Document 13305832

Registration Form
Children’s Nursing
Education Department
Name & Title: ________________________________
Home Address (required*) ________________________
Nurse Review
City/State/Zip: _________________________________
Primary Phone: (___)____________________________
Work Phone (____)_______________________
Unit/Dept (specialty)____________________________
Nsg License #_________________________________
Email: _______________________________________
No Charge for VUMC Employees for both days
___$250 for Non-VUMC Employees for both days
(price includes program manual and CE certificate)
Online registration and payment at: click on Certification
By Check: make payable to Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital
Enclose a check for the registration fee and mail with
application form to:
Josie McDonald
Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt
Nursing Education & Professional Development
3401 West End Avenue, Suite 790
Nashville, TN 37203
Nursing Education and Professional Development
3401 West End Avenue, Suite 790
Nashville, TN 37203
Review Courses on the right, select “CPN Certification Review Course”, and proceed for registration and payment by
clicking “Non-VUMC staff click here to register”.
M a r c h 1 7 th &
1 8 th, 2 0 1 6
Registration begins at 9:15am
M o n r o e C a r e l l J r.
C h i l d r e n ’s H o s p i t a l
a t Va n d e r b i l t
Registration F on
and Informati
CPN Exam Review
begins at 9:15am
Each day includes a one hour lunch (on your own, as well as
breaks throughout the day. The order of lectures presented
and break times may vary according to speaker preference.
Day 1, Thursday, March 17 9:30am to 5:30pm
Certification Overview
Professionalism in Nursing
Overview of Pediatric Patient
Infants & Toddlers
Preschool, School-Age & Adolescents
Test taking techniques
Day 2, Friday, March 18 8:30am to 4:30pm
Infectious Disease
Test Taking Techniques
14.0 Contact Hours
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Department of Nursing
Education and Professional Development is an approved provider of
continuing nursing education by the Tennessee Nurses Association,
an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing
Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Vanderbilt University Medical Center Employees
No charge
Roderic (Rod) Armstrong, MSN, RN, CPN
Non-Vanderbilt University Medical Center Employees
Roderic is a Certified Pediatric Nurse and currently is working as
a Nurse Manager in Pediatric Hematology and Oncology within
the Children’s Hospital. He received his Bachelor of Science in
Nursing and Master of Science in Nursing with a focus in
Education from Tennessee State University. Rod has worked for
the Clinical Staffing Resource Center, the Pediatric Float Pool and
teaches as adjunct clinical faculty for area universities.
Non-VUMC participants may register and pay online at:
Marissa Lemley Brown, MSN, RN, CPN
$250.00 for both days
Price includes Program Manual and CE Certificate
Then click on Certification Review Courses on the right side.
Select “CPN Certification Review Course and the date you
are registering for.
Proceed for registration and payment by clicking “NonVUMC staff click here to register”
Paying By check: Please fill out the form with check made
payable to “Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital”
Please mail form and check to:
Josie McDonald
Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at
Nursing Education &Professional Development
3401 West End Avenue, Suite 790
Nashville, TN 37203
Registration Deadlines
If registering by mail: Monday, March 7, 2016
If registering online: Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Cancellations must be received in writing 7 days before
class start date (Wednesday, March 9) to receive a full
refund. No refunds will be given after March 9.
Course will be held at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital Theater, 2200 Children’s Way, Suite 2210, Nashville, TN
Questions? email Josie McDonald at:
Marissa is a Certified Pediatric Nurse and is currently working as
the Director of Nursing Education and Professional Development
within the Children’s Hospital. Marissa received her nursing degree from Aquinas College and her Masters of Science in Nursing
Education from The University of Phoenix. Marissa has worked for
the Infant, Toddler, School Age Medicine and Pediatric Epilepsy
Monitoring Unit and teaches as adjunct clinical faculty for area
Brandi Meacham, MSN, RN, CPN
Brandi is a Certified Pediatric Nurse and currently is a Clinical
Nurse Educator for the Children’s Hospital Nursing Education
Department. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from
Murray State University, and her Master of Science in Nursing
within the specialty in Nursing Education from Tennessee State
University. Brandi worked as a staff nurse and charge nurse in
infant, toddler, school-age medicine and epilepsy monitoring
Janice (Jan) Malone, MSN, RN, CPN
Janice is a Certified Pediatric Nurse and currently is a Clinical
Nurse Educator for the Children’s Hospital Nursing Education
Department. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from
the Belmont, and her Masters of Science in Nursing within the
specialty in Nursing Education from Aquinas College. Jan has
worked as a staff nurse and charge nurse on the infant and adolescent surgery, adolescent trauma, and adolescent medicine
Vanderbilt Nursing Education reserves the right to substitute an equally
qualified speaker if necessary.