Theme meeting on Knowledge Exchange Date: 10 December 2008 Location: National e-Sciences Institute, South College Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AA Agenda 10h00 Arrive for coffee 10h30: Meeting Start 10h30-10h45: Welcome, introduction and workshop objectives (Rounsevell, Werrity, Kerr) 10h50-12h00: Plenary presentations on different examples of knowledge exchange in SAGES partners: • SFC SPIRIT Funding and Local Authority activity (UWS) • Scottish Government and its Climate Change Bill (Kerr) • ESRC/NERC/Government KE expectations • Open session for participants to present their activities 12h00-12h30: Discussion and introduction to the breakout sessions 12h30-13h30: Lunch and networking 13h30-15h30: Breakout sessions (3 groups, depending on numbers) – discussion about how to maximise opportunities for SAGES partners to develop KE activities and funding streams, guided by the key questions: What are the needs and expectations of the different stakeholders and of us (as researchers)? What are the best practice mechanisms for delivering knowledge exchange (what has worked; what has not)? What plan of action needs to be put in place to maximise these opportunities and support you, the researchers? 15h30-16h00: Coffee break 16h00-16h30: Report back from breakout sessions (3 x 10 minutes) 16h30-17h00: Discussion and planning of follow-up actions 17h00: End of workshop and post-meeting drinks