Proceedings of 9th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 6 - 8 January, 2014, Novotel World Trade Centre, Dubai, UAE, ISBN: 978-1-922069-41-2 Fear of Appreciation and Inflation Targeting: The Emerging Economies Dilemma Hanen Gharbi The paper examines the case for using the interest rate and the foreign exchange interventions to conciliate the strategies of inflation targeting and exchange rate management. We develop a theoretical model where three strategies of exchange rate management are compared (using interest rate, sterilized intervention or partially sterilized interventions). The results suggest that it is difficult to separate the inflation target from the exchange rate target unless the central bank sterilizes totally its interventions, which can be very difficult to realize in presence of high capital inflows. The Chinese experience proves that capital controls are the solution to this dilemma. Key words: Inflation targeting, exchange rate management, foreign exchange market interventions, sterilization. _____________________________ Dr. Hanen Gharbi, Department of economics, University Paris Dauphine, France, Email: 1