MIZORAM UNIVERSITY MIZORAM: AIZAWL- 796 004 Botany Department Prof. S. K. MEHTA HOD Post Box No. 190 Gram: MZU Phone: 0389-2330733/2330857 Fax: 0389-2330532 Email: skmehta@mzu.edu.in DATED: 09.12.2014 NOTIFICATION ON OE-1 & 2 COURSE ALLOTMENTS CORRIGENDUM 23. Social Work SW/02/O E/11B: Statistics for Social Sciences Descriptive Statistics: Statistics in Social 30 Science Research; Measures of Central Tendency; Measures of Dispersion; Skewness, Moments and Kurtosis. Parametric and Nonparametric Tests: Parametric Tests: ‘t’ test and ‘z’ test, One way ANOVA; Correlation Pearson and Spearman; Simple Linear Regression; Non-parametric Tests- Chi-square test. Dr. Henry Z. Pachuau (Mob. 9862558408) The above course as notified on MZU website has been replaced by the Department and should be read as given below: 23. Social Work SW/2/OE/11C: Social Entrepreneursh ip Sd/(S. K. MEHTA) Basic Concepts: Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise; Social Entrepreneur: Traits, characteristics and Roles, Social Entrepreneurial Organization, Social Entrepreneurship and Social Work. Dynamics of Social Entrepreneurship: Corporate Social Responsibility; Entrepreneurial Motivation; Innovation for Social Change; Pioneer Social Entrepreneurs: Case Studies. 30