From: ISMB-93 Proceedings. Copyright © 1993, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Automatic Derivation Structural Building Xiru Zhang*, Jacquelyn S. of Substructures Yields Novel Blocks in Globular Proteins Fetrowt, and *Thinking Machines Corp. 245 First Street Cambridge, MA tDept, George Because the general problem of predicting the tertiary structure of a globular protein from its sequence is so difficult, researchers have tried to predict regular substructures, knownas secondary structures, of proteins. Knowledge of the position of these structures in the sequence can significantly constrain the possible conformations of the protein. Traditional protein secondary structures are a-helices, ~sheets, and coil. Secondary structure prediction programs have been developed, based upon several different algorithms. Such systems, despite their varied natures, are noted for their universal limit on prediction accuracy of about 65%. A possible cause for this limit is that traditional secondary structure classes are only a coarse characterization of local structure in proteins. This work presents the results of an alternative approach where local structure classes in proteins are derived using neural network and clustering techniques. These give a set of local structure categories, which we call Structural Building Blocks (SBBs), based upon the data itself, rather than a pr/or/categories imposed upon the data. Analysis of SBBsshows that these categories are general classifications, and that they account for recognized helical and strand regions, as well as novel categories such as N- and C-caps of helices and strands. Introduction Traditionally, protein structure has been classified into continuous segments of amino acids called secondary structures. The existence of the regular secondary structures, a-helices and ~sheets, was hypothesized even before the first protein structure had been solved at atomic resolution [Pauling and Corey, 1951; Panling et ai., 1951]. These structures have regular patterns of hydrogen bonding and repeating backbone dihedral angles and are easy to locate in protein crystal structures. Following the solution of a few protein structures, Venkatachalamsuggested the existence ISMB-93 A. Rennie~, David L. Waltz* Berg~ of Biological Sciences $Computer Science University at Albany - SUNY Albany, NY 12222 Abstract 438 William Dept. of a third class of structure, the ~-turn [Venkatachalain, 1968]. Often, the remainder of protein structure is called "coil" or "other"; however, attempts have beenmadeto identify otherstructures suchas~t-loops [Leszczynski andRose,1986]or f/,straps, and~-loops [Ringetal.,1992]intheseregions. Because theclassical secondary structures werepredictedbeforeanyproteinstructures weresolvedand because theseregular structures areso easyto identifyby eyein visualized protein structures, thesecategories havetraditionally beenusedin protein structureprediction routines. Fromtheearliest prediction algorithms [ChouandFasman, 1974], through artificial neuralnetwork models[QianandSejnowski, 1988],to current hybridsystems usingmultiple prediction algorithms [Zhanget al.,1992],thesesystems consistently usedthetraditional secondary structures, usually the categories providedby the DSSP program [Kabschand Sander,1983].Despitethe varietyof algorithms used,thebestprediction ratesforthese programs consistently classify onlyabout65%of the residues’ secondary structures correctly. Thisrateof accuracy is toolowto be ofpractical usein constrainingtheconformation fortertiary structure prediction. Re-categorization of protein structure maybe oneway of increasing prediction accuracy Oneindication thattheseclassical secondary structuresmaynotbesuitable isthatattempts todefine secondarystructures in proteins of knownstructure produceinconsistent results. Suchprograms mayuse the criteria of hydrogen bonding [Presta andRose,1988], alphacarbondihedralangles[Richardsand Kundrot,1988],backbone dihedralanglesor somecombination of thesecriteria [Kabsch andSander, 1983; Richardsonand Richardson,1988].When comparing outputfromtheseprogramswhichuse proteins of knownstructure, thereis a greatdealof disagreementin theirsecondary structure assignments (Fetrow and Berg,unpublished observations). It thusseems reasonable to hypothesize thattheclassical categories of secondary structures are too coarseandattempts topredict suchartificial categories willultimately fail [Zhanget al., 1992l. Ca,2( occluded) Ca,~ Ca,1 Ca,4 Ca,3 Ca,1 Ca,4 Figure I: The bond and dihedral angles used for residue-feature-vector representations. For simplicity, a windowsize of four is displayed. A bondangle 0~_~,~+Iis the virtual angle formedby the three Ca atomscentered at residue i. The dihedral ,ingle ~b~,~÷sis defined as the angle betweenthe virtual bond betweenC~j and Ca,,+1 and the virtual bondbetween Caj+2 and Caj+s in the plane perpendicu]ax to the virtual bond formedbetween Ca,~+1 and Ca,~+~. Thepurposeof thisresearch, therefore, is to attemptan objective re-classification of proteinsecondary structure. Herewe present theresults of a categorization systemcombining artificial neural network andclustering techniques. Thefirstpartof thesystem is an auto-associative artificial neural network, called GENEREP (GENEratorof REPresentations), which cangenerate structural representations fora protein givenitsthree-dimensional residue coordinates. Clusteringtechniques arethenusedon theserepresentationsto produce a setof sixcategories whichrepresent localstructure in proteins. Thesecategories, called Structural Building Bloclcs (SBBs), axe general, as indicated by the fact that the categories produced using two disjoint sets of proteins are highly correlated. SBBs can account for helices and strands, acknowledged local structures such as N- and C-caps for helices, as well as novel structures such as N- and C-caps for strands. Methods and Materials Theinitial goalof thisworkwasto finda low-level representation of localprotein structure thatcouldbe used as the basis for finding general categories of local structure. These low-level representations of local regions were used as input to an auto-associative neural network. The hidden layer activations produced by this network for each local region were then fed to a clustering algorithm, which grouped the activation patterns into a specified number of categories, which was allowed to vary from three to ten. Patterns and category groupings were generated by networks trained on two disjoint sets of proteins. The correlations between the categories generated by the two networks were compared to test the generality of the categories and the relative quality of the categories found using different cluster sizes. The structural categories found along protein sequences were then analyzed using pattern recognition software in order to find frequently occurring groupings of categories. Molecular modeling software was also used to characterize and visualize both the cate- gories themselves and the groupings found by the pattern recognizer. In contrast to earlier work on GENEKEP [Zhang and Waltz, 1993], in which a measure of residue solvent-accessibility was used, a purely structural description of the protein was employedin this study, as well as a more general input/output encoding scheme for the neural network. Each protein was analyzed as a series of seven-residue "windows". The residues were represented by the seven a-carbon (Ca) atoms of the adjacent residues. The structure of the atoms in the window was represented by several geometric properties. For all except adjacent Ca atoms, the distances between each pair of Ca atoms in the window were measured. The distance between adjacent atoms was not utilized because it is relatively invariant. There were fifteen such distances per window.The four dihedral and five bond angles which specify the geometry of the seven Ca atoms in each window were used as well(Figure I). Becausethesemeasurements wereusedas inputto anartificial neural network, theyhadto berepresented in a formthatwasconsistent withthevaluesof the network’s units, whilealsopreserving information implicitin the measurements. The following encoding wasused.Eachdihedral anglewas represented using twounits, oneeachforthesineandcosineof theangle.Thesewerenormalized to the valuerange[0,1] of theinputunits.Thisrepresentation preserved the continuity andsimilarity of similar angles, evenacross thresholds suchas 3600to 0°. Thedistances wererepresented usingtwo units.Analysis of the distances showeda roughbi-modal distribution of distance values.The unitswerearranged so thatthe activation levelof thefirstunitrepresented a distance fromthe minimumdistance valuefoundto a pointmid-wayhetweenthetwo"humps" of thedistribution. If thedistancewasgreater thanthevalueof themid-way point, thefirstunitwasfullyactivated, andthesecond unit activated in proportion to how muchthe distance was between the mid-way point and the maximumdistance value. The bond angles were each represented using Zhang 439 I residue-feature-vector I OUTPUT LAYER- 43 units ~idden-Output Weights / / HIDDEN LAYER- 8 units INPUT LAYER- 43 units Figure 2: The auto-associative neural network used in this study to find the residue-state-vectors. This network was trained using the residue-feature-vectors described in Methodsas both the input and output patterns. The learning method used was error backpropagation [Rumelhaxtet a/., 1986]. one unit, with the values representing the angles in the range [0°, 180°] normalized to [0, 1]. The representations of these Ca distances, dihedral and bond angles in a windowconstituted the residue-feature-vector for a window. The residue-feature-vectors were calculated for every windowfor each of the proteins in Table 1. The protein list, consisting of 74 globular proteins of known structure, with 75 distinct sequence chains and a total of 13,114 residues, was chosen such that all protein structures had a resolution of 2.5~ or better and a refinement R-factor of 0.3 or less. These limits excluded proteins which were not resolved well enough to determine their backbone structure satisfactorily. Using a standard sequence alignment algorithm [Smith and Waterman, 1981], the list was also tested to ensure that the amount of sequence similarity between proteins was below 50%. This list of proteins was then divided into two disjoint sets, Data Set One and Data Set Two (Table 1). Subsequent work was done using the proteins in one data set and verified against the other. Data Set One consisted of 38 sequences containing a total of 6650 residues. As defined by DSSP [Kabsch and Sander, 1983], 30.1% of the residues in this set were defined to he in a-helices and 18.9% in f~-strands. Data Set Two consisted of 37 sequences with a total 6464 residues. For this set, 30.896 of the residues were in a-helices and 18.2%were in ~-strands. For each protein, a residue-feature-vector was calculated at each position along the sequence for which there was aa amino acid present in all slots of the window. Since they do not have residues in all of the windowlocations, the first three positions at both the N- and C-termini did not have residue-feature~ vectors associated with them. Thus, a protein sequence with n residues will provide n- 6 residue-featurevectors. Data Set One provided 6422 residue-featurevectors and Data Set Two provided 6242 residuefeature-vectors. 4.40 ISMB-93 The residue-feature-vectors for a given data set were used as both input and output patterns for an autoassociative backpropagation neural network [Rumelhart ef al., 1986]. Using the representation for the residue-feature-vectors described above, both the input and output layers of the network contained 43 units. The hidden layer contained eight units (Figure 2). The hidden layer size was determined empirically as the smallest size which produced the network most likely to succeed at the auto-association task (where the root mean squared error of the network eventually went below 0.01). The goal of an auto-associative network is to learn to reproduce the pattern of each input to the network at the output layer of the network. Each residuefeature-vector pattern is presented individually to the network as a set of activations to the input layer. By multiplying each input unit’s activation by the value of the weight connecting it to the hidden units, summing them at the hidden units, and then scaling them into [0, 1] with an exponentiation function, the hidden units’ activation values are calculated. This same process is then used to calculate the output units’ activations from the hidden units’ activation values. The output units’ activation values are then compared to those of the corresponding input units. These differences (the errors) are used to change the value of the weights between the layers, using errorbackpropagation [Rumelhart et al., 1986], a gradient descent technique. This process is repeated for each pattern in the data set, which constitutes an epoch of training. In this study, the auto-associative networks were trained for some number of epochs (approximately 1500) on a Connection Machine CM5until the RMS error at the output layer was at most 0.01. At this point, the networks were run one additional epoch on the residue-feature-vector patterns, without changing the weights. For each pattern, the values of the hid- N&Ine 155C 1ACX 1BP2 1CCR 1CRN 1CTF 1ECD 1FX1 1HIP 1HMQ 1LH1 1MLT 1NXB 1PAZ 1PCY 1RNT 1UBQ 2ACT 2APP 2AZA 2CAB 2CNA 2CPP 2CYP 2HHB 2LZM 2PRK 2SOD 3ADK 3ICB 3PGK 3RXN 4ADH 4DFR 4PTI 5CPA 7CAT 9PAP 1ABP 1CPV 1FB4 1FDX 1GCR 1LZ1 1MBD 1PHH 1PPT 1RHD 1RN3 1SBT 1SN3 Chains A A B A B B A H,L Residues 134 107 123 111 46 68 136 147 85 113 153 26 62 120 99 104 76 218 323 128 256 237 405 287 141 164 279 151 194 75 415 52 374 159 58 307 498 212 306 108 445 54 174 130 153 394 36 293 124 275 65 Set 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Resolution Refinement Description P. Denltriticans Cytochrome C550 2.aA 2.0A Actinoxanthin 1.7Pk 0.171 Bovine phospholipase A2 1.5)k 0.19 Rice Cytochrome C 1.5J~ - Crambin 0.174 Ribosomal Protein (C terminal fragment) 1.7A 1.4A Deoxy hemoglobin (etTthrocruorin) 2.0A Flavodoxin (D. Vulgaxis) 0.24 Oxidized High Potential Iron Protein 2.0A 2.0A 0.173 Hemerythrin 2.0A Leghemoglobin (Acetate, Met) 2.5A Melittin 1.38)~ 0.24 Neuroto~in 1.55A 0.18 A. faecafis Pseudoazurin 0.17 Plastoryanin 1.6A 1.9A 0.18 Ribonuclease T1 complex 1.8A 0.176 Human Ubiquitin 1.7A 0.171 Actinidin 1.8)~ 0.136 Acidproteinase 1.8A 0.188 Azurin(oxidized) 2.0A 0.193 Caxbonicanhy&ase Jack Bean Concan&valin 2.0A 1.63A 0.19 CytochromeP450 1.7~ 0.202 Yeast Cytochrome C peroxidase 1.74A 0.16 Human deoxyhemoglobin 0.193 T4 Lysozyme 1.7A 0.167 FungusProteinase K 1.5A 0.256 Cu Zn Superoxide dismutase (bovine) 2.0A 2.1A 0.193 Porcine adenylate kinase 2.3~ 0.178 Bovine Calcium-binding protein 2.5A - Yeast Phosphoglycerate kinase 1.5A - Rubredoxin alcoholdehydrogen~se 2.4A 0.26 EquineAim-liver I.TA 0.155 Dihyd~ofolate reductase complex 1.5A 0.162 T~ypsin inhibitor Bovine caxboxypeptida~e 1.54A 2.5A 0.212 Beef catalase 1.65A 0.161 Papain CYS-25(oxidized) 2.4A L-axabinose binding protein E.Coli 1.85A 0.4 Ca-binding Paxvalbumin 1.9A 0.189 Human Immunoglobulln FAB 2.0A - Ferredoxin 1.6A 0.23 Calf 7-crystallin 1.5A 0.177 Human Lysozyme 1.4A Deoxymyoglobin (Sperm Whale) 2.3A 0.193 hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase A~an Pancreatic Polypeptide 1.37A 2.5)~ Bovine rhodanese 1.45A 0.26 Bovine Ribonuclease A 2.5A Subtilisin 1.8A 1.3 ScorpionNeurotoxin TableI: The protein structures used in this work. Zhang 441 Name 2ABX 2APR 2B5C 2COY 2CDV 2CGA 2CI2 2CTS 2GN5 2HHB 2LHB 2OVO 2PAB 2SNS 3510 3C2C 3GAP 3GRS 3WGA 3WRP 4FXN 4TLN 4TNC Chains Residues Set Resolution Refinement Description A 74 2 2.5A 0.24 a bungaxotoxin 325 2 1.8.~ 0.143 Acid Proteinase (R. chinensis) 85 2 2.0A - Bovine CytochromeB5 (oxidized) 127 2 1.67~, 0.188 R. Milischianum Cytochrome C’ A 107 2 1.8~ 0.176 CytochromeC3 (D. Vulgar[s) A 245 2 1.8]k 0.173 Bovine Chymotrypsinogen 65 2 2.0A 0.198 Chymotrypsininhibitor I 437 2 2.0)[ 0.161 Pig citrate synthase 87 2 2.3A 0.217 Viral DNABinding Protein 1.74A B 141 2 0.16 Humandeoxyhemoglobin 149 2 2.0A 0.142 HemoglobinV (Cyanomet, lamprey) 56 2 1.5A. 0.199 Ovomucoid third domain(protease inh.) A 114 2 1.8~ 0.29 Humanprealbumin 141 2 1.5A. - S. Nudease complex 1.6A 0.195 Cytochrome 82 2 C 551(oxidized) 112 2 1.68A 0.175 R. RubrumCytochrome C A 208 2 2.5A 0.25 E.Colicatabolite genea~tivator protein 461 2 2.0~ 0.161 Humanglutathione reductase B 171 2 1.8]k 0.179 WheatGermAgglutinin 101 2 0.204 TRP aporepressor 1.8/k 136 2 1.8A 0.2 Flavodoxin (Semiquinone form) 316 2 2.3A 0.169 Thermolysin (B.thermoproteolyticus) 160 2 2.0A 0.172 Chicken Troponin C Table 1: The Protein Structures used in this work. The columns contain the following information: Name: The name of the protein as assigned by the Brookhavendatabase. Chains: If the protein contains multiple chains, the chain used is indicated. Residues: The numberof residues in the sequence, as indicated by DSSP.Set: 1 corresponds to Data Set One and 2 to Data Set Twoin this study. Resolution: The resolution of the structure, as given in the Brookhavenentry. Refinement: whenavailable, the refinement as given in the Brookhavenentry. Description: A short description of the protein, based upon the information in the Brookhavenentry. den layer units were recorded. This pattern of activation was the residue.state-vector associated with each residue-feature-vector pattern. One auto-associative network was trained on the protein sequences in Data Set One and one on the protein sequences in Data Set Two. After training, the residue-state-vectors forDataSetTwowerecalculated by boththenetworktrainedon DataSet Oneand the networktrainedon DataSet Two.Theresidue-statevectorsproducedby each of the two networkswere thenseparately grouped usinga k-means clustering algorithm[Hartigan andWong,1975].Clustersizesof threethrough ten weretested.Eachresidue-featurevectorwasthenassigned thecategory foundforit in theresidue-state-vector clustering foreachnetwork. The category assignments assigned by theclustering algorithm arethe Structural Building Blocks(SBBs), andarethe categories of localstructure whichform thebasisforthisstudy. Tofacilitate thelocation ofinteresting structural regionsalongtheprotein sequence, thepatterns of SBBs alongtheproteinsequences wereanalyzed usingsimplepattern recognition software. Forpattern sizesof threethroughseven,allof thepatterns of SBBsoccurring alongtheprotein sequence whichoccurred in the proteinDataSet Two weretabulated. Frequency 442 ISMB-93 counts for these patterns were also calculated. For each SBBcategory, the most frequently occurring patterns were examined using molecular modeling and visualization software (from BiosymTechnologies, Inc.). The regions in proteins exhibiting the frequently occurring patterns of SBBswere displayed in order to analyze what structural properties they exhibited. Results In a networkwhichmasters theauto-association task ofreproducing itsinputat itsoutput layer, theactivationlevels of thehidden layerunitsmusthe an encodingof theinputpattern, because allinformation from theinputto theoutputlayers passesthrough thehiddenlayerin thisarchitecture. Sincethehidden layer constitutes a "narrow channel", theencoding thenetworkdevelopsmustbe an efficient one,whereeach unitcorresponds to important properties necessary to reproduce the inputand wherethereare minimalactivation valuecorrelations amongtheunits.We thus hypothesize thattheencoding provided by thehidden layeractivations provides thebasisforgeneral categorization ofthelocal structure ofa protein. The mostappropriate clustersizefor producing meaningfulSBBs was determinedempirically. For eachcluster sizeusedink-means clustering (i.e.three I ,t==" c 0.9 °~ o u= 0.8 0 0 0.7 o 0.6 --e-0 = a 0.5 o 0 0.4 Mean _Median Best Worst ’ I ’ I 0.3 2 4 \ \ ~ ’ t ’ .t I ’ I 6 8 10 Number of Categories 12 Figure 3: A comparison of the categorization results for different cluster sizes. For each cluster size used in k-means clustering (i.e. three through ten), the best correlations between the categories found in Datffi Set Twoby the two networks were compared, separately trained on Data Set One and Data Set Two. The mean, median, best (highest) and worst (lowest) of these category correlations were then determined. through ten), thebestcorrelations between thecategories foundin DataSetTwoby thetwonetworks trained separately on DataSetOneandDataSetTwo werecompared. Themean,median,bestandworst of these category correlations werethencalculated. There exists a steep relative dropoff in themeanand median correlations fromclusterings using a category sizeofsixtothose using a category sizeofseven (Figure3),indicating thatforthese datasetscategory selection becomes muchlessreproducible at a category sizeofseven, andfurther suggesting thatthenetwork isabletogeneralize ata category sizeofsix.Thus, a clustering ofthedataintosixstructural categories was usedthroughout theremainder ofthiswork. Fora clustering using a category setofsix,thecategories aregeneral, rather thanreflecting properties specific tothedatasetonwhich a network wastrained. Thecategories found by thetwonetworks werehighly correlated, eventhough thetwonetworks weretrained ondisjoint setsofproteins (Table 2). To compare theSBBsandthetraditional secondary structure classifications, theoverlap between theclassification andstandard secondary structure wascalculated. ForeachSBBcategory, thenumber of times thecentral residue inanSBBwasspecified asa-helix, #-strand oroneoftheother secondary structure categories by theDSSPprogram [Kabsch andSander, 1983]wascalculated (Figure 4).Forthenetwork trained on DataSetOne,SBBcategory 0 clearly accounts formostofthea-helix secondary structure in 0 1 2 3 4 5 A -.21 -.09 -.19 0.87 -.12 -.11 B -.35 -.15 0.84 -.16 -.19 -.07 C -.23 0.87 -.10 -.11 -.12 -.09 D -.26 -.10 -.04 -.12 -.II 0.75 E -.21 -.13 -.20 -.09 0.86 -.13 F 0.94 -.22 -.36 -.23 -.22 -.25 Table2: Acomparisonof the categories foundin DataSet Two by a network trained on the protein sequences in that data set and a network trained on the protein sequences in Data Set One. Results shown are for the categories found with a cluster set of six. The columns are the categories (A through F) found in Data Set Two by the network trained on Data Set One. The rows are the categories (0 through 5) found by the network trained on Data Set Two. For each pair of categories the correlation between the category found by the network trained on Data Set One and the network trained on Data Set Twois given for their categorization of the sequences in Data Set Two. The best matches axe indicated in bold type. Zhang 443 1800 Trained 1350 [] [] [] O 0~ O- on DataSet 1800 1 Helix Strand Other Trained [] [] 1350 on DataSet 2 Helix Strand Other 900 .¢ Lt. 450 450 I I I I I I E F A B C D Structural Building Block Category I I I I I 0 1 2 3 4 5 Structural Building Block Category Figure 4: Ananalysis of the overlap betweenStructural Building Block categories and secondary structure classlncauons. For each occurrence of a SBBin the proteins Data Set Two,the DSSP[Kabsch and Sander, 1983] classifications of the central residue in the SBBsare tabulated. Frequencies are given for the SBBcategories of both the networktrained on Data Set One and the network trained on Data Set Two. the sequences. SBBcategory 2 accounts for most of the ~-strand, although it is almost as often identified with regions of "coil". Other SBBcategories all have clearly delimited distributions with respect to the three secondary structure types. The generality of the categories is also shown. The SBBsfound by each of the two networks which are most closely correlated (Table 2) showessentially identical frequency distributions for the related categories. (Figure 4). In addition, there are strong amino acid preferences for the central residue in the SBBs(Table 3). For each amino acid in each SBB, the relative frequency, F, was calculated by F, = gJg, X,/X, where Xa is the number of residues of amino acid type X in SBB category a. No is the total number of residues in SBBcategory a in the protein database used in this project. X, is the total numberof residues of amino acid type X in the protein database. Nt is the total number of residues of all amino acid types in the entire database. For this calculation, the central residue in each windowwas the residue considered. Aminoacid preferences found for these six SBBsare stronger than the preferences for traditional secondary structures in these data sets (data not shown). To illustrate that the SBBsare significant structural elements, and not an artifact of the clustering technique, various classes of SBBswere visualized. One example is shown in Figure 5, where the 40 instances of SBB4 along the sequence of the protein thermolysin (4tin) found with the network trained on Data Set 2 axe superimposed. SBB4 is clearly a cohesive structure, which can be characterized as having a "fish-hook" shape. Uponvisualization, this structure occurs most 444 ISMB-93 0 1 2 3 4 5 A 1.47 0.69 0.83 0.92 0.59 0.81 C 0.67 1.32 1.33 0.46 0.94 1.62 D 0.90 2.07 0.45 1.43 1.32 0.69 E 1.47 0.48 0.71 1.27 0.87 0.55 F I.I0 0.39 I.II 0.73 1.32 0.92 G 0.53 1.25 0.69 0.80 2.62 1.12 0 1 2 3 4 5 I 1.00 0.60 1.67 0.50 0.23 1.38 K 1.18 0.57 0.77 1.24 1.03 1.01 L 1.44 0.51 1.13 0.40 0.56 1.02 M 1.42 0.73 1.03 0.53 0.49 1.01 N 0.82 1.91 0.59 1.08 2.00 0.40 P Q 0.34 1.17 1.50 0.77 I.II 0.80 2.95 1.03 0.37 0.83 0.99 1.24 0 1 2 3 4 5 R 1.18 0.47 1.01 0.99 0.87 1.04 S 0.67 1.73 0.80 1.54 0.99 1.15 T 0.71 1.65 1.28 1.01 0.66 1.11 V 0.91 0.45 1.89 0.57 0.46 1.04 H 0.99 1.62 0.68 0.43 1.38 1.27 W Y 1.33 0.84 0.55 0.73 1.06 1.35 0.64 0.79 0.75 1.02 0.95 1.21 Table 3: The relative frequency of each of the aminoacids for the central residue position in each of the Structural Building Block classes, found by the network trained on Data Set One. The frequency counts axe for that network’s categorizations of the proteins in Data Set Two.Standard one-letter codes axe used to represent the aminoacids. Figure 5: The StructurMBuilding Block4 for thermolysin. For the 40 instances of SBB4 in thermolysin, the renderings of the backbonestructurM were Mignedto minimizethe RMSdifference in the backbonestore displacement (Insight II, Biosym Technologies, Inc.). Only the backboneconformations are shown. often at the C-terminal ends of a-helices (Figure 4) and in some loop regions. By using molecular modeling and visualization software, several clear correlations between SBBsand protein structure were found. One class of SBBcorresponds to the internal residues in helices and and one to the internal residues in strands. Also, different SBBs which correspond in manyinstances to N-terminal and C-terminal "caps" of helices were found [Richardson and Richardson, 1988; Presta and Rose, 1988]. In addition, SBBswhich correspond to cap structures for strands were identified in manycases, a structural pattern which has not yet been described, to the authors’ knowledge. Comparing these results to the frequency counts for the corresponding SBBsequence patterns confirms that the various cap-structure and structurecap pa~terns are frequently occurring ones in the protein database. Discussion Based upon simple structural measurements, autoassociative networks axe able to induce a representation scheme, the major classifications of which prove to be Structural Building Blocks: general local structures of protein residue conformation. SBBs can be used to identify regions traditionally identified as helical or strand. Other SBBsare strongly associated with the N- and C-termini of helical regions. Perhaps most interesting is that there are also SBBsclearly associated with the N- and C-termini of strand regions. Further, it is interesting to note that all structure, even that in the "randomcoil" parts of the protein, are well classified by these six SBBs. All of these results have been found both visually, using molecular modeling software and in the frequency results of the pattern generation software for the patterns of SBBsassociated with these structures. Further quantification of these results is underway. On the basis of these results, it is possible that SBBs are a useful way of representing local structure, one thatis muchmoreobjective thanthe "traditional" modelbasedupona-helixand ~-strand. The valueof thesemoreflexible structural representations maywell be thattheyprovide thebasisforprediction andmodelingalgorithms whichsurpassthe performance and usefulness of current ones. Previous researchers haveattempted novelrecategorizations of localprotein structure [Rooman et al., 1990;Ungeret al.,1989].However, theworkdescribed herediffers fromtheirsin at leastoneimportant respect.Theycluster directly on theirone-dimensional structural criteria (e.g.Ca distances) andthensubsequently do otherprocessing (e.g.examination of Ramachandran plots)to refine theircategories. SBBsare created by clustering onthehidden unitactivation vectorscreated whenourmoreextensive structural criteria(Ca distances, dihedral and bond angles) are presented to the neural network. By using the tendency of autoassociative networks to learn similar hidden unit activation vectors for similar patterns, SBBsare derived directly from multidimensional criteria without worrying about disparate dimensional extents distortZhang 445 ing the clustering, and without post-processing to refine the classifications. Wehypothesize that the representations for the hidden unit vectors developed by the network also reduce the effect of spatial distortion and other "noise" in the data. This would yield cleaner data for the clustering algorithm, and more meaningful classifications. Analyses are underwayto test this hypothesis, and to compare the SBBclassifications to those derived from these different methods. The results of the project described here can he readily extended. Pattern recognition techniques can be used to provide more sophisticated induction mechanisms to recognize the groupings of categories into regular expressions, and of the regular expressions into even higher-level groupings. Using molecular modeling software, the correspondence between the current categories, any higher-level structures found and the actual protein structures can he further investigated. The categories found in this research can be used as the basis for predictive algorithms. 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