Biography Russell Southwood is the Chief Executive, Balancing Act, a consultancy... research company specialising in telecoms, Internet and broadcasting in

Russell Southwood is the Chief Executive, Balancing Act, a consultancy and
research company specialising in telecoms, Internet and broadcasting in
Africa. His consultancy work has included: an assessment of two different
sectors in the TV market in Africa; an assessment of the transition to digital
broadcasting in over 20 African countries; an appraisal of an investment in a
wireless broadband operator; and a study on Open Access models for
infoDev. He is the author of Balancing Act’s Briefing Paper The Digital
Transition – Changing how broadcast functions. He is about to start a study
for the Open Society Institute with a research team looking at cost-effective
ways of digital migration in Africa and identifying what the “public interest”
issues are to be addressed in making the transition.