Meeting Date: March 2, 2016 MINUTES

Finance, Budget & Planning Committee Meeting
Meeting Date: March 2, 2016
Location: Board Room - 12:00 PM
Committee Members: X = Present, A = Absent
X Odell Moon
Frederick Board
X Henry Young
Justin Gatewood
Tim Isbell
Renny Thoms
Hamid Eydgahi
Steve Garcia
Karen Hardy
Robert Sewell
Maria Soto
Abigail Ledesma
Non-Voting Present: Professor Ed Burg and Shirley Snell-Gonzalez, recorder.
1. Chairman Young called the meeting to order at 12:00 PM.
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes of February 17, 2016: The minutes of the February 17th meeting were presented.
Maria Soto moved to approve the minutes which was seconded by Abigail Ledesma.
ACTION: The motion to approve the February 17th, 2016 meeting minutes passed and were approved.
3. Campus-wide New Hires Start Dates Report: Chairman Young reported having received a report from Trinda
Best, Human Resources Director, regarding the cost of newly hired staff at the end of last year, but there are
no monetary amounts included. He will contact Ms. Best to discuss the report and follow-up at the next
4. Budget Augmentation Sub-Committee (Rubric Changes): Chairman Young stated that the sub-committee
has met twice. The initial meeting involved training for new members and the second involved discussion of
the current rubric in use. A revised rubric will be developed for use this year.
5. Enrollment Management Group: No report at this time.
6. Pledge of Allegiance: Chair Young asked for input from those present as to beginning this meeting with the
Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. Discussion followed as to whether or not to include “Under God”
in the repartee. A motion was made by Ms. Soto with a second from Mr. Isbell to include the pledge at the
beginning of the meeting. There was a second motion from Mr. Isbell, seconded by Professor Burg to include
“under God” in the pledge, as is traditional.
ACTION: A motion to add the Pledge of Allegiance to the beginning of the meeting was made,
seconded. Another motion was made and seconded to include “under God” in the pledge. Both
motions passed.
Additionally, Chairman Young pointed out that the Charge of the committee has been added to the bottom of
the agenda for reference purposes.
Finance, Budget & Planning Committee
March 2, 2016
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7. College Council Info: No report was given.
8. Budget Update: No report was given.
9. Other: Ms. Soto stated that she had a conversation with Director Tashima regarding her augmentation request
being incorrect. It was felt that Director Tashima should address this issue with her Dean. Mr. Isbell asked if
Chairman Young would consider asking for replacements for two CSEA members that have missed several
meetings. Chairman Young stated that he has contact Ms. Kagy (CSEA President) to do so. Mr. Isbell stated
that he recently heard of potential changes to Prop 31, Tax Increase for salaries over $250,000. Professor
Moon asked for an update on the status of Ellucian. Mr. Thoms reported that the process is to be conducted
in stages with two team members on campus for 3 – 6 months, then 3 permanent staff members after that
time. Professor Moon expressed enjoyment with the recent Alumni Hall of Fame Event and suggested all
attend as it is a way of giving back to the district and students. Mr. Isbell reported that new equipment will be
installed in the second floor Student Activities Center as well as in the Health Science Building. P.I.O. Sewell
informed those present of a new billboard on I-15 announcing new construction on campus as well as inviting
contractors to attend a workshop on March 4th. Information is available:
10. Next Scheduled Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for March 16th.
11. Adjournment: A motion was made by Ms. Soto with a second from Professor Moon to adjourn the meeting at
12:50 PM. The motion passed.
Finance, Budget & Planning Committee
March 2, 2016
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