Proceedings of 8th Annual London Business Research Conference Imperial College, London, UK, 8 - 9 July, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-922069-28-3 Insider Ownership and Firm Performance in Taiwan Te-Kuang Chou This study examined the empirical relationship between insider ownership and firm performance in Taiwan, where the agency problem is typically the one of conflict interests between inside owners (inside directors) and outside shareholders. The convergence-of-interests and the entrenchment hypotheses were tested in four industrial settings defined along industrial complexity and corporate scale dimensions via fixed effect panel regression models. The results showed that the convergence-of-interests hypothesis prevailed in three of the four industrial settings, while the entrenchment hypothesis got support in high complexity-large scale context. Accordingly, this study inserted a new aspect in the related discussion, arguing that the positive convergence-of-interests effect and the negative entrenchment effect may co-exist in different industrial settings. This argument implies contextual-fitness must be taken into account in searching for effective regulations of corporate governance. Keywords: Ownership Structure, Insider Ownership, Agency Problem, Performance 1. Introduction Since Berle and Means (1932) introduced the concern that the separation of ownership and control could lead to agency problem, the ownership structure of firms has been debated in the management and finance fields for decades. Insider ownership, one of the critical dimensions of ownership structure, is among the focal points of this debate and a suggested way to mitigate agency problem because that a higher insider ownership could help to align managers’ interest with shareholders’ interest (Jensen and Meckling, 1976; Fama, 1980; Jensen and Murphy, 1990; Jensen, 2000). However, the relationship between insider ownership and firm performance was not so clear in empirical studies. There are still competing theories, the convergence-of-interests argument and the entrenchment argument, predicting the consequence of insider ownership in opposite directions. More importantly, differences of social-legal context and its profound impacts on ownership structure must be appropriately considered. As some researchers correctly noted, the widely held firms described in Berle and Means’ work does not reflect reality outside the United States and United Kingdom. Even the world’s largest listed companies generally have a concentrated ownership structure (Bozec, Rousseau, and Laurin, 2008; Roosenboom and Schramade, 2006; Lins, 2003; Faccio and Lang, 2002; Claessens, Djankov, and Lang, 2000; La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, and Shleifer, 1999). In European, Latin America ____________ Dr. Te-Kuang Chou, Department of Finance, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan. Email: and East Asia countries, founding partners and their families may still in control of a 1 Proceedings of 8th Annual London Business Research Conference Imperial College, London, UK, 8 - 9 July, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-922069-28-3 company even after many years after IPO. They and their intimate followers not just run the business as high-rank managers but also sit in the board room as directors. In this kind of context, the agency problem is subtly changed, from the one of conflict interests between managers and shareholders to the one of conflict interests between inside owners (inside directors) and outside shareholders. This study investigated the relationship between insider ownership and firm performance in Taiwan, where the above-mentioned context is typical. Based on the resource-based view (RBV) in strategic management field (Leask and Parnell, 2005; Barney, 2001, 1991; Peteraf, 1993; Wernerfelt, 1984), this study argued that the relationship in concern may vary among different industrial settings. Accordingly, the convergence-of-interests argument and the entrenchment argument were tested in industrial settings defined along industrial complexity and corporate scale dimensions, via fixed effect panel regression models. The results showed that industrial setting do have impacts. The convergence-of-interests argument was supported in three of the four industrial settings (low complexity-large scale, low complexity-small scale, and high complexity-small scale), while the entrenchment argument got support in high complexity-large scale setting. Thus, this study inserted a new aspect in the related discussion, arguing that the positive convergence-of-interests effect and the negative entrenchment effect may co-exist in different industrial settings. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews the related literature and develops the scope of this study. Section 3 describes the methodology, including data, research variables, and panel regression models. Section 4 presents empirical results and discusses the findings. Section 5 concludes. 2. Literature Review In their influential 1932 masterpiece, The Modern Corporation and Private Property, Berle and Means first discussed the separation of ownership and control (Berle & Means, 1932). Since that time, numerous theoretical and empirical studies have explored the consequences of ownership structure (e.g. Cullinan et al., 2012; Taboada, 2011; Delios et al., 2008; Patro, 2008; McConnell et al., 2008; O’Regan et al., 2005; Donnelly & Kelly, 2005). As an obvious characteristic of ownership structure, insider ownership has been repeatedly investigated. Nevertheless, no commonly accepted theory regarding the effects of insider ownership has been reached. There are two competing hypotheses in relevant literature regarding the effects of insider ownership on firm performance. The convergence-of-interests hypothesis argues that, an increasing insider ownership aligns manager’s interests with outside shareholder’s, hence results in a positive effect on firm performance. According to Jensen and Meckling (1976), managers are more likely to become self-constrained and avoid consuming perquisites when they hold a higher stake in the firm, because they have to bear the costs of such activities in proportion to their shareholdings. A higher shareholding of 2 Proceedings of 8th Annual London Business Research Conference Imperial College, London, UK, 8 - 9 July, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-922069-28-3 insider may resolve the asymmetric information problem related to investment opportunities (DeAngelo and DeAngelo, 1985), reduce agency costs of free cash flow (Jensen, 1986), and mitigate problems of managerial myopia (Palia and Lichtenberg, 1999). Wruck (1988) and Mehran (1995) also provided empirical evidences of positive relationship between insider managerial ownership and firm performance. On the contrary, the entrenchment hypothesis suggests a negative effect of insider ownership on firm performance, because higher insider managerial shareholdings will shelter insiders from the influence of market for corporate control (Fama and Jensen, 1983). Insiders tend to secure their positions, build up a business empire for their personal interests, and resist supervision (Jensen and Ruback, 1983). When insiders possess higher shareholdings, which increase their discretion and strengthens their positions, they tend to inflate their own power and damage internal supervisory rules to pursue their own interests (Morck et al., 1988; Gugler et al., 2008). Recently, a stream of articles suggested a non-linear relationship between insider shareholding and firm performance in an attempt to synthesize the two rival arguments. However, the empirical results are even more diversified because of the inherent complexity of non-linear model. For example, Morck et al. (1988) presented a N-shaped curve with two turning points to portray the relationship; Hermalin and Weisbach (1991) depicted the relationship as a M-shaped curve with 3 turning points; Cui and Mak (2002) found a W-shaped curve with 3 turning points; Davies et al. (2005) specified a fifth-degree function with two maximum turning points and two minimum turning points; Selarka (2005) found a U-shaped curve with one turning point; Hung and Chen (2009) obtained a V-shaped curve. In summary, existing research articles indicate that insider ownership has complex consequences. To explore its effects, a more realistic strategy is to differentiate industry settings. This study adopts such an approach. 3. Methodology 3.1 Data and Sample The data used in this study were drawn from the Taiwan Economic Journal (TEJ) database. Annual data were collected from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2007 to avoid the effects of legal regulation revision. To ensure completeness of annual data, sample companies were restricted to those listed before January 1, 2004 and continuously listed through December 31, 2007. Sample companies were listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (TSEC) or were traded through the Over-the-Counter Securities Exchange (OTC). Companies listed on TSEC are typically larger in scale, whereas companies traded through OTC are smaller and typically in their early development stage. To compare between the technological industry and the traditional industry, companies in the electronics and biotech segments were labeled 3 Proceedings of 8th Annual London Business Research Conference Imperial College, London, UK, 8 - 9 July, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-922069-28-3 “technological” to reflect its high industrial complexity, and companies in the textile, steel, construction, food, chemical, and machinery industries were labeled “traditional” to reflect its low industrial complexity. The number of effective observations totals 1,156. The breakdown of effective observations are 320 in TSEC-technological, 536 in TSEC-traditional, 168 in OTC-technological, and 132 in OTC-traditional. 3.2 Variable Definition and Measurement Insider ownership is the independent variable of this study by nature. We defined insider ownership as the aggregate shareholding of directors and supervisors. This definition is consistent with and comparable to those of existing studies. However, thanks to Taiwan’s minimum shareholding requirement for insiders, this study designed two additional measures to provide a richer observation on insider shareholding. Thus, the three measures of insider ownership used in this study were insider shareholding ratio (ISR), insider shareholding deviation (ISD), and frequency of insufficient shareholding (FIS). ISR is the aggregate shareholding of directors and supervisors over the weighted average outstanding common stock in a given year. This is a fundamental and commonly used measure of insider ownership. ISD refers to the difference between ISR and the legally required minimum shareholding ratio in a given year. ISD is a positive number when the aggregate insider shareholding is higher than the legal requirement. Conversely, a negative ISD shows that the aggregate insider shareholding falls below the legal requirement. FIS is the number of months a firm was filed as insufficient shareholding in a given year. According to Taiwan’s Security Exchange Act, all public companies must file their aggregate insider shareholding every month. Companies are fined if their aggregate insider shareholdings are lower than the minimum legal requirements. Thus, the value of this indicator ranges from 0 to 12, which is the number of times in a given year that a company is fined for insufficient aggregate insider shareholding. Earnings per share (EPS) and return on assets (ROA) were adopted as proxies of firm performance respectively, which is the dependent variable of this study. To identify the specific effect of insider ownership, two covariates were used to control statistically for confounding influences on firm performance. Leverage (LEV) denotes the ratio of total debts to total assets, which was included to account for the possibility that creditors are able to lessen managerial agency problems (McConnell & Servaes, 1995; Harvey et al., 2004). Duality (DUA) denotes a situation in which the board chair concurrently holds the position of general manger or CEO. Duality was dummy coded 1 if duality existed in a given year; otherwise, it was coded 0. 3.3 Empirical Models The data used in this study included cross-sectional and time series longitudinal data of 4 Proceedings of 8th Annual London Business Research Conference Imperial College, London, UK, 8 - 9 July, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-922069-28-3 the years observed. The fixed effect panel data models adopted to examine the relationship between insider ownership and firm performance were as follows: π¬π·πΊππ = πΆππ + π·π (π°πΊπΉππ ) + π·π (π°πΊπ«ππ ) + π·π (ππ°πΊππ ) + π·π (π«πΌπ¨ππ ) + π·π (π³π¬π½ππ ) + πΊππ (1) πΉπΆπ¨ππ = πΆππ + π·π (π°πΊπΉππ ) + π·π (π°πΊπ«ππ ) + π·π (ππ°πΊππ ) + π·π (π«πΌπ¨ππ ) + π·π (π³π¬π½ππ ) + πΊππ (2) Here, π¬π·πΊππ and πΉπΆπ¨ππ are the regression dependent variables of company i (i = 1…n) at year t (i = 1…n); π·π through π·π are the parameters to be estimated; and πΊππ is the random error. 4. Empirical Results 4.1 Descriptive Statistics Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics. It reveals that insider ownership structures are different among industrial settings. Companies in traditional industries tend to have higher ISR, higher ISD, and lower FIS, which implies a high and stable insider shareholding. As presents in the table, the mean of ISR and ISD for TSEC-technological companies is 0.1563 and 0.1361, respectively. Both are lower than the figures for TSEC-traditional companies (0.1922 and 0.1815, respectively). Likewise, the mean of ISR and ISD for OTC-technological companies is 0.2169 and 0.1939, respectively; both are lower than the figures for OTC-traditional companies (0.2479 and 0.1997, respectively). In addition, the technological industry has higher FIS. This echoes that Taiwan’s public companies in traditional industry typically develop from family-controlled businesses, and insider-owners of such companies tend to have a higher shareholding even after the IPO process. Different insider ownership structures can also be found in TSEC companies and OTC companies. OTC companies have a higher ISR (0.2169 for OTC-technological, 0.1563 for TSEC-technological; 0.2479 for OTC-traditional, 0.1992 for TSEC-traditional) and a higher ISD (0.1939 for OTC-technological, 0.1361 for TSEC-technological; 0.1997 for OTC-traditional, 0.1815 for TSEC-traditional). Meanwhile, OTC companies also have a higher FIS (0.6667 for OTC-technological, 0.2406 for TSEC-technological; 0.3712 for OTC-traditional, 0.1063 for TSEC-traditional). The statistics show that insider-owners of OTC companies (typically smaller and/or younger) tend to possess higher shareholding and adjust their shareholding more frequently, which implies a high but unstable insider shareholding. Table 1: Summary of Descriptive Statistics TSEC Companies OTC Companies 5 Proceedings of 8th Annual London Business Research Conference Imperial College, London, UK, 8 - 9 July, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-922069-28-3 Mean Standard Deviation Mean Standard Deviation Technological Traditional Technological Traditional Technological Traditional Technological Traditional ISR 0.1563 0.1922 0.0872 0.1485 0.2169 0.2479 0.1430 0.1742 ISD 0.1361 0.1815 0.1426 0.2222 0.1939 0.1997 0.2704 0.2161 FIS 0.2406 0.1063 1.0835 0.7195 0.6667 0.3712 1.6764 0.9839 DUA 0.3719 0.2519 0.4841 0.4345 0.4583 0.2727 0.4998 0.4471 LEV 0.3793 0.4023 0.1484 0.2305 0.4153 0.3963 0.1842 0.2568 EPS 1.4999 0.7371 2.9184 1.8591 -0.3144 0.9189 2.6489 2.4479 ROA 0.0442 0.0205 0.1015 0.0638 -0.0382 0.0224 0.1733 0.0964 This A Atable shows the descriptive statistics. It reveals that insider shareholding structures are different among industrial settings. Companies in traditional industries tend to have higher ISR, higher ISD, and lower FIS, which implies a high and stable insider shareholding (comparing with technological industries). OTC companies tend to have higher ISR and ISD, accompanied with higher AAA FIS, which implies a high and unstable insider shareholding (comparing with TSEC companies). A Table 2 presents correlation matrix of independent variables. It can be observed that all the 4 correlation coefficients of ISR and ISD are much higher than others and with statistical significance, which implies a severe collinearity might exist in the regression model. To avoid the collinearity problem, this study adopts variance inflation factor (VIF) to detect the potential problem. According to Hair et al. (2006), the acceptable VIF value should be lower than 10. As Table 3 presents, the all-variable-included mode (Mode 1) tends to have a high VIF value on ISR and ISD. However, when the regression models only include ISR or ISD (Mode 2 and Mode 3), most of VIF value on all variables are lower than 2. Thus, the following empirical analysis only adopts Mode 2 and Mode 3 to run regression models. 4.2 Effects of Insider Ownership on Firm Performance The primary results of this study are presented in Table 4. EPS and ROA are the independent variables to perform a fixed effect panel data regression in empirical model (1) and (2) respectively. In general, the results of the two empirical models are quite consistent, revealing that industrial settings do have impacts on the relationship between insider ownership and firm performance. In the results of either empirical model, ISR and ISD have a positive coefficient with statistical significance in three of the four tested industrial settings (TSEC-traditional, OTC-traditional, and OTC-technological). These results imply a higher level of insider ownership induces a better firm performance, concurring in the convergence-of-interest hypothesis. However, the coefficients of ISR and ISD in TSEC-technological setting are negative with statistical significance results, implying a support for the entrenchment hypothesis. 6 Proceedings of 8th Annual London Business Research Conference Imperial College, London, UK, 8 - 9 July, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-922069-28-3 The impacts of industrial setting can also be found in the empirical results on FIS. In both of the empirical model, the coefficients of FIS are negative with statistical significance in OTC-traditional setting, are positive with and TSEC-traditional settings, and are positive without statistical significance in TSEC-technological setting. The empirical results on DUA show a different tendency between TSEC and OTC companies. For TSEC companies, all the 4 coefficients of DUA are negative, though only with statistical significance in traditional industry. Conversely, coefficients of DUA for OTC companies tend to be positive, with an exception from empirical model (1) for OTC-traditional setting. The empirical results on LEV are consistently negative for all the tested industrial settings, implying an inverse relationship between leverage and performance. Table 2: Correlation Matrix TSEC Companies ISR ISR ISD FIS DUA LEV 0.9002*** -0.0720* 0.0557 0.1947*** 0.1140*** 0.2141*** -0.0748* 0.0486 0.0994** 0.1522*** 0.2258*** 0.0158 0.1349*** -0.0432 -0.0890** -0.0091 -0.0002 -0.0574 -0.1891*** -0.0490 ISD 0.8763*** FIS -0.1926*** -0.1629*** DUA -0.0501 -0.1177** 0.0141 LEV 0.0779 0.0820 0.0342 EPS -0.0368 ROA *** EPS 0.0523 0.0149 -0.0899 0.0446 -0.2306 ROA 0.0612 -0.0014 -0.0553 -0.0216 -0.3422*** 0.8119*** 0.8800*** OTC Companies ISR ISD 0.8869*** ISR ISD 0.9015 *** -0.1267 -0.1479 DUA 0.0105 0.0267 -0.0943 DUA LEV EPS -0.0428 0.1584* 0.5825*** 0.1866** -0.0041 * *** 0.1605 * FIS LEV FIS 0.0284 0.0905 ** -0.1619 ** 0.0623 ROA *** 0.5019 0.2404 0.1053 ** 0.1803 -0.3673 -0.4278*** 0.1546* 0.0010 0.0073 -0.0085 -0.1281 -0.0971 *** 0.1128 *** EPS 0.1257 0.1730 -0.0749 -0.0343 -0.2797 ROA 0.2097*** 0.2427*** -0.1369* -0.0238 -0.1700** 0.8766*** 0.8348*** This table shows the correlation matrixes for TSEC and OTC companies respectively. The lower-left corner indicates technology industries, and the upper-right corner indicates traditional industries. *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels respectively. Table 3: Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) Analysis TSEC Companies Technological Industry OTC Companies Traditional Industry Technological Industry 7 Traditional Industry Proceedings of 8th Annual London Business Research Conference Imperial College, London, UK, 8 - 9 July, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-922069-28-3 Mode Mode Mode Mode Mode Mode Mode Mode Mode Mode Mode Mode 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1.141 οΌ 7.830 1.367 οΌ 10.619 1.559 οΌ 14.289 4.552 οΌ ISR 7.345 ISD 11.518 οΌ 1.361 8.404 οΌ 1.229 5.469 οΌ 1.070 7.815 οΌ 6.063 FIS 1.008 1.008 1.009 1.003 1.003 1.003 1.079 1.082 1.078 1.031 1.025 1.025 DUA 1.107 1.020 1.063 1.013 1.012 1.013 1.068 1.066 1.068 1.065 1.057 1.063 LEV 1.036 1.037 1.033 1.222 1.179 1.113 1.121 1.045 1.044 2.941 2.489 1.626 This table adopts VIF to detect the potential collinearity problem. The all-variable-included mode (Mode 1) is excluded from regression analysis because of its high VIF value on ISR and ISD. 8 Proceedings of 8th Annual London Business Research Conference Imperial College, London, UK, 8 - 9 July, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-922069-28-3 Table 4: Effects of Insider Ownership on Firm Performance TSEC Companies Technological Industry Mode 2 Empirical Model (1): Mode 3 Traditional Industry Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 2 5.9776 (0.0022) *** Mode 3 9.4940 (0.0000) *** -1.6516 ISD Technological Industry Traditional Industry Mode 2 Mode 3 π¬π·πΊππ = πΆππ + π·π (π°πΊπΉππ ) + π·π (π°πΊπ«ππ ) + π·π (ππ°πΊππ ) + π·π (π«πΌπ¨ππ ) + π·π (π³π¬π½ππ ) + πΊππ -3.4229 ISR OTC Companies 9.9342 ( 0.0000) *** 1.2041 (0.0025) *** 6.0918 ( 0.0927) * 0.0329 0.0414 0.2211 ( 0.5400) ( 0.4308) ( 0.0005) *** ( 0.0687) * -0.2074 -0.1946 -0.2512 -0.2169 (0.3004) (0.3304) (0.0826) * (0.1446) -1.9885 -2.3085 FIS DUA ( 0.0000) *** 1.5757 ( 0.0006) *** 0.1126 0.2293 0.2340 ( 0.0000) *** 1.2227 ( 0.0001) *** 1.0588 ( 0.0137) ** -0.3971 -0.4286 (0.0008) *** (0.0006) *** -0.4038 -0.3870 ( 0.0002) *** ( 0.0003) *** (0.0284) ** (0.0573) * -3.4731 -3.7869 -9.7717 -5.9960 -5.7713 -5.5237 LEV (0.0000) (0.0000) *** *** (0.0000) *** (0.0000) *** (0.0012) *** (0.0003) *** (0.0000) *** (0.0001) *** Adj. R2 0.8903 0.9236 0.8977 0.8977 0.8356 0.8643 0.7721 0.7893 F 32.2029*** 47.4544*** 35.2701*** 35.2573*** 19.8591*** 24.6307*** 13.3281*** 14.6281*** D-W 2.2894 2.2996 2.2935 2.3219 2.4385 2.3730 2.2163 2.1823 Empirical Model (2): πΉπΆπ¨ππ = πΆππ + π·π (π°πΊπΉππ ) + π·π (π°πΊπ«ππ ) + π·π (ππ°πΊππ ) + π·π (π«πΌπ¨ππ ) + π·π (π³π¬π½ππ ) + πΊππ -0.1835 0.3173 ISR (0.0000) 0.7020 ( 0.0000) *** *** 0.4937 ( 0.0000) *** ( 0.0000) *** 0.1604 -0.0920 ISD 0.0625 (0.0013) *** 0.6192 ( 0.0000) *** 0.0030 0.0030 ( 0.2469) ( 0.2652) ( 0.0000) *** ( 0.1802) -0.0066 -0.0063 -0.0036 -0.0017 (0.5319) (0.5472) (0.0001) *** (0.0423) ** ( 0.0000) *** -0.2490 -0.2368 -0.0598 -0.0639 (0.0000) (0.0000) *** (0.0000) *** (0.0000) *** FIS DUA LEV 0.0032 0.0004 0.0086 *** -0.0098 (0.0159) ** (0.0625) * 0.0015 0.0046 ( 0.0000) *** ( 0.7802) ( 0.3678) -0.3457 -0.3544 -0.4758 -0.3215 (0.0000) *** (0.0000) *** (0.0000) *** (0.0000) *** 0.0777 0.0137 0.0001) -0.0124 ( 0.0001) *** 9 ( ( 0.0000) *** ( 0.0000) *** 0.0876 Proceedings of 8th Annual London Business Research Conference Imperial College, London, UK, 8 - 9 July, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-922069-28-3 *** Adj. R2 0.8098 *** 0.8126 0.9324 *** F 17.3684 17.6658 D-W 2.3759 2.3530 0.8831 *** 0.7822 *** 54.8526 30.4927 2.2471 2.2872 0.7576 *** 0.9520 *** 14.3310 12.5962 2.5257 2.4191 0.9469 *** 73.1788 2.5018 65.8522*** 2.4673 This table shows the regression results based on Empirical Model (1) and (2). The number before the ( ) is the coefficient; the number within the ( ) is the p-value. *, **, and *** denote the 10%, 5%, and 1% significant level respectively. In general, the results of the two empirical models are quite consistent, revealing that industrial settings do have impacts on the relationship between insider ownership and firm performance. In both empirical model, ISR and ISD have a positive coefficient with statistical significance in three of the four tested industrial settings (TSEC-traditional, OTC-traditional, and OTC-technological), implying the convergence-of-interests argument prevails in these industrial settings. However, the coefficients of ISR and ISD in TSEC-technological setting are negative with statistical significance results, implying a support for the entrenchment hypothesis in high complexity-large scale context. The empirical results on DUA show a different tendency between TSEC and OTC companies. All the 4 coefficients of DUA are negative for TSEC companies. Conversely, coefficients of DUA for OTC companies tend to be positive, with an exception from empirical model (1) for OTC-traditional setting. The empirical results on LEV are consistently negative for all the tested industrial settings. 5. Conclusion This study examines the empirical relationship between insider ownership and firm performance in Taiwan, where the agency problem is typically the one of conflict interests between inside owners (inside directors) and outside shareholders. Based on the resource-based view (RBV) in strategic management field, this study argued that the relationship in concern may vary among different industrial settings. Through a two dimensions (scale, market-technology complexity) matrix, the four industrial settings were defined, and the convergence-of-interests and entrenchment hypotheses are tested via fixed effect panel regression models. The results show that, the convergence-of-interests argument was supported in three of the four industrial settings (TSEC-traditional, OTC-traditional, and OTC-technological) while the entrenchment argument got support in TSEC-technological setting, which means a high complexity-large scale context. Accordingly, this study inserts a new aspect in the related discussion, arguing that the positive convergence-of-interests effect and the negative entrenchment effect may co-exist in different industrial settings. 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