Roland Berry Ann Deputy Director National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory

Roland Berry Ann
Deputy Director
National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory
Margaret M. Kitt, MD, MPH
Deputy Director for Program
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Dr. Kitt received a Bachelor of Science in Biology from The State University of New York at Albany, a Doctor
of Medicine from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, and a Master of Public Health
from the University of Washington. She is certified by the American College of Preventive Medicine in both
Aerospace Medicine and Occupational Medicine.
Maryann D’Alessandro, PhD
National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory
Vision and Mission
The VISION is to be the leading provider of quality, relevant, and
timely PPT research, training, and evaluation.
The MISSION of the PPT program is to prevent work-related injury,
illness and death by advancing the state of knowledge and
application of personal protective technologies (PPT).
An estimated 20 million workers use PPE on a regular
basis to protect themselves from job hazards.