NAME V €'l GW Engineering EXAM I FALL 2010 PROBLEM #2 - 25 points USE UNITS of CENTIMETERS SECONDS and GRAMS Two identical clean glass beakers hold the same volume of fluid. One contains distilled water and the other mercury. A 0.1cm diameter glass tube is placed vertically in each beaker with the bottom of the tube suspended 1Ocm above the bottom ofthe beaker. The properties of the fluids are indicated in the illustration below ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE, SHOW YOUR WORK NOT BRAITTN TO SCALE Clean ghsstuhes 0"1 cm diamehr Fluld level ln tubes? tt Fluld bvel ln PI$TILLEB llllATER '{lmh air & cFan glass Surfaceiension = 72.8 gfsE# Contact angne = (ts Densi$ = t glcmr Viscosity = 0.01 gf{cm-sec} tt t l-arge ctsan glass beakens 3 of 8 VtY NAME GW Engineering EXAM I FALL 2010 PROVIDE CALC USE UNITS of CENTIMETERS SECONDS and GRAMS 2a) On the diagrams of the precious page, draw a schematic of the fluid within each tube. See* pre"iorr-s P*3-cZUi Wtt"t is the capillary rise of each fluid in'the 0.1 cm diameter tubes? \ e:-l [. *n\er =Zfl.fltcon\ : z (tg]"] o 2.q1c'n r#%\4&P &) =6*r h.w\ercr'.,A* | 7 r$i;) 6'ofc""' 33%' e-r,rz-9r ,{ x# q gl_ -'1, \3 crn fl'\ -0, sl13 0, oSco"., c,t# S= conductivity for water in a porous medium is 3x10-2 cm/sec. What would 2c) tf the hydraulic cond 'r r^zity be for mercury? the fluid conductivitY k= K,4- et k fit t<-=., bsg J*t* r,:c'k\ o -]-* &L I-&. r loo -_cr,J_ =3,o|<dxla o\(€ r J-* C15rxg*arf,\ M\eIr}lfO = (E o"oll,_ Cw* Ko^*^"^^r,6 "\l rv\ : \C**J**x- 2r33x lo -l Ct/"t-. q u'nj d*011 6 \s 1'q-t * 13'i Jk 71f *_ of O 'o3cg;L 1_ i - 4of8