Cytological and molecular investigations in Lens and Pisum by Jason Gordon Walling A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Plant Sciences Montana State University © Copyright by Jason Gordon Walling (2003) Abstract: Three separate investigations involving genetic characterization of the pea (Pisum sativum) and/or lentil (Lens culinaris) genome were performed. The first experiment, evaluated the hypothesis of conserved gene synteny between lentil and pea species. Sixty-two segregating P. sativum anchor markers (STS, isozyme, RFLP, and morphological) and two lentil protein markers were tested within a lentil RIL population. Ten linkage groups were assembled that span over 300 centimorgans. The majority of the loci evaluated share linkage synteny with pea; however some notable genetic rearrangements were revealed. Supplementary to this study, data supported the presence of two reciprocal translocations that differ in each parent. In addition, approximately 25% displayed distorted segregation ratios. The second experiment characterized and evaluated a lx Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) library constructed from P. sativum. The results suggested that approximately 1.0% of the clones contain chloroplast DNA sequence while approximately 0.35% would contain sequences homologous to the 45s rDNA array. The presence of lower copy sequences, such as gene family constituents and unique sequences were also evaluated. One clone, of the gene family small subunit of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco), was identified from the library. One low copy gene, glutamine synthetase, was also identified within the BAC library. Inconsistent results obtained during the in-clone verification process are discussed. The final experiment used the two partially characterized BACs obtained from the library screening to assess their use as in situ probes using Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) on P. sativum chromosomes. rDNA probes as well as repetitive DNA probes were integrated into the study. The results verified the physical position of the NOR and 5s loci in both pea and lentil. Furthermore, a BAC containing the sequence for the Rubisco small subunit hybridized to three regions. However, the BAC containing the glutamine synthetase sequence did not hybridize to a specific location, possibly because the C0t-1 blocking did not provide sufficient inhibition to cross-hybridization. Results indicated that when using current protocols, positioning BACs on pea chromosomes is difficult, and improvements are needed before such an approach can be routinely integrated into an experimental design. CYTOLOGICAL AND MOLECULAR INVESTIGATIONS IN LENS AND PISUM by Jason Gordon Walling I A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment ■of the requirements for the degree ^ of Master of Science in Plant Sciences MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana April 2003 N sie Wiss ii APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Jason Gordon Walling This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. Lfrlht Dr. Norman F. Weeden Signature) Date Approved for the Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology Dr. Norman F. Weeden J((Signature) Date Approved for the College of Graduate Studies s / ~ o 5 Dr. Bruce R. McLec (Signature) Date STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a master: s degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it available ,to, borrowers under rules of the Library. . . If I have indicated my intention to copyright this thesis by including a copyright notice page, copying is allowable only for scholarly purposes, consistent with “fair use” as prescribed in the U.S. Copyright Law. Requests for permission for extended quotation from or reproduction of this thesis in whole or in parts may be .granted only by the copyright holder. Signature Date ^ . .iv TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. THESIS INTRODUCTION.......... ................... ........................................... 2 Legumes.............. ......... 2 ■ p a w (Field pea) ................ ...... ..................; ;....... ...................................... 4 5 Zsms1(Lentil) ....................................... Literature Cited .............. !....... ................................ 9 2. SCREENING OF A lx COVERAGE PISUMBACTERIAL ARTIFICIAL CHROMOSOME (BAC) LIBRARY....:.............. ..... ................................. ....... 21 Literature review .......... ............. ..... ............................................ 21 Introduction.................. 21 DNA Libraries ............................... .:............ ............................................21 Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes ......................................... 13 BAC Applications..................................................................................... Materials and Methods..................................................,............................... 20 Probe Construction...,......................... 20 Probe Labeling and Hybridization..................... .............................. ;...... 24 Stringency Washes and Autoradiography of BAC Filters.......................26 Hybridization Signal Scoring.........;......................................................... 27 Clone Characterization and Sequence Analysis..... .:................................28 31 R esults ...............................................;......................................................' Chloroplast Contamination Screen........................................................... 31 Ribosomal Screen..................... .............................................■.................32 Gene Family Screen.................... 32 Low/Single Copy Screen..... .......................;............................................ 35 Discussion................. ......... :........ ;................ ................. ;....................... ......... 40 Literature cited ............'...,.... ...........'.............................................. ■ .................45 3. BAC FLUORESCENCE TASITU HYBRIDIZATION ON PISUM SA TIVUM CHROMOSOMES....:..... ,............................................. ..................................... 49 ■ Literature Review .......................... . .........................................;.......... ........... 49 Introduction-Cytology in Pisum..................................... 49 Cytological markers............................. 50 In Situ Sequence Detection:......................... 52 In Situ Sequence Detection in Pisum......................................... ........ 57 BAC-FISH..........................................................................;................... '59. TABLE OF CONTENTS -CONTINUED Materials and Methods....•.............................................. Harvesting and Treatment of Pisum Root Tips for Cytological Preparations......................................................................... ^2 Chromosome Pretreatment............................................. 54 Chromosome Isolation...................................................... Isolation and Nick Translation of BACs............................ . 67 Cyt-I Blocking DNA Isolation................................... ............................. gg Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization.............................................. ;... 59 Secondary Antibody Detection.....................................;....;.................... j g Fluorescence Microscopy.............. ................................. 73 Results :...................... ................................................................. ’ ................... 75 Accumulation of Metaphase Chromosomes............... ....75 rDNA FISH on Pisum Metaphase Chromosomes....................................76 Repetitive Clone FISH................... .................................. gg BAC-FISH Gene Family.................... g2 BAC-FISH Single Copy...........................................................;... g4 Discussion ................... .............. .................................................... . .......; ‘‘§7 Literature Cited ..... ..................... ............................................ . ......95 4. COMPARATIVE MAPPING BETWEEN LENTIL (LENS SPP.) AND PEA (PISUMSATIVUM)............................................................................ 99 Literature Review ................................................................ ........... . . 99 Introduction..................... 99 Comparative Genetic Mapping....................................... 99 Sequence Tagged Sites (STS) Markers..................:............................... 102 Genetic Mapping in Lentil................................................... .................. iq 3 Linkage Conservation Among Temperate Legumes..... .......:.................105 M aterials and Methods ............. .................................... .............................. IQg Mapping Population................... IOg Primer Characteristics................ ........... ............................................... 209 STS Analysis.............. ilO Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequence (CAPS) Analysis.................. ................ .................-. ........................................ 210 Genetic Mapping of Segregating Alleles.................... ........................... 111 Results ....................... ...................... .................................................., ....113 D iscussion.................................................................................. "”223 Characterization of cross Lc #7 x Le #32 ....................... ...................... 223 Conserved Gene Synteny.................................................... 225 Discrepancies in Lentil Genetic Mapping......................... 126 Literature Cited ............................................................................... 228 -------------------------------------- . ■ — ■ - ' ' - I I - Ll Ml IM vi TABLE OF CONTENTS-CONTINUED 5. EXPERIMENTAL SUMMARY..............................;................. .............. il31 APPENDICES.......... ...... r............ .........................................;.......................... I35 Appendix A: Raw BAC insert sequence ....................... .............................. 137 Appendix B: Raw marker segregation data from CROSS LC #7 x L e #32......................................... ;........................ .................. ......I 40 1U ,l_, ;■ V ll LIST OF TABLES Tab,e 1. Characteristics of BAG Screening Probes Used to Screen ' Library..... ........................................ ...................................... Page 2] 2. Summary of BAC Screening Results.:.,............................................................... 34 3. STS PCR Primer and Product Characteristics....................... .................'...........114 ■ 4. Segregation of Markers.From Cross L. cuiinaris x L. ervoides...................... .............................................................j jg 5. Conserved Linkages Between Pea and Lentil..... ............. ........................ . 121 V lll LIST OF FIGURES piSure Page 1. Phylogentic Relationship Among the Tribes Vicieae, Trifolieae, and Cicereae.......................................................................... ; 3 2. Trnl-C and trnl-D Gradient PCR Product............................................................ 32 3. A) cpDNA BAC Filter Autoradiography........... ..... ............................................ 33 B) 2SsrDNA BAC Filter Autoradiography..................................................... ...33 4. A) RbcS BAC Filter Autoradiography ....................................................... .34 B) Lb BAC Filter Autoradiography........................................................ ;.......... 34 5. A) Drr49 BAC Filter Autoradiography.................. ..................................... .... ;.. 3g B) Drr49 BAC Filter Autoradiography (shortened exposure).’....... ....... ............ 36 6. Pool #1 BAC Filter Autoradiography;.......... ................................................... ...,33 7. Merging Monochrome. Images into Colors Channels......................................... 74 8. A) Pisum sativum Metaphase Chromosomes ...................................................... 76 B) Pisum sativum Metaphase Chromosomes............. ........................................ 76 9. A) FISH using NOR probe (metaphase) ...................... ....................................... 77 B) FISH using NOR probe (metaphase)......... :.................................................... 77 C) FISH using NOR probe (metaphase)......................... ..................................... 77 D) FISH using NOR probe (prometphase)...... .... ................................................77 10. FISH on Interphase Nuclei using 5s and NOR rDNA Probes ..... ................ ; 79 11. A) FISH on Lens culinaris Chromosomes using 5s and NOR Probes (60x)................................................... ...... ...................................;.......... 80. B) FISH on Lens culinaris Chromosomes using 5s and NOR Probes (IOOx)................................................................ ...................................... 80 12. A) FISH using Probe PisTR-B............. .................. .................................... ....... 81 B) FISH using Probe PisTR-B....................;............ ........................................... gl 13. A) FISH using BAC 103-Kl (RbcS), Low Blocking........................................... 83 B) FISH using BAC 103-KI (RbcS), High Blocking.......................... ................ 83 LIST OF FIGURES-continued 14. A) FISH using BAG 89-E10 (Gsc), Low blocking (prometaphase)............ ................................................... ................................ §5 B) FISH using BAC 89-E10 (Gsc), Low blocking (interphase)......................................................................................................... •C) FISH using BAC 89-E10 (Gsc), Low blocking (metaphase) ■..................... ................ ...........' ........................ . g5 15. FISH using BAC 89-E10 (Gsc), High Blocking............... ............................ ...... 86 16. Linear Lentil Linlcage Groups.............................................................. ........... ...115 17. A) Interchange I/II Translocation Complex............................ ;..... ;............... .116 B) Interchange V/VI Translocation Complex................................... ...;....... . 116 18. PCR Products Generated using CipPor primers............................................... 119 19. Consensus Pea Map Displaying Areas of Conserved Synteny with Lentil......................................................................................................... 12O ABSTRACT Three separate investigations involving genetic characterization of the pea (Pisum sativum) and/or lentil (Lens culinaris) genome were performed. The first experiment, evaluated the hypothesis of conserved gene synteny between lentil and pea species. Sixty-two segregating P. sativum anchor markers (STS, isozyme, RFLP, and morphological) and two lentil protein markers were tested within a lentil RIL population. Ten linkage groups were assembled that span over 300 centimorgans. The majority of the loci evaluated share linlcage synteny with pea; however some notable genetic rearrangements were revealed. Supplementary to this study, data supported the presence of two reciprocal translocations that differ in each parent. In addition, approximately 25% displayed distorted segregation ratios. The second experiment characterized and evaluated a lx Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) library constructed from P. sativum. The results suggested that approximately 1.0% of the clones contain chloroplast DNA sequence while approximately 0.35% would contain sequences homologous to the.45s rDNA array. The presence of lower copy sequences, such as gene family constituents and unique sequences were also evaluated. One clone, of the gene family small subunit of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco), was identified from the library. One low copy gene, glutamine synthetase, was also identified within the BAC library. Inconsistent results obtained during the in-clone verification process are discussed. The final experiment used the two partially characterized BACs obtained from the library screening to assess their use as in situ probes using Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) on P. sativum chromosomes. rDNA probes as well as repetitive DNA probes were integrated into the study. The results verified the physical position of the NOR and 5s loci in both pea and lentil. Furthermore, a BAC containing the sequence for the Rubisco small subunit hybridized to three regions. However, the BAC containing . the glutamine synthetase sequence did not hybridize to a specific location, possibly because the Cgt-I blocking did not provide sufficient inhibition to cross-hybridization. Results indicated that when using current protocols, positioning BACs on pea chromosomes is difficult, and improvements are needed before such an approach can be routinely integrated into an experimental design. I CHAPTER I THESIS INTRODUCTION Legumes The legume family (Fabaceae) is the third largest family of flowering plants next to the orchid family (Orchidaceae) and the sunflower family (Asteraceae), respectively (Stern, 1997). The Fabaceae contains approximately 350 genera composed of 18,000 species of considerable genetic diversity that vary in both climatic and geographical distribution. Legumes are distributed throughout the world, from the tropics to arctic and alpine habitats. There are several common characteristics that support the family of legumes. Most legumes possess the typical fruit morphology represented by a pod that encloses the seed(s), which when dry will split along two sutures facilitating seed dispersal. The word legume originates from the latin term legumen which literally means ‘anything that can be gathered’, presumably referring to the grouping or gathering of seeds within the pod. The general flower morphology has been described as being either radial or bilateral (asymmetrical) (Stern, 1997). The asymmetrical flower, specifically the morphological features of the banner, keel, and wing-petals, are arguably the most recognizable features of the subfamily Papilionoideae. One common characteristic shared among most species of legumes is the symbiotic relationship shared with the bacteria Rhizobium, which facilitates the fixation of atmospheric N2 to ammonia (NHs) or other nitrogenous bases. The ability of legumes to fix nitrogen promotes their use in crop rotations and as a green manure (Campbell, 2002). The economic value represented by this family of legumes, is 2 surpassed only by that of the grasses (Poaceae) (Hymowitz, 1990) . However, it has been argued that in terms of the number of species and various uses of legumes such as green manure, fuel, forage and feed crops, cover crops, chemicals and timber; members of the Fabaceae are probably more widely used by humans than any other family of plants (Hymowitz, 1990). Within the Fabaceae, members of the subfamily Papilionoideae, specifically the tribes Vicieae (Pisum, Lens, Vicia) Phaseoleae (Phaseolus, Vigna), and Cicereae (Cicer) represent what have been referred to as the primary grain legumes (Hymowitz, 1990). The distinction between primary, secondary, and tertiary grain legumes is based, on , greater production numbers within the primary grain over constituents of the secondary and tertiary grain legumes (Hymowitz, 1990). Other commonly !mown members of the subfamily Papilioniodeae are the tribes lupin (Lupinus), clover (Trifolieae), and peanut (Arachis). Members of the tribe Viceae such as Pisum sativum L. (field pea), Lens culinaris (lentil), Viciafaba (fababean), andLathyrus sativus (grass pea) are commonly labeled as. cool season legumes, referring to the species preference of temperate/cool growth conditions. This tribe is thought to have originated along the Fertile Crescent. The domestication of the primary legumes was concurrent with the domestication of the cereal grains (Zohary et ah, 1993). The phylogenetic relationship among these three tribes within the subfamily Papilionoideae is described in Figure I . 3 100 Cicer canariense, Qicermacraeanll [icerpinn uega on y j tiy r u s a y ,^ ^ 100 Gicereae Steele et al. 2003 p M E E S " =iiI= > IMthyrus Iingitanus Pisiim satmiin i,ens culinpns . ^enf ervoides ^ 100 ;iSto yfIfosaensis (section Cracca ,'i.cifl ludoviciana*\ 100 \tjflifl flSiciffala section Ervoules YieiflMrsuta section Cracca ■89 ai&UumWtlK 99 100U K 100 North American Trifoliiim ’ r^pfulm willdei Trifplium worms, too 100 99 Vicieae j subgenus Mt/, 100 100 clade 2 'icip amencana* 100 riM iiimbi------------Piielliunum rifplium cherangiense n p liu m semipifosum rifplium hybndum rifplium spumoSpm rifplium eaucasiciim fifplm m Iflrtum rifplium tnearnatum section Trifolium ,nfpliUm patulum 100 96 m fplium subterraneum Trifpliumlupniaster . TriMium diibiuin section Chwnosemmm Wefflcafo ferac^crtrpo | sect*on Tunatae Medipago hyppgaea Medicago IalTugera 80 = I g C B I s e c t I o n f/orycaowe 88 • • ■ Medipago heymana , Medicaga pdlymorpha Medipago italica , Meclicagb truneatula ' • Seiicafo orSlcularis 88 ■Medipagb prostrata ■ Midipago ■ Mechpago melieaginoides monanmp section Biiceras ■Meehpago monspehaca ■Meelipago pplyperatici 99 Trifolieae 'P B lX m Mdilotus mdiea 100 TngoneUa cretica Tngonella coentla Trigbnella fopnitm graeciim rigonella gladiqta rigonella cberulescens Irigonella maerorrhvncna jigonella qrqbiea ' rigonella balspnap pigonella ceflheens 99 100 100 88 pigonella spruneriana rigonella eornieulata lnonis qrveiisis \non.t,s biflopa moms lieitnx____________ Figure I. (Top) Phylogenetic relationship between members of the tribes Vicieae and Trifolieae based on plastid sequence data (Steele et al. 2003). 4 Maize and beans were thought to have co-evolved in the New World, peas, lentils, and chickpeas co-evolved with wheat and barley in the Fertile Crescent, and rice co-evolved with soybeans in the Orient (Hymowitz, 1990). Pisum (Field Peal Pisum sativum L. or garden/field pea is an annual cool season legume that prefers relatively humid conditions, ranging in temperature from 7 to 30°C (Muelhbauer, 1997). P. sativum is a self-pollinating diploid, with a haploid chromosome number of seven (n=7)- Compared to most plant species, Pisum sativum has a large genome comprised of approximately 4,OOOMbp (Megabasepairsr Mb) (Arumuganathan et ah, 1991); consequently, the size of each of the seven chromosomes represented by the standard karyoptype is relatively large. The morphology of the field pea has been described as bushy or climbing. The stems grow 30-150cm in length and are relatively weak. The leaves are alternate, pinnately compound and possess branched tendrils. Some cultivars have a mutation that converts all laminae to tendrils and are referred to as ‘semileafless’. In addition to the characteristics of legume flower previously stated, the pea inflorescence is a raceme and the flowers range in color from white to purple. The fruit morphology has been described as pods that are curved or straight, swollen or compressed, and having 2-10 seeds which are dispersed by pod dehiscence along two sutures (Muehlbauer et ah, 1983). Peas are grown primarily for their fresh or dried seeds, tender pods and foliage. Peas are cultivated throughout the world’s temperate regions and represent an important . 5 export crop that comprises almost half the world trade in pulse crops. Most of the commercially produced peas in the United States are grown in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Washington, and Oregon (Muehlbauer, 1993). From 1993-1997 the number of harvested acres of pea in the U.S . was estimated to be 250,000 acres, yielding 450,000 tons of processed pea with a total value of approximately 140,000,000 dollars (Rhodes, 2002). However in 1990 it was estimated that the total acreage of peas in Canada was three times greater than that in the U.S. (Stinkard et ah, 1990). The elucidation of the genetics behind a few morphological features o ff. sativum was concurrent with the establishment and initial development of genetics as a science. Specifically, the pioneering works of Gregor Mendel who chose the garden pea as the primary system in which to test his hypotheses on inheritance (Mendel, 1866). The seven contrasting pea morphological traits that Mendel analyzed in his famous study include seed shape, cotyledon color, flower color, pod shape, pod color, flower position, and plant stature. Mendel published his findings in scientific paper titled “Versuche liber Pflanzen-Hybriden” or “Experiments on Plant Hybrids” in which he outlined his findings. Although the nomenclature came later, the principles of segregation and independent assortment that govern the science of genetics were based on Mendel’s conclusions. Lens (LentiP) 1 . Lens spp., like Pisum, are annual legumes that prefer temperate to warm season, although they require less humidity than pea. Lentil also shares the same haploid chromosome number and ploidy level as P. sativum-{n=l) and also is primarily a self- 6 pollinating species. The genus Lens is comprised of five species that can be placed into two crossability groups (Ladizinsky et ah, 1984). Group one contains Z. T. onentalis, and L. odemensis and group two contains L. nigricans, L. ervoides. Studies analyzing the variation of chloroplast DNA sequence among the five members revealed their phylogenetic relationship. As expected, considering the results from Ladizinslcy’s fertility studies, members of crossability group one had the closest sequence identity to each other. L. culinaris was most closely related to L. orientalis followed by L. odemensis. Furthermore, results from this experiment confirmed the hypothesis that L. orientalis represents the progenitor species to L. culinaris. The members of the second crossability group show the greatest amount of genetic variability at the plastid DNA level, with some results suggesting that L. ervoides may be closer to L. culinaris than L. nigricans (Muench et ah, 1991). The morphology of A. culinaris Medik. has been described as a bushy, semi-erect or erect with slender angular stems that reach a length of 18-36cm (Muehlbauer et ah, 1985). The leaves are pinnate and alternate and there may be ten to sixteen leaflets attached to the rachis with simple tendrils extending from the top. The fruit consists of pods that are oval shaped containing 1-2 seeds. One to four flowers can form from each peduncle (2.5-5cm) and vary in color from white to purple. The inflorescence is a raceme. The seeds of the lentil come in a variety of shades of yellow, red or orange and have been described as lens shaped and small. The size of the seed varies in diameter from 6 to 9mm in the New World (macrosperma) species and 2 to 6mm in the Near East (microsperma) species (Muehlbauer et ah, 1985). Although to some extent lentil is used as a green manure crop, the seed is probably its greatest asset. The seed it typically eaten as dhal which is simply seed that has been peeled and split. Lentils are primarily grown in Turkey, India, Syria, Nepal, ■ Canada, Ethiopia and Spain. In 1992 India lead the world in total lentil production with 750 tons produced followed by Turkey and Canada. In the United States the total amount of acreage sown with lentil in 1996 was estimated to be 60,000ha. The total production from 1984-1993 was approximately 65,000 tons (Muehlbauer, 1997). The following three chapters will describe three separate investigations involving Pisum and Lens. Each experiment was designed to utilize the most current technology available to geneticists as well as to exploit and integrate information gained from past investigations within these systems. The first two experiments described in chapters 2 and 3 involve an assessment of the logistics for integrating a large insert library into Pisum genomics. The first experiment will evaluate the efficiency and accuracy of locating genes, via hybridization, within a newly developed lx genome coverage, Pisinn sativum Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) library (Coyne et ah, 2000). The second experiment will use the BACs resulting from the first experiment to evaluate their potential use in subsequent pea cytology experiments. Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) with Euorescently labeled BACs will be used to examine the hybridization characteristics of the large insert clones. The information acquired from these investigations will be valuable to future experiments directly involving the library as well as subsequent use of the BACs identified from the library. 8 The final experiment described in chapter 4 will examine the hypothesis of conserved gene synteny shared among members of the tribe Vicieae' A linkage map of Lens was generated primarily using a novel set of sequence tagged sites .(STS) markers with clear positions on the Pisnm linkage map (Brauner et ah, 2002). The STS marker data was integrated with previously generated Isozymej protein and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) data (Weeden et ah, 1992). Gaps between markers will be closed using RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) markers. The resulting map will be compared to the consensus map o ff. sativum (Weeden et ah, 199.8) and areas of synteny will be revealed. Based on the results of this study, other members within the subfamily Papilionideae could be easily tested using this approach. Thus, the efficiency of generating linkage maps for each of the species will be discerned. 9 Literature Cited Arumuganathan, K. E.D. Earle. (1991). Nuclear DNA content of some important plant species. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter. 9:211-215. Campbell N.A., J.B., Reece. (2002). Biology (6th ed). Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco, CA. Brauner S., R.L. Murphy, J.G. Walling, J. Przyborowski, N.F. Weeden. (2002). STS Markers for Comparative Mapping in Legumes. J. Amer. Soc. Hort Sci. 127 :616-622. Coyne, C. K. Melcsem, D.A. Lightfoot, K.E. Keller, R.R. Martin, M.T. McClendon, D.A. Inglis, E.W. Storlie, K.E. McPhee. (2000) Construction of bacterial artificial chromosome library for pea (Pisum sativum L.) Pisum Genetics 32: 23-26. Hymowitz, T., (1990). Grain legumes. In: J. Janick and TE. Simon(eds.), Advances in new crops. Timber press, Portland Oregon. Ladizinsky, G., D. Braun, D. Goshen, F.J. Muehlbauer (1984). The biological species of the genus Lens L. Bot. Gaz. 154:253-261. Mendel. G. (1866). Versuche uber Pflazen-Hybriden. J. Heredity 42, 1951 p3-37. (Reprint). Muehlbauer, F.J., R.W. Short, J.M. Kraft. (1983). Description and culture of dry peas. USDA-ARS Agricultural Reviews and Manuals, Western Series, No. 37. Western Region, Oakland, California. P.92. Muehlbauer, F.J., J.I. Cubero, R.J. Summerfield. (1985), Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) P.266-311. In: R.J. Summerfield and E.H. Roberts (eds.) Grain Legume Crops. Collins 8 Grafton Street, London, UK. Muehlbauer, F.J. (1993). Food and grain legumes, p.256-265. In: J. Janick and J.E. Simon (eds.), New Crops. Wiley, New York. Muehlbauer, F.J, (1997). Pisum sativum L. NewCRQP FactSHEET Muehlbauer F.J., A. Tullu. (1997). Lens culinaris Medik. NewCROP FactSHEET. Muench, D.G., A.E. Slinkard, G.J. Scoles. (1991) Determination of genetic variation and taxonomy in lentil (Lens Miller) species by chloroplast DNA polymorphism. 10 Rliodes D. (2002). U.S. Processing Pea Production Statistics (1992-1993). Stinkard, A.E., R.S. Bhatty, B.N. Drew, R.A.A. Morrall. (1990) Dry pea and lentil as new crops in Saskatchewan: A case study, p.159-163: In: J. Janick and J.E. Simon (eds.), Advances in new crops. Timber Press, Portland OR. Steele, K. P., and M. F. Wojciechowski. (2003). Phylogenetic Systematics of tribes Trifolieae. and Vicieae (Fabaceae). Advances in Legume Systematics. (in press). Stem, K.R. (1997). Introductory Plant Biology. Wm.C.Brown publishers. Dubuque, IA. Weeden, N.F., F.J. Muehlbauer, G. Ladizinsky. (1992) Extensive conservation of linkage relationships between pea and lentil genetic maps. J. Hered. 83:123-129. Weeden, N.F., T.H.N. Ellis, G.M. Timmerman-Vaughan, W.K. Swiecicki, SM. Rozov, V.A. Berdnikov. (1998). A consensus linkage map for Pisum sativum. PiSum Genetics. 30:1-4. I Zohary, D., M. Hopf (1993). Domestication of plants in the old World - The origin and spread of wild cultivated plants in West Asia, Europe, and the Nile Valley. Clarendon Press, Oxford 11 ■ CHAPTER 2 CHARACTERIZATION OF PISUM BACTERIAL ARTIFICIAL CHROMOSOME (BAC) LIBRARY ' Literature Review Introduction Since the introduction of molecular cloning techniques in the late 1970s, DNA libraries have become a powerful means for accessing genetically important fragments of DNA. The segmentation and subsequent subcloning of genomes allows researchers to avoid some of the experimental limitations of manipulating complex genomes in vitro. By means of displaying sequence information in an ordered array such as in microtitre plates or on high-density filters, DNA libraries can facilitate the identification and cloning of DNA sequences that may otherwise remain unresolved. DNA libraries, of one form or another, have been constructed for nearly all agronomically and genetically important species and have played a crucial role in furthering the status of both structural and functional genomics in these species. DNA Libraries The extent to which DNA can be systematically analyzed has generally been governed by the recombinant cloning vector used in the cloning experiment. In particular, the size of the insert a vector can faithfully accept remains a limiting factor= Consequently, a variety of libraries have been developed that range in both size and complexity (Ausubel et ah, 1999). Libraries employ the ability of genetically engineered 12 cloning vectors to accept fragments of DNA. These ‘recombinant’ vectors are subsequently transformed into a host cell to stabilize and propagate the vector. The components of a cloning vector such as a selectable marker, a sequence for controlling copy number, and multiple cloning sites allow the successful cloning of fragments to be accomplished with little effort. The simplest cloning vector, the plasmid, is used routinely in single event cloning experiments, such as the cloning of a PCR product. Although some plasmids have been shown to accept fragments up to 2'0kb, routine plasmid cloning is typically restricted to fragments that are between three and IOlcb hindering their utility in constructing genomic libraries. Thus, plasmids generally are only used for subcloning arrays of larger fragments. Bacteriophage lambda (X) is a cloning vector that has the ability to package DNA into the phage particle, thus providing a stable means of maintaining insert integrity. Furthermore the high magnitude of phage multiplication provides-aceess to large amounts of cloned DNA. Lambda cloning is also limited to relatively small fragments of DNA, with 25kb being the upper size limit. Thus, lambda vectors are typically used in small, targeted libraries. Cosmid cloning vectors are similar to plasmids but have the advantage of being to able hold larger inserts. This ability is gained from the addition of cos sites derived from the bacteriophage DNA. The cos sites facilitate proper packaging of the DNA clone by first ligating itself to the insert and creating circular DNA that is suitable to enter the capsids. Consequently cosmids can hold DNA fragments up to 45kb (Fairbanks et al., 1999). 13 The utility of cDNA libraries provides a means for restricting the DNA fragments examined to that of only actively transcribed genes. Copy DNA or cDNA libraries, made from RNA templates, are typically assembled using lambda or plasmid cloning vectors. mRNA are typically relatively short, thus, plasmid vectors are generally used (Ladish et ah, 1999). Of particular interest for this study are large insert libraries such as Yeast Artificial Chromosomes (YACs) and Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes (BACs). These libraries contain genomic fragments that can range from 0.1Mb to several Mb, and are essential for characterizing genomes as a whole (Wang et ah, 1996). YACs have lost popularity among those using libraries due to their tendency to form chimeras, instability of clones, and difficulty in preparing DNA (Yu et ah, 2000). ' Bacterial Artificial Chromosome A Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) can be defined as a genetically engineered F factor, isolated from E. coli, with the ability to hold fragments of DNA up to 3OOkb. BAC components consist of regulatory elements that confer selectable antibiotic resistance, regulate replication, and ensure low copy number within the host cell (Fairbanks, 1999). BAC DNA is typically introduced into the host cell using electroporation, a method that utilizes a brief but substantial electric pulse to open ‘pores’ in the cell membrane and permit insertion of large circular DNA.elements into E. coli cells. The stability of BACs compared to YACs and the average insert size compared to cosmids, both demonstrate the superiority of BACs as vectors for constructing and 1X 14 maintaining large insert libraries. Consequently, BAC libraries now exist in many significant plants species including but not limited to Arabidopsis thaliana (Wang et al., 1996), pearl millet (Allouis et al., 2001), potato (Song et al., 2000), sugarcane (Tomkins et al., 1999), Medicago truncatula (Nam et al., 1999), sorghum (Woo et al., 1994), barley (Yu et al., 2000) and pea (Coyne et al., 2000).. The maximum allowed insert size of BACs is 3001cb. The large size promotes the logistics of cloning the total genetic composition of a species; however the task itself remains laborious. Briefly, total DNA is extracted in the case of pea, from seedlings that; were grown in the dark for 3 days (Coyne et ah, 2000). The total extract is then partially digested with six base pair restriction enzymes, and size selected twice, using pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The size selected DNA is gel purified, ligated into the appropriate BAC cloning vector and electroporated into competent E. coli cells. The ■clones are then stored in 96 or 384 well microtitre plate's (Nam et ah, 1999; Coyne et ah, 2000). The library can be screened using robot-arrayed high-density filters and DNA hybridization of radiolabeled probes or via PCR using pooled BACs (Nam et ah, 1999). An initial characterization of the BAC library with respect to plastid DNA contamination, average insert size, and the ability to locate specific sequences is necessary to assess the quality of the library. The evaluation of the average size of inserts within the library is typically accomplished by size fractionating random BAC clones using PFGE (Allouis et al., 2001; Tomkins et ah, 2001; Song et ah, 2000). The extent to which the library contains plastid DNA contamination can most easily be estimated by hybridization of radiolabeled plastid sequences to BAC array filters. Extra 15 nuclear DNA is typically not desired in a DNA library, thus it is important to identify clones containing such sequences. Certainly when dealing with a genome the size of pea, the more ‘nuclear specific’ the inserts of the library are, the fewer clones it would take to encompass a lx coverage of the genome. For instance results from screening the potato BAC library (Song et ah, 2000) indicated an estimated ~3% of the library contained BACs with organellar DNA inserts.. When this number is applied to a library constructed from pea in which it is estimated that 250,000 clones would provide a 4-5x coverage approximately 7500 clones would contain cpDNA inserts. Thus, the importance of reducing the amount of. contamination, or at minimum, acknowledging the presence of organellar DNA inserts is of importance to the project. The experiment demonstrates how the percent contamination can act as one indicator of the overall quality of the BAC library. It has been suggested that isolating tissue with relatively low amounts of chloroplasts can reduce the amount of chloroplast contamination. For example, isolating ' genomic DNA from source tissues that have either been light deprived, or are located within the innermost tissue of a particular plant, would decrease the amount of chloroplasts and thus cpDNA within the genomic DNA extract (Tomldns et ah, 1999). Although plastid DNA contamination is generally undesirable, some, (1-3%) is expected ./ (Yu et ah, 2000), . Finally, the location of specific low copy sequences within the library can be . determined in various ways. Anchored Sequence Tagged Sites (STS) and cDNA clones have been used to identify such sequences. Allouis et ah (2001) demonstrated the utility of using STS markers to locate, clone homologs by choosing STS markers that are 16 genetically distributed throughout the pearl millet linlcage map. Subsequent PCR amplification of a pooled BAC library with STS specific primers verified the quality of a pearl millet BAC library. Similarly, screening of pooled BACs allowed the identification of clones containing ethylene response genes in Medicago while establishing utility of the library (Nam et ah, 1999). BAC Applications Although the previously described methods for confirming the utility of the library also can provide BAC insert data, such an approach is certainly not limited to just library characterization. The ability to locate BAC clones using molecular mapping markers, also Icnown as positional cloning, has become an important step in both physical mapping and investigations of the sequences flanking the sequence of interest. Resistance Gene Analogs (RGAs) provide a useful source of low copy sequences, appropriate for assessing condition of the library. Yu et ah (2000) used a set of RGA probes to screen BAC library filters of barley (Hordeum vulgare). One hundred twenty-. . x, one clones were identified that contained positive sequence homology. In a similar fashion, BACs containing sequences associated with cyst nematode resistance (CNR) in soybean {Glycine max) were identified from a soybean BAC library using RFLP-based markers tightly linked to the CNR locus (Danesh et ah, 1998). Zwick et ah (1998) used six RFLR markers mapped to a linkage group in which liguleless is anchored, to screen a BAC library of Sorghum.bicolor. Sixteen BACs were identified and physically mapped along chromosome I of S. bicolor. Results indicated that the physical map reflected the . 1 7 . linkage order established by RFLP mapping and also confirmed previous data indicating a conservation of the liguleless linkage group in rice and maize. The large insert size in a BAC library allows the characterization of sequences flanking the original sequence identified. Screening flanking sequences using short anchor probes facilitates structural and evolutionary studies. Cregan et al. (1999) designed a targeted approach to identify simple sequence repeats (SSR) linked to previously established molecular markers in soybean. Two BACs identified by RFLP based markers conferring soybean cyst nematode resistance, were used to construct a subclone library. Hybridization screening of this subclone library with SSR probes identified 14 unique SSRs all localized within the genetically defined cyst nematode resistance locus. BAC clones have been used to characterize complex areas of the genome. The arrangement and copy number of centromeric &m3AI DNA fragments in sorghum was ’ determined using subclones of BACs (Miller et al., 1998). Sequence analysis and in situ hybridization of the subclones indicated a complex arrangement of the SauSAl fragments localized within the centromeres of sorghum. A method was devised to visually assess the complexity of the DNA found within the BAG, which could then be correlated with gene density within a particular portion of the genome. Using in situ hybridization of BAC subcloned DNA on isolated intact BAC clones, Jackson et al, (1999) was able to characterize areas within the BAC with respect to sequence composition and arrangement. 18 The informative DNA content of BACs when used in interspecies comparative studies can reveal mechanisms of gene or genome evolution. Areas of synteny between tomato and Arabidopsis were investigated by comparing tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) BAG sequence, to Arabidopsis genomic sequence (Ku et ah, 2000). Results obtained from comparing gene order and content, suggested that the driving factor influencing species divergence is likely to have been a series of large-scale genome duplications such as polyploidy rather than smaller rearrangements such as duplications and translocations. In a similar study, a BAC contig from Arabidopsis was propose a mechanism of genome expansion in Brassica rapa (Jackson et ah, 2000). Rather than relying on sequence data, this experiment used a macroscale approach of ' arraying fluorescently labeled BAC contigs on extended DNA fibers of Brassica. The FISH signal was duplicated in the Brassica genome. However the orthologous loci retained the same length as seen in Arabidopsis1 suggesting that large scale duplications,^ rather than an amassing of intergenie repeat sequences most likely contributed to the genome expansion. Recently a BAC library was constructed of Pisiim sativum'(germplasm line PI 269818) genomic DNA estimated lx genome coverage. As a prelude to the many applications this particular BAC library will contribute to, this study will assess the overall quality of the library.' To test the utility of this BAC library, a series of ■ experiments will be implemented to assess the quality of the BAC library. Initially, the amount of chlofoplast DNA contamination will be estimated by quantifying the number . of positive BAC clones identified by hybridization of chloroplast sequences to the 19 library. Secondly, the quality of the arrayed nuclear DNA clones will be investigated by hybridizing with.characterized repetitive clones (25s rDNA). Finally, the ability to locate low copy, (gene family) and unique sequences (single copy), within the library will be assessed using hybridization followed by a PCR verification, to find genetically anchored and characterized loci in the lx P. sativum BAC library. 20 Materials and Methods The BAC library, previously constructed by Coyne et al. (2000) of Pisum sativum DNA using germplasm line PI269818 of the Western Regional Plant Introduction (Pullman, WA.) had been prepared by cloning partially restricted DNA into vector pCLD04541 (V41). BIBAC vector V41 is a binary vector developed by Dr. ID .G Jones and is suitable for maintaining large inserts in E. coli isolates with the additional capability of Agrobacterium-medidXed transformation of large inserts into plants. Partially digested Hindlll fragments were ligated into the cloning vectors, yielding an average insert size of I IOkb. Consisting of approximately 50,000 clones, this library represents a lx coverage of the total pea genome ((5xl04)(l.IxlO5)= ~ 5000Mb). Robotics (Genomic Solutions) were employed to array each individual colony twice on a high density nylon membrane (Hybond N) (Coyne et al., 2000). Dr. Clare Coyne, Washington State University- USDA NPGS, generously donated three sets of BAC filters to our program. Immediately upon receiving the BAC filters, they were stored at 4°C degrees until further use. ■Probe Construction Probes appropriate for identifying single copy and multi-copy DNA sequences in the Pisuni sativum genomic BAC library were generated from genomic Pisum DNA (cv.'Sparkle1) via PCR using previously characterized primers developed for genetic mapping in Pisum (see Tabled). 21 Table I . Characteristics of Probes used to Screen BAC library Accession Number Gene Symbol Product Length Gene Organization NA cpDNA 51 Qbp H igh co p y 25s rDNA X52575 25s 400bp H igh co p y Cytosolic glutamine sythetase U 28925 Gsc 1 1 OObp S in g le co py Diminuto ' D 86494 Dimin 1200bp S in g le c o p y Ascorbate peroxidase M 93051 A pxl 1700bp .. S in g le co p y Sucrose synthase AJ 0 12080 Ssyn 1850bp S in g le co p y P393 AA430912 P393 516bp D u p lic a te co p ie s P628 • AA430910 P 6 28 640bp S in g le co p y T protein glycine decarboxylase complex A J 2 22771 Gdct 1360bp S in g le co p y PSL1 Lectin IVM 8 1 6 0 Lectin 1OSObp *G F Leghemoglobin AB009844 Lb IOOObp *G F X 0 0 8 0 6 .1 RbcS 61 Obp *G F ■M 6 4 6 1 9 Cab 660bp. *G F Disease resistance response protein 49 U 31669 Drr49 Ribosomal protein CL22 M 60951 Rpl22 900bp ' *G F L08664 ■ Ftase 900bp *G F Gene Name Chloroplast trnL-c & trnL-d / Ribulose 1,5bisphosphate carboxylase small subunit Chlorophyll a/bbinding protein Farnesyltransferase *GF=Gene family member ■ 6,OObp ■ *G F 22 PCR products were immediately labeled using random priming and used for probe hybridization or cloned into plasmids for use at a later time. Genomic DNA extractions using the CTAB method followed previously described protocols (Torres et ah, 1993): Freshly harvested meristem leaf tissue (about I cm2) was placed into a small mortar. One milliliter of Extraction Buffer (50 ml IM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 70 ml SM NaCl, 40 ml. 0.5M EDTA, 340ml ddH20, 1% mixed alkyltrimethylanimonium bromide,.and 0.4% P-mercaptoethanol) was layered on top of plant tissue. The tissue was ground with a:pestal into a slurry. The slurry was incubated for 30 minutes at 65°C in the presence of IOOpi of chloroform:isoamyl alcohol (24:1). The tube was to allowed cool to room temperature, filled to the top with additional 24:1 chloroform:isoamyl alcohol and vortexed to emulsify. The aqueous phase was separated from plant tissue and chloroform . wash, using centrifugation in a fixed rotor centrifuge at 14g (Beckman Coulter Microfuge® 18 Centrifuge) for 5 minutes and carefully pipetted off the top. DNA was precipitated by adding 0.8-1.0 ml of ice cold 95% ETOH, which was initially layered on top of the buffer solution and incubated at room temperature for 10-20 minutes to allow precipitate to form at the solution interphase. Solutions were mixed by inversion to complete the precipitation of DNA. The precipitate was pelleted using a centrifugation of IOg for 5 minutes, and the extraction buffer and alcohol.was carefully decanted. The pellet was washed once for ten minutes at room temperature with 1.0 ml of 0.2M sodium acetate in 75% ETOH and was washed a second time in 0.01M ammonium acetate in ■ 75% ETOH for five minutes. DNA was dissolved in appropriate amount of TE (IOmM 23 Tris, ImM EDTA), typically ranging between 0.1 and 0.15 mis. One microliter of RNASE A was added to the samples to digest contaminating RNA. PCR was performed in either an MJ Research® PTC-100 or PTC-200 “DNA Engine” thermocycler. Promega Taq or Platinum Taq (Invitrogen) polymerase was used in the PCR reaction for primer extension, Reaction preparation and solutions are as follows: Reagent ul/reaction ddH20 15.78 Stock Cone. . Reaction Cone. MgClz free buffer 2.5 - IOlC IX MgCh 3.0 25mM 3mM dNTP’s 0.87 IOmM each nucleotide Taq polymerase 0.1 5 units/pi 0.5units Forward Primer 0.75 20pM 0.6pM Reverse Primer ' 0.75 20pM 0.6pM DNA 0.34mM each 1.0 25.0 pi *Water was sterile One micrdliter of template DNA was pipetted into individual microcentrifuge tubes. According to protocol above, a master mix was constructed by considering the number of reactions required and multiplying each specific addition by the number of reactions needed plus one or two extra reactions, to account for inherent pipetting errors. Twenty-four microliters of the master mix was aliquotted into each reaction tube, which already contained the one microliter of template DNA. If the PTC-100 was used, it was 24 necessary to top each tube with I -2 drops of sterile mineral oil to reduce evaporation. The thermocycler was programmed to run according to the following protocol: Cycling Parameters; 1- 94°C - 2.0 minutes Initial DenatUration 2- 94°C - 1.0 minutes Denafuration 3- 37-62°C - 2.0 minutes Annealing 4- 72°C ^ 2.0 minutes Extension 5- 35x to step #2 Cycling 6- 72°C - 8.0 minutes Final Extension 7- 4°C - indefinitely Holding Temperature PCR products were separated on a 1% agarose gel to check the relative quality of amplification as well as size of amplification product. To isolate the PCR product from any unwanted contaminants such as unused primer and mis-primed products; the PCR product that corresponds to the expected size was extracted from the agarose gel and purified according to protocol supplied in “QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit’’ by Qiagen®. DNA was eluted from columns with minimal elution buffer. Gel extract product was quantified by resolving the product next to “DNA Quantiladder” using agarose gel electrophoresis. Concentration was adjusted with TE to the standards required for the radiolabeling reaction; Probe Labeling and Hybridization Random priming reactions, using the Klenow fragment to fill gaps between primed random IOmers, were used to incorporate 32P labeled dCTPs into the isolated 25 sequence. DECAprime™ II kits by Ambion® were used to facilitate the radiolabeling of between I and 3 probe sequences per reaction. Upon completion of the labeling reaction, the product was cleaned using “Performa DTR Gel Filtration Systems” column by Edge Biosystems® according to manufacturer's protocol. This step is necessary to filter out unincorporated labeled nucleotides from previous reaction. Cherenkov counts were used to quantify the efficacy of labeling reaction using a Bioscan QC 400 xer scintillation counter. Hybridization of probe to filters containing BAC clone arrays was carried out as follows. One or more filters was prehybridized in 20-30mls of “Prehyb solution” (5x SSC, 5x Denhardts (lg. Ficoll 400, lg. PVP (Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone), lg. BSA (Bovine Serum Albumin), 1% SDS (Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate)), using a rotisserie style, hybridization oven, fitted for hybridization in tubes. The filter was prehybridized for 2030 minutes during which time the probe and blocking DNA was prepared. Blocking DNA consisted of 20pl of sheared salmon sperm DNA (Eppendorf, l Omg/ml), that was denatured by boiling for 5 minutes, followed by a rapid cooling in an ice bath. Denatured salmon sperm DNA was added to the “Prehyb” within 5 min of the commencement of prehybridization. Concurrent to prehybridizing and preparation of blocking, the radiolabeled probe was also denatured by incubating in boiling water for 10 minutes and likewise was rapidly cooled in an ice bath to avoid re-annealing. The entire amount of denatured probe was added directly to the prehybridization (now hybridization) solution and allowed to hybridize, overnight at either 37° (initially) or 55°C. 26 Stringency Washes and Autoradiography of BAC Filters Following the hybridization reaction, the filters were subjected to a series of stringency washes. This step ensured that the filter was clean of hybridization solution and free of residual, non-specifically bound probe. The following is the protocol developed for utilizing stringency washes to prepare hybridized filters of the pea BAC library for autoradiography. The hybridization solution was decanted into a proper radioisotope disposal container. The filter was rinsed of hybridization solution using a low stringency wash (LS=2xSSC, 0.1% SDS) for 10 minutes at 37°C, under slight agitation. Before administering an additional wash, the relative amount of isotope fixed to filter was estimated by scanning the filter with a Geiger counter. For clear resolution of signal it was empirically determined that the average intensity should be between 2000-3OOOcpm on the Geiger counter. This objective was met by applying additional washes; however, with each additional wash an increase in stringency and incubation temperature was used. For example, a more aggressive medium stringency (MS= 0.2xSSC/0.1%SDS) a 42°C incubation temperature was used. The MS wash was routinely followed by a high stringency (HS= 0.1xSSC/0.1%SDS) wash in which a 65°C incubation temperature was used. At times the filter needed only to be washed once at each stringency. However, on some occasions multiple washes at high stringency, in addition to the three routine washes were needed. Each wash was allowed to proceed for 15 minutes at which time a reading was taken with the Geiger counter. The number and stringency of washes used 27 was dependent on probe concentmdon and efficiency of isotope incorporation and thus had to be adjusted with each individual filter. A final 2x SSC rinse for 10 minutes at room temperature was used to remove excess fSDS from washing steps. The filter was wrapped in one layer of cellophane and exposed to X-ray film within 24 hours of hybndization. It was beneficial to have a small amount of background, as it assisted in aligning the autoradiography to the filter map. The filter was exposed to X-ray film (Kodak X-OMAT® AR Scientific Imaging Film) to visualize any hybridization signal. This exposure was carried out using a developing cassette supplemented with an intensifying screen and stored for 24-30 hours at -80°C. Subsequently, the cassette and film were allowed to thaw, and the film was developed according to manufacturer's instructions. Hybridization Signal Scorinp The definition of legitimate clone was the presence of two probe signals within one square patch with the idea that each colony is duplicated within one patch. This system allows the scorer to differentiate between artifactual signal and a true hybridization. The two signals may be oriented in one of four ways: vertical, horizontal, diagonal right and diagonal left, with each arrangement representing the clone's plate of origin. Superimposing a map of the library over the developed film allowed the assignment of an identification number, based on the location and alignment of the signal, which is associated with the clone's origin within the library. Accordingly, This information was used to request the clone of interest from the library curator. 28 The library was initially screened for the presence of chloroplast DNA contamination. This was done using an annealing temperature of 37°C. TrnL-c and trnLd primers, originally described by Taberlet et al. (1991), were used to generate the chloroplast DNA specific probes. The number of positive signals was counted and used to estimate the percent of clones with plastid inserts. Clone Characterization and Sequence Analysis A small aliquot of the freezer stock containing E.coli cloned BACs was streaked out on LB (Luria-Bertini Medium, premanufactured LB agar EM Science, EM Industries Inc. Gibbstown, NI.) agar plates containing an appropriate selective agent. Using Vector PCLD045411 the selection was accomplished using ampicillin (20pg/ml) in the LB media. Preliminary confirmation of the identity of the clone insert was accomplished by direct colony PCR. This method is similar to the described PCR reaction except that the template was obtained directly from the E.coli host, rather than purified DNA. The experiment was carried out by picking a small portion of an isolated colony, preferably a satellite, from the LB plate and adding the cells to a prepared PCR master mix that includes the primers suitable for amplifying the putative sequence from the insert. A duplicate PCR of each colony lift was performed using primers specific to sequences found on the vector as a positive check to confirm the polymerase chain reaction. To further confirm the presence of the sequence of interest within the insert it was necessary to sequence a portion of the insert DNA- not including the rDNA and cpDNA 29 clones. Sequence template was obtained from the direct colony PCR reaction, which was either immediately sequenced or cloned into a vector and sequenced at a later time. At times the sequencing reaction required a higher template yield than the direct colony PCR provided. This requirement was overcome by inserting the PCR fragment into a cloning vector suitable for sequencing. In the same manner as the previous gel excision, the PCR product was separated from the agarose gel and cloned into a vector.' The cloning reaction, facilitated with TOPOClonell™ by Invitrogen, ligates the PCR clone into a vector containing T3/T7 priming sites, thereby p e r m it t in g subsequent sequencing reactions. The sequencing reaction was carried out using ABI Prism BigDye Terminator v.2.,0 100RR cycle sequencing kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA), to end sequence each PCR product. Sequences were generated in both forward and reverse directions using the T3 and T7 priming sites located on the cloning vector. Reaction conditions include mixing 0.5pl forward or reverse primer, 3.5pi PCR generated template and 2pi BigDye reaction mix. Reactions were performed on a Perkin Elmer GENEAMP PCR System 9600 with cycling parameters: 96°C for 10 seconds, 50°C for 5 seconds, and 60°C for 4 minutes. Products of sequencing reaction were cleaned and concentrated using a routine ethanol precipitation followed by re-dissolving in 0.8 pi of Blue Dextran Dye. Sequencing products were applied to a paper comb and inserted into sequencing gel according to manufacturer's protocol. The sequencing gel was run on an ABI Prism 377 automated DNA Sequencer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). Chromatograph files were converted into forward and reverse sequences using Chromas™ version 1.45 30 software (Copyright Conor McCarthy, Griffith University, Southport, Queensland, Australia; available as freeware at Sequences were edited at the 5’ and 3’ ends for low quality sequence using Bioedit Sequence Alignment Editor (copyright Tom Hall, North Carolina State University; available as freeware at Sequence analysis using BLAST ( verified the presence or absence of the putative gene sought within the BAC insert. 31 Results C h lo r o p la s t D N A S c re e n ' The trnL~c and trnL-d PCR primers (see Table I Chap. 2 Materials and Methods) designed specifically to amplify fragments of noncoding regions of chloroplast DNA (Taberlet, 1991), were generously donatedtoour project by Dr. M. Lavin (Montana State University). Initial results from an “annealing temperature gradient PCR” revealed a ' PCR product of approximately 510 base pairs when an annealing temperature of between 50C and 65C was used (see Figure 2). When generating the fragment for use as a hybridization probe, an annealing temp of 60C was used. This product was radiolabeled and used to screen BAC filter SIU-WSU Pea #49-72 for the presence of chloroplast DNA I sequences. The autoradiography of the hybridized filter revealed 92 positive hits under medium/high stringency (See Figure BA). Using the following Equation: (92 signals)/(9216 colonies per filter) = 0.998% or 1.0%; it was estimated that a minimum of I 1.0,percent of the BACs within the library would have inserts containing chloroplast sequence. However, it should be noted that this small probe represents only a portion of the chloroplast genome, thus there should be more BACs with cpDNA inserts that remained undetected. Furthermore, because the annealing temperature used to screen for cpDNA (37°C) is considered low by most hybridization standards, the representation of : the cpDNA within the library should be confirmed using a higher annealing temperature (>55°C). ) : ' - : 32 NFWGradient Primers: Chloropiastic DNA(Lavin) 07,2501 .. Annealing Temps SflC SfldC S iz e 52 SC 54 2C % dC 58 SC $ 1 OC SZ TC 63 SC 64 TC SSOC F ig u r e 2 . G e l e le c tr o p h o r e s is o f P C R p ro d u c t a tta in e d fro m g r a d ie n t P C R o i t r n L - c and t r n L - d u s in g P is u m g e n o m ic D N A . R ib o s o m a l D N A S c re e n O n e p r i m e r s e t ( s e e T a b le I C h a p . 2 M a te r ia l a n d M e th o d s ) d e s ig n e d to a m p lify a 4 0 0 b p f r a g m e n t o f th e 2 5 s c o d in g re g io n r e p r e s e n tin g th e la rg e (4 5 s ) rD N A a r ra y w a s u s e d to e s tim a te th e p e r c e n t o f in s e rts c o n ta in in g r D N A s e q u e n c e s . B A C f ilte r 3 P (9 7 120)3 w a s s c r e e n e d w ith th e r a d io - la b e le d 2 5 s rD N A P C R p r o d u c t u n d e r m e d iu m /h ig h s trin g e n c y . T h e a u to r a d io g r a p h y o f th e h y b rid iz e d f ilte r d is p la y e d 33 s ig n a ls (S e e F ig u re 3 B ). T h u s , I w a s a b le to e s tim a te , u s in g E q u a tio n I, th a t a p p r o x im a te ly 0 .3 5 p e r c e n t o f th e lib r a r y in s e rts c o n ta in rD N A . G e n e f a m ily S c re e n F o r a c o m p le te lis t o f p r o b e c h a ra c te ris tic s r e f e r to (T a b le I C h a p . 2 M a te ria ls a n d M e th o d s ). A to ta l o f fiv e p r o b e s s p e c if ic fo r k n o w n g e n e f a m ilie s w e r e u s e d to sc re e n th e B A C lib ra ry . H o w e v e r , d u e to th e lo w r e u s a b ility o f th e f ilte r s e ts , o n ly o n e o f th e fiv e p r o b e s { L e c t i n ) w a s u s e d to s c re e n th e e n tire lib ra ry . 33 F ig u re 3. A ) H y b r id iz a tio n o f c h lo ro p la s t p ro b e to o f 2 5 s rD N A p r o b e to P is u m B A C filte r. P is u m B A C filte r. B )H y b rid iz a tio n T h e o th e r f o u r p r o b e s w e r e u s e d to s c re e n at le a s t tw o o f th e fiv e filte rs . T h u s in so m e c a s e s , le s s th a n 5 0 % o f th e p e a B A C lib ra ry w a s s c r e e n e d fo r s o m e o f th e d e s c rib e d g e n e f a m ilie s . T h e s c r e e n in g o f th e fiv e p r e v io u s ly d e s c r ib e d p ro b e s d e te c te d a to ta l o f n in e p o s itiv e s ig n a ls d e te c te d . O n ly o n e o f th e n in e p o s itiv e s ig n a ls w a s in itia lly c o n firm e d u s in g b o th P C R a n d s e q u e n c e id e n tific a tio n (T a b le 2 ). T h e B A C c lo n e th a t w a s s e q u e n c e d w a s v e r if ie d a s c o n ta in in g th e R u b is c o (s m a ll s u b u n it) g e n e w a s B A C 1 0 3 -K 1 . (S e e F ig u r e 4 A ). A lth o u g h th e e x p e r im e n t p ro d u c e d o n e p o s itiv e ly id e n tifie d B A C c lo n e , th e r e w e r e a ls o tw o c a s e s in w h ic h fa ls e p o s itiv e s w e r e p r o d u c e d th a t a re n o te w o r th y . I n itia lly th e l e g h e m o g lo b in p ro b e id e n tifie d m a n y B A C c lo n e s d is p la y in g s ig n if ic a n t h y b r id iz a tio n s ig n a ls , in d ic a tin g in s e rt s e q u e n c e h o m o lo g y to le g h e m o g lo b in (S e e F ig u r e 4 B ). 34 T a b le 2. S u m m a r y o f R e s u lts fr o m B A C L ib ra r y S c re e n in g Probe Name Multicoov: cpD N A 2 5 s rD N A # Filters Probed * # Positive Hybridization Signals PCR Verified Sequence Verified BACs Identified 1 1 92 33 NA NA NA NA NA NA 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 O O 7 Yes NA NA “ Yes Yes NA NA NA NA Yes NA NA NA N e g a tiv e NA NA NA NA 89-E10 Yes Yes Yes N e g a tiv e N e g a tiv e N e g a tiv e N e g a tiv e Yes No No N on e N on e Low Copy: G sc Dimin Apx 1 Ssyn P393 P 6 28 Gdct Rpl22 Ftase 1 1 1 O O O O N one N on e N one N on e N one N one N on e N on e Gene Family: Lectin Lb R bcS Cab Drr49 5 5 2 2 3 1 4 2 I 1 103-K1 N one N on e ‘ Number does not represent the total number of hits, rather the number of clones that were subsequently PCR verified (Not including cpDNA and rDNA). NA=Not Applicable. “ False Positive R b c s s p e c if ic p ro b e . B ) B A C f ilte r L b s p e c if ic p ro b e . In se t: C lo s e -u p o f h y b r id iz a tio n s ig n a l. F ig u r e 4 . A ) B A C f ilte r h y b r id iz e d w ith h y b r id iz e d w ith 35 Furthermore, the majority of those clones identified from the screening tested positive ' using PCR to verify the presence of the sequence. When sequenced, however, the results indicated that insert Contained either small portions of the original transcribed gene (pseudogene) or repetitive sequences sharing enough homology to allow hybridization. and PCR amplified (data not shown). Screening the library using probes corresponding to Drr49 produced a single intense hybridization signal under normal conditions. Resolving the orientation of the signal required additional high stringency washes and a shortened re-exposure time (Figure 5 A and B). BAC clone 2 1-F18 was identified as containing sequences homologous to the Drr49 sequence. A Southern blot was performed (Master candidate Susan Hance) using the DrMP probe on BAC 21-F18 to examine the cause of the failed PCR in light of the robust filter screening signal (see Table 2). The results of the Southern blot may indicate whether enough sequence homology was present to allow .hybridization of the probe (data not shown) but not PCR. ■ Low/Single Copy Gene Screen . Nine single/low. copy markers (see Table I in BAC Material and Methods for a complete list), genetically anchored to Piswn linkage groups IV and VIl were used to screen the lx Pisum BAC library. The hybridization reactions were initially carried put under low stringency conditions, i.e low annealing temp of 37C, with the intent of maximizing number of hybridization points . 36 B . i. " • - ' T I v ' is- >' T . th . % - , , % # a- ■X V T«' 'I 1 f fr r J i , ■ ; SH f e . - / ; > - , ■ / / o ------- kjl i s , i t ? p i u u c iu r is u m d / \ v iiu r a r y . a ) S n o rte n e d r e ­ e x p o s u r e tim e o f h y b r id iz a tio n s e e n in ‘A ) ’. In se t: C lo s e - u p o f h y b r id iz a tio n sig n a l. P rio r to p o o lin g , th e p r o b e s w e r e q u a n tifie d w ith re s p e c t to m o le c u la r w e ig h t u s in g e th id iu m b r o m id e g e l a n a ly s is ru n n e x t to s iz e /w e ig h t s ta n d a r d D N A la d d e r s ; th e p ro b e c o n c e n tr a tio n s w e r e b a la n c e d a n d la b e le d w ith 32P. T h e lo w s tr in g e n c y o f th e h y b i id iz a tio n in th e firs t fe w a u to r a d io g r a p h y s r e s u lte d in m o re h y b r id iz a tio n s ig n a ls th a n w o u ld b e e x p e c te d u n d e r s u c h c ir c u m s ta n c e s i.e. a lo w c o p y B A C lib ra ry c o u p le d w ith s in g le c o p y g e n e p r o b e ( d a ta n o t s h o w n ). A c c o r d in g ly , th e s tr in g e n c y o f th e re a c tio n w a s in c r e a s e d to a h y b r id iz a tio n te m p e r a tu r e o f 5 5 °C to d e c r e a s e n o n - s p e c if ic b in d in g . T h e p o o ls w e r e c o n s tr u c te d a s fo llo w s : P o o l I ) G sC , P628, A p x l , D im in , Pool 2) P393, G d c t, S s y n , a n d P o o l 3 ) s a m e as p o o l tw o , w ith o u t S s y n . E a c h o f th e n in e p ro b e s w a s u s e d to s c r e e n th e c o m p le te l x lib ra ry w ith th e e x c e p tio n o f p r o b e F ta s e and R p l2 2 w h ic h w e r e u s e d o n ly o n o n e filte r. T h u s e a c h p ro b e u s e d h a d a n e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity to lo c a te th e s p e c if ic g e n e w ith in th e B A C lib ra ry . T h e fo llo w in g in f o r m a tio n c a n b e fo u n d 37 summarized in Table 2. The.following information can be found summarized in Table 2. Seven probes revealed a total of 23 signals of convincing intensity. It should be noted that this total number of hybridizations are not indicated on the Table 2 as the hybridization signal received from the pools could not be associated with a particular probe without PCR verification. Eight signals were received from Pool I, eleven froni Pool 2 and two from Pool 3. PCR-based verification reduced the number of positive BAC clones from twenty-three to eleven. Clones 23-P17 and SShElO both had amplification products using the Gsc primers, clone 13-P3 using the P393 primers and ' clones 13-P3, 13-P12, 19-G10, 104-018, 49-L19, 64-C5 and 68"-J4 using Ssyn primers., As unique sequences should only be present in one clone from a lx library, the suspect results attained from the PCR of the Ssyn primer set was further examined. Results suggested that the direct colony PCR method of initially checking the clones was responsible for the false positives. This conclusion was confirmed by demonstrating that the Ssyn primers could amplify an identical product when tested on “empty” E. coli clones (data not shown). Thus, it was determined that the Ssyn probe had to be discarded from pool, and the library screening of Poof 2 was repeated using Pool 3, I was them able to eliminate the clone identified by Ssyn which decreased the number of PCR verified BACs containing a single copy genes, from eleven to three. Sequence results of the PCR products from the three clones positively identified ' using probes Gsc and P393 indicated that only clone 89-E10 Contained sequences homologous to Gsc or GS3A (Walker et. al. 1995) (See Figure 6). The sequence results 38 iio m th e o th e r tw o P C R p r o d u c ts fro m th e c lo n e s a m p lifie d w ith e i th e r in d ic a te d th a t th e p r o d u c t c o n s is te d m o s tly o f r e p e titiv e G s c o r P393 P is u m D N A . F ig u re 6. P i s u m B A C f ilte r h y b r id iz e d w ith p o o l I d is p la y in g h y b r id iz a tio n sig n a l fro m p r o b e G s c . In s e t: C lo s e - u p o f h y b rid iz a tio n s ig n a l. T h e B A C lib r a r y r e s u lts c a n b e s u m m a riz e d a s fo llo w s : 1) A p p io x im a te ly 1 .0 % o f th e B A C s w ith in th e l x lib ra ry c o n ta in in s e r ts w ith s e q u e n c e id e n tity h o m o lo g o u s to c h lo r o p la s tic D N A . 2 ) A p p r o x im a te ly 0 .3 5 % o f th e B A C s w ith in th e l x lib ra ry c o n ta in in s e r ts w ith s e q u e n c e id e n tity h o m o lo g o u s to 2 5 s r ib o s o m a l D N A 3) O n e B A C , 1 0 3 -K 1 w a s id e n tif ie d fro m th e l x lib ra ry , a s c o n ta in in g s e q u e n c e s 39 homologous to the Icnown gene family of Rubisco (small subunit). I ^ 89-El Ocontaining a single copy gene, BAC library. was identified from die lx 40 Discussion The intent of this study was to identify clones containing different types of nuclear and cytoplasmic DNA within a lx coverage Pisum BAC library. The results would provide a direct indication of the quality .of the BAC library and reveal the logistics of locating a unique sequence within this library. To initially,assay the library,three features of the BAC library were examined: I) contaminating chloroplast DNA 2) abundance of rDNA sequences and 3) ability to locate clones containing both low copy (gene family) and single copy sequences within the library. The three experiments to address these three objectives were designed as follows. Chloroplast specific probes were used in hybridization experiments to estimate the abundance of one component of extra nuclear DNA within the BAC library, A rDNA probe was used in a similar experiment, again to estimate the abundance of rDNA sequences within the library. Probes derived from five known gene families and nine single copy genes were used to screen for BAC clones with homologous sequences. The chloroplast screening resulted in an estimate of 1.0% of the BAC clones containing chloroplast sequences. Simple comparisons of the percent cpDNA contamination determined for other BAC libraries constructed from agronomic crops suggest that our library is of average chloroplast content. Reports of chloroplast content are as follows: Solanum tuberosum 2.4% (Song et ah, 2000), Hordeum vulgare 1.5% (Yu c et ah, 2000), Medicago iruncatula 1.4% (Nam et ah, 1999), >1% for both Saccharum Officinarum (Tomkins et ah, 1999) arid Pennisetum glaucum (Allouis et ah, 2001), These preliminary results indicate that with respect to cpDNA contamination, the Pisum BAC ■ 41 libraiy does not deviate significantly from other plant species. However, this estimate Pf 1.0% should be further confirmed using the following two experiments. The first experiment should duplicate the previous screen at a higher annealing temperature to reduce the potential of false positives. The second experiment should address the possibility of any. chloroplast sequence remaining undetected as the trnl does not iepiesent the entire cpDNA genome. Thus, a new probe should be designed from a location opposite the trnl sequences within the circular chloroplast genome. A complete assessment of extra nuclear or organellar DNA would also require the quantification of DNA that also has been donated to the BAG library from mitochondria. This experiment would be relatively simple and identical to the methods described for estimating chloroplast content of the BAG library, with the exception of using a probe derived from mitochondrial DNA. An experiment comparable to that of the chloroplast screen was set up to quantify the representation of rDNA sequences within the Pisum BAG library. It has been shown that the 45s array has a haploid copy number of approximately 4,000 genes which accounts for approximately 0.8% of the pea genome. (Jorgenson et ah, 1987). My results indicate that approximately 0.35% of the BAG clones contain sequences homologous to the 45 s array. A lx library would be difficult to compare the expected amount of rDNA to the amount determined experimentally. Although in some cases statistics can be used to correct for differing coverage between libraries, a lx library deviates significantly from the coverage of a 4-5x coverage library and comparisons would be of limited value. The results obtained from this experiment provided the first indication of the presence and availability of nuclear D N A within the library Upon the completion of the physical evaluation of the BAG library, that is, the characteristics of the library directly affected by the construction of the library i.e. extra nuclear DNA contamination and condition of the filters themselves, the library was assessed for the representation of low and single copy geries. This evaluation is of particular importance as the library will be used for positional/map-based cloning of both single copy genes and gene family constituents such as anchor probes and disease resistance homologs. Of the gene families inspected only one clone was found that could be positively identified through sequencing to contain a member of the Rubisco gene family. Previous RFLP results using the Rubisco small subunit probe, indicated the presence of multiple bands, most of which appeared to co-segregate to a single locus (Polans et ah, 1985). More recent results suggested the presence of a duplicate genetic locus in a separate linkage group (Ellis et al. 1992), however, these results have yet to be confirmed. Moreover, the structure of the gene family, that is tandemly oriented pseudogenes and transcribed genes, are generally represented within a single locus (Sugita et ah, 1991). This arrangement indicates that the Rubisco gene family probes provide a well suited intermediary between middle-high copy gene such,rDNA and the low copy gene such as glutamine sythetase (Gsc). Thus, one can expect, even with low coverage libraries, to detect the presence of one of the gene family members. As a tool for testing BAG library ■ ' 43 I quality, gene family probes can be used in the initial stages of construction, especially with low coverage libraries where the likelihood of detecting a single copy gene is low. An unexpected result of the BAC screening with gene family members was the relatively large amount of false positives. Even a clone that was identified by a strong hybridization signal when screening under stringent conditions failed PCR verification (see Figure SB Chap. 2 Results section). It can be hypothesized that the reason for this lies either within the acquirement of clones or the PCR verification procedure itself. The obvious conclusion that could be made was that the wrong BAC was sent. This deduction is unlikely, as there were two clones (89-El 0 and 103-K1) that were identified, ordeied, and sent tested positive on all accounts. A more likely solution may be found in the PCR verification procedure. A positive PCR result indicates that not only some sequence homology exists between the probe and the BAC insert, but also verifies the presence of uncompr.omised priming sites. Pseudogenes may produce hybridization signal with intensities roughly equal to signal expected from the transcribed gene from which the probe was derived. Pseudogenes are often associated with sequence divergence from the original gene that may or may not include one or both of the priming sites, thus leading to a failed PCR reaction. As an alternative to the PCR verification, one could assemble a Southern blot of a digested BAC containing the putative gene family insert and identify the band using a probe generated via PCR from genomic DNA as was described in the results section. Additionally, well-supported labs could sequence the entire BAC and unambiguously verify sequence homology to the probe sequence. 44 However, at this time the cost of sequencing and entire BAC is approximately $7000.00, which is neither feasible nor worthwhile for most labs. To assess the quality of the library for use in positional or map-based cloning it was imperative to demonstrate that a single copy gene could be identified from the library. The probability (P) of detecting a unique sequence within the lx coverage Piswn BAC library was calculated to be approximately 74.8% using the following equation: N = In (I - P ) / In (I - I / CS). This equation takes into account the size of the genome (Pea GS = - 4000Mbp (Arumuganathan et ah, 1991)), the number of clones within the ■library (N = 50,000 (Coyne et ah, 2000)), and the average insert size within each clone (I = ~110,OOObp (Coyne et al., 2000)) ( I Williams’ Group, Rbsilin Institute, Edinburgh) ( A total of eight probes containing low copy sequences were used to identify BACs. Only one probe identified BAC that was subsequently verified using PCR. This BAC was clone 89-E10 which sequence results confirmed the presence of the Gsc (cytolosolic glutamine synthetase) gene. Unfortunately, at the time of the single copy screening my intentions were to locate genes anchored to linkage groups IV and VII from the P. sativum consensus linkage map (Braunef et ah, 2002). Certainly there were many more gene markers that could have been screened from outside these two linkage groups. Interestingly, when screening for low copy genes the problem of finding falsd positives was not seen to the extent that it was with the gene families. This is not to say that there were no false positives, yet the ones that did turn out to be false did not display the signal intensity under stringent conditions that was seen in the gene family screen. The false 45 positives that were observed were generally attributed to the low stringency used when screening with low copy probes. However, a probe containing marker P393 produced a ' signal from the BAC library of convincing intensity and even tested positive for the sequence presence via PCR. When sequenced, the results were similar to leghemoglobin, in that the insert amplified by P393 showed sequence identity to a previously characterized repetitive element from the pea genome. This result was not surprising and represents a significant setback when screening the pea BAC library via filter hybridization. The pea genome is extremely large-4000Mbp with estimates of interspersed repetitive DNA exceeding 95% (Murray et ah, 1981). The hybridization of clones does not seem to be able to discriminate between pseudogenes, short homologous sequences and the true transcribed sequences of interest. Many researchers have gone to BAC pooling systems (Nam et al, 1999) in which a three-dimensional configuration of the microtitre plates containing the BAC clones are constructed. Using the architectural arrangement of the plates, a systematic set of pools can be developed that would allow the identification of a specific clone using PCR to screen the large pools. The specificity of PCR would eliminate the clones identified from the nonhomologous filter hybridization experiments, such as the resulting clones identified by the leghemoglobin probe, and also permit the screening of the entire library within a few days. Conversely, depending of the position of the priming sites, some of the clones that one would expect to identify when screening the library may remain unidentified. Thus, if this approach were adapted for routine use, it would be of importance to know the priming sites with respect to intron and exon position, and proximity to the transcribed gene boundaries. 46 Literature cited Allouis5S. X. Qi5 S. Lindup5 M.D. Gale5 K.M. Devos. (2001). Constuction of a BAC library of pearl millet, Pennisetum glaucum. Theor. Appl. Genet. 102:1200-1205. Ausubel5F.M, R. Brent5R.E. Kingston5D.D. Moore5LG. Seidman5J.A. Smith5K. Slruhl. (1999) “Short Protocols in Molecular Biology” John Wiley and Sons Inc. New Yorlc5New York. Brauner S., R.L. Murphy5 LG. Walling, J. Przyborowski5 N.F. Weeden. (2002). STS Markers for Comparative Mapping in Legumes. J. Amer. Soc. Hort Sci. 127 :616-622.. Cregan5P.B., J. Mudge5E.W. Fickus5L.F. Marek5D. Danesh5R. Denny5R.C. Shoemaker5B.F. Matthews5T. Jarvik5N.D. Young. 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CHAPTER 3 BAC FLUORESCENCE IN SITU HYBRIDIZATION ON PISUM SATIVUM CHROMOSOMES Literature Review Intoduction-Cvtology in Pisum Cytological investigations into the karyotype of Pisum sativum (2n=14) were initiated in the early 1930s with the morphological characterization of the haploid set of seven pea chromosomes (Lewitsky, 1931). The methodology used in this study quickly became obsolete and improvements on chromosome isolation were made that were based primarily on the use of oxyquinoline derivatives for chromosome preparations. These treatments provided.a repeatable means superior to previous treatments (Caroli 1952). Furthermore, a standard means for measuring chromosome structure with respect to total. chromosome length, and arm ratios was developed. The intent of the experimental series was to establish a standard karyotype which would represent a consensus “normal karyotype” to which other pea karyotypes could be cytologically compared (Caroli and Blixt, 1953 , 1954, 1955, and Blixt 1955). The results of these experiments indicated the line originally deemed the standard karyotype, Kloster pea, was not representative of the normal karyotype. Thus, a systematic examination of chromosome measuring techniques and refinement of such techniques again improved the reliability of results from chromosome characterization studies (Blixt, 1958a). An additional outcome of these experiments provided evidence to designate Pisum line LI 10 as the ‘standard’ karyotype (Blixt, 1958b). The Pisum chromosome karyotype underwent several numerical changes 50 throughout the duration of these experiments; however, a comparison of five interchange lines to the standard karyotype allowed the assignment of a numerical designator to each chromosome. The chromosome numbers were based on linkage groups o r i g i n a l ly described by Lamprecht (Blixt, ,1959). Chromosomes were numerically identified with respect to total chromosome length, arm ratios and location of primary and secondary constrictions! This chromosome numbering system provided a standard to which all subsequent karyotype studies could be compared. .Cytological Markers . The assignment of numerical designators to chromosomes provides a standard means for presenting data and results based on karyotypic studies. However, to fully exploit the power of cytology in generic studies, chromosome markers were introduced to provide a logistical means of identifying both whole and portions of chromosomes. Cytological markers can be used alone to identify a particular chromosome or used in conjunction with translocation stocks to map chromosome content and rearrangements (Hall et ah, 1997b; Lamm et ah, 1958). The first and arguably most accessible cytological markers are .chromosome morphological markers. These consist of variations in chromosome size, number, and location of primary (centromeres) and/or secondary constrictions (satellites). The karyotype of P. sativum was compared to that of P.fulvum using morphological markers. This comparison was facilitated using a chromosome image analysis system (Errico et ah, 1990). The authors were able to capitalize on the resolution and efficiency by which 51 karyotypic data could be generated using the image analysis system and detected numerous novel polymorphism's between chromosome morphological markers in i3. Julvum and P. sativum. An additional chromosome, satellite or secondary constriction was found on chromosome 6 in P. fulvum that is not present in P. sativum. Chromosome 7 was satellited in both karyotypes, however, P. fulvum was shown to have a satellite significantly larger that that found in P. sativum. Thus, the authors were able to positively confirm, using chromosome morphological markers, the proposed hypothesis suggesting a karyotypic dissimilarity between the two species. Chromosome morphological markers are of limited value and exist only in species that have physically distinguishable chromosomes; consequently, a method was developed that could distinguish chromosomes based on the genetic content rather than the structure. Chromosome banding was developed to allow positive identification of chromosomes based on the staining pattern displayed by each chromosome. C-banding with Geisma stains differentially bands areas of the chromosomes permitting . identification of individual chromosomes, chromosome parts, and breakpoints of chromosomal rearrangements. Lamm (1981) describes the BSG (Geisma) C-band and silver staining of chromosomes from Pisum both in meiotic and mitotically-derived chromosomes. Chromosomes were characterized based on their C-banding pattern and accumulation of silver staining. Interestingly, karyotypic results differed from those previously compiled by Blixt (1972) with respect to amrleg ratios of the non-satellited chromosomes, indicating discrepancies in the characterization of chromosome morphology. The banding characterization of the seven chromosomes in this experiment 52 indicated that the resolution of C-banding and silver staining of Pisum was insufficient to provide usable markers for mapping, and thus the discrepancies could not be elucidated. . In Situ Sequence Detection The eytological markers of chromosome morphology and banding patterns can reveal information based chromosome differentiation and content, However, with advancements in DNA technology such as genetic cloning and DNAiDNA hybridization experiments, a more targeted approach to eytological markers became feasible. Gall and Pardue (1969) were able to detect RNA sequences on intact eytological preparations of Xenopus using radiolabeled ribosomal RNA sequences as probes for in situ, hybridization' (ISH). The oocytes of Xenopus were isolated in an agar matrix and the extranuclear rDNA in meiotic nuclei was targeted with rRNA probes. Autoradiographs of the . radioactive signal were superimposed over images of stained nuclei,, thus revealing the chromosomal positions of extranuclear ribosomal DNA. Furthermore, the authors were able to detect changes in the abundance and position of rDNA throughout the stages of meiosis, indicating variability in the transcription of ribosomal genes during meiosis. Intuitively, hybridization of homologous sequences is not limited to RNA/DNA heteroduplexes, rather DNA/DNA heteroduplex formation is used experimentally quite routinely (Southern, 1975). Shubert et al. (1985) used in situ hybridization of DNA probes to target homologous DNA targets in situ. Radiolabeled rDNA probes were hybridized to prepared metaphase chromosomes of Allium. The nuclear organizer region (NOR) was investigated for transposition using rDNA probes to localize the NOR to 53 specific chromosomal regions in several species of Allium. These results corroborated previous silver staining results that indicated that the NOR region may possess mobile characteristics. While silver staining would only tag actively transcribed NORs, ISH ■ detects transcriptionally active and inactive rDNA. The results clearly substantiated the hypothesis of the mobility of NORs in Allium sp. and further promoted the use of ISH to effectively target intact nuclear sequences. In situ hybridization or ISH dramatically increased the power of cytology and arguably was the factor that has rejuvenated cytology as an integral tool in many genetic studies. Although the preliminary studies involving ISH showed great potential for this technique, sequence detection was limited by the resolution and monochromatic nature of sequences labeled with radioactivity. The development of fluorescence as a method for sequence detection greatly improved the ability to detect and resolve hybridization patterns (Heslop-Harrison et ah, 1991). Like ISH, Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) can be used to .detect sequences on cytological preparations by hybridizing a labeled probe sequence to target DNA on the chromosome. FISH employs probe sequences that are either initially labeled with fluorescence and detected directly using fluorescence microscopy or are visualized indirectly by first labeling the probe with an antibody and detecting hybridization with the fluorescently labeled antibody conjugate. . Abbo et ah (1994) used FISH to reveal the locations and quantity of rDNA arrays of both wild and cultivated Species of lentil (Lens) and chickpea (Cicer). Wheat probes containing the 18s, 5.8s, and 26s were labeled with digoxigennin-11-dUTP and hybridized to metaphase chromosomes preparation. Two species of lentil, (L. culinaris 54 and L. orientalis), displayed two signals indicating one 45s locus. The cultivated species of chickpea (C arietinum) had three pairs of rDNA sites; however, only two were detectable in the wild species (C. reticulum), indicating a karyotypic rearrangement between the two species. Data generated using FISH of repetitive sequences-such as the ribosomal repeats can be used to investigate the evolution of species and species divergence. Krishnan et al. (2001) addressed the possibility of an ancient polyploidization event occurring in wild species of Glycine. The cultivated species of Glycine (G. max) has been postulated to have undergone an allotetraploidization event followed by diploidization; however, wild species had not been investigated, cytologically to confirm such a phenomenon. By using FISH to physically map the 5s and l8s-28s rDNA loci in each species, the authors were able to compare the number of signals received when each species was tested with the rDNA probes. Variability of hybridization patterns in different wild Glycine sp. indicated a loss of a 5s rDNA locus in the diploid species and a loss of two in the tetraploids. In . addition, the 18s-28s rDNA displayed two signals per haploid genome rather than the expected four. These results indicate that the formation of the cultivated tetraploid did involve a conventional double diploidization model, but must have occurred through a more complicated process. Probe sequence characteristics, (i.e. length, copy number and flanking sequences), can have profound implications on the types of experiment conducted as well as the logistics of accomplishing such as task. The reviews of FISH experiments discussed until now have used rDNA or rRNA probes to detect homologous sequences on isolated 55 chromosomes. Early DNA denaturation/reannealing experiments have shown that the , DNA content of chromosomes can be arranged into three groups: highly repetitive,moderately repetitive and low/s'ingle copy elements (Murray et ah, 1978). The nature of visualizing sequences on Condensed chromosomes favor sequences that exist in higher copy numbers rather than low copy numbers. The greater number of target loci and the more localized the hybridization targets are, the more intense the signal will be. In systems such as Pisum, however, this notion can be misleading given that the many highly repetitive elements are interspersed throughout the genome, rather than focused within specific regions of the genome. Elements that are exist in tandem (rDNA) or defined locations (centromcric DNA) are generally considered the easiest FISH targets. The use of rDNA probes is of limited value given that there are only a few loci in the genome. Considerably greater coverage could be achieved by applying this technique to lower copy gene sequences. The use of low copy sequences to physically map seed protein genes displayed the limitations of such an approach (Fuchs et ah, 1995). Three separate members of the legumin gene family (Legumin A, B3, and B4) and a seed non-storage protein (USP) were used in FISH experiments on metaphase chromosomes in Vicia faba. The seed protein genes can be characterized as gene sub-family constituents, meaning that they share sequence; identity with each other and typically are limited to fewer than ten copies at a single locus. Thus, these sequences should provide superior FISH probes. FISH probes of the legumin and USP genes were generated from either cDNA or genomic clones with sizesjanging from 1.7kb to 3.5kb. All three seed storage protein genes were 56 localized to separate chromosomes, indicating that the progenitor legumin gene had been duplicated and rearranged within the genome. However, the USP genomic DNA probe (3.5kb), produced multiple dispersed hybridization signals presumably due to a 2.8kb sequence of repetitive DNA flanking the gene. Furthermore, xFl a pseudogene of. legumin B4, sharing 97% sequence identity to the probe sequence could not be detected due to deletions that reduced the target size to less than I kb. Both results indicate that ihsert/target size and composition of the insert play a crucial role for sequence detection in situ. ■ An additional factor that must be considered for in the pursuit of in situ sequence detection is the condition of the chromatin. The dynamics of chromatin during somatic cell division govern the state of chromatin condensation. Condensed chromatin, while providing a superior karyotypic template, can physically hinder probe access to target DNA. Consequently, treatments that control the condition of the chromatin during the chromosome preparation must be refined to allow probe access to the target sequence, while retaining, chromosome characteristics required for karyotyping. Jiang et al. (1996) devised a method for detecting sequence signal on interphase chromatin. Less compaction of chromatin permits a resolving power at least two magnitudes higher than that of condensed metaphase chromosomes. Obviously, this approach cannot be directly applied to studies that intend to place a gene on specific chromosome; however, the number and position of the signals visualized can confirm presence and copy number of a particular sequence. In addition, the authors were able to quantitatively correlate the . 57 ■ physical interphase distance with that of linear distance as long as the probe sequences were within IMb of each other. Alternatively, the attributes of meiotically-derived chromosomes at pachytene stage have been exploited in high resolution in situ mapping (Cheng et ah, 2001). Significantly, meiotic chromosomes are often ten to forty times longer than mitotic chromosomes. They also are grouped into the haploid number of bivalents. Thus meiotic ■preparations often provide superior FISH targets. Genetically anchored BAC clones along chromosome 10 office (Oryza sativd) were used to examine the distribution of recombination along this chromosome. The restricted chromosome number and the high resolving power allowed the investigators to localize several genetically anchored markers on pachytene chromosomes, spreads. This resolution allowed the genetic and physical maps to be fully integrated and correlated. In Situ Sequence Detection in Pisum ' The shear size and complexity of the pea genome pose a challenge for detecting. low copy sequences on isolated chromosomes. Simpson et al. (1988) established procedure for FISH in Pisum by refining the FISH technique, including the use of protoplasts for isolating chromosome. This result led to the verification of a single position of a 13.5kb legumin genomic clone on metaphase pea chromosomes. Subsequently, a similar FISH method was used to identify a reeipfocal translocation in Pisum using biotin labeled tandemly repeated probe sequences (Simpson et al., 1990). The addition of a signal site associated with a particular chromosome indicated a translocation differing from the standard karyotype. These results provided supplementary cytological markers that could be assigned to some of the chromosomes FISH with rDNA (5s and 25s), multicopy (&%%/%;%and wczfm) and simple repeat (AG12, AC12, GAA12, GATA10) probes allowed the discrimination of most of the pea chromosomes (Fuchs et ah, 1998). Furthermore, the rDNA and gene family sequences had been mapped to specific linkage groups allowing the assignment of five out of seven of the linkage groups to specific chromosomes, with chromosome 4 and 7 and linkage groups IV and VII remaining unassociated. Neuman et al. (2001) developed a series of chromosome identifying probes by screening for unique hybridization signals from FISH experiments using isolated repetitive sequences from Pisum Cyt fractions. The authors used probe PisTR-B in conjunction with a probe indicating the position of the 5s rDNA array to identify each chromosome under fluorescence microscopy based on the unique signal pattern bestowed by the co-hybridization of the two probes . In what turned into an elegant series of experiments leading to the definitive association of each linkage group with each pea chromosome, Neuman and colleagues later used pea interchange lines in conjunction with the chromosome identifier probe and Fluorescence Activated Cell Sofrer (FACS) to nncover the linkage group identity o f each chromosome. The chromosomes of interchange lines were hybridized with one of the chromosome identifier probes and subject to FACS. PCR amplification o f chromosome pools using genetically anchored probes, allowed the assignment of linkage groups to all seven chromosomes (Neuman et al., 2002): BAC-FISH Physical mapping of chromosomes has become a routine method for fine mapping genes to chromosomes. In addition, physical maps are blind to obstacles inherent to genetic mapping, such as attempting to fine map areas that .display suppression of recombination or in experiments using small sample sizes. One popular method for physically mapping a region is by piecing together large cloned portions ofDNA. Large insert libraries can be screened for adjacent and overlapping inserts, in effect creating a contiguous chromosome or contig (Mozo et ah, 1999). Chromosome walking through contig assembly is typically considered too difficult if only smaller insert, clones such as cosmid and plasmid libraries are available. The small insert size of the cosmid and plasmid clones would cause great difficulty in attempting span, or ‘walk across’ large areas of repetitive DNA that are devoid of anchor markers. In addition, when using these clones as FISH probes, it difficult to resolve low copy (<5) or single-copy genes on condensed chromosomes with reproducible results.. Large insert libraries such as BAC and YAC libraries have been developed in many species (See Chapter 2 Literature Review). Ultimately, the assembly of a contig that spans an entire chromosome would definitively establish both the sequence and genetic arrangement of the chromosome. Mozo et al. (1999) illustrate the utility of using large insert clones as FISH probes to distribute physical markers along a chromosome. The results made it possible to estimate physical distance and close gaps between clones as well as to physically localize clones on chroriiosomes. 60 Jackson et al (1998) demonstrated the applicability of using. BAC-FISH to estimate contig and gap size between contigs on physical maps. Localizing fluorescently IabeledBAC contigs on extended DNA Gbefs (Fiber-FISH) of permitted micro measurements of hybridization signal that could be correlated with sequence length. One inherent difficulty in physical mapping through contig construction can be closing gaps between contigs, thus the ability to quantify such a distance would provide valuable logistical data. BACs from contigs bordering gaps were isolated and hybridized to extended DNA fibers. Micro-measurements of the area between the hybridization signals indicated the distance of the gaps validating BAC-FISH as a < powerful tool in genome studies. Kulilova et al. (2001) constructed a cytological map of Medicctgd truncaiulci ■ based on chromosome length, centromere position and FISH signals of rDNA probes. Subsequently, this cytological map was integrated with the genetic map using additional FISH experiments by associating 2-5 single copy BACs per chromosome with the previously described cytological markers/ The distance between FISH signals was estimated by comparing microscopic distance (micrometers) to contig length (basepairs). • - Clearly, detecting sequences in situ via the application of FISH using large insert ' probes provides a powerful tool to explore genome organization. Recently, a BAC library has been developed in Pisum, representing a lx coverage of the Pdsum genome (See Chapter 2). However, prior to instituting large-scale experiments using BAC-FISH, the feasibility of such an approach on the large and complex genome o f Pisum must be assessed. Of particular interest is the utility of large insert probes in FISH experiments 61 especially considering the excessive amount of dispersed repetitive sequence within the pea genome. BAC probes identified 6om the BAC library as containing either single copy oi gene family (multicopy) were used to probe metaphase chromosome spreads. Additionally, small insert probes containing rDNA repetitive elements previously ■ localized were used as positive checks. It is hypothesized that FISH will allow us to localize BAC probes, containing either single copy or gene family sequences, on metaphase chromosome spreads of Pisum. 62 Material and Methods Chromosomes were isolated from P. sativum cv. ‘Sparkle’, which.possesses the Standard karyotype for the species as originally described by Blixt (1953). The lentil chromosomes were isolated from L. culinaris as described by Tadmor et al. (1987) and Abbo et al. (1995). The objectives when isolating chromosomes for use as FISH targets are distinct from those corresponding to karyotypic studies. A morphology exhibiting a ; complete condensation of chromatin is necessary for karyotyping chromosomes based on physical characteristics; consequently, treatments were employed that maximize the ■ chromosome condensation. However, highly condensed chromosomes may be a hindrance to the FISH reaction by physically sequestering sites.. Thus, treatments must be altered to control the state of chromosome condensation. Furthermore, cytoplasmic cellular debris, although aesthetically unfavorable, typically is not a hindrance to karyotypic studies. For FISH analysis, cellular debris in close proximately to the hybridization target will produce background and hinder the probe’s access to target and must therefore be minimized. The following is the protocol developed specifically for FISH on mitotic chromosome preparations of P. sativum. Harvesting and Treatment of Pisum Root Tips for.Cvtological Preparations Pea seeds {P. sativum cv. ‘Sparkle’) were germinated in an artificial soil medium in 6” (15.2cm.) pots (3 seeds/pot) for approximately one week. The germination time was optimized to allow sufficient growth of secondary roots but not long enough to produce 63 pot bound roots. It was determined that emergence of the first set of leaflets signaled time of root tip harvest. To empty the soil plug from the pot, the pot was inverted and tapped smartly on the bottom. The root system from each plant was carefully dissected away from the potting mix. Both primary and secondary roots were sampled. The root tips were excised approximately 2-3 cm distal to the root tip with a scalpel. The root tips could be excised closer to the end; however, this unused portion, acts as a buffer zone to subsequent manipulations of the root tip that may harm the meristematic tissue. The excised root tips were placed in an ice-cold ddH20 bath in a petti dish until they could be processed further (up to 24 hours). The root tips were rinsed 2x for 5 minutes in water to wash off extraneous soil debris. A spindle-fiber inhibitor was employed to facilitate the accumulation of metaphase chromosomes located in the meristematic portion of the root tip. Many spindle fiber inhibitors exist: cold treatment, colchicine, hydroxyquinoline, and all have shown success in accumulating metaphase chromosomes in different species. I found that 2mM 8-hydroxyquinoline produced a high quality chromosome morphology without the over-condensing of chromatin. Empirical evidence generated with time course experiments suggests that these results can be produced if the root tips are treated in the 2mM hydroxyquinoline for approximately 4 hours in the dark. . Spindle-fiber treatment was rinsed off by washing the root tips 2 x 5min in ddH20. To preserve the chromosome morphology provided by the previous treatments,. 64 it was necessary to fix the cells. Fixation was accomplished by immersing the root tips in freshly made Carnoy’s solution (3:1 absolute ethanohglacial acetic acid) and incubating for I week at 37°C to allow sufficient time for fixation. -Fixed root tips can be stored up to one year in this solution. Chromosome Pretreatment. : . ■ The fixative must be removed prior to cytological work. For this reason the root tips were washed 2x for 5 minutes each in ddFFO. The presence of fixative still on the roots is evident by the movement of the root tips in the water caused by the hydrophobic interactions between the fixed root tips and the water. Movement subsides when the fixative is completely removed. Rinsed root tips were placed in a microfuge tube containing a 5OOpl aliquot of a cell wall digestion cocktail consisting of 1% eellulase/1% pectinase in water and incubated for 35 minutes at 37°C. Time of this digestion is truly species and root type specific. If the species has tips that are large and fibrous it may be necessary to treat longer; however, there are many species that require no digestion. Again the tips were rinsed 2x for 5 minutes each in ddH20 to remove digestion cocktail. Clearing root tips in 45% acetic acid (v/v) for approximately 8-10 minutes turned most cell debris translucent and consequently reduced the appearance of artifact cell material debris under microscopy.. To assist in visualizing cytological preparations, the nuclear material was stained with either aceto-carmine (Carolina Biological Supply Company) or aceto-orcein for 10-3 Omin, depending on the level of staining desired. When a quality phase-contrast scope was used to inspect preparations, the use of a 65 chromosome stain such as aceto-carmine was not necessary. My findings suggest that aceto-orcein may have auto fluorescence properties, which may affect the level background noise in FISH. Chromosome Isolation . Root tips were removed individually from the staining solution and placed on a clean slide under a dissecting microscope. To rinse the root of excess stain and prevent drying, I drop of 45% acetic acid was applied to the foot tip on the slide and incubated for I minute. The location of the meristematic tissue was obvious from the previous staining treatment as it stained a darker red than the rest of the root material. The root cap was first excised from the specimen. The root cap appears as the minute portion at the apex of the root tip, just distal the meristematic tissue. A small cross section of the root tip containing the meristematic tissue was isolated from the rest of the root material using a razor blade and placed on a clean microscope slide. An additional drop of 45% acetic acid was applied to further rinse the specimen. Superior spreading of the chromosomes was achieved when the smallest possible slice was used. When possible the rest of the root was saved, as it is feasible to make many slides from one root as long small pieces of meristematic tissue are used. Excess liquid was removed using Kimwipes' and a final drop of 45% acetic acid was applied to the sample in preparation for squash, A double-edged razor blade was used to separate one comer of the cdverslip from the slide. By tightly pressing a finger down on one comer (opposite to the one with the razorblade) and not letting the cover slip move, a flex is created within the coverslip that 66 in concert with light tapping with a blunt instrument efficiently spreads the cell material throughout the coverslip area. It was imperative to minimize any movement of the cover slip during the squash as chromosomes will ‘roll’, ruining chromosome morphology. The objective was to spread out the cell; however, care was taken not to push the cell material out from under the cover slip. The absence of visible red' (although a pink haze is acceptable) material is indicative of a quality spread. When the spread was deemed complete, the razor blade was removed, and an additional five to ten taps on top of the coverslip completed the spread.. The strength of the tap was not as important as the complete coverage of the slide. Tapping commenced in the middle of the slide and in a I circular motion, progressed toward the outer edges of the cover slip. . The slide was warmed over a small alcohol lamp until it felt uncomfortably warm, and hand pressure was applied to the coverslip over a piece a Whatman paper effectively removing liquid from under the coverslip as well as affixing the coverslip to the slide. It is important not to ‘boil’ the slide. The slide was briefly scanned under phase contrast using a 40x objective, for presence.of chromosomes to determine the quality and quantity of the spread. A good slide would consist of many chromosome spreads with good morphology, free of cell debris. Typically, depending on the roots tips and species, anywhere from 50-75% of the slides produced were discarded simply because they were not high enough quality for FISH. Slides were stored at -SO0C until used for FISH. 67 Isolation and Nick Translation of BACs Pisum BAC clones,-previously identified from a lx library, were selected for FISH on the basis of copy number and availability (See Chapter 2 Table 2). BAC clones were allowed to grow for 24 hours at 37°C on LB agar plates supplemented with tetracycline (20pg/ml). Individual colonies were selected and used to inoculate a liquid LB culture, the volume of which was dependent on the vector and the method of extraction used. BAC or plasmid DNA was extracted and purified using either Qiagen “Large Construct Kit”™ or “Miniprep Kit”™, respectively and according to manufacturers instructions. The concentration of the purified BAC was determined by creating a serial dilution series of extract product i.e. lx, O.lx, 0.0 lx, 0.00 lx and run next to either lambda DNA of Icnown concentrations or “EZ Load™ Precision Molecular Mass Standard” (BIORAD). One microgram of plasmid/BAC DNA was required for one nick translation reaction. The following protocol (Jiang et ah, 1996) was adapted for use in nick translating BACs with labeled nucleotides. Incorporation of fluorescently labeled nucleotides is done using the DNA nicking ability of DNase I coupled with the gap filling capability of DNA polymerase I. It was imperative to initially determine the activity of the DNase in our hands, before a nick translation could be accomplished. The DNase activity was . ■ determined by digesting Ipg lambda DNA with a serial dilution of DNase I (Promega­ same dilutions as above) at 15°C for 2 hours in nick translation buffer. The reaction was 68 stopped with the addition of 5pi 0.2M EDTA (pH 8.0). Reaction products were analyzed using gel electrophoresis, and a dilution was selected that yields DNA fragments of between 300-600bp. The nick translation reaction was set-up as follows: MasterMix (pl/rxn) DNase I Polymerase I Buff. 5 Polymerase I I 0.5mM ACG nucs. 5 d-UTP/TTP(dig/bio.)1 5 DNA OS to 5Oul w/ddH20 x(Ipg) x Total: 5Opl Reactions were cleaned of unincorporated nucleotides using a Qiagen “PCR spin column” according to manufacturer’s procedure and eluted in minimal buffer. Labeled products were stored at'-20PC until further use. C flt-1 Blocking DNA Isolation Concentration of genomic DNA from P. .sativum was determined Using a spectrophotometer (BioRad MicroSpec®) by taking absorbency readings at 260 and 280nm. Genomic DNA from P. sativum was then sheared to an average size of 3OObp. ■ The shearing was accomplished using a sonicatdr by applying the genomic DNA to the sonicating probe for 45 seconds to I minute. Gel electrophoresis was.used to determine the amount of shearing that occurred. Shearing was deemed complete when gel 69 electrophoresis displayed a smear o'fDNA, spanning from IOObp to 600bp with the majority residing around the 3OObp mark (data not shown). Annealing time to allow for a Cot of I was determined using the following equation developed by (Jiang et ah, 1996). Time to anneal: 5.92/conc.(mg/ml)=time in minutes. Annealing to Q t-I was accomplished by placing sheared DNA in a 65°C water bath to equilibrate. A IOmM NaCl solution, prewarmed to 65°C was then added to a final concentration of 0.3M and allowed to incubate for the duration of the calculated reannealing time. To digest the residual single stranded DNA, SI nuclease (lunit/mg starting material) and I volume of 2x SI nuclease buffer (0.5M NaCl, 2mM ZnSO4, 0.06M NaAc (piI 4.2), 10%glycerol) were added to the solution and incubated at 37°C for 30 minutes. Reannealed products were phenol/chloroform extracted and recovery was estimated again using the spectrophotometer. As experiments require differing , amounts of blocking DNA, the samples were prepared for a: specific reaction by drying down the required amount of blocking DNA in a lyophilizer. Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) The protocol originally described by Timing Jiang (1996) has been adapted for use in P. sativum to allow detection of labeled BAC via fluorescence in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes. > Cytological preparations were stored at -SO0C and removed just prior to hybridization experiments. The coverslips were removed from the slides by setting the . 70 prepared slide on a piece of dry ice until the liquid turned opaque indicating the 45% acetic acid solution had frozen. Immediately the coverslip was flicked off by inserting a single edged razorblade under a comer of the coverslip and rapidly lifting straight up. To .maintain the appearance of the chromosomes it was important to prevent the liquid from thawing and subsequent rehydration of chromosomes. Thus, the slides were subjected to an ethanol dehydration series by placing slides in a Coplin jar containing 70% ETOH at room temperature for 5 minutes. The first wash was followed by a 90% ETOH rinse at room temperature for 5 minutes and then a 100% ETOH rinse at room temperature for a final 5 minutes. Slides were air dried on a bench top. The hybridization reaction was set­ up as follows: Final Vol./Conc. MASTER MIX (units= pl/slide) 50% Formamide 5,(high quality deionized is preferred) 10% ■ Dextran Sulfate 2 20xSSC I 2x Salmon Sperrn ■~17ng Probe DNA Total: IOpl . I (Sheared and denatured) I (If Cyt-I blocking is needed, add to probe DNA and dry down to I pi) The probe DNA as well as the target DNA fixed on the slide were denatured separately. . Slide: IOOpl of 70% formamide in 2xSSC was placed over the chromosome spread and covered with a 22x40mm cover slip. Each slide was incubated on a hot plate at 90°C for exactly 90 seconds. The slides were immediately immersed in 70% ethanol (prechilled to -20°C) for 5 minutes allowing, the cover slip to fall off in the ethanol bath. 71 In the same fashion as the previous ethanol series, this step was followed by 90% ethanol, and 100% ethanol washes, but at -20° C. Then a final rinse 100% ethanol at room temperature for 5 minutes. The slides were allowed to air dry at room temperature on a paper towel. Probe: The probe DNA was denatured by incubating the sample at 90°C for 10 minutes followed by immediate submersion in ice bath preventing reannealing. Ten microliters of MasterMix was applied to the area of the slide containing the chromosome spread and covered with an 18x18mm cover slip. Edges were sealed with rubber cement to prevent evaporation. Hybridization conditions consisted of incubation at 37° for 6 hours to overnight in a moist chamber. No apparent difference in hybridization was noticed with increased hybridization times. Slides were removed from the moist chamber and without moving cover slip the line of rubber cement was peeled away. Slides were then washed in a series of stringency washes consisting of a 5 minute incubation at room temperature in 2x SSC in which the coverslips were allowed to fall off. The washes were followed by three additional washes in 2x SSC. However, the second wash employed an increase in temperature to 42°C and an increase in incubation time to 10 minutes. The third wash was identical to the first wash. The final wash was in lx Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS). Secondary Antibody Detection 72 An appropriate fluoresceritly-labeled secondary antibody was chosen that would form a conjugate with the biotin- or digoxigenin-labeled probe. Typically, to detect biotin-labeled probes, strepavidin conjugated with FITC was used. To detect digoxigenin, a mouse anti-digoxigenin conjugated to rhodomine was Used. Intuitively, when detecting two differently labeled probes on same set of chromosomes, it was necessary to choose fluorescence that had different emission wavelengths with respect to each other to permit differentiation of the separate probes. Secondary antibodies were allowed to form conjugates according to the following protocol: MASTERMIX (units=pl/slide): 5x Buffer 20 (stock:5xPBS,25mMEDTA,5%BSA) ddH20 80 2° Antibody 1-2 !manufacture’s directions) Total:« lOOul/slidc One hundred microliters of the antibody cocktail was placed on each slide, above the qhromosome spread and covered with a 22x40mm coverslip. The slides were incubated in a moist chamber in the dark for 30 minutes at 37°C. An initial wash in lx PBS was administered and the coverslip was allowed to float off. The slides were ' washed 3 minutes at room temperature in lx PBS. Washes were performed in a dark chamber as the fluorescence will fade over time when exposed to light. Excess PBS was removed by shaking the slides in the air, but the slides were not allowed to dry. One drop of Veotashield™ antifade/mounting solution containing either propidium iodide (red) or DAPI (blue) was applied to each slide to protect the fluorescence signal from fading, and to counterstain the chromatin a different color than the probc(s). ’ 73 An 18x18mm coverslip was placed on the slides and excess Vectashield was removed with Whatman paper. Slides were visualized immediately under fluorescence microscopy or stored at -20C. Fluorescence Microscopy ; . . ■ Hybridization was detected visually using a fluorescent microscope (Olympus BX . 51 Microscope). Typically a 40x objective was used to scan for the presence of chromosomes under normal phase contrast. Fluorescence was detected and images'were captured with a 60x objective using a mercury bulb as the light source coupled with a selectable wavelength filter adapted to the wavelength fluorescence of desired. Each of the fluorochromes was captured in monochrome using a Charged Coupled Device (CCD) camera (Olympus MagnaFire CCD), using MagnaFIRE (v.2.1 Universal Imaging ' Corporation) real time imaging program. Images of both probe and counterstain signal were imported into Adobe Photoshop 6.0 where the images were adjusted with respect to field of view and contrast. The images that coincide with each other were each assigned to a color channel within Adobe Photoshop! The color channels from each FISH reaction were merged to form a consensus image (See Figure 7 A, B and C). C Figure 7. A) Monochrome image of probe signal. B) Monochome image of chromosome counter-stain signal. C) Images A and B merged through color channels (green and blue respectively. 75 Results Accumulation of Metaphase Chromosomes Time course experiments utilizing two different spindle fiber inhibitors were used to test for the production of an optimal accumulation of chromatin in the form of individual condensed metaphase chromosomes. As briefly described in the FISH materials and methods section, it was empirically determined that 8-hydroxyquinoline treatments as opposed to treatments using colchicine or cold incubations were superior for producing chromosomes that were morphologically identifiable, appropriately condensed, and easily separated from each other. Examples of chromosome spreads typically attained when the protocol described in the Pisum FISH material and methods section was followed can be seen in Figure 8 (A & B). These chromosomes display the distinguishing features of differing arm length ratios and easily identifiable NOR II0 restrictions on chromosomes 4 and 7. Four of the diploid fourteen chromosomes appear submetacentric (chromosomes I & 2 (Neuman et ah, 2002) ) and the other ten are acrocentric. Of the acrocentric chromosomes four contain secondary restriction points (chromosomes 4 & 7). The time course experiment was repeated using colchicine as the spindle fiber inhibitor. It was found that colchicine produced a general metaphase morphology that was overly condensed and produced results with greater inconsistency than those received from the hydroxyquinolone treatment (data not shown). 76 Figure 8. Images A and B represent the Piswn standard chromosome morphology as seen under phase contrast microscopy. 60x rDNA FISH on Pisum Metaphase Chromosomes rDNA probes were used in the initial FISFI experiment to test the reproducibility of the in situ hybridization reaction on a number of chromosome spreads. Results received from these hybridization experiments using NOR probes labeled with biotin, revealed either four or eight strong signals. The number of signals was dependent on the state of chromatin condensation. More specifically, when the resolution of the chromosomes allows for individual sister chromatids to be visualized, two signals from each chromosome can be seen. However, when the targeted chromatin is in a state of mitosis other than condensed metaphase, these two signals cannot be distinguished from one another. Thus only one signal can be seen from each pair of chromosomes. In Figure 9 (A & B), one distinct signal can be seen that originates from each of the sister chromatids of a single chromosome or dyad. In contrast, Figure 9 (C & D) shows 77 chromatin in opposing states of chromatin dynamics with image C representing a highly condensed form and image D representing a more decondensed form. The latter effectively reduces the ability to resolve subtle differences in morphology, such as identifying sister chromatids. Hence only four signals can be resolved. Nevertheless, in each the pictures the probe signals remain localized to the II0 constrictions of chromosomes 4 and 7. Figure 9. Images A, B, & C- FISH using biotin (green) labeled NOR probe on early metaphase pea chromosomes. Image D- FISH using biotin (green) labeled NOR probe on prometaphase pea chromosomes. All chromosomes counterstained with DAPI (A,C,D=red, B=blue). 60x 78 In addition to the NOR (45s subunit), the 5s ribosomal array was also tested for ' reproducible localization. Figure 10 is a picture of a somatic chromatin isolated at interphase of mitosis that was co-hybridized with an NOR (red) and a 5s (green) ribosomal probe. The NOR was labeled with digoxigenin and the 5S with biotin. When chromosome spreads hybridized with a probe containing the 5s array, six signals are observed. Four of the six 5s rDNA signals are distinctly stronger than the other two. Again, two loci containing the NOR subunit can be seen as four distinct signals. Additional evidence of this signal localization can be seen in Figure 14C in which the 5s . . | probe is used in conjunction with a labeled BAG probe where the 5s probe represents a positive check for the FISH reaction. The conventional chromosome morphology is represented in this picture and again for the 5s rDNA there are four strong signals in addition to the two secondary signals. All four of the strong signals are found on 5■ submetacentric chromosomes with two signals localized toward the telomere region on !; the long arm. The other two signals remain closer to the centromere on what appears to ' be the largest of the submetacentric chromosomes, presumably chromosome 5. The ■ secondary signals are located toward the telomeric region on a set of chromosomes that : appear nearly metacentric. :i A final test for the reproducibility of the FISH experiment was to repeat the ; experiment on chromosome spreads of Lens culinaris (2n=14). When probed with the : ' . ' • . ; NOR and 5s probes, two distinct sets of signals are seen. The NOR and 5s loci reside on separate chromosomes and appear equally intense. The NOR probe signal originates from the terminal 11° constriction point of the homologous satellite chromosomes. : I: ‘ ;j 79 Figure 10. FISH on interphase Pisum nuclei, co-hybridized with both 5s (biotingreen) and NOR (digoxigenin-red) probes and counterstained with DAPI (blue). 60x The 5s array probe is localized in a close proximity to the centromere on two metacentric chromosomes. Unfortunately, overlapping chromosomes and relatively poor resolution of the chromosome spread encumbers any further karyotypic characterization of the 5s signal. In addition, probe signals were also detected from interphase chromatin, located immediately next to the chromosome spread in this image (see Figure 11A). Again there appear to be two strong signals from each of the NOR and 5s that have hybridized to four loci within this diploid somatic nucleus. 80 Figure 11. Images A & B. FISH on Lens culinaris chromosomes co-hybridized with 5s (biotin-green) and NOR (digoxigenin-blue) using multicolor-FISH. Chromosomes were counterstained using DAPI (red). Image A 60x. Image B IOOx. In figure 11A the signal from the 5s appears to be stronger than that of the NOR probe; however, this is the only observed case of this signal difference. Repetitive Clone FISH Probe PisTR-B was previously shown to distinguish three of the seven chromosome pairs through its hybridization pattern (Neuman et al., 2001). When used in conjunction with the 5s rDNA probe, each of the seven chromosome pairs could be identified cytologically. Probe PisTR-B was tested for use as a chromosome-identifying tool with intentions of utilizing the probe to distinguish between morphologically indistinguishable chromosomes for further hybridization experiments such as BACFISH Figure 12 (A and B) displays the general hybridization pattern received from the hybridization experiments. Signal can be seen on nine of the fourteen chromosomes, of 81 which the majority appears to be localized toward the telometric regions of the chromosomes. A better representation of the hybridization patterns can be seen in Figure 12b, although in this particular case only ten of the fourteen chromosomes have remained within the field of view. A complete set of chromosomes displaying a signal from the PisTR-B probe was not found. Figure 12. Images A and B. FISH on Pisum chromosome, hybridized with biotin labeled probe PisTR-B, and counterstained with DAPI. 60x. The PisTR-B probe was tested in a number of experiments in which it was used in conjunction with a BAC probe in multicolor FISH and/or blocking DNA (Cot -I). In each of these experiments signal could not be detected when either condensed chromosomes or interphase nuclei were examined (data not shown). 82 BAC-FISH Gene Family { BAC clone 103-K1 was used in an in situ hybridization experiments on metaphase and prometaphase Pisum chromosome spreads. As indicated in the Results section of Chapter 2, this particular clone contains sequences corresponding to the Rubisco small subunit and is expected to be localized to two positions within the Pisum karyotype. Each experiment was repeated with increasingly greater amounts of Cyt-I blocking DNA, ranging from Ong to 4000ng (4pg). The best representation of a typical hybridization pattern received from this particular BAC when used in conjunction with low amounts (<1000ng) of blocking DNA can be seen in figure 13A. In this image, prometaphase chromosomes display signal from biotin labeled BAC probe 103-Ki using SOOng blocking Cyt-I DNA. The signal appears evenly dispersed throughout the semi-' condensed chromosomes. A subtle accumulation of signal probe located telometrically on an extended chromosome can be seen in the upper comer on the chromosome spread (See arrow). However, this result was not reproducible under similar FISH conditions, i.e. premetaphase chromosome arrangement under low blocking conditions. Figure 13B shows a hybridization pattern received when the probe was used in conjunction with relatively large amounts blocking Cyt-I blocking DNA, in this case ' 4000ng was used. In this experiment, the dispersal of signal received from the labeled BAC probe has been noticeably reduced. It should be noted that within this particular chromosome spread, only ten of the fourteen chromosomes are within the field of few. Probe signal appears localized to six points on. six of the fourteen chromosomes. Four signals appear to reside on homologous chromosomes. ' ■ ■ 83 Figure 13. Image A- FISH on premetaphase Pisum chromosomes hybridized with biotin labeled BAC 103-K1 (green) and counterstained with DAPI (blue). 5OOng blocking DNA. 60x. Image B- FISH on Metaphase Pisum chromosomes hybridized with biotin (green) labeled BAC 103-K1 and counterstained with DAPI (red). 4000ng blocking DNA 60x. Two of the signals are localized to the short arms of acrocentric chromosomes (Arrows A) and the other two signals appear adjacent to the centromere on chromosomes that are nearly metacentric (Arrows B). Of the remaining two signals, one is localized to what appears to be satellite that may have been separated from its respective chromosome. The homologous signal is located telomerically on a separate submetacentric chromosome (Arrows C). This result could be interpreted as a signal received from one of the two pairs of homologous satellited chromosomes, both of which may have been separated from their respective satellite during the squashing procedure. The putative body of one of these chromosomes has been labeled distally and adjacent to the point were the secondary constriction would normally be viewed. The signal from the other chromosome was labeled on the satellite itself, presumably within the region that would otherwise contain the secondary restriction connecting it to the satellite’s respective 84 chromosome. This result would suggest the existence of a third locus. This experiment was not repeated and the possibility of artifactual signal could not be ruled out. BAC FISH Single Copy ■Clone 89-E10 Was previously described in chapter 2 as containing sequence that corresponds to one of the two Gsc (cytosolic glutamine synthetase) gene “twins”, both of which have been characterized a single copy genes (Walker et ah, 1995). Sequence results indicated a closer sequence identity to that of GS3A rather than GS3B. This particular marker has been genetically anchored to linkage group VII (Brauner et ah, . 2002). Probe 89-E10 was used in FISH experiments with increasing amounts of C gt-I blocking DNA. Initially no blocking DNA was added to the reaction mix with subsequent reactions incorporating an increasing amount of Cgt-I in increments of ' 500|ig. Figure 14 (A and B) has representative images of either interphase nuclei or condensed metaphase chromosomes that have been hybridized with biotin labeled BAC 89E-10 using 500ng of blocking DNA. These images are indicative of the results typically seen when clone 89E-10 was hybridized using lower amounts of C g t-I blocking DNA. The results received are also similar to the type of hybridization pattern seen when BACs containing Imown gene family members were used. The signals are evenly dispersed throughout the chromosomes. Figure 14C displays an image of an additional reaction in which the 5s rDNA probe that was described previously was labeled with digoxigenin and used as a positive check on the hybridization reaction.. All other reaction 85 conditions, including labeling and amount of blocking Cyt-I DNA (500ng) were identical to the reaction conditions used to produce Figure 14 (A and B). Figure 14. Images A & B) FISH on prometaphase and interphase Pisum chromosomes (respectively) hybridized with BAC 89-E10 (biotin-green) and counterstained with DAPI (A=red, B=blue) using FISH. 500ng Cyt-I DNA 60x. Image C) Metaphase Pisum chromosomes co-hybridized with Ss (digoxigenin-red) and BAC 89-E10 (biotin-green) and counterstained with DAPI (blue). SOOng Cyt-I DNA 60x. 86 In contrast to the gene family FISH experiments, the results shown here suggest that the increase of blocking DNA used in each reaction did not significantly sequester non-homologous, probe binding sites. Unfortunately, probe signal was only detected from one of the slides used in this particular experiment. Figure 15 contains a chromosome spread displaying a hybridized biotin labeled with probe 89-E10 and blocked with 3OOOng of Cot-1 blocking DNA. The hybridization signal appears in an abundance that is similar to that observed in the BAC-gene family hybridization when low amounts of blocking DNA were used. Although individual chromosomes cannot be distinguished in this particular image, the results clearly indicate that that nonhomologous probe signal is not suppressed and no evidence of a probe localization indicating a single copy gene is readily observed. f .. ST Figure 15. FISH on Pisum metaphase chromosomes hybridized with biotin labeled BAC 89-E10 (green) and counterstained with DAPI (red). 3OOOng blocking DNA 60x. 87 . Discussion The intent of this investigation was to assess the feasibility of detecting sequences of relatively low copy within a large insert clones in this case a Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAG), in situ on chromosomes spreads o f f . sativum. The utility and reproducibility of this approach has been demonstrated many times as indicated in the literature review. What differentiates this approach from the previously established ■ experiments is the size and organizational complexity of this particular genome. When compared to other systems in which BAC FISH is done routinely, the size of the pea genome dwarfs the others. For instance Arabidopsis (145 Mbp), Brassica sp. (400-700 Mbp), Sorghum (748 Mbp), Medicago (500 Mbp), Oryza (450 Mbp) all have genomes under 1000 Mbp, whereas the genome size of the garden pea has been estimated to range between 3947-4397Mbp. (Arumugahathan et ah, 1991). The genetic content amongst different plant species, that is the number of the transcribed genes, remains relatively the same. However, it is the repetitive “filler” DNA that is responsible for the vast size differentiation among plants. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as the “C-value paradox” (Fairbanks et ah, 1999), which simply states that there is substantial variability among plant genome sizes but little variability in the number of transcribed genes . Herein lies the experimental question: considering the vast amount of repetitive DNA responsible for pea’s large genome and the fact that this repetitive DNA is dispersed relatively evenly throughout (Murray et ah, 1981): will FISH be able to unambiguously detect localized BAC probe signal given the abundance and distribution of repeats within the pea genome? '' 88 In order to develop a reproducible experimental design for in situ sequence . detection on P. sativum chromosome spreads, rDNA probes were employed because the utility and characteristics of the hybridization pattern has been well established (Neuman et ah, 2001; Fuchs et al., 1998; and Jorgensen et ah, 1987).. As indicated in these studies, the large rDNA clusters (45s or NOR) reside on the two satellited chromosomes, specifically within the secondary constrictions of IV and VII. Our placement of the hybridization signal on the secondary restriction of the chromosomes IV and VII are in ■ agreement with the previous characterization of the 45 s array, on pea chromosomes. The 5s hybridization signal was initially documented on interphase nuclei (Figure 9). The number and signal intensity of 5s loci observed are in agreement with previous reports (Neuman et al., 2002). Specifically, the 5s arrays are localized to three loci, with two of the signals displaying greater intensity than the third. Figure 9 reflects this description. The 5s rDNA cluster has been shown to be localized to chromosomes 5, 3, and I or 2 with recent results favoring chromosome I (Neuman et al., 2002). The 5s probe was later used in conjunction with a BAC probe as a positive check in a FISH experiments. In reference to Figure 13, six 5s signals originating from three loci can be seen. One pair of signals appears localized interstitially on the short arm of the largest of the acrocentric chromosomes, which is in agreement with the previous chromosomal placement of chromosome 3. The second pair is located toward the telomere on the short' arm of a submetacentric, presumably chromosome 5. The third signal appears to be located on the long arm of a nearly metacentric chromosome, presumably chromosome I . Both of these results corroborate the previous placement of the other two 5s signal on 89 chromosomes. 3 and I, respectively (Fuchs et ah, 1990 and Neuman et ah, 2002), A small side experiment involving FISH using the same 5s probe on chromosomes ofZ. culinaris provided an interesting result. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first documentation of the placement of the 5s rDNA within the lentil karyotype. In contrast to the three loci seen within pea, the lentil displays signal from only one locus. According to the results presented in Figure 10, it appears that the 5s rDNA locus is . Iocalizedjust outside the centromeric region of a large, nearly metacentric chromosome and the NOR is located terminally on a.different chromosome. When compared to the signal received-from the 5s rDNA in Pisum, the FISH signal closely most resembles the signal from pea chromosome 5. In further support of this hypothesis, Chapter 5 describes the relationship, between the pea and lentil linkage maps in which Conserved gene synteny is observed between pea and lentil with respect to pea linkage group III (Chromosome 5). The locus number and position of the 5s rDNA locus varies among and within species (Cerbah et ah, 2003 and Raina et ah, 2001). Thus it would require further experimentation using species positioned basal to lentil and pea within the tribe Vicieae to determine if the difference in locus number was due to a selective loss of locus within lentil, or due to gene duplications within pea. The 45 s data suggests that this locus has been duplicated in pea, which is supported by the fact that Medicago truncatula, Vicia sp, Lens sp. and Cicersp all contain one 45 s array. With the exception of Lens sp.., the other three species are positioned more basal within the Vicioid clade (Steele et ah, 2003), suggesting that the duplication was independent of species divergence. 90 Results obtained from FISH experiments using the PisTR-B clone donated to our program from Dr. Pavel Neuman indicate that the probe is of limited value when used in conjunction with BAC probes. Signal from this particular probe could not be detected when co-hybridized with a BAC. The results suggest three possible hypotheses that would explain the lack of signal. First, the vector of the probe may be cross-hybridizing with the BAC vector, in effect sequestering it from accessing the targeted chromosomes. This hypothesis is supported by results received from screening the BAC library. Probes of the plasmid clones that were used to screen the library sequences strongly Crosshybridized to all the BACs on the filters at high stringency thus indicating a close sequence homology amongst the two vectors (data not shown). The second hypothesis is that the insert sequences themselves are cross hybridizing. Pea BACs undoubtedly contain large quantities of repetitive sequence and clone PisTR-B is repeat sequence, as it was isolated from Q t fractions (Neuman et al.,-2001). Finally, the use of blocking DNA may be affecting the availability of the probe to find target sites on the chromosomes. In this case Cyt-I DNA isolated from genomic pea DNA may find homologous sites on the probe in excess of those available on the target DNA and effectively sequester the binding availability of the PisTR-B. A clear demonstration of any of these candidates may not be possible as it quite possible that all three factors may contribute to the lack of signal obtained when using this particular probe in conjunction with BAC probes. PisTR-B probe was used in a few ‘single’ probe FISH experiments.resulting in FISH patterns that closely resemble those described by Dr. Neuman, although a complete corroboration of results was not obtained. The results were presumably due to poof 91 quality of the slides used with this probe. Howeveqj the few slides that were examined using the PisTR-B clone alone .did suggest the utility of this clone for identifying specific chromosomes. I expect that more experiments would have revealed a more complete chromosome set thus ,allowing validation of Dr. Neuman’s published results. The rDNA FISH established the repeatability of the FISH experiment on pea chromosomes. BAC clones were then tested for the ability to remain localized to a specific sequence in situ. Rather than moving from repetitive sequence FISH (rDNA) directly to unique.sequence BAC FISH, the structure of a gene family was exploited for its tandemly oriented gene and pseudogene repeat structure (Sugita et ah, 1987). Thus, one would expect a strong signal localized to only a few loci within the genome. In this case a BAC containing the Rubisco subunit sequence was used for FISH. Initially, and not unexpectedly, the use of low amounts of blocking Q t DNA produced a signal that was dispersed throughout the chromosome spreads. This result indicates that there must be enough repetitive sequences dispersed throughout the BAC insert sequence to crosshybridize to many sites within the pea genome. When blocking DNA was increased the signal was restricted to three loci. It should be noted that the dispersed signal seen in Figure 12 from an interphase chromosome cannot be directly compared to the signal intensity and dispersion that would be seen if the identical experiment was reproduced on condensed metaphase chromosomes. It has been suggested that interphase chromosomes are much more sensitive-to DNA/probe heteroduplex formation, particularly in regard to complex genomes (Jiang et ah, 1996). The Rubisco small subunit has been genetically mapped in pea to two distinct loci, one on linkage group V and one on VI (chromosomes 92 3 and I respectively) (Polans et al., 1985; Hall et al., 1997). Two of the loci that were , detected using FISH appear to be in agreement with the genetic mapping. This ' . •Conclusion is supported by the fact that one signal is localized on a submetacentric chromosome presumably chromosome I and the other on a acrocentric chromosome which may be chromosome 3. An easy way of verifying this result would be to use this BAG containing the Rubisco small subunit in conjunction with the 5s rDNA in a FISH experiment. Confirmation would be a co-localization of the 5s array and the BACon both chromosomes I and 3. The detection of a third locus using BAG FISH cannot easily be explained. According to RFLP data the Rubisco probe did produce a number of bands indicating the possibility of multiple loci; however, none of the results, suggested the presence of a third locus (Polans et ah, 1985; Hall et al., 1997). As indicated in the Results section, the present work is the only documentation of localized hybridization patterns from the FISH experiments using the tRubisco BAG’, thus artifactual signal cannot be ruled out. . . 1 BAG clone 89-El Owas used to test the ability of FISH to detect localized signal from a single copy gene of on pea chromosome spreads. Unfortunately, this experiment was encumbered by problems outside those that could be attributed to the experiment itself. Specifically at the time of the experiment the fluorescently labeled antibody conjugate failed to produce signal, even on positive checks. Hence, I was not able to obtain any data from numerous slides that were used in the FISH experiment. Many initial undocumented experiments using this BAG provided evidence that the insert sequence produced a dispersed hybridization pattern similar to that seen on the initial 93 ‘gene family’ BAC FISH experiments. In contrast to these former experiments, the blocking'of orthologons binding sites was not as effective as that seen with the gene family BAC FISH. Suppression of background signal that would be expected when increased amounts of blocking DNA was used was not found, at least not sufficient to ' permit signal localization. These results, however, are not completely unexpected and reflect the reasoning for initially using a BAC containing a gene family. The BAC inserts from the pea BAC library have an average insert size of 11Okb, thus 89-El0 containing a single copy of a Ikb sequence homologous to Gsc (see Materials and Methods), would potentially have 109kb of unknown insert sequence which may very well contain repetitive sequences. The BAC containing the Rubisco small subunit conversely should have several kilobases taken up by multiple versions of Rubisco sequence, in both coding and non-coding (pseudogene) forms, thus limiting the amount of insert space available to alternate repeat sequences. These results both indicate that a more thorough characterization of the BAC insert used for FISH experiments is needed to determine the feasibility of such ah approach. To address the question of future experimentation using this approach in Pisum, two experimental possibilities are suggested. First, screen for BACs in which the insert sequence originates from areas of the pea genome that have been characterized as gene rich areas. If a subset of BACs were identified that had potential for FISH experiments one could screen these clones via dot blot hybridization experiments using C0t fractions with the intent of identifying BACs that contain minimal amounts of repetitive DNA (Zwick et ah, 1997).' Second, an alternative to characterizing the BACs themselves, one 94 could improve upon the genomic coverage of the blocking DNA. Different fractions of Cot DNA could be tested for the ability to block repetitive sites. It has been suggested that blocking only the highest of the repetitive sequences, that is those isolated at a Q t-1, would not provide sufficient coverage of the repetitive sequences and the FISH would still be contaminated by moderately repetitive sequence (Hans de Jong, personal communication). 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Comparative genetic mapping or the evaluation of eolinear gene arrangements among closely related species proved such a method for efficiently developing knowledge for expanding linkage maps in species that had not been intensively studied. The utility of exploiting linkage maps that have been developed among popular genetic systems for mapping in other species has been suggested within the disciplines of both comparative and functional genomics (Hart et ah, 1977; Tanksley et ah, 1988; Mysore et ah, 2001). Comparative Genetic Mapping . Arabidopsis thaliana has been, completely sequenced and has a saturated linkage map, representing what is probably the most widely used system for comparative studies (Hauge et ah, 1993; Hall et ah, 2002). Kowalski et ah (1994) investigated the 100 hypothesis of conserved sequence arrangement between Bmssica oleracea and Arabidopsis thaliana Using comparative analysis of linkage marker order. Although both of these species vary karyotypically, this approach revealed eleven regions of conserved synteny that span approximately 160cM (centimorgans) (24.6%) and 245cM (29.9%) of the A. thaliana and B. oleracea genomes, respectively. Evidence of conserved gene synteny has also been supported through investigations not involving Arabidopsis. Early studies comparing wheat (Trilicum aestivum) to its wild relatives were one of the first cases in which established linkages were exploited to intensify other maps (Hart, 1979). Marker the Triticeae was later extended to encompass members of Poaceae in which conserved gene synteny among these taxa.was established (Ahn et ah, 1993; Sherman et ah, 1995). Efforts have been made to investigate such phenomena within the family Solanaceae. The closely related species of potato and tomato were investigated for conserved gene synteny. Evidence indicated that potato and tomato display nearly perfect preservation of syntenic linkage between the two divergant taxa (Bonierbale et ah, 1988; Tanksley et ah, 1992). Tanksley et ah (1988) used a common set of cDNA RELP markers to construct linkage maps for both tomato and pepper {Capsicum spp.). The results obtained from mapping an identical pool of cDNA clones on both, species suggested that the presence of these genetic markers was preserved through species divergence. However the arrangements of genes in both species appeared significantly different and in some cases complete linkage groups appeared restructured. Further t Studies on comparative mapping were reported by Prince et ah (1992) who constructed a 101 molecular linlcage map of pepper {Capsicum spp.) based on restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) and isozymes. The synteny of genetic markers ordered on the pepper linkage map was compared to that of.established tomato map. The results indicated that a minimum of 31% of the current pepper linkage map was thought to display conserved gene synteny with respect to tomato. Within the family Fabaceae (Leguminosae) examples of conserved gene synteny have been reported. Boutin et al. (1995) used a set of 219 DNA clones to establish the colinearity of genetic markers shared among three genera including Vigna radiaia and V. unguiculata, Phaseolus vulgaris, and Glycine max. The results indicated.that the members of the subtribe Phaseolinae (V. radiaia, V. unguiculata and P. vulgaris) displayed considerable linkage co-linearity while G. max appeared more divergent. Intertribal comparisons between Cicereae (chickpea (Cicer arieritinum)) and Vicieae (pea I {Pisum sativum) arid lentil {Lens culinaris)) as well as intratribal comparisons between P. sativum and Lens spp.; have both reported evidence indicating considerable conservation of gene synteny among these species (Simon et ah, 1997; .Weeden et al., 1992.). Torres et al. (1991) produced, a linkage map of Vicia faba that consisted of 66 segregating markers (isozyme, RFLP, and RAPD) which were then assembled into 11 independently assorting groups. Although this report did not indicate areas of possible shared synteny with related species, the findings will be informative to .future examinations of colinearity among temperate legumes. Clearly, the ability to utilize known marker linkages for species that might share .some genetic similarities establishes the power of using comparative mapping to both generate and saturate linkage maps within related species. 102 ■Sequence Tagged Site (STS) Markers Geneticists are continually looking for genetic markers that allow a quick and efficient means of constructing and intensifying linkage maps. Many genetic markers exist including but not limited to: Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP), Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP), Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD), Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR), isozyme, and morphological markers, However, the utility of these markers is governed both by the efficiency at which individual loci can be mapped and how informative such markers would be in future applications. STS markers.are constructed by designing PCR primers from a Icnown sequence that designates a particular locus within the genome. The characteristics of STS markers suggest the value of such markers to a mapping program. STS markers can be generated via PCR; thus the requirements of radioactive labeling agents, prolonged experiment length, and high technical proficiency that are typically experienced with markers such as RFLP and AFLP, are alleviated (Taylor et ah, 2001). Moreover the amount of template DNA required for a PCR reaction is significantly less than that required for RFLP analysis. STS markers are predominantly expressed in a co-dominaht fashion, allowing the assessment of heterozygosity within a population. Currently, a major effort in genomics is the sequencing of genomes thereby, generating markers that reflect sequence data in contrast to markers such as isozymes and morphological variation; are of particular interest. As the name implies, STS markers can be directly associated with a coding sequence that allows complete correlation of marker sequence 103 data to genomic database information such as that found in BLAST, EST and BAC databases. Primer sets for STS markers can be designed to target exons within transcribed genes, allowing for cross-species applicability. The sequence that is amplified using STS' primers often spans one or more introns, thereby greatly improving the probability of detecting sequence polymorphism at a particular locus among segregating lines. As introns are known .to accumulate substantially greater amounts polymorphisms over exons (Holland et ah, 2001; Small et.ab, 2000) the inclusions of introns is important for the detection of variability among orthologous loci. The usefulness of using STS marker in comparative studies is evident, and their utility has been previously demonstrated (Taylor et ah, 1992; Iwata et ah, 2001; Tsunlura et ah, ■ 1999). Genetic Mapping In Lentil Lentil {Lens culinaris. 2n=14) has not been subjected to the type of intense linkage studies that have been applied to relatives such as soybean and pea. Consequently, the number of linkage groups currently established in lentil is greater than the haploid chromosome number. In Lens, hybrid studies between L. culinaris and L. ; orientalis (Ladizinsky, 1979a & 1979b) allowed the first characterization of the cytology of lentil and the genetics behind many of the morphological traits. The first reports of gene linkages in lentil however, were not reported until several years later. Eight ■ isozyme markers were tested on the previously described cross to generate two linkage groups composed of five loci (Zamir and Ladizinsky, 1984). In order to maximize the 104 genetic diversity within a potential mapping population, five species of lentil were investigated for crossability and karyotypic arrangement (Ladizinsky et ah, 1984). The genus could be divided into two general groups: I) L. culinaris, L. orientalis, and L. ■ odemensis, and 2) L. nigricans and L. ervoides. Ladizinsky et ah. (1985) used embryo rescue to facilitate the recovery of viable progeny from the original cross between L. culinaris and the wild species L. ervoides, both of which are situated in separate crossability groups. Mapping populations derived from the L. culinaris x L. ervoides cross were first used in a mapping study by Tadmor et al. (1987). The investigation used four mapping populations from six parents' to test 18 segregating markers. The marker sets used in this study consisted of both isozyme and morphological markers and were assembled into five • ■ . i linkage clusters that were tested using both F2 and F3 mapping populations. The study also characterized, both genetically and cytologically, a reciprocal translocation involving two chromosomes. Comparative analysis of the markers with their syntenic position in Pisum suggested that the chromosomes involved would be similar to what we now refer to as linkage groups I and II, in pea. Muehlbauer et al. (1989) used a sets of progeny derived from seven crosses between L.culinaris and L.orientalis to construct a lentil linkage map. The study also tested the relationship among assembled linkages from previous lentil studies. Fourteen ; isozyme and two morphological markers were assembled into six linkage groups ; spanning 86 discontinuous centimorgans. This study also investigated the subcellular compartmentalization of these isozymes in which confirmed several of the linkages that 105 were found. The lentil linkage map was further saturated with the inclusion of DNA markers that were tested using the same L. culinaris x L. orientalis cross (Havey and Muehlbauer, 1989). Nine partial linkage groups were assembled that consisted of 20 RFLP, eight isozyme and six morphological markers. A mapping population produced from an interspecific cross between parental lines L. culinaris #7 (Ladizinsky #7) and L. ervoides #32 (Ladizinsky #32) was used by Weeden et al. (1992) to produce the most complete linkage map of lentil to date. In this study, 64 markers consisting of isozyme, RFLP, and morphology were assembled into 11 partial linkage groups spanning 560cM. Linkage Conservation Among Temperate Legumes . Numerous studies have revealed conserved gene synteny among closely related species. The intent of this investigation was to test the hypothesis of complete shared synteny among temperate legumes (see Thesis Introduction) as demonstrated by the following. First, the objective of the lentil investigation as previously described by Weeden et al. (1992) was to compare the linkage conservation among the genes mapped between two species within the tribe Vicieae, lentil and pea. The results of comparative mapping between Pisum sp. and Lens sp. indicated a minimum of 40% linkage group conservation which is in agreement with the proposed macrosyntenic gene correlation among legumes (Weeden et al., 1992; Ellis et al. 2002). This same investigation, however detected inconsistencies among linkage blocks indicating rearrangements not in agreement with complete shared synteny. In particular, the placement of the 45s 106 ribosomal array in lentil deviated from both the arrays in pea and contradicted previous placement in lentil..Intertribal linkage comparisons between P. sativum (Vicieae) and Medicago truncatula (Trifolieae) revealed islands of gene synteny have been exposed •> between both, with some results indicating conservation of entire chromosomes (Vincent . et ah, 2000). Further comparative studies between these two.taxa have revealed a greater amount of conserved gene synteny beyond that previously reported. Dr. N. Ellis reported. that with the exception of pea linkage group VII; each of the six linlcage groups of pea show a macrosyntenic relationship with the linlcage. groups reported in M. .truncatula. (Ellis et al., 2002), Thus, one would expect an even greater extent of conserved gene synteny shared between the two closely related taxa of P. sativum and L. cidinaris, than between the slightly more divergent taxa of P. sativum and M. truncatula, Morphological markers linked to molecular anchor markers have been shown to share similar arrangements in both pea and lentil. Walling and Weeden (2002) demonstrated the homology of two similar morphological characters D (Pisum) and Gs (Lens), by establishing linkage between both Cop I,.a single copy gene in pea, and D in pea and Gs in lentil. In addition the study conversely suggests the convenience of using previously anchored morphological markers to supplement those markers currently being tested. Recently, a number of STS markers have been developed and anchored to the P. sativum linkage map (Brauner et al., 2002). The mapping of this STS marker set within I pea RILs placed two STS markers on each of linkage groups I and II, and at least five markers on each of the other five linkage groups. The wide coverage of these markers 107 across the pea map implies the value of such a marker set for comparative mapping studies within legumes. Lentil and pea are both placed, in the tribe Vicieae within the family FabaCeae (Leguminosae). As indicated in the Introduction, the economic importance of these species within the family underscores the significance of understanding the genetic relationships between species. The following investigation will apply the previously' described set of Pisum STS markers to further develop a lentil linkage map using the Lc#7 x Le#32 Lens Recombinant Inbred Line (RIL) population, originating from the previously described cross L. culinaris xL. erviodes (Ladizinsky et ah, 1985; Tadtnor et ah, 1987). The linkages revealed on this map will be compared to those found on the consensus P. sativum linkage map. Furthermore, the detected linkages will be integrated with previously anchored isozyme, morphological, RFLP and protein markers in order to maximize the density of informative markers within the linkage groups. RAPD markers ■ will be subsequently added to close gaps between loosely linked markers. It is hypothesized that, by testing the relationship of genetic linkages within a lentil RIL population using markers genetically anchored to Pisum, areas of conserved gene synteny between lentil and pea will be revealed. . 108 Materials and Methods Mapping Population 50 Fg RILs derived from the original cross of L. culinaris #7 and L. ervoides #32 previously described by Tadmor et al. (1987), were used in this mapping project. Earlier studies using this population, suggest that the parents of this wide cross, display considerable genetic divergence, a characteristic desired in any mapping population. A single reciprocal translocation involving Pisum linkage groups I and II and another chromosome has been previously characterized and must be accounted for when mapping within this region (Tadmor et ah, 1987; Weeden et al., 1992). Although observed in some lines, semi-sterility is not typically problematic. Both progeny and parents were grown under standard greenhouse conditions (i.e. supplemental lighting, extended day length, and daily waterings) in 4-inch (10.2cm.) pots until the plants were approximately 1.0cm. tall. DNA was extracted from fresh leaf tissue using CTAB method described in Chapter 2 and/or by (Torres et ah, 1993). DNA was dissolved using IOOpl of TE (I OmM Tris, ImM EDTA). RNA contamination was ■ eliminated via RNase treatment as previously described (Chapter 2 Material and Methods). . The presence of genomic DNA from the extraction was checked using gel electrophoresis of a 5pi aliquot of extract. Concentrated genomic DNA was stored at -20°C in TE. The genomic DNA stocks were further prepared for enzymatic 109 polymerization reactions (PCR), by diluting the template by 50-75% in OdH2O. These working stocks were kept for up to a month at 4°C. Primer Characteristics Primers sets designed to amplify anchored STS markers in Pisum (Brauner et ah, 2002) were used to target homologous loci within the lentil genome. These primers were designed to hybridize to conserved exon sequences within the gene and amplify through at least one intrbn. Improvements to primer design were carried out using BLAST ( to detect areas of sequence conservation. Primerfmder v0.07 ( was used to generate a list of priming sites located within the conserved sequence with regard to primer size, annealing temperature, and likelihood of self-annealing. Primers deemed suitable for mapping retained minimal hairpin tendency, an annealing temperature close to 60°C, a GC ratio of. greater than 50%, and a length of between 18 and 24 nucleotides. A complete list of STS primers used from Brauner et al. (2002), amplification conditions, and methods used to detect polymorphism, can be found in Table 3 A&C (see Results section). In addition, rDNA primers designed to amplify the NTS between 18/5.8/25s arrays and two novel markers: PsPk-2- (P. sativum Protein Kinase) and Pin-1 (Protein Kinase Pinoid), . generously donated to our program from Dr. D. DeMason (UC-Riverside) were developed from Pisum and Arabiclopsis sequences respectively. The primer sequences of P M , PsPk-2, and NTS :(18-5.8-25s) can be found in Table 3B (see Results section). HO STS Analysis PCR conditions were carried out using reaction mix and cycling conditions similar to those described in Chapter 2 (Materials and Methods). Parents were investigated for length polymorphism by amplifying each allele in a 25 pi reaction which allows enough product for electrophoretic analysis and, if necessary, a subsequent CAPS (Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequence) analysis. Expected fragment size of the amplification using the lentil parents could be predicted based on size of the band that was generated when primers were applied to Pisum templates (Brauner et al., 2002). Five microliters of PCR product was applied to a 1% agarose gel and size evaluated using electrophoresis. Positive length polymorphism indicated that the segregation of the progeny at the respective locus could be revealed directly, using the STS primer set on ‘ each progeny line. However the majority of markers tested required an additional CAPS analysis to reveal sequence polymorphism among progeny. Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequence (CAPS) Analysis Five microliters of the PCR product was digested using a series of restriction endonucleases that recognize-a four-nucleotide sequence. Such sequences occur, on average, every 256 basepairs and these restriction enzymes are referred to as common cutters. Refer to Table BA (see results section) for the specific enzyme that revealed the polymoiphic sequence within each amplified STS sequence. Up to five CAPs analysis can be assembled from the original 25pl parental amplifications. Reactions were set up . as follows: Ill MasterMix (nl/rxn) +PCR Product 5-10 +IOx PCR buffer 2.5 + Enzyme ’ 0.15 +ddH2Q__________ 12.5-17:5 Total: 25,Lil ■ Twenty-five microliter reactions were allowed to digest for one hour at 37°C. Restriction fragments were applied to a 2% agarose gel and size fractionated using gel electrophoresis. The progeny were all restricted with same endonucleases that revealed sequence polymorphisms in the parents. - Genetic Mapping of Segregating Alleles Progeny were scored based on allelic segregation patterns displayed at a particular locus within the RIL population. STS markers nearly always exhibit co-dommate characteristics; thus any remaining heterozygosity in the RILs should be revealed. Segregation data was entered in a mapping program QUIKMAP EXCEL macro (N. Weeden and J. Barnard, unpublished) as a character (F or S) representative of the allqle inherited from Lc#7 or Le#32 parent, or in some cases, as heterozygote (H). The parental segregating data confirmed both the size of STS/CAPS fragments produced by the progeny, as well as defined the phase of the two loci displaying linkage. QUIKMAP EXCEL arrayed the segregation data a linear fashion that facilitated the visual grouping of linkage clusters . The program could also be used to predict relative gene order within a linkage cluster by allowing one to manually arrange the data sets in such a way that both minimizes the recombination between markers and reduces the number of double crossover events among linked markers. The ability to re-arrange the data sets is of , 112 particular importance when mapping within the vicinity of a translocation. Data from groups of loci that are within each of the reciprocally translocated regions should display two distinct linear marker arrangements that do not appear to assort independently. Thus, most mapping programs will erroneously arrange most loci within the vicinity of a ■ translocated region, into a single linear linkage group. QUIKMAP facilitates the assemblage of multiple linking arrangements allowing the investigator to propose a marker arrangement for loci within the interchange complex. Previously generated Fg morphological, isozyme (some F2) and, generated from the same lines were integrated to both intensify marker density and confirm integrity of mapping our population. RAPD markers generated by using the Operon® Primer series A,B,C,D (Operon Technologies) facilitated the closure of gaps between linkage blocks. GMENDEL 3.0 (available as freeware confirmed the locus ordering that was assembled using QUIKMAP EXCEL and more importantly generated map distances between markers using recombination frequencies among linked loci. The linkages that could be detected were only accepted under a LOD score of >2.5 and a maximum recombination value of 0.20. G-MENDEL was not used for loci linked to translocations or in regions exhibiting distorted segregation ratios. 113 ~ : Results Thirty-three Pisum STS anchor markers (see Table 3) as described by Brauner et al. (2002) were tested for linkage within lentil RIL mapping population (Lc#7xLe#32) derived from L. cuUnaris x L. ervoides cross. Of the 33 STS markers initially tested, 20 - markers displayed segregation among progeny. The segregation data were integrated with 12 isozyme (Aatp, Ante, E stl, Est2, His I, Lap I, Lap2, Pepl, Pgdp, Pgmp Prxl, Skdh), two RFLP (Lb, RbcS), two protein markers, (K9 and PT), and two morphological (Tc and Gs) markers. All these latter markers with the exception of K9 and Pi, had been previously anchored in pea as well as mapped within this lentil population (Weeden et al., 1992). Twenty-six RAPD markers generated from progeny testing of the Lc#7xLe#32 cross, were used to Supplement the named markers with the intent of closing gaps . . . between distantly linked .markers. The complete integrated compilation Of the described i • genetic markers resulted in a total of 77 markers that were tested for linkage within this study. ; Linkages were detected among 64 of the segregating markers. The markers were . assembled into 10 separate, multilocus groups; eight linear (Figure 16) and two complex (Figure 17A and B), which span an estimated 300 discontinuous centimorgans. Thirteen ! pea anchor STS markers could not be mapped within the population. Five of these STS markers did not produce sufficient amplification products, and eight markers remained monomorphic.even after CAPS analysis (see Table 3C). , 114 ■Table 3. STS PCR Primer and Product Characteristics Gene Sym bols Apy Apx 1 PAmyI . PFruct CipPor Dimin Enol Gpi Lectin* Lip (CopI) MnSod* P628 P393 PhyApo Pin 1 PsPk2 18s/25srDNA Rpl22* Sahh* TubAI Pisum Linkage Group V ■ ■V ll VII III III VllV Vl V ll I III IV IV ■ Il ■ Vl V IV & V ll Vl V ll III Annealing CAPS Temp (C) Enzyme 59 60 58 60 58 59 60 60 60 60 58 55 55 59 57 58 60 58 58 60 Alu I Hae 111 Alut Rsat Haettl Ddet . Haettt Cfol • C fol M bol A fo l N/A C fol C fo l Dde I H a e lll N/A N/A A fo l C fo l Polymorphic Fragment(s) Size(bp) 600/500 1200/1350 250/350 600/300 1100/550 500/400 1100/825 850/800 400/500 1000/450 800/700 670/550/350 450/380 900/600 1000/700 1200/1000 4000/3800 1400/900 1100/650 ■ 1100/900 N/A- PCR Products exhibit polymorphism without additional CAPS analysis *Unable to confirm homology of segregating product to designated gene_________ B. Primer Sequ en ces Pin I Forward 5' A T G A TG G G TG G G TG G A A G A A A Reverse 5’ G C TTG A A TA A G TG TTTG G G TTT PsPk2-4 Forward 5' TG ATC G G TG TTC TG G G A TG A Reverse 5’ G C C AAG TTAAC C C AAC AAA 25s-18s NTS 18s Reverse 5TG TC A C TA C C TC C C G G TG _________________ 25s Forward 5’G TTTAG A C C G TC G TG A G A________________ C. Pea STS Anchor Markers Not Mapped in Lentil Primer Designation Reason M o n o m o rp h ic " Fbpp M onom orphic** Pepcn No A m plification Paal 1,2 M onom orphic** Rcpme No A m plification Gsc M onom orphic** Hopl M onom orphic** Pyrols M onom orphic** Vic J/K No A m plification Drr49 M onom orphic** Enod 40 M onom orphic** Gib2H No A m plification Ivdh. No A m plification Gdct M onom orphic** VR*** ________________________________________________ M onom orphic**________ MtST-1*** **Monomorphic characterisics maintained through CAPS analysis ***STS anchor markers from M e d ic a g o tru n c a tu la _________________ _____ Linear Lentil Linkage Groups -fDimin Centimorgans o- wEnol -S-O P D ielll 5_ 10- -OPA2* -OPA9, -Lapl 15_ -O P B lSlloc 20_ 25. 1 -O P B 1 7 „ -Apxl p1 & -OPDS0 -p628a -OPA2 -Hisl 35- 45- L -OPD5 1100 30_ 40. -OPA7 300 -*-OPD7, -OPD5. -p393 -OPA2, X-Apy 50_ -#-OPB8 1000 VII V VII VII Figure 16. Lentil Linkage Groups. Color of bar and roman numerals indicate syntenic Pisum linkage group, (see Figure 19) Bold = STS marker. Areas of unknown synteny represented by black bars. Dotted lines indicate probable linkages 116 A) VH Interchange. Copl — — C opl L. culinaris L. ervoides Linkage Group I l b __ Linkage Group I — Lb Gs — — Gs A a tp A aIp Yc E st2 Pgmp Yc E st2 Pgmp rDNA rDNA L. culinaris L. ervoides Linkage Group 2 Linkage Group 2 P hyA po BI V/VI Interchange. P hyA po — o p d i 6 1800_ — o P D ie 1 O P D ie 930- — O P D ie 9 O P B l330 - O P B l 330 O P B l300 ----O P B l300 O P B 18 O P B 1 8 i300 ^^P xA P inl P inl OPDT730- "O P D T 730 O PD T113- "O PD T 1130 PvPA2 - -PsPk2 O P A lO 930 i30— I fiFrucl GP' RbcS Gpi I— O OlP A lO 930 CipPor CipPor Rpl22 = RbcS J t Rpl22 -fiFruct Figure 17 A) Translocation quadrivalent involving linkage groups I/II. B) Translocation quadrivalent involving linkage groups V/VI. Color indicates syntenic Pisum linkage group (see Figure 19). Black=Unknown synteny. Bold=STS marker. Dashed Iine=Probable linkage. I . 117 Three markers (Sahh, MriSod, Lap-2) did display segregation among progeny, however could not be linked to any of the assembled linkage clusters under the described mapping conditions. PFruct and Enol showed linkage to the cluster indicated in Figure 17B and Figure 16 respectively, however only under very low stringencies (LOD<2.0 and max recombination value 0.20), which is why they only are indicated as probable linkages. Z Within the multilocus linkages, 32 homologs, consisting of STS, RFLP, and isozyme markers, were identified that exist between Pisum and Lens which allows a comparison of their positions on the lentil linlcage map. Two reciprocal translocations (I/II, V/VI) appear to be present within the cross, accounting for two of the ten assembled linlcage groups. The loci intimately involved within the reciprocal translocations, particularly the V/VI interchange, exhibited distorted segregation that skewed away from the expected Fg of 1:1 (See Table 4 and Appendix B ).' The segregation heavily favored the L. culinaris allele (see Figure 18). When mapping within the distorted areas, the data had to be treated differently than standard segregation data when using conventional methods of joint segregation analysis. By comparing only the data points that exhibit the underrepresented allele, the markers could be assigned relative positions within the linkage cluster that would minimize double crossover events (Livingstone et ah, 2000). Although ordering of the loci was possible within the distorted regions, estimating genetic distances between such loci, based on recombination frequencies was impracticable and would have been grossly inaccurate if standard equations were used. 118 Table 4. Segregation of markers from cross L. culinaris x L. ervoides Marker STS N Segregation 3 G Valueb Marker RFLP Apy 46 3 6:1 0 15.6*** Apxl PAmyI 36 16:20 0.44 Lb RbcS 49 27:2 2 0.51 Protein PFrue t 40 30:20 2.01 CipPor . Dimin 48 4 0 :8 36 Enol Gpi Lectin Lip (Cop1j N Segregation 3 G valueb 8 5:3 0.51 49 36:1 3 11.32** K9 42 2 5 :1 7 1.53 2 3.2 8*** P1 42 19:23 0.38 13:23 2.81 Morphological 37 45 26:11 31:14 6.26* 6.58* Yc Gs 50 50 .26:22 0.35 3.03 37 2 1:1 6 0.67 38 2 0:1 8 6.11 Mnsod 40 3 2:1 8 P628a 47 18:30 RAPD - O P A 2 550 46 2 2:2 4 0.08 3.97* OP A2y4Q 46 25:21 0.34 21:2 6 0.53 OPA2goo 46 2 0 :2 6 0.78 P393 49 23:26 0.18 OPA73oo 46 PhyApo 48 28:2 0 1.34 O PAO 290 46 Pin 1 46 39:7 24.5 3*** O P A l Ogg0 31:15 5.68* 25:21 0.34 45 36:9 17.34*** . Ps P k2 46 4 4 :2 0.18 O P B I 350 46 4 1 :5 32.14*** 1 8s/2 5srD N A 45 29:1 6 3.81 O P B I 500 46 39:7 24.53*** Rpl 22 39 33:6 2 0.5 7*** O P B 155Q 46 26:2 0 0.78 Sahh 31 22:9 5.62* O R B I850 46 26:2 0 0.78 TubA 1 37 11:26 6.26* OPB755q 45 23:2 2 . 0.02 OPBS-I0QQ 46 2 9 :1 7 3.16 Isozyme Aatp 44 21:2 3 0.09 O P B S 900 46 2 4 :2 2 0.08 Aatc 46 20:2 6 ■ 0.78 OPB17780 46 32:1 4 7.23** Es tl 40 21:2 9 1.28 O P B V 900 45 25:2 0 0.55 E st 2 46 23:2 3 0 O P B 1S-I100 44 22:22 0 His 1 45 32:13 8.27** O P B 1S150Q 46 39:9 16.41*** Lapl 46 35:11 13.16*** O P D S 1100 42 2 3 :1 9 Lap2(F 2) 20 9:11 0.2 O PDS^00 42 21:21 0.38 b PepI (F2) 32 16:16 0 O P D S 950 42 27:1 5 3.47 Pgdp 45 18:27 1.81 O P D 7 1150 46 37:9 24.53** Pgmp 25 11:14 • 0.63 O P D 7 550 46 26:2 0 0.78 , Px1 44 35:9 16.41*** OPD775q 46 4 2 :4 36.58*** Skdh 45 15:30 5.09* O P D 1 S1300 46 34:12 10.96*** O P D 1S300 46 2 7 :1 9 1.39 O P D 1 S950 46 38:8 21.26*** aExpected segregation for all markers: 1:1 bG value is the 'GMENDEL' version of %2 analysis (see appendix for formula). *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001. 119 Farenti ^tc7Lei)2 Progeny- I 1 . Ww # F ig u r e 18. C i p P o r P C R a m p lif ic a tio n p ro d u c ts d ig e s te d w ith H a e \ \ \ d is p la y in g d is to rte d s e g r e g a tio n a m o n g p r o g e n y . P a re n ts L c # 7 a n d L e # 3 2 o n le ft w ith R IL s a r ra y e d to th e rig h t. T h e n u m b e r o f lin k a g e s th a t d is p la y s e g r e g a tio n d is to r tio n w ith in th is c r o s s s u g g e s ts th a t a p p r o x im a te ly 2 5 % o f th e le n til g e n o m e w o u ld b e a ffe c te d . N in e m a r k e r s d is p la y e d lin k a g e to th e tr a n s lo c a tio n I/I I q u a d r iv a le n t, w h ic h a llo w e d th e r e s o lu tio n o f m a r k e r p o s itio n s o n e a c h o f th e fo u r a rm s . B y c o m p a r in g lin k a g e s to p r e v io u s m a p p in g re s u lts w ith in th is p o p u la tio n (W e e d e n e t a l., 1 9 9 2 ), th e s e d a ta a llo w e d th e p r o p o s a l o f p a r e n ta l c h r o m o s o m e s , a s w e ll a s a s s ig n m e n t o f a lin k a g e g ro u p to e a c h o f th e f o u r a r m s w ith in th e q u a d r iv a le n t (S e e fig u re 1 6 A ). S ix te e n m a rk e rs d is p la y e d lin k a g e to th e p u ta tiv e V /V I tra n s lo c a tio n c o m p le x . H o w e v e r th e s e 16 m a rk e rs c lu s te r e d in to th r e e lin k a g e b lo c k s , th u s o n ly th re e o u t o f th e f o u r a r m s o f th e q u a d r iv a le n t c o u ld b e r e s o lv e d (s e e fig u re 1 6 B ). M o s t m a rk e rs w ith in th e q u a d r iv a le n t a p p e a r r e a r r a n g e d w ith r e s p e c t to p e a a n d h a v e y e t to b e r e p o r te d in le n til, c o n s e q u e n tly th e p a r e n ta l d o n o r s a n d s y n te n ic p e a lin k a g e n u m b e r s c o u ld n o t b e a s s ig n e d a n y o f th e a rm s T h e c o lo r - c o d e d lin k a g e g r o u p s o f le n til c o r r e s p o n d to a r e a s o f s h a r e d c o n s e rv e d g e n e s y n te n y w ith r e s p e c t to th e P is u m lin k a g e m a p , a llo w in g lin k a g e c lu s te r s fro m len til to b e a lig n e d to a r e g io n o f a p e a lin k a g e g ro u p (s e e F ig u r e 19). E a c h p e a lin k a g e g ro u p 120 with the exception of linkage group VI has at least one region displaying synteny to lentil. C onsensus L inkage M ap o f I Il III IV Pisum sativum V r Vl Vll Figure 19. Consensus linkage map of P. sativum (Brauner et al., 2003). Areas syntenic in lentil are denoted with colored bars. Hashed bars indicate probable linkage in lentil. Brackets are regions that displayed considerable segregation distortion When the lentil linkage clusters are ordered similar to that in pea, we observe a span of at least 50cM per pea linkage group, although estimates of linkage coverage within the translocation complexes cannot be verified. The lentil linkage blocks that 121 were generated by this study and display conserved gene synteny to pea linkages, are summarized on Table 5. Table 5. Conserved Linlcages Between Lentil and Pea Linkage Groups I Jl III IV V Vl Vll P is u m Syntenic Linkages Detected In Lentil C o p l-L b -G s P hyA po-A atp T u b A I-A a tc C ip P o r--^ F ru c t P 6 2 8 -P 3 9 3 A p y -H is t- -E noI P xA -R b cS N fA D im in -A p x t -(IAm yI S k d h -E s tt *Double dashes indicate probable linkages. P g d p -P e p t Absence of synteny was observed as a number of single and multilocus rearrangements.. The 45 S ribosomal cluster, which is anchored on both linkage groups IV and VII in pea, is linked to the Yc:Est2 cluster within the lentil LGI/II translocation complex. Two loci (Gpi and CipPor) displaying linlcage to the translocation V/VI complex appear to possess different positions relative to the consensus pea linlcage map. The Gpi locus did not show a clear linkage to either Pinl or PsPk2 as indicated on the pea map, but could be placed within.the same linlcage block via the PxA-RbcS linkage (See Figure 17B). The CipPor locus, anchored to linlcage group III in pea, shows linlcage to the linkage group V/VI complex in lentil. In addition to the rearrangements at the single locus level, several linkage groups IcnOwn to be syntenic in pea could not be connected in lentil (see Figure 19). Specifically the TubAl, Lapl, and CipPor groups (LG 122' III in pea), Apy and PxA groups (LG V in pea) and the Pdgp, Skdh and Apxl groups (LG VII in pea), each syntenic in pea, could not be j oined in lentil. 123 Discussion The intent of this Study was to evaluate the hypothesis of complete shared synteny among closely related members of the tribe Vicieae. The project adopted the phylogenetic relationship between Pisum spp. and Lens spp. (Steele et ah, 2003) to investigate STS marker linkage conservation between the two divergent species. To support the placement of the STS markers as well as increase and intensify linkages that were detected, a number of isozyme, RAPD, protein and morphological markers were integrated with the assembled data sets. The majority of these markers could be assembled into 10 linkage groups that span over 300 discontinuous centimorgans. The linkage distances within the assembled linkage groups imply a moderate coverage of the lentil genome; however, five markers failed to reveal linlcage when tested under low stringencies (i.e. LOD<2.0 and maximum recombination value of 0.20). This result suggests that a minimum of I OOcM of the lentil genome remain untagged; thus, additional regions need to be characterized before a complete linkage map can be assembled. However considerable coverage was attained and areas of the generated linlcages groups displaying both conserved gene synteny and absence of gene synteny between Pisum and Lens were revealed. Characterization of Cross Lc#7 x Le #32 ' The results generated from mapping within this intefspecies cross, originally described by Ladizinsky, strongly suggest the presence of an additional translocation (V/VI) involving different linkages than the translocation that was originally described by 124 : Tadmor et al. (1987) and corroborated by Weeden et al. (1992). Tadmor et al. (1987) characterized the Lc#7xLe#32 cross both cytologically and genetically as containing a reciprocal translocation involving linkage clusters that correspond to Pisum linkage groups I and II. The presence of the translocation (I/II) within the cross was confirmed based on my data. However, the additional translocation was detected within linkage clusters that display severe segregation distortion, and it was only after careful' examination of these data that an additional translocation could be postulated. Distorted segregation patterns that affected the described portion of the genome caused some difficulty in resolving genetic distances. Distorted loci are not uncommon within mapping populations, especially those that involve a relatively wide cross such as L. culinciiis x L. ervoides. Eujayl et al. (1997 & 1998) reported significant divergence from the expected Mendelian segregation ratios within two lentil mapping populations. • However, the results from their study did not indicate that a particular parent had more influence as to which allele was donated at a particular locus. Results of the present study clearly demonstrate the prevalence of the Lens culinaris allele within the distorted areas. The population used in Eujayfs study (Lehs oreintalis x Lens culinaris), however, is considered genetically narrower than the cross that was used in our study. The use of wide crosses for generating linkage maps is based on the-fact that segregation is usually observed among more of the loci tested. The significant genetic divergence of the two parents Lc#7 (Lens culinaris) and Le#32 (Lens ervoides) (Muehcli et al., 1991) would suggest a considerable amount of expected segregation. However, with nine STS markers remaining monomorphic through our CAPS analysis, it appears 125 that the interspecific cross described may actually be genetically narrower than an intraspecific f . Jafivwm cross in which these same STS markers co-segregated (Bfatmer et ah, 2002). • Conserved Gene Svntenv In most cases, the linkage clusters, in'lentil confirm the established genetics' relationships as described by Weeden et al. (1992), Tadmor et al. (1997), Tahir et al. (1994) (see figure 15 and 16A,B). However, the loci that displayed genetic rearrangement with respect to pea are of particular interest. The 45 s: array that is anchored to linkage groups IV and VII in pea, does not show linkage to either of these respective linkage groups in lentil. Rather my results strongly suggest that the 45s array is subterminal and linked to the translocation involving linkage groups I and II in-lentil. The position of the 45 s array is in agreement with the FISH results of the NOR in lentil (see Chapter 3). Furthermore the linkage between Est and 45srDNA is conserved in Viciafaba (Torres et al., 1993), however the homology Of the Av locus in lentil to Est locus in Vfaba must be determined. The rearrangement of the 45s array was first described by Weeden et al. (1992) based on RFLP data. This rearrangement was verified using PCR primers designed to ' amplify the NTS of between transcribed arrays. Additional rearrangements include the Lapl cluster assorting independently from TubAl cluster. Similarly, the three clusters that are syntenic on pea.linkage group VII, specifically the Dimin-Apxl- f Amyl, SkdhEstl, Pgdp-Pepl clusters, show no linkage to each other in lentil. Two rearrangements ■ 126 within the V/VI translocation complex were detected: Gpi appears to be linked to the RbcS cluster and the. CipPor-PFruct segment shows linkage to markers that reside on linkage group VI in pea. Neither of these linlcages has been reported in pea. Finally, . regardless of the arrangement within the translocation, linlcage groups I and II have changed in X. culinaris and linleage group II appears incomplete in both the parents. The wild species (Z. ervoides) maintains the proposed consensus gene arrangement ' represented by pea at linkage groups I arid II, and Z. culinaris appears restructured. Discrepancies in Lentil Genetic Mapping 1 ' Several linkages detected within our study challenge previous marker positioning and chromosomal arrangements. The most intriguing of these is represented by the addition of a second translocation. Tadmor et al. 1987 provided cytological evidence for one translocation in which the satellited chromosome containing the NOR (and presumably the 45s array) was clearly separated from the quadrivalent that was under investigation. As previously stated, however, our evidence as well as Weeden et al. (1992) place the 45s array within the translocation Vll complex and not on linkage groups VII as seen in pea. The detection of an additional translocation between linkage groups V and VI suggests that the photograph of the translocation documented by Tadmor and characterized as a linkage group I/II interchange may actually have involved the interchange between linkage groups V and VI, This novel translocation would explain how the NOR would be cytologically distinct from a translocation while appearing genetically linked to the translocation. One method to test this hypothesis would be to 127 examine a number of meiotic chromosome spreads from lines within the Lc#7 x Le#32 population for evidence of an additional quadrivalent, particularly those lines that exhibit infertility; typically indicative of a translocation. Additional inconsistencies are summarized as follows': 1. Tahir et al. (1993) placed Rrn on a different linkage group than Yc or Pgmp. My results indicate that Yc:Est2:Pgmp:rDNA are syntenic within the I/II translocation complex (see Figure 17A). 2. Weeden et al. (1992) indicated that Estl was syntenic to RbcS. My results positioned of RbcS within the V/VI translocation complex. This area does not share synteny with Estl which was anchored to Pisum linkage groups VII See Figure 17B). In summary, linkages were detected among 64 segregating markers,, 32 of which had been previously anchored on the P. sativum Hnlcage map. Consequently, 10 linkage groups were assembled that span over 300 discontinuous centimorgans. Our evidence indicates that while the majority of loci evaluated share linkage synteny with pea, some notable genetic rearrangements were revealed. Supplementary to this study, I generated evidence demonstrating the presence of two reciprocal translocations between the two parental lines. 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The intent of the first experiment was to assess the utility of a newly developed Piswn sativum BAC library. At the time of experimentation, the coverage of the library was estimated at one pea genome equivalent. Although the low coverage somewhat limited the extent to which the library could be characterized, initial assessments could be : accomplished; the following three characteristics of the library were examined: first, the abundance of chlbroplast DNA within the library was examined to determine the utility of the library when screening for nuclear DNA. Second, the ability to locate nuclear sequences of high copy number, in this case the 25s rDNA subunit, was investigated. Finally, the ability to locate clones containing sequences of both low copy (gene family) and single copy numbers within the library was investigated. The results from these three experiments indicated that I) a minimum of 1,0% of the clones within, this BAG library would contain cpDNA sequences', 2) 25 S rDNA (high copy) clones were obtainable and 132 represent approximately 0.35% of clones within, the library, and 3) one representative of both a gene family and a unique sequence was found; RbcS representing a gene family and Gsc representing a single copy gene. Although these results are of some value to subsequent investigations, of greater value will be the data obtained regarding the screening process itself. As indicated in Chapter 2, there were a substantial amount of false positives detected using the filter hybridization procedure. False positives will certainly encumber any future large-scale screening experiments by significantly decreasing the precision and efficiency to which homologous BAC clones are readily identified. Thus, any investigation using this library must address the issue of false positives and adjust the experimental design accordingly. Portions of this experimental design that may have contributed to the abundance of false positives have been, suggested (see Chapter 2 Discussion), including the hybridization procedure or acquisition of clones. Before the inception of a large-scale screening initiative using this library, alternate methods of clone identification and verification should be considered. The second experiment utilized the partially-characterized BACs obtained from the first experiment to address one potential use of P. sativum BACs in future genomic studies. This experiment questioned the utility of using FISH to detect low copy sequences located within BACs on P. sativum chromosomes. The effect of adding increasing amounts of blocking DNA to the FISH reaction was also investigated. A series of FISH experiments was set up to evaluate the behavior of these BACs under different hybridization conditions with the intent of developing a protocol for future BAC-FISH experimentation specific to Pisum, Additionally, the value of several plasmid 133 probes was tested for possible future use as positive checks. The large amount of repetitive sequences found in both the BAC insert and the pea genome significantly cross-hybridized with each other. This result indicated that, when compared to species with smaller genomes in which FISH is done routinely, the same approach in pea would not be trivial. Methods to overcome the binding of repetitive seqeunces, such as sequestration techniques' (i.e. Q t-I blocking DNA), were largely ineffective. However, one FISH reaction using the RbcS BAC probe displayed relatively localized signals when used in conjunction with large amounts of Q t-I blocking DNA. As discussed in Chapter 3; these data suggest two.future areas of investigation: I) a thorough characterization of the insert sequence within the BAC probe, and 2) a more robust blocking DNA extraction that would target Q t values significantly greater than Q t-I (e.g., Q t-100). The final investigation addressed the hypothesis of conserved gene synteny among members of the family Vicieae (Pisum and Lens). To permit the most thorough investigation of a macrosyntenic gene arrangement between the two species, a novel linkage map of Leris was generated primarily using a set of Pisum STS anchor markers on a Lens RIL mapping population. These STS data were integrated with previously generated isozyme, RFLP, and protein data, for most of which the homo log in pea has been reported. The map was completed using RAPD markers tested on the (same lentil mapping population used to test the other markers to fill gaps between loosely linked markers. Linkages were detected among 64 segregating markers, 32 of which had been previously anchored to the Pisum linkage map. These data allowed the assembly of 10 linlcage groups, eight linear and two complex, which span an estimated 300 discontinuous 134 centimorgans. The results confirm many of the previously established gene linkages, and areas of conserved gene synteny between pea and lentil were detected. More importantly, however, absence of synteny was observed in a number of single and ■ multilocus rearrangements that differed between the two species. Thus, evidence was found that would reject the hypothesis of complete shared gene synteny between lentil and pea. In addition to the comparative mapping results, data was obtained that further characterized the cross that produced the RIL mapping population. An additional translocation involving different chromosomes than those involved in the previously ■ reported interchange was mapped using our population. Although this translocation will need to be further confirmed cytologically, the evidence generated from the mapping data strongly indicates the presence of the additional interchange! The results of this experiment represent both the most current documentation of conserved gene synteny within the tribe Vicieae and most complete characterization of the original lentil cross. In conclusion, the experiments'described appear, for the most part, to be' unrelated. One exception being the clones obtained from the BAC experiment was used in some of the FISH experiments. However one could envision a.future experiment in which a lentil-anchored marker from the newly developed linkage map is used in the positional cloning of its homolog in pea and subsequently physically localized on chromosomes of pea or lentil using FISH. Whether the results obtained from each experiment establish a new pathway of investigation or bring further resolution to discrepant previous investigations, these results will nonetheless provide a significant contribution to the current status of genetics in Lens m d Pisum. 135 APPENDICES 136 APPENDIX A RAW BAC INSERT SEQUENCE 137 RAW B A C C lo n e 8 9 -E lO F o r w a r d p rim e rs (832 bp) 5 Sequence Sequence DATA a m p lifie d u sin g G sc s p e c ific ANGGGAGNAGCACNATGGAGGNGCAGGATCNGAGGGGGANGTTCTTTTATNGTATGA CTAATTNAACTCAW TANTTAATTANGCNNNNTTTATAAAAAAAGTTATTTTTCCAAGAA ACTTATGAGAGTTTCTTTGTTTTTTGTTTTCTTGTGTTTATTTGATGAAAAAAGTCCAC ANGCTATTTTCAAGGACCCATTCAGAAGAGGGAATAATATTCTTGTAAGTTGTTCATTT TTATTTTTTGAAAGAATTGGGTTATTAATTATAAATTGATTAAGAACATGGGTTCTAGT TTATCTAATTATATTTATTTA TTCA TG TTA AA A A AA TTA ACTTTG TG G AA A A AA TA TTT AGGTGATTTGTGATGTTTACACCCCAGCTGGAGAACCATTACCCACAAACAAGAGATAC AATGCTGCCAAAATTTTCAGTCACCCTGATGTTGCTGCTGAAGTACCATGGTATGGGTG TCATGTCGGATTTTTGTCGCATTCACACTGTCAAAATATTATTAACCTTTATCTTAATT GCACATTTTTAAAAAAAAATTGAATTTTTTAAAATTATAAAATTTAAATTACAATTATT ca a g a a ta a tta tta ccn ta a a ttta tttta ta ctg tca a ccca a tg a cg a cca ta ta t CTCTGTTAATTCAAATTAAAATTTTTAAAATATTTATATGGACNTGATAAAATGATATA ttttta tta g a a g a ta g ta ta a a a ctttttta g a g tg g cctttg g ta tccn cccta a a a ATCCAAATTTTTAATGGGGATTTGGATTTTTCCTTTTAAAAACCCNAANCNAATTAAAG GGGATN3 ' C lo n e 8 9 -ET0 R e v e rs e p rim e rs . 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