ADDENDUM NO. 1 Charlotte Douglas International Airport RFQ West Ramp Expansion Phase 2 Geotechnical and Materials Testing Addendum #1 Dated February 10, 2016 This Addendum is hereby made a part of the contract documents and specifications of the above referenced project. All other requirements of the original plans and specification shall remain in effect in their respective order. Acknowledge receipt of this addendum by inserting its number and date on the cover page of your proposal. The following question was received and answered. Q. Does CLT intend for this DBE participation to be fulfilled by firms that are DBE certified by NCDOT and M/W/SBE certified by the city, or will a firm that is a DBE with NCDOT fulfill the requirements? A. This project will not be subject to the City of Charlotte’s CBI (Charlotte Business INClusion) Program. With regard to the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program, eligible firms must be certified as a DBE firm through the NCDOT. Q. We would like to make sure we are clear on the intended scope relative to the geotechnical work. We understand that the scope is to include construction related geotechnical testing (i.e. density testing of soil, subgrade evaluations, etc.). Will the scope also include geotechnical drilling evaluations or similar exploratory work? A. No, we already done the drilling work. This will be just for materials testing. Q. Regarding West Ramp. Just want to clarify that 25 pages means 25 sheets of paper with print on both sides. Equivalent to 50 pages of text, correct? A. Max number of pages is 25; you are allowed to use both sides of the paper, which will be equivalent to 50 pages of text. End of Addendum.