Financial Statements and Supplemental Information As of June 30, 2002 and 2001 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY June 30, 2002 Board of Regents Executive Officers Financial Administration Mr. Philip A. Incarnati Chair-Board of Regents Fenton, MI Dr. Samuel A. Kirkpatrick President Mr. Patrick J. Doyle Vice President for Business and Finance and Treasurer to the Board Mr. Joseph E. Antonini Troy, MI Mr. Patrick J. Doyle Vice President for Business and Finance and Treasurer to the Board Mr. John W. Beaghan, CMA Assistant Vice President and Controller Ms. Jan A. Brandon Ann Arbor, MI Mr. Courtney 0. McAnuff Vice President for Enrollment Services Mr. Daniel B. Cooper, CMA Director of Financial Services Mr. Robert A. DeMattia Plymouth, MI Ms. Juanita M. Reid Vice President for University Relations Mr. Timothy K. Griffith Manager of Accounting and Treasury Mr. Steven G. Gordon Bloomfield Hills, MI Dr. Paul T. Schollaert Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Mr. Alvin S. Levett Director of University Budget Dr. Rosalind E. Griffin Farmington Hills, MI Dr. John B. Shorrock Vice President for Advancement and Executive Director of EMU Foundation Mr. Thomas E. Madden Director of Student Business Services Mr. Michael G. Morris Northville, MI Mr. James F. Vick Vice President for Student Affairs Ms. Karen Quinlan Valvo Ypsilanti, MI EASTERN M I C H I G A N UNIVERSITY September 24, 2002 To the EMU Board of Regents: I am pleased to present to you the financial report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2002. Through sound fiscal management of public funds, innovative programs and delivery systems, and the commitment of faculty and staff, the University has achieved success in each of its strategic directions. Key to this success was the adoption of a new mission statement by the Board of Regents and the identification and funding of 54 strategic initiatives by the University. The strategic planning process has been embraced as an integral function of the University and provides the framework for continuous improvement. Enrollment at the University continues to grow. Fall 2001 saw the University enroll the largest class of new students in the history of the institution. Enhancements in academic advising, instructional support, commuter services and the opening of a transfer student center will help to ensure greater student persistence. The University saw success in several additional areas: our $28 million, multi-year technology plan was launched and the first phase of the Banner/SCT enterprise-wide software system was implemented, Institutional Research was reorganized to better support strategic planning and continuous improvement, a comprehensive academic program review was initiated, and the University received formal approval for the new Ph.D. in Technology from the North Central Association. These successes highlight our continued commitment to teaching, research and service and demonstrate that the resources entrusted to the University are being invested in the pursuit of excellence in all that we do. I give you my personal oath that these financial statements reflect the true and accurate picture of Eastern Michigan University. Thank you for your continued support. Sincerely, Samuel A. Kirkpatrick President SAK/gg Office of the President 202 Welch Hall Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197 Phone: 734.487.2211 FAX: 734.487.9100 This page intentionally left blank. Eastern Michigan University Contents June 30, 2002 and 2001 ______________________________________________________________________________ Page Management’s Discussion and Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Financial Statements Statements of Net Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Statements of Cash Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Notes to the Financial Statements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Supplementary Information Schedule of Net Assets by Fund, as of June 30, 2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Schedule of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets by Fund, for the year ended June 30, 2002. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Schedule of Net Assets by Fund, as of June 30, 2001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Schedule of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets by Fund, for the year ended June 30, 2001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Notes to the Supplementary Schedules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS This section of the Eastern Michigan University ("University") annual financial report presents management’s discussion and analysis of the financial performance of the University during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2002. This discussion should be read in conjunction with the accompanying financial statements and footnotes. The financial statements, footnotes and this discussion are the responsibility of University management. Using the Annual Financial Report This annual report consists of financial statements, prepared in accordance with Governmental Accounting Standards Board (“GASB”) Statement No. 35, Basic Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion and Analysis for Public Colleges and Universities. The financial statements prescribed by GASB Statement No.35 (the Statement of Net Assets, Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets, and the Statement of Cash Flows) are prepared under the accrual basis of accounting, whereby revenues and assets are recognized when the service is provided and expenses and liabilities are recognized when others provide the service, regardless of when cash is exchanged. The Statement of Net Assets includes all assets and liabilities. Changes in net assets (the difference between assets and liabilities) are an indicator of the improvement or erosion of the University’s financial health when considered with non-financial facts such as enrollment levels and the condition of facilities. The Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets presents the revenues earned and expenses incurred during the year. Activities are reported as either operating or nonoperating. A public University’s dependency on State aid and gifts could result in operating deficits because the financial reporting model classifies State appropriations and gifts as nonoperating revenues. The utilization of capital assets is reflected in the financial statements as depreciation, which amortizes the cost of an asset over its expected useful life. The Statement of Cash Flows presents information related to cash inflows and outflows summarized by operating, noncapital financing, capital financing and related investing activities, and helps measure the ability to meet financial obligations as they mature. Financial Activity The University’s financial position improved during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2002 as compared to the previous year as evidenced by: • The University’s current and total assets increased over the prior year by $11.3 million and $14.6 million, respectively, most of which is attributed to funds designated for scholarships and instructional instrumentation, along with bond proceeds which will be invested in campus improvements. • Total liabilities increased by $5 million which is primarily due to increases in long-term bonds, net of retirements. 1 • The University’s net assets increased by $9.6 million to $256.4 million, of which $229.6 million is either invested in capital assets or restricted. Of the remaining $26.8 million in unrestricted assets, all but $4.7 million is designated for specific purposes. • Operating revenues increased by $22.2 million compared to the prior year. The increases were primarily from student tuition and fees, grants and contracts, financial aid and auxiliary activities. • The University’s operating expenses increased by $17.8 million, which is consistent with budgeted increases in all functional expense categories. • State appropriations were the most significant nonoperating revenue, totaling $87.6 million. • The operating loss, in addition to other cash requirements (principal and interest payments), totaled $90 million which was partially funded by State appropriations. Eastern M ichigan University Condensed Statements of Net Assets as of June 30, 2002 and 2001 (in thousands) ASSETS Current assets Noncurrent assets Total assets 2002 97,971 301,645 $ 399,616 2001 86,657 298,374 $ 385,031 $ $ $ LIABILITIES Current liabilities Noncurrent liabilities Total liabilities $ 36,467 106,751 $ 143,218 35,638 102,575 $ 138,213 NET ASSETS Invested in capital assets, net of related debt Restricted, expendable Unrestricted, designated Unrestricted, undesignated Total net assets $ 184,101 45,516 22,083 4,698 $ 256,398 $ 186,495 37,319 19,665 3,339 $ 246,818 At June 30, 2002, total University assets were $400 million, compared to $385 million in fiscal 2001. The University's largest asset is its investment in physical plant of $289 million at June 30, 2002 compared to $286 million in fiscal 2001, net of accumulated depreciation. In fiscal 2002, the University’s current assets of $98 million were sufficient to cover current liabilities of $36 million (current ratio of 2.73). In fiscal 2001, current assets of $87 million were sufficient to cover current liabilities of $36 million (current ratio of 2.42). Cash and cash 2 equivalents increased by $13.5 million, primarily due to increased net operating revenue, unspent bond proceeds, and gains on investments. University liabilities total $143 million at June 30, 2002 compared to $138 million in fiscal 2001. Long-term debt of $104.8 million, consisting of bonds payable, is the largest liability. Total longterm debt increased in fiscal 2002 primarily due to the $10.3 million in bonds sold to finance a new parking deck and defease higher coupon bonds, net of the retirement of $5.2 million in longterm bonds. Total net assets increased by $9.6 million to $256 million, primarily due to increased tuition and program fee revenue. Unrestricted net assets total $26.8 million, 82% of which ($22.1 million) is designated for ongoing academic and research programs, capital projects and other strategic initiatives. Eastern M ichigan University Condensed Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets for the years ended June 30, 2002 and 2001 (in thousands) Total operating revenues Total operating expenses Operating loss Nonoperating revenues (expenses) Total increase in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year 2002 $ 163,550 243,414 (79,864) $ 2001 141,371 225,649 (84,278) 89,444 9,580 99,073 14,795 246,818 $ 256,398 232,023 246,818 $ The most significant sources of operating revenues for the University are student tuition and fees, grants and contracts, and auxiliary services. Operating expenditures increased by $17.8 million primarily due to investment in instructional activities, scholarships and fellowships, and utilities. Nonoperating revenue decreased by $10.1 million, the majority of which is related to capital gifts which were enhanced in fiscal 2001 by a significant software contribution. 3 E a ster n M ic h ig a n U n iv er sity C o n d e n se d S ta te m en ts o f C a sh F lo w s fo r th e y ea r s e n d e d J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 0 2 a n d 2 0 0 1 (in th o u sa n d s) 2001 2002 C ash p ro v id ed /(u sed ) b y : O p e ra tin g a ctiv itie s N o n ca p ital fin an c in g ac tiv itie s C ap ita l an d related fin an c in g ac tiv itie s In v estin g ac tiv ities N e t in c rea se in ca sh C ash an d ca sh e q u iv alen ts, b eg in n in g o f y e ar C ash an d ca sh e q u iv alen ts, e n d o f y ea r $ $ (6 3 ,7 4 1 ) 9 0 ,1 8 9 (1 6 ,1 4 6 ) 3 ,2 2 2 1 3 ,5 2 4 4 7 ,5 4 9 6 1 ,0 7 3 $ $ (7 4 ,7 0 3 ) 8 8 ,0 8 4 (8 ,3 6 2 ) 4 ,4 9 0 9 ,5 0 9 3 8 ,0 4 0 4 7 ,5 4 9 Major sources of operating cash included student tuition and fees ($109 million), auxiliary activities ($34 million), and grants and contracts ($29 million). The largest uses of operating cash were payments for suppliers and employees ($199 million) and financial aid ($29 million). The most significant source of noncapital financing activities cash was State appropriations ($87 million). Credit Ratings The University has an "A2" credit rating by Moody's Investors Services, and an "A" credit rating by Standard & Poor's. The highest achievable ratings are "Aaa" and "AAA", respectively. The University's capacity to meet its financial obligations is considered strong based upon these ratings. Looking Ahead The ability of the University to fulfill its mission and execute its strategic plan is directly influenced by enrollment which increased 3% in 2002 and is projected to increase another 1.2% in 2003. Reliance on State support, although declining, remains an important nonoperating revenue source. Fiscal 2003 State appropriations are expected to remain at fiscal 2002 levels based on the Higher Education Appropriation Bill approved by the Legislature and signed by the Governor. The University is confronted with continued increases in the cost of health care, utilities, compensation and unfunded State and Federal mandates. Additional challenges include major capital needs, with the highest priorities being modernization of the Pray-Harrold Classroom Building, renewal of the Mark Jefferson Science Building and expansion of the McKenny Union. In fiscal 2003, the University plans to invest $2.4 million in facility renewal, a 100% increase over fiscal 2000 spending. The continuing strategic planning process, which began in fiscal 2001, resulted in the funding of 54 strategic initiatives. A five year, $28 million technology renewal plan will be funded primarily through the student technology fee. This initiative includes upgrades to faculty and staff computers, enhanced student computer labs, replacement of the University’s network infrastructure and upgrade of all core administrative systems (student, financial aid, human resources/payroll, finance and alumni/development). On July 1, 2002, the finance module of the new system became operational. Implementation dates for the remaining modules are scheduled throughout 2003 and 2004. These projects are currently on time and on budget. 4 A new Vice President for Advancement and Executive Director of the Eastern Michigan University Foundation joined the President’s Cabinet on July 1, 2002, with an invigorated emphasis on increasing private support. Academic and administrative program reviews have resulted in placing increased emphasis on the Honors Program, a new Ph.D. in Technology, and reorganization of the Institutional Research function under a new senior executive for strategic planning and continuous improvement. Ongoing initiatives have lead to cost containment, benchmarking with peers, expansion of corporate and continuing education, and distance learning opportunities. Assessment strategies are being refined to help measure our performance in these and many other areas resulting in opportunities to reallocate resources and expand offerings, while enhancing revenues and containing costs. Eastern Michigan University continues to be well positioned for the future, both academically and financially. 5 This page intentionally left blank. 6 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATEMENTS NET ASSETS As of June 30, 2002 and 2001 2002 ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents (note 2) Accounts receivable, net (note 3) Appropriation receivable State Building Authority receivable Inventories Deposits and prepaid expenses Accrued interest receivable Total current assets $ Noncurrent assets: Student loans receivable, net (note 3) Long-term investments (note 2) Capital assets, net (note 4) Other Total noncurrent assets Total assets $ LIABILITIES Current liabilities: Current portion of long-term debt (note 5) Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Accrued payroll Payroll taxes and accrued fringe benefits Unearned fees and deposits Insurance and other claims payable (note 7) Total current liabilities Noncurrent liabilities: Accrued compensated absences (note 6) Long-term debt (note 5) Long-term unearned fees and deposits Total noncurrent liabilities Total liabilities $ $ NET ASSETS Invested in capital assets, net of related debt Restricted, expendable Unrestricted Total net assets $ $ 61,073,070 19,087,519 15,934,036 53,095 407,295 1,101,038 315,069 97,971,122 10,815,934 29,254 288,892,719 1,907,019 301,644,926 399,616,048 4,999,774 10,916,167 7,034,534 3,850,261 6,294,700 3,370,916 36,466,352 6,550,655 99,791,701 408,929 106,751,285 143,217,637 184,101,229 45,516,446 26,780,736 256,398,411 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 7 2001 $ $ $ $ $ $ 47,548,893 19,259,838 15,703,186 935,893 555,090 2,368,798 285,084 86,656,782 10,950,142 27,104 286,184,110 1,212,379 298,373,735 385,030,517 4,627,268 11,389,691 6,384,088 3,613,884 6,090,485 3,532,188 35,637,604 6,639,585 95,061,468 873,571 102,574,624 138,212,228 186,495,108 37,318,793 23,004,388 246,818,289 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS For the years ended June 30, 2002 and 2001 2002 OPERATING REVENUES Student tuition and fees Scholarship allowances Net student tuition and fees Federal grants and contracts Federal financial aid State grants and contracts State financial aid Nongovernmental grants and contracts Departmental activities Auxiliary activities, less internal service billings of $3,439,286 and $3,341,367 in 2002 and 2001, respectively Other Total operating revenues $ OPERATING EXPENSES Instruction Research Public service Academic support Student services Institutional support Scholarships and fellowships Operation and maintenance of plant Auxiliary activities, less internal service billings of $3,439,286 and $3,341,367 in 2002 and 2001, respectively Depreciation Capital additions, net Other Total operating expenses Operating loss NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) State appropriations Gifts Investment income Interest expense Other Net nonoperating revenues before capital items Capital appropriations Capital gifts Total net nonoperating revenues (expenses) Increase in net assets NET ASSETS, beginning of year NET ASSETS, end of year $ 109,042,046 (14,370,689) 94,671,357 5,359,914 11,597,493 1,401,760 3,545,711 7,334,694 4,140,233 $ 87,563,390 (11,867,671) 75,695,719 4,584,039 9,376,747 972,781 2,817,837 7,878,650 5,093,269 33,905,120 1,594,176 163,550,458 31,760,401 3,191,462 141,370,905 80,562,280 4,737,630 13,655,862 20,722,264 22,782,604 29,890,095 12,309,541 21,076,765 76,516,740 3,730,569 13,414,269 19,880,664 20,926,356 28,268,741 10,152,564 15,815,563 30,402,603 14,124,818 (7,363,338) 512,561 243,413,685 (79,863,227) 27,733,483 13,355,618 (4,742,072) 595,977 225,648,472 (84,277,567) 87,637,200 2,321,905 3,253,909 (4,963,516) 102,337 88,351,835 86,280,454 2,317,734 4,359,902 (5,471,481) 489,314 87,975,923 1,091,514 2,547,092 8,549,566 89,443,349 99,072,581 9,580,122 14,795,014 246,818,289 256,398,411 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 8 2001 $ 232,023,275 246,818,289 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS For the years ended June 30, 2002 and 2001 2002 CASH FLOW S FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Cash received from students for tuition and fees Cash received from auxiliary activities Cash received from other sources Grants and contracts Federal student loan funds received Student loans granted, net of repayments Scholarship allowances Cash paid to suppliers and employees Cash paid for financial aid Net cash used by operating activities $ CASH FLOW S FROM NONCAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES Cash received from State appropriations Gifts received from EM U Foundation Net cash provided by noncapital financing activities CASH FLOW S FROM CAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES Cash from State Building Authority authorization Cash from State appropriations - supplemental Principal payments/defeasance under debt obligations Interest paid Proceeds from sale of bonds Purchases of capital assets Other payments Net cash used by capital and related financing activities CASH FLOW S FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Payments for long-term investments Interest received Net cash provided by investing activities Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, beginning of year 2001 109,161,863 $ 33,886,983 6,509,858 29,309,588 279,811 113,911 (14,370,689) (199,646,367) (28,986,110) (63,741,152) 87,608,864 31,755,536 4,695,461 25,278,707 364,788 (68,104) (11,867,671) (188,483,173) (23,987,746) (74,703,338) 87,406,350 2,783,111 90,189,461 85,468,734 2,615,309 88,084,043 882,798 (64,252,261) (4,963,516) 69,355,000 (15,741,913) (1,426,214) (16,146,106) 6,564,479 2,547,092 (3,298,242) (5,471,481) 12,780,000 (20,244,915) (1,238,955) (8,362,022) (2,150) 3,224,124 3,221,974 (1,972) 4,492,309 4,490,337 13,524,177 9,509,020 47,548,893 38,039,873 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, end of year $ 61,073,070 $ 47,548,893 SUPPLEM ENTAL DISCLOSURE OF NONCASH ITEM S Capital gifts received related to equipment $ 1,091,514 $ 8,549,566 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 9 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS For the years ended June 30, 2002 and 2001 (continued) 2002 2001 Reconciliation of net operating revenues (expenses) to net cash provided (used) by operating activities: Operating loss Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash provided (used) by operating activities: Depreciation expense Change in assets and liabilities: Accounts receivable, net Inventories Deposits and prepaid expenses Student loans receivable, net Current portion of long term debt Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Accrued payroll Payroll taxes and accrued fringe benefits Unearned fees and deposits Insurance and other claims payable Accrued compensated absences Long-term unearned fees and deposits Total change in assets and liabilities $ Net cash used by operating activities $ (79,863,227) 14,124,818 (63,741,152) (84,277,567) 13,355,618 172,319 147,795 1,267,760 134,208 372,506 (473,525) 650,446 236,377 204,215 (161,272) (88,930) (464,642) 1,997,257 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 10 $ (13,515) (90,095) (201,921) (1,579,007) 1,329,026 (3,029,761) 77,953 310,222 1,117,211 (662,178) (574,681) (464,643) (3,781,389) $ (74,703,338) EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (1) Reporting Entity, Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies: Reporting Entity – Eastern Michigan University ("University") is an institution of higher education and is considered to be a component unit of the State of Michigan (“State”) because its Board of Regents is appointed by the Governor of the State. Accordingly, the University is included in the State’s financial statements as a discrete component unit. Transactions with the State relate primarily to appropriations, grants from various state agencies and payments to the State retirement program for certain University employees. The University is classified as a state instrumentality under Internal Revenue Code Section 115, and is also classified as a charitable organization under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3), and is therefore exempt from federal income taxes. Certain activities of the University may be subject to taxation as unrelated business income under Internal Revenue Code Sections 511 to 514. Basis of Presentation – The accompanying financial statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as prescribed by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (“GASB”). The GASB establishes standards for external financial reporting for public colleges and universities and requires that financial statements be presented on a consolidated basis to focus on the university as a whole, with resources classified for accounting and reporting purposes into four net asset categories according to externally imposed restrictions. The four required net asset categories are as follows: • Invested in capital assets, net of related debt - Capital assets, net of accumulated depreciation and outstanding principal balances of debt attributable to the acquisition, construction or improvement of those assets. • Restricted, nonexpendable - Net assets subject to externally-imposed stipulations that they be maintained permanently by the university. (These assets are recorded in the Eastern Michigan University Foundation financial statements.) • Restricted, expendable - Net assets whose use is subject to externally-imposed stipulations that can be fulfilled by actions of the university pursuant to those stipulations or that expire by the passage of time. • Unrestricted - Net assets that are not subject to externally-imposed stipulations. Unrestricted net assets may be designated for specific purposes by action of the Board of Regents or may otherwise be limited by contractual agreements with outside parties. (Substantially all unrestricted net assets are designated for academic and research programs, capital projects and other initiatives.) 11 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) For the purposes of the Statements of Cash Flows, highly liquid investments, excluding noncurrent investments, with an original maturity of three months or less are considered cash equivalents. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies – Investments in marketable securities are carried at fair market value as established by the major securities markets. Investment income includes realized and unrealized gains and losses on investments, interest income and dividends. Inventories are stated at the lower of cost (first in, first out basis) or market. Capital assets are recorded at cost or, if acquired by gift, at the fair market value as of the date of donation. Retirement benefit costs are funded as accrued. Bond issuance costs are amortized using the effective interest method over the maturities of the related bonds. State appropriations are recognized when received or made available. Restricted funds are recognized as revenue only to the extent expended. Gifts and interest on student loans are recognized when received. The preparation of the accompanying financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements and accompanying notes. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Certain 2001 balances have been reclassified to conform with the 2002 presentation. (2) Cash and Cash Equivalents: The University utilizes the pooled cash method of accounting for substantially all of its cash and cash equivalents. The University’s investment policy, as set forth by the Board of Regents, authorizes investment in securities of the U.S. Treasury and federal agencies, corporate bonds and notes, commercial paper, time savings deposits, Eurodollars and certain external mutual funds, separate managed funds and other pooled funds. Cash and cash equivalents consist of the following as of June 30, 2002 and 2001: Disbursement accounts U.S. Treasuries/Agencies Mutual Funds 2002 $ 910,228 12,228,780 47,934,062 $ 61,073,070 2001 $ (162,976) 9,018,690 38,693,179 $ 47,548,893 Cash and cash equivalents include mutual and pooled investment funds that allow for daily withdrawals. The mutual and pooled investment funds have short-term to intermediate-term durations and are stated at quoted market value. The U.S. Treasuries and federal agencies have short-term durations and are also stated at quoted market value. All other cash and cash equivalents are stated at amortized cost, which approximates market. 12 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) All cash and cash equivalents are held in the University's name, as of June 30, 2002 and 2001. The University uses a zero balance account in its cash management system. Accordingly, any outstanding checks are reflected as negative cash in its disbursement accounts. As of June 30, 2002, the banks reported balances in the disbursement accounts at $1,164,162. Of these balances $191,815 was covered by federal depository insurance and $972,347 was uninsured and uncollateralized. As of June 30, 2001, the banks reported balances in the disbursement accounts at $2,065,437. Of these balances, $203,031 was covered by federal depository insurance and $1,862,406 was uninsured and uncollateralized. Long-term investments consist of U.S. Treasuries/Agencies valued at $29,254 and $27,104 as of June 30, 2002 and 2001, respectively. (3) Accounts Receivable: Accounts receivable consist of the following, as of June 30, 2002 and 2001: Sponsor accounts Student accounts Charter school appropriation Third party tuition Insurance reimbursement Other Less allowances for possible collection losses Accounts receivable, net 2002 $ 4,334,755 8,769,816 4,456,803 1,177,815 2,231,334 20,970,523 (1,883,004) $ 19,087,519 2001 $ 4,698,676 8,292,956 4,200,339 1,402,636 262,191 2,293,068 21,149,866 (1,890,028) $ 19,259,838 In addition, the University has student loans receivable of $10,815,934 and $10,950,142, net of the related allowance of $264,974 and $268,110, as of June 30, 2002 and 2001, respectively. (4) Capital Assets: Capital assets consists of the following, as of June 30, 2001 and 2002: Additions/ Transfers Land Infrastructure Leasehold improvements Buildings Equipment Construction-in-progress Accumulated depreciation Net Retirements 2002 2001 $ 10,589,978 $ - $ - $ 10,589,978 24,241,118 701,993 24,943,111 3,408,874 3,408,874 299,330,126 14,225,873 313,555,999 94,988,500 9,440,691 (3,423,396) 101,005,795 15,128,580 (7,535,130) 7,593,450 447,687,176 16,833,427 (3,423,396) 461,097,207 (161,503,066) (14,124,818) 3,423,396 (172,204,488) $ 286,184,110 $ 2,708,609 $ - $ 288,892,719 13 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Depreciation is recognized on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of the asset, as follows: Classification Infrastructure Leasehold improvements Buildings Equipment Life 12 to 60 years 12 to 20 years 40 to 60 years 5 to 10 years The University has committed $3,202,218 to various construction projects in progress as of June 30, 2002. (5) Long-term Debt: Long-term debt consists of the following as of June 30, 2001 and 2002: Outstanding Principal Interest Retirements/ Rates Maturity 5.8 2003-2014 3.00-5.00 2003-2026 - 6,860,000 - 6,860,000 variable 2002-2027 - 41,395,000 550,000 40,845,000 4.50-5.875 2003-2030 12,780,000 - - 12,780,00 0 5.00-6.00 2002-2024 8,925,000 - 390,000 8,535,000 3.60-5.50 2002-2027 38,960,000 - 38,560,000 400,000 3.60-5.125 2002-2011 13,490,000 - 1,085,000 12,405,000 4.65-6.375 2002 22,245,000 - 22,245,000 - Citizens Bank #1 4.09 2002 700,000 - 700,000 - Citizens Bank #2 3.98 2003 1,000,000 - - 1,000,000 4.96 2006 738,750 - 49,250 689,500 Various Various 849,986 - 673,011 176,975 64,252,261 104,791,475 2001 Additions defeasance 2002 General Revenue Bonds of 2002A $ - $ 21,100,000 $ - $ 21,100,000 General Revenue Bonds of 2002B General Revenue Bonds of 2001 G eneral Rev enue B onds of 2000B General Rev enue Bonds of 2000 G eneral Revenue Bonds of 1997 Refunding B onds of 1993 Refunding Bonds of 1992 Bank One Other 99,688,736 Less current portion long-term debt Long-term debt $ 69,355,000 $ 4,627,268 $ 95,061,468 14 4,999,774 $ 99,791,701 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) In March 2002, the University issued $21,100,000 of General Revenue Bonds, Series 2002A, to refund the $20,615,000 1992 General Revenue Refunding Bonds. The bonds are secured by general revenues of the University. The refunding resulted in an accounting gain of $662,298 and an economic gain (difference between the present values of the debt service payments on the old and new debt) of $1,159,108. Bond issuance costs of $285,616, net of accumulated amortization of $4,760 at June 30, 2002, are included in other assets in the accompanying financial statements. In March 2002, the University issued $6,860,000 of General Revenue Bonds, Series 2002B, to fund a new parking deck. The bonds are secured by general revenues of the University. Bond issuance costs of $185,556, net of accumulated amortization of $3,093 at June 30, 2002, are included in other assets in the accompanying financial statements. In August 2001, the University entered into a twenty-six year interest rate swap agreement for $41,395,000 of variable rate 2001 Series General Revenue bonds to refund and defease in-substance $38,460,000 of the General Revenue Bonds of 1997. Based on the swap agreement, the University owes interest calculated at a fixed rate of 4.72% to the counterparty to the swap. In return, the counterparty owes the University interest based on two indices: (1) the counterparty pays 68% of the LIBOR rate on 60% of the notional amount; and (2) the counterparty pays the Bond Market Association (BMA) rate on 40% of the notional amount. Only the net difference in interest payments is actually exchanged with the counterparty. The University continues to pay interest to the bondholders at the variable rate provided by the bonds, however, during the term of the swap agreement, the University effectively pays a fixed rate on the debt. The debt service requirements to maturity for these bonds, as presented in this note, are based on that fixed rate. The University will be exposed to variable rates only if the counterparty to the swap defaults or if the swap is terminated. The University can terminate the swap at its sole option, after December 1, 2006. A termination of the swap agreement may also result in the University paying or receiving a termination payment. The defeasance resulted in an accounting cost of $1,021,525 and an economic gain (difference between the present values of the debt service payments on the old and new debt) of $1,426,012. Bond issuance costs of $361,027, net of accumulated amortization of $6,017 at June 30, 2002, are included in other assets in the accompanying financial statements. In November 2000, the University issued $12,780,000 of General Revenue Bonds, Series 2000B, to fund new residence hall facilities. The bonds are secured by general revenues of the University. Bond issuance costs of $145,867, net of accumulated amortization of $7,293 and $2,431 at June 30, 2002 and 2001 respectively, are included in other assets in the accompanying financial statements. In February 2000, the University issued $9,555,000 of General Revenue Bonds, Series 2000 to partially defease in-substance the Series 1992 General Revenue Bonds and to fund various capital additions and improvements. The bonds are secured by general revenues of the University. In September 1993, the University issued $20,800,000 of General Revenue Refunding Bonds to defease in-substance $18,385,000 of Student Fee Bonds outstanding at that time. 15 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) In May 1992, the University issued $45,125,000 of General Revenue Refunding Bonds together with $6,405,583 of trustee held reserves to defease in-substance, $46,696,000 of Housing and Student Fee Bonds outstanding at that time. The trust account assets and the liability for the defeased bonds are not recorded as assets or liabilities in the financial statements of the University. At June 30, 2002, the aggregate amount of outstanding principal on all bonds which have been defeased is $44,241,969. Certain debt agreements require student fees to equal or exceed 200% of the related debt service. The University is in compliance with these covenants. Principal and interest on long-term debt are payable from operating revenues, allocated student fees and the excess of revenues over expenditures of specific auxiliary activities. The obligations are generally callable. The future amounts of principal and interest payments required by the debt agreements are as follows: Principal 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 - 2012 2013 - 2017 2018 - 2022 2023 – 2027 2028 – 2030 Total $ 4,999,774 4,140,175 4,304,776 4,916,750 4,475,000 21,705,000 15,240,000 19,470,000 23,110,000 2,430,000 $104,791,475 Interest $ 5,688,592 5,101,282 4,886,482 4,665,390 4,404,848 18,369,127 12,948,721 9,354,698 4,076,997 278,438 $ 69,774,575 Total $ 10,688,366 9,241,457 9,191,258 9,582,140 8,879,848 40,074,127 28,188,721 28,824,698 27,186,997 2,708,438 $174,566,050 (6) Retirement Benefits: Through December 31, 1995, the University offered participation in one of two retirement plans for all qualified employees: the Michigan Public School Employees’ Retirement System (“MPSERS”) and the Teachers Insurance and Annuities Association College Retirement Equities Fund (“TIAA-CREF”). As of January 1, l996, the University no longer offered participation in MPSERS to new employees due to the Michigan Public Act 272 of 1995 which enabled the University to withdraw from MPSERS. MPSERS is a cost sharing multiple employer noncontributory defined benefit retirement plan through the Michigan State Employees’ Retirement System. The University’s costs for the MPSERS plan include 1) contributions based on member payroll to fund normal pension costs, 2) contributions to fund a portion of the plans unfunded actuarial accrued liability, and 3) contributions for retiree health insurance, at a fixed dollar amount determined annually by MPSERS. The cost of the MPSERS plan allocated to the University, all of which was contributed in the applicable year, was approximately $4,627,000, $4,753,000, and $3,991,000 for the 16 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) years ended June 30, 2002, 2001 and 2000, respectively. Further pension data audited by the Office of the Auditor General of the State of Michigan, for the Michigan State Employees Retirement System is included in the State of Michigan’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. TIAA-CREF is a defined contribution retirement plan. Substantially all full-time employees of the University are eligible to participate in the TIAA-CREF plan. Employee benefits generally vest immediately. The University contributes a specified percentage of employee wages, as defined by the appropriate labor contract. For the years ended June 30, 2002 and 2001, the University contributed approximately $7,874,000 and $7,236,000, respectively, to the TIAA-CREF plan. The University has no liability beyond its own contribution under the TIAA-CREF plan. In addition, the University provides post-retirement health care benefits to certain eligible retirees. The benefits are provided through a reimbursement of insurance premiums paid by such eligible retirees. The reimbursement expenses incurred for the years ended June 30, 2002 and 2001 were approximately $50,000 and $40,000, respectively. The University also provides termination benefits upon retirement resulting from unused sick days. The University calculates its sick pay liability in accordance with the provisions of GASB Statement No. 16, Accounting for Compensated Absences. The liability, included in accrued compensated absences, is approximately $3,430,000 and $3,520,000 as of June 30, 2002 and 2001, respectively. (7) Contingencies and Commitments: In the normal course of its activities, the University is a party to various legal actions. The University intends to vigorously defend itself against any and all claims and is of the opinion that the outcome of current legal actions will not have a material effect on the University's financial position. The University participates in the Michigan Universities Self-Insurance Corporation (“MUSIC”), which provides indemnity to members against comprehensive general liability, errors and omissions, and property losses commonly covered by insurance. MUSIC also provides risk management and loss control services and programs. Loss coverages are structured on a three layer basis with each member retaining a portion of its losses, MUSIC covering the second layer and commercial carriers covering the third. Comprehensive general liability coverage is provided on an occurrence basis. Errors and omissions and property coverage are provided on a claims-made basis. The University is also self-insured for workers' compensation, unemployment compensation and substantially all employee health benefits. 17 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) Liabilities for estimates of losses retained by the University under MUSIC and reserves for claims incurred but not reported under self-insurance programs have been established. (8) Related Party Transactions: The Eastern Michigan University Foundation ("Foundation") is an independent corporation formed for the purpose of fund raising and receiving funds for the sole benefit of the University. As of June 30, 2002 and 2001, assets totaling approximately $36,840,000 and $39,930,000, respectively, most of which have been restricted by donors for specific purposes, are held by the Foundation and are not recorded in the accompanying financial statements. Amounts transferred, both cash and in-kind, to the University from the Foundation are included in gifts and capital grants and gifts in the accompanying financial statements and totaled $3,874,626 and $11,164,875 at June 30, 2002 and 2001, respectively. GASB Statement No. 39, Determining Whether Certain Organizations Are Component Units, provides criteria for considering certain organizations as component units of primary organizations. The University is scheduled to adopt this Statement in fiscal 2004 by incorporating financial information of the Foundation into the University’s financial statements. Effective April 1, 1996, the University entered into a joint operating agreement with the Foundation and Eagle Crest Management Corporation ("ECMC"). The agreement calls for the Foundation to provide management and investment services to the University for assets received, held by or entrusted to the Foundation in support of the University. The Foundation also assumed responsibilities relating to gift records and receipts. Beginning in fiscal year 1998, the Foundation assumed responsibilities for managing Development Programs. The University is leasing its gifts and records management systems to the Foundation. The agreement further calls for ECMC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Foundation, to manage the operations of the University's Eagle Crest Golf Course and Eagle Crest Conference Center. ECMC's management responsibilities include personnel functions, benefits administration, financial services, payroll, accounts receivable, accounts payable, purchasing, budgeting, housekeeping, maintenance, marketing and sales. In connection with the joint operating agreement, the University pays ECMC a management fee. Effective July 1, 2001, the University renegotiated its joint operating agreement, resulting in separate operating agreements with the Foundation and ECMC, with similar responsibilities held by all parties. 18 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) (9) Natural Classification of Expenses Operating expenses by natural classification for the years ended June 30, 2002 and 2001 are summarized as follows: Salaries, wages, benefits Supplies, travel, equipment Scholarship expenses Depreciation Other Total operating expenses 2002 $ 155,164,713 60,402,071 12,309,541 14,124,818 1,412,542 $ 243,413,685 19 2001 $ 145,098,656 55,651,400 10,152,564 13,355,618 1,390,234 $ 225,648,472 This page intentionally left blank. 20 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY SCHEDULE OF NET ASSETS BY FUND as of June 30, 2002 General Fund ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable, net Appropriation receivable State Building Authority receivable Inventories Deposits and prepaid expenses Accrued interest receivable Total current assets Noncurrent assets: Student loans receivable, net Long-term investments Capital assets, net Other Total noncurrent assets Total assets 21 LIABILITIES Current liabilities: Current portion of long-term debt Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Accrued payroll Payroll taxes and accrued fringe benefits Unearned fees and deposits Insurance and other claims payable Total current liabilities Noncurrent liabilities: Accrued compensated absences Long-term debt Long-term unearned fees and deposits Total noncurrent liabilities Total liabilities NET ASSETS Invested in capital assets, net of related debt Restricted, expendable Unrestricted Designated Undesignated Total net assets $ $ $ $ $ $ Auxiliary Activities Fund Designated Fund 12,411,834 6,563,597 15,934,036 86,874 428,870 185,153 35,610,364 35,610,364 2,677,301 6,314,570 3,515,474 3,864,190 2,386,899 18,758,434 6,132,052 6,132,052 24,890,486 6,021,808 4,698,070 10,719,878 $ $ $ $ $ $ 13,646,244 4,838,774 29,396 57,433 18,571,847 29,254 29,254 18,601,101 4,863,018 158,985 428,549 5,450,552 27,265 171,429 198,694 5,649,246 12,951,855 12,951,855 $ $ $ $ $ $ Expendable Restricted Fund 3,936,288 2,448,083 320,421 173,916 23,856 6,902,564 6,902,564 1,025,430 387,416 334,787 716,559 984,017 3,448,209 345,352 345,352 3,793,561 3,109,003 3,109,003 $ $ $ $ $ $ (1,185,872) 4,290,480 3,104,608 3,104,608 379,025 173,563 3,334 555,922 45,986 45,986 601,908 2,502,700 2,502,700 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this schedule. Student Loan Fund $ $ $ $ $ $ Plant Fund 1,085,027 451,523 117 1,536,667 10,815,934 10,815,934 12,352,601 - - 12,352,601 12,352,601 $ $ $ $ $ $ 30,098,893 495,062 53,095 468,856 48,510 31,164,416 288,892,719 1,907,019 290,799,738 321,964,154 4,999,774 1,965,305 207,500 7,172,579 99,791,701 237,500 100,029,201 107,201,780 184,101,229 30,661,145 214,762,374 Agency Fund $ $ $ $ $ $ Consolidated Total 1,080,656 1,080,656 1,080,656 6,088 1,074,568 1,080,656 1,080,656 - $ $ $ $ $ $ 61,073,070 19,087,519 15,934,036 53,095 407,295 1,101,038 315,069 97,971,122 10,815,934 29,254 288,892,719 1,907,019 301,644,926 399,616,048 4,999,774 10,916,167 7,034,534 3,850,261 6,294,700 3,370,916 36,466,352 6,550,655 99,791,701 408,929 106,751,285 143,217,637 184,101,229 45,516,446 22,082,666 4,698,070 256,398,411 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS BY FUND for the year ended June 30, 2002 General Fund OPERATING REVENUES Student tuition and fees Scholarship allowances Net student tuition and fees Federal grants and contracts Federal financial aid State grants and contracts State financial aid Nongovernmental grants and contracts Departmental activities Auxiliary activities, less internal service billings of $3,439,286 Indirect cost recovery (deduction) Other Total operating revenues $ 22 OPERATING EXPENSES Instruction Research Public service Academic support Student services Institutional support Scholarships and fellowships Operation and maintenance of plant Auxiliary activities, less internal service billings of $3,439,286 Depreciation Capital additions, net Other Total operating expenses Operating income (loss) NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) State appropriations Gifts Investment income Interest expense Other Net nonoperating revenues before transfers & capital items TRANSFERS IN (OUT) Mandatory: Funds for debt service Matching funds Perkins match Non-mandatory: Other Total transfers Capital appropriations Capital grants and gifts Total net nonoperating revenues (expenses) Increase in net assets NET ASSETS, beginning of year NET ASSETS, end of year $ Designated Fund 90,696,514 90,696,514 670,463 $ Expendable Restricted Fund Auxiliary Fund 18,274,472 18,274,472 192,750 3,469,770 $ 71,060 71,060 - 1,063,877 800,206 93,231,060 (188,971) 21,748,021 79,568,092 1,546,726 1,880,417 19,549,892 17,397,575 24,594,323 11,696,608 14,726,305 569,480 371,505 2,358,821 860,831 4,795,147 5,065,872 29,356 201,846 - 170,959,938 (77,728,878) 14,252,858 7,495,163 30,402,603 - 87,637,200 928,229 88,565,429 $ 33,905,120 33,976,180 Student Loan Fund 5,080,103 11,597,493 1,401,760 3,545,711 7,141,944 - $ (874,906) 103,401 27,995,506 Plant Fund 279,811 - $ Eliminations - $ Consolidated (14,370,689) (14,370,689) - $ 109,042,046 (14,370,689) 94,671,357 5,359,914 11,597,493 1,401,760 3,545,711 7,334,694 4,140,233 245,739 525,550 444,830 444,830 (14,370,689) 33,905,120 1,594,176 163,550,458 - 6,143,045 (14,370,689) - 80,562,280 4,737,630 13,655,862 20,722,264 22,782,604 29,890,095 12,309,541 21,076,765 30,402,603 3,573,577 28,751,889 (756,383) 512,561 512,561 12,989 14,124,818 (7,363,338) 12,904,525 (12,459,695) (14,370,689) - 30,402,603 14,124,818 (7,363,338) 512,561 243,413,685 (79,863,227) 1,325,671 1,225,063 2,550,734 234,205 234,205 983,113 444,248 1,427,361 200 196,999 197,199 12,921 669,413 (4,963,516) (341,911) (4,623,093) - 87,637,200 2,321,905 3,253,909 (4,963,516) 102,337 88,351,835 (2,575,686) (266,524) (13,333) (5,064,612) - (1,932,566) - 266,524 - 13,333 9,572,864 - - - (5,988,080) (8,843,623) (3,218,749) (8,283,361) (1,854,332) (3,786,898) (667,931) (401,407) 13,333 11,729,092 21,301,956 - - - - - - - 1,091,514 - 1,091,514 79,721,806 (5,732,627) (3,552,693) 210,532 17,770,377 - 89,443,349 223,521 5,310,682 - 9,580,122 12,129,080 12,352,601 209,451,692 214,762,374 - 246,818,289 256,398,411 424,708 2,819,399 9,416,624 311,541 589,882 229,900 14,954,266 5,569 1,992,928 1,762,536 20,884 1,025,954 269,571 8,726,950 10,719,878 11,189,319 12,951,855 3,088,119 3,109,003 2,233,129 2,502,700 $ $ $ $ The accompanying notes are an integral part of this schedule. $ $ $ EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY SCHEDULE OF NET ASSETS BY FUND as of June 30, 2001 General Fund ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable, net Appropriation receivable State Building Authority receivable Inventories Deposits and prepaid expenses Accrued interest receivable Total current assets Noncurrent assets: Student loans receivable, net Long-term investments Capital assets, net Other Total noncurrent assets Total assets 23 LIABILITIES Current liabilities: Current portion of long-term debt Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Accrued payroll Payroll taxes and accrued fringe benefits Unearned fees and deposits Insurance and other claims payable Total current liabilities Noncurrent liabilities: Accrued compensated absences Long-term debt Long-term unearned fees and deposits Total noncurrent liabilities Total liabilities NET ASSETS Invested in capital assets, net of related debt Restricted, expendable Unrestricted Designated Undesignated Total net assets $ $ $ $ $ $ Auxiliary Activities Fund Designated Fund 6,929,387 6,660,470 15,703,186 131,170 1,806,994 136,662 31,367,869 31,367,869 2,013,297 5,662,688 3,297,910 3,123,200 2,322,076 16,419,171 6,221,748 6,221,748 22,640,919 5,387,673 3,339,277 8,726,950 $ $ $ $ $ $ 11,862,582 4,645,890 46,626 61,027 16,616,125 27,104 27,104 16,643,229 4,464,356 129,341 405,145 4,998,842 26,497 428,571 455,068 5,453,910 11,189,319 11,189,319 $ $ $ $ $ $ Expendable Restricted Fund 3,903,861 2,262,489 423,920 280,329 25,518 6,896,117 6,896,117 978,804 408,652 315,974 549,102 1,210,112 3,462,644 345,354 345,354 3,807,998 3,088,119 3,088,119 $ $ $ $ $ $ (1,589,132) 4,653,676 3,064,544 3,064,544 589,098 183,407 12,924 785,429 45,986 45,986 831,415 2,233,129 2,233,129 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this schedule. Student Loan Fund $ $ $ $ $ $ Plant Fund 753,489 425,300 149 1,178,938 10,950,142 10,950,142 12,129,080 - - 12,129,080 12,129,080 $ $ $ $ $ $ 23,890,616 612,013 935,893 234,849 61,728 25,735,099 286,184,110 1,212,379 287,396,489 313,131,588 4,627,268 3,338,660 207,500 8,173,428 95,061,468 445,000 95,506,468 103,679,896 186,495,108 22,956,584 209,451,692 Agency Fund $ $ $ $ $ $ Consolidated Total 1,798,090 1,798,090 1,798,090 5,476 1,792,614 1,798,090 1,798,090 - $ $ $ $ $ $ 47,548,893 19,259,838 15,703,186 935,893 555,090 2,368,798 285,084 86,656,782 10,950,142 27,104 286,184,110 1,212,379 298,373,735 385,030,517 4,627,268 11,389,691 6,384,088 3,613,884 6,090,485 3,532,188 35,637,604 6,639,585 95,061,468 873,571 102,574,624 138,212,228 186,495,108 37,318,793 19,665,111 3,339,277 246,818,289 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS BY FUND for the year ended June 30, 2001 General Fund OPERATING REVENUES Student tuition and fees Scholarship allowances Net student tuition and fees Federal grants and contracts Federal financial aid State grants and contracts State financial aid Nongovernmental grants and contracts Departmental activities Auxiliary activities, less internal service billings of $3,341,367 Indirect cost recovery (deduction) Other Total operating revenues $ 24 OPERATING EXPENSES Instruction Research Public service Academic support Student services Institutional support Scholarships and fellowships Operation and maintenance of plant Auxiliary activities, less internal service billings of $3,341,367 Depreciation Capital additions, net Other Total operating expenses Operating income (loss) NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) State appropriations Gifts Investment income Interest expense Other Net nonoperating revenues before transfers & capital items TRANSFERS IN (OUT) Mandatory: Funds for debt service Matching funds Perkins match Non-mandatory: Other Total transfers Capital appropriations Capital grants and gifts Total net nonoperating revenues (expenses) Increase in net assets NET ASSETS, beginning of year NET ASSETS, end of year $ 73,983,524 73,983,524 705,749 Auxiliary Activities Fund Designated Fund $ 13,512,153 13,512,153 2,130 4,387,520 $ Expendable Restricted Fund 67,713 67,713 - 834,996 708,456 76,232,725 17,901,803 31,760,401 31,828,114 75,028,074 1,534,741 1,617,016 19,059,172 16,124,534 23,599,881 10,001,553 12,637,350 886,138 255,466 2,606,569 521,128 4,290,805 4,375,744 40,286 14,537 - 159,602,321 (83,369,596) 12,990,673 4,911,130 27,733,483 - 86,280,454 949,411 87,229,865 $ Student Loan Fund 4,024,873 9,376,747 972,781 2,817,837 7,876,520 - $ (834,996) 399,399 24,633,161 Plant Fund 559,166 - $ Consolidated Total Eliminations - $ (11,867,671) (11,867,671) - $ 87,563,390 (11,867,671) 75,695,719 4,584,039 9,376,747 972,781 2,817,837 7,878,650 5,093,269 1,683,807 2,242,973 399,800 399,800 (11,867,671) 31,760,401 3,191,462 141,370,905 - 3,159,903 (11,867,671) - 76,516,740 3,730,569 13,414,269 19,880,664 20,926,356 28,268,741 10,152,564 15,815,563 27,733,483 4,094,631 24,820,240 (187,079) 595,977 595,977 1,646,996 13,355,618 (4,742,072) 11,773,449 (11,373,649) (11,867,671) - 27,733,483 13,355,618 (4,742,072) 595,977 225,648,472 (84,277,567) 1,266,914 1,529,189 2,796,103 381,098 381,098 959,744 233,051 1,192,795 200 226,042 226,242 90,876 1,274,162 (5,471,481) 256,263 (3,850,180) - 86,280,454 2,317,734 4,359,902 (5,471,481) 489,314 87,975,923 (2,638,602) (228,157) (13,333) (4,341,735) - (1,474,000) (93,211) - 321,368 - 13,333 8,454,337 - - - (3,393,649) (6,273,741) (999,558) (5,341,293) (2,680,906) (4,248,117) (894,816) (573,448) 13,333 7,968,929 16,423,266 - - 2,547,092 - - - - - 8,549,566 - 2,547,092 8,549,566 83,503,216 (2,545,190) (3,867,019) 239,575 21,122,652 - 99,072,581 1,886,571 9,749,003 - 14,795,014 10,242,509 12,129,080 199,702,689 209,451,692 - 232,023,275 246,818,289 602,528 1,940,362 9,190,684 300,364 511,017 293,116 11,978,396 3,773 133,620 2,365,940 227,612 619,347 432,268 8,593,330 8,726,950 8,823,379 11,189,319 2,860,507 3,088,119 1,800,861 2,233,129 $ $ $ The accompanying notes are an integral part of this schedule. $ $ $ $ EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY NOTES TO THE SUPPLEMENTARY SCHEDULES Basis of Presentation: The University utilizes four current and three noncurrent fund groupings for internal operating purposes, as follows: Current Fund Groupings: General Fund is used to account for general operating activities. Designated Fund is used to account for funds designated by University policy. Auxiliary Activities Fund is used to account for services and facilities provided to students, faculty, staff and the public. Expendable Restricted Fund is used to account for funds restricted by donor or supporting agency. Noncurrent Fund Groupings: Student Loan Fund is used to account for transactions related to loans to students. Plant Fund is used to account for transactions relating to investments in physical properties, indebtedness incurred in the financing thereof and reserves for maintenance, replacement, insurance and debt service. Agency Fund is used to account for amounts withheld from payrolls and amounts held in custody for students, University-related organizations and others. The eliminations on the Schedules of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets by Fund represent the reclass of scholarship allowances as required by Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 35, Basic Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion and Analysis for Public Colleges and Universities. Certain 2001 balances have been reclassified to conform with the 2002 presentation. 25