Breakout Session Feedback Total no. responses: 214

Breakout Session Feedback
Total no. responses: 214
A Capella Singing:
Applications of CRM Technology:
Arts Centre Tour:
Arts Centre: Past, Present and Future:
Central Campus Landscape:
Coaching & Mentoring:
E-Squad and Flag Team:
Guide to Good Nutrition:
Intelligent Use of Email:
International Gateway for Gifted Youth (IGGY):
Introducing the Digital Press:
Points-based Immigration System:
Presence and Presentation:
Salsa for Beginners:
Style Secrets:
The Teaching Grid and Research Exchange:
University’s Energy Challenge:
Warwick Advantage:
Warwick Institute of Advance Study:
Warwick Match:
Warwick Prize for Writing:
Warwick Student Experience:
Widening Participation:
12 responses
14 responses
5 responses
5 responses
12 responses
10 responses
10 responses
7 responses
5 responses
7 responses
9 responses
12 responses
11 responses
5 responses
9 responses
1 response
20 responses
11 responses
2 responses
10 responses
6 responses
2 responses
2 responses
1 response
13 responses
13 responses
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
A Capella Singing (105/205) (12 responses)
Relevance to my role: 2.3/5 (9 responses)
Expertise of session leader: 4.9/5 (12 responses)
Presentation skills of session leader: 4.9/5 (11 responses)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 5/5 (12 responses)
Value of session: 4.8/5 (12 responses)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 2/5 (6 responses)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (205) It was a great confidence booster
 (205) The session provided an opportunity to wind down and have fun
 (105) Chance to de-stress
 (105) Chance to meet new people
 (205) Always good to think about your voice – lots of work on telephone
 (105) Trying something new along others
 (105) Opportunity to learn something new and work with a team of people I didn’t know
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 (205) Lack of water
How could this session be improved?
 (205) Water
 (105) A longer session (X2)
Other comments:
 (105) Very enjoyable
 (205) Great fun, and it sounded ok too which was surprising
 (105) The group bonded well (X2)
 (205) Fantastic! Really enjoyable, invigorating, empowering
 (105) A feeling of success was achieved
 (105) Every morning should start with a session in University House atrium!
 (105) Bruce is brilliant!
 (105) Doing something completely different was excellent, as was meeting new people under
different circumstances
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
Applications of CRM Technology (006/203) (14 responses)
Relevance to my role: 3.9/5 (14 responses)
Expertise of session leader: 4.4/5 (14 responses)
Presentation skills of session leader: 4.2/5 (14 responses)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 4.3/5 (14 responses)
Value of session: 3.8/5 (14 responses)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 4.6/5 (14 responses)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (203) Demo of YourWarwick portal
 (006) Finding out what the system can do (X2)
 (006) The technical info (X2)
 (006) Background info
 (006) Presentation of software
 (006) Opportunity to learn about this initiative and to ask questions
 (006) Learning about new enquiry CRM system – a long overdue development!
 (203) Finding out the basics of CRM
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 (006) My involvement with SARO is minimal
 (203) Lack of detail on how CRM will work from department perspective
How could this session be improved?
 (203) Live, online demos of portal
 (006) Demonstration of the system – a real enquiry
 (006) Wanted to see back end and how staff would use it, and what is CRM?
 (006) Website for new developments/current consultations as not aware of consultation for CRM
 (203) Consideration of the perspectives of those attending
Other comments:
 (006) Others would have got a lot more out of this than me
 (006) Don’t forget CRM is a way of thinking, not a system!
 (006) Very useful and hope to have the opportunity to utilise it
 (006) Good presentation and opportunity for questions – sparked a lot of discussion and interest
 (203) Not terrible informative
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
Arts Centre Tour (106) (5 responses)
Relevance to my role: 2.3/5 (4 responses)
Expertise of session leader: 4.2/5 (5 responses)
Presentation skills of session leader: 4.4/5 (5 responses)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 4/5 (5 responses)
Value of session: 3.8/5 (5 responses)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 4.6/5 (5 responses)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (106) Going into places I’ve not been before
 (106) Realising what goes on behind the scenes of a show
 (106) Access to new areas
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 (106) Practical arrangements – some people on the tour were left behind – conflicting directions
How could this session be improved?
 (106) Inclusion of the Butterworth Hall, when development completed (X2)
Other comments:
 (106) An eye opener
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
Arts Centre: Past, Present, and Future (004) (5 responses)
Relevance to my role: 4.3/5 (3 responses)
Expertise of session leader: 5/5 (5 responses)
Presentation skills of session leader: 4.8/5 (5 responses)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 4.8/5 (4 responses)
Value of session: 4.4/5 (5 responses)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 4.6/5 (5 responses)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (004) Overview of history and info about future plans
 (004) Chance to see things not directly related to my role
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 (004) Slide presentation did not work properly
How could this session be improved?
 (004) Equipment available to speaker did not work
 (004) Take place in Arts Centre?
Other comments:
 (004) Historical background fascinating
 (004) Interesting and informative
 (004) Awareness of developments on campus helps me to understand more about hoe my role fits
into the bigger picture
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
The Central Campus Landscape (012/209) (12 responses)
Relevance to my role: 3.3/5 (12 responses)
Expertise of session leader: 4.7/5 (12 responses)
Presentation skills of session leader: 4.6/5 (12 responses)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 4.4/5 (12 responses)
Value of session: 4.4/5 (12 responses)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 4.3/5 (11 responses)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (209) Learning the reasoning behind the landscaping and what is involved (X2)
 (209) Learning about digital laboratory
 (209) Information about potential/future developments
 (209) Very interesting to see the planting schemes (X2)
 (012) Looking at innovative ways of saving energy
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 (209) Failure to see new the Sedum roof was disappointing
How could this session be improved?
 (209) Extend the tour to include more of central campus
 (209) Opportunity to ask more questions
 (209) Information available online? Why wait till now to find out about our campus?
 (209) Maybe do these tours in the summer, with better weather (X2)
 (012) More time to see further afield (X5)
 (209) Fact sheets
Other comments:
 (012) Would love to find out more about the wider campus (X2)
 (012) Would make a very interesting half-day session
 (012) Overall a good experience
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
Coaching and Mentoring (114/212) (10 responses)
Relevance to my role: 3.7/5 (10 responses)
Expertise of session leader: 4.6/5 (10 responses)
Presentation skills of session leader: 4.4/5 (10 responses)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 4.5/5 (10 responses)
Value of session: 4.3/5 (10 responses)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 4.2/5 (10 responses)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (114) Information on how the system works
 (212) Information exchange and set task
 (114) How to work out solutions to my problems
 (114) Set of questions posed by session leader
 (114) Practical exercise
 (212) Outline of Warwick Scheme
 (114) Q&A format
 (212) Opportunity to reflect on my own words
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 (212) Coaching example, but only because I’ve done it before
 (212) I now think that some things I thought were serious points were in fact attempts at humour!?
How could this session be improved?
 (114) A case study or testimonial – how someone has benefited from it
 (212) More info about the University’s scheme(s)
Other comments:
 (114) Excellent, thank you
 (114) Really useful pointers even if you don’t go on to join the scheme – needs to be more widely
advertised, include info in induction information & other University-wide days/sessions
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
De-stressing Session (014/113) (10 responses)
Relevance to my role: 3.6/5 (10 responses)
Expertise of session leader: 4.5/5 (10 responses)
Presentation skills of session leader: 4.3/5 (10 responses)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 4.1/5 (10 responses)
Value of session: 4.4/5 (10 responses)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 4.2/5 (10 responses)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (113) Relaxation techniques at the end (X4)
 (113) Handouts (X2)
 (014) Good idea to bring attention to the issue and recognise its importance, especially at this time
 (014) Practical exercises
 (113) Time to just stop for a few minutes
 (014) What does stress mean
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 (113) Lack of time
 (014) Childhood experience references (X2)
How could this session be improved?
 (113) Use Powerpoint/other materials to keep interest
 (113) Longer (X7), or follow-up sessions (less rushed)
Other comments:
 (113) Group was too large, suppose to be de-stressing session, but sitting in a circle not knowing
what to expect was quite stressful.
 (113) Could have made more of the hour
 (014) With more time, the session would have been excellent, though the facilitator did explain the
time constraints and we could see where the session was leading – he did very well given the time
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
The E-Squad and Flag Team (013/110) (7 responses)
Relevance to my role: 4.6/5 (7 responses)
Expertise of session leader: 4.9/5 (7 responses)
Presentation skills of session leader: 4.3/5 (7 responses)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 4/5 (7 responses)
Value of session: 4.4/5 (7 responses)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 4.9/5 (7 responses)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (013) Practical experimentation
 (110) Hands-on stuff
 (110) Demo example from student
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 (110) No instruction at all was given on how to actually use the software
 (110) Presentation from Rob
 (110) Practice bit – new kit no guide
How could this session be improved?
 (013) Longer session (X2)
 (110) Two-minute intro is all that is needed, not the whole history of E-Squad. Then practical demo
on how to create a video. Then give handout with instructions, then allow much more time for
people to try it out. The session could have been really useful, but was largely a wasted
 (110) Instruction sheets (X2)
Other comments:
 (013) Really expanded my knowledge of what was possible
 (110) I learned a lot even without instruction sheets because the other e-learning advisors helped,
but they couldn’t help everyone all the time
 (110) Lot to fit into short period
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
Guide to Good Nutrition (017) (5 responses)
Relevance to my role: 2.8/5 (4 responses)
Expertise of session leader: 4.6/5 (5 responses)
Presentation skills of session leader: 3.6/5 (5 responses)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 3.6/5 (5 responses)
Value of session: 4/5 (5 responses)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 3.6/5 (5 responses)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (017) Facts about food I didn’t know
 (017) Learning ways of making food healthier
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 (017) Participants’ quiz
How could this session be improved?
 (017) More interactive perhaps?
Other comments:
 (017) Only three of us there and one presenter did not turn up, it was more of a talk
 (017) Thanks for the muesli bars!
 (017) The room was very cold
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
Intelligent use of email (112/211) (7 responses)
Relevance to my role: 3.7/5 (7 responses)
Expertise of session leader: 3.9/5 (7 responses)
Presentation skills of session leader: 3.7/5 (7 responses)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 3.6/5 (7 responses)
Value of session: 3/5 (7 responses)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 3.9/5 (7 responses)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (112) It showed that everyone has the same issues with email
 (211) Helpful hints
 (211) Info on University policy on email/internet use
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 (112) The information provided was common sense, nothing new
 (112) I work for WBS and use a different system so some parts weren’t applicable/appropriate
 (211) Topic was quite interesting but not very valuable
How could this session be improved?
 (112) It could be more practical
 (211) Slightly shorter (X2)
 (112) More info on etiquette and use of email internally
Other comments:
 (112) I expected to learn more, but this wasn’t the fault of the presenters, more mine for not
realising what sort of session it was
 (211) Relevant and to the point but not boring
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
International Gateway for Gifted Youth (IGGY) (001) (9 responses)
Relevance to my role: 3.5/5 (8 responses)
Expertise of session leader: 4.8/5 (9 responses)
Presentation skills of session leader: 4.6/5 (9 responses)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 4.2/5 (9 responses)
Value of session: 4.3/5 (9 responses)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 4.1/5 (8 responses)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (001) Overview of the project and future plans
 (001) Ideas generation
 (001) Loved the student-summerU video
 (001) Clarification of who is involved and why it was set up
 (001) The group discussion to plan fundraising/development activities for IGGY
 (001) Info delivery by Ken
 (001) Information about how it works and how it fits with the university strategy
 (001) Background info and development info on IGGY
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 (001) Group task – given the overall size and number in the workshop it would have been
interesting to hear comments from across the group
 (001) Group discussion – didn’t really have enough basic knowledge to get into and meaningful
How could this session be improved?
 (001) Would have been interesting to hear comments from across the group
 (001) Timing of discussion – allow 5/10 mins for each question – our group didn’t get past the first
question because of a lengthy discussion about it
 (001) Video clip of children ‘doing’ something, not telling us that they enjoyed it
 (001) Having an IGGY participant to speak would be great (X2)
 (001) Longer session
 (001) Location (it was cold)
 (001) Not all ideas/group work notes were used by facilitators
Other comments:
 (001) Seemed to be confusion over exactly what IGGY was trying to achieve and who it was aimed
 (001) It’s a pity that ‘ordinary’ children don’t have the opportunity to try a spell at Warwick
 (001) This is an ambitious and noble concept and great credit should be given for the hard work of
all involved, well done!
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
Introducing the Digital Press (003/202) (12 responses)
Relevance to my role: 4.1/5 (12 responses)
Expertise of session leader: 4.6/5 (12 responses)
Presentation skills of session leader: 4.3/5 (12 responses)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 4.3/5 (12 responses)
Value of session: 4.3/5 (12 responses)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 4.3/5 (12 responses)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (202) Factual information
 (202) Chance to hear about iTunes! (X3)
 (202) Discussion at the end
 (202) Discovering the exact nature of the project
 (003) New channels of distribution
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 (202) Accompanying visuals were not really detailed enough
 (003) PC not mac?!
 (003) Protracted questions and answers between session leader and one attendee
How could this session be improved?
 (202) Technology – there was a high-pitched sound throughout the session
 (202) Accompanying visuals were not really detailed enough
 (202) Less talk and more discussion
 (202) Rearrange furniture before starting
 (003) Small group discussions of potential applications of the Digital Press
Other comments:
 (003) Great to hear about new stuff and energy/enthusiasm, very positive to have this discussed in
context of other projects ongoing
 (202) More on what it is intended for, the goals etc
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
Pilates (016/215) (11 responses)
Relevance to my role: 2.4/5 (8 responses)
Expertise of session leader: 4.8/5 (11 responses)
Presentation skills of session leader: 4.7/5 (10 responses)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 4.5/5 (11 responses)
Value of session: 4.5/5 (11 responses)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 2.7/5 (7 responses)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (016) Introduction to something new
 (215) Loosening stressed muscles
 (016) Relating desk posture to upper and neck problems generally prevalent in staff
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 The
How could this session be improved?
 (016) More exercises and time
 (016) Opportunity for regular sessions to continue what we learned
 (016) Longer, take it slower
 (016) Thicker mats!
Other comments:
 (016) The university needs to think about the well-being of its staff – please put pilates on after
5pm or later, 5 or 10 week courses so you can book and be assured of a place
 (215) Wonderful taster session, can we have a staff class regularly? (X3)
 (016) I had a great time!
 (016) Lunchtime sessions are too crowded and non-specific, offer more classes to staff
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
Points-based Immigration System (005/103) (5 responses)
Relevance to my role: 4.3/5 (4 responses)
Expertise of session leader: 4.4/5 (5 responses)
Presentation skills of session leader: 4.2/5 (5 responses)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 4.2/5 (5 responses)
Value of session: 4.4/5 (5 responses)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 4.6/5 (5 responses)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (103) Factual information
 (103) Useful to have recent updates
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 The
How could this session be improved?
 The
Other comments:
 (103) Thanks for providing handbooks
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
Presence and Presentation (008) (9 responses)
Relevance to my role: 4.3/5 (9 responses)
Expertise of session leader: 4.8/5 (9 responses)
Presentation skills of session leader: 4.9/5 (9 responses)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 5/5 (9 responses)
Value of session: 4.7/5 (9 responses)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 4/5 (8 responses)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (008) It showed how we give others an impression of our status without realising it
 (008) Interaction while learning about a skill which can be applied throughout life and valuable to
my role
 (008) Acting and performance
 (008) Discussion on non-verbal communication
 (008) Space to think about perception of presence
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 (008) Lack of practical focus
How could this session be improved?
 (008) It could be longer (X4)
 (008) Location (X3 ) (meant missing 15 minutes of the hour to enable the travel between)
Other comments:
 (008) I found this information fascinating and have talked about it to many people since
 (008) Maybe part of personal learning stuff?
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
Pulse: Staff Survey 2008 (010) (1 response)
Relevance to my role: 4/5 (1 response)
Expertise of session leader: 3/5 (1 response)
Presentation skills of session leader: 4/5 (1 response)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 3/5 (1 response)
Value of session: 4/5 (1 response)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 5/5 (1 response)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (010) Breakout session after update on results
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 (010) Breakdown of information initially presented
How could this session be improved?
 (010) Snappy, concise presentation
Other comments:
 (010)
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
Salsa for Beginners (115/213) (20 responses)
Relevance to my role: 3.9/5 (12 responses)
Expertise of session leader: 4.9/5 (20 responses)
Presentation skills of session leader: 4.9/5 (20 responses)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 4.9/5 (20 responses)
Value of session: 4.9/5 (20 responses)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 3.3/5 (12 responses)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (213) To relax, de-stress (X2)
 (213) Working with other people (X4)
 (115) Learning basic steps and practicing to music
 (115) Gave you a feel-good factor
 (213) Having fun with colleagues and useful memory exercise
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 (115) Trying to learn the moves when there were too many people so I couldn’t see the steps
How could this session be improved?
 (115) More men!
 (115) Fewer people
 (115) Better music
 (115) Opportunity for regular sessions for those people who are interested (X2)
 (115) Other types of dancing offered
 (115) Longer session (X3)
Other comments:
 (115) Very enjoyable
 (115) Amazing tutor! Very engaging, excellent facilitator!
 (115) Fantastic instructor!
 (213) I had a great time
 (213) A great idea to have something different between the formal sessions
 (213) Wonderful to try something new in a relaxed environment and take a step away from the day
to day pressures of the job – more of this type of opportunity would be very welcome
 (213) Salsa lessons at lunchtimes
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
Style Secrets (107/206) (11 responses)
Relevance to my role: 3.3/5 (10 responses)
Expertise of session leader: 4.1/5 (11 responses)
Presentation skills of session leader: 4.1/5 (11 responses)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 4.1/5 (11 responses)
Value of session: 3.7/5 (11 responses)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 3.2/5 (10 responses)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (107) De-stress
 (206) How to ascertain body shape etc (X2)
 (107) Getting an idea about what might suit me
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 (206) Focus on patterns/accessories at end
 (206) Not enough detail or work-related ideas
How could this session be improved?
 (206) More relevance to work environment, tips and advice (X2
 (206) More time
 (107) More examples
 (107) More interaction
 (107) More hands-on, e.g. using scarves to illustrate colours
Other comments:
 (206) Presenter was a little patronising at times (although very nice!)
 (206) Very interesting at an individual level, however it is a bit pointless to ask about the
importance of the session in relation to the University… Very interesting session though
 (206) Seemed like she was selling her services a bit
 (206) Lots to take away – practical and relevant!
 (107) Useful for particular parts of Warwick, especially the front-facing
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
The Teaching Grid and Research Exchange (009) (2 responses)
Relevance to my role: 5/5 (2 responses)
Expertise of session leader: 4.5/5 (2 responses)
Presentation skills of session leader: 3.5/5 (2 responses)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 3.5/5 (2 responses)
Value of session: 4/5 (2 responses)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 4.5/5 (2 responses)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (009) Seeing facilities
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 (009)
How could this session be improved?
 (009) Visit to the research exchange
Other comments:
 (009)
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
University’s Energy Challenge (204/007) (10 responses)
Relevance to my role: 4/5 (10 responses)
Expertise of session leader: 4.4/5 (10 responses)
Presentation skills of session leader: 4.4/5 (10 responses)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 4.4/5 (10 responses)
Value of session: 4.2/5 (10 responses)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 5/5 (10 responses)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (204) Stats regarding energy consumption (X2)
 (204) Hearing about what the situation is and what HRI are doing
 (204) Leaning about HRI and how much things cost
 (204) Stats
 (007) Raising profile of energy challenge
 (007) Offering of ideas – makes me feel I can be of assistance
 (007) Infectious enthusiasm of presenter
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 (204) Brainstorm 1 – takes too much time in a 1-hour session
 (204) Not enough ideas and suggestions on what’s available
 (007) Lack of structure
 (007) A bit too numerate
How could this session be improved?
 (204) More time to discuss energy-saving tips (X3)
 (204) More advice about what to do next
 (204) Departmental breakdown of stats
 (007) Break a big topic down into smaller chunks
 (007) Slightly longer – cut short due to transit
 (007) Less presenting, more discussion
 (204) Small group discussions
Other comments:
 (204) Why is there an environmental group at HRI but nowhere else?
 (204) Why aren’t there policies about the environment? i.e. everyone must turn off PC monitor
 (204) Cultural/behavioural changes required – tough area!
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
Warwick Advantage (011/109) (6 responses)
Relevance to my role: 4.3/5 (6 responses)
Expertise of session leader: 4.8/5 (6 responses)
Presentation skills of session leader: 4.7/5 (6 responses)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 4.3/5 (6 responses)
Value of session: 4.7/5 (6 responses)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 4.3/5 (6 responses)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (011) Demo of website (X3)
 (011) Info about what is available
 (109) Discussion of links with teaching and learning in departments
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 (011) Info on the award
How could this session be improved?
 (011) Less time presenting, more time for discussion (X2)
 (011) Starting on time so session is less rushed (a room that is nearer)
Other comments:
 (011) Probably don’t need 4 people delivering this session
 (011) Very well presented and informative
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
Warwick Institute of Advanced Study (002/102/201) (2 responses)
Relevance to my role: 4/5 (2 responses)
Expertise of session leader: 4.5/5 (2 responses)
Presentation skills of session leader: 4.5/5 (2 responses)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 4.5/5 (2 responses)
Value of session: 4.5/5 (2 responses)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 4.5/5 (2 responses)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (111) Statistics and Warwick Match overview
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 The
How could this session be improved?
 The
Other comments:
 (111) I enjoyed the telephone conversation
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
Warwick Match (111) (2 responses)
Relevance to my role: 4.5/5 (2 responses)
Expertise of session leader: 5/5 (2 responses)
Presentation skills of session leader: 5/5 (2 responses)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 5/5 (2 responses)
Value of session: 5/5 (2 responses)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 5/5 (2 responses)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (111) Statistics and Warwick Match overview
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 The
How could this session be improved?
 The
Other comments:
 (111) I enjoyed the telephone conversation (X2)
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
The Warwick Prize for Writing (108) (1 response)
Relevance to my role: 3/5 (1 response)
Expertise of session leader: 4/5 (1 response)
Presentation skills of session leader: 4/5 (1 response)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 4/5 (1 response)
Value of session: 4/5 (1 response)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 4/5 (1 response)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (108) Learning more about this prize
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 The
How could this session be improved?
 (108) More participants attending
Other comments:
 (108) Interesting and stimulating conversation
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
Warwick Student Experience (214) (13 responses)
Relevance to my role: 4.4/5 (13 responses)
Expertise of session leader: 4.5/5 (13 responses)
Presentation skills of session leader: 4.4/5 (13 responses)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 4.2/5 (13 responses)
Value of session: 4.2/5 (13 responses)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 4.8/5 (13 responses)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (214) Discussion on how to improve students’ experience
 (214) The chocs!
 (214) Hearing the ideas of colleagues
 (214) Pooling ideas
 (214) Understanding points of collaboration between SU and uni (X2)
 (214) History of the uni interesting
 (214) Seeing from students’ perspective
 (214) Interactive brainstorm
 (214) Questions to audience via small groups
 (214) Feedback of discussion groups
 (214) Thinking about changing student needs and how we should react to meet them
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 (214) The activity topic was too broad to cover in 10/15 minutes
 (214) Too short!
 (214) Intro a bit long (long PowerPoint slides)
 (214) Contained information that was very familiar to me, though may not have been to other
How could this session be improved?
 (214) Different locations (room too small for session and cold)
 (214) Too many people talking
 (214) More time to discuss feedback/ideas from colleagues (X2)
 (214) More student involvement (X2)
 (214) Not enough about SU/uni ideas for the future
 (214) Too rushed
 (214) Time for plenary Q&A
Other comments:
 (214) Very useful and encouraging
 (214) Best session of the day
 (214) Wasn’t what I thought – content was rather woolly, I wanted information on the detail of what
we are offering to students
Breakout Sessions Feedback 2009
Widening Participation (101) (13 responses)
Relevance to my role: 3.9/5 (13 responses)
Expertise of session leader: 4.4/5 (13 responses)
Presentation skills of session leader: 4.2/5 (13 responses)
Facilitation skills of session leader: 4.4/5 (13 responses)
Value of session: 4.2/5 (13 responses)
Importance of issue being discussed in the University: 4.8/5 (13 responses)
Which bit of the session was most valuable?
 (101) Ideas Board (X5)
 (101) Gaining information about the WP strategy & future plans
 (101) Opportunity to contribute thoughts/ideas & hearing others’ suggestions (X3)
 (101) Interactive session
 (101) Whitby’s overview
Which bit of the sessions was least valuable?
 (101) Perhaps it wasn’t explained clearly enough what WP is/what it’s trying to achieve/rationale
behind it
 (101) Group work – felt I didn’t have enough knowledge to join in fully
 (101) No real current or future activities/strategies given
 (101) Introduction
How could this session be improved?
 (101) Bit more info on what is in out current WP programme
 (101) Use of people’s names – division created between people know/not known when invited to
put postetts on the board, very unwelcoming for relatively new members of staff – the facilitator did
not ask people’s names if he did not know them
 (101) Perhaps split board into different areas (eg promotion, admissions etc)
 (101) Longer sessions (X2)
 (101) A basic explanation of what the ‘topic’ is
 (101) Sit around tables for group work
 (101) Have current strategy and commitment explained
 (101) More case studies
Other comments:
 (101) Interactive session – just right for post-lunch session
 (101) Worrying that we are only now looking to have a formal WP commitment now accountability
and funding is an issue
 (101) Session leader broke his own rules by giving negative feedback to my postet note idea, so I
won’t be so prepared to participate next time – I am not an expert in this subject, and found it
rather humiliating to have my idea knocked