TO BE PRINTED ON HOSPITAL HEADED PAPER Dear Mammo 50 Invitation We are recruiting at the [INSERT HOSPITAL NAME] into an NHS research trial called Mammo-50. This is to look at how often women over the age of 50 should be offered mammograms after surgery for early breast cancer. Your history may make you eligible for this study. Optional additional parts include a questionnaire to assess how you are and what impact breast cancer has had on your quality of life. There is also an opportunity to take part in a study interview to discuss your experiences in greater detail. The trial allows us to collect information from you and from a National database. However, we must emphasise that any information we collect about you will only be used for the trial and will never be passed to any other organisation. We will record data over a maximum 7-year period whilst you are on the study. At the end of the trial you will continue with mammography as advised by your local specialist, who will be aware of the recommendations of this study, and with your permission we will track your long-term progress. Please find enclosed an information sheet that tells you all about the study. If you are interested in taking part, you need to contact myself or another member of the Breast Research Nursing team on [INSERT site LOCAL PHONE NUMBER]. We will check with you that all your details are correct and ensure you are still eligible for this study. We will be your contact for the study and will co-ordinate your screening if you agree to participate. [INSERT NAME AND TITLE of PI at site], is the Principal Investigator and will be responsible for any clinical questions related to the trial that you may have. If you decide to participate, you will need to sign a consent form for this study. A member of the Breast research team will discuss the study with you before you sign your consent form. I would stress that participation in this study is voluntary. In addition, if you take part, you can leave the study at any stage and this will have no effect on your further NHS clinical management. Please do not hesitate to contact me/the breast research nurses if you require more information or are interested in the study. Yours sincerely, <Signature> <Contact Number> Patient Invitation Letter v1.0 12.02.14