11-7-12 Chromosome Worksheet

Chromosome Worksheet
Use the following diagram to answer questions 1-3.
1. In the diagram above, box A tells what form the DNA shown is in. This DNA is in what
a) Chromosome
b) Chromatin
2. In the diagram above, the 2 boxes labeled B show what part of the DNA?
a) Gene
b) Homologous Chromosomes
c) Sister Chromatids
d) Centromere
3. In the diagram above, the box labeled C shows what part of the DNA?
a) Gene
b) Homologous Chromosomes
c) Sister Chromatids
d) Centromere
4. Which of the following would be a reason that DNA would be in chromosome form?
a) DNA being replicated
b) Cell is not dividing
c) Cell is dividing
d) Cell is growing
5. What are homologous chromosomes?
a) Two identical parts of a chromosome
b) Two members of a pair of chromosomes that carry genes for the same traits and are
the same size / shape.
c) Two chromosomes which are nothing alike.
d) Two chromosomes gotten from your father that are exactly alike.