University Communications and Marketing (UCM) – Creative Work Plan

University Communications and Marketing (UCM) – Creative Work Plan
This document captures relevant information for creative development and will serve as the foundation
for all marketing materials we develop for this project. It is intended for internal staff use only. Please
review the content and confirm that it is correct and complete with your UCM contact. No work can
begin on your projects until this form is approved by you.
UCM Contact:
What’s the situation/opportunity that needs to be addressed? What problem or issue is the
communication trying to resolve?
What marketing has been done previously and what were the results?
What determines this project’s success? How will this be measured and who will be responsible for
What are the objectives and desired results of the communication? How do you want to be perceived
from this piece? What do you want the audience to do?
How does this represent “excellence in action?”
What is the key message of this communication? Why is this believable (evidence – rankings,
expertise, etc.)?
What are the differentiating and compelling benefits to the consumer, both emotional and tangible?
Target market characteristics (demographics, communication/media preferences, info sources, etc.):
Target market values:
Target market communication methods:
Who is the competition and what do we know about them? Why is this Kent State program a wiser
choice than going with the competition?
What elements/information must be included in each piece?
Photography needed? Provide information on shots required as well as details on anyone who should
not be included in photos.
Misc. design information, key words (tone, feeling, etc.)
Communication Vehicles Checklist: