School Safety Tips Bullies Signs of Being Bullied Of course, bumps and bruises are telltale signs your child has been physically bullied, but you can watch for other less obvious hints, too: Inventing mysterious illnesses to avoid school (for example, stomachaches, headaches, etc.) Missing belongings or money Sleeping problems Bedwetting ( Irritability Poor concentration Unexpected changes in routine Problems with schoolwork How to Deal With a Bullied Child Be a good listener and let the child know you care Don’t let the child know you are angry. This can be misinterpreted as disappointment. Reassure the child that they are not the one to blame for what is happening. Explain that bullies are often confused and unhappy people with self-esteem issues. Also consider asking your child thoughtful questions, such as: What's it like walking to the bus stop or home from school? What's it like on the bus ride to and from school? What happens on the playground during recess or before or after school? What happens in the hallways at school or during lunchtime? Have any bullies in the neighborhood or at school threatened anyone you know? Do some kids you know get emails, instant messages, or text messages that are upsetting, threatening, or insulting? Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department - Crime Prevention 601 East Trade Street Charlotte, NC 28202 For more information, visit or call us at 704.336.2310 To help ward off bullies, give your child these tips: Hold their anger and not get upset while the bully is present. This will show confidence and possibly deter the bully. Never get physical or bully back. Let the child know they are better than that. Act brave, walk away, and ignore the bully. Use humor. Make light of the situation to throw the bully off. However, don’t make the mistake of making the bully believe you are making fun of him/her. Tell an adult. Talk about it. Use the buddy system. There is strength in numbers. Develop more friendships by joining social organizations, clubs, or sports programs. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department - Crime Prevention 601 East Trade Street Charlotte, NC 28202 For more information, visit or call us at 704.336.2310