1956 MULTNOMAI-1 COUNTY OREGON Agricultural Planning Conference

Agricultural Planning Conference
This booklet deals with the future of Multnomah County.
It presents the judgment of a large number of local citizens
concerning problems, probabilities, and opportunities. It supplies some guides for the action of organizations and individuals interested in local improvement.
The reports contained in this book were developed by
local committees for presentation at a County Agricultural
Planning Conference on March 14, 1957.
That conference was organized and conducted by the
County Agricultural Planning Council with the cooperation
of the Oregon State College Extension Service. Similar conferences had been held in the county at several earlier periods, the most recent being in 1 945. Experience has shown
that these conferences are effective in accurately predicting
trends in the local society and economy and in influencing
developments in farming and rural living.
Each of the reports in this booklet is the work of a committee that met several times over a period of months and
considered data from a variety of sources in arriving at its
conclusions. It is believed that this booklet will be significant and useful as earlier similar booklets have been.
If additional copies are needed, they can be obtained
from the local County Extension Service office at 611 East
Powell Boulevard, Gresham, Oregon.
Louis F. Nuffer, General Chairman
W.S. Averill, County Extension Agent
and General Secretary
The County
County Advisory Council
Land Use Committee Report
The Situation
Soil and Water
Classification and Zoning
Part-time Farming and Economic Unit
Woodlots and Reforestation
Home and Community Committee Report
Community Safety
Home Safety
Civil Defense
Parks and Recreation
Health and Nutrition
4-H Club Committee Report
Summary of 1946 4-H Report
Summary of Accomplishments
Suggested Projects
Goals for Leaders Individually and Cooperatively
Process for Carrying Out Suggestions
Farm Crops Committee Report
Certified Seed Potato Situation
Certification Program
Cost of Producing Certified Seed Potatoes
Sales of Certified Seed Potatoes
Disease and Insect Control
Selling of Processed Vegetables
uet!eee4 (Continued)
Poultry Committee Report
Economic Units of Operation
Breeds of Chickens
Replacement Chicks
Fresh Market Vegetables Committee Report
Marketing of Vegetables
Market Vegetable Research Problems
Dairy and Livestock Committee Report
Dairy Goats
Small Fruits Committee Report
Present Situation
Future Trends
Problems Related to Production
Research Needs
Ornamentals Committee Report
General Nursery Industry Situation
Present Situation
New Trends in the Nursery Industry
The Growing Nursery Industry
eo#4 O'e9oe
Multnomah County is approxi- respond to drainage, with the ex-
mately 70 miles long east and ception of the Salem series.
west and varies from 6 to 13 miles
north and south It lies at the
360 acres. 71,058 acres, or 26.2 per
Columbia Rivers at the north end
cent, is devoted to agriculture;
the remainder is non-farm resi-
junction of the Willamette and
of the Willamette Valley. Port-
The county has an area of 271,-
dential, industrial, roads and highways, forest land, and other nonagricultural use. There are 1,680
farms averaging 42.3 acres.
Of these 1,680 farms, 817 owners
land, located at the junction of the
Columbia and Willamette Rivers,
occupies a considerable area of
the county and divides agriculture
into two distinct areas.
One is west of Portland, includ-
are working off their farms 100
days or more per year. Fifteen
ing Skyline and Sauvies Island. hundred forty-nine operators are
The Skyline area is mostly too actually living on their land, and
steep for cultivation and lacks only 86 operators are operating
water for irrigation and household entirely on rented land. Farms
in the county have an average
land and building valuation of
use. When water is available, this
area will become residential. The
Sauvies Island area, some twelve
thousand acres, is under dike.
This area is devoted exclusively
to agriculture, with dairying and
vegetable crops predominating.
$24,120 per farm and an average
acre value of $746.
The normal growing season for
most crops is from March to Octo-
ber with an average rainfall of
The second major area is east about 42 inches, most of which
of Portland. For a distance of 6 falls between November and April.
to 8 miles, it is largely subur- Summer rainfall is normally three
ban. East of this is agricultural to five inches.
area devoted to dairy, berries,
nursery, and vegetable crops. The
extreme edge of the eastern part
A wide variety of crops adapt-
ed to the northwestern United
States can be grown with nursery,
of the county runs up into the small fruits, vegetables, and forfoothills of the Cascade Moun- age crops predominating. Many
tains. A large part of this section
is in forest land encompassing a
part of the Portland watershed.
specialty crops are being grown
on a small scale. In the livestock
field, dairying is most important
The county has some 22 dis- with a few sheep and beef being
tinct soil types with Powell, Sau- maintained.
vies, and Salem series predominating. Practically all of these soils
The 1956-57 Agri-Business Con-
ference was set up in M a r c h,
the special committees for the
1956, by the County Agricultural
Advisory Council. The Council is
composed of 12 persons. Nine are
elected chairmen of the commodity committees, 4-H Leaders' and
Home Economics' Council repre-
Agri - Business Conference, the
chairman and personnel for each
committee, and the general field
or scope of the committees' study
and activity.
The remainder of this publicaion deals with the reports of the
various committees set up by the
sentatives, two are chairmen of
Conservation District Supervisors,
and one is chairman of the Coun-
ty Agricultural Stabilization and
Advisory Council.
Members of the Multnomah
Conservation Committee.
The members of the Agricultural Advisory Council, working with
the County Extension staff, set up
County Agricultural and Home
Economics Advisory Council are
as follows:
Louis F. Nuffer
Albert Paimblad
Kaz Tamura
John Dreyer
Alton Thompson
Mrs. William Udey
Orson Iverson
Max Perrin
John Strebin
Austin Corlies
Ernest Lundbom
Elmer Peterson
W. S. Averill
Chairman Nursery Committee and
Chairman of the Council
Chairman Dairy and Livestock Committee
Chairman Fresh Market Vegetables
Chairman Small Fruits
President 4-H Club Leaders' Association
Chairman Home Economics Council
Chairman Farm Crops Committee
Chairman Bulbs Committee
Chairman Land Use Committee
Chairman County A. S. C.
Chairman East Multnomah Soil
Conservation District
Chairman Sauvies Island Soil
Conservation District
County Agent, Secretary
4atd 1de
The Situation
Multnomah County is one of their crops has not materially inthe smaller counties of the state, creased. The yield per acre has
having a total acreage of only increased but not in proportion
271,360 acres. It is located along to land values and taxation.
the Columbia River, at the mouth
As a result of housing and inof the Willamette River, and in- dustrial expansion, the total numcludes the city of Portland.
ber of acres in farms has dePopulation in the area increas- creased from 79,313 in 1945 to 71,ed from 355,099 in 1940 to 471,537 058 in 1954. This is a decrease of
in 1950. Most of the population in- 8,255 acres in a nine-year period.
crease was in Portland and the This tremendous change in land
city limits, creating a heavy de- use has developed land speculamand for land to be used for tion. Farmers owning land are
housing and industrial purposes. caught between agricultural proThe demand for land to be used duction, offers to b u y their
for housing and industry has in- farms, and the natural speculacreased land v a I u e S in some tive desire to wait for even highparts of the county as much as er prices.
400 to 500 per cent between 1946
Urban development a n d in-
and 1956. Interest on such land
values makes it impossible in
many instances to show a profit
from agricultural production.
At the same time land values
go up, tax assessment values go
up - not only on housing and industrial land, but also on neighboring land being used for agri-
creased valuations have largely
taken place in the east central and
southwest areas of the county.
This naturally has an inflationary effect on all parts of the
county, adding unrest and un-
certainty to agriculture. Farmers
hesitate to make permanent improvements or increase other permanent inventments on the farm
cultural purposes.
Over these same years, the or in marketing facilities under
price that farmers receive for these circumstances.
future of agricultural production,
The Situation
and works against the keeping of
The oniy source of income from farm
lands in production. This is
farm land is from its ability to especially
true in areas adjacent
produce agricultural crops. The to cities where, under the present
present system of evaluating farm system, land is valued beyond its
property for taxing purposes is ability to produce, which forces
not in the best interest of the it out of agricultural production
and into subdivisions, speculation, Trees and Shrubs
and neglect, prematurely destroyProducing fruit trees, nut trees,
ing the value of much otherwise all berry plantings, shrubs, and
good farm land.
nursery plantings that are being
used for the production of crops,
that are being grown for agriculproduction, or that are bemend that farm land which is tural
for market should not
being used continually for producbe
personal property.
tion of agricultural crops be evaluFarm Property
Our committee wishes to recom-
ated for taxing purposes on the
Fruit and nut trees that are
grown at a substantial expense to
of agricultural economy
and native soil productivity, and the producer for the purpose of
not on the value of adjacent prop- increasing the income of the inerty which may be used for other dividual from the land since his
purposes. This productive ability income is subject to the income
tax, both federal and state, the
taxing of the trees as personal
influence the use of this land for property creates a double tax.
should be determined by soil types,
topography, and other factors that
The existence of trees and shrubs
on farms does not add to the loan
various types of crops.
value of the land as set up by
Farm Crops
loan agencies, including the Federal Land Bank, because they are
While they are in the hands of
the producer or his marketing representative, farm crops should
not be subject to personal property
perishable and their production
and value can be destroyed at
tax for one year from the time any time by weather, insects,
sease, or neglect.
they are harvested.
Soil anti Water
of Multnomah County, there has
been irrigation from Johnson
Creek, Beaver Creek, Big Creek,
and Buck Creek. The remainder
During the past 20 years, the
practice of irrigation, particular-
sprinkler irrigation, has in- of irrigation in the eastern part
creased from a very few acres of the county has been from wells
to approximately 6,000 acres subThere has not been any reliable
ject to irrigation in 1956. Expansion of irrigation has been pretty
well limited to satisfactory water
supplies. On Sauvies Island, ir-
ground water which means that
some wells have proved very satis-
factory while others have been a
great disappointment.
Crops irrigated have consisted
in the Skyline area, there has
been very little irrigation, mostly of pastures, vegetable crops, small
from ponds. In the eastern part fruits, and nursery crops.
rigation has been limited to the
use of water in drainage canals.
There are numerous opportuni-
for farm storage ponds on
A few years ago the Sandy Riv- ties
Beaver Creek, and these ponds uner and all of its tributaries were der present laws can store water
closed to irrigation by an act of from the middle of the winter
the Legislature. Through the ac- until the first of June. The oniy
tivities of the Multnomah County
real problem involved is the ques-
Land Use Committee and the tion of whether or not these dams
East Multnomah Soil Conserva- would be required to have fish
tion District, the 1955 Legislature
Creek more or less paralleling the
factory with the exception that
emptying into the Sandy River at
Big Creek and Buck Creek both
have adequate supplies of water
elevation of approximately sea
level and other spots that have an
elevation of 15 feet. When irriga-
tion, although there is sufficient
land to pick up most of the water
if water is to be pumped from
the creek to higher elevations.
Beaver Creek above the Trout-
the higher levels, and at the same
time permit satisfactory drainage of the lower levels. This work
will eventually be done.
the summer with the exception of
of Multnomah County. Originally,
trickle of water. Since the installation of the pipelines and with the
leakage from the pipelines, these
creased, many of these wlls went
dry within recent years.
opened Big Creek, Buck Creek,
On Sauvies Island t h e main
and Beaver Creek to irrigation. drainage ditches include
the GilThe first two streams are located bert River. Irrigation from these
in the Corbett area, with Beaver ditches has proved quite satis-
Sandy River on the south and
there are some spots that have an
tion water is provided for the
at the present time, and it ap- higher levels, drainage is not satpears that these streams might isfactory on t h e lower levels.
furnish enough live water for Thus it appears temporary gates
some time. This is due to the fact or weirs will need to be installed
that there is not a large acreage in the drainage system in order
of land readily subject to irriga- to store water for irrigation on
dale Road is, for the most part, Domestic Water Supply
an intermittent stream. Previous
The Land Use Committee has
to the installation of Portland been interested for a number of
water mains, both branches of years in domestic water supply,
Beaver Creek went dry early in particularly for the eastern part
two or three s p r I n g s on one farms in this area were supplied
branch which furnished a small by individual wells but as use indry. This resulted in the formation of numerous water districts
streams have had a very small which purchase water front the
amount of water most summers, Portland water system. Increased
although the main branch above housing development has naturalthe John Strebin place has been ly increased the demands on the
In a good many places
where the pipelines are small, the neer, Bureau of Waterworks, Portresult is that friction in the lines land, Oregon.
reduces the water pressure to a
Portland is at present serving a
point where it is unsatisfactory. population of 566,831 people. Of
The Land Use Committee con- this total, 421,268 are inside the
ferred with representatives of the city limits; 136,722 are served
State Water Resources Board at with Bull Run water by water diswhich time this problem was pre- tricts and companies; and 8,841
sented. As a result, the following people are served on city-owned
letter from Don Lane, Secretary lines outside the city limits. The
of the State Water Resources annual water consumption for
Board, was received by the Land the City of Portland during the
Use Committee. From Mr. Lane's period July 1, 1955 to June 30,
letter, it seems there is an ade- 1956, was 17,637,868,424 gallons.
quate source of supply in the Port- The average daily consumption
land Bull Run Watershed area to was 48,322,927 gallons or a daily
support an increased population average consumption per inhabiof approximately 2 million or tant of 114 gallons. Outside companies, water districts, and conmore persons.
Copy of letter from Don Lane, sumers during the same period of
Secretary Water Resources Board: time utilized 3,959,956,132 gallons.
These companies, districts, and
consumers had an average daily
State Water Resources Board
consumption of 10,849,195 gallons
or an average daily consumption
January 7, 1957
per inhabitant of 79 gallons.
It was estimated by Mr. Ander"Mr. W. S. Averill
that the supply of Bull Run
Agricultural Agent
is adequate to serve a popuMultnomah County
of 2,500,000 persons in the
Gresham, Oregon
metropolitan Portland area. The
Dear Mr. Averill:
current and long range planning
In accordance with the request of the Portland Bureau of Water
of the Multnomah County Land works is predicated upon future
Use Committee, we have made a expansion of t h e service area
preliminary check on t h e ade- to include the metropolitan area
quacy of supply of the City of of Portland.
Plans are being prepared for adPortland Water Department.
U. S. Geological Survey Circu- ditional storage facilities on Bull
lar No. 372, published in 1956, Run, River as future demand in-
states that Portland is at present creases. It is the opinion of the
Chief Engineer for the Bureau of
utilizing approximately fifteen per
cent of the average flow of the Waterworks that additional storBull Run River at the water sys- age will not materially increase
tem headquarters. This percent- the delivery cost of water.
Portland has not exercised that
age has been confirmed by H.
Kenneth Anderson, Chief Engi- portion of its contracts with dis10
tricts that authorizes the City to has been called the East Portland
curtail or shut off district supplies
area for lack of a better short
of supply is not the major domes-
A field canvass was made of the
various sources where ground
because of the need within the name that is representative of the
City. It appears that adequacy area.
tic water problem in the metro-
water information could be ob-
politan Portland area."
tained ;and owners of many of the
wells were contacted for addition-
A number of wells have been al information. About 300 wells
put down for irrigation purposes and springs were visited. The
in the eastern part of Multnomah water level fluctuations have been
County. Some of these wells measured monthly in 13 wells.
have been satisfactory and others Drillers' logs have been collected
have been a complete disappoint- and interpreted on about 75 wells.
ment. Several years ago, the Land
Concurrently with our work the
Use Committee requested the U. Engineering Geology Branch of
S. Geological Survey and the the Survey has been mapping that
State Engineer to make a ground- area as part of their mapping prowater survey in the eastern part ject of the Portland metropolitan
of Multnomah County to deter- area. Our men have collaborated
mine the facts regarding the in that mapping in the East Portavailability of groundwater a n d land area and have provided the
the places where wells could rea- subsurface information for much
sonably be expected to be satis- of that work. The geologic map
factory. As a result of the com- of the area has been completed in
mittees' activity, the survey was the field form.
started in 1954.
The project has had to be deThe following letter from R. C. ferred several months at two difDistrict Geologist, ferent times because of the presNewcornb,
sure from other work.
gical Survey, Box 3418-1001, N.
The remaining work to be done
E. Lloyd Blvd., Portland 8, Ore- includes completion of t h e well
gon, is a progress report on this and spring data collection and the
preparation of the report. In all,
"Subject: Progress report on the there is probably about 6 mangroundwater investigation in the months of work required.
East Portland Area.
We hope to be able to get some
The investigation into the oc- of the work done this spring, and
currence of groundwater in the will undoubtedly finish the report
area lying between the Columbia by June, 1958, at the latest and Clackarnas Rivers eastward earlier, if we get the opportunity
from the Portland city limits to to do so."
The completion of this groundthe Sandy River was started in
1954 after recommendation by the water survey is very important to
State Engineer and approval of this area for the reason that only
Groundwater Branch, U. S. Geolo-
our Branch Chief. The project a very small part of the eastern
part of the county can be served of this acreage, only 2,810 acres
from streams This means that have been tiled, leaving 5,190
groundwater is the oniy other acres that should be tiled.
available source of water for irBy tiling, farmers are finding
rigation purposes.
that they have the opportunity to
With ever increasing land value work their ground earleir in the
competition spring and later in the fall, and
coupled with the types of crops at the same time have more moisbeing grown in the area, it is es- ture actually available for plant
sential that there be adequate ir- growth. In many cases, the inrigation if agricultural produc- crease in crops and the decreased
tion of nursery crops, vegetables, cost in tiflage operations have
and some of the small fruits is to more than paid for the expense of
continue satisfactorily.
tiling in from one to three years.
A good quality of clay tiles satisDrainage
factorily placed is good for 50 to
Because of t h e heavy winter 100 years. The committee strongly
rainfall and the tight subsoil urges the continuance of tiling
structure in many of the soils in projects.
Multnornah County, the drainage
of farm land is of major import- Erosion
ance. In the eastern part of the
Because of the contour of the
county, it is estimated that 23,500 ground in eastern Multnomah
acres of land can profitably be tile County and in the Skyline area,
drained. Through the efforts of erosion is of considerable impor-
the Land Use Committee, Soil
Conservation Districts, the ASC
Program, 1,500 acres of land in
eastern Multnomah County have
tance. Land values and taxes
make it necessary for much of
this land to be intensively cropped in order to produce a satisbeen tile drained by the fall of factory income. One of a num1956, leaving 22,000 acres of land
ber of methods being used to prethat still should be tile drained. vent erosion includes the laying
On Sauvies Island, the original of tile so that excess moisture can
work was set up primarily for the quickly be drained out of the soil
surface drainage of water but, allowing normal rains to soak in
as time has progressed, farmers rather than run off. Where a satisare finding it profitable to put in factory stand of grass is obtained,
tile. In order to secure satisfac- there is very little erosion even on
tory tile outlets, it has been neces- steeper land. There are about 6,sary for the drainage district to 000 acres of farm land that should
launch a rather extensive program be contour-cropped. There are an
of lowering the water levels in the additional 500 acres of land that
drainage district ditches. This probably will respond satisfacwork is now in progress.
torily to cross-slope farming, and
It is estimated that 8,000 acres there are approximately 30,000
of land on Sáuvies Island can be acres that should have cover crop
eventually satisfactorily tiled and, seeded in the fall where an inten12
sive cropping program
not only the soil type but certain
other soil characteristics such as
is fol-
slope and other factors. Such a
Through work with the different
agencies, great strides have been
made in the reduction of erosion,
but erosion is still a major problem, and the Committee strongly
recommends that all farmers give
this problem their best attention.
could be
value to agriculture in this area,
and the committee strongly recommends that all progress possible be made on the completion
of a new soil survey map.
The new soil map might be
Soil Map
speeded up if farmers in the Skyline area would organize and join
In 1919 a soil map for Multnomah County was published. This
soil conservation district. The
map is on a scale of an inch to asoil
surveys under the U. S. Dethe mile which did not allow for
of Agriculture are the
a great deal of detail and made
responsibility of the Soil Conser-
it impossible to show minor vari-
ations in soil types. For some vation Service, and the policy
seems to be to give Soil Conto reclassify soils and to publish servation Districts first priority
years, a movement has been afoot
a map on a larger scale, showing for assistance.
Classification and Zoning
time required to get into downThe Situation
town Portland, making residential
According to the apparent development in the eastern part
thinking of the County Planning of the county more desirable.
Commission, it seems that t h e
The development of industries
area along t h e Columbia River along the Columbia River will crenorth of Sandy Boulevard and as ate a demand for additional resifar east as Troutdale, or farther, dences close to the industries and
will be classified f o r industrial close to main roads crossing the
purposes. With this classification, arterials leading into Portland.
it is expected that industries will Where residences are developed
develop along with increased in farming areas, the farmer's
power, both electrical and gas, problem of spraying and dusting
and with the development of spur crops and operating equipment at
railroad facilities, highways, etc.
night is increased. In s o m e
cases, it becomes practically pro-
It also appears that there will
hibitive because of the fact that
sprays from high pressure equipment will drift, and dust will al-
be several major changes in high-
ways connecting the Mt. Hood
Loop road with the present Ban-
field Expressway and other four- most always drift in one direction
lane roads leading into Portland. or another. People residing in the
These developments, particularly housing developments in r u r a 1
on the highways, will shorten the areas will object to these opera13
that farmers in this area would
tions for various reasons including
be well advised to continue agricultural production. T h e y can
give serious consideration to the
use of fertilizer, modern equip-
their fear of poisonous sprays or
The committee recognizes the
ment, and better methods of farm-
value of planning and zoning in ing to increase t h e income per
Multnomah County. The commit- acre until such time as there is a
tee further recognizes these prin- real demand for the use of the
ciples: (1) Under long-range land for housing or industrial
planning, occasionally people are purposes. It is also the belief of
going to be inconvenienced and this committee that farmers in
not allowed in all cases to make this area should thoroughly study
subdivisions as they desire, with- the situation before making exout regard to other plans and de- pensive permanent investments in
velopments in the neighborhood. buildings and other improvements
(2) Under planning and zoning, suitable only for agriculture.
no individual receiving his livelihood from agriculture should be
forced from his occupation or
This committee agrees with the
Tax Committee's p 1 a n for a
change in assessed valuation of
compelled to dispose of farm prop-
erty because of any policies, acThe committee believes that a
tions, or decisions of a Planning few
park areas should be purchasCommission. (3) It is the right of
strategic positions along the
the individual owner of farm property to develop his acreage for Sandy River, Beaver Creek, and
subdivision purposes even though the Columbia River, and perhaps
such property may be within an on some of the small streams in
area which has been designated the Corbett area. It is the feeling
of this committee that the loss to
"Agricultural Use Only".
This committee believes major the county in taxes would be less
housing developments generally than will be the increase in valueast of Gresham will not be rapid, ation of these lands if the purchas-
and agriculture in this area will
continue to be important for
several years to come. With this
in mind, the committee believes
Part-time Farming
This committee feels that it is
impossible to set up a minimun
acreage known as an economic
unit, but that an economic unit
ing date is put off. The number
of people using Dabney Park on
the Sandy River is an illustration
of the need for such facilities.
and Economic Unit
to a reasonable salary and a 6 per
cent or more return from his in-
depends upon the crops to be
vestment above costs of operation,
and that any farm operation not
producing such a return is not an
economical unit. This reconimendation simply means that in certain enterprises a smaller acreage
grown and the net return possible
from the operation. The committee feels that a farmer is entitled
might be economical where, with major part of their income is from
extensive farming, a much lar- sources off the farm. Experience
ger acreage would be necessary. ha shown that these small acreIn addition, the committee feels age operations are not economithat no person should undertake cally sound. Weather to a large
to purchase agricultural land in extent controls the time of seedthis area for agricultural purposes ing and cultivation, and the man
without first having sufficient who is working off the farm canalways expect to have the
cash to make at least a 50 per not
in his favor.
cent down payment while still
as a home and
having sufficient funds for one or a place to acreage
has detwo years of operation, even cided advantages, but before
though the purchase be made on dertaking such a project, itunis
a lesser down payment.
strongly recommended that people
Part-time farming in Muitno- study carefully Oregon State Exmah County is rather widespread. tension Bulletin 753, "Do You
By part-time farming is meant Want to Live in the Country?"
those small acreages of from 5 This bulletin points out many of
to 15 or 20 acres where the family the questions involved in such an
is living on the operation, but a operation.
Wood lots and Reforestation
The Situation
the national forests and big timThere is in Multnomah County ber holdings are replanted, the
an estimated 14,000 acres of land amount of resultant lumber availin farms that is not suited to per- able will be less than what we
manent pasture or seeded or culti- have had in the past. Better use
vated crops. At the present time, of forest waste products and their
very little attention is being given combination with chemically prothis land. The Weeds, Woodlots, duced products will probably reand Reforestation Committee rec- sult in more and more use of
ommendations are directed to this type of material. However,
this particular area with the in- the committee feels there will still
tent of increasing the income that be a demand for a good grade
may be obtained.
of lumber.
The planting of rough land to
It is a recommendation of this trees becomes a long-time investcommittee that land not suitable ment, but it is also believed that,
for pasture or cultivation be plant- by using the best thinning methed to trees as a long-time invest- ods considerable income could be
ment. As time goes by, it is evident that our natioiial forests are
going to be cut, thereby harvesting what nature has built up over
a period of years. Even though
derived during the period from
planting to the period when the
final cutting is made.
The committee suggests that
small trees can often be purchased
The other would be a comparafurther recommends that these tively thick planting with the cuttrees be planted in rows where ting of Christmas trees at ground
from the State Forest Nursery. It
they can be cultivated and cared level so they would not come back,
for, during a period of at least thereby constituting a thinning
1 to 3 years before being trans- program.
planted in the rough land where
they have to compete with a cer- Windbreaks
Windbreaks, particularly in the
tain amount of brush, heavy
grass, or fern. The committee eastern part of Multnomah Coun-
feels that trees at least 2 to 3 ty hay
their desirability. In the past, the
so-called Port Orford cedar has
appeared to be the most desirable
years old stand a better chance of
survival. In all cases, newly-planted areas should be protected
from grazing and fire.
variety to use. Two difficulties
have arisen, however. One was
the unduly heavy freeze of No-
Christmas Trees
This committee believes that vember ILl, 1955, which completely
plantings for Christmas trees of- killed or seriously thinned windfer an additional source of income. break plantings. The other diffiThese plantings normally can be culty is the apparently widemade thicker than for regular re- spread prevalence of Phytopthora
forestation. Christmas trees can root rot which is taking out a
be grown either as thinnings in a rather large number of windlong-time timber production, or as breaks particularly on p o o r I y
a specialized crop. It is hard to drained soil.
The cedar tree locally known as
say now whether the cutting of
Christmas trees in conjunction Hogan's cedar makes a good windwith long-time timber production break and has demonstrated its
will be the best method of manage- ability to withstand both of the
ment, or whether it may be better above mentioned difficulties. So
to make rather heavy plantings, far, the State Forestry Departlet the trees grow up to good ment has not seen fit to propogate
Christmas tree size, then cut them these trees for farm use as windhigh enough so the top branch break trees but they can be purwill form another Christmas tree chased from local nurserymen.
in a few years. There appears to This committee believes that perbe two alternatives to this meth- Sons planting windbreak trees
od. One would be comparatively might do well to pay the additionthick plantings, coupled with the al cost for Hogan's cedar trees
digging and balling of Christmas when making windbreak plant-
trees, thereby selling live trees. ings.
plant and harvest economic crops,
Weeds are one of nature's ways he must find ways of controlling
of covering the land. If man is to nature's competitive plants.
The Situation
In past years, cultivation, hoe- than one kind of spray, since it
ing, and burning were the princi- appears that sprays that will satispal means. At present there are factorily control blackberries and
numerous weedicides - some brush will not control Canada
general and some selective - thistle. The committee recomthat may be used. There is still mends that the best sprays be
the problem of controlling persis- used for Canada thistle, St. Johns
tant annual and perennial weeds wort, and tansy ragwort.
to prevent their taking over
pastures, woodlots, and cultiva- Farm Spraying
ted land.
The committee highly recommends
that land owners take the
County Roadside Spraying
necessary steps to control wild
The committee urges the county blackberries, brushy plants, and
to take the lead in roadside spraying for the purpose of controlling
wild evergreen and Himalaya
blackberries along roadsides. The
noxious weeds on their own property, thereby setting the example
control of weeds such as Canada
noxious weeds. These chemicals,
for others. It appears now that
chemicals are available that will
control of bushy plants and the satisfactorily control most of the
thistle, tansy ragwort, Jt. Johns or newer chemicals as they are
wort, and certain of the annual developed should be used.
weeds which are becoming pests
Tansy Ragwort and
is also needed.
The committee recommends Ragweed Control
Atthe present time, Multnomah
that the county contact land owners along the right-of-way before County has been established as a
the spraying is done, so the land- weed-control area for the purpose
owners can point out the locations of controlling tansy ragwort and
of desirable shrubs and co-oper- ragweed. The committee highly
ate with the county's spray crew. recommends this program and
It further recommends that such suggests that even greater effort
a spraying program will undoubt- should be made in the control of
edly necessitate the use of more these weeds.
Taxation: S. B. Hall, Chairman
Wayne McGill
Kola Feliman
Larry Aylsworth
Elmer Sturm
Louis Nuffer
Archie Hall
Soil and Water: Fred Cholick, Chairman
Ray Shiiki
Austin Conies
Ernest Lundbom
Erwin Douglas
Jimmie Gordon
B. D. Molinari
Land Use Classification and Zoning: John Seidl, Chairman
Dick Ellis
Vern Wasson
Erick Enquist
Marsh Dunkin
Art Burns
Art Strebin
Weeds, Woodlots, Reforestation: John Campbell, Chairman
J. W. Altman
Louis Garre
M. B. McKay
Carl Lyski
Harvey Tofte
Eugene Richards
John StrebinGeneral Chairman
W. S. AverillSecretary
'7e d
a.td eee, eom#,geeee
The Home and Community
Committee has made a study of local problems which are affecting
home and community life. It is
hoped that the recommendations
made by this committee will help
all families in Multnornah County
to acquire the kind of home and
community life
material necessities for comfortable living.
"How can this be accomplish-
ed?" Only by working together for
a common good and reaching
more people can we hope to provide the home and community life
we want for ourselves and our
children. We have tried not to
they want for duplicate the work of other groups
themselves and their children, in the county but rather to empha-
considering the social needs for size and encourage continued ef-
good family living as well as fort along these hues.
Community Safety
Accidents don't just happen.
begin with the pre-school child
They are caused. If we know
in his toy automobile and could
be continued in the elementary
why accidents happen, we can
take intelligent action to prevent
grades. Actual driver training
In 1955 there were nearly 63
classes should be a required
course in high school. T h e
ways, most of them driven by
greatly from a driver training
million automobiles on the high-
average driver would profit
motors of 200 to 300 horsepower.
In 1955 the traffic deaths totaled
38,310 persons. Three out of four
refresher course.
That there should be a more
rigid enforcement of all traffic
laws. This enforcement should
accidents involve cars traveling
in clear weather on dry roads.
Nine out of ten vehicles apparent-
ly are in good condition at the
time of the crash. In 1953 a na-
That drivers traveling below
the prevailing rate of speed and
tion-wide inspection of 500,000
cars and trucks showed that 32.5
obstructing traffic be subject
per cent, nearly one-third, had
mechanical defects. Drivers under
25 years of age constitute about
15 per cent of the total drivers
and are involved in almost 25
per cent of the fatal accidents
that occur in a single year.
The committee recommends:
1. That more emphasis
make use of modern methods
and procedures of traffic con-
to traffic control laws.
That automobile companies
be encouraged to promote safe
driving by advertising to sell
safety as well as cars.
That higher dividers on freeways be constructed wherever
placed on driver training education. This education could
That insurance companies be
urged to give drivers under 25
years of age lower rates where
their record is accident-free.
7. That "Safe-teen" clubs, Junior Safety Councils, and similar organizations for "teenagers" be encouraged in all high
That bicycle safety measures
be stressed in all schools.
That pedestrian safety programs for children and adults
be encouraged in all cornmunitiej.
Home Safety
take care of simple first-aid
treatments, know how to call
In 1953 more than 29,000 deaths
were due to accidents in the home;
in 1954 more than 14,000 people
died because of accidents on the
farm. More people in the 1 to 5
and over 65 age groups die because of home accidents than in
any other age group. Accidents
their doctor, the ambulance, the
police, and the fire department
without delay.
That all families check their
homes for accident hazards and
do not just happen; there is a
correct them in the following
ted, or at least the number re-
Keep handles of cooking
utensils turned toward back
of stove and out of reach of
cause. Accidents can be preven-
duced materially, by first finding
the cause and then doing some-
ting about it. Most fires in the
home are caused by carelessness.
The committee recommends:
That an educational program
of some type be encouraged by
the county, state, and national
governments. The program
should be carried on by vari-
organizations, agencies,
commercial enterprises, a n d
civic groups, and by the public
relation programs of the TV
stations, by animated cartoons,
and by spot announcements on
th(: radio.
These should be
ing, and to the point.
short, eye-catching or ear-catchThat each family obtain a
first-aid kit, keep it up-to-date,
and in a convenient location.
That every home install a
fire extinguisher and keep it in
working order.
That every family be able to
Have h a n d rails on all
Keep stairways well light-
Keep all stairsteps in good
Keep poisons and all medi-
cine clearly labeled and out
of reach of children.
Keep electric fuses, cords,
and plugs in good repair.
Have a qualified electrician
check wiring to prevent over-
load if using a number of
small appliances.
Keep knives sharp and in
a rack.
Cut away from oneself
when cutting with a knife.
1. Keep step-ladder in good
j. Keep tools and toys picked
up and in their proper place
when not in use.
they are in good operating condition.
That fireplaces be kept clean
and fire screens used at all
times. The installation of dampers operating from outside the
k. Keep floors clean by wiping up spilled water, grease,
and food immediately. Floors
are dangerous if
type waxes are used. Non-
slippery waxes are available
on the market.
1. Check throw rugs for rub-
fireplace should be a part of
the building code.
That attics and basements be
kept clear of rubbish, oily
cloths, and waste paper.
berized backing to prevent
6. That furnaces and flues be
checked periodically to see that
Civil Defense
reading material and games,
Natural disasters occur from
etc., for the children.
time to time and bring about
That each family have a
emergencies involving everyone.
first-aid kit and know how to
The world is moving further inuse it.
to the Atomic Age and the need
That each family keep fireto know what to do in case of an
material handy and
attack is of great importance.
Civil Defense is here to stay and
That state, county, and local
is an insurance policy for survival.
continue vigorously
The committee recommends:
to plan and publicize an action
That each family have an
program for public defense.
action program - know what
That the public cooperate
with the civil defense auhorities in the action program for
to do and where to go.
That each family have survival kits including food, water,
civil defense.
Parks and Recreation
Multnornah County is growing continue to be developed in the
an estimated increase of 22.4 per areas surrounding the city of
cent between 1950 and 1955 is re- Portland. The Portland Park Commission is handling the parks and
ported by the Bureau of Business recreation problems within the
Research, School of Business Ad- city, but little has been done in
ministration, University of Ore- area outside the city limits. It
gon. The 1950 census states that is true that there is a number
90.3 per cent of the total popu- of state parks with picnic facililation of 471,537 is urban, 8.3 per ties within easy driving distance
cent is rural non-farm, and 1.3 of any part of the county, but the
per cent is farm. There is a steady families living outside the city of
increase in the rural non-farm Portland have few, if any, neighpopulation as housing projects borhood parks or playgrounds.
It should be understood that
"parks" refers to areas with trees,
picnic tables, and stoves or fireplaces; while "playgrounds" refer to areas clear of trees, poles,
etc., where there is space for a
ball field and other games as
well as facilities for arts
The school districts, as a rule,
have been foresighted in looking
ahead in purchasing land for build
ing sites for additional schools as
population i n c r e a s e demands
for other activities as well as
arts and crafts.
That t h e County Commissioners or other groups set aside
plots of land for parks and/or
playgrounds in the more sparseiy populated areas of the county
so that land will be available
when needed.
That an enclosed swimming
pool be made available in each
high school district for yeararound use.
That an Inter - County - City
them. It is the general feeling
Recreation Committee be set up
are not used as much for community activities as buildings of
this type should be.
Therefore, the committee rec-
Multnomah, Clackamas a n d
Washington counties. The com-
that the schools and playgrounds
That school playgrounds be
used the entire year for recreation. D u r i n g the summer
months, rooms in the school
building should be made available for arts and crafts. Teachers and supervisors should be
available as needed.
That playgrounds and parks
should be large enough to accommodate 200 or more children at day camps. There should
be a ball field or two and space
by the county governments of
mittee should include representatives f r o m the so-called
"bedroom" or metropolitan
fringe areas in these counties.
This committee should be an
advisory committee to the county governments in the matter of
purchasing, setting up recreational areas, and maintaining these areas.
That Government I S 1 a n d,
McGuire Island, Blue Lake, and
a plot of ground on Sauvies
Island be obtained for recre-
ational purposes.
That the city-owned hill behind Meadowland Dairy be de-
veloped as a recreation area.
Health and Nutrition
The committee feels that people
in general are not informed and
are not putting sufficient empha-
sis on the importance of natural
food values in cereals, fruits, and
moved. Twenty-seven states have
laws requiring the enrichment of
flour, requiring the restoration of
those known minerals and vitamins removed during the mill-i
vegetables as produced by nature. ing process. Oregon, however,
In milling white flour many min- does not have such a law.
erals, vitamins, and oils are reUnder present legislation, a
insecticides and fungicides on
human health.
There should be a program
on nutrition a n d mental
federal act known as the Miller
Act prohibits the use of sprays
and dusts not authorized by the
Food and Drug Administration.
The committee feels that people
health for each home econ-
Omics extension unit.
Health courses required by
Oregon state law should
should be conscious of the health
factor involved in promiscuous
spraying or dusting that may be
done by careless or uninformed
stress the basic seven foods,
good eating habits, dental,
eye, and hearing tests, and all
phases of public health and
its value to t h e individual
The committee wished to make
the following recommendations:
More publicity should be
given to the nutritive value
and flavor of home grown
fruits and vegetables.
Through use of such educational facilities as television, radio, newspapers, and
bulletins, the importance of
well being.
There should be more
regulation on movies a n d
plays regarding abundance of
drinking and smoking scenes.
Whenever drink vending
machines are to be installed
in tax-supported schools, they
should contain milk, fruit, or
non-carbonated d r i n k s, in
following instructions in mixing, using, and applying spray
materials and dusts for the
place of carbonated bever-
control of insect pests and diseases should be publicized.
More emphasis should be
given to proper food preparation and cooking as a means
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Berke, Chairmen
Mr. Sid King
home and Community Advisory
and Mrs. Ivan King
of preserving natural food Mr.
Mrs. Berna Olson
All fruits and vegetables Mr. George Covall
should be thoroughly washed
before cooking or using.
Continued emphasis should
Dr. Allen Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Anderson
Mrs. Walter Hossner
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Hoffman
be given to safety measures Mr. Wayne Swaggart
in handling and storing in- Mrs. L. E. Hartwig
secticides and fungicides in Mrs. Carl Hoffman
all forms.
Mrs. Frank Dempsey
Mrs. E. A. Thompson
creased investigation on ad- Mrs. E. P. Townsend
ditives for preserving, color- Mrs. Lowell M. Miller
and Mrs. E. J. Hill
ing, a n d flavoring of food Mr.
H. R. Wyttenberg
Mrs. Claude Miller
There should be continued Miss Emma Lou Webster, Sec.
investigation on the effect of Mrs. Mary Young, Sec.
There should be an in-
4-u' eeJ eommeeeee
Summary of 1946 4-H Report
In 1946, resolutions were passed
were to take an active part in
that each school district should County and State Fairs and also
sponsor a 4-H program, and the attend the Annual Leaders' Conparents and community should ference in Corvallis.
provide leaders for the projects
The following projects were to
requested by the pupils over be included and worked out in
nine years of age.
Leaders of 4-H projects who attended the local leaders' meeting
held the first Wednesday of the
month, were to receive project or
organizational training at the
Whenever p o s s i b 1 e leaders
the 4-H County Program: Crops,
with emphasis on small fruit industry, growing certified potatoes,
and nursery stock; and livestock,
emphasizing poultry and rabbit
projects. Projects on home gardening, food preservation, food
preparation, clothing, and home-
making were to be promoted.
Summary of Accomplishments
A summary of accomplishments
delegations at the Annual Leaders'
resulting from these resolutions Conference, with 29 members atin the past ten years follows. tending. The fairs could not posMultnomah County has 22 school sibly be organized, and exhibits
districts; of these, there are 16 arranged in a manner desirable
very active 4-H districts, two with for public scrutiny, without the
some Club work and four who faithfulness and cooperation of
have not promoted 4-li. The par-
the leaders.
much to be desired, and this phase
variety of sources.
ents and citizens of the 18 disThe club program generally is
tricts have provided leaders for recognized as a constructive youth
the various projects. Parents co- program. Moral and material supoperation has improved, but leaves port comes voluntarily from a
is to be promoted in the next ten
organizations such
years. The home economic units asCommunity
Extension Units,
under the home demonstration Granges, Auxiliaries
of the Ameriagent have provided a number of can Legion, Kiwanis,
Lions, and
4-H project leaders.
Rotary Clubs give real and ma4-H organization and project terial support. Commercial firms,
training has been carried out by Portland General Electric, First
various methods at the local National Bank of Portland, U. S.
leader meetings.
National Bank, Safeway Stores,
This past year Multnomah feed dealers, and local business
County had one of the largest firms, to mention a few, act
substantial sponsors in a variety
of ways. In addition, sponsors of
the National Awards Program
have various awards that carry
jects; in 1956, the enrollment was
1,869, while the members of clubs
increased from 112 to 210.
The 1957 Agri-Business Corn-
through to the county level.
Sears Foundation might be
mentioned as one example of this
large group.
miLtee is made up of the Local
Leaders' Association with Alton
Thompson of Skyline, President.
The Local Leaders' Association is
The project for raising straw- made up of all leaders in 4-H.
berries has drawn some interest, Leaders meet the first Wednesday
night of the month, excepting
but project material and information on certified potatoes and
nursery stock has not been work-
July and August.
The following problems are
ed up. There has been a large those the eommittee expresses as
enrollment in rabbit and poultry
their concern for the coming ten
projects these past years. The years:
food preservation project has had
The lack of parental cooper-
a large enrollment and classes
ation with leaders and lack of
encouragement given to their
children to complete a chosen
project. If a 4-H student is to
give his best effort and receive the best return for carrying out a project, the parents
must cooperate with the leader
at the fairs have been worked out
in the freezing division. The food
preparation project and the simple
sewing projects have been revised
these past two years, enhancing
interest in the programs for the
members and leaders. A new
course in home living has just
been made available for, members; it is a very thorough proj-
and encourage the family member.
The need for projects that
ect which should give a substantial background to any high
are timely and of vocational interest to the teen-age members.
There is a need for drafting and
making workable advance proj-
school girl who plans to marry
shortly after graduation.
ects available to h i g h school
members. This age group has
The increase in population in
the age bracket under 15 years has
increased 75 per cent from 1940
to 1953. The census figure for
July 1, 1940, showed 1,100,000; on
July 1, 1953 it was 1,630,000. This
potential of possible 4-H members
the highest percentage of dropouts, due in part to lack of advanced projects and competition
from other activities. It isdur-
ing the latter part of the 4-H
has shown up in statistical rec-
program that members stand to
ords of the office. In 1946, there
were 1,132 enrolled in 4-H pro-
scholarship and awards.
gain in the way of
Suggested Projects
The following projects for adLivestock: Set up a standard
vanced 4-H members have been
goal to be achieved in raising
dairy and beef animals. At the
Automotive Course: Mainpresent time, the beginning
tenance of a n automobile,
members are with the senior
driver training, and safe drivmembers. The projects begin
ing habits.
Farm Budgets: How to
make correct purchases a n d
keep an adequate record.
Home Budgets: How to
keep correct records of expenditures and savings.
Home Decoration: Advanced course on how to purchase
furniture that goes well with
the decor and setting of the
Commercial Purchasing Of
Merchandise and Clothing: A
co-educational course to teach
young men and women how to
receive the best value for the
money spent on commercially
made items. This could include
ready made clothing, staple
and perishable 1 o o d, and
household equipment. This is
directed toward the member
who is not interested in acquiring specific vocational
and end each year, which is
not an incentive type project
for those who are interested in
raising these animals as a
Communications: Pub 1 i c
speakig, radio, and TV. Op-
portunities for young men and
women to meet the public and
gain skill using these mediums
of communication. Ham radio
projects were of great interest
to the leaders.
Vocational Projects: Projects that would offer to young
men and women who have de-
cided on a vocation an
portunity to learn the skills and
techniques of that vocation
through participation in 4-H
Junior Leadership: A coun-
ty-wide participation in promoting 4-H work and clubs instead
of leading one club, depending
skills or techniques.
43. Firearm Safety: Knowledge
of and safety habits with guns,
on the skill and ability of the
Home Nursitig: A course set
types of guns and their use,
target shooting.
7. Fish and Wildlife: Studies
up for teaching what and how
to take care of minor ailments;
care of family members when
on the conservation of wildlife,
their habits, and the art of
confined to the bed; and the
need for health and nutrition.
Goals for Leaders Individu ally and Cooperatively
hunting and fishing.
2. Promote public relations and
1. Work toward achieving parent cooperation.
Have 4-H signs at city or
town entrance to greet incoming travelers.
H a v e displays, posters,
write-ups, radio and TV programs that will bring the pub-
lic's attention to the value of
4-H work for boys and girls.
3. Create funds to build better
facilities at County and State
Fairs to take care of the growing enrollment in 4-H clubs and
other club activities such as the
FFA and Future Homemakers.
4. At the end of each project the
leaders should summarize their
experiences, problems, and solutions, and send it to the agents
so they can study ways to make
the project better.
Process for Carrying Out: Suggeslions
It was agreed that the district The suggestions that were given
leaders would form committees as goals for the leaders will be
by the Local Leaders'
within their districts to work on discussed
Association and conclusions will
these projects and goals as they be drawn as to how they will be
pertain to their particular area. approached.
4-H Advisory Committee
The 4-H Advisory Committee consisted of the Local Leaders Association whose membership is 191 persons.
Alton Thompson
Mrs. Bob Kerslake
Dale Palmblad
Mrs. C. E. Morris
Mrs. L. 0. Andersen
Mrs. Robert Frank
4-11 District Leaders
Mrs. Wm. Soester
Mrs. N. P. Sather
Mrs. R. E. Townsend
Mrs. R. I. Neibauer
Mrs. E. C. Luce
Mrs. H. R. Poe
Mrs. John Mime
Mrs. W. W. Gowen
Mrs. Alton Thompson
Mrs. F. W. White
Mrs. C. L. Anderson
Mrs. L. 0. Andersen
rs. J. 0. Forsgren
Mrs. J. G. Tuttle
Mrs. F. E. Kasch
Mrs. Earl R. Essy
Mrs. Carl Baker
Mrs. Leo Rech
Mrs. M. H. Allen
Mrs. Robert Bishop
C. C. Miller and Mrs. Mary Young, County Agents and Secretaries
Certified Seed Potato Situation
such as parathion. They have
The situation regarding certifound that they can now grow
fied seed potatoes has changed
their own certified seed potaconsiderably since 1945. Multnotoes successfully.
mah County is no longer in an
Also, increases in freight
advantageous position regarding
rates have worked to the disthe sale of certified seed for the
advantage of local growers.
reasons listed below:
They also have given added
1. While this area has grown
about 500 acres for the past
several years, other areas such
as Klamath Falls, Washington,
California, Idaho, and other
states have increased their
main reason for this is the advent of the newer insecticides
impetus to other areas to grow
their own seed potatoes.
Other areas with large flat
acreage have been able to use
combines for harvesting their
potatoes and, as a result, have
cut their ccsts considerably below those of local people.
Certification Program
non and endrin, should be inWith no forseeable increase in
vestigated for better, longer
demand for certified seed potalasting control of aphids. Durtoes from this area, it is antic!ing the past two years, parapated that the acreage will rethion has not seemed to give
main at about 500 acres per
year, or there may be a slight
decrease. In order to strengthen
certification program, the
committee makes recommendations as follows:
The program of eye indexing
should be revived to make cer-
satisfactory control.
A regular education program
should be carried on in conjunction with the County Agents' office and the Department of
Seed Certification to keep
abreast of any changes in disease control as well as identifi-
tain that we have the best possible stock for growing certified
cation of any new potato di-
seed potatoes.
To aid in disease control and
roguing, it is recommended that
The growers should look into the possibility of earlier
planting and killing down of the
tuber unit planters be used for
all seed plantings.
The use of insecticides other
than parathion, such as diazi-
potatoes in order to void the
late season high aphid infestation which has given so much
seases affecting certification.
Cost of Producing Certified Seed Potatoes
The Committee felt that thereIn order to rectify this, the comhad been no accurate figuring of mittee has itemized their costs of
costs of growing certified seed growing seed as follows:
potatoes in the past several years.
Multnomah County, Oregon
Rent of land
Cover crop
Preparation of land
Fertilizer - 500 pounds per acre
Seed - 10 sacks @J $4.00
Planting and dip
6 times 20 pounds per acre
Killing off
Harvest - 180 sacks per acre
Cold storage
Depreciation on machinery
Storage - 180 sacks
Soil treatment for beetle
Pick-up sacks
Organization expenses - tests, etc
Hidden and miscellaneous items
Cost per sack:
$ 25.00
Sacks and twine
Sorter and electricity
Cert. tags and inspection
The committee recomniends
that users of certified seed potatoes go over their costs carefully to see where under their
own situation they can reduce
factors of certified seed. In view
trade, and that all growers point
of this, the committee recommends that growers pay particular attention to efficient grad-
ing and packaging in small
attractive packages for retail
The committce feels that the
sale of commercial potatoes is
intimately tied in with the cost
toward putting out a premium
pack of uniform quality and
Sales of Certified Seed Potatoes
The committee feels that, under recommends that all growers of
certified seed in the area band
together to form a cooperative
the present situation, there are
too many sellers of potatoes in
ratio to the number of buyers.
sales company. T h i s company
could not only help to stabilize
the market and sell at uniform
ually for the most part, it is diffi- prices, but could also act as an
cult to maintain a price that certi- organization for purchasing all
With ceed growers selling individ-
fied seed merits.
In view of this, the committee
for the certified
Other potato-producing areas
It is understood that a cu-
are cutting their costs considerably by the use of combine har-
cumber picker is in the process
of being developed in the east.
It is recommended that Oregon State College's Department
of Agricultural Engineering
look into the possibility of the
vesting. These combines are used
on land of large, flat acreage.
Equipment adapted to that type
of operation is not suitable for use
in Multnomah County. In this area
the fields are relatively small, the
weed problem in the fall is trou-
use of such equipment for the
cucumber producing area of this
Cauliflower and broccoli harvesting is now a hand operation
and consequently is rather costly. It is felt that there are some
blesome, the vines are relatively
rank, and often there is considerab1e rainfall during harvest.
1. The committee recommends
that the Potato Commission and
Oregon State College work co-
phases of this operation that
operatively to develop a com-
can be mechanized. The com-
area, taking into consideration
the specific problems that have
b e e n mentioned. It is felt
Engineering at Oregon State
mittee recommends that the
bine harvester for use in this
Department of
College look into the feasibility
of the bulk handling of cauli-
that such a machine must be
flower and broccoli in tote
developed if this area is going
to compete successfully in both
seed and commercial potato
boxes similar to polebean production techniques.
Disease and Insect Control
The damage done by disease cides to control them, is one of
and insects in local field crops, the major costs of production. To
together with the application of assist in the cutting of costs from
necessary fungicides and insecti- this standpoint, the committee
plies during this next season
recommends as follows:
Where rhizoctonia of pota-
is becoming more of a
problem, growers should use
the corrosive sublimate dip be-
fore planting.
That the County Agents' office look into the possibility of
insecticides to substitute for
parathion. During the past two
seasons parathion has not given
as good a kill as it should. The
use of diazinon and endrin
should be considered for aphid
control where it is possible to
use it.
The State Department
Agriculture should make a thor-
ough check of parathion sup-
to make certain that the para-
thion being purchased by grow-
ers is of the standard strength
as represented on the label.
That Oregon State College
and the County Agents' office
pay particular attention to the
problems of root rot of beans,
leaf spot of cucumber, and mildew of broccoli and cauliflower.
The committee feels that these
problems are of the utmost importance to this area.
The committee recommends
that Oregon State College advance as rapidly as possible
in the science of leaf testing
for soil deficiencies.
Selling of Processed Vegetables
As the situation now stands,
offs. The growers will be able
each grower of processed vegeto forecast better the probtables works on an independent
lems of production which conbasis with the processors. The
front them annually.
processor is not well versed in
2. Realistic cost of production
the farmer's costs of operation
figures should be worked out so
and the farmer does not have upthat growers have a firm basis
to-date, adequate knowledge of
for making decisions.
the market situation, carry-over
packs, etc., of the processed vegetables.
1. The committee recommends
that, for the good of both grow-
ers and processors, a bargaining committee be organized
with the thought in mind that
through this organization, they
should develop a better planning of crop acreages to stop
over-production and field cut-
Farm Crops Advisory Committee
0. A. Iverson, Chairman
Bill Van Buren, Vice Chairman
Bill Sester
Frank Battaglia
Lloyd Conies
Archie Hall
Art Burns
August Johnson
Ted DeWitte
M. B. McKay
Elmer Larson
Ted Van Doninck
Don Rust
Ned Frandeeri, County Agent and Sec.
3øuieetee 'eftoe
The poultry industry in Muitno-
the times of high prices, unin-
formed people have rushed into
position, primarily because of the the business and have failed as
close metropolitan Portland mar- a result, due to a poor knowledge
ket. The main drawback from an of the business. It is believed that
economic standpoint is the neces- more uninformed people have
sity of purchasing all of the feed failed in the poultry business than
for poultry production. During in any other farming enterprise.
the past 10 years, the number of This is due to the fact that it
laying hens has not changed a takes a relatively short time to
great deal. There are still in get into it, and from outward
it is an easy busiMultnomah County approximately appearances,
operate. Unfortunately,
chickens over three very few people are adapted to
months of age.
the' intense amount of attention
The well - managed poultry that must be paid to detail in the
mah County is in a fairly good
farms have proved
over a period of years. During must have.
Economic Units of Operation
Ten years ago it was felt that every year.
It is extremely doubtful that a
a flock of two thousand hens
would provide adequate income part-time unit can be operated
for one family. At the present, successfully. While it is possible
however, due to the lessening in for a family to supply their own
margin of profit, it is believed meat and eggs when adequate
that a flock of six thousand to ten housing facilities are provided, it
thousand should be maintained. is doubtful that even this type of
As many as possible of the hens an operation will pay on an
must be replaced with pullets economic basis.
Breeds of Chickens
During the war years many of the white leghorns for egg prothe heavier breeds, such as New duction. Research at 0 r e g o n
State College has shown concluHampshire a n d Parmenters, sively that for egg production,'
were raised in preference to white there is no breed that will outleghorns. Since that time, the produce the white leghorns from
shift has been almost entirely to an economic standpoint.
Most successful poultry raisers raise chickens. The range broodare raising their flocks completely ing method and the old movable
in confinement. It is felt that this brooding houses are fast going
is the most economical way to out of use.
Replacement Chicks
Several years ago the practice nual affair with half of the flock
was to replace all of the chickens replaced in February, March, and
once a year in February, March,
or April. More and more the April and the other half about
practice is becoming a semi-an- six months later.
If electric brooding is used,
The full-time poultry opera-
tion should expect to have at
least six thousand to ten thousand hens. Fifty per cent of a
flock should be replaced each
six months to keep a good lay
a stand-by unit should be on
hand because of the icing conditions and possible power failure in this area.
Poultrymen should consider
carefully the possibility of getting markets for poultry manure
if it is dried and presented
properly. It is believed that the
greatest market for this is with
throughout the entire season.
For egg production, only the
various strains of white leghorns should be considered.
For meat production, the New
Hampshire is recommended.
From the ccst standpoint,
anyone entering poultry
the landscape gardeners and
the home hobbyists.
duction should look thoroughly
into the possibility of raising
the hens exclusively in confinement, particularly on expensive
land in Multnomah County.
Poultry Advisory Council Committee
Austin Corlies, Chairman
Robert L. Reed
William E. Eyman
Ned Frandeen, County Agent and Sec.
ta'z4et T/e9eealeed eoud.ee
Marketing of Vegetables
from this type of operation, it is
General Situation
not anticipated that circumstances
The vegetables grown in the will allow it to be revived.
past in this county for shipment
The advent of pre-packaged
out of the area have been mostly vegetables
created a new
cabbage, cauliflower, corn, brus- problem forhas
It is
sel sprouts, broccoli, and r o o t difficult to justify anfarmers.
precrops. For the past few years, packaging operation for a relahowever, the amount of shipments tively small production such as
out of the area has dwindled to our individual farmers have. As
practically nothing. There are a result, the operations now used
varied reasons for this situation,
the farmers incorporate pracand a special committee on the by
all hand work and thus the
marketing of fresh vegetables costs are
high. There
will give a complete report of is also therelatively
of having a
the situation.
steady crew to do the packing that
A fair portion of the soils in is familiar with the grades and
eastern Multnomah County is well quality necessary for a top-rate
suited to the growing of vege- pack.
tables for fresh market producPurchase ofthe necessary
tion. With the increasing populapackages
and supplies in small
tion of Portland, some of the very
best fresh market vegetable land quantities is also a problem. It
is being taken up by residential is anticipated that in the very
near future most everything
grown for fresh market consumpMarketing Situation
tion will be delivered in cartons.
At the present time, fresh ve- It is becoming nearly impossible
getables grown by farmers in this to get crates and boxes at a reaarea are marketed on an indi- sonable price.
and industrial developments.
vidual basis. Each farmer does
The situation as it now exists
on the Portland wholesale maring of supplies.
ket is very unfavorable to the
For the past five or six years, grower. There are about six or
his own sales work and purchas-
the trend away from the early seven buyers in the Portland marmorning farmers' market has in- ket who handle about 90 per cent
creased. The greatest percentage of all produce. This leaves about
of the growers now deliver their 75 or 80 sellers and just a few
on order directly to buyers. What happens is that very
wholesale houses. This has crea- often one farmer is played against
ted the problem of what to do with the other to get the prices down
the early morning market set-up. and, as soon as the lowest price
With the trend definitely away possible is established, the buyproduce
ing begins. Very often produce uniformity of quality and containis delivered to the wholesalers ers as is possible. Lack of uni-
and the farmer does not even formity is one of the reasons
know the price he gets for his given for buying produce outside
produce until he receives the
the area although it is in season
in the Portland area.
There is need for cold storage
check a week or two later.
Because of small producers, the
standards of quality, size, pack- on the farm, but with small operage, etc., are certainly not uni- ations, it is extremely difficult to
form. The wholesalers have ex- justify farm cold storage from an
pressed the wish to have as much economic standpoint.
In view of these circumstances,
this and still avoid high priced
the committee makes the followlabor by having several fairly
ing recommendations:
central locations for packing
sheds on farms. In this way,
That growers with the maseveral farmers could band tojority of acreage band together
to form a sales organization
gether to package and process
cooperative) to handle all of the
sales of fresh market vegetables.
This organization should be
(either a private company or a
formed with the view in mind
of considering the possible use
of central packaging to get a
more uniform grade and standard of quality for the wholesal-
ers. It may be possible to do
their produce for the central
The central selling organization should also standardize car-
ton sizes and containers and
do all the purchasing of contain-
ers, fertilizers, pesticides, etc.,
that can be done to an advantage through t h e central organization.
Market Vegetable Research Problems
The committee feels that fresh
In order to accomplish the
market vegetables have been negnecessary research, an experi1.ected as far as research pertainment station dealing specifically
ing to fertilizer recommendations,
varieties, insect and disease control, irrigation standards, and
new equipment is concerned.
with fresh market vegetable
It is felt that there are many
done with regard to optimum
applications of fertilizers and
the manner of b e s t applying
fields of research that have never
been touched as far as local con-
ditions are concerned. In view
problems should be set up in
this immediate vicinity.
Research work should be
of this, the committee makes the
following recommendations:
It is believed that many of
our trace elements may be in
short supply and research work
should be carried on along these
possibility of the development
for a machine to band fertilizers at planting time for small
Varieties of vegetables par-
seeded vegetables. At the present time, no such equipment is
ticularly adapted to this area
available, and it is felt that
should be investigated and de-
there is a definite need for it.
Along with the land survey,
Disease control, particularly
of our soil diseases, should be
the future possibilities of irriga-
tion for that land must be con-
investigated as soon as possible.
Root rot difficulties with pars-
nips, turnips, rutabagas, radishes, have been plaguing grow-
ers for years and no solution
has been found.
The economics and the best
possible methods of irrigation
should get a thorough study.
The committee strongly recommends a land survey of this
area for future uses of the fresh
m a r k e t vegetable industry.
Land is rapidly being taken up
by industry and housing, and
new land must be used in the
very near future.
The Oregon State College De-
partment of Agricultural Engineering should investigate the
sidered. The committee is
wondering about the possibility
of Columbia River water for
the Corbett area. The economics
and feasibility of this situation
should be investigated.
Fresh Market Vegetables Committee
Kaz Tamura, Chairman
Mario I. Cereghino Allen Sisson
Joseph Cereghino
Joe Casale
Frank Damonte
Erwin Douglas
Andrew Fazio
Louis Garre
Virgil Montecucco
Paul Montecucco
Hajime Okazaki
Andrew Bottaro
Hawley Kato
K. Kinoshita
Henry Kato
Jim Pitton
Aldo Rossi
Richard Bottaro
Arthur Spada
Raymond Bottaro
Kaz Fujii
August Calcagno
Ned Frandeen, County Agent and Sec.
d#td 44eeoc eomueetee
should be produced where the feed
As pointed out in the Land Use
Committee report, the use of land
for agricultural purposes is changing rapidly. There are three areas
most readily available. The
three areas in this county most
suitable for livestock production
are the Sauvies Island area, east
livestock may be carried on. The Multnomah county east of Gresheconomics of these areas is go- am, and, to a limited extent, the
ing to depend on land values, western Skyline area.
feed that can be produced, the
The Dairy and Livestock Comcost of feed that will have to be
have the following recompurchased, and marketing prices.
Generally speaking, livestock mendations:
in the county in which dairy or
The successful beef operator
will need to have an adequate,
cheap irrigation system, or so-
Beef producers, particularly in
this area, are likely to face a very
narrow margin of profit. If beef
enterprises are to be carried on,
there must be available quantities
of forage, particularly in the form
of pasture and silage. The produc-
called sub-irrigated land that will
produce large quantities of forage.
He will need to understand beef
production, including the buying
tion of good quality hay in this
area is likely to be difficult. It is
quite possible that feeder opera-
stock, and economic
management and be able to put
his stock on the market in an adof feeder
tions will be more profitable than
cow and calf operations.
vantageous time.
Swine production is naturally to keep from one to three or four
most profitable where adequate, sows to produce weaner pigs.
cheap feeds are available. This There is a fairly constant demand
weaner pigs to be grown out
county does not produce a sur- for
few farmers and part-time
plus swine feed, except as a part farmers
who have some feed supof the city garbage disposal and ply and wish to produce their own
the disposal from certain fruit and pork. It will be necessary in most
vegetable processing plants.
cases to purchase grain feed to
There is a place for a few farms
finish off.
There are comparatively few some of our diversified farms.
sheep in the county, but there is Sheep will not go with small fruit
a place for a small farm flock on or vegetable farms, but would fit
in some other operations as a crop production. Damage by dogs
is always a factor in sheep pro-
means of cleaning up fence rows,
or utilizing small patches of
ground not suitable for general
Dairy Goats
Several people in the county marketing organization for goats'
have small flocks of dairy goats. milk should be developed.
One of the problems is to meet
The keeping of goats for a famsanitary requirements for milk
milk supply can be a sound
production, but where these coninvestment
where this particular
ditions are met, the price per
is desired or needquart of milk compares very
fencing, goats can
favorably with cows milk. There
it would not
is no general market set up for
dairy goat milk, and if goats are be economically sound to keep a
to be really profitable, a special cow.
tilizer, proper timing of irrigation, the application of proper
amounts of water, and pasture
The committee encourages
the use of soil testing as a place
from which to start better use
management. The establishment
of good pasture grasses, the
spreading of droppings, pr&per
of commercial fertilizers for
pastures and forage production,
in order to increase yields at a
minimum cost of commercial
The committee recommends
continued study of grasses and
other forage plants to determine
timing for t h e application of
barnyard manure, the proper
rotation of grazing clipping; all
are factors for the increase of
production per acre of forage.
their palatability and productivity per acre. The committee
recommends increased use of
On the farms where bulls are
the committee recom-
mends eternal vigilance in se-
silage, pasture, green chop, and
hay as may fit the individual
farm operation, as a means of
lecting bull replatcement as one
means of increasing the aver-
providing more and better for-
age production per cow.
All possible means at the disposal of the dairymen should be
age at cheaper cost for dairy
Where water is available at
used to secure an economic in-
crease in the production per
a reasonable cost, irrigation can
economically increase forage
production, providing g o o d
management is used, including
judicious use of commercial fer-
cow. General handling, palatable feed, production testing,
and many other factors are involved.
Particularly where pipeline
milkers are used, it is next to
may increase net income materially by improving methods of
There is a good possibility
that shavings for use as bedding
may become scarce. Certain
conservation measures may be
applied to conserve bedding and
still accOmplish desired results.
The committee recommends
that beet pulp be used in silage
as a means of saving feed costs
and the producing silage with
greater feed value.
Disease Control
When purchasing replacements, dairymen should check
very carefully on the health of
the herd from which replacements are taken. Things to
check for are mastitis, brucellQsis, tuberculosis, and breeding
The committee recommends
that brucellosis and tuberculosis
testing be continued, and that
dairymen increase and improve
methods of detection, prevention, and control of further herd
difficulties, such as shy breeders, mastitis, foot rot, and other
trouble inherent in the dairy
impossible to have any reasonable idea of the amount an individual cow is producing.
2. The committee recommends
that dairymen raise their own
replacements from D.H.LA-
tested cows showing better than
average production. Where replacements are purchased, they
should be purchased only from
herds with production records.
The price of dairy products
is not likely to increase materially in the next few years. Persons starting in the dairy business should have a sound back-
ground and be located on a
farm where production can be
carried on economically. Feed
cost, including home grown for-
age, should be at below average costs and production per
cow should be above average
The committee urges dairymen to plan, feed, fertilize, and
provide water and bedding supplies on an annual basis rather
than on a month-to-month basis.
1. The committee recommends
support of the Dairy Herd Improvement Association in order
to have records on which to
base culling, to provide a basis
for providing replacement stock,
to check closer on breeding records, and to check generally on
the economic soundness of the
The committee recommends
that producers form, join, and
remain loyal to strong wellmanaged marketing organizations.
The committee recommends
that local producers make every
effort to keep the market supplied with an ample amount of
high quality milk in order to
discourage the necessity or desire to bring in milk from other
areas. In this connection, dairy-
men should work for prices in
line with sound economic pro-
there has always
been a trend to increase the
duction costs, but be careful not
number of cows being milked.
to demand dollar values that
conditions, it is entirely possible
In view of general economic
will make the market attractive
to producers completely outside
this producing area.
The committee recommends
that present well - established
dairymen using up-to-date eco-
nomic methods may fare as
well as many other agricultural
that only Grade A milk and
Dairy and Livestock Committee
Palmblad, Chairman
can trade for ice cream, cotAndrew
H. L. Gustafson.
tage cheese, or powdered milk
Kenneth Innis
for human consumption, and J. W. Adamson Ross
George Cashdollar
that steps be taken to insure Ed Berney
Charles Eckleman
dairymen are paid basic prices C. A. Chapman Wayne Kruckman
William E. Tegart
for all Grade A milk used in Arthur E. Cox
W. H. Fahner
Maurice P. Bliss
this trade.
Otto Kamfer
For a family operation, the Fred Robitsch
Carl Keller
committee recommends that the Dick Vetch
Daryl Lundbom
herd be capable of producing Walter Vockert James Morgan
Jim Reeder
300,000 pounds of milk per year. Frank Windust
Ed Klinski
This could be accomplished by Art Blanc
Omar Spencer, Jr.
having 30 cows producing an
cream be used in the bottle and
average of 10,000 pounds per Ed
J. W. Altman
Allen Townsend
A. R. Hollopeter
cow. It is obvious that low milk Roy Foland
George S. Perkins
producing cows a r e not prof- Christ Schluneggar
itable. During adverse economic W. S. Averill, County Agent and Sec.
4ci4 ?O4umeteee
Present Situation
The small fruits enterprise is tion is being built on the betterdrained land that is most suitable
still a major factor in the
economy of Multnomah County.
to small fruits production. It is
the opinion of the committee that,
Estimated cash receipts to farmers from berry crops have aver-
within the next 10 or 15 years,
aged about 13/4 million dollars per small fruits production will be
in acreage, but will still be
year for several years. In 1954 the down
important factor on the
estimated income from small fruit
small farms.
Small fruits harvest provides income for school children and
production was two million dollars
but this declined in 1956 to approximately $750,000. This sudden
decline is due largely to the
severe freeze damage suffered
others that cannot be found in
most other sections. Many of the
school children from Portland and
November 11 through November surrounding suburban areas de18, 1955. The 1956 harvest con- pend upon the small fruits harvest
sisted primarily of red raspberries to provide them with money for
of the Washington variety. A large clothes, school, recreation, etc.
percentage of the strawberry crop This fact was brought forcibly to
was either severely reduced in our attention in 1956 when the
production or killed. Willamette severe freeze damage reduced the
raspberries were almost all fro- crop.
Direct purchases of materials
zen out as were the Himalaya
blackberries. A few blackberries such as insecticides, fungicides,
of the Evergreen variety were fertilizers, weed control chemiharvested. With favorable prices, cals, machinery, oil and gas, lumthe income from small fruits in ber, and hundreds of other items
1957 should be back up to almost contribute materially to the economy of the county, and particuthe 13/4 million dollar figure.
larly the economy of the small
There is a gradual decline in
available small fruit acreage each towns in the outlying areas.
Strawberries are still the most
year, due to the building of houses
and commercial establishments important small fruit crop followupon land suited for berry pro- ed by raspberries, blackberries,
boysens, logans, etc.
duction. Most of the new construc-
Caneberry Trends
Production and Price
Tame Blackberries
Acreage 1Larvted
Multnomah County
United States*
Production and Price
Production (tons)
Multnomah County
United Statest
Prices paid by Oregon Processors,
Boysen, Young, and Loganberries
Acreage Harvested
Multnomah County
United States
Production (tons)
Multnomah County
United Statest
Prices paid by Oregon Processors,
Raspberries (Black and Red)
Acreage Harvested
Multnomah County
United States
Production (tons)
Multnomah County
United Statest
Prices paid by Oregon Processors,
Red Raspberries
Black Raspberries
Blackberries and Dewberries for the U. S.
Converted from quarts to tons on basis of quart equals 1.5 pounds.
Source: U. S. Census of Agriculture reports, and U.S.D.A.
Compiled by OSC Extension Specialists in Agricultural Economics, February 25,
Multnomah County
18, 200
United States
Future Trends
As the metropolitan Portland consumption of small fruit crops,
area continues to expand into the there Will be little room for exoutlying farming districts, less pansion in the process field. This
and less land will be available will mean that further plantings
for small fruit production. Farms or production must look for a difare tending to become somewhat ferent market than what exists
larger. This, however, is not a today. The fresh market possibilisignificant factor, and is brought ties are tremendous, however.
on by the necessity for those There are many problems inwho are farming to rent or buy volved in shifting a part of the
land in order to enlarge their production to fresh market. To do
this, varieties that are adapted
operations and stay in business.
Declining prices of farm commodities, particularly small fruits,
have been a major problem and
are having a reducing effect upon
the acreage of small fruits in this
county. Unless better prices are
to both fresh market shipment and
processing must be grown. A limited amount of strictly fresh market berries could be handled,
but it would be far safer to use a
combination berry. Some of the
berries which could be handled
conveniently and probably at a
good profit on the fresh market
are r e d raspberries, t h e new
offered, small growers in particu-
lar are going to be forced out of
farming. In present day farming,
it is necessary to cut costs as
much as possible through mechanization. When mechanizing, one
Marion blackberry, and the Ever-
green blackberry. These, in the
opinion of the committee, would
must figure the total overhead be the principal fresh market
and depreciation cost. Since so shipping b e r r i e s. Strawberries
many different pieces of machin- have not been considered as a
ery are necessary in small fruit profitable shipping berry from
and vegetable production, over- this area, due to competition
head costs can become terrific from California and other strawwithin a short period of time. berry shipping areas. Should
Many of the growers today own growers ship fresh berries, it
more equipment than can be justi- would be necessary to change
fied on the basis of their acreage from the Marshall variety to one
or production. However, this that is particularly adapted to
equipment is essential in that it
fresh market shipment as well
as to processing. A few of the
Shasta variety are being grown
at the present time. The Shasta
is one of California's shipping
can replace livestock and, in many
cases, additional hired help which
is not available.
Fresh Market Shipments
berries, but it is doubtful it could
be developed as a substitute variety for a very high percentage of
In the opinion of the committee
and the processors, unless some
radical change takes place in the
our strawberry crop. Frequent-
ly, weather conditions are not fa- sition to fresh market shipment
vorable for strawberry shipping. must be made gradually in order
By the time red raspberries are to overcome some of the major
ready for market, weather condi- problems which face growers to-
day. Since the market has been
mostly to processors, the fresh
market is an unfamiliar area to
both growers and to processors
be fully developed. To insure pro- who must meet the fresh market
duction sufficient for a fresh trade. This type of outlet is looked
market supply, it may be neces- upon by the committee as one
sary to depend upon adjoining which may be slow to develop,
counties for part of the supply. but of necessity must come.
The shipping season could start
Some of the problems which will
tions are more favorable and it
is possible to ship them fresh.
This is an outlet that needs to
in the Canby area, progress north-
be encountered upon changing to
the fresh market outlet would be:
Production problems result-
ward to the Gresham area as the
season advances, and then south-
east to the Sandy - Kelso area.
ing from climatic conditions
This would give a possible 45 days
over which the grower has no
shipping period for red raspberries. Before red raspberry shipment was through, the Marion
Varieties which
are well
adapted to both the processing
and fresh market shipment
blackberry would be in production
in the Canby area. This shipment
could then be followed through
for an additional 45 days. By the
time the Marion blackberry was
need to be developed.
The labor supply, which at
present is used to harvesting for
through in the Kelso-Sandy area,
the Evergreen blackberry would
be coming in again in the Canby
the process market only, must
be trained to pick for the fresh
area. An arrangement like this
would allow growers to ship fresh
attitudes toward
fresh market outlet will cause
the change to this type market
to be slow. Growers as well as
market berries from about June
20 through September 10 to 15. At
the present time, there appears to
be very few fruits of this nature in
fresh market shipment within our
marketing area.
The committee is of the opinion
that the processing trade will continue to remain the major outlet
for most of the berry crops grown
in Multnomah County. The development of fresh outlets would be
supplemental to the processing de-
pickers, haye been trained for a
process trade and a great
change of thinking must occur.
There needs to be better
marketing facilities in order to
handle large quantities of fresh
market berries fast. Through the
development of vacuum cooling
in this area, this major prob-
lem could be solved. Under pres-
ent conditions, it is necessary
mands and would help create a
to bring the berries into the pro-
much more stable economy in the
cessing or cooling plant and
small fruits industry. The tran43
hold them for 18 to 24 hours
growers are to have a supply of
until properly cooled before
harvest labor, arrangements must
be made in the near future for acquainting the city boys and girls
with the problem. In view of this
existing condition, the subcommittee on labor made the following suggestions:
1 o a d i n g them onto a car.
Through the use of vacuum pack
equipment, this cooling process
time could be greatly reduced.
A saving of 40 to 50 hours could
be made as compared to the
present system.
A motion picture in sound
and color should be made for
processors, a n d
pickers alike must learn to recognize the stage of ripeness at
which time the berries need to
be picked for fresh market shipment. This degree of ripeness
will vary according to the type
schoolroom, to PTA groups, and
over television. No particular re-
quality conscious when picking
for the fresh market. They must
set out by the committee except
that they wanted those responsible for making the film to re-
the purpose of recruiting strawberry pickers. This picture
should be made so that it is
suitable for showing in the
of berry being picked.
Growers will need to become
quirements for this film were
member that the purpose is
recognize their obligations to
their marketing agency in time
to provide berries at the specified times, or notify the agency
early enough so that berries can
be obtained from other sources,
When picking for fresh market, grading will necessarily be
done in the field.
for recruiting and not necessari-
ly for training.
The committee feels that, in
order to follow up with a training program after recruitment,
a second film is necessary. In
the second film, several points
should be brought out such as:
the proper clothing to wear;
safety and sanitary regulations;
the best technique or method of
picking to assure the picker efficiency and the opportunity to
make more money; the necessity of good lunches; the need
A few years ago migrant labor
was a significant factor in the
labor supply for berry harvest. To-
day that labor has all but disappeared. Any increase that growers may have in acreage or production, fresh market or processed, will be contingent upon the
labor supply. Today growers are
dependent upon school children
and women for the pickers.
School enrollment is highest in
the history of the county; yet
to rest during the lunch hour;
the farmer's problems in the
growing of the crop; and the
importance of proper harvest
techniques. It might also include the cost of bringing the
berries to t h e harvest stage
with some shots inside the can-
these boys and girls are the farthest removed from the farm prob-
nery showing the results
poor picking, culling, etc. Human interest factors could also
lem that they have ever been. If
structions to them as to what
be included such as after season
picnics, children receiving money for their work, a n d the
spending of that money.
is expected of them and how to
handle their platoons. The third
folder would be for the grower
on how to handle pickers.
4. The committee also suggested that, where practical, training sessions should be held with
platoon leaders for the purpose
of giving them information
3. In order to follow up where
the films leave off, the committee suggests that there be
three folders prepared for distribution before the pickers
enter the field. One of these
which will help them perform
their duties and better acquaint
them with the farmer's prob-
folders would be how to pick
strawberries; another would be
for platoon leaders., giving in-
Problems Related to Production
The subcommittee on produc-County, particularly on Sauvies
tion of small fruits considered the Island and along some of the lowproblems involved from the stand- er land in the slough area.
Soil-borne disease problems
point of economics through indicontinue
to build up each year
vidual production problems. The
and more fields are being innumber one problem in producfected. This results from intensition today in Multnomah County
fied agriculture and short rotais the small farm or unit. In this
kind of a unit, the equipment costs
are so high per acre that it makes
The committee felt that the
producers in general lacked
it almost unprofitable. Taxes are
increasing each year, which helps
knowledge of the soil and its
adaptability to various crops
to reduce the profit. The third
and varieties, and need considerable help with this problem.
One of the major problems
is the lack of good varieties that
will produce over a long period
of time without having to be renewed so often.
The labor supply is becoming
a great problem.
Weeds and weed control is
major production problem is soil
depletion. On small farms where
every acre must be used each
year, it is virtually impossible to
carry on a good
soil building
practice. Depletion is becoming
more and more evident each year
on this type of farm. On many of
the farms, particularly in east and
southeast Multnomah C o u n ty,
there is a tremendous drainage
problem. Some progress is being
made with tile drainage on these
lands, but a great deal of work is
still a major problem in the
drainage problem on some of the
low-lying lands in Multnomah
fruit production.
Use of fertilizers is not well
small fruits industry. Weed con-
trol is probably the most expensive item of any in small
yet to be done. There is also a
understood, and it is doubtful
that they are economically used
in all cases. There is a need
for more detailed study on crop
requirements and soils.
7. In a number of the small
fruits fields, one of the limiting
factors in production has been
the quality plant supply. This
problem has been greatly reduced through the certification
program for strawberries and
the register of merit for red
raspberries. There is still a
need for better supply of blackcaps, blackberries, boysens, logans, etc.
Research Needs
The subcommittee on production recognizes the following as
being areas where additional research is needed:
The temperature, moisture
relationship to fruit bud development in all varieties of small
Correct spacing of rows and
types of fruits.
Fruit rot control on all small
Soil-borne diseases and their
control, particularly verticillium
cane fruit as a possibility to
reduce erosion and build fertility.
Irrigation practices o n
small fruits and how it influenes the growth and production.
More work should be done
on control of mildew of red
raspberries, strawberries and
other cane fruits, particularly
boysens and youngberries.
Symphilids a r e a serious
threat to some of the berry land.
Control measures are temporary
wilt, fusarium root rot, black
and are not working in all in-
root rot comples of strawberries.
Nemotodes, t h e importance
of control and control measures.
work should be continued on
this subject.
Virus diseases and vectors.
Hormone sprays for obtain-
Small Fruits Committee
John Dreyer, Chairman
Carl Lyski, Vice-Chairman
Vern Wasson
Ralph Clinton
Eugene Richards
Robert Dix
Harvey Tofte
Kola Fellman
Elmer Larson
Leon Hubbard
Melvin Gradin
Dick Weed
Archie Hall
L. D. Conies
Edward Hanr,ing
James Gordon
0. A. Iverson
Roy Hensley
Art Strebin
August Johnson
C. H. Stone
Elmer Sturm
Ray Shiiki
Cletus Rupp
Fred Baker
Hawley Kato
ing better fruit size on all va-
regulating chemito increased yields.
Defoliants, that can be used
cals as it may apply
for hardening off plants, particularly red raspberries a n d
Himalaya blackberries.
Physiology of fruit bud formation and the factors influenc-
A. G. Aplan
Art Burns
ing it.
Joe Buckley
Cover of grass sod between J. Fremont Sprowis, County Agent
the rows of strawberries and
and Sec.
Ovame#tta4 eo*tmceee
General Nursery Industry Situation
The nursery business in Mult- detrimental. It is reported that
nomah County is an old one. At ornamental horticultural plants
present, the estimated value is can attain a much larger size in
$7,000,000. The climatic conditions a shorter length of time in this
are extremely favorable. Mult- area than in most any other nursarea. This is an advantage
nomah County is surrounded by ery
the nurserymen can prolow hills which affords a better duce plants
quicker; hence cheapmoisture spread throughout the er.
season. Winter rains are not exMultnomah County, being the
cessive, but late spring rains and
metropolitan county of Oregon, is
the mother of the nursery industry. It is from here that the nurs-
early fall rains afford an ade-
quate supply of moisture to grow
all kinds of nursery crops with- ery industry has spread over the
out irrigation, thus reducing the favorable portions of the state. In
cost of production. The soils in the beginning nursery stock was
Multnomah County are of such limited to that which was hardy,
nature and character that proper which could be field grown, and
soils for most any of the nursery which could be shipped with
crops can found. For those nur- the improvements in shipping
series growing ornamentals that methods and transportations, the
must be balled, suitable soils are nursery crop field has been enavailable. The east winds of the larged. The nursery business since
Columbia River Gorge are usu- its beginning has been a very
ally helpful to the nurserymen specialized business. Only those
in hardening off the plants and who have had thorough training
causing them to become dormant in all phases of nursery crop proin time for fall digging. Occasion- duction are able to survive in busially freezes may occur which are ness.
Present Situation
The steady growth in population costs have increased, price inof Multnomah County is crowding creases have been only moderate.
Growers of nursery stock which
the nursery industry as well as
other farm enterprises. Land is require large areas of land are
becoming higher-priced and hard-
being gradually forced out of the
have continued to climb and
nursery expenditures for labor
and materials have also continued
to increase. While production
tricts for the growing of the stock.
Since these nurserymen have been
established with their warehous-
er to obtain every year. Taxes county and into less populated dis-
ing and markets in the Portland
area for many years, they are the nursery business. A few farmstill maintaing their headquarters
in this county. Portland is the ma
ket outlet for much of the nursery stock grown in the state. The
marketing setup is not apt to
change locations. This will tend
to keep the nursery business close
ers are going into nursery pro-
duction, but usually it is the backyard gardener or part-time farmer who becomes interested. This
has presented a problem to the
whole nursery industry in that
most of these people are not
to the Portland area. Seventy to familiar with nursery culture and
eighty per cent of the entire pro- do not have a r e a d y market.
duction goes to markets outside Some of the smaller growers wh.o
of Oregon. Shipments are made have retail outlets can maintain
as far away as the East Coast. their production and increase it
Expansion should be made accord-
somewhat if their location is faving to market demands. There is vorable and t h e y have some
room for expanding certain kinds sales ability. These growers are
of varieties of plants for markets not going to be forced out of proin other states.
duction nearly as fast as some
Since World War II ended, many of the other type nursery operapeople have attempted to enter tors.
New Trends in the Nursery Jndustry
When talking of new trends in of land needed. By growing in conthe nursery industry, one should tainers, it is also possible to grow
consider each of the nursery from 40,000 to 50,000 plants per
crops separately, but time and acre. When markets are available,
space do not permit this. One of the plants are always ready to
the noticeable popular trends is be marketed according to size
the use of container-grown nurs- and price. The canned nursery
ery stock. Container-grown stock stock can be moved more easily
refers to nursery plants which are through supermarkets and retail
grown in containers from 1 to 5 outlets than can the bare rooted
gallons in size. Some nurseries or balled plants.
are using larger cans or tubs but
The growing of nursery stock
these are primarily a special item. in cans has presented many new
There are several advantages to problems to nurserymen. Among
using container-grown nursery these problems are proper soil
stock, the main one being that mixtures, fertilizers, the need
plants can be transplanted most for constant supervision of waterany time of the year. This increas- ing, machinery to facilitate mixes the marketing season tremen- ing of the soil and potting of the
dously. Not all plants lend them- plants. Growers are also exselves to container growing.
periencing a new economic factor
By growing stock in containers, in growing stock in cans. It is
it is possible to increase produc- now necessary for the money
tion without increasing amount which normally is used for har48
vesting to be put out from 2 to 3
plastics, the storage space need-
tainer growing seems to be here
to stay, as not only nurserymen
in this county and state are doing
well. This fits into the new look
on marketing, and we must continue with it in order to hold our
place in the market.
Mechanization is noticeable on
all fronts in the nursery business.
hand labor as a means of cutting
down operating cost. The nursery
requires specialized labor at certain tirnes of the year, but most
nurserymen cannot employ this
years. ahead of the sales. Con- ed in a nursery operation is re-
it, but those in other states as
Plastics, both for greenhouses and
tremendously, and this
space can be devoted to something
more profitable.
Machinery is fast replacing
type of labor on a year-round
basis. This means that at the
are becoming more a n d periods of peak employment, sufmore popular. Plastics offer many ficient labor is not available.
Chemical weed control is replacadvantages over glass for greenhouse use and over clay pots for ing hand hoeing in many of the
use in the home. The pots can fields. Nurserymen who are growpots,
be used over and over with less
breakage as compared to c 1 a y
pots. They can also be handled
easier. It is advantageous that
they do not lose moisture from
the sides and do not require as
ing in cans are now practicing
soil treatment for the prevention
of diseases and weeds. Some of
the nurserymen are using special
sterilization materials in the field
prior to taking the soil in for potting. Others are sterilizing the soil
close attention as do the clay pots. in the cans or in the storage
Aluminum is also being used in bins. This has reduced the number
many of the greenhouses, particu- of plants last from disease and
larly for trays for bedding plants. has lessened the weeding probThrough the use of aluminum and lem considerably.
scattered locations over the coun-
The growing of holly is be-
coming more popular each year.
Many people, farmers, backyard
gardeners, and city dwellers are
There is a tendency more no-
ticeable each year for holly growers to plant only the better strains,
selections, or varieties. In the
past, many of the plantings have
interested in putting out small
plantings of holly. Many of these
growers are hoping the holly or-
been seedlings which have not
adapted too well for comretirement. It is hard to determine what per cent increase in mercial growing.
Insects and disease are beginplanting of holly has taken place
in the past few years, but it has ning to present more of a probbeen considerable. Many of the lem than in the past. At present,
plantings are small acreages in growers are applying control meachard will provide income after
each year to detect its presence
so growers can be alerted.
Under proper planning and
sures for scale, holly bud moth,
and leaf-roller. The holly leaf
minor was recently detected and
may require special attention in
the future. Phytopthora disease
has been discovered in the coast
counties, but so far has not been
marketing arrangements, holly
could have a good future, but
plantings can be easily overdone.
The market outlets for holly are
a problem in Multnornah County. in the Bastern and Southern states
Close inspection must be made and need to be developed rapidly.
During World War II and im- and iris. Daffodils have been remediately thereafter, the growth duced from a high of about 400
of the bulb industry in Muitno- acres to approximately 47 acres
mah County and the state was in 1957. A number of the gladiolus
rather phenomenal. Much of this growers who normally grow bulbs
growth was the result of the lack in the county still maintain their
of imports from Holland and headquarters here but are growJapan. Growers experienced a ing in adjoining counties. These
very favorable market during this growers' acreage is not figured
time and were able to expand their in the present county acreage.
The future outlook for bulb proacreage considerably. As soon duction
is not bright. Unless someas the war ended, the imports thing happens
to the Dutch imagain began to come from Holland ports, only those growers who are
and Japan and cut into the local mechanized and are able to obtain
market severely. This necessitat- sufficient acreage cheaply enough
ed many growers going out of bulb will be able to survive.
production. At the present time,
At the present time it does not
the Dutch bulb imports have sat- offer any possibility of future exurated the market.
pansion, unless it would be along
Another problem facing the the lines of specialized blub probulb grower is the fast expansion duction for which there is a specof the Portland area into suburban ial and limited market.
The dry bulb market, through
communities. Bulb growers must
have new land quite often and in retail o u t 1 e t s, seems to be
large acreages. This type of land strengthening, but requires many
has about disappeared and a num- different varieties. Growers cater-
ber of t h e growers are being ing to this type of market must
forced to go to other counties to grow according to the demand
obtain suitable soil. High land for the various varieties.
There is need for expanded revalues and high taxes are also
pushing the growers to other search for insect and disease conareas. Major bulbs grown in the trol. Soil-borne diseases are of
c o u ii t y have been narcissus, particular importance. Quaran-
tines are becoming less effective
gladiolus, tulips, lilies, dahlias,
with the rapid movement of
plants. Control has become more
Surveys and pest control meth-
ods are the best avenue of approach to these problems.
The Growing Nursery Industry
The nursery industry can be expected to grow. The growth will
depend upon the ability of those
already established in it to maintain the quality of stocks which
undoubtedly some lines of nursery
stock that can be expanded rapidly. The expansion must always be
kept within the limits of the current markets. Before going into
they have been producing, and the nursery business, one should
to guide the expansion along the investigate thoroughly as to the
lines of market needs. Most of market demands and the 'peculthe expansion can be expected to iarities of growing specific crops.
come through the operation of It normally is much easier to get
those experienced and trained into the nursery business than it
operators who are already estab- is to grow quality plants and
lished in the business. There are have a ready market.
One of the major reasons for the gon State College. Nurserymen
favorable position that it occupies have found out that, by working
today, is the result of the coopera- t o g e t h e r, they are able to
each other and protect
tion among nurserymen, nursery- strengthen
one another from the pitfalls exmen's associations, the State De- perienced where lack of cooperapartment of Agriculture, and Ore- tion prevails.
R. M. Perrin, Chairman Bulbs
Louis Nuffer, Chairman Nursery
Tom Dodd
Harry Carison
John P. Welbes
Marsh Dunkin
Melvin Moller
Wayne McGill
Robert Ellis
Mahion Evans
Robert Larson
Roy Malcom
Ted Schulte
Lawrence Plum
Joe Kluppenger
Dan Schmidt
Melvin Surface
James Sharp
Albert Carlson
Art Suhr
Glen Handy
Mel Wills
M. D. Femrite
A. E. Splawn
Les Hartley
Ben Spears
I. B. Wand
Martin Holmason
Joe Kaphemmer
A. E. Kendall
H. R. Spence
Paul Van Allen
Hans Nelson
Ernie Speybrock
John Weiman
J. F. Sprowls, County Agent and Secretary