Library Lingo An MSU Library Publication V O L U M E Need research assistance? Ask a Librarian View our recent books and videos purchases at newbooks/ MSU Library Fall Hours Mon.-Thurs Friday Sat. Sun. 7am - midnight 7am-6pm 10am-5pm 10am-midnight Special Collections Mon.-Fri. 8:00am-5pm Sat. & Sun. - Closed Library Telephone Numbers AV/Scanning Circ. ILL Reference Special Coll. 994-5299 994-3139 994-3161 994-3171 994-4242 5 I S S U E 2 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1 What’s new in the Library? We have a spiffy new space which we hope will meet your computing and study needs. Check out the area, move the chairs and tables to your liking, and let us know what you think. Aside from the new facelift on the 1st floor, we’ve also been busy implementing new technologies and systems for you to use. Single Sign-on (SSO) - Wouldn’t it be dreamy if you only had to login to Library Services such as Reserves, Interlibrary loan, the catalog and off-campus access to our electronic journals and databases just once during your research session. Now you can. Single Sign-on remembers your credentials (i.e. D2L username and password) for as long as you have a browser open. No more logging in multiple times to submit an Interlibrary loan request. The simplest way to use Single-Sign-On is to avoid Logout until you are done with Library applications. This can be done by using multiple tabs in your Web browser. Remember, to completely protect your privacy, you must Logout AND Exit the browser. New Electronic Reserves System - MSU Library has a new electronic reserves system. It is quick and easy to use. Just login, search for your class and you’re ready to go. Fun New Technology Gadgets KIC - Located on the 1st floor near the stairs, this scanner is easy and intuitive to use. Scan your document, decide your file type (PDF, JPG, RTF), and method of delivering the document (printing, emailing or saving to a flash drive). It is faster and cheaper than photocopying and produces better images. IRover - Your portable classroom. You can move this computer, projector, and screen anywhere on the 1st floor. All you need is a power outlet and network connection if you want to use the internet. It includes all of the software that is found on library computers. Library Workshops Here’s the first round of Library Workshop for the Fall semester. All sessions will be held in the Library Classroom located in the basement. These are free workshops. You can register at workshopregistration.php or feel free to drop in! Tuesday, Sept. 13 from noon-12:50 - Tips and Tricks to PowerPoint Friday, September 23 from 1:10-2:00pm - EndNote X5 Tuesday September 27 from noon-12:50 - Banned Books