Group Decision Making with Uncertain Outcomes: Unpacking Child-Parent Choice of the High School Track∗ Pamela Giustinelli† University of Michigan February 2014 Abstract Predicting group decisions under uncertainty involves the empirically challenging task of disentangling the utilities the group members individually attach to the choice outcomes, their subjective probabilities, and the group decision process. This article presents and estimates simple Bayesian models of child-parent choice of the high school track, with subjective risk and multiple–unilateral or multilateral– decision processes, where identification is achieved by combining standard data on the families’ actual choices with novel survey information about the children’s and parents’ subjective probabilities of outcomes, their individually preferred choices, and their roles in the decision. Counterfactual analysis of enrollment responses to hypothetical policies affecting probabilistic beliefs of children, parents, or both, indicates that the identity of policy targets matters for prediction and underscores the importance of introducing individual members’ beliefs and decision roles in models of group decision and in policy analysis. [JEL codes: C25, C35, C50, C71, C81, C83, D19, D81, D84, I29, J24.] [Key words: Choice under Uncertainty, Group Decision Making, Heterogeneous Decision Processes, Curricular Tracking, High School Track Choice, Child-Parent Decision Making, Subjective Probabilities, Stated and Revealed Preferences.] ∗ This paper is based on the second chapter of my Ph.D. dissertation. An earlier version was circulated as my job market paper under the title “Understanding Choice of High School Curriculum: Subjective Expectations and Child-Parent Interactions.” Acknowledgements: I heartily thank Chuck Manski for his helpful comments on this work and for his constant encouragement and guidance throughout dissertation, as well as the other members of my dissertation committee, David Figlio, Joel Mokyr, and Elie Tamer, for their availability and feedback. I am enormously indebted to Paola Dongili and Diego Lubian for without their support and friendship this project would have not come into existence. I have greatly benefited from patient and insightful discussions with Federico Grigis and from precious inputs on different issues and at different stages by Peter Arcidiacono, Hector Calvo Pardo, Ivan Canay, Matias Cattaneo, Damon Clark, Adeline Delavande, Jon Gemus, Aldo Heffner, Joel Horowitz, Lars Lefgren, Diego Lubian, Peter McHenry, Aviv Nevo, Matthew Shapiro, Zahra Siddique, Chris Taber, Basit Zafar, Claudio Zoli, and seminar participants at the 2009 MOOD Doctoral Workshop (Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin, Italy), Northwestern U., the VIII Brucchi Luchino Workshop (Bank of Italy, Rome, Italy), U. of Verona, the V RES Ph.D. Meeting (City U., London, UK), U. of Michigan SRC, U. of Michigan Economics, U. of Maryland AREC, U. of East Anglia, Uppsala U., U. of Alicante, U. of Konstanz, U. of Bern, the 2010 MEA Annual Meeting (Evanston, IL, USA), the 2010 EEA Summer Meeting (U. of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK), the Institute of Education (U. of London), the 2011 AEA Annual Meeting (Denver, CO), the 2011 Dauphine Workshop on “Beliefs in Decision Theory” (Paris Dauphine U., Paris, France), U. of Michigan CIERS, the Family Inequality Network Workshop on “Family Economics and Human Capital in the Family” (U. of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA), 2nd Lisbon Research Workshop on “Economics, Statistics and Econometrics of Education” (ISEG, Lisbon, Portugal), Bocconi U. Warm thanks also to Stefano Rossi for useful suggestions and tireless support with the revisions, and to Amanda Sonnega for generous editing assistance. Data collection was funded by the SSIS of Veneto, Italy, whose financial support I gratefully acknowledge together with that of the University of Verona. All remaining errors are mine. † Correspondence to: Pamela Giustinelli, University of Michigan, Survey Research Center, 4015 MISQ ISR Building, 426 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 U.S.A. Office phone: +1 734 764 6232. E-mail: <> “I chose this school for its training [in foreign languages,] and because I would like to study Law in college. But assume that something happens to me, [with this diploma] I can still find a job in a travel agency... I am not lost. It [this curriculum] will provide me with several job opportunities.” (A girl attending a vocational curriculum for tourism) (Istituto IARD, 2001, p.38) “As for the high school track, she decided what to study. She did choose her own [type of] school, but only after we talked together. Her father, for instance, preferred a different [type of] school and I, perhaps, hoped for yet a different one. But she made her own choice in the end, after a series of discussions we had together.” (A mother) (Istituto IARD, 2001, p.39) 1 Introduction Social researchers and policy makers have long been interested in analyzing and predicting consequential real-life decisions with uncertain outcomes and (possibly) multiple decision makers, for example, the decision to enter a new market by a board of directors, or to sell a new product by two business partners; a couple’s choice of a place to live, or of contraceptive method; selection of a treatment by a patient and her doctor, or of a nursing home by an elderly parent and her children. Observational studies, however, have traditionally treated the decision makers’ group as a black box and have made assumptions about the expectations process.1 A main challenge for revealed preference analysis of this class of decisions is, indeed, to disentangle the utilities group members individually attach to the choice outcomes, their subjective probabilities of the outcomes, and the group decision process, as multiple configurations of those components may be compatible with the same observed choice while carrying different policy implications (e.g., Gilboa et al. (2008), Manski (2000, 2004)). To address this problem, I collect multi-actor survey data on the components of an important family decision under uncertainty, and I estimate an econometric family choice model combining the families’ actual choices with the subjective measures elicited from their individual members.2 Specifically, I introduce subjective risk and multiple–unilateral or multilateral–processes of family decision making with no strategic interaction, into a simple Bayesian model of childparent choice of the high school track with early curricular stratification and open enrollment.3 And I bring novel survey data to bear on the question of how adolescents’ and parents’ probabilistic beliefs, their utility valuations, and the family-level process drive this consequential choice, thus informing modeling, identification, and prediction.4 1 See surveys by Adamowicz et al. (2005), Bianchi et al. (2008), and Ben-Akiva et al. (2012), among others. By “revealed preference analysis” I mean the practice of inferring decision rules from data on observed choices and using those inferences to predict behavior in other settings. By “group decision process” or “protocol” I mean whether, how, and to what extent group members participate in the decision, i.e., how their individual utilities and beliefs enter and drive the decision of the group. Families and individual members, on the other hand, use the same “decision rule,” i.e., subjective expected utility (SEU) maximization. 3 Curricular tracking during compulsory education makes track choice an early career decision, featuring uncertainty on the child’s ability, investment returns, and other factors, and requiring a large investment in training (Altonji, 1993). In turn, open enrollment avoids identification issues from the supply side and justifies the paper’s focus on the demand side. 4 By “subjective risk” I mean that while decision makers are allowed to hold fully subjective and in fact arbitrary beliefs over realization of the uncertainties, they are nonetheless assumed (as Bayesian) to act upon their beliefs as if the probabilities were known to them, thus excluding any role for ambiguity (e.g., Gilboa and Schmeidler (2004)). By “no strategic interaction” I mean that individual beliefs and utilities are revealed honestly, and that situations with conflict of interest among group members, risk sharing, social planning, etc. are ruled out (e.g., Hylland and Zeckhauser (1979), Karni (2009), Keeney and Nau (2011)). I discuss these points further below. 2 1 Children’s and parents’ individual preferences over choices are represented by linear subjective expected utilities (SEUs). For each possible choice, children and parents directly assess the likelihoods of the outcomes entering their SEUs, and then use the utilities they attach to the outcomes’ realizations to make compensatory trade-offs among the outcomes. For example, the empirical specification of children’s and parents’ SEUs includes short-term outcomes such as the child’s enjoyment, effort, and achievement in school, and longer-term outcomes covering the child’s opportunities and choices after high school, following recent evidence suggesting that academic achievement and monetary returns may not be the only or most important drivers of educational choices (e.g., Jacob and Lefgren (2007), Zafar (2013), Wiswall and Zafar (2011)).5 Families, in turn, can employ one of a small set of decision protocols. Either the child and the parent make the choice collectively, by directly aggregating their SEUs (Keeney and Nau, 2011) or only their beliefs (Dietrich, 2010), or one of them makes a unilateral decision. This builds on current work in household economics pointing to heterogenous decision-making agency of adolescents across families and decision domains (e.g., Lundberg et al. (2009a,b), Dauphin et al. (2011)).6 Two observations should be made here. First, whenever families make a multilateral decision, the child and the parent are assumed to share a common objective function, i.e., a common set of choice outcomes which they use to assess (in expectation) what curriculum fits the child best. Yet, the utility-probability pairs the child and the parent attach to those outcomes might differ between the two members at the time of the decision, as found in my data for a non-negligible fraction of families.7 Second, the fully collective case where the child and the parent aggregate their SEUs is theoretically consistent with Pareto optimality, which also finds some support in my data.8 Within this framework, I study the identification problem faced by a researcher who observes the distribution of curriculum enrollment in some population of interest and wishes to make inference on the underlying distributions of probabilities, utilities, and family protocols. Distinguishing these components is fundamental for policy analysis. For example, choices where the decision makers’ beliefs are pivotal (“expectations driven”) may be influenced by informational or sensitization campaigns about the choice outcomes; whereas choices where the decision makers’ utilities are pivotal (“utilities driven”) may require different policies, perhaps no policy.9 5 That is, the framework I use dispenses from the state space. Its main advantage is that the decision makers only need to form beliefs over choice outcomes that are directly used for SEU maximization, but not over the entire algebra of events implied by Savage (1954)’s original framework. This is cognitively and descriptively more plausible, and it makes eliciting individuals’ beliefs or utilities more feasible. One drawback is that it does not address the possibility of subjective dependence among (the probabilities of) different outcomes. Gilboa and Schmeidler (2004) and Karni (2006) provide excellent discussions and examples. Finally, linearity rules out any role of higher moments of the beliefs’ distribution. 6 I assume families are child-parent pairs, as questions of the parent questionnaire addressed the parent or parents taking the survey as an individual respondent. 7 That is, even though the child and the parent may already have spent some time discussing and developing a common decision frame, and some convergence is likely to have occurred (e.g., Raiffa (1968), Keeney and Nau (2011)). 8 A group choice is Pareto-optimal for the group if there is no other choice that increases the SEU of at least one member of the group without decreasing the SEUs of the other members (e.g., Raiffa (1968), Keeney and Nau (2011)). 9 This argument relies on the separability of utilities and beliefs, characterizing the Bayesian framework used in this paper. 2 Moreover, establishing the best policy target and quantifying the potential policy effectiveness via counterfactual analysis require identifying the decision role of each member. I collect novel survey data from a sample of 9th graders and their parents in Northern Italy on usually unobserved components of families’ schooling decisions, and I use such data to separately identify and estimate parameters capturing how children and parents individually make tradeoffs among outcomes (“utility weights”) and parameters describing different protocols of childparent decision making (“aggregation weights”). (D1) Children’s and parents’ probabilistic beliefs at the time of the decision, over outcomes likely to enter their SEUs ; (D2) Children’s and parents’ self-reported rankings over choice alternatives, or stated choice preferences (SP), at the time of the decision; (D3) Families’ actual choices, or revealed preferences (RP); (D4) Self-reported family decision protocol, among (PR1) Unilateral decision by the child ((PR5) by the parent);a (PR2) Choice by the child ((PR4) by the parent) with parental (child) input;b (PR3) Child-parent joint decision.c (D5) Orientation suggestions provided by the children’s teachers; (D6) Children’s and families’ background characteristics. a Holding that the child (parent) maximizes his (her) SEU, based on his (her) own beliefs and utilities over outcomes as of the time of the decision. b Holding that the child (parent) maximizes some SEU, based on his (her) own utilities over outcomes and on beliefs that linearly pool child’s and parent’s beliefs as of the time of the decision. c Holding that the child and the parent jointly maximize a linear combination of their SEUs. Under unilateral decision making, utility parameters are identified by heterogeneity in probabilistic beliefs (D1) across decision makers that explains heterogeneity in observed choices (D3).10 This case is standard, as the typical linear indices used to model latent utilities in random utility models of discrete choice with no uncertainty are replaced here by linear SEUs, where the data on the probabilistic beliefs (D1) entering them play the role of decision makerand alternative-specific characteristics. Respondents’ SPs (D2) too may be used as a dependent variable, either in place of or in combination with actual choices (D3) (Ben-Akiva et al., 1994). While a stated preferencerevealed preference joint framework (SP&RP) does not yield identification gains for this case, I use it in the empirical analysis as it improves estimation efficiency (Hensher et al., 1999), and it also generates some useful tests of the validity of the self-reported family decision protocols (D4).11 To separately identify utility and aggregation parameters in multilateral decisions, on the In models where utilities and beliefs may be interdependent (e.g., Koszegi and Rabin (2006)’s theory of reference-dependent preferences with expectations used as references), any policy affecting the decision makers’ beliefs will generally influence their behavior both through the beliefs and the utilities. I thank an anonymous referee for pointing this out. 10 And also in the case of “unitary family” or “representative decision maker” I use as a benchmark. See Section for details. 11 SP&RP methods originated in transportation engineering (Morikawa, 1994) and are now used in discrete choice modeling across multiple fields (Louviere et al., 2000). 3 other hand, I use three sets of latent SEUs’ equations; one set corresponds to the child’s SP, one set corresponds to the parent’s SP, and one set corresponds to the family’s RP. In particular, identification of parameters of children’s (parents’) SEUs is obtained exactly as before, but is now based on children’s (parents’) SPs only. Whereas parameters aggregating child’s and parent’s SEUs in the family’s RP equations are identified by heterogeneity in within-family differences in subjective probabilities between child and parent that explains heterogeneity in within-family differences between individual members’ SPs and the family’s actual choice. (D4), in turn, is used to directly identify types of families using different decision protocols. Hence, within the considered class of multilateral processes and under the maintained structural assumptions, identification of the model’s parameters does now require combining RP data (D3) with SP (D2) and subjective beliefs (D1) of each group member. This article introduces two methodological innovations. First, it uses SP&RP data and econometrics to identify and estimate the parameters of a multilateral choice model under uncertainty, thereby opening the group box.12 Second, by combining the group-level RP and the SPs of all members with information about their subjective expectations on the right hand side, to model the uncertainty, it expands a growing literature in economics which, thus far, had used this approach maintaining unilateral decision making (e.g., Delavande (2008), Arcidiacono et al. (2012), Zafar (2013), Stinebrickner and Stinebrickner (Forthcoming)). The paper also contributes to a small but growing body of work studying (or allowing for) population heterogeneity in individuals’ decision rules, groups’ decision protocols, or both (e.g., Gilbride and Allenby (2004), Adams and Ferreira (2010), Binswanger and Carman (2012), Del Boca and Flinn (2012), Hess et al. (2012)). Substantively the paper addresses the following set of questions. (Q1) What are the main member-level determinants of high school track choice? (Or utility weights on short- vs. longerterm outcomes.) (Q2) What roles do children and parents play in the decision? (Or aggregation vs. utility weights.) (Q3) Do identity of policy targets and allowing for heterogeneous family processes matter for prediction and counterfactuals? The answers to these questions inform both an emerging economic literature on child-parent decision making and interactions (e.g., Bursztyn and Coffman (2012), Berry (2013), Cosconati (2011, 2013)),13 and more established research on educational choices under uncertainty and on curricular tracking (e.g., Altonji (1993), Arcidiacono (2004), Checchi and Flabbi (2007), Brunello and Checchi (2007)).14 The 12 Rather than to improve estimation efficiency or to estimate individual preferences for nonexisting services or for attributes that are correlated, lack variability, or are measured with error (Morikawa et al., 1991). In fact, a small but growing literatures in marketing and transportation have begun using experimental data and SP&RP methods to examine inter-spouses or childparent joint decisions (see O’Neill et al. (2013)’s review). Typically, however, their analyses do not combine uncertainty and heterogeneous group protocols. On the other hand, applied and empirical works in family economics have long recognized the need to account for either cooperative or strategic interactions among family members (e.g., Basu (2006) and references therein), but have not employed the types of data and econometrics used in this paper. 13 Building on Bergstrom (1989), these studies model child-parent interactions as strategic. These works and mine are complementary, as we study different choice margins and we explore different classes of child-parent interaction protocols. 14 Although the research on curricular tracking posits a crucial role of family background, especially when track selection occurs by family choice (e.g., Checchi and Flabbi (2007), Giuliano (2008)), no studies had modeled the underlying family 4 article’s findings, however, hold conditional on the observed family protocol. Hence, any form of family protocol selectivity related to the members’ probabilities or utilities is built in the elicited beliefs or the estimated utility or aggregation parameters for each group. I find child’s enjoyment of the curriculum to be the most valued attribute across family members and decision protocols. Importance of other short-term outcomes (e.g., school achievement and effort) relative to longer-term ones (e.g., facing flexible college and work choices after graduation) is instead heterogeneous across groups (Q1). Separate estimation by family protocol shows that in the (PR2) sub-sample, parental beliefs have a differential influence through different outcomes (Q2). For example, parental opinion about the child’s achievement in high school matters more than the child’s own opinion. Whereas, the opposite is true about postgraduation choice flexibility. The estimated aggregation parameters indicate a predominant parental role in (PR3) families, with (1/3, 2/3) weights on child and parent SEUs (Q2). I simulate a number of hypothetical policies affecting curriculum enrollment by changing children’s and/or parents’ beliefs (Q3). For instance, a simulated 10-point increase in students’ chances of enjoying math in the general scientific curriculum (a “sensitization” or “promotional” policy) indicates that the large utility weight families attach to the child’s enjoyment of the curriculum can yield a large impact on curriculum enrollment with relatively small movements in beliefs. Anchoring access to university to one’s graduation track in high school (i.e., an institutional policy tightening specialization) also produces a large impact on curriculum enrollment, as opposed to providing information on population high school graduation rates or college enrollment by graduation track, suggesting that beliefs about the latter are on target already. Separate estimation by family process generates predictions that are quantitatively different from those obtained assuming unitary families, although qualitatively similar. For instance, taking parents to be always the representative decision makers overestimates the magnitude of enrollment response to sensitization campaigns relative to the heterogenous case. Moreover, a decomposition by decision process and policy target indicates that publication of education statistics would have the largest impact on enrollment behavior by children who report making the decision unilaterally, and that if parents alone were informed about institutional changes to tracking, then the impact of such policies would be smaller than if children too were informed. The paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 presents the general framework of group decision making under uncertainty, and illustrates the main identification and policy issues using a stylized example within the child-parent application. Section 3 covers the study design and describes the samples used in the empirical analysis of section 4. Section 5 presents the counterfactual policy exercises. Section 6 concludes. process for this specific choice thus far. For instance, Attanasio and Kaufmann (2010) use data on both children’s and parents’ expectations to analyze high school and college enrollments in rural Mexico. However, they do not model the family decision process explicitly. 5 2 Theoretical Framework and Identification Problem 2.1 A Simple Model of Group Discrete Choice Under Uncertainty The population is a collection of groups, indexed by g = 1, ..., G. Groups are formed by two or more individuals, indexed by i = 1, ..., Ig , and face a choice among a common discrete set of alternatives, j = 1, ..., J ∈ J . Possible examples of such groups are families, collections of friends, boards of directors, business partners, or other teams. In the application of this paper, groups will be child-parent pairs.15 The choice is static with uncertain separable and binary outcomes, represented by {bn ∈ {0, 1}}N n=1 ∈ B. Choice outcomes may affect the whole group (e.g., a group of friends going on a vacation together), a particular member (e.g., a patient undergoing surgery but making her treatment decisions together with her physician), or even a third party (e.g., the organization behind an executive committee making a decision on the organization’s behalf). In my application, choice outcomes are defined in terms of the child’s future experience in high school (e.g., his enjoyment of the curriculum, his study effort, and his achievement in school) and of his opportunities and choices after high school (e.g., being able to choose between college and work options).16 Bayesian Individual Decision Making. Group members are Bayesian decision makers. As such, when individually faced with the above decision problem, they select the alternative in J that maximizes their SEUs, max SEUij = j∈J = N X n=1 N X n=1 Pijn · ui (bn = 1) + (1 − Pijn ) · ui (bn = 0) = Pijn · ∆uin + N X ui (bn = 0). (1) n=1 Hence, the two main ingredients in the decision maker’s SEUs are the subjective probabilities and utilities he attaches to the choice outcomes. Specifically, for each j ∈ J and bn ∈ B, 15 Since the parent questionnaire addressed responding parents as individual respondents. Theoretically, this is equivalent to assuming that the parental role in the choice can be represented through the primitives of a single (“representative” or “relevant”) parent. As for the common choice set assumption, one could think of j = 1, ..., J as the list of curricula over which respondents’ stated choice preferences and subjective probabilities were elicited in the questionnaire. On the other hand, if the information about the choice or consideration sets actually used by the decision makers were available, such information could be used in the econometric model to allow for heterogenous choice sets (e.g., Draganska and Klapper (2011)). 16 That is, I posit a common set of outcomes within and across groups, and I assume that the outcomes are separable and binary. These assumptions strike a balance between credibility and tractability. First, {bn ∈ {0, 1}}N n=1 ∈ B can be thought of as the list of outcomes over which respondents’ subjective probabilities were elicited in the questionnaire. Should some families have weighted some additional outcomes into their choice, not covered in the questionnaire, those factors will be captured in the econometric model by the error term of the SEUs’ equations, representing the SEUs’ component unobserved to the econometrician (see Section 4 for details). Second, measuring subjective probabilities of separable binary choice outcomes “only” requires eliciting one probability per outcome and choice alternative from each respondent, i.e., Pij (bn = 1) for all (n, j) pairs. Finally, outcomes are modeled as separable, since only marginal probabilities were elicited. As mentioned in the Introduction, while this may be more plausible–as a positive description of real-life decision making and especially as a cognitive task on a survey–it gives up any form of subjective dependence among beliefs over different outcomes (Gilboa and Schmeidler, 2004). 6 Pijn = Pij (bn = 1) indicates i’s subjective probabilistic beliefs that outcome bn = 1 would result if alternative j were chosen. Whereas, ∆uin = ui (bn = 1) − ui (bn = 0) represents the difference in utility that i would derive from bn = 1 relative to bn = 0 following any choice. In P i fact, N n=1 u (bn = 0) drops out of the choice, as it is constant across the alternatives. A few observations are in order. First, this framework of Bayesian decision making is formulated directly in terms of those utility weights and subjective (marginal) probabilities that the decision maker uses to choose among the available alternatives. It thus dispenses with the whole Savage (1954)-type state space (e.g., Gilboa and Schmeidler (2004) and Karni (2006)). Second, the decision maker’s beliefs may or may not coincide with the probabilities of the true stochastic process governing the outcomes. Hence, no rational expectations or other common assumptions about decision makers’ beliefs are invoked here (e.g., Manski (2004)). Last, equation (1) assumes (as I will do also in the empirical application) that the utility parameters ∆uin are homogenous within members’ type across the population (e.g., across children, but not between children and parents), and that they are choice independent.17 Bayesian Group Decision Making. If group members are individually Bayesian, how would they choose as a group? The Bayesian paradigm would require them to decompose the problem into a utilities’ part and a probabilities’ part; then, to process and aggregate the two sets separately across members; and finally to select the alternative that maximizes the group’s SEU based on the aggregated probabilities and utilities, max SEUgj = j∈J N X n=1 Pgjn · ∆ugn = N X Ig X n=1 i=1 $ni · Pijn · Ig X ϕin ∆uin . (2) i=1 However, as both the variety of existing models of Bayesian group decision making and casual real-life observation suggest, different groups may address the problem somewhat differently. In fact, the main conceptual challenge faced by most Bayesian models of group decision making is that separate aggregation of probabilities and utilities (as in 2) does not guarantee that the group’s choice is Pareto optimal. Hence, there could be some alternative choice that would increase the SEU of some member without making the others worse off.18 Rare exceptions are obtained when either the members’ probabilities, or their utilities, or both are perfectly aligned. These, in turn, may be thought of as also including cases where different members contribute different inputs to the process, thus playing different decisionmaking roles. One example is Karni (2009)’s model of medical decision making, where the 17 Parameter homogeneity within group member’s type can be easily relaxed empirically by allowing the utility weights to depend on a vector of individual observable characteristics, zi (i.e., ∆uin = ∆u(bn , zi )), or by treating them as random coefficients. In fact, more specifically posing one of the components of zi equal to Pij ñ , for some outcome ñ hypothesized to be related to n, would be equivalent to introducing interaction effects in i’s SEUs, thereby partly relaxing the full separability across outcomes. Parameter homogeneity across choice alternatives is both reasonable and customary in empirical models of discrete choice, but that too could be relaxed with richer expectations data. 18 Raiffa (1968) dramatizes this tension as a fight between Group Bayesians and Group Paretians. 7 physician provides the probabilities of the outcomes associated with different treatments and the patient provides his utilities. A second example would be a version of the classical panel of experts problem where the experts provide their probabilities and the main person in charge of the decision combines them with his own probabilities and utilities to make the final decision. Another exception is obtained under Keeney and Nau (2011)’s model, which implies a group decision protocol where individual members aggregate their SEUs directly. A 2-Stage Model with Heterogenous Decision Protocols. Important decisions may re- quire that group members develop a common decision frame, gather and exchange information, create and discuss alternatives, compare probabilities and utilities, etc. This process may lead to some updating and some convergence. However, the updated probabilities and utilities of each member are still individual ones. And whether or not the members end up completely agreeing, either the group or one of its members still must make a final decision. Consistent with the above, I assume that groups approach the choice in two stages. If no systematic interaction takes place among the members in stage 1, one member will make a unilateral decision according to the standard rule of Bayesian individual decision making (1), which I denote as protocol or process 1 (PR1). On the other hand, when the preliminary interaction occurs, in stage 2 group members make a final choice according to one of the following two protocols of Bayesian multilateral decision making. According to protocol 2 (PR2), the group members engage in linear pooling of their subjective probabilities but accept the utility weights of one particular member, ĩ,19 max SEUĩj = j∈J Ig N X X ωni · Pijn · ∆uĩn , Pgjn · ∆uĩn = N X n=1 n=1 where ωni ≥ 0 for all i = 1, ..., Ig and {bn }N n=1 , and (3) i=1 PIg i i=1 ωn = 1 for all {bn }N n=1 . In protocol 3 (PR3), the group members directly aggregate their SEUs (Keeney and Nau, 2011), max SEUgj = j∈J Ig X i φ · SEUij = i=1 where φi ≥ 0 for all i = 1, ..., Ig and Ig X i=1 PIg i=1 φ i " i φ · N X # Pijn · ∆uin , (4) n=1 = 1. Notice that (PR1) is nested in (2), with $ni = 1, ϕin = 1, and $nh = 0 and ϕhn = 0 for all h 6= i. And (PR2) is nested in (2), with $ni = ωni for all i, ϕĩn = 1, and ϕin = 0 for all i 6= ĩ. Whereas, (PR3) is not nested in (2). 19 An alternative interpretation is that one member is in charge of the decision, but assigns some weights to the opinions of the other members. Within the class of Bayesian pooling rules, I choose the linear one as possibly the most appropriate to capture beliefs’ aggregation in stage 2, where remaining divergences are more likely due to differences in representation or interpretation of the available information than to differences in information, already shared in stage 1 (e.g., Dietrich (2010)). 8 Child-Parent Decision Making. In my application, the child’s and the parent’s individual problems are represented by (1), with i replaced by c and by p respectively. That is, parents put themselves in their children’s shoes–meaning that they solve the same problem as their children do–but do it through their own lenses–i.e., through their own subjective probabilities and the utility weights they consider appropriate to make trade-offs among the relevant choice outcomes.20 Families, in turn, make the high school track decision for the child according to one of the three decision protocols described above, as follows. Stage 1: Time before the final decision (taken as given) (1a) Do child and parent systematically develop a common decision framework? NO: After (1b), go to (PR1) YES: After (1b), go to (PR2) or (PR3) (1b) Child and parent individually evaluate each alternative Stage 2: Final decision, according to one of three family decision protocols (PR1) Child unilaterally, as in eq. (1) (PR2) Child with parental input, as in eq. (3) (PR3) Child and parent jointly, as in eq. (4) As my data correspond to the time of the final decision, I focus on stage 2 and take stage 1 as given. If data on the group members’ probabilities, choice preferences, interactions, or other elements of the decision process were collected during both stages, one could use them to jointly model the decision protocol’s selection and the final choice, and to test their interdependence, or lack thereof.21 Finally, while protocols where parents choose either with their children’s input (PR4) or unilaterally (PR5) would be perfectly possible in principle, in practice I do not observe such cases in my data. 2.2 A 2×2×2×2 Example: Identification Issues and Policy Implications Child (C ) and Parent (P ) face the choice between Art (A) and Math (M ). They focus on two outcomes. The first is whether Child would enjoy the core subjects of each curriculum (the “Like” outcome, or L). And the second is whether the training provided by each curriculum would enable Child to choose between both college and work options after high school (the “Flexibility” outcome, or F ). While not disliking Math, Child has a distinct taste for Art. Hence, he actually faces 95 and 70 percent chances of enjoying A and M, respectively. On the other hand, the Art training is somewhat narrow and most suitable for majoring or working in the area of figurative arts. Hence, Child’s actual chances of facing a flexible choice after high school would be substantially lower if he were to graduate from A than from M, 30 and 90 respectively. (This corresponds to (stage 1a).) 20 Echoing Bisin and Verdier (2001)’s assumption of parental “imperfect empathy.” In fact, repeated observations of individual members’ beliefs during the decision process would additionally enable one to test the assumption of linear aggregation and to allow for more general or heterogenous forms of aggregation. I thank an anonymous referee for suggesting this point. 21 9 Child and Parent form their subjective assessments, {(PiAL , PiAF ); (PiM L , PiM F )} with i ∈ {C, P }, of the actual probabilities, {(95, 30); (70, 90)}, and assign utility weights to the outcomes {(∆uiL , ∆uiF ), with i ∈ {C, P }. (This corresponds to (stage 1b).) Then, either Child makes curriculum choice individually (corresponding to (stage 2, PR1)), or Child and Parent make a joint decision (corresponding to (stage 2, PR3)). Child’s observed choice is Art. The Unilateral Case: Separating Utilities and Beliefs. Let us temporarily assume that Child is known to make the choice unilaterally, according to M ax SEUCj = PCjL · ∆uCL + j∈{A,M } PCjF · ∆uCF . A researcher interested in making inference on C ’s choice is faced with multiple competing explanations consistent with observing A, conditional on unilateral decision making. The following two scenarios illustrate the identification problem and its policy relevance. (S1) Utilities-driven choice. C holds rational expectations, i.e., {(PCAL , PCAF ); (PCM L , PCM F )} = {(95, 30); (70, 90)}, but only cares about enjoying the curriculum, e.g., {∆uCL , ∆uCF } = {10, 0}. This implies SEUCA = 95 · 10 + 30 · 0 > SEUCM = 70 · 10 + 90 · 0. (S2) Expectations-driven choice. C holds rational expectations on his enjoyment of the two curricula, but he erroneously perceives both of them as highly likely to provide flexibility, e.g., {(PCAL , PCAF ); (PCM L , PCM F )} = {(95, 90); (70, 90)}. Moreover, he equally cares about enjoyment and flexibility, e.g., {∆uCL , ∆uCF } = {5, 5}. This yields SEUCA = 95 · 5 + 90 · 5 > SEUCM = 70 · 5 + 90 · 5. Under the standard assumption that utilities are hardwired and cannot be manipulated, (S1) and (S2) carry different policy implications. Specifically, if a policy maker could and did provide Child with the correct information, her policy would be potentially effective only under the second scenario, where Child would switch to choosing M (since 95·5+30·5 < 70·5+90·5).22 The Multilateral Case: Separating Utilities, Beliefs, and Protocols. Let us now assume that Child and Parent make a joint family decision, max = SEUf j = φC · SEUCj + φP · SEUP j . j∈{A,M } It is easy to imagine a third scenario in which Child and Parent select once again Art. (S3) : Process-driven choice. Let us say that Parent has more say than Child, e.g., {φC , φP } = {1/3, 2/3}. Moreover, both of them care equally about Like and Flexibility, e.g., {∆uCL , ∆uCF } ≡ {∆uP L , ∆uP F } = {5, 5}. However, while Child holds 22 In reality, a policy maker will generally not know the stochastic process faced by each single individual. However, she may know current and past population realizations. This information, may induce decision makers to revise their subjective self-beliefs (see, e.g., Wiswall and Zafar (2011)’s information experiment in the context of college major choice). In fact, according to a broader interpretation, beliefs may be adjusted not only upon arrival of new substantive information, but also upon changes in how relevant evidence should be interpreted and summarized (Dietrich, 2010). 10 rational expectations, i.e., {(PCAL , PCAF ); (PCM L , PCM F )} = {(95, 30); (70, 90)}, Parent erroneously perceives both A and M as highly likely to provide Flexibility, e.g., {(PP AL , PP AF ); (PP M L , PP M F )} = {(95, 90); (70, 90)}. Together these imply that SEUf A = 1 2 1 1 [95 · 5 + 30 · 5]+ [95 · 5 + 90 · 5] > SEUf M = [70 · 5 + 90 · 5]+ [70 · 5 + 90 · 5] . 3 3 3 3 In this case, the information should target Parent. Moreover, assessing whether the information would be effective, clearly requires knowledge of decision makers’ roles and preferences. In scenario (S3), disclosure of actual probabilities about F would still induce a change in behavior, as under (S2) (since 1/3 [95 · 5 + 30 · 5] + 2/3 [95 · 5 + 30 · 5] < 1/3 [70 · 5 + 90 · 5] + 2/3 [70 · 5 + 90 · 5]). But this need not be the case in general. Finally, knowledge of the decision protocol is important even when group members agree on probabilities and utilities. (S4) Perfect alignment. Both Child and Parent prefer Art based on the wrong perception that it as likely as Math to provide Flexibility, i.e., {∆uCL , ∆uCF } ≡ {∆uP L , ∆uP F } = {5, 5} and {(PCAL , PCAF ); (PCM L , PCM F )} ≡ {(PP AL , PP AF ); (PP M L , PP M F )} = {(95, 90); (70, 90)}. Under a unilateral decision by Child, giving him the correct information would be effective. Under a Child-Parent joint decision, however, targeting Child alone would not be effective, since 1/3 [95 · 5 + 30 · 5] + 2/3 [95 · 5 + 90 · 5] > 1/3 [70 · 5 + 90 · 5] + 2/3 [70 · 5 + 90 · 5]. Whereas, targeting either Parent or both members would, since 1/3 [95 · 5 + 90 · 5] + 2/3 [95 · 5 + 30 · 5] < 1/3 [70 · 5 + 90 · 5] + 2/3 [70 · 5 + 90 · 5]. 3 3.1 Data Collection and Description Sampling and Study Design Participating families were drawn from the population of 9th graders attending any public high school of the Municipality of Verona (Italy) in September of 2007 and their parents (4,189 families in total), via choice-based sampling.23 Through a collaboration with the schools, approximately 30% of the population of children were selected to complete a 50 minutes paperand-pencil questionnaire in class, assisted by an interviewer, during the first 10 days of school. Parents, in turn, were mailed the parent questionnaire at home, and they were asked to answer it without consulting with their children and to return it to the school in a sealed envelope for collection within 10 days. Nearly 100% of the children and 60% of the parents returned the survey.24 23 That is, at random within choices (e.g., Manski and McFadden (1981)). The latter is a good participation rate for mailed surveys. Nonetheless, the average rate masks substantial differences across reported family decision protocols, ranging from a 40% participation by the parents of children reporting making the decision 24 11 Two design choices require discussion: (1) the collection of field (rather than experimental) data; (2) and the retrospective (rather than a prospective) approach. The first was motivated by the high-stakes and once-and-for-all nature of curriculum choice, and by the desire to inform the design of future questions about decisions under uncertainty in large-scale surveys. The second was made as a compromise between the necessity to both observe families’ actual choices (RP), family members’ individual choice preferences (SPs), and their subjective probabilities, and the impossibility for this particular study of surveying families multiple times during the decision process. The main potential downside of this approach is that it relies on the respondents’ capability to unbiasedly report their subjective probabilities and choice preferences as of the time of the final decision (corresponding to stage 2 of the model of Section 2), that is, a few months back before taking the survey. An additional downside is the impossibility of modeling beliefs’ formation, evolution, and possibly aggregation between family members during the decision process (stage 1 of the model of Section 2). 3.2 Survey Questions Families’ actual choices are observed by design. The main challenge for a straight revealed preference analysis, however, is that disentangling the utilities and probabilities of the individual members–from one another and from the family process–requires either strong assumptions or their measurement. In fact, while any approach to this problem will generally require some combination of assumptions and data, this paper emphasizes the latter. Hence, the main purpose of the student and parent questionnaires was to measure some of the typically unobserved components of curriculum choice, specifically: children’s and parents’ subjective probabilities over the choice outcomes, their individual preferences over choice alternatives, and their respective roles or inputs into the choice process. Additional questions covered the orientation suggestions by the children’s junior high school teachers and basic background characteristics of children and families. Subjective Probabilities as Percent Chances. Informed by existing qualitative evidence on high school track choice (e.g., Istituto IARD (2001, 2005), Istituto CISEM-IARD (2007, 2009)), I created a list of choice outcomes families did likely consider when making the choice, covering (i) the main inputs into children’s achievement while in high school, (ii) the main choices and outcomes children will face after high school, and (iii) potential aspects of childparent interdependent preferences and peers’ interdependent choices, as follows. unilaterally (PR1) to almost 80% participation by the parents of children reporting a multilateral family decision ((PR2) or (PR3)). As long as family protocol selection and curriculum choice are separable, this is not particulary problematic for the analysis of Section 4, since I use parental beliefs and choice preferences only to estimate the choice models of the (PR2) and the (PR3) groups. On the other hand, low survey participation of (PR1) parents represents the main obstacle to empirically modeling families’ selection of the decision protocol, and it suggests low parental engagement behind (PR1). 12 Outcome Description b1 = 1 Like: The child will enjoy the curriculum content. b2 = 1 Study Effort: The child will spend ≥ 2.5h a day studying or doing homework. b3 = 1 Performance I: The child will graduate in any length of time. b4 = 1 Performance II: The child will graduate in the regular time. b5 = 1 Performance III: The child will graduate in the regular time and with a GPA ≥ 7.5. b6 = 1 Flexibility I: The curriculum training will enable the child to choose among both college fields and liked jobs. b7 = 1 Going to College: The child will go to college after high school. b8 = 1 Flexibility II: The curriculum training will enable the child to choose among many university fields. b9 = 1 Liked Job: The child will find a liked job after high school. e1 Expected earnings I: The expected earnings the child will make at 30 with a high school diploma but no college. e2 Expected earnings II: The expected earnings the child will make at 30 with a high school diploma and a college degree. b10 = 1 Peers: The child will be in school with his closest friends. b11 = 1 Happy Parents: The child will please his parents. (For children only.) School achievement ({bn = 1}n∈{3,4,5} ), for instance, can be thought of as the output of a simple human capital production function, where innate ability, study effort, and previously acquired skills produce new skills over time (Todd and Wolpin, 2003). While study effort (b2 = 1) is costly in general, the child’s interest in and enjoyment of the curriculum content (b1 = 1), may balance his disutility of effort. On the one hand, children might believe that they would exert lower effort in curricula they perceive they may be less good at and/or less likely to enjoy. On the other hand, the opposite may result if children value school performance in general, or if they are ability constrained (Stinebrickner and Stinebrickner, Forthcoming). Inclusion of the flexibility outcomes ({bn = 1}n∈{6,8} ), above and beyond college enrollment and finding a liked job ({bn = 1}}n∈{7,9} ), was motivated by existing evidence suggesting that families value curricula that enable the child to hedge current uncertainty about future college and work choices, that is, to postpone those choices (Istituto IARD, 2001).25 An attempt was also made to elicit the expected child’s earnings at the age of 30, under the two alternative scenarios (1) of reaching a high school diploma from each curriculum without further enrolling in college (e1 ), and (2) of obtaining a college degree following graduation from each curriculum (e2 ). While the high rates of item non-response prevented use of expected earnings in the empirical model (≈ 65% among children), the answers and feedback to these questions were nonetheless informative. In particular, most children admitted that they had 25 As economic theory has shown that risk aversion can generate preference for flexibility (Ficco and Karamychev, 2009), inclusion of these outcomes may also help mitigating the implicit assumption of risk neutrality implied by the linear SEUs, albeit in a somewhat reduced-form fashion. 13 no idea about what the magnitude of a monthly salary may be; whereas, a minority of them reported either the information they had received from the school counselors or their parents’ earnings. Some parents, in turn, left written notes on the survey, expressing the difficulty of providing any meaningful forecast, and stating that they did not regard future earnings as an important factor for this decision. The participants’ subjective probabilities were elicited by asking them to assign a number between 0 and 100 to the likelihood that each one of the listed outcomes would realize should the child attend each one of the following 10 curricula, taken from institutional and informational material issued by the Italian Ministry of Education and listed under the question: Vocational-Commerce (j = 1), Vocational-Industrial (j = 2), Technical-Commerce or Social (j = 3), Technical-Industrial (j = 4), Technical-Surveyors (j = 5), Art Track (j = 6), General-Humanities (j = 7), General-Languages (j = 8), General-Education or Social Sciences (j = 9), General-Math and Science (j = 10). The battery of subjective probability questions was preceded by an introductory section, explaining the use of the 0-100 percent chance scale and engaging respondents with three warm-up questions.26 The following question, eliciting the child’s subjective probabilities of the outcome Like (b1 = 1) conditional on each choice, provides an illustration. Think about your situation during the past school year, when you were facing the choice of the high school track and just before making a final decision. What did you think would be the chances out of 100 that you would enjoy the content of the following curricula, should you enroll in each one them? Curriculum (either standard or laboratory) Curriculum 1 ... Curriculum 10 Percent Chance Stated Preferences as Choice Rankings. The respondents’ preferences over choice alternatives were elicited with the following question (here worded as in the student questionnaire). Think about your situation during the past school year, when you were facing the choice of the high school track and just before making a final decision. Please, rank the following curricula from the one you like the best to the one you like the least for yourself, considering the factors you thought were important for choosing among them. Start by assigning 1 to your favorite curriculum, then proceed by increments of 1 until you reach your least 26 The introductory section included some examples of the mapping between the numerical 0-100 percent chance scale and verbal probability statements such as “Impossible/Certain,” “(Un)Likely,” or “Even chances.” Children were walked through the instructions and the warm-up questions by an interviewer assigned to their class. Children’s warm-up questions asked, 1. What do you think is the percent chance that you will eat pizza for dinner sometime next week? 2. What do you think is the percent chance that you will get the flu sometime during the winter? 3. What do you think is the percent chance that you will get the flu in January? The first question was replaced by 1’. What do you think is the percent chance that it will rain tomorrow? in the parent questionnaire. 14 preferred one. The same number may not be assigned to two different curricula. (Curricula were listed by row in the first column; while the empty cells of the second column were used for ranking.) For example, in the case of a responding (PR2) child, the above questions asked him to retrieve and provide his subjective probabilities of the outcomes, and his curriculum ranking corresponding to those probabilities, at the time immediately preceding the final decision (i.e., between stage 1 and stage 2 of the model). This is a weaker and more plausible requirement than asking respondents to report their beliefs at the beginning of stage 1. Additionally, it should be noted that while these questions did follow the actual choice, they did not follow the realization of the outcomes over which respondents’ probabilities were elicited.27 Family Protocol as Individual Members’ Decision Roles. The respondents’ perception of the family decision protocol was elicited by means of the following question (again worded as in the student questionnaire).28 Which one of the following statements best describe the way in which choice of the high school curriculum for you was made in your family? Please mark one only. (A) We realized pretty soon that in our family we had the same idea about the choice (B) We discussed within our family until we reached a common decision based on a compromise A single member of our family took the final decision, after exchanging information and/or opinions with others. Indicate who decided: (C) Myself (D) My father (E) My mother (F) Other person, specify: ....................................... A single member of our family made the final decision, without discussing with others. Indicate who decided: (G) Myself (H) My father (I) My mother (L) Other person, specify: ....................................... Answers to this question and to a follow-up question eliciting identities of all persons the decision maker talked to were used to classify the reported family decision processes into the 27 With the exception of the “Peers” outcome. Necessary validity conditions are (i) that respondents do not display forms of cognitive dissonance or ex-post rationalization when reporting their beliefs and choice preferences, and (ii) that no additional relevant information about the outcomes, especially for the chosen curriculum, has arrived since the choice was made, or (ii’) that, if such information has arrived, it does not bias respondents’ reports. Reassuringly, neither Zafar (2011) nor Arcidiacono et al. (2012) find evidence of cognitive dissonance among U.S. college students choosing their majors. I discuss some of these issue further in Section 3.2 of the Online Appendix. 28 To minimize the risk of affecting respondents’ reports of their subjective probabilities and choice preferences, the sequence eliciting the family decision protocol was inserted after the latter in the survey. The family protocol question is similar to existing questions in large-scale household surveys eliciting modes of decision making or interactions, typically between spouses or between parents and their children. Such questions, however, are rarely taken advantage of in economic modeling and empirical analyses of family behaviors. Friedberg and Webb (2006) and Cosconati (2011) are recent exceptions, using respectively the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) and the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 (NLSY97). 15 family protocol categories used in the empirical analysis.29 3.3 Data Description In the empirical analysis, I focus on the 1,029 families whose children were in 9th grade for the first time at the time of the survey. Additionally, I drop the observations with item nonresponse to the questions used to construct the key variables of interest, i.e., respondents’ subjective probabilities, their choice preferences, and the reported family protocol. This leaves me with a sample of 998 children and with one of 565 child-parent matched pairs.30 Actual Choice, Family Members’ Choice Preferences, and Family Decision Protocol. Table 1 compares families’ actual choices (RPs) with the stated-preferred alternatives of the individual family members (SPs), both in the whole matched child-parent sample (1st row) and disaggregated by family decision protocol (2nd-4th rows). There are two main takeaways from this table. First and foremost, in only a little over 50% of the sampled families, the child’s and parent’s stated-preferred choices do coincide with each other (and with the actual choice) as of the time of the final decision (1st row-1st column cell). This is remarkable, as the displayed snapshot follows the likely interaction and convergence of stage 1 (or, in fact, 14 years of parental socialization), and uses the child-parent matched sample where any interaction and convergence is more likely to have occurred. Second, in over two thirds of the families where the child’s and parent’s stated-preferred choices are not aligned (over a third of the whole matched sample), the observed choice coincides with the child’s stated-preferred alternative but not with the parent’s (1st row-2nd column cell). As those figures are disaggregated by reported family protocol, an expected pattern emerges. The fraction of families where the child’s and the parent’s stated-preferred choices coincide with each other (and with the actual choice) is higher conditional on a multilateral protocol, especially (PR3) (1st col.). Whereas, the fraction of families where the actual choice coincides with the stated-preferred alternative of the child but not with that of the parent, is substantially lower conditional on a multilateral protocol (2nd col.). Conditional on the (PR3) protocol and on children’s and parents’ SPs, 8% of actual choices are inconsistent with Pareto optimality (4th row-4th column cell), suggesting that Keeney and Nau (2011)’s model of efficient Bayesian group decision making is a reasonable approximation for the (PR3) group. On the other hand, the observed choice and the child’s stated-preferred 29 “Child chooses unilaterally” (PR1) includes the case in which the child talked to any person different from his parents and, hence, it groups part of (C) and all of (G). “Child chooses with parental input” (PR2) covers part of (C). “Child and parent make a joint decision” (PR3) includes (A) and (B). “Parent chooses with the child input” (PR4) and “Parent chooses unilaterally” (PR5) were constructed symmetrically, but not used in the empirical analysis. Additionally, when either (A) or (B) were selected, respondents were asked a follow-up question eliciting identity of the decision maker in the counterfactual situation in which no agreement or compromise would be reached. Answers to this question and additional survey information were used to define the “relevant” or “representative” parent. 30 That is, after dropping 3% and 7% of the observations in the children’s sample and in the matched child-parent sample, respectively. 16 alternative do not coincide even in 13% of (PR1) families. Taking the reported family protocols at face value, this pattern may be explained by the existence of some factors or constraints that affected the actual decision but were not factored in the reported SPs. In the empirical analysis of Section 4, I investigate the possibility that children did tend to report their choice preferences net of their teachers’ suggestions.31 Subjective Probabilities. The interviewers who went into the classrooms reported that after going through the introduction together and taking the three warm-up questions, children appeared comfortable with the 0-100 scale. Recalling the illustration of Section 2, Table 2 shows the empirical distributions of the children’s and parents’ answers to the Like (b1 = 1) and the Flexibility I (b6 = 1) expectation questions for Art (j = 6) and Math (j = 10). The answers feature some typical rounding and corresponding bunching at multiples of 5 and 10; nonetheless, children did use the full 0-100 scale (col. (1)-(4)), in fact, more so than their parents (col. (5)-(8)). In turn, the top and middle panels of Tables 3 and 4 show the means, standard deviations, and main quantiles of the same empirical beliefs’ distributions displayed in Table 2. Whereas, the bottom panel shows the main features of the corresponding distributions of the withinfamily differences in the child’s and parent’s beliefs. On average, children and parents display similar beliefs as of the time of the final decision, thereby the mean and median differences are very small or zero, especially about child’s enjoyment. Their standard deviations and extreme quantiles, however, indicate the existence of a fair amount of variation in those differences across families. Based on a Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test, the null hypothesis of beliefs’ equality between the child-parent matched pairs cannot be accepted for the majority of curricula and outcomes. The main features of the empirical beliefs’ distributions for the remaining outcomes are shown in Section 1 of the Online Appendix (Tables 2 through 10), in the interest of space. The main patterns resemble those shown in Tables 3 and 4 of the paper; nonetheless, outcomes’ specificities also emerge. For instance, parents tend to be more optimistic about the child’s performance than children are, consistent with existing evidence (e.g., Fischhoff et al. (2000), Dominitz et al. (2001), Attanasio and Kaufmann (2010)). Moreover, parents expect on average smaller differences in the child’s effort and performance across curricula.32 The belief heterogeneity across children (parents) and across curricula, shown in the top 31 Table 1 of the Online Appendix shows a basic tabulation comparing the actual choice, the child’s stated-preferred alternative, and the teacher’s suggested curriculum reported by the child. 32 Additionally, Figure 1 of the Online Appendix plots children’s and parents’ average beliefs of Like, Study Effort, and Performance I-III together, for all curricula. Effort and enjoyment beliefs do tend to move together across curricula. Children’s subjective likelihoods of high effort, however, tend to increase as one moves from the vocational and technical curricula to the general ones. Whereas, the opposite is true for their subjective likelihoods of a good academic performance, suggesting that at least some children are likely to feel ability constrained with respect to some curricula of the general track (Stinebrickner and Stinebrickner, Forthcoming). This pattern appears reinforced in Figures 2 through 4 of the Online Appendix, where mean beliefs are plotted conditional on the attended curriculum. 17 (middle) panels of the above tables, provides identification of children’s (parents’) utility weights (i.e., {∆uin }N n=1 in eq. (1)), in the empirical analysis of the upcoming section. Whereas, the heterogeneity in within-family differences between the child’s and parent’s beliefs in the bottom panels, that explains the within-family differences among the child’s and the parent’s SPs and the RP in Table 1, provides identification of the parameters that children and parents use to aggregate their beliefs or SEUs under multilateral decision making (i.e., {ωni }N n=1 in eq. (3) or φi in eq. (4)). 4 Choice Model Estimation 4.1 The “Unitary Family” Baseline Basic Econometric Model. First, I estimate a baseline model that takes the child and, alternatively, the parent as the “representative decision maker” of the choice (i ∈ {c, p}), thus treating the family as “unitary.” The model corresponds to that of Bayesian individual decision making (1), introduced in Section 2. I implement it econometrically within a standard random utility framework, where the components of the decision makers’ SEUs unobserved to the econometrician are captured by additive random errors, {εj }Jj=1 , which I assume to be i.i.d. and type-I extreme value for all i. Under these assumptions, the probability of observing a child attend a specific curriculum j̃ can be expressed as i h PN i i αi + P · ∆u exp µ n n=1 ij̃n j̃ J i J i N i . h P j̃|{{Pijn }N n=1 }j=1 ; {{αj }j=1 , {∆un }n=1 } = PJ P N i i αi + P · ∆u exp µ ijn n n=1 j=1 j In equation (5), the term PN n=1 Pijn (5) · ∆uin represents the systematic component of the deci- sion maker i’s SEU from the jth alternative, which is observed by the econometrician up to i the parameter vector {∆uin }N n=1 , to be estimated. The interpretation of each Pijn and ∆un components are as provided in Section 2. The terms {αji }Jj=1 are alternative-specific constants that measure the average effect of {εj }Jj=1 and are also to be estimated. Finally, µi is a scale parameter inversely related to the variance of the error terms. Given the parametric assumptions on the random terms, and after setting αJi = 0 as a i N location normalization, the model’s parameters, {αji }J−1 j=1 and {∆un }n=1 are identified up to the scale factor, µi , by variation in the observed subjective probabilities of the choice outcomes I ({{{Pijn }Jj=1 }N n=1 }i=1 ), across the alternatives (j = 1, ..., J) and decision makers (I = 1, ..., I). In practice, I use families’ actual choices (RP) as my dependent variable, and elicited children’s or, alternatively, parents’ subjective probabilities over the choice outcomes ({{Pijn }Jj=1 }N n=1 with i ∈ {c, p}) as main explanatory variables. Hence, the subjective probabilities of survey participants function as alternative- and individual-specific attributes of the conditional logit 18 model (5). I estimate the model using the Manski and Lerman (1977)’s weighted exogenous sampling maximum likelihood (WESML) estimator to adjust for choice-based sampling.33 Its implementation requires obtaining the shares of curriculum enrollment in the population to calculate weights that make the likelihood function behave asymptotically as under random sampling. Table 5 displays the curriculum choice distributions in the population (col. 1) and in the estimation samples (col. 2-3). For comparison, I estimate (5) also from children’s and, alternatively, parents’ stated choice preferences (SPs), used as response variables. In this case the sampling scheme can be thought of as equivalent to one of “intercept&follow” with choice-based recruitment or interception. McFadden (1996) shows that for the basic case without persistent heterogeneity across choice situations and for the purpose of parameter estimation, data from choice situations other than the interception can be treated as if sampling were random.34 RP Estimates. The columns in the left panel of Table 6 display the estimates of the utility parameters in (5), obtained using RP data and different specifications of the latent SEUs. i Because the utility weights ({∆uin }N n=1 ) and the scale factor (µ ) are not separately identified, each parameter estimate corresponding to a different choice outcome (by row), is equal to the product of the two. Significance levels are based on robust asymptotic standard errors derived in Manski and Lerman (1977).35 All specifications include alternative-specific constants (not shown in the interest of space), whose overall significance is confirmed by a Likelihood Ratio (LR) test. The adjusted Likelihood Ratio (LR) index reported in the bottom row of the table measures the percent increase in the value of the log-likelihood calculated at the parameter estimates, relative to its value under equal chances (i.e., no model). And it can be used as a goodness-of-fit indicator, and for comparison of specifications estimated on the same data and with the same set of alternatives. However, it should neither be interpreted as the R2 of a linear regression, nor used to compare models that are not estimated on the same sample of data (see, e.g., Train (2009)). The first four specifications (S1-S4) use the children’s subjective probabilities as explanatory variables. The estimated coefficients feature the expected (positive) signs, with the exception of study effort (b2 ), hypothesized to be negative. Because the ratio of the estimated utility coefficients for any pair of outcomes is scale free (as (∆uin00 · µi )/(∆uin0 · µi ) = ∆uin00 /∆uin0 for any bn0 , bn00 ), I discuss parameter estimates in terms of the outcomes’ “relative importance.” 33 The WESML is computationally tractable and yields a constrained best predictor of the discrete response even when the logit assumption is not correct (Xie and Manski, 1989). I provide a formal description in Section 2 of the Online Appendix. 34 This also applies to the joint SP&RP models estimated later, as discussed in Section 2 of the Online Appendix. On the other hand, cases with persistent heterogeneity across choice situations, or those requiring recovery of population quantities other than the underlying parameters, would still require re-weighting. These cases are highly problematic, as the relevant population SP shares are unobservable. 35 I provide a discussion and a comparison with bootstrap standard errors in Section 3 of the Online Appendix. 19 The most weighted outcome is child’s enjoyment of the curriculum (b1 ), whose utility weight is approximately 2.5 times larger than the weight on facing a flexible college field’s choice (b8 ), 3.5 times larger than that on graduating in the regular time (b4 ), and approximately 5 times larger than those on finding a liked job after graduation (b9 ), on attending college (b7 ), and on facing a flexible college-work choice (b6 ). Parameter estimates for these outcomes are all significant at 1%, as opposed to the coefficient of being in school with friends (b10 ), which is barely significant. Qualitative results do not change when pleasing one’s parents (b11 ) is introduced in specification (S2), although this outcome turns out to be the third most weighted one after child’s enjoyment and flexibility of the college field’s choice. Similarly, inclusion of a dummy capturing the orientation suggestion by the child’s teachers in specifications (S3) and (S4), induces only marginal changes in the estimates, mostly by making the coefficient of study effort not significant.36 Its own utility weight, on the other hand, is significant and approximately 4 times smaller in magnitude than the weight attached to the child’s enjoyment. This is true despite the fact that the information content of the teachers’ suggestion should already be incorporated in children’s beliefs. It is thus possible that teachers’ counseling affects curriculum choice through additional channels, above and beyond children’s information and beliefs; perhaps, through their consideration set and/or their utility ranking of the choice outcomes.37 Re-estimation of (S1) and (S3) from RP data, and using the parents’ subjective probabilities as explanatory variables, generates similar importance rankings over outcomes to those obtained using the children’s probabilities (i.e., given ∆uin0 > ∆uin00 > ∆uin000 for some bn0 , bn00 , and bn000 , the latter holds for both i = c and i = p), consistent with the similarity of their beliefs’ distributions.38 Children’s beliefs, however, appear to have more explanatory power on actual choices than parents’ beliefs do, consistent with the descriptive evidence presented in Subsection 3.3 that children play a more important role in the choice.39 36 The orientation dummy is equal to 0 either when no suggestion was provided or when a track was suggested but no particular curriculum within the suggested track was specified, and is equal to 1 otherwise. A specification constraining the utility coefficient of the suggestion dummy to 0 when the child reported receiving some suggestion but also indicated that the suggestion was not considered in the choice produced identical results. Sample sizes for specifications (S3) and (S4) decrease slightly due to some non-responses to the survey question eliciting teachers’ suggestion. 37 For instance, a teacher may tell her students that it is more important to choose what one likes than what one’s friends like, thereby following them. If not explicitly modeled, the latter would be conflated in the estimated utility weights. On the other hand, if teachers were to communicate their suggestions by indicating one or more specific alternatives each child may successfully pursue, but did fail to explain the rationale behind their suggestions, families would face an inferential problem similar to that faced by an econometrician who tries to recover decision makers’ beliefs and utilities from their choices or stated choice preferences. 38 Comparing ratios of the estimated coefficients for any two outcomes between children and parents provides a quick and easy way to compare the magnitudes of the implied utility weights (i.e., ∆ucn00 /∆ucn0 vs. ∆upn00 /∆upn0 ). To further ease the comparison, I estimate specifications (S1) and (S3) using the matched child-parent sample (shown in Table 11 of the Online Appendix). However, I refrain from a formal test of equality of the estimated coefficients, since cumbersome and likely not meaningful in practice (see, e.g., Long (2009)). Estimates of the utility weights across specifications and samples can be also evaluated and compared free of scaling issues, in terms of the change they imply in predicted choice probabilities when beliefs of specific outcomes are let change marginally (e.g., Train (2009) and Long (2009)). These calculations are not shown in the interest of space, but are available upon request. Unfortunately, the impossibility of including expected earnings prevents use of willingness-to-pay calculations to map utils into Euros. 39 At least in stage 2. The higher significance levels of children’s beliefs for almost all outcomes may additionally suggest a greater underlying heterogeneity in utilities among children. 20 SP Estimates. The columns in the right panel of Table 6 display estimates of model (5) for the same SEUs’ specifications as in the corresponding columns of the left panel, but now replacing the RP data with the children’s (parents’) SPs, whenever the children’s (parents’) beliefs are used as explanatory variables.40 Inspection of the comparable specifications reveals that the utility rankings over choice outcomes implied by the children’s beliefs and SPs and by the parents’ beliefs and SPs, differ both from each other and from those implied by the RPs. For example, when used to rationalize the observed choices, sample variation in children’s beliefs implies higher utility ranks for shorter-term outcomes such as study effort and school achievement, than when used to rationalize children’s SPs. Results for post-graduation outcomes are instead mixed. In particular, the RP data imply a relatively more pronounced preference for flexibility of future study and work choices, than the children’s SPs do. While the opposite is true for going to college and finding a liked job. Additionally, the children’s SPs imply a positive and significant utility weight on being in school with one’s friends–insignificant or even negative under the RPs–but relatively smaller weights on pleasing one’s parents and on following the teachers’ suggestion. When used to rationalize their own SPs, sample variation in parents’ beliefs implies higher utility ranks for some of the post-graduation outcomes, e.g., facing a flexible college-work choice and finding a liked job after high school, than when used to rationalize the observed choices. The opposite is instead true for the child’s effort and achievement in high school, and also for the teachers’ suggestion. Interestingly, the utility coefficient on the child’s study effort is implied to be negative by the parents’ beliefs, but not by the children’s. On the other hand, the possibility that the child attends the same school as his friends, does not appear to be of much relevance according to the parents’ beliefs and SPs. Implications and Next Step. Thus far, the estimation exercise has used the children’s and, alternatively, the parents’ subjective probabilities to rationalize either the families’ actual choices (RPs) or the individual members’ SPs, with two main implications. First, a comparison of the children’s utility weights (as implied by a model explaining the children’s SPs as a function of their own beliefs and utilities), with the parents’ utility weights (as implied by an analogous model explaining the parents’ SPs as a function of their own beliefs and utilities), rationalizes the within-family differences between the child’s and parent’s SPs documented in Table 1, mainly as differences among the child’s and the parent’s utility weights, given the relative similarity of their subjective probabilities documented in Tables 3, 4, 6, etc. Second, a comparison of the children’s (parents’) utility weights–as implied by a model explaining the children’s (parents’) SPs as a function of their own beliefs and utilities–with 40 Existing evidence from stated ranking data indicate significant differences across rank levels, with a decreasing stability of ranking information as the rank of an alternative decreases (BenAkiva et al., 1991). I therefore estimate the SP models using the highest ranked curriculum, rather than the complete ranking of alternatives. 21 the utility weights implied by an analogous model estimated using the RP data, suggests that the latter set of parameters conflates the individual members’ utility weights with “something else.” That is, the topic of the next sub-section. In the next sub-section, I estimate an extension of model (5) with two main features. First, the model explicitly recognizes that in each family the child and the parent may have both distinct beliefs and utility weights over outcomes. Second, the model rationalizes observed within-family differences among the RP, the child’s SP, and the parent’s SP, not only as a function of the heterogeneous beliefs and/or utility weights of the individual members, but also as a function of the family decision protocol subsuming those components. In fact, families will be allowed to use one of a small set of decision protocols, which I empirically identify using survey information about the child’s and the parent’s roles in the decision.41 4.2 4.2.1 Heterogeneous Decision Processes Econometric Models The econometric models of this sub-section give empirical implementation to the Bayesian models of individual decision making (1) and of group decision making ((3) and (4)), presented in Section 2. Each model is estimated on the sub-sample of families correspondingly classified as using protocol (PR1), (PR2), and (PR3), based on survey information.42 Child Chooses Unilaterally (PR1). I estimate the unilateral model by combining the RP data and the children’s SPs, in order to increase the estimation precision and also to gain insight into possible differences between the two data generating processes.43 Indeed, conditional on correct reports about the family decision protocol, there should be no (statistical) difference between the SEUs’ observed and unobserved components across the SP and the RP processes for this group. And yet, Table 1 indicates that the RP and the child’s SP do not coincide for the 7-8% of the sample. 41 Heterogeneous utility weights between children and parents, and across family protocols, are the only forms of systematic or observed parameter heterogeneity I explore in this paper. There would be neither conceptual nor computational difficulties in allowing for additional dimensions of heterogeneity, by specifying a functional form for how individual characteristics, including their probabilistic beliefs, enter utility parameters. Nonetheless, because of the relatively small size of the protocolspecific sub-samples, I prefer not to pursue this line. On the other hand, allowing for unobserved forms of heterogeneity in this setting (e.g., serial correlation between SPs and RP) presents specific difficulties under choice-based sampling, which I discuss in Section 2 of the Online Appendix. 42 Following existing studies of parenting in developmental psychology and economics (e.g., Bumpus et al. (2001) and Cosconati (2011)), I use children’s reports of the family decision protocol. This choice is warranted by the fact that administration of the student questionnaire was assisted by trained interviewers, instead of being self administered, and avoids additional potential issues related to parental selection into survey participation. Table 5 displays the distribution of actual choices (RP) in each one of the tree protocol-specific sub-samples used for estimation. Additionally, Table 13 of the Online Appendix shows their composition in terms of children’s and families’ background characteristics. 43 I also estimate the two models separately. Estimation results for the separate models are shown in Table 14 of the Online Appendix. 22 The joint model is P RP,1 RP,1 c,1 RP,1 + N (RP, 1) : SEUcj = αj n=1 Pcjn · ∆un + εcj (SP, 1) : SP,1 SEUcy = αySP,1 + PN n=1 Pcyn · ∆uc,1 n + (6) εSP,1 cy , where j indexes the RP and y indexes the child’s SP, with j, y ∈ J . εRP,1 and εSP,1 are assumed cy cj i.i.d. type-I extreme value, with scale parameters µRP,1 and µc,SP,1 . Under no serial correlation between the SP and the RP, the log-likelihood of observing any RP-SP pair (j, y) equals the sum of the log-likelihoods of j and y, the former corrected for choice-based sampling (derivation shown in the Online Appendix). The main difference between model (6) and the basic model using one data source (5) is that P the common component between the SP and RP SEUs, n Pcjn · ∆uc,1 n , enables identification and estimation of the SP/RP scale ratio, µ1 = µc,SP,1 /µRP,1 . Because Var(εRP,1 ) = (µ1 )2 · cj 1 Var(εSP,1 cy ), the estimated µ can be used to investigate whether the SP and the RP contain approximately the same amount of random noise, by testing µ1 = 1. In turn, testing the equality of the RP and SP alternative-specific constants (i.e., αjRP,1 = αjSP,1 for all j), provides additional useful information about the relationship between the RP and SP unobservables, as they capture the average effects of all unobserved factors. Child Chooses with Parental Input (PR2). The system of latent SEUs for the child is (RP, 2) : = αjRP,2 + SEUfRP,2 j SP,2 SEUcy (c-SP, 2) : PN n=1 h i RP,2 wnp,2 · Ppjn + (1 − wnp,2 ) · Pcjn · ∆uc,2 n + εf j (7) = αyc,SP,2 + PN n=1 Pcyn · ∆uc,2 n + εSP,2 cy , with j, y ∈ J . εfRP,2 and εSP,2 are assumed to be i.i.d. type-I extreme value, with scale cy j parameters µRP,2 and µc,SP,2 and no serial correlation. Whereas, the parents’ utility weights can be separately estimated with the basic SP model, SP,2 (p-SP, 2) : SEUph = αhc,SP,2 + N X SP,2 Pphn · ∆up,2 n + εph , h ∈ J . (8) n=1 N The children’s utility weights ({∆uc,2 n }n=1 ) are identified by beliefs’ heterogeneity across children and alternatives, through the SP component of the model (c-SP,2). Whereas, the equality restriction on the utility weights between (c-SP,2) and (RP,2), combined with the add-to-one restriction on the aggregation weights for each outcome, yields identification of the latter ({wnp,2 }N n=1 ) from the( RP,2) SEUs. The statistical precision of their estimates, on the other hand, will ultimately depend on whether there exists enough variation in within-family differences between the child’s and parent’s beliefs across families, that explains the variation in the observed differences between the RP and the child’s SP. Finally, the combination of the 23 SP and the RP provides identification of µ2 .44 The structure of (RP,2) in the (7) system makes immediately transparent why opening the family box, and explicitly allowing for multilateral child-parent protocols, is an important improvement over the unitary family baseline (5), estimated from RP data and the beliefs of one member only, the child for example. In particular, estimating a unitary or unilateral (PR1) model on a sub-sample of families that in actuality have made their decision multilaterally according to (PR2), will yield biased estimates of the utility parameters. This is because the unspecified parental contribution to the decision–that is, her beliefs aggregated with those of the child via the {wnp,2 }s and multiplied by the {∆uc,2 n }s–will get subsumed into the error terms, thereby inducing a correlation between the observed and the unobserved components of the model. Child and Parent Make a Joint Decision (PR3). The family system is (RP, 3) : SEUfRP,3 = αjRP,3 + φc,3 j PN n=1 h i i PN h p,3 c,3 ) Pcjn · ∆uc,3 + (1 − φ P · ∆u + εRP,3 n n pjn n=1 fj PN SP,3 c,3 c,SP,3 SP,3 + = α (c-SP, 3) : SEU y cy n=1 Pcyn · ∆un + εcy SP,3 p,3 (p-SP, 3) : SEU SP,3 = αp,SP,3 + PN P n=1 phn · ∆un + εph , h ph (9) SP,3 SP,3 are i.i.d. type-I extreme value, with scale parameters with j, y, h ∈ J . εRP,3 f j , εcy , and εph µRP,3 , µc,SP,3 , and µp,SP,3 , and with no serial correlation across data sources. The identification argument for (9) is analogous to that of (7), but it requires the additional restriction of equal relative scales for (c-SP,3) and (p-SP,3). 4.2.2 Estimation Results Utility weights. Estimates of the children’s utility parameters are displayed by family de- cision protocol in Tables 7, 8, and 10, which also include estimates of the family aggregation weights for processes (PR2) and (PR3) (described below). Whereas, the parents’ utility parameters for protocols (PR2) and (PR3) are displayed in Tables 9 and 10, respectively. To start with the shorter-term outcomes, the child’s enjoyment of the curriculum is confirmed to be the most weighted factor by both the children and the parents and across decision protocols. The utility difference assigned to a high versus a low study effort, on the other hand, varies across groups. It is negative among the (PR1) children, positive but not significant 44 Mechanically, identification of the aggregation weights is obtained as follows. Taking ratios of the SP and RP coefficients p,2 2 N c,2 N p,2 2 N separates {wnp,2 · µ2 }N n=1 and {(1 − wn ) · µ }n=1 from {∆un }n=1 . Further taking ratios between {wn · µ }n=1 and {(1 − p,2 2 N p,2 N wn ) · µ }n=1 for each outcome isolates {wn }n=1 . This argument applies to the current framework, where both utility and aggregation weights are left unrestricted across family protocols. This is motivated by the fact that selection into family protocols is not modeled explicitly and is instead built in the aggregation and utility parameters. In fact, imposing homogeneous utility weights of the individual family members across decision protocols would likely strengthen identification and would potentially enable estimation of more general protocols of child-parent decision-making or interaction. 24 among the (PR2) and (PR3) children, and negative but not significant among the (PR2) and (PR3) parents. In turn, the utility weight attached to experiencing a regular path in high school makes this factor rank stably as the third to fifth most valued one. Its relative magnitude (with respect to the child’s enjoyment) is nonetheless highest among the (PR1) children and lowest among the (PR2) children. This coefficient is never significantly different from 0, instead, for all parents’ sub-samples and specifications. The children attach a positive utility to the event of going to school with their closest friends; whereas, the parents seem to value it negatively. These coefficients are never significant, however. Finally, when pleasing one’s parents is explicitly included as an argument of the child’s SEUs, its positive and usually significant estimated coefficient points toward interdependent child-parent utilities, even on the child’s side. Its relative importance, however, varies across protocols and is remarkably higher among the (PR1) children. Hence, to the extent that children have some, albeit imperfect, knowledge of their parents’ choice preferences, this finding suggests that even the (PR1) parents are likely to play a role in their children’s choice, perhaps more indirectly.45 Moving now to the post-graduation choices and outcomes, the (PR2) children display a relatively strong preference for facing a flexible college field choice, which is the second most important outcome to them after enjoying the curriculum content, and is followed by finding a liked job after graduation and facing a flexible college-work choice. The (PR3) children too place a high weight on making a flexible college field choice, whose utility coefficient is twice as large as that on attending college, and is also a little higher (albeit comparable in magnitude) than the coefficient on finding a liked job after graduation. Similarly, the (PR3) parents display relatively sizeable and statistically significant preferences for flexibility, especially of the child’s field choice in college. The (PR2) parents, on the other hand, attach a relatively higher importance to the child’s satisfaction of the job than to the remaining post-graduation outcomes. The picture looks somewhat more complex for the (PR1) children. Separate estimation of the unilateral model (6), alternatively using SP and RP as dependent variables, points to somewhat different utility structures. That is, the utility coefficients estimated from SP data imply a strong preference for finding a liked job after graduation for this group. Whereas, the estimated coefficients implied by RP data emphasize the importance of attending college and facing a flexible college-work choice. (Estimates shown in Table 14 of the Online Appendix.) To shed light on these differences, I estimate the joint SP&RP model (5) letting the utility coefficients vary between the two data sources, one outcome at the time. And, then, I test their equality using an LR test, instead of imposing it. Reassuringly, I cannot reject the null 45 In Section 1 of the Online Appendix I construct and tabulate an indicator for the child’s and the parent’s knowledge of each other choice preferences. The tabulation indicates that the parents know their children’s choice preferences better than viceversa on average, but the (PR1) parents are less knowledgeable than the other two groups of parents about their children’s choice preferences. Interestingly, the such a pattern does not seem to hold for the (PR1) versus the (PR2)-(PR3) children. This, however, may be an artifact of parental selection into the survey. 25 hypothesis of equal SP and RP coefficients for most outcomes. However, the test does reject the fully constrained model (specification (S2) of Table 7), in favor of a specification that lets the coefficients on facing a flexible college field choice and on finding a liked job after graduation differ across data sources (specification (S2’)).46 Finally, when an indicator for the teachers’ suggestion is included in the specification of (PR1) children’s SEUs, its coefficient too differs across data sources. As hypothesized in Section 3, the RPs imply a stronger role for the orientation dummy, whose coefficient is approximately twice as large as that implied by the children’s SPs. Even larger differences are observed for the other two groups, (PR2) and (PR3), where the orientation dummy is mostly not significant in the SP component of the model. Testing the SP and RP underlying processes. Differences between the SP and RP data generating processes can be further investigated by inspecting the SP/RP scale parameter and the alternative-specific constants. For the (PR1) group, I cannot reject the null hypothesis that µ1 = 1, nor a model with αjRP,1 = αjSP,1 for all j. This tells us that the unobservable processes underlying the RPs and the SPs are reassuringly similar for this group, thereby providing a first validation of the information about the children’s decision role for the (PR1) sub-sample. On the other hand, µ2 and µ3 are significantly different from 1 in all specifications. Their values range from 0.45 to 0.65, meaning that the variance of the unobserved components is between 2.5 and 5 times larger in the SP model than in the RP one. A larger SP variance is a common finding in the SP&RP literature (Morikawa, 1994), which attributes it to the fact that respondents participating in SP tasks under hypothetical scenarios generally have only a subset of the information they would have in actual choice situations. That is, SP experiments tend to elicit preferences mixed with individual expectations of events that may affect choice behavior and are not included in the proposed scenario (Manski, 1999). While in my setting the SP task is more one of recall than one of hypothetical choice, it is possible that the additional noise is indeed related to the mental process of recollection and abstraction respondents were required to do. Aggregation weights. Inspection of Table 8 (top panel) reveals that existing within-family differences between the child’s and parent’s beliefs, and their variation across families, pin down the aggregation weights ({wnp,2 }N n=1 ) with some precision only for some of the outcomes. For example, the parental opinion about the child’s achievement in high school matters more than the child’s own opinion. The estimated weight on the parent’s belief for this outcome ranges 46 A potential explanation is what the SP literature calls “prominence,” i.e., the respondents’ tendency to focus on few most important attributes, or to fail to take situational constraints into account, when answering SP questions. While prominence would seem more likely to occur in SP tasks involving hypothetical scenarios or in SP-off-RP experiments (e.g., (Train and Wilson, 2008)), its occurrence here would indeed imply that SPs and RPs coincide in less cases than they should for this group. Hence, if present, this bias would go into the opposite direction than the “inertia or justification bias” I discuss in Section 3 of the Online Appendix in relation to possible mechanisms of ex-post rationalization. 26 from 0.626 to 1.120, depending on the specification; however, all values between 0.5 and 1 are compatible with the estimates, and for some specifications even a weight of 0 cannot be rejected. The weight on the parent’s belief about the child’s enjoyment is estimated precisely and lies between 0.411 and 0.457. The hypothesis of equal weights cannot be rejected, while 0 and 1 are rejected for all specifications. The weight on facing a flexible college field choice, instead, favors the child’s opinion, and values above 0.5 can generally be rejected. As for the remaining outcomes, weights are estimated imprecisely and are, therefore, compatible with any value between 0 and 1. This notwithstanding, a model imposing equal weights across outcomes can be rejected for all specifications. N In the top panel of Table 10, weights on the child’s SEUs ({φc,3 n }n=1 ) range between 0.295 and 0.370, and are precisely estimated. Both 0 and values of 0.5 or above are rejected. This supports the important explicit role that the (PR3) parents are reported by their children to play in their choice. Testing family protocols specifications. The above estimates rely on a correct specification of the family decision protocol. To shed some light on potential misspecifications and to provide some validation for the survey information about the families’ decision protocols, I test the multilateral models, (PR2) and (PR3), against the unilateral model (PR1) and against one another. Since (PR1) is nested in both (PR2) and (PR3), I perform an LR test for whether all weights on the parent’s beliefs are equal to 0 in Table 8, and for whether the child’s weight is equal to 1 in Table 10. The null hypothesis is rejected in both cases. Finally, I estimate the (PR2) model on the (PR3) sub-sample and I compare its estimates with those from the (PR3) model, and vice versa for the (PR2) sub-sample. Since the two models are not nested, I use the Ben-Akiva and Lerman (1985, p. 171-174) test comparing the adjusted LR indices of the two models being tested, i.e., P ρ̄2B − ρ̄2A > z ≥ Φ{−[2 · N · z · ln(J) + (KB − KA )]1/2 } with z > 0, where all N observations in the sample have all J alternatives and KA and KB are the number of parameters of the two models. Based on this test, the (PR2) specification in which the child chooses, with the input of the parent’s beliefs, is found to be statistically superior in both the (PR2) and (PR3) sub-samples. On the other hand, an alternative specification of the child-parent joint decision model (PR3), featuring outcomespecific weights (estimates shown in Table 17 of the Online Appendix), is rejected in favor of the basic (PR3) model with a single weight. 5 Counterfactual Analysis Math and Art, Resumed. This paper maintains that the utility weights decision makers attach to the choice outcomes are hardwired and known to them–for example, how important it is for Child to enjoy the curriculum content versus failing to do so, whatever his choice may be 27 between Art and Math. On the other end, whether Child would happen to enjoy the curriculum content of Math or of Art is ex-ante uncertain in the model, and Child holds subjective beliefs about the likelihood of such events. It is therefore possible that a “sensitization” or “promotion” campaign–about how interesting and engaging mathematics and science are, and possibly instrumental for anything children may plan to do after high school–can modify Child’s beliefs about his likelihood of enjoying the Math curriculum, and possibly of finding a good job, etc., thus affecting his choice. In the top panel of Table 11, I simulate a promotion policy that boosts by 10 percent-chance points the subjective probability that the child would enjoy the Math and Science curriculum of the children, of the parents, or of both (Policy 1A).47 Calculations are done separately for the pooled samples (unitary models) and for the sub-samples of families using different decision protocols. This hypothetical shift in beliefs generates an intuitive increase in the enrollment probability for the Math and Science curriculum in all groups and models, and a corresponding decrease for all the other curricula. Such changes, however, are heterogeneous across policy targets and models, emphasizing the importance of explicitly taking the latter into account. For instance, assuming a unitary model with the parents as representative decision makers and policy targets, sizeably overestimates the magnitude of the enrollment response to the promotion campaign implied by the protocol-specific models (+18.93 vs. {0, +5.06, +8.50}). And a unitary model based on the children’s beliefs generates a closer, albeit still somewhat high, prediction (+11.16 vs. {+7.04, +6.74, +6.41}). Tracking and Specialization. In the bottom panel of Table 11, I simulate the effect of a change in the beliefs of children, parents, or both, generated by a policy that strengthens tracking by preventing access to university following any diploma of the vocational type (Policy 2A). In practice, I set the subjective probabilities of the targeted group to 0 for the three outcomes “attend college,” “flexible college-work choice,” and “flexible college field” and the two vocational curricula (j ∈ {1, 2}).48 This policy induces a huge drop in vocational enrollment, mostly in favor of the technical curricula. The result is intuitive: those children who value the possibility of going to college after graduation, but would enroll in a vocational curriculum if the restriction were not in place, would now switch to curricula of the “lowest” track ensuring eligibility for college enrollment. Finally, 47 This kind of campaign has been recently implemented by the Italian Ministry of Education to promote mathematics and technology, especially among girls. In Table 20 of the Online Appendix, I additionally simulate the response of enrollment probabilities to an hypothetical drop of 10 percent-chance points in the respondents’ subjective likelihoods that the child would enjoy the Art curriculum (Policy 1B). 48 This policy mimics a main feature of the Italian secondary system before the 1969 reform that opened university access to the students graduating from technical and vocational schools. In Table 20 of the Online Appendix, I additionally simulate a policy that lowers educational standards and equalizes them across curricula, by guaranteeing all students to pass all grades on the first try (Policy 2B). These latter simulations captures some of the features of the system of “educational debits” or “fail credits,” temporarily introduced by the Law 425-1997 and subsequently modified by the Law 1-2007. De facto this system enabled children with grades below the passing level in one or more subjects to progress through school grades by contracting “educational debits” that could be (easily) cleared at some later time. 28 a decomposition by decision protocol shows that if the parents only were aware of the policy, its impact would be smaller than if the children also were informed. (E.g., {0, -17.38, -44.97} vs. {-61.25, -57.97, -72.03} for the Vocational-Commerce curriculum, but the pattern is analogous for the Vocational-Industrial curriculum). Publication of Education Statistics. In Table 12, I calculate the changes in predicted enrollment probabilities following disclosure of national statistics about college enrollment in 2006-2007, disaggregated by graduation curriculum (Policy 3A). These statistics are the most recent ones that could have been made available to the families in my sample, whose children entered high school in the Fall of 2007.49 This policy generates an intuitive though moderate increase in predicted enrollment for general curricula, especially the humanities and math ones, and a corresponding drop in predicted enrollment for the vocational and the artistic curricula. In turn, a decomposition of the counterfactual enrollment response by family protocol shows that publication of education statistics would have a larger impact on children reporting making a unilateral decision. While not unambiguous, this signals that these children may have less precise beliefs. For example, families where parents have a greater involvement in their children’s choice may be relying more on statistics and on other “hard” information from teachers, schools, and orientation in stage 1. An obvious shortcut of these calculations is their reliance on the assumption that, if given such information, families would use these statistics at the face value. That is, even though families would likely update their beliefs, there is no reason to believe that they would slavishly use population probabilities in place of individual-specific ones, as confirmed by existing evidence from experiments with U.S. college students (Wiswall and Zafar, 2011). In fact, an alternative interpretation of these counterfactuals may be that they provide estimates of the prediction error made by an econometrician assuming common prior beliefs across (and within) families for these outcomes. 6 Conclusions This paper introduces subjective risk and multiple protocols of child-parent decision making into a simple model of family high school track choice. Its main contribution lies in the original combination of standard data on actual choices with novel information about individual family members’ subjective probabilities of the choice outcomes, their preferences over the choice 49 Recent field experiments in both developed and developing countries have studied the effect of disclosing information about school-specific test scores, returns to schooling, financial aid opportunities, etc. on educational choices and related outcomes (e.g., Hastings and Weinstein (2008), Jensen (2010), Dinkelman and Martinez (Forthcoming)). Indeed, most high schools in Verona publish school-level statistics (e.g., passing rates between grades) and post-graduation outcomes (e.g., college enrollment by field and job placement by sector) of older cohorts on their web pages. In Table 21 of the Online Appendix, I additionally show the changes in predicted enrollment probabilities induced by the publication of the 2006 graduation rates (conditional on a regular path) by curriculum, based on the AlmaDiploma (2007a)’s statistics (Policy 3B). 29 alternatives, and their decision roles, to separately identify parameters capturing how children and parents individually make trade-offs among the choice outcomes, and parameters describing different protocols of child-parent decision making. The paper’s general message is that disentangling the group members’ probabilities and utilities from the group’s decision protocol combining them, is fundamental for prediction and policy analysis of group decisions under uncertainty. Within its specific application, the paper’s findings indicate that the economics of the family needs to provide explicit accommodation of adolescents’ decision-making, and that the economics of education needs to explicitly take into account the channels through which parents affect children’s human capital decisions. Direct measurement of the family members’ probabilistic beliefs and decision roles is a main feature and strength of the analysis, as it eliminates the need for strong identifying assumptions about their expectations and decision roles. Nevertheless, this work does still rely on substantial simplifications regarding both the theoretical framework and the data. Validity of the counterfactuals, for example, requires that the family decision protocols are correctly specified and remain unchanged following the hypothesized policies. The empirical analysis provides some evidence of the ability of the family protocol indicator to discriminate among different models of family decision-making. However, neither alternative forms of family interaction (e.g., strategic ones), nor selection into family decision protocols are addressed in this paper. In turn, both the theoretical framework and the data maintain the Bayesian agnosticism about beliefs formation, and about the role that ambiguity may play in determining both families’ observed choices and their decision protocols, as only point probabilities are elicited and assumed to enter the children’s and parents’ SEUs. Future efforts should extend the current approach to modeling and analyzing selection into family choice protocols and choices jointly. Large representative studies such as the NLSY, the PSID, or the HRS have collected high-quality longitudinal data for decades, but have focused on families’ or individual members’ choices and outcomes, their background characteristics, and their social context. To make progress on why families use certain decision styles and make the choices we observe, it would be fruitful to augment existing surveys with new information from multiple members. Such information would cover the members’ individual preferences; multiple features of their beliefs (e.g., perceived ambiguity, precision, or interdependencies); the constraints or incentives they pose to one another (e.g., children’s perception of their choice sets and of parental constraints on the latter); among others. Such data would inform economic models of the family directly, by suggesting more credible assumptions and specifications of family decision-making and interactions. Moreover, their combination within econometric models would enable identification of a richer set of structural parameters and corresponding policy counterfactuals. 30 Table 1: Actual Choice (RP), Family Members’ Stated Choice Preferences (SPs), and Family Decision Protocol (PR) % of Families Where the Actual Choice (RP) Is Equal to (1) (2) (3) (4) Both Child’s Parent’s Another Child’s SP SP SP Curriculum and Only Only Parent’s SPa ALL–Matched child-parent sample (5) % Reported Family Protocol (N) 54.13 33.03 5.87 6.97 100% (565) PR1b –Child chooses unilaterally 51.78c 40.17d 1.79 5.36 19.82% (112) PR2b –Child chooses with parental input 52.56 35.81 6.51 5.12 38.05% (215) PR3b –Child and parent decide jointly 57.98 28.99 5.04 7.98e 42.13% (238) [a ] SP: Stated choice preference at the time of the final decision. [b ] PR1-PR3: Family protocol reported by the child. [c ] is likely an upper bound, and [d ] a lower bound, due to higher non-participation of PR1 parents. [e ] Cases violating Pareto optimality. That is, there is an alternative choice that would increase the SEU of one decision maker (or both) without making the other worse off. 31 Table 2: Percent Chances of “Like” and “Flexibility I” in the Art and Math Curricula– Children’s and Parents’ Empirical Beliefs Distributions Percent of Answers Children a Parentsb Reported Artc Mathd Artc Mathd Chances (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (5) (8) e f e f e f e = or ∈ Like Flex. I Like Flex. I Like Flex. I Like Flex. If 0 24.45 11.82 21.34 9.82 20.14 7.99 10.24 5.38 g (0, 5) 4.91 2.51 4.21 1.60 1.91 0.35 1.91 0.87 5 3.21 2.61 2.30 1.30 3.47 1.91 1.74 1.74 (5, 10) 1.30 1.10 0.60 1.00 0.17 0.35 0.17 0 10 8.12 8.12 5.21 7.31 11.28 10.94 7.99 5.56 (10, 15) 1.30 1.20 1.00 0.60 0 0.35 0.17 0.17 15 2.00 1.40 1.20 0.70 0.69 0.52 0.87 0.69 (15, 20) 1.00 0.50 0.60 0.60 0 0 0.35 0 20 4.11 7.21 2.91 2.61 9.72 10.07 7.12 5.21 (20, 25) 1.00 1.30 0.70 0.70 0.87 0.69 0.35 0.17 25 1.40 1.30 1.60 0.60 1.56 1.04 1.22 0.69 (25, 30) 0.70 0.90 0.40 0.40 0 0.35 0.35 0 30 3.51 7.01 3.51 3.31 7.47 10.59 8.33 5.21 (30, 35) 0.60 0.80 1.20 0.50 0.17 0 0.17 0 35 0.60 1.10 0.80 0.50 0.69 0.52 0 0.17 (35, 40) 0.70 0.70 0.60 0.30 0.52 0 0 0.17 40 2.20 4.41 2.61 2.61 5.56 9.90 5.03 5.38 (40, 45) 0.60 0.70 0.40 0.40 0.17 0.17 0.17 0 45 0.50 1.30 0.90 1.00 0.35 0.17 0.87 0.35 (45, 50) 1.10 0.60 0.50 0.60 0.17 0 0.35 0 50 6.51 9.12 7.21 7.92 8.16 14.58 9.72 12.33 (50, 55) 0.50 1.20 1.30 0.40 0 0 0.35 0.52 55 0 0 0 0 0.35 0.87 0.17 0.35 (55, 60) 0.40 0.30 0.70 0.60 0 0 0 0 60 2.81 4.91 2.51 2.20 5.90 5.56 8.16 5.56 (60, 65) 0.70 1.20 0.80 1.40 0 0 0 0 65 0.90 0.80 1.20 0.50 0.69 1.22 0.17 0.35 (65, 70) 1.00 0.40 1.10 0.90 0 0 0 0.17 70 2.30 3.71 3.71 2.91 6.08 5.56 8.85 9.38 (70, 75) 0.50 0.80 0.70 0.50 0 0.17 0.17 0.52 75 1.20 1.20 1.30 0.80 0.52 0 0.87 0.87 (75, 80) 0.90 0.60 1.00 0.60 0 0 0 0 80 3.31 3.61 4.41 6.41 5.90 4.17 8.51 10.42 (80, 85) 1.60 0.90 0.80 1.30 0 0 0 0.35 85 0.80 0.40 1.70 1.50 0.52 0.17 1.22 0.52 (85, 90) 1.20 0.70 1.10 1.40 0.35 0.17 0 0.17 90 2.61 3.01 4.41 7.92 2.08 1.74 6.60 7.47 (90, 95) 0.20 0.60 0.80 0.70 0 0 0.52 0 95 1.30 0.50 1.80 1.90 0 0.17 1.74 0.52 (95, 100) 2.00 0.80 4.31 3.11 0.17 0.17 0.87 0.35 100 5.91 8.62 6.51 20.54 4.34 9.55 4.69 18.40 Sample Size 998 576 [a ]: Whole children sample. [b ]: Matched child-parent sample. [c ]: Art track. [d ]: General-Math and science curriculum. [e ]: The child will enjoy the curriculum content. [f ]: The curriculum training will enable the child to choose among both college fields and liked jobs. [g ]: Reported chances ∈ (x, y) means x < chances < y. 32 Table 3: Percent Chance of “Like”a –Main Features of the Empirical Beliefs Distributions Across Curricula and Samples Children (N=998)b Voc. - Commerce Voc. - Industrial Tech. - Comm.-Soc. Tech. - Industrial Tech. - Surveyors Artistic Track Gen. - Humanities Gen. - Languages Gen. - Educ.-Soc.Scie. Gen. - Math&Scie. 0.10-Qd 0.25-Q 0.50-Q 0.75-Q 0.90-Q Mean Std. Dev. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 1 1 0 0 2 3 17.5 10 20 11 20 20 16.5 30 30 40 45 37 50 50 53 65 62 65 70 80 75 67 80 80 86 90 92 90 90 97 26.839 22.265 29.960 27.229 32.026 35.048 32.814 36.083 37.567 43.093 28.804 27.121 29.782 31.038 33.059 35.041 36.137 35.150 34.697 36.645 Parents (N=576)c Voc. - Commerce Voc. - Industrial Tech. - Comm.-Soc. Tech. - Industrial Tech. - Surveyors Artistic Track Gen. - Humanities Gen. - Languages Gen. - Educ.-Soc.Scie. Gen. - Math&Scie. 0.10-Q 0.25-Q 0.50-Q 0.75-Q 0.90-Q Mean Std. Dev. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 10 5 1 5 10 10 10 10 20 20 30 20 20 30 40 40 40 50 48.5 40 50 50 50 60 70 70 70 74 70 70 80 70 80 80 90 90 81 90 27.729 26.479 32.625 30.337 29.481 33.997 40.816 40.519 40.174 46.819 27.118 26.722 27.785 28.163 30.010 30.742 34.015 31.918 31.412 31.937 Child-Parent Difference (N=576)c,e Voc. - Commerce Voc. - Industrial Tech. - Comm.-Soc. Tech. - Industrial Tech. - Surveyors Artistic Track Gen. - Humanities Gen. - Languages Gen. - Educ.-Soc.Scie. Gen. - Math&Scie. 0.10-Q 0.25-Q 0.50-Q 0.75-Q 0.90-Q Mean Std. Dev. Prob > |z|f -37 -42 -40 -40 -30 -40 -40 -40 -40 -33 -20 -20 -20 -20 -10 -20 -20 -20 -20 -14.5 0 -5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 9 12 12 20 12 10 10 20 19.5 33 30 38 31 42 37 30 35 40 40 -2.306 -6.606 -2.870 -3.352 3.439 -2.234 -3.670 -3.239 -1 1.758 27.842 28.588 29.841 29.377 30.299 30.381 29.445 29.536 31.497 29.701 0.0146 0.0000 0.0148 0.0083 0.0054 0.0449 0.0181 0.0044 0.5215 0.1148 [a ]: The child will enjoy the curriculum content. [b ]: Whole children sample. [c ]: Matched child-parent sample. [d ]: α-Q is the α quantile of the empirical beliefs’ distribution for the corresponding outcome Like and curriculum (by row), with α ∈ {0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.90}. [e ]: Difference between child’s and parent’s beliefs over outcome Like in different curricula. [f ]: Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test. Null hypothesis of equality of child-parent matched beliefs. Prob > |z| gives the confidence level at which the null hypothesis of equality cannot be accepted. 33 Table 4: Percent Chance of “Flexibility I”a –Main Features of the Empirical Beliefs Distributions Across Curricula and Samples Children (N=998)b Voc. - Commerce Voc. - Industrial Tech. - Comm.-Soc. Tech. - Industrial Tech. - Surveyors Artistic Track Gen. - Humanities Gen. - Languages Gen. - Educ.-Soc.Scie. Gen. - Math&Scie. 0.10-Qd 0.25-Q 0.50-Q 0.75-Q 0.90-Q Mean Std. Dev. 1 1 10 10 10 0 0 2 0 1 15 15 30 29 40 10 20 21 20 20 50 50 50 56 65 40 59.5 64 50 69 80 72 83 82 90 70 93 90 83 95 100 96 100 100 100 94 100 100 100 100 46.970 45.432 53.993 55.019 60.951 41.897 54.966 57.746 52.222 58.539 33.319 32.598 32.447 32.236 31.204 32.527 37.316 35.260 34.518 36.830 Parents (N=576)c Voc. - Commerce Voc. - Industrial Tech. - Comm.-Soc. Tech. - Industrial Tech. - Surveyors Artistic Track Gen. - Humanities Gen. - Languages Gen. - Educ.-Soc.Scie. Gen. - Math&Scie. 0.10-Q 0.25-Q 0.50-Q 0.75-Q 0.90-Q Mean Std. Dev. 5 5 15 20 20 5 10 10 10 10 21.50 27.50 40 50 50 20 26.75 40 30 30 50 50 60 70 69 40 57.5 70 55 60 80 80 85 90 85 60 90 90 80 90 100 100 100 100 100 90 100 100 100 100 53.115 52.043 60.686 63.283 63.102 42.309 55.832 62.986 54.856 59.101 32.494 32.093 29.344 28.437 27.994 29.786 33.913 30.261 30.901 32.335 Child-Parent Difference (N=576)c,e Voc. - Commerce Voc. - Industrial Tech. - Comm.-Soc. Tech. - Industrial Tech. - Surveyors Artistic Track Gen. - Humanities Gen. - Languages Gen. - Educ.-Soc.Scie. Gen. - Math&Scie. 0.10-Q 0.25-Q 0.50-Q 0.75-Q 0.90-Q Mean Std. Dev. Prob > |z|f -60 -60 -60 -56 -50 -55 -70 -60 -60 -66 -40 -40 -40 -37 -28.5 -30 -37 -32 -30 -34 -10 -10 -10 -8 0 -1 0 -2 0 0 20 19.5 20 15.5 20 20 30 20 25 30 40 40 40 40 41 50 62 50 50 60 -9.083 -9.516 -8.878 -8.887 -2.681 -4.189 -2.074 -6.776 -3.630 -1.910 40.806 39.774 39.577 37.175 37.358 39.626 47.511 41.686 41.498 46.544 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1559 0.0118 0.4297 0.0004 0.0749 0.4962 [a ]: The child will enjoy the curriculum content. [b ]: All children sample. [c ]: Matched child-parent sample. [d ]: α-Q is the α quantile of the empirical beliefs’ distribution for the corresponding outcome Flex. I and curriculum (by row), with α ∈ {0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.90}. [e ]: Difference between child’s and parent’s beliefs over outcome Flex. I in different curricula. [f ]: Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test. Null hypothesis of equality of child-parent matched beliefs. Prob > |z| gives the confidence level at which the null hypothesis of equality cannot be accepted. 34 35 742 (17.72) 521 (12.44) 285 ( 6.81) 1548 (36.9) 177 (4.2) 395 (9.43) 168 (4.01) 330 (7.89) 940 (22.43) 1833 (43.8) 4189 (100) Technical - Commerce-Social Technical - Industrial Technical - Surveyors Total Technical Track Total Artistic Track General - Humanities General - Languages General - Education-Social Scie. General - Math and Science Total General Track Total All Tracks (10.02) (8.52) (9.62) (28.16) (17.23) (5.91) (10.02) (17.33) (50.49) 998 (100) 172 59 100 173 504 76 (7.62) 100 85 96 281 86 (8.62) 51 (5.11) 137 (13.73) (2) “Unitary” Model All Samplec (21.35) (5.73) (9.90) (20.14) (57.12) 576 (100) 123 33 57 116 329 15 (2.60) 57 (9.90) 55 (9.55) 67 (11.63) 179 (31.08) 36 (6.25) 17 (2.95) 53 (9.20) (3) “Unitary” Model Matched Smpl.d 170 (27.11) 627 (100) 170 (100) 16 (9.41) 6 (3.53) 18 (10.59) 22 (12.94) 62 (36.47) 18 (10.59) 17 (10) 25 (14.70) 23 (13.53) 65 (38.23) 14 (8.23) 11 (6.47) 25 (14.70) (4) PR 1 as Reported by Childe 219 (34.93) 627 (100) 219 (100) 52 (23.74) 22 (10.05) 29 (13.24) 47 (21.46) 150 (68.49) 5 (2.28) 17 (7.76) 13 (5.94) 18 (8.22) 48 (21.92) 13 (5.94) 3 (1.37) 16 (7.31) (5) PR 2 Reported by Childf (10.92) (11.76) (12.18) (34.86) 238 (37.96) 627 (100) 238 (100) 52 (21.85) 8 (3.36) 21 (8.82) 50 (21.01) 131 (55.04) 5 (2.10) 26 28 29 83 12 (5.04) 7 (2.94) 19 (7.98) (6) PR 3 as Reported by Childg [a ]: Source: Provincial Agency for Education of Verona (Italy). [b ]: Percentages in parentheses. [c ]: After dropping children repeating 9th grade and with any item non-response in the key variables (SP, probabilities, and family protocol). Sample used to estimate the baseline model without heterogeneous decision roles (“unitary family”). d [ ]: Same as [c ], but applied to the child-parent matched pairs. [e ]: Same as [c ], but applied to the subset of children reporting making a unilateral choice (PR1). Sample used to estimate the PR1 model. [f ]: Same as [d ], but applied to the subset of families where children reported making the choice with parental input (PR2). Sample used to estimate the PR2 model. [g ]: Same as [d ], but applied to the subset of families where children reported making a joint choice with their parents (PR3). Sample used to estimate the PR3 model. Family Decision Protocol Sample Size (%) 320 (7.64) 311 (7.43) 631 (15) Vocational - Commerce Vocational - Industrial Total Vocational Track Curriculum (1) Populationa (%)b Table 5: Curriculum Choice Distributions in the Population and in the Estimation Samples 36 ∗∗ 998 -612.273 0.726 Yes − Yes (0.20) 1.49 -429.431 0.773 857 -442.091 0.767 Yes (0.19) (0.49) ∗∗∗ 1.74∗∗∗ (0.37) 0.98 (0.67) ∗∗∗ 2.19 (0.56) ∗∗∗ 1.22∗∗ (0.39) 1.21 588 -455.437 0.651 Yes − − (0.47) 1.18 (0.62) ∗∗∗ 2.64 (0.65) ∗∗∗ 0.70 (0.45) 0.87 (0.42) ∗ 0.69 (0.29) ∗∗∗ (0.82) (0.49) 1.68∗∗ (0.61) 0.97 (0.64) 8.14∗∗∗ −0.05 1.45∗∗∗ (0.51) 0.58 (0.50) 550 -379.272 0.686 Yes (0.21) 1.90∗∗∗ − (0.50) 1.16 (0.75) ∗∗ 1.94 (0.78) ∗∗∗ 1.14 (0.53) 0.99 (0.49) ∗ 0.69 (0.87) 1.68∗ (0.69) 0.89 (0.64) 7.45∗∗∗ Parents’ Beliefs (S1) (S3) Yes − (0.41) 1.57∗∗∗ (0.35) 2.30 (0.52) ∗∗∗ 2.29 (0.48) ∗∗∗ 1.95∗∗∗ (0.38) 0.55 (0.24) -503.288 0.767 971 -515.229 0.762 Yes − − (0.34) 2.26 (0.52) ∗∗∗ 2.52 (0.46) ∗∗∗ 2.01∗∗∗ (0.38) 0.70 (0.22) ∗ (0.48) 0.49∗∗ (0.47) 1.54∗∗∗ (0.47) 0.64 (0.53) 6.71∗∗∗ 0.64∗∗∗ 1.66∗∗∗ (0.46) 0.79 (0.53) ∗ 7.11∗∗∗ Yes (0.16) 0.31 (0.42) ∗∗ 1.32∗∗∗ (0.38) 2.26 (0.54) ∗∗∗ 2.15 (0.49) ∗∗∗ 1.57∗∗∗ (0.38) 0.42 (0.25) 0.52∗∗ (0.53) 1.25∗∗ (0.52) 0.32 (0.64) 6.89∗∗∗ -426.189 0.769 836 -433.089 0.766 Yes (0.15) 0.38∗∗ − (0.37) 2.23 (0.54) ∗∗∗ 2.35 (0.47) ∗∗∗ 1.58∗∗∗ (0.37) 0.57 (0.23) 0.66∗∗∗ (0.52) 1.33∗∗ (0.50) 0.50 (0.62) 7.22∗∗∗ SP Data Children’s Beliefs and SP (S1) (S2) (S3) (S4) 557 -709.581 0.433 Yes − − (0.34) 1.87 (0.46) ∗∗∗ 1.29 (0.38) ∗∗∗ 0.37 (0.35) 1.05 (0.31) ∗∗∗ 0.09 (0.45) −0.12 (0.42) −0.21 (0.29) 4.08∗∗∗ 2 522 -646.179 0.447 Yes (0.16) 0.64∗∗∗ − (0.37) 1.94∗∗∗ (0.47) 1.22 (0.40) ∗∗∗ 0.39 (0.38) 1.13∗∗∗ (0.33) −0.02 (0.48) −0.18 (0.43) −0.20 (0.31) 3.79∗∗∗ Parents’ Beliefs and SP (S1) (S3) : significant at 1%, : significant at 5%, : significant at 10%. Manski and Lerman (1977)’s asymptotic robust standard errors for Weighted Exogenous ML in parentheses. ρ̄ = 1 − [LL(θ̂) − K]/LL(0), where LL(θ̂) is the value of the log-likelihood at the parameter estimates, K is the number of the estimated parameters, and LL(0) is the value of the log-likelihood under no model (Ben-Akiva and Lerman, 1985). Optimization performed in Matlab. ∗∗∗ Sample Size -630.358 0.718 Yes Constants Log-likelihood (LL(θ̂)) Adjusted Likelihood Ratio Index (ρ̄2 ) − Teachers’ Suggestion 1.59∗∗∗ − (0.39) (0.36) (0.31) 1.09 1.74∗∗∗ 1.05 − 1.16 (0.64) ∗∗∗ 2.58 (0.52) ∗∗∗ (0.30) ∗ (0.48) ∗∗∗ 2.11 (0.47) ∗∗∗ 2.40 (0.46) ∗∗∗ (0.43) ∗∗∗ 1.31∗∗ 1.36 (0.37) (0.32) 0.92∗∗ (0.32) 0.96 1.13∗∗∗ 1.05 (0.28) ∗∗∗ (0.25) ∗∗∗ (0.24) ∗∗∗ 0.20 (0.49) 0.11 (0.46) (0.46) 1.41∗∗∗ (0.49) 0.80 0.36 (0.42) 1.59∗∗∗ (0.40) 1.62∗∗∗ 0.91 (0.50) Happy Parents (b11 ) Liked Job after Graduation (b9 ) Flexible College Field Choice (b8 ) Attend College (b7 ) Flexible College-Work Choice (b6 ) In School with Friend(s) (b10 ) Graduate in Regular Time (b4 ) 1.07 (0.41) ∗∗∗ Daily Homework ≥ 2.5h (b2 ) (0.41) ∗∗ 5.94∗∗∗ Like Curriculum Content (b1 ) 5.75∗∗∗ 5.58∗∗∗ (S1) Outcomes 6.05∗∗∗ RP Data Children’s Beliefs (S2) (S3) (S4) Table 6: “Unitary Family” Baseline–RP and SP Models–“All” Samples Table 7: “Child Chooses Unilaterally” (PR1)–Child’s Utility Weights–SP&RP Model Outcomes SP&RP Model (S2’) (S4) (S2) (S4’) Like Curriculum Content (b1 ) 5.98∗∗∗ 6.55∗∗∗ 5.72∗∗∗ (1.13) (1.13) (1.19) (1.23) Daily Homework ≥ 2.5h (b2 ) −0.66 −0.73 −1.77∗ −2.06∗ (0.84) (0.89) (1.04) (1.12) Graduate in Regular Time (b4 ) 2.30∗∗∗ 2.59∗∗∗ 1.89∗∗ 2.21∗∗ (0.78) (0.85) (0.87) (1.00) 0.35 0.42 0.36 0.48 (0.46) (0.50) (0.59) ∗∗ (0.64) ∗∗ In School with Friend(s) (b10 ) Flexible College-Work Choice (b6 ) Attend College (b7 ) 0.95 1.14 (0.71) ∗∗∗ (0.77) ∗∗∗ 3.20 Flexible College Field Choice (b8 )–RP 3.49 6.57∗∗∗ 1.74 2.08 (0.87) ∗∗ (0.94) 4.02∗∗ 3.48 (0.92) (1.01) (1.39) (1.59) 1.36 0.42 0.34 −1.08 (0.96) (0.88) (0.97) (0.82) Flexible College Field Choice (b8 )–SP − 2.87∗∗ − Liked Job after Graduation (b10 )–RP 1.81∗∗∗ Liked Job after Graduation (b10 )–SP − 1.65 (1.41) 0.87 (0.69) (0.77) ∗∗∗ 3.55 (1.12) ∗∗∗ 2.84∗∗∗ Happy Parents (b11 ) 3.22 (1.28) 2.28∗∗∗ 1.23 (0.72) (0.89) ∗∗∗ − 4.14 (1.12) 3.08∗∗∗ 3.65∗∗∗ (1.09) (1.18) (1.13) (1.28) Teachers’ Suggestion–RP − − 2.33∗∗∗ 2.26∗∗∗ (0.64) (0.63) Teachers’ Suggestion–SP − − 1.11∗∗ 1.50∗∗ (0.48) (0.61) 1.008∗∗∗ 0.845∗∗∗ 1.010∗∗∗ 0.813∗∗∗ (0.120) (0.096) (0.134) (0.103) Yes Yes Yes Yes -178.309 0.736 -174.317 0.739 -131.176 0.757 -127.823 0.759 SP/RP Scale Constants Log-likelihood (LL(θ̂)) Adjusted Likelihood Ratio Index (ρ̄2 ) Sample Size ∗∗∗ 170 ∗∗ ∗ 144 : significant at 1%, : significant at 5%, : significant at 10%. Asymptotic robust standard errors in parentheses. ρ̄2 = 1 − [LL(θ̂) − K]/LL(0), where LL(θ̂) is the value of the log-likelihood at the parameter estimates, K is the number of the estimated parameters, and LL(0) is the value of the log-likelihood under no model (Ben-Akiva and Lerman, 1985). Optimization performed in Matlab. 37 Table 8: “Child Chooses with Parental Input” (PR2)–Aggregation Weights and Child’s Utility Weights Outcomes (S1) (S2) (S3) (S4) Like Curriculum Content (b1 ) 0.433∗∗∗ 0.450∗∗∗ 0.411∗∗∗ 0.434∗∗∗ (0.047) (0.051) (0.056) (0.059) Daily Homework ≥ 2.5h (b2 ) 1.282 1.440 −0.073 −0.984 (2.534) (2.470) (3.248) (13.953) 0.626 0.669 1.021∗∗∗ 1.120∗∗ (0.447) Aggregation Weights (on the Parent’s Beliefs) Graduate in Regular Time (b4 ) In School with Friend(s) (b10 ) Flexible College-Work Choice (b6 ) Attend College (b7 ) Flexible College Field Choice (b8 ) Liked Job after Graduation (b9 ) (0.481) (0.534) (0.343) −0.167 0.057 0.113 0.710 (1.141) (1.174) (1.167) (1.088) −0.113 0.099 0.047 0.296 (0.484) (0.430) (0.526) (0.470) −0.403 16.132 2.180 1.131 (1.905) (37.568) (7.317) (2.058) 0.204 0.249 0.231 0.229 (0.174) ∗ (0.173) ∗∗ (0.178) (0.159) 0.411 0.281 (0.247) (0.245) (0.304) (0.371) 12.64∗∗∗ 12.43∗∗∗ 15.16∗∗∗ 15.38∗∗∗ (2.24) (2.36) (3.05) (3.56) 0.545 0.494 Child’s Utility Weights Like Curriculum Content (b1 ) Daily Homework ≥ 2.5h (b2 ) Graduate in Regular Time (b4 ) 0.80 0.90 0.72 0.30 (1.54) ∗∗ (1.57) ∗ (2.05) ∗∗ (2.12) ∗ 3.33 2.94 (1.57) In School with Friend(s) (b10 ) Flexible College-Work Choice (b6 ) (1.53) (1.79) 0.81 0.68 1.04 0.86 (0.90) ∗∗ (0.91) ∗∗ (0.94) ∗ 2.66 3.41 3.67 (1.32) (1.31) (1.59) (1.87) 0.78 −0.08 −0.59 −1.42 (1.68) ∗∗∗ Flexible College Field Choice (b8 ) 7.70 Liked Job after Graduation (b9 ) 3.40 (1.77) ∗∗∗ 7.88 (1.83) ∗∗∗ (2.01) ∗∗∗ 3.25 (1.01) (1.01) ∗∗ − Happy Parents (b11 ) 3.52 (2.05) (0.84) ∗∗ 2.44 Attend College (b7 ) 4.29 2.53 (1.67) ∗∗∗ (1.74) ∗∗∗ 9.23 9.12 (2.47) ∗∗∗ (2.63) ∗∗ 3.83 3.58 (1.39) (1.40) ∗∗ − 3.43 (1.10) − Teachers’ Suggestion–RP − (1.54) ∗∗∗ 3.13 3.08 (3.05) − Teachers’ Suggestion–SP RP Dummies SP/RP Scale Constants Log-likelihood (LL(θ̂)) Adjusted Likelihood Ratio Index (ρ̄2 ) Sample Size ∗∗∗ − ∗ 0.51 0.35 (2.05) (0.179) No 0.608∗∗∗ No 0.586∗∗∗ No 0.511∗∗∗ No 0.488∗∗∗ (0.122) (0.124) (0.120) (0.126) Yes Yes Yes Yes -161.119 0.806 -156.909 0.807 -132.824 0.820 -128.487 0.824 219 ∗∗ (2.12) ∗ 205 : significant at 1%, : significant at 5%, : significant at 10%. Asymptotic robust standard errors in parentheses. ρ̄2 = 1 − [LL(θ̂) − K]/LL(0), where LL(θ̂) is the value of the log-likelihood at the parameter estimates, K is the number of the estimated parameters, and LL(0) is the value of the log-likelihood under no model (Ben-Akiva and Lerman, 1985). Optimization performed in Matlab. 38 Table 9: “Child Chooses with Parental Input” (PR2)–Parent’s Utility Weights Outcomes (S1) (S3) Like Curriculum Content (b1 ) 4.07∗∗∗ 4.02∗∗∗ (0.49) (0.53) Daily Homework ≥ 2.5h (b2 ) −0.65 −0.45 (0.74) (0.78) Graduate in Regular Time (b4 ) −0.32 −0.39 In School with Friend(s) (b10 ) Flexible College-Work Choice (b6 ) Attend College (b7 ) (0.76) (0.77) 0.03 −0.15 (0.44) (0.48) 1.37∗∗ 1.50∗∗∗ (0.55) (0.57) 0.20 0.22 (0.64) ∗∗ (0.66) ∗∗ Flexible College Field Choice (b8 ) 1.56 Liked Job after Graduation (b9 ) 2.34 Teachers’ Suggestion (0.75) ∗∗∗ 1.52 (0.73) 2.33∗∗∗ (0.58) (0.61) − 0.42∗ (0.23) RP Dummies Constants Log-likelihood (LL(θ̂)) Adjusted Likelihood Ratio Index (ρ̄2 ) Sample Size ∗∗∗ No Yes No Yes -268.705 0.433 -244.111 0.445 219 205 : significant at 1%, ∗∗ : significant at 5%, ∗ : significant at 10%. Asymptotic robust standard errors in parentheses. ρ̄2 = 1 − [LL(θ̂) − K]/LL(0), where LL(θ̂) is the value of the log-likelihood at the parameter estimates, K is the number of the estimated parameters, and LL(0) is the value of the log-likelihood under no model (Ben-Akiva and Lerman, 1985). Optimization performed in Matlab. 39 Table 10: “Child and Parent Make a Joint Decision” (PR3) Outcomes (S1) (S2) (S3) (S4) 0.344∗∗∗ 0.357∗∗∗ 0.295∗∗∗ 0.307∗∗∗ (0.085) (0.078) (0.075) (0.069) Like Curriculum Content (b1 ) 13.33∗∗∗ 12.13∗∗∗ 14.90∗∗∗ 13.58∗∗∗ (3.09) (2.79) (3.97) (3.58) Daily Homework ≥ 2.5h (b2 ) 1.48 1.86 1.18 1.60 (1.88) ∗∗ (1.77) ∗∗ (2.38) ∗ (2.30) ∗ Aggregation Weight (on Child’s SEUs) Child’s Utility Weights Graduate in Regular Time (b4 ) 4.27 In School with Friend(s) (b10 ) 3.88 3.37 3.10 (2.09) 0.52 (2.25) ∗ 1.65 1.10 (1.07) ∗ (1.13) (1.16) (1.16) (2.47) (2.35) 1.11 Flexible College-Work Choice (b6 ) 1.48 1.04 1.12 0.86 Attend College (b7 ) (1.14) ∗∗ 3.27 (1.26) ∗∗ (1.27) ∗ (1.42) ∗ Flexible College Field Choice (b8 ) 6.37 (2.44) (2.26) (2.84) (2.56) Liked Job after Graduation (b9 ) 3.74∗∗∗ 3.98∗∗∗ 4.56∗∗ 4.72∗∗ (1.61) ∗∗∗ 2.88 (1.46) ∗∗∗ 5.49 2.83 (1.81) ∗∗ 6.00 2.71 (1.68) 5.18∗∗ (1.53) (1.61) (2.13) (2.19) Happy Parents (b11 ) − 3.56∗∗ − 4.18∗∗ Teachers’ Suggestion–RP − − 1.20∗∗∗ 1.13∗∗∗ Teachers’ Suggestion–SP − − (1.67) (2.03) (0.45) (0.45) 0.17 −0.04 (0.56) (0.55) 7.97∗∗∗ Parent’s Utility Weights Like Curriculum Content (b1 ) 8.49∗∗∗ 8.46∗∗∗ 7.94∗∗∗ (1.54) (1.56) (1.66) (1.68) Daily Homework ≥ 2.5h (b2 ) −1.39 −1.31 −1.33 −1.23 (1.17) (1.16) (1.23) (1.22) 2.52 2.35 3.34∗ 3.18∗ Graduate in Regular Time (b4 ) (2.10) (1.98) (2.27) (2.16) In School with Friend(s) (b10 ) −0.37 −0.38 −0.70 −0.73 (0.86) (0.86) (0.97) (0.97) Flexible College-Work Choice (b6 ) 2.14∗∗ 2.20∗∗ 2.04∗∗ 2.15∗∗ (1.09) (1.12) (1.12) (1.15) 0.92 0.88 0.84 0.81 (1.06) ∗∗∗ (1.07) ∗∗∗ (1.13) ∗∗∗ (1.14) ∗∗∗ Attend College (b7 ) Flexible College Field Choice (b8 ) 2.99 Liked Job after Graduation (b9 ) 1.74 (1.19) ∗∗ Teachers’ Suggestion–SP RP Dummies SP/RP Scale (Child≡Par) (1.21) ∗∗ 1.84 (0.99) (0.96) − − 2.98 (1.21) ∗ 1.66 (1.04) 2.96 (1.23) 1.78∗∗ (1.03) 2.00∗∗∗ 2.01∗∗∗ (0.70) (0.71) No 0.523∗∗∗ No 0.524∗∗∗ No 0.488∗∗∗ No 0.486∗∗∗ (0.093) (0.093) (0.103) (0.102) Yes Yes Yes Yes -507.4697 0.664 -501.9089 0.667 -463.1923 0.668 -457.8141 0.671 Constants Log-likelihood (LL(θ̂)) Adjusted LR Index (ρ̄2 ) 2.96 Sample Size 238 223 ∗∗∗ : significant at 1%, ∗∗ : significant at 5%, ∗ : significant at 10%. Asymptotic robust standard errors in parentheses. ρ̄2 = 1 − [LL(θ̂) − K]/LL(0), where LL(θ̂) is the value of the log-likelihood at the parameter estimates, K is the number of the estimated parameters, and LL(0) is the value of the log-likelihood under no model (Ben-Akiva and Lerman, 1985). Optimization performed in Matlab. 40 41 Gen Lang (j = 8) 17.71 12.44 6.80 4.23 9.43 4.01 7.88 Gen Edu-Soc (j = 9) +11.10 +17.58 +29.49 +26.67 +6.50 +31.85 +13.14 +11.84 +20.86 +25.74 + 8.79 +10.68 +20.60 +15.31 +19.07 +20.70 +2.78 +5.14 +6.70 +0.30 +0.22 +0.32 +6.30 +5.30 +11.86 +0.70 +0.91 +1.13 +4.96 -0.06 +10.15 +13.30 +10.01 +6.91 +0.32 +0.49 +0.56 +0.03 +0.02 +0.03 +7.00 +2.08 +2.01 +0.47 +0.68 +0.89 +5.69 +3.63 +5.71 +7.65 +5.35 +4.44 +5.37 +5.51 +9.64 -0.00 -0.00 +0.00 +13.27 +4.46 +4.15 -2.75 -3.67 -6.66 -0.71 -0.50 -1.58 -4.02 -3.78 -6.76 [a ]: That is, the percent chance of “Attend college” (b7 ), “Flexible College-Work Choice” (b6 ), and “Flexible College Field Choice” (b8 ) =0 for all vocational curricula (j ∈ {1, 2}) -23.40 -45.97 -61.61 -31.16 -18.16 -60.86 -40.16 -53.38 -56.56 -33.82 -44.97 -72.03 -7.33 -9.71 -17.20 -3.93 -2.90 -7.99 -1.58 -7.61 -12.36 PR3–Child’s Beliefs PR3–Parent’s Beliefs PR3–Child’s and Parent’s Beliefs -4.94 -6.61 -11.89 -5.44 -4.17 -9.63 -4.78 -8.40 -11.58 -52.52 -17.38 -57.97 -2.93 -3.85 -6.62 -0.20 -0.18 -0.28 -2.01 -1.99 -3.47 PR2–Child’s Beliefs PR2–Parent’s Beliefs PR2–Child’s and Parent’s Beliefs -1.12 -1.43 -2.29 -1.42 -1.02 -3.16 -3.51 -3.97 -4.63 -61.25 -0.76 -0.98 -1.68 -3.64 -2.71 -6.95 -1.76 -2.27 -5.04 PR1 (SP&RP)–Child’s Beliefs -0.40 -0.55 -1.00 -1.09 -0.83 -2.02 -0.26 -1.38 -3.50 +23.53 +22.47 -0.54 -0.73 -1.34 -0.14 -0.10 -0.24 -0.84 -1.73 -3.05 A 10 Points Increase in the Percent Chance that the Child Will Enjoy Math in the General Math-Scie Curriculum -63.20 -61.99 -0.73 -0.94 -1.49 PR3–Child’s Beliefs PR3–Parent’s Beliefs PR3–Child’s and Parent’s Beliefs Gen Hum (j = 7) Unitary (All)–Child’s Beliefs Unitary (All)–Parent’ Beliefs -0.30 -0.23 -0.50 PR2–Child’s Beliefs PR2–Parent’s Beliefs PR2–Child’s and Parent’s Beliefs Artistic Educ (j = 6) Vocational Diplomas Stop Giving Access to Collegea -1.28 PR1 (SP&RP)–Child’s Beliefs Tech Surv (j = 5) Policy 2A–More Rigid Tracking: -1.29 -2.53 Unitary (All)–Child’s Beliefs Unitary (All)–Parent’s Beliefs Policy 1A–Math “Promotion”: 7.42 7.64 Tech Ind (j = 4) Initial Predicted Probabilities of Choosing Curriculum j Tech Com-Soc (j = 3) % Change in Predicted Probabilities of Choosing Curriculum j Following: Voc Ind (j = 2) Voc Com-Soc (j = 1) Table 11: Counterfactuals +0.85 +1.08 +1.33 +0.21 +0.15 +0.26 +1.89 +3.14 +2.61 +6.41 +8.50 +15.03 +6.74 +5.06 +12.73 +7.04 +11.16 +18.93 22.44 Gen Math-Scie (j = 10) 42 -10.68 -0.39 +3.14 +2.79 -1.70 -1.28 -3.04 PR1 (SP&RP)–Child’s Beliefs PR2–Child’s Beliefs PR2–Parent’s Beliefs PR2–Child’s and Parent’s Beliefs PR3–Child’s Beliefs PR3–Parent’s Beliefs PR3–Child’s and Parent’s Beliefs Tech Surv (j = 5) Artistic Educ (j = 6) Gen Hum (j = 7) Gen Lang (j = 8) 17.71 12.44 6.80 4.23 9.43 4.01 7.88 Gen Edu-Soc (j = 9) -5.13 -3.16 -8.37 -0.17 +1.19 +0.99 -24.81 -11.17 -12.46 +2.11 +0.73 +2.92 +0.28 -1.77 -1.52 +5.88 +3.36 +2.96 +1.96 +0.23 +2.23 -0.09 +1.90 +1.86 +0.62 +0.64 -0.14 -1.10 -0.01 -1.11 -0.74 +3.29 +2.54 -20.15 -5.29 -3.23 -2.66 -1.79 -4.46 -0.57 +3.90 +3.56 -18.88 -5.89 -3.50 +0.61 +0.63 +1.19 +0.23 -1.03 -0.88 +13.43 +2.07 +3.15 -1.25 +0.22 -0.88 +0.19 -1.27 -1.07 +14.20 +0.98 +2.65 -1.62 +0.42 -1.33 +0.23 -0.81 -0.55 +4.47 +0.28 +1.59 Decision Makers’ Beliefs about “Attend College” (b7 ) Coincide with the Realized Frequencies of a Previous Cohorta for All Curricula +0.90 +0.66 +1.56 +0.14 -1.91 -1.79 +6.77 +3.17 +3.08 22.44 Gen Math-Scie (j = 10) [a ]: Statistics are from AlmaDiploma (2007b):b Voc Com-Soc=41%, Voc Ind=24%, Tech Com-Soc=60%, Tech Ind=55%, Tech Surv=53%, Art Educ=57%, Gen Hum=97%, Gen Lang=89%, Gen Educ-Soc=86%, Gen Math-Scie=97%. 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