University Library Committee Meeting Minutes 4/8/13 Members present: B. Brown, S. Brown, A. Armstrong, D. Patterson, R. Wakimoto, T. Ravas Members absent/excused: E. Plant, B. Clark, L. Muir, Ex-officio member: S. Zhang The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. The minutes from 3-11-13 were approved. Communication Items: New student member Brian Hanssen was welcomed to the committee and members introduced themselves. The Library is once again reviewing its hours and considering minor adjustments based on automated gate counts and comments from the Student Advisory group. The changes being considered the week before finals include Friday’s and Saturday’s to be open an hour later (7am to 7 pm), Sunday to close two hours earlier (11am to midnight), and hour changes for President’s Day and Veterans Day (11 am to11 pm). A proposed schedule will be reviewed by the library next week. The reductions to the library budget should not impact hours. The cuts will be made to the collection budget which is the largest. The proposed Materials Science PhD program requires the purchase of a database that will cost approximately $20,000/yr. The proposal was originally a joint program with UM and Montana Tech. It now includes MSU and is a more substantial program that requires resources. MSU’s Faculty Senate did not approve the proposal. The Library now has a comprehensive Assessment Plan. It will be sent to committee members. It is likely that sections of the plan will be implemented every other year. The Library is offering several internships for students interested in Library Science as a career choice. The field is very broad and is available to undergraduates in any program. Several staff members are enrolled in the University of Washington online Master’s Program. The Library is working on a student appreciation event. Megan Stark is chairing the Planning Committee. Graduating students will have a book in their major purchased in their honor. There will also be goodies. A room for teaching Missoula College students about information literacy is available. Efforts are still underway to condense shelves to create additional terminals for studying. There have been complaints about the wireless availability on the campus as well. Dr Whittenburg, the new Vice President of Research and Creative Scholarship is planning an Imagination and Innovation event on April 15th. The library will host some of the presentations. A special exhibit, “ Irish in Montana,” is available March 1to mid-April 2013. The collection was on display at University Cork in Ireland in July 2012. The Library also hosts 160 interviews. The exhibit is an opportunity to be used as an educational tool. The budget will be final on July 1st. There will not be funds for backfills for the next biennium. The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m.