jhis, disrt ,1 hs l, A been -. AfPLicTiNa. We s n cf Dr. L you!jr,i K.nn'l, aa a 1 ... . it. ibilein f.ui t c e c'cf c'Jw berenderl h:. Ci"'!t"r.j Adwriir. CuUIt f AppCrtl". 0UaTEe rn dt. Trio,Deeta.Ur I ioo s.uco, uajs m b'irsed to om'S -f reany f 1 ! Hut Talir vva rnaiiT. piw i : C f vi 3 a AMait ard - TS v f k!- -0 , Nj-.- rnci C ui Ke,lrcic Pi1!!.. lira, g Pa v Eii.t: a"; iT:r I I n JlieJ; ; tk'.-- rtr o?oi; 1. This eccvention fhall be submitted, oa both nu1c? Vwana'' Pjitkl; and ratine uion of the Ctlvnt s a r, ii Co orr v O'ait'.r', c':$ aathoritici of each of the c .nlrartirijr r art 193, and the ranu;atiua Shalt bt -v,"-uo y j "l,v,l"J euhansted at tha ciivor Washirgton at socn aa j "" a they cay thu.K prooer. pying to tae r- "em eiriamsuncta fhall admit. uaathctr ll ?h Mrei!T 'i"0lt. e Fv a uti. I 6 kl th Ht R. n. Ia fsita whofe .f, tho respective plenicotev ep'"'79 govraru-- n s n. otherch.. :iiCU too inhabitant of tho country in wal-- f 1MB-lotiaries have signed the above ardcl-- s, under ra tu ho aid property oil be found aoild beliiVoin Vork, Cal.fjrLi.a'.J ?Li a.ieiil.U 'LfSw ratifiaatioas, dervo of tho w" p. m im'iar c?e; ana in tne aosence 01 iuea ceir or in the English acd French languages, and they birs the same oaraiu.Ul be tarea of I'm vrty thereunto am xrd their seats. would ba taken, in thn lie) cn, I.t it e pre that qaadrnvli'atn, Berne. the of cit; at ia Dee. this twac'y tluh dy of N .vember, ia the vearo," srva'ioa of tho property of a citia :n of ib f.ti.e .nnfy, until theia- -l ial j aa:i h .ve - '.; oar Lord ne thoujod tiithuuJred and flfty. n'w bt t rt a eouLty . umo n tar.e cieaiarcs Kr t:oiie4!ic j hiu-ebo t e A. DUDLEY MAS. r, l. .1 ' 1. n ea-h. . e u t. tae same: h he aod ia any stonll a t be- aaio ai'l t ,U; e . V H. DKUEY. 1L.8 . r i. o a tween claimants to lui same &e to th E a one of the L. 8. F. iu.I C :w .f It th:,t ll ; L qiesua iaH h U.o.drj 11icr i',Eti- And wbtrea the coaveation naa been daiy i ProPcf l thMiog ' the ju.iSM, cf ta. aai by ratifl id on both part?, and the rasrw-- " rrttiSea- I 1iIt T 7i "ort:. u,.r-huin,l 5Jrj a wul'-'- h the proper.y u e- or iuS lai- -i v rv.tsof the same e exihanei ia the city of i I ' ' i.h Nja. WashiDKtcn oa the ta iast., hy Wm. L Matey articlb ii. Swetiry cf State f the United S at.and: L, by dcata cf a person owning m- Joha Kits, Consul G.neral cf the Swiss Cun- - party ia th u rrr.ury ct one of th Li 'a Y- - LA- , UrT UK.lJK! V l .f :trct- D federation, oa the part cf their respectivs gov- - ,6 g pirties i.t'-r b.,u.i Jc u l, ein er 1,'t B'ly's ot ot fi'Joai. y; olt i r cUt:"ji ernmen.s : by tbe lawa cf tne country or b Ai Korta ab I". M i 'i r I i re-- t. Now, rhcrofora, be ii ksowa, that 1, FRANK-L1pcsiticn, t a cuizja cf the other party, t), t PIERCE, I'reilent of the United Slates of acooant of hi beiu an aliea.coQli no: le perA'nerioj, have caused the said convention to be mitted to retain tha aoiual j?iiiun f f sa L H. C.:! r'i ... t viiPKR'o made pubiitr, to toe eod that the gme, and evry property, such teru as the la .r Jat.T'T T cf the S;tte 07 may to tberejf, artiole elauie aad obrvtd and oouatry will permit ahaUco ailowe l t hiji Vs fu) tilled with good faith by the Uaitei Sutesand pose cf such property, aai ecliect nl w;ti lra the cittzea thereof. the prcceejs lo.rovl, wiih u: pajicg to thi z v my I have whereof, hereunto res In witness any other ebarge-- i thou these b eh, in t hind and eaused the seal of the United to a similar ca.e, wooli be paid by an inhabitant if . , 1: n 1. r i n be affixed. the country in which suca real property cay be 3 ",tMa. r.ew us.--"a tcow, I Done in the oi'y of Washington, thia nin th day articlb ir. ia a nil sh'9, i:j urcMii'.M,!4. vly ) In order t estaiilUh their eharacter as lenef, of .ut - ai 11 r 10 ;, n u , tv 0: November, ia tne yearor cur L,"ri one ; aticlx hi." . ' J i!'lv.j-, . m!. .ci ) in .t- - II cf the United Siatcs cf America, cr as 0 . l. a. thou.'aid tight hundred and fifty flee, and 11 rt'-;t-, cure ? l 41r cr .ot.3 i ct tne lndeoecden?a of pers na belonging to tbe two tie Lmsod u:t terra ot twoivcyeirs, fiom tbe dute her f; s o'te-- .: i.imrt.aie 'te i ; h ' r I . . : t a h wii tet'irr,!.-- t : r 1 ,,t contracting couslricJeiuU be bearers tf cf America tho IjrhtiMb. .j .f' fur her, until th en I uf twelve Vi. ta e. at er "i 11, ,r rRANKLIV PIERCE. iff. of of other papers indue form, ccrrifyicg ihtir I .'; ue.iw) ..f--t r hst.- government of the United Staus cn the ci et-.-- t, rate t. nationality, w.l! at tbat of tbe mi noers of Bt thb TitssiDiNT : a l .... Bi: iui it :t a . or that of h's Iligaa-thv Duk cf LVuTswici 1. ! M .. f !ui L W. L. MAR JT, Seo'y of State. their family, furnished cr authenticated by a jr ! ia this t.'y nd Latieburg cu tU other, shall bav giv . Lv .v.. , Ky t or onuiur agect of the'r nation, red d tico cf its i.ltducion f tbn D. T. 11. C V A Al Ul' r I if r . BT TUE PfiESIDENT OP TILE UNITED 8TATE3 lUir in the one of the two ceuuuiea which the) ro4 Ihe us. .o. US' AMERICA. This Oi- tventio i shnli be ratiScd, aai the rt: wish to inherit. be shall exssarned, at Wa'hirgt. n, ait: i: A PROCLAMATION. ARTICLB T. after twelve it or ps-itlmonths date, amity a treaty ct between Wrbrcas peace so.ner,i: aai The citizens of e 10a one of the contracting parIn faith whereof, tha repecuva peniptn ties shall huvo power to dispfiro i f their personal the United States cf America aa i tbe Entire ot bav signed the present convn;io;, an i have property within the juritid.ction of the other, fcy Japan was o .ncluded and signed between their L: affixed their seals. firthereunto -t Kanagaw. plenipotentiaries the cn thirty at sale, testament, donation, or io any other mtnnnr; tit ill.; ! Done at WatniQg'.on, this twsaty nntay r day of March, ia the )er of our Lord one thouand their h6irs, whether by testament, cr ab intei-tntin year thou-'Angasf, t Lord of our the ot which treaty cr their s.coesstrs, keine citizens of the other sand eight hundred and S r, eight hundred and aad cf tbe lnie is, word for wor as follows: party, thali sueeeed to tha said property, or Uiit-- i Sca'es the pandoaci cf the A .x eric States United The F.apirs a and of the ir, and they may uko potterion taerof, w L MARJY, l a either by thcmieives cr by othois acting for thm; of Japao, desiring to e6?atlisi firm, lasting, aai JULIUS SAMSO, u s.j disp-oihey m-of the tamo as tbey may thir. k sincere triendsaip betweea the two nation, have to resolved a by manner in fx, clear and positive, the ha? said whereas And oonventun bdejd'tl; To bo drawn ia the 'ry :' a ti-- , proper, pay icg no other char;;es thtn those to which the inhabitant; of the oountry whert-ithe m acs cf a treaty or general c invention cf peaoj rit nil oa both prti, an I tha repotia z, pabii., a faid property is situated shall be liable to py in aud amity, the rules which s'aall in luture ba mu- 'ton of tha sami wero exchanged in tte euy c ,j u ... .. ; . fn tre a sim'.liir case. Ia theahsonce of such beir, he ire, tually observed in ih intercourse of their reco Wiishint n na .he2Sth irstan : dtgiruble ot jaai. the Now, therefore, be it kcr-n,tt it I. FR IN KLIN or other iors, the saaie care sbsll bt takes tiva countries; for wbioh mott J by the authority for tbe preservation of the President cf the United States ai cmfcrred fail PIER'JE, President ol the Uni e i Sra-e- s of AmeriiEARLV I PiiZc! TO i.V powers cn hi Oa commidrioncr, bruit Mittiew l. ca, caused said t'le wjuld tave convention t- bo tr.i ir be taaen to the prescifat"a property that of th pn p?rty el a cttivs 0: th Kane c antry, Perry, Sjifoial enbujid .r of the United States to puh.ic, t j the end that the same, aa.I every cu e BRILLIANT SCUMLi! a xs"v heohserve-- i a.nlufi'e! ni article until tho itiwfkl proprieto r thail hove hud time to Japan, a:d the August Sovereign cf Jap-t Prize cf . tJ' similar full pjwurs to his oommis;ooers, with good ai.h by trie United S; at an J C e ci:i-S9av 1 Jo take meruur?s for p ssesing himself of the same .. 1 I Jo, prtritti of Tsas i '. j tarc.f. The fortgoin provi-- i .ts th ill be appiicjbla to dayasi, Dalaku-no-kam1 ., .! Id... . of Udono,m my lo wituejs whereof, I have hereunto rsi'fc-tat- o sitna'ed wi.hiatbe Starea ci tee Amtr-ioa- a Sia.a, lxiwa, prince il ta t I s '." 0 . to board of revenue. the And eavl ihi 1 hand sual S'j.tts and camed tha cf the Uaited 1 t. . Union, or wiihia the cantons of the iSwi-- i i, .. n 1 : ., )U I lie bCxed. their said after ezahangrii hviug nets, 1,0 do which ia entib 1 - J Confeirtii 3, frt ltien shall 1 PrUes of U'i power, and duy the premises, have Doue in the city of 'Was'alngtoa t ii-- thlrtie h dij ..... tled to hoi 1 or inherit real estate. 1 . d . cf Ja'y, ;a tha of oar Lri one ttv.a- liO d Bat in case real estate fitabtod within tio ter agreed to the following nrliolo.-- : :.-' 1 U a w: do Ahticlk 1. Tacreaobll be a lerfect.permiaent, d cf h l.B sQi,eighthar.drel anl rit ries of one of the coatrac'iui; parTe.g khonli . A .'t' ij aai universal pvacn, aud a tinutre acd crdiai in of tbe United State the eirh-ti- c tj a cinza cf tho other prty, who, 02 United on betweea amity cf tha America Stats h. i,i 7 Pf.iea, tijania I) of hia bsieg an alier, c ul J not ba jeruiit-te- i tha one part, ai:d trie Eapire cf Jpaa oa the FRANKLIN P1E3:E. UOLS TIOiJGTa. : u to holl faca property in iba or n t UK?, f j Bt tub Prridknt: canton in which it t..ay besi.uated, toores'i.Ui be other part, betwe;n their people rapec ively, ut ex.jectiou .viihcut or pwm , p'aoes. VV. LCNIEti, Acting Soo'y :f S'a'.e. 7i r x a e :r i accorded lo t o said heir, r r other Trr!t3 u:b Tne S,Ki r. uof Sim da, in tho iricei AkTiCLK 2 The law cf tbe Stale orcan:oa wi'.l p r tim as eltthesuch if tb oucrw--.ft.. lur oi luza, Htid tne p.ri. of HiikoJid ), n tne between the Unite-of :aipl-- : .f 11- ,- tiai'-- r ,. Ft's mit to prp?rtj;be shnll be at liberty a", paiity Ki-a y, l Kirg the his ef the '.ri HaJ ari cf tn of ; o J .,, orinoipali'.y are b , granted Na. ;, :h iUtarii, tte kll times to witb'.rw aud export t'r.e pr.iceedi ' T to Sirilies, siKued at Navl-s- , Ji.airj 15. i.. u l ij 1 wi.i r.s port for tte r.cepr.ico of Aminoc :i tfccro.'f without difficul'y, and without pa;.into i. liie tbey can be sappli.-- with wood. BT TUC PKE3ID8 NT 0 TIIE U.MTKD STATic l . ., , , , .. e;.t,!...i the gaveraui-n- s ay ether charges tu.ia thvse waiip?,cr, where US A UEKlU A : provisions, aid oil, an J uiber aniclro thotr Crt:ir.:, ur Picn k , whicn, in a tin; Isrc?, would be pid by an A lROLAUATlOX. IIS, may rrqiire, us f,r as tha Jujaaeit V of iho gantry iu whi.h the reui estate '.ji'.i oi l'ict Jtrl.L : V aavo icoai. The ttuie for opening iho urs;-- i ae.i WntiKiS, a c.mvcation berweea tbe l'c:"e-- ; lucy ba situated. s iiii cj gnin this treaty; th. tate of America, and bis Mjej.y, tae R tg o' A ;jrt is uednttiy ARTICLB TI. iir), or ;ti I ;. port ij t ) be opened luimedialy afti :be Kirt'ioin of too Two iu if ; Ar.y controversy tnnt may arle am-s- j tii ir ynar .nd si.,r.ed by resp:;.tvo ple.ip;tes taiie.-- a On, as to whom ti-- . tn ramsA da? ia the e iSairg Japtt-eclaimants to tae f:imssa-3ess- i5 -, 'tXitr. Do tirffof prices shall be jtivea by tae Ja cn the t.airre'jcta Jayo. tho city cf (.ropery shall beioag, hr.;i ba docii; i aco rdii of tho tr.iaj waico th;y en tur-j- i, Unaary, ori4 t ii 1 haiilr-- ! iri.t and by the j;ida.i cf tio country in !aGoe cf2;rs to too i ba in for d go pm-iasaail made and nhviu wni:h dve: cccvca.ica, ia Southern i at which tbe p t pcrty is ci'ca:e l. silv:r cota : Ita'iim largaae, i' word for or i us fii ARTICLE T:l. Ahticls 3 Whenever ships cf the United Tf Uci'-tr-i States ef America ted tin al j ii; The coatraciing tarti-- . gve to esch other tbe kis.-rioStates wrecked are J on or coast tarown the of chit Two King :;i tuo cf of toe i.'n. privilege of bavin, each, ig tho large, ci ies ajd pan, th) Japanese vcKee's will assist them, aao qua.!y aritaat'i wit? a dejire to maintain c.i .1.. I., p'f.coa of thir rpectivt important crmoi-.'rciaor tl.koda-ie- , and : prefers fri-tall barm the relation- cl j HV. DU cf tneir o a p carry their crcwd to V State?, consuls ana LN I iiK i : over aand to whio'a their thea i t hava aiarstanding at so all tiaies couuirymea . feni! yi'oointment, wbo shall etjoy the fame privilege . .r. .. 1' 1IMT. wh.'.erer artioUa them; the saiwrockoi between as receive wtd. themselves, iubisted t eecber a.iu a,o. d duiiex, tne wii d';s:brge of e Aumt ei.T ir p)er'l in trf'r .he inbaoi'.aats of tee r 1 . St'.tes. bate em MHH, thfS ot tae moftfavort-- i.atioa. Butbeforu anj aiea mayi's.3hav preaarved shU likewise b W. S. MjULljth.i.;, , Jw.iLf.Lt-r- : atid ex,)ot,ej incurred in the aai mutually agreed to prp toate, by i s consul 1 rv ice consul shell act as such, he shell of Amerioaasaad Japanese who may .'ormal Convention, the priniupls of the ri,,ht oi in the oM:nry lorin, he approved of by tte gv lUppcrt 30 OO oo upon shores of r tarowu the are her sea, whieh ei they reconiz as in ueu'ral at natioa ernmcnt to whiet ha iKCottmifsic-nei- . IORE irjas 1 coadiriosi of all f reJo'a of lot to ba refundel. to L v ,Y id TiCiFl Ia thir piivjiteatid business tratfac'.lcDa.eoa Auticls 4 Those shipwrecked prricns and and maritime t?aie. Fur this purple) the .Jrt.-i-isuli and vice ooosuls elali be submitted io the c.t.XaLS cf the U- -i e i States shall be free a-tf tne Uni'e I Sta'es has con tired fall pjw-i- r fume laws and usages as private inc!viduU,citi- - other n other c uctri:, and not saojectod to ccSae-mea- t, on R.bert li!e 0en, minsrer rti'ieji ai Prias zens cf ire p'.aci in wnica they but ahali ba amenable to j ai laws. S spies, of tto Uaited S'ares of Amtric-.- ; at.J hi; I; iz htrehj un.iarateKd ta it ia cite of Canst 1 s citi-5 KuShipwrecked men and oth r cf the aitgii-- of iht. Ahticlk j s y, tte u ai, tne agunst thu lws by a consul cr a vi o nf.rrcd like powers oa Mr. L bs ot the United Staus, temporarily living at Selll! i,- .0 government to wbica be is coaimurioned ta- -j , ac .Siuijj be and iUKa to subjeot Sj'iaa, ilakodiJe, nut cf the siall dukes cf Tr.a;iu, ex-:Al'CT.OXIV c rdiaz to circatastHace?, withdraw hu lutur, . r UL'd restrictions and oonaaejuent as the Jutch t.kl? .nil .r.lnm.t nf hiM M.t ..r!. Pr.ata cf ; n send bim away from the country, or havo bim t v aud Caiooeo arc a: Niguati, but shall be fiee ai f bia rojal trier of thecivil merit f Francis the i 1 punished ia conformity with tbe a.:gcin go to cress where pluase Simda fir-t- , withia ii the is they i itt grant tee ci din.igui!n-u; reasons for so d ing. to tho other government I seven Jipaae-tmilss (or ri ) irom a small tslani a panisa crier of Charles tne Pair. I, e5 The arcbivesaad papers belonging to the con Pi ies r 4C .'f thecrdtrcf thlaioa d'hcaiiar, grnd ero sa'ates shall bo letpectei invioUbly, and under in the harbor of Sioioda, m irsci on the aevsom :,ooc Bivu-ra- , hcroto Michael piojitg appended; chart shall St. if and lice ci ia tberWer gran t cr m 00 pretext wnateror ary maginra'.e, or otaei :f the Fiorentite order cf tho morn unit- - xn Prises. aauoaot;s t ,. 7 functionary, Visit, seizs, or in any way iatcrfert oiaoucr o.i fiea to g where they please at LLk iado, oe d.fiie-within limits cf o;" to after ihe cross St. grand visit Jujtfb, cf ule th cti er ct Wmolc Tmais i with tii'-a- i. the United Sta es eqaalroa to taat plaao. Garcia cf the orit uadnr the titla of St. L iin-vioARTICLE VIII. Akticlb 0. I:' thore ha any other ort of giods raiid crosj of the P.-- i z;iiaa crisr if tie a.e ia.t Cue . t :t- - r ' . .. In all thit relates 10 the iaipriatioa, expor , t. t e waateJ, cr any buaiae&i waioa shall rt qaire to be r sc, provwoaally charged wil l ice p rtilljo! ; r le tition, and transit of their respective pn ducts arranged, Hue 1.. I, m , -, taore be d;iiber:i w Ltre tt. imhtr-r,,.- . acd caraiul; satll sai l toreiga ;. ia r the United Mates of America and the Swis thi pirtiej ia orler to set le susia ra.:erj. .avi'ig theirfa powers, found it g id it lit u,t,er tmij 1inV0' Confederation siatl tret ewh other, reciprocally AancLk 7. It is agreed mat skips of the United &ad due toroi, hve eoncludcd and eigr.6d 1: s as the most favored nation, union of nattoos States resorting open be to to toe them sha.l ports article:: State, or society, as is explained in the foil jwing permitted to exchange gold ani silver coin and A2TICLS I. articles : articles of goods for other articles cf good', under ARTICLE IX. The twi high eoatraj iig pr:ie rccga;z as be juca as regulations establishshall temporarily Neither of the contracting parties shail impose ed A Japanese government for mat purple. permanent Tuatirnmuttroie ihe.uilowiag inaipier it Y agy higher or othar duties upon tbe importa U isby the l.ti ncis fre good; tni 01 .it aci a.ber f..ur T ck stipulated, hover, ttzi 'hi sulp-- ct th) s the effictscr good r.lrgiag :j'ai-jsct- a tion, exportation, or transit ot tho natural ... f a. a rt Un ted 3 cats shall bo parmi.tcd to carry a it ay - 11 I or ns of a power or State ai w.r hra industrial profuots of the other, than are, or whatever articles i e. Muhi'e. A a. they are unwilling to tx:b ag. irea from co. 6o;ii u wriea ittiid ttLuit be, payable upon the like article!, beiaj the capture AnTiCi.8 3. Wood, water, provisions, aad ua board cf noatralaad iSontiiorn veosvN, with the produce of any otber country, not Acudc viption goods required, shall only be procured through the cf articles cntrabaal cf war. Ii. Tea: the wi.hin its present lia?it,. ag noy cf Japanese oSoin appointed fcr tha: pur-- p I ncatralj boar an -- try "a ve;iel cf AKTICLB X property on .8e, and ia no other manner. is not subjuot to In order tbe more eifectually to attain the urUos the be Akticlx 9. It is agreed that if, at any f iture eontrabaod 1. cf war. They g ige to FpIy thts-- i .''Hs objoat contcmplited in art.cie VIII, each of tne day, ui Japan shall graa; to any principles to tbe contracting pa ues hereby eogiges not to gran other the govornuiou1; and navigation tf BJ; UR A WN IN Til F. CiTV nation or nations privileges and advantages such powers and coariicree any favor in conimcrso to any nation, union of as shall consent V al pt ai. Mj'i:, Alabima, in puM r, (a ."t1r are bicn not horcin grafted lo the United States thrm on Co'.? par;Suua 18o7, as permaxent and iriauiAblo. January nations, State, cr society, wnioh shall not imme and t ie cit una thereof, j wot cairiiaul of 1 thai these same priviJOHN ia"RTE' diately ba enjoyed by the other party. AKTICLK 11. leges and be granted likswiss ta advantages shall W. W. MsJvIKK, l,, , L mX..:'j5: AkTICLX XI. tb United States and to the oitizsss ;hrof, The two high ecatractiog parties reserva tbtm-selve- s Bhoulu one of tho contracting parties iip:s without any consultation or delaj. 30,0H TitM i 3 3o.7 rriz.-e- : to eome ulterior ig as dififtrential duties apoa the products of any ra. ion 10. Ships cf the United Sates shall clroutcstaccoj may requie with regard to ll e apAkticlb NEARLY 1 IRlZbi TO LV .kV 9 the other party shail be at liberty to dotermiue be persv-t'eno to resort to other ports in Japan plication and d to be givon, if there r tbe manner of establishing the origin cf its but Simoda and Uakodade, nnleas ia diatrru or any eatse it, to the principle Uid down in Novel Set tree I destined to enter tha oountry by whUh forced by stress of wea htr. tha But they article. declare from thi? :ix tfit 1 Priaeof.... au.o e ... tne uiu.rentiBl dati.; are impoed. AnriCLa 11. There shad be appointed, by the that they will take the stipulations emtaired in 1 a I' , VI 1, ... AETICLI XII. 1 1 government Uci cf the AO 11 ... edS consuls said oragaau 'tatea, ao article a rule, whenever it shail i Ut Tbe Swiss territory sbail remain open to the to reside in Simoda, at any timeafter I ! 1 ... come expira the a question, judge to cf the rights cf 1 utu 10 Ml ii... adxusion of articles arriving from tbe lotted tion ot eighteen m mths frem the data of the 1 ' signdo ... no of manner, like in States cf America: :tt 1 W. J I ing of this treaty; provided that either of the two do ... AKTICLI III. the said state; shall be closed to articles arriving governments deem such arrangement 10 Praise' J D are. . neoeesary. 1 i9 agreed by the high cor.t?actiog panic that W It ro .re. from Mwi'zerlsnd, provided tbey are conveyed in 12. Tue present convention having all nations Akticlb 1 Til are.. do which thU or m y consent ta vessels of tho United States, or ia vessels cf any been cocoladod and duly loo do signed, shall be obligarr.. o are.. coun'ry having free access to the ports of said tory and faithfully obiervea by tho United Sia;ei t i the rub cf tha ttrit article cf tai eonve.jtk-a- , do by a formal declaration stipulating to rerve S'ates. Swis merchandise arriving undir the of Amerioa aad Jpao, and by the citixeni 7 Priaea. . aud taa, rhait enjoy the rights a3i"uaira ta flag tf tho United States, or undor that of one o? aubjicts o each ralti g firm such 3 Whoci respective pjwer; aud i ia 14 be eceo-aiolvis Ticsiti a aa they shall be enjoyed and obirrvel the nations a ost favored by them, shall pay the ratine t and approved by the nr-tcf the The rriiUeat Prize r ilecict by the two powers aijraioir this convention. I'hev J ,E .1 casual.atme duties as the merchandise of such nation; United States, by and W41U the advice conshall mutually ommunioate t each ether tte under any other nig, it sba'.I be treated fa tbe sent of tbetidcate thereof, aad by the and law a. are 1 tn- - .axi, t ir s August ex:np c: if t Nam tt of tho steps whioh may be takznen the subtr merobandua of the country to whLh the veuel Sovereign cf Japan, and the ratiftja ion shall be ject. mis w.ta o. 1, nea a 1 th belonirs. 1 en-tf. i ber in rr; t j ; , ( exchanged within ctghUan month from the date I. in AXTICLS IT. In case of rnlpwreck and of salvage en the ot the signature thereof, or sooner if practicable. 2, in. n n 1, - ;IC, coia 1 It.rfC t' J . . .. Tho present coaveation shall be atrroval an l i.r end. in 4 M tcoasts of the United States, Swiss merchandise wnereor, we, the respective plenipotenuna in t ratiflsd hy tae of tbe Uaicd Sta e of shall be recpected and treated as that belonging tiaries of the United States cf America wa u 11 i ,ll24; anl tha to eitisees of tae said btates. vf 10 TT- - e'.eZL Empire of Japan afuresaid, have aigaed and tettlci A.t2rioa, by and with the advice and constat cf Coil.aca.a of I'.cj S aaid of States, and by hia Majesty tbe the nate The United States consent to ex teed to Swisi I1 presunu. Two Kiogcf kinglom the of Siciiiee; the act prcducts, arriving or shipped under their flag, the Done at Kansgtwa thi thlm-fir- a March. aaaresserasrsrcrTirV.t. of dav m advantages whloa are r shall be enjoyed by the in the year of our Lord JsasChrlstose thousand the raiia.tatioas of the same shall b t azjh.oged t'J nrrv. A at vtashirgton wuhia tbe AM, cl t valve products of tbe most favored ration arriviag or eight hundred and fifty-fou- r, O.S. B and of Kayci, tho months, counting from this tiay,pettod Miuie'. A a. UJkIUI cr sooner if posshinted under the same nig. year, mira month, and third day. serenta sible. It is hereby understood that no stipulation of PLVX OF SWAN A. CO.'S LOTTE U. I fcKIiT. il plenipten-tlarleIn faith a respective any tho manner whereof, tntertere the present article shall in Thirty tVaas4 Don brn, crrei oo jIl j t And whereas the said treaty ha been uulv rati have aignel the present conVentu n, ia Oa Ihe tickaia. wi'h thoiJ of tho four aforegoing article1, nor fied cn both ara viccl ia oar afcrtri Tr parti, and the re-- p active ratifioa-tio- cs duplicate, and ther.ta affixed tha seal of their or ah ill be ia aaoiher bel. A to a. ber it i. .a with the ineaaure which have araic4 of were same the txjhanged Simoda, the at on cua.w heel, acd at the fu tiae a 3 arms. the io contracting countries adopted by either of drawn from tae eihrr rtei. the 2Ut of February by Cju.uiander 11. A. I a- - r ije 1,1. Ih-tee- n Dona at Naples, thirteenth cf January, K.aoe4 the numr drawa. the interest of pubiio morality, security, cr order. Adams of the United last, Ti 1 om-navy, and Ido Toc- States H fifty-fivrepeated until tae priSe. arc hundred and ARTIOLI XIII. cut. sima, Aokami, Lawa Mixasaki, Nokitmi, Tsococki Ivor,'e,?ntieaia,inc:o.c the B 01 ti to ear ROBERT DALE O tVX, u 9. Tbe United States of Amerioa and the Swiss Hoiroeja, Aokami, Ida Towse, Kokahien Itsilo. ct recij-a. alxk .'? Aad whereas tbe said convention haa been duly tilUtL Confederation, oa requisition made in their name with Tasnoaxe fur interpreter, on the part of their nail. Thaiiatof dr.n BBBberaiod priLaai I U ratified on both parte, and tha, respective ra invathrough the medium of their respeotive diplomatgovernments. recpeotive . lD, ,;ie, sions wave exchanged up came to justice ia tne eity ef o' tbe dr...,i.t.... ic or consular agents, shall deliver Now, therefore, be it known that I. FRANKLIN khi persona who, being charged with the crimes enu- PIE EC I, President of the United States of A meri- - Washington ca the 14th insunt, by Will'aai L. pUin.aE4 give tbeir . c arty, lVKaieii6trihtrr merated ia the following article, committed ca, have caused the aaid treaty to ba made public, Marcy, SocrcUry of State of the Uaito-- l m.kii a,.w.,i. itQoat .i B. Winspeare, kia Sicilian Majisty's bie i fa. $TM tMoa aad within the jurisdiction cf the requiring party, the end that the same, and every clause and le Charge d'AJaires in tbe United States, on tha part anl ued.r, paid rr'.'1'1 shall seek asylum 01 shall be found within the ter- ti thereof, rl-Prtats at ti. akuoi may be observed anl fulfills with thr. of their respeotive ritories of the other : Provided, That thii shall good faith by the United aad citizsn s rlet?y the eomaianieatkios Now, FRASK-LItherefore, be it known that I, X be done only when tbe fact of the commission of ...... frise tie i tela thereof. tuhd ...-1- .. rnfl,,D'l' PlblRCE, President ef the United Sutea cf the crime shall be a established aa to j unify in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand America, hare eaaswi the aaid convention t be their apprehension 84 cocmitmeut for trial, il and caused the seal of the United Staiea to made public, ta the end that the same, aad every the crime had been oommhtod Id tho oountry be affixed. Done at' the eity of Washier ton. Strayed or Btolen. clanse aad article thereof, may be observed where the persona so accused shall bo found. this twenty -- second day of June, in the year fulfilled with good faith ty the Uaited Statei and b.S. ARTICLI XIT. aad X FROM MY RESIPT! ot our one Lord eight thousand nundrel and the eitisees tuereol Persons shail bo delivered up, according to the fif tj -- five, and of the Independence of tac 1 ii auhteeo'h v my whereof. have bo r t ' hereunto I who witness shail charged set la provisions of this convention, (rti . United States, the sevecty-riint( ' - . .Him,, u-ID- ria 44 hand and caused tho seal of tho United States to vn Wltn any or tne ionowwg criiuTf, vo wit : bOa.K,aaoBt a . . . hat. . r... '.. be afnxsd. Harder, f inclsdinx adsaesiaation, rarrioUe, In weaa nia mrir.M.i, V PBisinmrr: Bj attempt city of Washington, : to thia sixteenth commit Done in tha fantkide, and poisoning) will kw W. L. MABCT, Seorctar of State. f. any Le for jiorM, day cf July, in the year of oar Lord cue ward murder ; rape, forgery, or the emission of forged tm I eaareeovcrh ra fifty-five- , eight hundred and e.thoaand and fL. Daners. arson, robbery with vhlonoe, intimida J. ft. BCCH BT TBS raiSISRNT Of TH USITID tTATXS 1 or tnc United States tion, or forcible entry of an inhabited houe of tho independence , Or AMX&1UA: by the by publia oigbteth. America tfihers,or of cmb xxlement piraty; A PROCLAilATIOX. - F&ASS.LIX?oX&CK. persons nirea cr saiarieu, 10 tue aeuimens ci PA I R OF UK A V Y t Pbmedisti Wbibiai. convention betweea th United B their employers, when those - Crimea aro subject SFKCTACLI. Vra rewaro w Ajaerioa 8ocr Eighncw ' hia State ef Bute. Yf. cf Pake f tha Mamt, punishment, ani to Infameu ne approval sid, to the ocmpatnt Tl. mar:iii:j, "'. :ca. te r. ta til o iaf JJIST Liiil-."- m vi ai n at i. u.vdJ f i. f. Listtrpj. H'E'."., 'n ', st .! pt !;. ij .':,! ci.; ;:. t"TT a:i rr - T,tn,- Z.2v77i, t. !, r7t tr lt. tjiy,tat a,I tr iu iliiitary LQ77?tY rO - taa fr t, ty bn drn Stv, r,... .... tPUflrl ir " S:e u ir ti t rn a,sa''vwa Loat I. A or ail.tiil.