UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION FACULTY COUNCIL MEETING October 8, 2007 MINUTES In attendance: Chair: Accounting: Economics: Finance: Management: Marketing: R. Karsten G. Smith, C. Bauman D. Hakes, S. Amin A. Rappaport T. McAdams D. Clayson, M. Rawwas Absent: J. Smith, R. Followill Guests: Dean Farzad Moussavi The CBA Faculty Council met in CBB 319 at 4:00 p.m. Monday, October 8, 2007. Chairperson, Rex Karsten opened the meeting by welcoming Dean Moussavi. Dean Moussavi mentioned that UNI again made The Princeton Review’s list of the best business schools on the strength of our MBA program. His main reason for attending the meeting, however, was to request that the CBA Faculty Council work on and endorse a strategic mission statement. He explained that the last CBA mission statement was written just before our AACSB visit for reaccredidation. Since then, AACSB has modified their standards. Our present mission statement is now considered too broad to provide the direction that AACSB is looking for when they review schools based on the new standards. We need to collectively come up with a mission statement that is specific enough to show direction but at the same time broad enough to provide flexibility. Therefore, the administration drafted statements of intent that could eventually make up the mission statement. They include an educational intent, research intent and an outreach/service intent. As each statement is reviewed, it is important to consider the following questions: Is each statement specific enough to give direction? Broad enough to provide flexibility? Is each statement authentic (who we are/reality)? Provides a reasonable element of aspiration? Is each statement in line with AACSB standards? Before he handed out the draft statements, Dean Moussavi said that he is confident that the statements satisfy AACSB standards. Then he requested that the Council take a larger view of the documents rather than looking at them word for word. He also requested that the Council appoint a subcommittee or smaller group to work in conjunction with the administration to resolve any major issues they might see with the drafts. The draft statements have been attached. He requested that the mission statement be completed by the end of the fall semester. A comprehensive strategic plan will then be developed in the spring semester base on the mission statement. The next item of business focused around selecting council members to serve on subcommittees of the Faculty Council. The following assignments were made: 1. Curriculum Committee a. J. Smith b. R. Followill 2. Admissions and Registration Committee a. G. Smith b. S. Amin 3. Strategic Planning Committee a. A. Rappaport b. D. Hakes c. D. Clayson (Chair) 4. Dean’s Performance Review a. C. Bauman (Chair) b. M. Rawwas c. T. McAdams d. Rex Karsten, ex-officio Further discussion pertained to the Dean’s Performance Review and the instrument that would be chosen to conduct the review. It was decided that the Dean’s Performance Review committee should further investigate the K. State electronic questionnaire that is being considered. The final item of business was to select a representative from the CBA that would serve on the Class of 1943 Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching & the Ross A. Nielsen Professional Service Award. It was suggested that one of the previous winners of the awards should be asked to serve on the committee. R. Karsten will ask previous winners, S. Corbin or K. McCormick if one of them would consider serving. The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Corbin, Secretary protem