National Student Speech Language and Hearing Association (NSSLHA) at Eastern Michigan University CONSTITUTION I. Eastern Michigan University’s local chapter of the National Student SpeechLanguage-Hearing Association (NSSLHA) is a student run organization for undergraduate and graduate students preparing to become professionals in speech-language pathology and hearing impaired education. While we are dedicated to enriching the knowledge of our members, we also strive to promote awareness of our sought professions on campus and be of service to our community. II. Membership is open to all EMU students regarding race, religion, color, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, or disability and can be obtained by filling out the membership form and paying the $10 dues. All EMU members and officers must be in good Academic and Judicial standing with the institution. III. Officers: a. President i. Run meetings, prepare agendas, manage calendar, delegate tasks, keep members informed of NSSLHA related issues either through email or postings, and other tasks as assigned. ii. 1 school year b. Vice President i. Presidential duties in absence of president, organization of speakers, and other tasks as assigned. ii. 1 school year c. Treasurer i. Collect checks and work with advisor to organize payments of dues and purchases by NSSLHA, and other tasks as assigned. ii. 1 school year d. Secretary i. Keep meeting minutes and attendance, manage NSSLHA binder, prepare thank you cards or gifts for speakers, and other tasks as assigned. ii. 1 school year e. Service Coordinator i. Coordinate and delegate service projects, coordinate social/networking opportunities, and other tasks as assigned. ii. 1 school year f. Public Relations i. Plan vision for facebook effectiveness, prepare handouts, and other tasks as assigned. ii. 1 school year g. Undergraduate Advocate i. Research ways to help undergraduates, announce upcoming deadlines & obtain undergraduate feedback, and other tasks as assigned. ii. 1 school year h. Mechandise Coordinator i. Organize the purchase of merchandise, promote sales, and organize member orders of our NSSLHA chapter merchandise and apparel, and other tasks as assigned. ii. 1 school year IV. The NSSLHA Executive Board will be elected from the pool of volunteers each April at the last meeting of the winter semester, effective immediately. V. Meetings will be held in the first and third weeks of each month at two times based on SPSI and SPHI class schedules. Other meetings and guest lectures can be set up on the off weeks by the board and posted on the NSSLHA calendar. VI. This constitution can be amended by a majority vote of the active NSSLHA Board Members.