UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION FACULTY COUNCIL MEETING May 5, 2008 MINUTES In attendance: Chair: Accounting: Economics: Finance: Management: Marketing: R. Karsten G. Smith, C. Bauman D. Hakes, S. Amin F. Followill T. McAdams, J. Smith M. Rawwas, D. Clayson Absent: A. Rappaport Guests: Farzad Moussavi, Dean, Leslie Wilson, Associate Dean, Ellen Schiltz, Student Grayson Jones, Student The CBA Faculty Council met in CBB 323 at 3:00 p.m. on May 5, 2008. Chair, Rex Karsten opened the meeting by recognizing Jerry Smith who worked with the administration to develop a differential tuition proposal. The proposal is attached. Jerry explained that there was wide consensus on what the extra tuition money is to be used for and how use of the money is to be monitored. Jones agreed that the extra money generated from differential tuition will go for good causes. He said that the business students are fully behind the proposal that has been developed. Dean Moussavi presented some background which lead to the differential tuition proposal. The Math and Science Education collaborative initiative will be a UNI priority over the long term. Other priorities are unlikely to receive significant funding from the Legislature, and the current internal redistribution model will not generate the resources necessary to support and enhance our programs. That is why the central administration has authorized the CBA to submit a proposal for charging differential tuition. Justification for this proposal includes: o CBA has larger average class sizes than the other colleges on campus. o The CBA has low Tenure/Tenure Track faculty coverage in CBA classes. o CBA Student interaction with faculty is the lowest on campus. o The CBA has the highest number of student to faculty ratio. o In comparison between UNI and Western Ky., a recently reaccredited AACSB business school similar to UNI, we have 50% more students than they do, but they have 50% more Tenure/Tenure Track faculty. Dean Moussavi outlined the proposal and explained the three phased implementation plan (see attached). Jones indicated that the extra tuition would not significantly affect student enrollment because the price is not the main factor students come here and major in business. Schiltz commented that $65 per student credit hour is not too much to ask. Jones also said that if the administration explains the reason for charging differential tuition ahead of time to students, then students would be receptive to the plan. Moussavi further explained that the surcharge will go directly to the CBA, whereas the regular tuition money does not. Hakes asked the students how we should disseminate the information regarding the surcharge to students, so they would be well informed. Jones responded that letters to families, parents, and students should be sent, as well as talking about it up front at CBA Day. Schiltz said there should be an article placed in the Northern Iowan by the CBA President’s Council explaining the proposal. For existing students, explanations should be made in classes and posted on the web site. Moussavi said that transparency is critical. It must remain clear where the money comes from and how it is used. There could be a forum in CBB 109 each semester to explain how the money is used. Even with the surcharge, business education will be less expensive than any other business program in surrounding states. Karsten noted that the surcharge will be incremental at first and wondered if there would be a way to evaluate the proposal after it begins and decide if we should proceed fully with the plan. Moussavi said that we will be facing increasing costs (increasing starting salaries, paying for services that used to be provided centrally) but there will be no offsetting revenues if we don’t proceed with the proposal. Bauman was concerned that parents are the ones paying the bill, but the students are the ones making the decision to support the plan. She couldn’t understand why UNI was not redistributing the funds. Moussavi said that the central administration's solution for the CBA is to charge differential tuition to raise the needed funds. Karsten suggested that the Faculty Council continue the discussion and come up with a decision. Moussavi, Wilson, Schiltz and Jones left the meeting. The Faculty Council continued meeting. After more discussion, Gerald Smith moved to approve the proposal as presented. Jerry Smith seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Karsten asked the Council if the other items on the agenda could be handled through an e-mail discussion. It was agreed to do so. Rawwas requested that the name of the CBA Faculty Council be changed to CBA Faculty Senate as the CBA is the only college on campus that has a Faculty Council instead of a Faculty Senate. He made a motion to change the name. Hakes seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The CBA Faculty Council will now be known as the CBA Faculty Senate. The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Corbin, Secretary pro tem