Refereed Journal Articles Journal of Information Systems Education

Refereed Journal Articles
“Uncovering Conceptual Gaps in Introductory IS Textbooks.” Nik R. Hassan & Jack D.
Becker, Journal of Information Systems Education, (accepted 2006, pending
“Collaborative Technologies and Virtual Teams: Which Is More Important–The ‘Technology’ or
the ‘Team’?” Decision Line, July 2003, Vol. 34, No. 4. Jack D. Becker, University of
North Texas (invited paper by Dr. Ken Kendall, Decision Line Ecommerce Section
“A Fuzzy Neural Network for Assessing the Risk of Fraudulent Financial Reporting.” Jerry W.
Lin, Hwang, Mark, & Jack D. Becker, Managerial Auditing Journal, Spring, 2003.
“Representing Multivalued Attributes In Database Design.” Hwang, Mark, Jack D. Becker,
Jerry W. Lin, Issues in Information Systems, 2001, Vol II, pp 160-166.
“Communication Skills of IS Majors: A Report for Our Educational Institutions.” Becker, Jack
D., Robert G. Insley, & Megan L. Endres, Computer Personnel (accepted, April 2, 1997).
“Aligning Business Communication Skills Curriculum to Meet IS Managers’ Expectations of IS
Graduates,” Robert Insley, Jack Becker, Robert Breshears, The Journal of Computer
Information Systems, Summer, 1996, Volume XXXVI, No. 4, pp 7-13.
"Finding and Successfully Recruiting Management Information Systems Faculty", Jack D.
Becker, Interfaces: The Computer Education Quarterly, Fall, 1987, Vol. 9, Issue 3, pp
"Effect of Organizational Maturity on Users' Satisfaction with Information Systems," Mo A.
Mahmood, and Jack D. Becker, Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. II,
No. 3, Winter, 1985-86.
"Computer Assisted Planning (CAP) at Dinero International Bancorporation," James R. Doyle
and Jack D. Becker, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 7, No. 3, September, 1983, pp. 33-46.
"Corporate News Reports and Security Returns," Walter L. Eckardt, Jr. and Jack D. Becker,
Market Technician's Journal, Vol. 9, November, 1980, pp.47-64.
"General Proof of Modigliana-Miller Propositions I and II Using Parameter-Preference Theory,"
Jack D. Becker, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, March, 1978, pp.
"Computerized Regional Planning for Land Disposal of Wastewater," Robert E. Markland, L.
Douglas Smith, and Jack D. Becker, International Journal of Urban Systems, Vol. 2,
1977, pp. 1-14.
"Regional Planning for Land Disposal of Wastewater," Robert E. Markland, L. Douglas Smith,
and Jack D. Becker, Water Resources Bulletin, Vol. 12, No. 3, June, 1976, pp. 557-559.