TTIT07 Discrete Structures LABORATORY EXERCISE 2 in Discrete Mathematics and Logic Ulf Nilsson 2000-10-16 The objective of this lab is to deepen your understanding of logic and how to use logic to model simple switching circuits and to verify properties of the circuits. We will use a system called Sat which is implemented in SICStus Prolog. Below you will find an introduction on how to get started with Sat. The actual lab exercises (two of them) are then described. You should read all of this before coming to the laboratory classes. You may solve this exercises in pairs or in groups of three, but each group must come up with its own solution. To pass this lab you have to demonstrate your solutions for the teaching assistant during the labs, or hand in your solutions on paper. Solutions will not be accepted after the 2nd of November. 1 The Syntax of Sat Sat is a tool that checks the satisfiability of a propositional logic formula (and Boolean expressions). The syntax of Sat is based on propositional logic, extended with a simple form of definitions. The most primitive type of expression is the propositional constants, 0 and 1, representing falsity and truth, and the propositional variable. The propositional variables, Var, are alphanumeric identifiers starting with an uppercase letter. E.g. X, X1 and Xs (just like variables in Prolog). Using variables and the standard connectives we may construct compound formulas; negations, conjunctions, disjunctions, implications and equivalences. The syntax of formulas (Formula) is summarized in the following, so-called, 1 context-free grammar:1 Formula ::= j j j j j 0 j 1 j Var not(Formula) and(Formula,Formula) or(Formula,Formula) implies(Formula,Formula) eq(Formula,Formula) Formulas can also be written in infix and prefix notation; that is, instead of writing e.g. “and(A,B)” or “not(A)” it is possible to write also “A and B” and “not A”. Negation binds harder than the other connectives, followed by conjunction/disjunction and finally implication/equivalence. That is, “not A and B implies C” really means “implies(and(not(A),B),C)”. In case of e.g. nested conjunctions and disjunctions it is best to use parantheses to disambiguate formulas. As explained above Sat takes a formula and checks if the formula is satisfiable. That is, if there is a valuation where the formula is true. If we, for instance, give the system the formula implies(A,not(B)) the system computes all valuations that satisfy the formula. In our case there are three valuations that satisfy the formula: SAT?- implies(A,not(B)). [A=0,B=0] [A=1,B=0] [A=0,B=1] SAT?(Here SAT?- is the system prompt.) If we give an unsatisfiable formula, such as and(A,not(A)), the system will be unable to find a valuation that satisfies the formula: SAT?- and(A,not(A)). SAT?Note that the formulas must be terminated by a period (just like in Prolog). Sat can be used to model and reason about switching/combinatorial circuits. Consider the 2-to-1 multiplexer in Figure 1. The circuit describes a relation between the inputs A; B; C and the output D. This relation can be inspected by checking the valuations that satisfy the following formula: SAT?- eq(D,or(and(A,C),and(B,not(C)))). [A=0,B=0,C=0,D=0] 1 A context-free grammar is a collection of rules of the form L ::= R. Rules with the same lefthand-side are usually grouped together as L ::= R1 j : : : jRn . A rule L ::= R is saying that R is one way of constructing an expression of type L. Hence, the first rule is saying that the propositional constants and the propositional variables are formulas. The second rule is saying that if we have a formula, say F , then not(F ) is also a formula, etc. 2 A & B 1 & D C Figure 1: A 2-to-1-mux [A=0,B=0,C=1,D=0] [A=0,B=1,C=0,D=1] [A=0,B=1,C=1,D=0] [A=1,B=0,C=0,D=0] [A=1,B=0,C=1,D=1] [A=1,B=1,C=0,D=1] [A=1,B=1,C=1,D=1] SAT?We see that when C = 1 then A = D, and when C = 0 then B = D; which is what we expect from a 2-to-1 multiplexer. As pointed out above we may use Sat to describe the relation between inputs and output(s) of a switching circuit. We may also give a name to such a relation in an external file. This is called a definition. The general form of a definition is the following: Def Rel ::= ::= Rel := Formula id(Var,...,Var) Here id is the name of the relation being defined. The name must be an alphanumeric identifier starting with a lowercase letter. We may for example write the following definition: mux(A,B,C,D) := eq(D,or(and(A,C),and(B,not(C)))). Given such a definition we may write the left-hand-side of the definition instead of the (usually longer) right-hand-side. SAT?- mux(A,B,C,D). [A=0,B=0,C=0,D=0] [A=0,B=0,C=1,D=0] [A=0,B=1,C=0,D=1] [A=0,B=1,C=1,D=0] [A=1,B=0,C=0,D=0] [A=1,B=0,C=1,D=1] [A=1,B=1,C=0,D=1] [A=1,B=1,C=1,D=1] 3 We may also mix definitions with standard formulas (here infix notation is used): SAT?- mux(A,B,C,D) and C. [A=0,B=0,C=1,D=0] [A=0,B=1,C=1,D=0] [A=1,B=0,C=1,D=1] [A=1,B=1,C=1,D=1] Definitions provide a means of modularization and abstraction. They make it possible to assign a name to a certain well-defined relation. The relation can then be reused. For instance, if we want to define a 4-to-1 multiplexer we may use the existing 2-to-1 multiplexer as shown in Figure 2. In Sat this can be A MUX B C MUX MUX G D F E Figure 2: A 4-to-1-mux expressed with the following definition (again using infix notation): bigmux(A,B,C,D,E,F,G) := mux(A,B,E,T1) and mux(C,D,E,T2) and mux(T1,T2,F,G). Our definition states that a certain relation (bigmux) holds between the boolean variables when the “mux-relation” holds three times on different combinations of the variables, corresponding to how they are inter-connected. Note that the internal connections are represented by the “temporary” variables T1 and T2. 2 Using Sat Sat is a program running on top of SICStus Prolog, and the user environment is quite similar. In order to run Sat you must first load the Sat module mir-61% module add /home/TTIT07/modulefiles/sat To remove the module you should use the command mir-62% module rm sat 4 Note that it is necessary to remove the module in case you want to run SICStus Prolog. You may run Sat either from the shell or from within emacs (recommended). To start Sat from a shell you give the command sat: mir-65% sat {restoring /home/TTIT07/bin/sat...} {/home/TTIT07/bin/sat restored in 10 msec 132064 bytes} Sat V1.0, (c) 2000 Ulf Nilsson SAT?You can now check the satisfiability of formulas. Note that the formula must be terminated by a period: SAT?- A and not B. [A=1,B=0] SAT?Also note that definitions (if you use them) must be defined in a text file and loaded into Sat. It is not possible to definie a relation directly. of course, once a definition has been loaded it can be used in expressions. Assume that we have defined a multiplexer in a text file named % File mux(A,B,C,D) := D eq (A and C) or (B and not C). The file can be loaded into the system e.g. by writing: SAT?- [mux]. {consulting} {consulted in module user, 15 msec -80 bytes} SAT?Once loaded you may use the definitions in formulas: SAT?- mux(1,0,1,D). [D=1] SAT?To list the definitions currently loaded into the system, write: SAT?- listing. mux(A,B,C,D):=D eq(A and C)or B and not C. SAT?To quit from the system write: SAT?- halt. You may also interact with Sat through emacs in the same way as with SICStus Prolog. That is, start emacs, edit the file, and then load the file into Sat using the emacs menues. 5 3 Analysis of Circuits As discussed above Sat checks the satisfiability of propositional formulas. This can be used both to test switching circuits and, more generally, to prove properties of circuits. Testing basically amounts to inspecting the valuations that satisfy a circuit. For instance, an exhaustive test of the 2-to-1 mux is given below: SAT?- eq(D,or(and(A,C),and(B,not(C)))). [A=0,B=0,C=0,D=0] [A=0,B=0,C=1,D=0] [A=0,B=1,C=0,D=1] [A=0,B=1,C=1,D=0] [A=1,B=0,C=0,D=0] [A=1,B=0,C=1,D=1] [A=1,B=1,C=0,D=1] [A=1,B=1,C=1,D=1] SAT?There are 8 cases corresponding to the 8 possible inputs to the circuit. We see that if C = 1 then A = D, and if C = 0 then B = D, as expected. It is also possible to test individual test cases. For instance, to see what may happen when A = C = 1 we may write: SAT?- mux(A,B,C,D) and A and C. [A=1,B=0,C=1,D=1] [A=1,B=1,C=1,D=1] SAT?Or simply: SAT?- mux(1,B,1,D). [B=0,D=1] [B=1,D=1] SAT?More generally we may prove that a certain design has a certain property by proving that the property is a logical consequence of the design. However, proving logical consequence is not directly supported by Sat. On the other hand we can use the following well-known theorem: F j= G iff F ^ :G is unsatisfiable. That is, if we want to prove that if C = 1 then D satisfiability of the following formula: = A we may check instead the SAT?- mux(A,B,C,D) and not (C implies (D eq A)). SAT?The formula is not satisfiable, and therefore we know that the property is a logical consequence of the design. 6 4 Problem 1: An XOR-Gate In this first exercise we will design an XOR-gate using MOS-technology2 and then verify that it actually is an XOR-gate. The basic building blocks in this case are MOS-transistors of which there are two kinds: N-switch and P-switch MOS transistors. A MOS-transistor defines a relation between three Boolean connectors called gate (G), source (S) and drain (D), see Figure 3. The gate acts source source gate gate drain drain Figure 3: N-switch and P-switch MOS as a switch. In case of an N-switch MOS transistor the gate short-circuits the source and the drain when the gate is 1. In the case of a P-switch MOS the gate short-circuits the source and drain when the gate is 0. That is, logically we have the following relationships: ! (D $ S ) : G ! (D $ S ) N-switch MOS P-switch MOS G Figure 4 describes the design of an XOR-gate with inputs X , Y and the output Z 0 W Y 1 X Figure 4: Design of XOR-gate 2 Metal Oxide Semiconductor. 7 . Prove (without testing) that the design indeed implements an XOR-gate. That is, formulate what is expected from an XOR-gate and prove using Sat that this is a logical consequence of the design. Z 5 Problem 2: A Full Adder A half adder is a switching circuit for adding binary numbers. It has two inputs A and B , and two outputs C and D . The output D should be be the sum of the two inputs, but since the sum may be either 0, 1 or 2, we need an additional bit C (carry) to take care of the overflow. The expected relation between A; B; C; D is as follows: A 0 0 1 1 B C 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 D 0 1 1 0 One possible implementation of this is the switching circuit in Figure 5. A 1 & B D & C Figure 5: Design of half-adder If we want to build an adder to sum binary numbers consisting of more than one bit, we need as input not only the two numbers to add (A and B ), but also the carry C1 from the less significant positions of the number. However, we still need only two outputs: the sum D and the carry C2 required when adding the more significant bits. Such a circuit is called a full adder. One way of implementing a full adder is to use two half adders as shown in Figure 6. Prove (without testing) the following properties of the full adder using Sat: The output C2 is 1 iff at least two of A; B; C1 are 1. The output D is 1 iff an odd number of A; B; C1 are 1. 8 C1 D H.A. 1 A B H.A. Figure 6: Design of a full adder 9 C2