Refereed Proceedings XIX International Congress for Instruction and Education in Information


Refereed Proceedings

“Connecting the Americas: Wireless Business Applications,” Jack Becker (invited keynote address), XIX International Congress for Instruction and Education in Information

Systems and Computer Science (ANIEI) , Tustla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico, October

26, 2006.

“Combating the Enrollment Downturn in IS/IT Programs,” Jack D. Becker, Nik Hassan, J. David

Naumann, Proceedings of the Association of Computer Information Systems 2006

Conference , Acapulco, MX, August, 2006.

“A Collaborative IS/IT Course Between Universities in Mexico and the United States Using

WEBCT,” Foster Roden, Jack D. Becker, Juan Francisco Rosales Laurent, and Patrick

Pluscht, Proceedings of the Association of Computer Information Systems 2006

Conference , Acapulco, MX, August, 2006.

“Uncovering Conceptual Gaps in IS Textbooks,” Nik Hassan, Jack D. Becker, Proceedings of the Association of Computer Information Systems 2006 Conference , Acapulco, MX,

August, 2006.

“Using Social Network Analysis to Test an IT-Enabled Business Process Reengineering Theory,”

Nik R. Hassan, Tom C. Richards, Jack D. Becker, Proceedings of the Hawaiian

International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS) , January, 2006.

“Effectiveness of Collaborative Tool Usage for Virtual Team Activities,” Jack D. Becker,

Melinda Cline, Proceedings of the Association of Computer Information Systems 2005

Conference , Omaha, NE, NY, August, 2005.

“The Trends in IS/IT Research for AMCIS Conferences: 1995 to 2004 (The Early Years):

Research in Progress,” Jack D. Becker, Bashorat Ibragimova, Mary Jones, Proceedings of the Association of Computer Information Systems 2004 Conference , New York City,

NY, August, 2004.

“A Fuzzy Neural Network for Assessing the Risk of Fraudulent Financial Reporting, ” Jerry W.

Lin, Hwang, Mark, & Jack D. Becker, The Ninth Annual AIS Research Symposium ,

February, 21-23, 2002; Scottsdale, AZ (Published Abstract)

“Representing Multivalued Attributes In Database Design”, Mark Hwang, Jack Becker, Jerry

Lin, Proceedings of the International Association of Computer Information Systems

2001 Conference , Vancouver, October 4-6, 2001.

“Best Practices for Managing Collaborative Technology Tools and Virtual Teams,” Becker, Jack

D., Ballentine, Rodger D. , Tedford, Karon S, Lee, Angelique, and Townsley, Carole,

Brown, Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Boston, MA,

August, 2001.

“Industry/Academic Partnerships in Information Systems and Technology,” Becker, Jack D. and

Brown, Carol V.

, Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems,

Long Beach, CA, August, 2000.

“ Benchmarking Industry's Technology: Support Work Groups” Ballentine, Rodger, Becker, Jack,

Angelique Lee, and Carole Townsley Proceedings of the Center for the Study of Work

Teams Conference, Dallas, TX, September, 1999, pp. 223-232.

“Collaborative Technology Tools for Virtual Teaming,” Becker, Jack, Ballentine, Rodger, Lee,

Angelique, and Townsley, Carole, Proceedings of the Americas Conference on

Information Systems, Milwaukee, WI, August, 1999, pp 334-336.

“Electronic Commerce and Rapid Delivery: The Missing ‘Logistical Link’.” Becker, Jack, Ted

Farris, and Phil Osborn.

Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information

Systems, Baltimore, MD, August, 1998, pp. 248-250.

“Best Practices of Information Systems/Information Technology Research Centers as Reported by Center Directors,” Becker, Jack D. , Myerscough, Mark, Proceedings of the Decision

Sciences Institute , San Diego, CA, November, 1997.

“A Framework for Intranet-Based Information Systems (IBIS) Applications,” Myerscough, Mark,

Richards, Thomas, and Becker, Jack, Proceedings of the Americas Conference on

Information Systems, Indianapolis, IN, August, 1997, pp. 248-250.

“A Effects of Customized Communication Skills Training on Undergraduate Informations

Systems Majors,” Becker, Jack D., Robert G. Insley, & Megan L. Endres.


Conference - San Francisco, CA, April 4, 1997.

“A Multi-media Learning Module Approach to Communication Skills Enhancement and

Assessment,” Jack D. Becker, Robert G. Insley, and Celina Pinheiro, Proceedings of the

AIS Americas Conference , August, 1996,

“Creating and Maintaining an IS Center,” Ryan Nelson, Jack Becker, Rudy Hirschheim, Lew

Leeburg. p 575. “Workshop: A Typology for ISRC’s,” Jack Becker and Glenn Maples, p.

xvii. Proceedings of the First Americas Conference on Information Systems ,

Pittsburgh, PA, August, 1995, .

“The Current Status of Information Systems Research Centers: Circa 1993,” co-authors,

Maples, Glenn E. and Hassan, Nik, Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute ,

Honolulu, HI, November, 1994.

"The Status of Information Systems Research Centers: Circa 1993," co-authors, Maples, Glenn

E. and Hassan, Nik, Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute , Washington, DC,

November, 1993.

"A Communication Skills Model for Undergraduate BCIS Majors," co-author, Breshears, Robert and Insley, Robert, Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute , Washington, DC,

November 21-23, 1993.

"Perceptions of MIS Journals," co-author, Ganesh, G. K. and Chandy P. R., Proceedings of

Decision Sciences Institute 21st Annual Meeting , San Diego, CA, November, 1990.

"Impact of Organizational Maturity on Users' Satisfaction with Information Systems," Mo A.

Mahmood and Jack D. Becker, ACM Proceedings of the 21st Annual Computer

Personnel Research Conference , James C. Wetherbe (editor), Association for

Computing Machinery, Inc., 1985, pp. 134-151.

"Computer Assisted Planning at First National Bank in St. Louis -- A Case Study," Jack D.

Becker and James R. Doyle, Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Hawaii International

Conference on Systems Sciences -- 1982, Vol. I , William Riddle, Ken Thurber, Peter

Keen, Ralph H. Sprague, Jr., (editors), Western Periodicals Co., 1982, pp. 858-867.

"An Integrated Primary Health Care System for a Large Metropolitan Area," Jack D. Becker and

Geraldine A. Binion, Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Hawaii International

Conference on Systems Sciences, Midwest Information Processing, Vol. II, Section II ,

Bruce Shriver, Tony Walker, Ralph R. Grams, and Ralph H. Sprague, Jr., (editors),

Western Periodicals Co., January, 1981, pp. 633-643.

"AUTOTRAC -- A Decision Support System for Corporate Planning," Jack D. Becker and James

R. Doyle, Proceedings of the International Congress on Applied Systems Research and Cybernetics , December, 1980.


Breshears, Robert L., Jack D. Becker, & Robert G. Insley. "Students Need Communication

Skills." Inside DPMA 31(7) (July, 1993) 9 & 12. (Monthly Newspaper for DPMA and the Information Management Profession which has 50,000 subscribers.)

Manuscripts In Process

Hassan, Nik R., Richards, Thomas C., and Becker, Jack D., “Developing Theory in Business with Journal of Association of Information Systems, Fall 2005.

Insley, Robert G., Jack D. Becker, Megan L. Endres, & Betty King. “The Effects of Customized

Communication Skills Training on Undergraduate Information Systems Majors: A

Longitudinal Study” The Journal of Business Communication . (mailing date Fall,


Becker, Jack D., Robert G. Insley, & Megan L. Endres. “Communication Skills of Information

Systems Personnel: An Empirical Assessment of Current Skill Levels and Future

Expectations.” Journal of Management Information Systems (Pending revision; 3nd review)

Insley, Robert G., Jack D. Becker, & Megan L. Endres. “A Systems Approach for Delivering

Communication Skills Instruction and Curriculum: A Field Test for IS Majors,”

Information and Management (Pending; 3rd Review).
