Meeting Date: May 4, 2016 MINUTES

Finance, Budget & Planning Committee Meeting
Meeting Date: May 4, 2016
Location: Board Room - 12:00 PM
Committee Members: X = Present, A = Absent
A Ed Burg
Mark Clair
A Claude Oliver
Jennifer Larriva
A Odell Moon
Tim Isbell
X Henry Young
Renny Thoms
Hamid Eydgahi
Steve Garcia
Karen Hardy
Robert Sewell
Maria Soto
Abigail Ledesma
Non-Voting Present: Kelley Krasney (AFT); Virginia Moran, (Dean); Deedee Orta, (Director); and Shirley
Snell-Gonzalez, (Recorder).
1. Chairman Young called the meeting to order at 12:05 PM. He welcomed all in attendance.
2. Pledge of Allegiance – Henry Young then led the group in the pledge of allegiance to the American Flag.
3. Approval of Meeting Minutes of April 6, 2016: The minutes of the April 6th meeting were presented.
ACTION: A motion to approve the April 6th meeting minutes was made by Dean Eydgahi, seconded
by Ms. Hardy and passed. The minutes were approved.
4. Budget Augmentation Sub-Committee: Professor Young reported that the sub-committee has met and
have prioritized Non-Instructional Program Review (NIPR) and Instructional Program Review (IPR)
requests based on the approved rubric. It is hoped that the process will be complete by the next meeting
with results being presented at that time.
5. AFT Membership: Chairman Young explored the issue of AFT membership and voting on committees. It
is routine that the Faculty Senate appoints members to the committees. He stated that he felt that there
is no reason that there should be no AFT representatives on this committee. With reference to AP 1201,
voting is not specified. Chairman Young will speak with Claude Oliver and Jessica Gibbs, Academic
Senate, to address this issue.
ACTION: Chairman Young will contact Professors Oliver and Gibbs with regard to membership
and voting of AFT members.
Mr. Isbell moved to suspend the orders of the day and move to item #7. Mr. Thoms seconded the motion,
which passed.
7. Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative Discussion – Dean Moran was present to discuss the
Chancellor’s Office’s Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (IEPI), a collaborative effort to assist
colleges in improving their fiscal and operational effectiveness to promote student success. A list of
indicators was developed and adopted by the 112 California colleges. It was suggested that the colleges
set targets and gage their activity toward improvement and proposed a framework of indicators. Ms. Moran
Finance, Budget and Planning Committee
May 4, 2016
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stated that this committee adopt these indicators which include: 1. Fund Balance (Required), 2. Salary and
Benefits (Optional), 3. Annual Operating Excess/(Deficiency) (Optional) and 4. Cash Balance (Optional).
Additionally, Ms. Moran suggested that the members accept the responsibility from the College Council to
be responsible for discussion, analysis and setting recommendations as presented (0f the 4 indicators).
ACTION: A motion was made by H. Eydgahi and seconded by R. Thoms to accept the responsibility
from the College Council to be responsible for discussion, analysis and setting recommendations
as presented (4 indicators, i.e., 1. Fund Balance (Required), 2. Salary and Benefits (Optional), 3.
Annual Operating Excess/ (Deficiency) (Optional) and 4. Cash Balance (Optional). The motion
For reference, Ms. Larriva will forward a copy of the most current summary sheet of the 3-11 report
to the members.
Dean Moran stated that the “homework” will be to read the 3-11 report and review applicable information
to include the summary Jennifer Larriva will be emailing. Ms. Larriva further explained that due to the short
timeframe, (due June 30th) it might be more realistic if the committee adopt item #1, as it is mandatory that
the fund balance information be submitted, and enlist the aid of additional campus staff in the review. This
way, a process to include a timeline can be developed to ensure annual review and acceptance of this
(Additional information with regard to this topic may be found on the Chancellor’s
9. Budget Update: Director Orta stated that there was no budget update at this time.
Mr. Thoms motioned to resume the orders of the day with a second from Mr. Isbell. The motion passed.
6. Two-Year Financial Comparative Report – Director Hardy was asked to provide a report addressing a
financial comparison for the District for the last two years. She prepared the report, but it was not available
for review for this meeting. Ms. Hardy will ensure the document is provided by the next meeting.
8. College Council Info: Do to time constraints, this topic was not discussed.
10. Other: No other business was discussed.
11. Next Scheduled Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for May 18th.
12. Adjournment: A motion was made by Ms. Hardy with a second from Ms. Soto to adjourn the meeting at
1:45 PM. The motion passed.
Finance, Budget and Planning Committee
May 4, 2016
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