Approve Page 1 of 3 Name: Anna Luci Wymer Submission Date: 12/5/2011 Organization: Admin Affairs & Graduate Education Course Catalog Update << Go back to Course Catalog Update form Print Course Catalog Update Information: STU0004 Reference Number: CCU003357 Date: 23-NOV-11 Level: 2.00 of 2.00 Currently On The Worklist Of: Nancy Barbour, nbarbour Owner: Office of Curriculum Services, 330-672-8558 or 330-672-8559, Basic Course Data Change type: Revise Faculty member submitting this proposal: Requested Effective Term: 201280 Campus: Kent College: EH-Education, Health and Human Services Department: FLA-Foundations, Leadership and Administration Course Subject: SRM-Sport and Recreation Management New Course Subject: Course Number: 56080 New Course Number: Course Title: LEGAL ISSUES IN SPORT AND RECREATION Title Abbreviation: LEGAL ISSUES IN SPRT AND REC Slash Course and Cross-list Information: SPAD 46080 + SRM 56080 Credit Hours Minimum Credit/Maximum Credit: 3 to 3 Contact Hours: Lecture - Minimum Hours/Maximum Hours: 3 to 3 Contact Hours: Lab - Minimum Hours/Maximum Hours: Contact Hours: Other - Minimum Hours/Maximum Hours: Attributes Is this course part of the LER, WIC or Diversity requirements: No If yes, course attributes: 1. 2. 3. Can this course be repeated for credit: No Repeat Course Limit: OR Maximum Hours: Course Level: Graduate Grade Rule: B-Standard letter Rationale for an IP grade request for this course (if applicable): Schedule Type(s): 1. LEC-Lecture 2. 3. Credit by Exam: N-Credit by exam-not approved Prerequisites & Descriptions Current Prerequisite/Corequisite/Catalog Description: Designed to alert potential recreation and sport professionals to the litigious environment prevalent in the United States and increase awareness of their legal responsibility and risk management. Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Catalog Description (edited): A discussion of legal issues as the apply to the sport and recreation industries. Prerequisites (edited): Graduate Standing Corequisites (edited): Registration is by special approval only: No Content Information Content Outline: Content Hours per Course Topic Topic Description 1 Introduction to the Legal System 12/5/2011 Approve 9 2 10 2 9 7 5 Page 2 of 3 Identify and define intentional torts Identify and define defamation Identify and define negligence and strict liability Identify risk management issues Identify, define and describe contract law issues Identify and define employment law issues Identify constitutional and federal law issues Display/Hide Delimited Course Outline Total Contact Hours: 45 Textbook(s) used in this course: Course packet Writing Expectations: Two Legal briefs, chapter questions from packet, a paper on a current legal issue of choice Instructor(s) expected to teach: Mulrooney Instructor(s) contributing to content: Mulrooney Proposal Summary Explain the purpose for this proposal: This proposal changes the course title and modifies the course content of SPAD 46080 Sport and the Law. The new title will be SPAD 46080 Legal Issues in Sport and Recreation. Currently there is a course RPTM 46080 Legal Issues in Sport and Recreation that will be dropped from the course offerings. SPAD 46080 will take its place. The RPTM course is currently being taught by Sport Administration faculty and has been taught by this same faculty member for over 18 years. The majority of students in the course are Sport Administration students. The faculty of both programs felt it was logical to have one law course offered under SPAD for the SPAD and RPTM programs. Learning Outcomes: Apply course knowledge to legal fact patterns (apply) Analyze law and facts to draw conclusions (analyze) Evaluate facts to determine the legal outcome (evaluate) Synthesize law and facts to develop appropriate legal arguments (synthesize) Understand general legal theory and concepts as applied to sport and recreation (knowledge) In-class Actvities that Support Outcomes: Hypothetical discussions (apply, evaluate, analyze and synthesize) Real world applications (apply, evaluate, analyze and synthesize) Legal theory reviews (apply, evaluate, analyze and synthesize) Faculty lectures (knowledge) Exams (knowledge, apply, evaluate, analyze and synthesize) Out-of-class Activities that Support Outcomes: Writing a Legal Brief (apply, evaluate, analyze and synthesize) Summary and Review questions (knowledge) Lexis Nexis legal searches and case reviews (analyze and synthesize) Writing a Legal research paper (apply, evaluate, analyze and synthesize) Explain how this proposal affects program requirements and students in your unit: None Explain how this proposal affects courses, program requirements and student in other units: None Explain how this proposal affects enrollment and staffing: None Units consulted (other departments, programs or campuses affected by the proposal): RPTM Revisions made to form (if applicable): Course Content Number Credit by Exam Prerequisites Credit Hours Schedule Type Cross-Listed / Slash Subject Description Title Diversity Title Abbreviation Grade Rule Writing-Intensive (WIC) Liberal Education Requirement (LER) Other Comments (500 Character Maximum): NOTE: Please do not use the following restricted characters: (~ * / \ --) 12/5/2011 Approve Page 3 of 3 Approve Comments: Date 11/30/2011 Return To Initiator User Aaron L Mulrooney Return To Prior Approver Deny Comment No comments available. History: Date User Status 11/30/2011 Shawn M Fitzgerald Approved 11/30/2011 Aaron L Mulrooney Submitted 12/5/2011