Proceedings of 5th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 17 - 18 February, 2014, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-44-3 Identifying Supporting Factors of Student Entrepreneurship Intention: A Case Study of Palembang City, Indonesia” Sari Lestari Zainal Ridho*, Dewi Fadila**, Yusleli Herawati***, Achmad Leofaragusta K.**** The policy should be implemented by the government in order to expand the employment or to extend the labor market, one of the way, is entrepreneurship. That is why the Ministry of National Education and Culture of Indonesia supports this policy through the Student Entrepreneurial Program. This study aims to identifying and analyze the supporting factors that determine the interest of students to engage in student entrepreneurship program in the Palembang city, Indonesia. The method used is quantitative analysis. Primary data was collected using questionnaires and analyzed with the multiple linear regressions. The result of this study, obtained from the processed of the respondents data, concluded that the student in Palembang City experience has a number of supporting factors determine their entrepreneurship intention, namely: autonomy, economic challenge, selfrealize, social environment, perceive confidence, academic support, social support, and freedom of work. Field of Research: Economics 1. Introduction Entrepreneurship has a major contribution in the economy of many countries. Entrepreneurship has a very significant role in moving the nation's economy. This is due to the entrepreneurial job creation, improvement of income distribution, as well as improved quality of life and well-being of society. Many developing countries make entrepreneurship as their economic base. Even in the United States and Japan, a solid economy built by entrepreneurial-based economy. A country is said to have stability when the economy has at least 2% of the total population of entrepreneurs (McClelland, 1961). Thus, the policy should be implemented by the government is expanding the employment or extending the labor market, and entrepreneurship is one of the way. That is why the Ministry of National Education and Culture of Indonesia supports this policy through the Student Entrepreneurial Program. This study aims to analyze and identifying the supporting factors that determine the interest of students to engage in student entrepreneurship program in the Palembang city, Indonesia. *Sari Lestari Zainal Ridho, S.E., M.Ec., Departement of Bussiness Administration, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Palembang. Email: **Dewi Fadila, S.E., M.M., Departement of Bussiness Administration, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Palembang. Email: ***Yusleli Herawati, S.E., M.M., Departement of Bussiness Administration, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Palembang. Achmad Leofaragusta K., S.E., Departement of Bussiness Administration, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Palembang 1 Proceedings of 5th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 17 - 18 February, 2014, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-44-3 Student Entrepreneurial Program is intended to facilitate students who have an interest and aptitude to start entrepreneurship with science, technology and art basis, that is being studied ( The program provides education and training for entrepreneurship internships, business planning, capital and business mentoring support. Through this program are expected to support the vision and mission of the government in realizing national independence through empowerment of SMEs and job creation. Within the implementation of this creation entrepreneurship program, students face various problems and obstacles, which in turn, the majority of students program participant could not develop the business continuity. This led to the conclusions that students can not create jobs and are still interest in becoming job seekers. The data collected from the Labor Department showed that at Palembang during the period 2008-2011, there is an increasing number of job seekers with a Diploma and Bachelor degree holders (Disnaker Palembang, 2012). This indicates that the Higher Education institution graduates still showed a tendency to be job seekers. Based on the above discussion, it is necessary to investigate, especially in order to know the factors that affect the interests of Student Entrepreneurial Program participant to become an entrepreneur. formulation of the problem in this study are as follows: (1)What supporting factors affect interest of Student Entrepreneurial Program grantees to become entrepreneurs? and (2)What are the dominant supporting factors affect the interests of Student Entrepreneurial Program grantees to become entrepreneurs? 2. Literature Review Theoretically, entrepreneurship leads to job growth (Henley, 2002; Hipple, 2010). Hence, enlargement of labor market is a possibility. Entrepreneurship is a process of creative and innovative in moving resources from low productivity level to a higher level of productivity with the aim of achieving well-being of individuals, communities and the environment (Lupiyoadi, 2004). Entrepreneurship is a creative and innovative capabilities that form the basis of, tips and resources to find opportunities for success (Suryana, 2003). So it can be interpreted as an entrepreneurial business activities (production and distribution of goods and services to satisfy human needs) is conducted by business organizations through creative and innovative processes in resource-using existing resources to achieve success and prosperity . Entrepreneurship Performers are often referred to entrepreneur. The definition of entrepreneur is a decision maker and are the people who have the ability to take risks that help the formation of a free economic system firms (Longenecker, Moore and Petty, 2001). Entrepreneurs are people who are creative and innovative and be able to make it happen for the improvement of the welfare of themselves and their environment (Lupiyoadi, 2004). A creative person is a person who has the ability to create something new or something that has not been available before. While said to be innovative if ones is able to make something different from the existing ones. Entrepreneurial intention is a person interest to a particular object. Intention or Interests may imply a tendency to feel attracted or compelled to pay attention to someone, something or activities in specific areas (Loekmono in Mahesha, 2012). While the interest in entrepreneurship is a desire, interest and willingness to work hard or strong-willed for independent or trying to fullfil their needs without fear of the risks that will happen, and always learning from failures (Santoso quoted from Mahesha, 2012). 2 Proceedings of 5th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 17 - 18 February, 2014, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-44-3 Being entrepreneur requires courage in facing the uncertainty and risk. Praag and Cramer (2002) explicitly said that the role of risk in decision making for someone to be an entrepreneur. The courage to deal with the risks that are supported by a strong commitment will encourage entrepreneurs continuity to struggle to find the opportunities in achieving their objectives. The goals were to be clear and objective, and it is a feedback for their business success(Suryana, 2003). In the preliminary studies, the results showed that the majority of students participating in the Student Entrepreneurial Program have an interest to become an entrepreneur are influenced by the level of tolerance for high risk factors. Unfortunately, since it is not accompanied with entrepreneurship skills, so that the success achievement of Student Entrepreneurial Program are still low. In another preivous study on entrepreneurship motivation in Business Administration departement student (Ridho & Setiawan, 2010), shows that the majority of students who responded are interested in becoming entrepreneurs, despite the driving factor that varies. Various empirical studies related to the factors that affect the interests of entrepreneurs have been conducted, including that works that have been done by Wibowo ( 2011) , suharti & Siren ( 2011) , Son ( 2012) , Kadarsih , et al ( 2013) , and Muhar ( 2013). Wibowo ( 2011) , conducted a study to determine the factors of internal , external , and instruments learning readiness that affecting the vocational college students in Surakarta. The findings of this studies is that internal factors , external factors, learning factors , and instrument readiness factors, simultaneously have a positive and significant impact on the student entrepreneurship interest after graduation . Suharti & Sirine ( 2011), conducted a study that aimed to investigate the factors that affect student interest to pursue the entrepreneurship . The factors that are analyzed consist of internal factors, attitudes factors on entrepreneurship and contextual factors . Using accidental sampling technique, the results of this study demonstrate the significance of the attitude factors, namely autonomy and authority, self-realization factor, the confidence factor, and security factors, in influencing student interest in entrepreneurship . This study also proved the importance of the role of contextual factors, such as academic support, social support, to student entrepreneurship intentions . Putra ( 2012) , conducted a study that aimed to examine the factors that determine management student interest in entrepreneurship. Using sampling techniques accidental sampling , and factor analysis , the results of this study shows that there are six factors that determine management student interest in entrepreneurship, namely: environmental factors, self-esteem factors, opportunity factors, personality factors, vision and confident factors . Kadarsih, Susilaningsih, and Sumaryati ( 2013) conducted a study that aims to determine student interest in entrepreneurship on Economic Education Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty of the University of March 11. This study used the factor analysis tecnique, and the variables are: self-efficacy, freedom to work, visionary, expertise, availability of capital and social environment , contextual, and perceptions on entrepreneurship figures . Muhar ( 2013) conducted a study that aimed to understand the student interest in entrepreneurship in order to introduce how to set up and run entrepreneurship to students. using variables: personality, environmental and demographic and entrepreneurial interests . The 3 Proceedings of 5th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 17 - 18 February, 2014, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-44-3 purposive sampling method was used, one of this study results found that the dominant factors affecting entrepreneurial interest is access and gender . This study differs from previous research in the use of empirically data analysis methods and variables used , partly or entirely, as well as the objects of this research focus on students participated in the Student Entrepreneurial Program. 3. Methodology The research conducted is an application of research or applied research, which is a descriptive research. The data collection methods were use literature studies and survey. Respondents in this study were students entrepreneurial program grantees. This research was conducted at the State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya and other institutions of Higher Education which participated in Student Entrepreneurial Program. Using saturated samples technique, respondents in this study are the entire student population. In order to identify the determining factors as we have disscussed above, we used questionnaire research instruments. The units of analysis or the objects of this study are students participated in the Student Entrepreneurial Program and received the grant from that program, which is studying in the higher education institution at Palembang city, Indonesia. The numbers of samples used are as shown in the Table 1 below: Table 1 The Respondent Higher Education Institution Sriwijaya University State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya PGRI University Muhammadiyah University Bina Darma University IAIN Raden Fatah Total Number of Student 42 40 1 2 2 15 102 The variables used in this research are independent and dependent variables. We used entrepreneurship Intention as the dependent variable, while the independent variables are: autonomy, economic challange, security, avoid responsibility, self Realize, social environment, perceive confident, academic support, social support, entrepreneurial environment, entrepreneurial intention, risk tolerance, self success, freedom of work. For each variabel the number of indicator used are diverse. Using the interval scale as measurement scale we choose the Likert scale consisting of four grading scale, namely: strongly disagree, disagree, agree and strongly agree. The study was conducted with the validity and reliability testing instrument. The data were then analyzed using simple linear regression and t-test, after undergone validity and reliability data 4 Proceedings of 5th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 17 - 18 February, 2014, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-44-3 processed. The questionnaire validity test was conducted using Pearson's Product Moment Correlation formula, while the measurement reliability using Cronbach's Alpha. The methods of implemented this research was: literature study and survey. 4. The Findings In the early stages the data were processed in order to test the validity and reliability, by comparing calculated value of r and the tabulated r value. The tabulated r value for sample of students was 0.1220. Based on the results of validity and reliability we can say that the entire statement of all variables have calculated r value of r greater than tabulated r value. Hence, This meant that all statement items valid and reliable. Based on the statistical analysis, the results is as shown in the following tables: Table 2 Calculated r Value Autonomy Variable Item pernyataan r hitung Autonomy 1 0,508 Autonomy 2 0,717 Autonomy 3 0,672 Autonomy 4 0,692 Autonomy 5 0,680 Autonomy 6 0,728 Table 3 Calculated r Value Economic Challenge Variable Item pernyataan r hitung Economic Challenge 1 0,354 Economic Challenge 2 0,585 Economic Challenge 3 0,553 Economic Challenge 4 0,499 Economic Challenge 5 0,495 Economic Challenge 6 0,399 Economic Challenge 7 0,519 Table 4 Calculated r Value Security Variable Item pernyataan r hitung Security 1 0,413 Security 2 0,689 Security 3 0,608 Security 4 0,462 Security 5 0,324 Table 5 Calculated r Value Avoid Responsibility Variable 5 Proceedings of 5th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 17 - 18 February, 2014, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-44-3 Item pernyataan Avoid responsibility 1 Avoid responsibility 2 Avoid responsibility 3 r hitung 0,239 0,199 0,349 Table 6 Calculated r Value Self Realize Variable Item pernyataan r hitung Self realize 1 0,467 Self realize 2 0,604 Self realize 3 0,554 Self realize 4 0,558 Table 7 Calculated r Value Social Environment Variable Item pernyataan r hitung Social environment 1 0,591 Social environment 2 0,562 Social environment 3 0,482 Table 8 Calculated r Value Perceive Confident Variable Item pernyataan r hitung Perceive confident 1 0,579 Perceive confident 2 0,719 Perceive confident 3 0,789 Perceive confident 4 0,625 Table 9 Calculated r Value Academic Support Variable Item pernyataan r hitung Academic support 0,406 Academic support 0,633 Academic support 0,619 Academic support 0,423 Table 10 Calculated r Value Social Support Variable Item pernyataan r hitung Social support 1 0,745 Social support 2 0,793 Social support 3 0,791 Table 11 Calculated r Value Enterpreneurial Environment Variable 6 Proceedings of 5th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 17 - 18 February, 2014, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-44-3 Item pernyataan Enterpreneurial environment 1 Enterpreneurial environment 2 Enterpreneurial environment 3 Enterpreneurial environment 4 r hitung 0,637 0,633 0,659 0,279 Table 12 Calculated r Value Enterpreneurial Intention Variable Item pernyataan r hitung Enterpreneurial intention 1 0,335 Enterpreneurial intention 2 0,430 Enterpreneurial intention 3 0,427 Table 13 Calculated r Value Risk Tolerance Variable Item pernyataan Risk tolerance 1 Risk tolerance 2 Risk tolerance 3 Risk tolerance 4 Risk tolerance 5 r hitung 0,491 0,616 0,379 0,554 0,593 Tabel 14 Calculated r Value Self Success Variable Item pernyataan r hitung Self succes 1 0,379 Self succes 2 0,402 Self succes 3 0,402 Self succes 4 0,236 Self succes 5 0,356 Table 15 Calculated r Value Freedom of Work Variable Item pernyataan r hitung Freedom of work 1 0,467 Freedom of work 2 0,408 Freedom of work 3 0,493 Freedom of work 4 0,617 Freedom of work 5 0,629 7 Proceedings of 5th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 17 - 18 February, 2014, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-44-3 Table 16 Calculated r Value Entrepreneurship Intention Variable Item pernyataan r hitung Entrepreneurship Intention 1 0,336 Entrepreneurship Intention 2 0,574 Entrepreneurship Intention 3 0,628 Entrepreneurship Intention 4 0,625 Entrepreneurship Intention 5 0,540 Furthermore, the validity of the test has also been conducted by comparing the Cronbach's Alpha. A variable is said to be valid, if the Cronbach's Alpha variable rate is greater than 0.6, so that next testing can be run. Based on the results of the data processing, there are three variables that have coefficient Cronbach's Alpha smaller than 0.6, hence it can not be included in the next data processing or further testing. The three variables that must be reduced were avoid responsibility variable with Cronbach's Alpha 0.273, entrepreneurial intention variable with the Cronbach's Alpha 0,585 and self variable success variable with Cronbach's Alpha 0.293. Results of the validity test (Cronbach's Alpha) of every studied variables is shown in the following table: Table 17 Cronbach’s Alpha Variabel N of item Cronbach’s Alpha Autonomy 6 0,734 Economic challenge 7 0,762 Security 5 0,735 Avoid responsibility 3 0,273 Self realize 4 0,740 Social environment 3 0,719 Perceive confident 4 0,841 Academic support 4 0,724 Social support 3 0,885 Enterpreneurial environment 4 0,730 Enterpreneurial intention 3 0,585 Risk tolerance 5 0,754 Self success 5 0,293 Freedom of work 5 0,750 entrepreneurial intention 5 0,765 Validitas Valid Valid Valid Invalid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Invalid Valid Invalid Valid Valid In the data processing, it will be seen, from the result, whether there is a relationship between each independent variable with the dependent variable partially by looking at the correlation between the two variable. The correlations between each independent variable with the dependent variable are as seen in the following table: 8 Proceedings of 5th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 17 - 18 February, 2014, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-44-3 Table 18 Non Parametric Correlations Variable Correlation Coefficients With Entrepreneurial Intention Variable 0,322 0,370 - 0,007 0,001 0,000 0,943 Avoid responsibility Self realize Social environment Perceive confident Academic support Social support Enterpreneurial environment 0,056 0,275 0,440 0,583 0,442 0,323 0,143 0,572 0,005 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,001 0,147 Enterpreneurial intention Self success Freedom of work 0,284 0,314 0,388 0,004 0,001 0,000 Autonomy Economic challenge Security Sig Significant Significant Not Significant Significant Significant Significant Significant Significant Significant Not Significant Significant Significant Significant Table 18, shows the data Non- Parametric Correlations that is resulted from the correlation analysis data processing. Based on those data, there are two independent variables that are not correlated with student entrepreneurship intention variables, namely security and entrepreneurial environment variable. This conclusion is supported with the fact that correlation coefficient value of -0.007 and a significance value of 0.943, which is larger than 10 % ( not significant ), with that acquisition value of the correlation coefficient, it can be said that the security variables have no relation to entrepreneurship intention variable. Similarly, enterprenerial environment variable also do not has a relationship with a entrepreneurship intention variable, as data in Table 18 shows that the correlation coefficient value of 0.143 with significant value of 0.147 which also exceed 10 %. Relying on the result of validity and reliability test, as well as the correlation coefficient whic have been performed , hence the data processing can be conducted by using regression for the valid and reliable variables. The regression test results shown in the following table: 9 Proceedings of 5th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 17 - 18 February, 2014, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-44-3 Table 19 Variables Entered/Removed Model 1 Variables Entered t_freedomofwork, t_socialsupport, t_economicchalenge, t_academicsupport, t_autonomy, t_selfrealize, t_socialenvironment, t_perceiveconfidenta Variables Removed . Method Enter a. All requested variables entered. Table 20 Model Summary Model 1 Adjusted R Std. Error of R R Square Square the Estimate a .656 .430 .382 2.31165 a. Predictors: (Constant), t_freedomofwork, t_socialsupport, t_economicchalenge, t_academicsupport, t_autonomy, t_selfrealize, t_socialenvironment, t_perceiveconfident Based on Model Summary in Table 20, the R value is 0.656 shows that the correlation or relationship entrepreneurship intention with the independen variables is closely related. This is because the value is above 0.5. The influence of the independent variables (freedom of work, social support, economic challenge, academic support, autonomy, selfrealize, social environment, perceive confident) large enough to the entrepreneurial intention variable, this is reflected by the coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.430. Means, the variation rate of work freedom, social support, economic challenge, academic support, autonomy, selfrealize, social environment, perceive confident can explain the variation of entrepreneurial intention by 43%, and 57% is explained by other variables outside the model. While the adjusted R square value is 0.382. This means that 38.2 percent of the variation of entrepreneurship intention can be explained by the variation of the eight independent variables. And the remaining, 61.8 percent is influenced by other variables outside the model. 10 Proceedings of 5th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 17 - 18 February, 2014, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-44-3 Nevertheless the above model meets the criteria of a good fit model because it has passed several tests (realibility, validity, and correlation). The coefficient are signs as expected, that there is a positive effect of the variables value of freedom of work, social support, economic challenge, academic support, autonomy, social environment, confident and perceive the negative effect of variable selfrealize. Based on the F test, the value of the F statistic is 8.879 with a significance level of 0.000. It means, all independent variables in the model have a significant effect on entrepreneurial intention at 95% confidence level, even at the level of 99%. The significance of the eight independent variables are also indicated by the value of the probability F = 0.0000 0.05 (i.e. the value of = 5%), and even a probability value of F = 0.0000 0.01 (i.e. the value of = 1%). Because the probability of significance is much smaller than 0.05 then the regression model can be used to predict student interest in entrepreneurship. Or it could be said that the variables Autonomy, Econonic Challenge, Self Realize, Social Environment, Perceive Confident, Academic Support, Social Support and Freedom of Work jointly affect student interest in entrepreneurship. Table 21 ANOVA Sum of Squares Model 1 Mean Square df Regression 379.554 8 47.444 Residual 502.310 94 5.344 Total 881.864 102 F 8.879 Sig. .000a a. Predictors: (Constant), t_freedomofwork, t_socialsupport, t_economicchalenge, t_academicsupport, t_autonomy, t_selfrealize, t_socialenvironment, t_perceiveconfident b. Dependent Variable: t_intention Based on the output of the data processing which is shown in Table 22, the regression model can be written as follows: Y = 3,469 + 0,028 autonomy + 0,078 economic challange – 0,147 self realize +0,181 social environment + 0,424 perceive confident + 0,217 academic support + 0,144 social support + 0,121 freedom of work Constants value of 3.469 declared that without any influence of the eight independent variables (Autonomy, Econonic Challenge, Self Realize, Social Environment, Perceive Confident, Academic Support, Social Support and Freedom of Work), the students.entrepreneurship intention is 3.469 11 Proceedings of 5th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 17 - 18 February, 2014, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-44-3 Table 22 Table Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Model B Std. Error 1 (Constant) 3.469 2.577 t_autonomy .028 .073 t_economicchalenge .078 .096 t_selfrealize -.147 .134 t_socialenvironment .181 .179 t_perceiveconfident .424 .148 t_academicsupport .217 .106 t_socialsupport .144 .098 t_freedomofwork .121 .077 a. Dependent Variable: t_intention Standardized Coefficients Beta .037 .085 -.115 .116 .336 .189 .126 .142 t 1.346 .391 .812 -1.100 1.015 2.867 2.054 1.480 1.571 Sig. .018 .070 .042 .027 .031 .005 .043 .014 .012 Based on the coefficient / regression parameters, authonomy coefficient is positive, it is in accordance with the previous finding. The authonomy Regression coefficient of 0.028, meaning that for each additional 1 point of Autonomy will increase student entrepreneurship of intention of 0.028, assuming a constant value of other variables. Based on the coefficient / regression parameters, Economic challenge coefficient is positive. The Economic challenge Regression coefficient of 0,078, meaning that for each additional 1 point of Economic challenge will increase student entrepreneurship of intention of 0,078, assuming a constant value of other variables. Based on the coefficient / regression parameters, Self realize coefficient is negative. Self realize Regression coefficient of -0,147, meaning that for each additional 1 point of Self realize will decrease student entrepreneurship of intention of -0,147, assuming a constant value of other variables. Based on the coefficient / regression parameters, Social Environment coefficient is positive. The Social Environment Regression coefficient of 0,181, meaning that for each additional 1 point of Social Environment will increase student entrepreneurship of intention of 0,181, assuming a constant value of other variables. Based on the coefficient / regression parameters, Perceive confident coefficient is positive. The Perceive confident Regression coefficient of 0,424, meaning that for each additional 1 point of Perceive confident will increase student entrepreneurship of intention of 0,424, assuming a constant value of other variables. Based on the coefficient / regression parameters, Academic 12 Proceedings of 5th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 17 - 18 February, 2014, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-44-3 support coefficient is positive. The Academic support Regression coefficient of 0,217, meaning that for each additional 1 point of Academic support will increase student entrepreneurship of intention of 0,217, assuming a constant value of other variables 5. Conclusions This study aims to identifying and analyze the supporting factors that determine the interest of students to engage in student entrepreneurship program in the Palembang city, Indonesia. The result of this study, obtained from the processed of respondents data, concluded that the student in Palembang City experience has a number of supporting factors determine their entrepreneurship intention, namely: autonomy, economic challenge, social environment, perceive confidence, academic support, social support, and freedom of work. This factors should be developed, maintained and enhanced in order to create the entrepreneurial intention, and the entrepreneurial econmy can be established in a nation. It is reccomended for the government to implement the policy that support the increase of student entrepreneurial intention, by improved the student entrepreneurial program to alter the student mindset in term of entrepreneurship. References Ali, Muhson. 2005. Implementasi Problem Based Learning dalam Mata Kuliah Kewirausahaan. Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pendidikan, Vol. 2, No. 3, Mei 2005. Biro Pusat Statistik, 2011. Perkembangan Perekonomian Indonesia. 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