Here are three golf-related questionnaires developed by student groups in... Two of these questionnaires directly deal with PGM students, and... Sample Golf-Related Questionnaires Slide 1

Sample Golf-Related Questionnaires
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Here are three golf-related questionnaires developed by student groups in previous semesters.
Two of these questionnaires directly deal with PGM students, and the samples that were drawn
were of PGA students during their monthly meetings.
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The three questionnaires were created with a word processor; in this case, Word Perfect.
There’s nothing to preclude the use of MS Word for creating questionnaires, and I recommend
that you use one of those two word processors if you’re required to complete a research project
for MKTG 310.
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Notice several things about these questionnaires. Although questionnaire design is a skill, it’s
also a bit of an art, and these questionnaires reflect my personal preferences for questionnaire
The first questionnaire begins with a brief introduction with certain types of basic information,
including contact information for the research coordinator (me) should a participant have any
questions about the survey. Notice the instructions are highlighted, both in terms of placement
in a shaded box and being boldfaced and in all caps. Although a subsequent lecture indicates
that instructions should be included with each question (or related question set) rather than at
the beginning of a questionnaire, all the questionnaire items are short and the instructions for
responding to them are consistent, so this rule was bent. In addition, the instructions merely tell
respondents to circle the number adjacent to the choice that most reflects their opinion. Also
notice that the numbers, related to the choices, are to the right of the choices and that they are
preceded by ellipses (the little dots). I have a strong preference for pre-coded questionnaires of
this type because they are the easiest for data entry purposes.
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Notice that the choices are mutually exclusive and exhaustive; exhaustive in the sense that all
possible answers are represented, and mutually exclusive in the sense that each answer
precludes all other answers.
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Notice the questionnaire closes with a ‘thank you’ and also the option for respondents to
indicate their name and phone number. This optional information allows the possibility for the
researcher to verify that the data was collected properly, if a personal interview approach is
used, rather than fabricated by the interviewer. However, it’s best that respondents believe their
responses are anonymous, so I recommend that you omit this request from your questionnaires.
Limited verification remains possible without tying respondents to a specific set of responses.
Slide 6 (No Audio)
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This second questionnaire is a bit more sophisticated in its formatting. Notice that boxes are
used at the bottom of the page for attitudinal items such as “I am satisfied with the playing
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conditions.” Notice that each of the numbers, 1 through 5, is explained above so that
respondents will know that a 1 equals ‘I strongly disagree with this statement’, a 2 equals ‘I
somewhat disagree with this statement’, et cetera. To improve response quality, it’s best to
provide respondents with more than mere anchors/endpoints for the scales. Although the table
only indicates the endpoints, respondents will know what’s meant by each of the five numbers
because they’re explained in the instructions above.
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Notice that there was an attempt to emphasize the skip patterns, at the very top of the page;
someone who answered ‘no’ to question #3 should skip immediately to question #7. This
questionnaire was created with a black-and-white printer and probably more than five years
ago, so the way the skip pattern is highlighted might be a bit primitive from a typographical
standpoint, yet something like it is worthwhile. It’s important that respondents recognize that
certain answers to certain questions preclude their responding to other questions. Notice toward
the bottom of the page that there’s some effort to maintain a dialogue with respondents,
especially when it involves answers to personal questions. Hence, the box with the verbiage
“Finally, we need to ask you for a few personal questions to help to group you with similar
Slide 9 to Slide 11 (No Audio)
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Notice that the last question—#13—asks respondents to rank six things from 1 to 6. As I
mentioned in the measurement lectures, I discourage collecting rank-order data when other
readily designed scales permit collecting intervally scaled data. Nonetheless, here’s an example
of a rank-order scale. If you ever use rank-order scales, limit the items ranked to six or fewer.
With more than six items, respondents will be unable to provide meaningful answers, so the
data is hardly worth collecting.
Slide 13
Here you see the use of a ‘7’ as opposed to a ‘5’ point scale for measuring levels of agreement.
To get a range of responses, I recommend that you rely on 7 as opposed to 5 point scales.
Remember, no fewer than 4 points and no more than 9 points is the rule of thumb for attitude
Slide 14
Finally, note that all three questionnaires are professional in appearance. Anything that
reinforces professionalism and that the answers provided will be used in a meaningful fashion
will encourage respondents to answer as fully and as honestly as possible. As soon as
respondents believe that they are wasting their time, they’ll stop answering.
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