REIT Splits and Dividend Changes: Tests of Signaling and Information Substitutability QIANG LI Center for Urban Economics and Real Estate, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, 2053 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2, Canada Email: HUA SUN Center for Urban Economics and Real Estate, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, 2053 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2, Canada Email: SEOW ENG ONG Department of Real Estate, School of Design and Environment, National University of Singapore, Singapore Email: Abstract Recent work on stock splits have attempted to relate the information value associated with splits with that from dividends signaling. This paper extends this genre of research by evaluating the issue of dividend predictability using REIT data where the self- selection issue associated with dividend payment is minimized. The use of REIT data also eliminates the “differential expectations” effect for non-dividend paying firms, thus rendering a more robust test of the information substitutability hypothesis postulated by Nayak and Prabhala (2001). To the extent that stock splits are signals of future cash flows, we further examine the question of leverage predictability associated with REIT splits, particularly for highly levered firms. We find that REITs that use dividend changes as a signaling mechanism prior to splits have smaller price responses to the private information revealed by splits than those that do not provide such signals, consistent with the notion that dividends and splits are indeed information substitutes. Further, REIT splits provide useful information about future dividend and leverage changes. Key Words: REIT split, dividend, leverage, signaling, conditional event study 1. Introduction Although stock splits and stock cash dividends are regular occurrences in the stock market, the academic community has yet to reach a consensus understanding about these events. Many theoretical and empirical attempts, for instance, have been made to explain for the positive abnormal returns associated with stock splits. Dividend policy is a fundamental topic in corporate finance, yet considerable debate has evolved around the information value associated with dividend changes. Two lines of research exist in the stock split literature. The first focuses on management motives such as a desire to guide stock price to an optimal trading range when the price is too low or too high (Lakonishok and Lev, 1987), to draw “attention” to a stock (Grinblatt, Masulis, and Titman, 1984) or to signal information to the market (Brennan and Copeland, 1988). These explanations are consistent with the existence of positive excess returns around split (McNichols and Dravid, 1990). The second line of enquiry hypothesizes that positive announcement-date abnormal returns observed for stock splits are due to liquidity change or volatility change following splits (Lamoureux and Poon, 1987; Lakonishok and Lev, 1987). Regardless of the hypotheses, the consensus is that there are short-run abnormal returns associated with stock splits. The long-run price effect of splits, however, is mixed. Byun and Rozeff (2003) find no positive long-run abnormal returns following splits using calendar-time methodology proposed by Mitchell and Stafford (1998) and view the results as support for the market-efficiency hypothesis. In contrast, Ikenberry and Ramnath (2002) find positive and statistically significant longrun abnormal returns using a different methodology and explain the results as support for systematic market under-reaction. The literature on dividend policy is similarly divided. The idea that dividend changes convey information is not new. Miller and Modigliani (1961) suggest that dividends provide information about a firm’s future cash flow when markets are incomplete. Bhattacharya (1979), Miller and Rock (1985), John and Williams (1985), among others, postulate theories based on the notion of asymmetric information. In their theories, dividend changes are explicit signals about future earnings and they act as a mechanism for management to convey information. Empirical tests yield mixed results. Healy and Palepu (1988) and Aharony and Dotan (1994) support these theories, the former analyzing dividend initiations and omissions and the latter investigating dividend changes. However, recent work by DeAngelo, DeAngelo and Skinner (1996) and Benartzi, Michaely and Thaler (1997) do not support the signaling hypothesis. In contrast, relatively few researches relate stock splits and dividends. Fama, Fisher, Jensen, and Roll (1969) point out that positive returns associated with split announcements are actually due to concurrent and future dividend increases. An extensive study by Grinblatt, Masulis and Titman (1984) document that dividend-paying firms have smaller price reaction to split announcement than non-dividend payers do. This stylized fact is further examined by Nayak and Prabhala (2001) in a conditional event-study framework. Their work supports the notion that dividend and split are information substitutes. They also propose a method for separating the dividend effect from other unspecified effects using a split sample that has simultaneous dividend announcement. Campbell (1991) provides an explanation for the relation among realized abnormal returns, expected future dividends, and expected future returns, which is in line with the intuitions behind Fama, Fisher, Jensen, and Roll (1969) and Nayak and Prabhala (2001). Campbell uses a loglinear approximation to demonstrate that an increase in expected future dividends is associated with a positive abnormal return today, while an increase in expected future returns is associated with a negative abnormal return today. Put differently, the positive split abnormal returns found in previous literature can be attributed to two sources: changes in expected future dividends and changes in expected future returns. In this regard, the “other effects” left unspecified by Nayak and Prabhala (2001) could be factors that influence expectation of future returns. We postulate leverage to be a natural candidate for the “other effects” that may influence expected future returns. To the extent that a split is a signal of prospects of favorable cash flows (Nayak and Prabhala, 2001), such cash flows can be deployed for debt reduction. Conditional on a higher expected future cash flow, the trade-off theory of capital structure predicts that a “highly” leveraged firm will pay off its outstanding debt to decrease its leverage ratio to reduce the probability of bankruptcy. In contrast, the tradeoff theory has no clear-cut answer for the direction of leverage ratios for firms that have relatively smaller amount of debt. Given that the gearing REITs tends to be high, we expect the split decision to be negatively correlated, on average, with future leverage changes. A change in capital structure through de-leveraging will in effect decrease the risk premium or expected return of a particular split stock. This, in turn, results in a positive announcement effect following the mechanism in Campbell (1991). Our hypothesis here is that if split signals changes in future leverage, then the market will react by pricing upwards the split security accordingly. In this paper, we relate split and dividend decisions in the context of REIT stocks. REITs are interesting in that they are required to pay out at least 90 or 95 percent of their earnings in the form of dividends in order to qualify for tax-exempt status.1 This is in contrast to general stocks, among which there are many that do not pay dividend at all. A number of studies have documented the special features of REIT dividend. Bradley, Capozza, and Seguin (1998) relate to the dividend signaling literature by analyzing the relation between dividend policy and firms’ cash flow uncertainty. Kallberg, Liu and Srinivasan (2003) examine dividend pricing models for the aggregate REIT index. By contrast, our work focuses on this dividend pricing relation on individual securities in an event-study context. A recent paper by Hardin, Liano, and Huang (2005) analyzes REIT split to test the market efficiency hypothesis, providing the first comprehensive short-run and long-run event study for REIT split. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no existing paper that relates REIT dividends with REIT splits. REITs also provide an interesting case study in capital structure. 2 The existence of leverage in REITs is not attributable to tax reasons since there is no tax advantage. Further, the high REIT dividend payout requirements should mitigate the pecking order hypothesis. Brown and Riddiough (2003) suggest that REIT issues debt in order to target long-run debt ratios to maintain investment-grade credit rating. Another issue we address in this paper is the problem of self-selection in stock splits. Traditional cross-sectional regressions that examine the determinants of event-date abnormal returns are subject to self-selection biases. We opt for a conditional event-study framework that corrects for this problem. There are many papers that employ conditional event-study methods to investigate corporate events and decisions. Acharya (1988) develops a generalized econometric model to test the signaling hypothesis. He points out that event studies that estimate the market price responses to signals have to condition on a rational decision rule. The work by Eckbo, Maksimovic, and Williams (1990) defines what is called “conditional event-study” in recent years. They use nonlinear Maximum Likelihood method to correct for the self-selection bias. Another important paper is Prabhala (1997), in which he proposes the idea that only the unexpected part of a corporate decision announcement should influence stock price reaction on event. He also develops an econometric model based on some assumptions about the information structure between management, investors, and market. Nayak and Prabhala (2001) is an experiment for the model proposed in Prabhala (1997). Please see Appendix for details. In summary, this paper addresses four questions. First, do firms with different dividend policies have different price reactions to stock split? For example, do firms with high dividend payout ratios have the same price reaction to splits as firms with low dividend payout ratios? Given that REITs are required to pay dividends regularly, the analysis will be much cleaner and easier than that for stocks in general. Second, can a REIT split actually predict future dividend changes? This is of interest for investors who value long-term investments. We call this the “dividend predictability” hypothesis. In relation to this hypothesis is our third question that we term the “leverage predictability” hypothesis. If a split provides a signal for future dividend increases and cash flow increases, we should expect some firms to change their capital structure, too. Our analysis is not so much concerned with the validation of alternative capital structure theories than with the basic premise that REITs with excess future cash flow, as manifested by stock splits, should consider debt reduction that is consistent with the trade-off theory and to the extent that high debt levels imply higher bankruptcy risks. We seek to establish whether positive abnormal return associated with split announcement can be partially explained by an expected change in future capital structure. Finally, dividend and split both can be seen as management signals to the market, but are they substitutes or complements? Our priors are that they are substitutes. Management can signal good cash flow prospects by setting a high dividend payout ratio, increasing dividends or issuing a split. We divide the whole sample into firms that increase dividends before split and those that maintain or decrease dividends. We also segment by dividend payout ratios - high versus low dividend payout ratio. Using the conditional method, we test whether these two kinds of firms have different price reactions to unexpected information arising from a split. The rationale is that firms that increase dividends or that have high dividend payout ratio are already communicating private information. Therefore, these firms should have lower price reactions to a given amount of unexpected information in splits. We term this, following Nayak and Prabhala (2001), the “information substitute” hypothesis. The contributions of this paper are twofold: First, we extend the Nayak and Prabhala (2001) study by utilizing REIT data to better examine the dividend predictability hypothesis. Nayak and Prabhala (2001) exclude non-dividend firms in their test for dividend predictability. The exclusion of non-dividend firms raises a self-selection problem, which means we can only observe firms that choose to pay dividends. The selfselection problem in the context of REITs is minimal. In addition, the fact that REITs generally have high payout ratios and are perceived to possess higher transparency would provide a downward bias to detecting information substitutability as compared to the use of dividend and non-dividend paying firms in Nayak and Prabhala (2001). Put differently, the use of REIT data eliminates the “differential expectations” effect (Nayak and Prabhala, 2001) for non-dividend paying firms. Second, we extend the cash flow predictability argument underlying the dividend predictability hypothesis to examine leverage predictability. The rationale is that debt reduction arising from prospects of favorable cash flows is an alternative to increasing REIT dividends. Furthermore, this subsequent change in capital structure may partially explain split announcement abnormal returns by way of changing expected future returns. This will add to our understanding about the signaling content of a split announcement. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 provides the methodology used for the calculation of abnormal returns. We also more clearly outline how we test the “dividend predictability”, “leverage predictability”, and the “information substitute” hypothesis. Section 3 describes our sample choice criteria. Section 4 presents the empirical results. Section 5 concludes. 2. Research Methodology 2.1 Calculation of Abnormal Returns Researchers often use the market model as a benchmark to calculate abnormal returns. However, as Brown, Goetzmann, and Ross (1995) point out, stock splits are conditioning on large price runups. Therefore, the calculation of abnormal returns based on market model that utilizes price data not long before split, will possibly bias the abnormal returns downward. We employ a more reliable size-matching method, which is popular in longrun event-studies. We only use size as the dimension to match because there is little efficiency gain by adding other matching dimensions with a REIT population of about 100. Following Nayak and Prabhala (2001), we calculate the cumulative daily abnormal returns from 1 day before to 1 day after the declaration date in reference to a benchmark return based on size matching: CARi = t 0 +1 ∑ (R t = t 0 −1 i ,t − Rs ,m ,t ) , where CARi is the cumulative abnormal return of security i from t0 - 1 to t0 + 1, Ri ,t is return on date t, and Rs ,m,t is the equal-weighted return of size decile s to which security i belongs at the beginning of the calendar year containing t, and t0 is the date that firm announces split. The size deciles are constructed as follows. We first choose REITs that have no splits within a (-240, 240) window around all announcement dates determined by the split sample. At the beginning of each year, we divide all the REITs into 5 size deciles based on their market values of equity at the end of last year. If the market value of equity is missing for a firm, we go back 5 months till July of the previous year to find a substitute. If we still cannot find a market value, this REIT is dropped from our reference portfolios. Next, we calculate daily return for a particular size decile till the end of a year assuming equal weighting among all firms in this decile. At the end of each year (or at the beginning of the next year), these 5 portfolios are rebalanced to reflect the fact that some firms are delisted and some new firms enter into CRSP. Finally, we compute the daily returns for 5 size deciles during the period 1981-2001. 2.2 Tests of “dividend predictability” hypothesis and “leverage predictability” hypothesis The “dividend predictability” hypothesis views splits as signals for future dividend increase, and it is this inherent nature of split that drives up the prices of split stocks around the announcement date. Fama, Fisher, Jensen, and Roll (1969) suggest that future dividend increase is the main reason for the positive abnormal returns around split. An econometric framework to measure quantitatively the contribution of the future dividend increase to announcement date abnormal returns is provided by Nayak and Prabhala (2001). Due to the relatively small number of REIT splits, we cannot decompose abnormal returns in this manner. In spite of this, we are still able to test “dividend predictability” hypothesis directly using REIT splits. The difference between our work and Nayak and Prabhala (2001) is that we use the entire REIT sample since all REITs pay dividend, hence we minimize the self-selection problem. We directly run an ordered probit regression below to test the hypothesis. The regression is as follows: FUTURE 4 DIVi = θ d 0 + θ d 1 ⋅ SPLITi + θ d 2 ⋅ CURRENTDIVi + θ d 3 ⋅ LAST 1DIVi + θ d 4 ⋅ PR _ PRICEi + θ d 5 ⋅ LSIZEi + θ d 6 ⋅ VOLUMEi + θ d 7 ⋅ RUNUPi + θ d 8 ⋅ VOLATLi + θ d 9 ⋅ AGEi + ψ di The dependent variable in the ordered probit model is FUTURE4DIV, which is firm i’s four-quarter forward dividend announcement. FUTURE4DIV takes the value -1, 0, and +1, depending on whether the one-year forward dividend was decreased, maintained, or increased, respectively. The explanatory variables are: • SPLIT: this takes the value 1 if a REIT announces a split and 0 otherwise. • CURRENTDIV: this takes the value 0 or 1, depending on whether the contemporaneous dividend around the split date was unchanged or increased. • LAST1DIV: this takes the value 0 or 1, depending on whether the previous quarter’s dividend was unchanged or increased, respectively. 3 • PR_PRICE: price of the REIT five trading days before split. • LSIZE: the natural logarithm of the market value of the REIT’s equity five trading days before split. • VOLUME: trading volume, computed as the ratio of the average number of units traded in the month (approximated by 20 trading days) prior to the split to the total number of outstanding units five trading days before the split. • RUNUP: the ratio of the stock price five trading days prior the split to the price one year (approximated by 240 trading days) before split. • VOLATL: return volatility, computed as the standard deviation of returns over the six month (approximated by 120 trading days) prior to the split. • AGE: the number of years from when a REIT was listed on a stock exchange to the split date. The SPLIT coefficient is of interest to us. A positive and statistically significant coefficient supports the “dividend predictability” hypothesis. CURRENTDIV is included to control for the information contained in current dividend about future dividend prospect. The other variables, which will also appear in the probit regression for predicting split, are included to control for the public information about future cash flows. The “leverage predictability” hypothesis predicts that a split signals future leverage changes, which effectively influences expected future returns. As a result, split signal drives up the prices of split stocks around the announcement date. In order to test the “leverage predictability” hypothesis, we introduce CURRENTLEV, the current leverage ratio for a REIT in the set of explanatory variables as follows: FUTURE 4 LEVi = θ l 0 + θ l1 ⋅ SPLITi + θ l 2 ⋅ CURRENTDIVi + θ l 3 ⋅ CURRENTLEVi + θ l 4 ⋅ LAST 1DIVi + θ l 5 ⋅ PR _ PRICEi + θ l 6 ⋅ LSIZEi + θ l 7 ⋅VOLUMEi + θ l 8 ⋅ RUNUPi + θ l 9 ⋅VOLATLi + θ l10 ⋅ AGEi +ψ li The dependent variable observed is FUTURE4LEV: this takes the value -1, 0, and +1, depending on whether the one-year forward leverage ratio was decreased (by more than 5%), unchanged (within the range of [-5%, 5%]), or increased (by more than 5%) compared with current leverage ratio. 4 CURRENTDIV and LAST1DIV are included to control for current and one-quarter back dividend changes which also have information content for future cash flow. CURRENTLEV is included to control for the current leverage level, because we expect high leverage firms to have higher propensity to decrease their leverage. We define current leverage ratio as long term debt (COMPUSTAT quarterly DATA 51) divided by common equity (COMPUSTAT quarterly DATA 59). As before, other control variables are used to reflect the public information before the split. The coefficient on SPLIT is expected to be negative and statistically significant if the “leverage predictability” hypothesis holds. 2.3 Test of “information substitute” hypothesis The “information substitute” hypothesis addresses the relation between dividends and splits from the management’s perspective. Essentially, dividends and splits are both viewed as signals about future cash flows. These two methods are substitutes to each other, so managers should choose between them, or choose a mix of the two. When choosing a mix, the effect of split will be subsumed by dividend signals. In other words, investors regard the split signal sent by firms that have not sent previous dividend signals as more valuable information. Conditional on the same set of variables, such as price increase, price level, and trading activities, etc., firms that only use split as an information transmission mechanism should have a larger price reaction to a unit of unexpected information revealed by the split announcement. We classify all REIT splits in two ways. First, we divide them into REITs that increased dividend before split and those that did not, labeled “dividend increasing” and “dividend non-increasing” REITs, respectively. Second, we classify REITs into those with relatively high dividend payout ratios and those with relatively low dividend payout ratios. The “information substitute” hypothesis predicts that dividend non-increasing REITs and low dividend payout ratio REITs should have larger price response to a stock split. There are several ways to control for the self-selection problem. Here, we employ the Heckman two-stage technique to analyze the effect of unexpected private information on announcement date abnormal returns (please refer to Appendix for details). The basic idea is that only the unexpected information revealed by split will have a material effect on abnormal returns (Nayak and Prabhala, 2001). In order to get an estimate for the unexpected information, we specify a rational decision rule for split decisions. Suppose that firm i announces a split if a latent variable SPi is positive, where SPi can be interpreted as the benefit of announcing a split. A portion of SPi is known by the public, who use publicly available information before split to derive their estimate of SPi. In addition to the public information, represented by a vector of variables Xsi, management also has private information ψsi that is related to SPi but is unknown to the market. Formally, SPi = θ s′ ⋅ X si + ψ si , and firm i announces a split if SPi = θ s′ ⋅ X si +ψ si > 0 , where E(ψsi) can be set to zero without loss of generality. The announcement of a split reveals the private information ψsi to the market, that is θ s′ ⋅ X si + ψ si > 0 . Based on this observation, investors can form updated expectations about the splitting firm’s private information. The revised expectation of ψsi represents information revealed by the split. If splits have positive valuation effects, we should find that split announcement effects are positively related to the information revealed in the split. Thus coefficient bs in the regression E ( ARi SPi > 0 ) = γ s + bs ⋅ E (ψ si θ s′ ⋅ X si + ψ si > 0 ) should be positive. In the above equation, ARi denotes the announcement effect of firm i's split, SPi denotes split decision, and the expectation notations stand for market’s belief about announcement effect and firm i's private information correspondingly. Based on the split decision model, we can build an empirical model for market expectations of forthcoming splits with variables in public information set prior to the split. Empirically our model for SPLITi, the binary variable for a split decision, is SPLITi = θ s 0 + θs1 ⋅ PR_PRICEi + θ s 2 ⋅ LSIZEi + θs 3 ⋅ VOLUMEi + θs 4 ⋅ RUNUPi + θ s 5 ⋅ VOLATLi + θ s 6 ⋅ AGEi + ψ si . SPLIT takes the value 1 if a REIT announces a split, 0 otherwise. We include PR_PRICE as firms with high share prices are more likely to split, if the trading range hypothesis holds. LSIZE is a control variable to allow for the possibility that small firms and large firms have different propensities to split. Firms that have a large price runup (RUNUP) are more likely to split. AGE is included as a measure of a REIT’s maturity, because we expect mature REITs and new REITs to have different split propensities. We also control for trading activity before split using VOLUME and VOLATL. The second-stage regression is ′ CARi = γ s + β s ⋅ λs ⎛⎜θˆs X s ⎞⎟ + ηi ⎝ ⎠ ′ where CAR is the cumulative abnormal returns around split announcement, λ ⎛⎜θˆs X s ⎞⎟ is ⎝ ⎠ the inverse mills ratio for split announcement estimated using the above probit model. It is an estimate for the revised expectation about firm’s private information. βs is the coefficient of interest. The “information substitute” hypothesis is supported if βs of dividend increasing REITs is lower than that of dividend non-increasing REITs and if βs of high payout REITs is lower than that of low payout REITs. 3. Samples Our split sample consists of all REIT splits during the period from January 1981 through December 2001 as contained on the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) files that meet the following criteria: (1) splits have distribution code 5523 (CRSP description: stock splits, non-taxable) in CRSP tapes; (2) the splitting shares are REIT shares with CRSP share code 18, 48, or 78; (3) at least 240 trading days of returns before and after split date are available; (4) the split factor is positive. Because the focus is on REIT dividend payout and leverage information, we also require that REITs have dividends, earnings, long-term debt, and equity values in COMPUSTAT. 5 We also drop REITs that have negative payout ratios (negative earnings and positive dividends). The resulting allsplit sample consists of 45 splits. Among them, 25 splits occurred before 1990. More specifically, there are 14 splits from 1981 to 1985, 11 splits from 1986 to 1990, 7 splits from 1991 to 1995, and 13 splits from 1996 to 2001. The non-split sample is collected in the following ways. For each split REIT, we know the split announcement date, which is used to identify REITs (stocks that have share code 18, 48, or 78 in CRSP) that do not split around a window from 240 trading days before to 240 trading days after this “event” date. Suppose, for example, a split is announced in July 2000. We will sample all the existing REITs in the market and track their returns and event information in the window (-240, 240), which spans from about July 1999 to July 2001. A REIT that does not split is included in the non-split sample. Our sampling method differs from Nayak and Prabhala (2001). They take a randomly chosen dividend date as the above mentioned “event” date for non-splitters paying dividends. For non-dividend paying non-split firms, they use June 30 of the relevant year as the “event” date. Our method is better in the sense that we match each split observation with non-splitters and use the split date as the “event” date for the matching firms. This “event” date is more relevant compared to a randomly chose dividend date or a specific date in a year. Additionally, we require: (1) at least 240 trading days of returns before and after the “event” date are available; (2) dividends, earnings, long-term debt, and equity values in the COMPUSTAT database; (3) positive dividend payout ratio. The final non-split sample comprises 3115 REITs. The number of REITs in non-split sample is large because there is some overlap among the analysis windows for different split events. This is not a serious problem because all that we require are cross-sectional variables for our regressions. In addition to the sampling of split REITs and non-splitters, we divide all the REITs in both samples into two groups in order to test the “information substitute” hypothesis. We have two criteria at hand: dividend payout ratio and dividend change before split. Using the variable PAYOUT1 (the dividend payout ratio of a REIT in the year before the split year), we classify all REITs into high payout REITs and low payout REITs using a simple median demarcation. Ideally we should divide our sample into deciles and focus on the highest and lowest payout ratio deciles. Since the sample contains only 45 REIT splits, we resort to a coarser classification. Further, we employ the break point from the split REITs to divide non-splitters. Using the dividend change before split as a criterion, we define LAST4DIV, which takes the value of -1, 0, or +1, depending on whether the dividend one-year ago was decreased, unchanged, or increased, respectively. We then classify all REITs into dividend increasing REITs and dividend non-increasing REITs using this variable. 4. Results 4.1 Descriptive statistics and short-run effects of REIT split Panel A of table 1 shows that split and non-split REITs have quite different crosssectional characteristics. A group means test rejects the null at 1% level that split REITs and non-split REITs have the same means within the stipulated variables. Dividend increasing (henceforth DI) REITs are different from dividend non-increasing (henceforth DNI) REITs in several respects: they have statistically different (at 5% level) mean values in PR_PRICE, LSIZE and VOLATL. There is also more variation in the variables listed for DNI REITs than those for DI REITs. However, the group means test cannot reject the null hypothesis that they have equal means. High dividend payout (henceforth HD) REITs are different from low dividend payout (henceforth LD) REITs in several respects: they have statistically different (at 5% level) mean values in PAYOUT1 and AGE. In addition, a group means test rejects the null that the two groups have same means in the list of variables at 1% level. These facts provide some evidence to support our two classification schemes. For all split REITs, the median6 payout ratio is 0.9930, while the median payout of nonsplit REITs is 1.1508. Their difference in means on PAYOUT1 is statistically significant at 1% level. The median value of PAYOUT1 for HD and LD REITs is 1.2715 and 0.6733 respectively. HD and LD REITs also have statistically different means in payout ratios. In addition, REITs that split are relatively more mature firms. Within the split sample, LD REITs are statistically more mature than HD REITs. Therefore, there is a clear link between REIT maturity and its payout ratio given that more mature REITs have lower payout ratios. A possible reason is that mature REITs have relatively smaller amount of depreciation items than new REITs; hence a relatively larger denominator (earnings) and a smaller numerator (cash dividends) in the calculation of payout ratio. This relation also motivates us to include maturity measure in our model for predicting split decision. Panel B reports additional information on split factors and multiple splits as well as overlaps in the sub-samples. Only one REIT split has a split factor less than 0.25 7; so our results will not change dramatically if we follow the sample selection criterion of Hardin, Liano, and Huang (2005), in which they dropped splits with split factor less than 0.25. Further, 10 out of 28 REITs have multiple splits, therefore multiple splits consists more than half of our sample. 8 When we decompose our split sample using both dividend changes and dividend payout ratios, we obtain a clearer picture of the relationship of our two classification schemes. 11 out of 18 (or two-thirds) DI REITs are HD REITs, while 16 out of 27 (or approximately two-thirds) DNI REITs are LD REITs. Table 2 presents the short-run market reaction to REIT split announcements. The shortrun abnormal return around announcement date within a (-1, +1) window is about 3.17% and statistically significant at the 1% level. These results are consistent with Hardin, Liano, and Huang (2005) that document an average announcement date abnormal return of 4.31% for the (-2, +2) window. An interesting result not captured in Hardin, Liano, and Huang (2005) is that the average abnormal return for HD REITs is lower than that for LD REITs and the difference is statistically significant at 5% level. However, the average abnormal return for DI REITs is lower than DNI REITs but not statistically significant at 5% level. HD REITs are analogous to dividend paying firms analyzed in Nayak and Prabhala (2001) in the sense that they all use dividend as a device to communicate information to the market, while LD REITs are similar to non-dividend firms. Therefore, our results are consistent with the findings of Grinblatt, Masulis, and Titman (1984) and Nayak and Prabhala (2001), which document bigger split announcement effects for nondividend firms than dividend paying firms. Our results using REITs data underscore the robustness of these findings as the difference is not only between dividend and nondividend paying firms. The inference is that information contained in split announcements for HD REITs is less valuable because HD REITs have utilized higher dividend as an information transmission mechanism. We defer an analysis of the “information substitute” hypothesis as a possible explanation for this observation to section 4.3. Table 2 also reports the short-run abnormal returns for split REITs over different periods. We use 1990 as a cutting point because of the common belief that there was a structural change in REIT industry around that time (Clayton and MacKinnon 2003). We can see that after 1990, the scale of this abnormal return have decreased substantially —from 4.62% to 1.35%. This is probably due to two facts in the 1990s: (1) REIT market became more dominated by institutions (Chan, Leung and Wang 1998), therefore more liquid; (2) Higher analyst coverage (Gentry, Kemsley and Mayer 2003) and news coverage (Chui, Titman and Wei 2003) for REITs, which increased the transparency of REIT market. 4.2 Tests of “dividend predictability” and “leverage predictability” hypotheses Table 3 presents estimates of an ordered probit regression to evaluate dividend predictability. In our sample, 23 REITs increase dividends 4 quarters after they split, 20 leave dividends unchanged, and only 2 decrease dividends. This pattern persists regardless of the classification scheme we use – it is rare for split REITs to decrease their 4-quarter forward dividends. As motivated earlier, we must control for the effect of current dividend changes. Current dividends should have two opposing effect on future dividends. On the one hand, an increase in current dividends signals higher future cash flows which imply future dividend increases. Therefore a positive correlation may exist between current and future dividend changes. On the other hand, current dividend increases may diminish the likelihood of future dividend increases if some optimal payout ratio target has been achieved. In addition to current dividend changes, we further include a lagged measure for dividend changes in order to control for lagged effect. Included also are variables that have predictive power for split decision. SPLIT is positive and significant at 1% level, which supports the “dividend predictability” hypothesis. This result validates the earlier study by Hardin, Liano, and Huang (2005), which suggests that dividends increase after splits. The coefficients on dividend changes are hard to explain due to their mixed effect, although for current dividend changes the signaling effect seems to prevail. There is also a lagged effect from LAST1DIV, but the coefficient is negative, suggesting a reverse effect. Our model also shows that larger REITs are more likely to increase dividends, while more mature and higher price REITs are less likely to increase dividends, other things being equal. 9 Table 4 reports an ordered probit model that evaluates the “leverage predictability” hypothesis. Of all 45 split REITs, 23 decrease leverage after splits, 17 increase leverage instead, and the remaining 5 left leverage unchanged. Following the same rationale as before, we must include an additional variable CURRENTLEV because firms’ capital structure decisions are closely related with current leverage levels. As shown in column 2, the SPLIT coefficient is negative and statistically significant at the 5% level, hence supporting the “leverage predictability” hypothesis. The coefficients on current dividend changes (CURRENTDIV) are negative because current dividend increases signal good prospect for future cash flows. But the effect is not statistically significant. The coefficient on CURRENTLEV is negative and consistent with our expectation, but it is not statistically significant. In addition, larger REITs are less likely to decrease their leverage after splits. REITs that have a larger price runup, a higher price or a longer history are more likely to decrease their leverage after splits. To explore the relation between future leverage changes and future dividend changes, we re-estimated the ordered probit model for two sub-samples: REITs that increase fourquarter forward dividends and REITs that do not increase their four-quarter forward dividends. We see from table 4 column 3 that the split announcement has no predictive power for future leverage changes for REITs that increase their future dividends. Almost all the variables in the model have no partial effect on the probability of future leverage changes. But for REITs that do not increase their future dividends (shown in column 4 of table 4), a split has a statistically significant negative effect on future leverage increase. Other variables are, in contrast, statistically significant. In particular, the coefficient on CURRENTLEV is negative and statistically significant, consistent with the capital structure tradeoff theory. In addition, larger REITs are less likely to decrease their leverage after splits. REITs that have a larger price runup, a higher price or a longer history are more likely to decrease their leverage after split. While it is clear that a REIT split increases the probability of leverage reduction when future dividends are not increased, this likelihood is reduced (i.e., SPLIT coefficient is not significant) when the REIT do in fact raised dividends subsequently. One possible explanation for this result is that dividend increases and leverage decreases are two forms of good news for a REIT. A split signals good prospect for the REIT, attributable to either dividend increase or leverage decrease that is related with bankruptcy costs as implied by tradeoff theory. We should note, however, that the conflicting results for the two sub-samples do not undermine the leverage predictability hypothesis. From the perspective of an investor, when she observes a split announcement she cannot tell a priori which firm will increase its future dividend and determine the likelihood of a firm decreasing its future leverage. In this regard, the model reported in column 2 is more appropriate for the test of leverage predictability hypothesis. 4.3 Tests of “information substitute” hypothesis We observe in section 4.1 that HD REITs experience smaller announcement effects than LD REITs. Similarly DI REITs experience smaller announcement price effects than DNI REITs. What are the underlying reasons for these empirical facts? Can the “information substitute” hypothesis explain these facts? Table 5 reports the Heckman 2-stage analysis of the “information substitute” hypothesis using DI and DNI REITs over the period 19812001. Column 2 presents the probit estimates for the pooled sample. The coefficients on PR_PRICE, LSIZE and AGE imply that higher price, smaller and more mature REITs are more likely to split. In the second stage regression, the coefficient on the inverse mills ratio is positive and significant: the unexpected information revealed by split has a positive effect on announcement date abnormal return. The estimated intercept is not statistically different from zero, suggesting that only unexpected information should influence split date abnormal returns. This is consistent with our basic model. The specification in column 2 relies on the assumption that all REITs including DI and DNI REITs have the same underlying expectation model for split decision, which may be incorrect. Colume 3 and column 4 provide different probit estimations for DI and DNI REITs. The coefficients on PR_PRICE for DI and DNI REITs are different. For a given level of price increase, DI REITs are more likely to split compared with DNI REITs, other things being equal. The coefficients on LSIZE are both negative, but the coefficient of DI REITs is lower. An increase in maturity increases the likelihood of issuing a split for both DI and DNI REITs. The effect of λs (the inverse mills ratio or unexpected information revealed by split) for both DI and DNI REITs is positive and statistically significant at 10% level. The estimated intercepts for these two sub-samples are both statistically insignificant. The coefficient for DI REITs is smaller than that for DNI REITs but the difference is not statistically significant at 5% level. 10 This result lends some support to the “information substitute” hypothesis. Table 6 reports a similar analysis using HD and LD REITs. The results in the first-stage probit model are basically the same as those in table 5. PR_PRICE, LSIZE and AGE have statistically significant effect on the probability of splits. In the second-stage regression, the estimated intercepts for the two groups are both statistically insignificant. However, we find strong evidence to support the “information substitute” hypothesis from these two sub-samples. The coefficients on λs are positive and statistically significant for LD REITs but not statistically significant for HD REITs. In fact, the coefficient for LD REITs is much larger than that on HD REITs (0.0497 versus 0.0099) and a difference test between these two coefficients rejects the null at 1% level that the two coefficients are equal. 11 The “information substitute” hypothesis is thus supported in that HD REITs already signal their performance by setting a high payout ratio, so that the effect of unexpected information revealed by split should be less than the same amount of information from a LD REITs, which did not provide a dividend signal. Thus, dividend and split are two alternatives for REITs to communicate private information. 5. Concluding Remarks This paper analyzes the relation between dividends and splits by investigating REITs’ dividend streams around their split announcements. Our results suggest that the positive abnormal returns associated with REIT split announcement are due to revealed information about REITs’ future dividend and leverage changes. Three hypotheses are tested: (1) the “dividend predictability” hypothesis: split has information about future cash flows and they are positively related; (2) the “leverage predictability” hypothesis: a split can be viewed as a signal on the likelihood of de-leveraging for highly leveraged REITs; (3) the “information substitute” hypothesis: dividends and split are information substitutes and they can both be used to signal future cash flows; hence REITs that send dividend signals to the market should have smaller price response to split event compared with REITs that do not send dividend signals. We find that REITs are likely to increase dividend payments after a split, but future deleveraging is more likely only for highly leveraged firms. Our empirical results also support the idea that dividends and split are information substitutes for each other and management does use split or dividends to signal their private information about firms’ earnings. While the use of REITs as a test bed for dividend predictability and information substitutability allows a cleaner test compared to that in Nayak and Prabhala (2001), the relatively small sample of REIT splits is recognized as a limitation. In addition, it would be interesting to extend the test of the leverage hypothesis to general stocks as well. Appendix Private information about firm i arrives on the information arrival date. 1. Truncated normal distribution Suppose that Y is a normally distributed random variable, that is Y ~ N ( μ , σ 2 ) . The truncated mean can be calculated by φ ([a − μ ] / σ ) E(Y | Y > a ) = μ + σ 1 − Φ ([a − μ ] / σ ) = μ + σλ ([a − μ ] / σ ), where φ (⋅) is the pdf of a standard normal variable and Φ (⋅) is the cdf. The φ ([a − μ ] / σ ) function λ ([a − μ ] / σ ) = − is called the inverse Mills ratio, or hazard Φ ([a − μ ] / σ ) function. 2. Conditional event-study Private information τi arrives at firm i on the information arrival date. This private information is partially revealed to markets on the event date. In the conditional eventstudy literature, different assumptions about what markets know about τi before the event date lead to three kinds of models. Assumption 1: Prior to the event date, the market knows that information τi has arrived. However, it does not know its content until it is partially revealed at the event date. Acharya (1993) adopts this assumption. Suppose the market’s pre-event expectation of τi is given by E −1 (τ i ) = θ ′X i , where Xi is a vector of firm-specific variables in the pre-event public information set, and θ is a vector of parameters. The firm’s private information can be normalized as ψ i = τ i − E −1 (τ i ) so that E −1 (ψ i ) = 0 . On the “event date”, the firm must choose between two mutually exclusive actions. It chooses C ∈ {E , NE}, where E denotes “event” and NE denotes “nonevent”. The choice is made according to C = E if τ i = θ ′X i + ψ i > 0 ; C = NE otherwise. Observing C = E or C = NE, investors update beliefs about private information. The unexpected information on the event date is thus E (ψ i | C ) . We add another two assumptions now to derive a linear relationship between abnormal event date returns and the information innovation. Assumption 4: Investors are risk-neutral toward the event, so that they only care about their revised expectations about the mean of τi. Assumption 5: Returns are linear in information. Assumptions 1, 4, and 5 imply a linear relation E ( ARi | C ) = bE (ψ i | C ), where ARi is the event date abnormal return. Assume ψ i ~ N (0, σ ψ2 ) , we can rewrite the above relationship as φ (θ ′ X i / σ ψ ) ′ E ( ARi | E ) = bE (ψ i | θ X i + ψ i > 0) = bσ ψ = bσ ψ λe (θ ′ X i / σ ψ ) . ′ Φ (θ X i / σ ψ ) A test of the information effect is just a test of whether b is zero. Assumption 2: Prior to the event date, the market does not know that information τi has arrived. Eckbo, Maksimovic, and Williams (1990) implicitly make this assumption. If market does not know that private information τi has arrived, the market has not formed expectation about τi, too. Therefore, the market’s prior expectation about the mean of τi is 0. If the firm chooses E, the following relation must hold under A.4 and A.5 E ( AR | E ) = bE (τ | E ) = bE (τ | τ > 0) = b θ ′ X + σ λ (θ ′ X / σ ) . i i i i [ i ψ e i ψ ] A test of the information effect is just a test of whether b is zero. Assumption 3: Prior to the event date, the market assesses a probability p ∈ (0,1) that information τi has arrived. Prabhala (1997) suggests this approach. Under this assumption, A.4, and A.5, it is not hard to show that the announcement effect is E ( AR | E ) = bE (τ | τ > 0) = b (1 − p )θ ′ X + σ λ (θ ′ X / σ ) . In this case the market i i [ i i ψ e i ψ ] form an expectation of τi based on the assessed probability that τi has arrived, so we write E −1 (τ i ) = pθ ′X i . The firm’s private information can be expressed as ψ i' = τ i − E−1 (τ i ) = ψ i + (1 − p )θ ′X i because firm has an additional layer of information advantage due to investors’ uncertainty about the existence τi , so E−1 (ψ i′) = (1 − p)θ ′X i . Here we are assuming that if investors know exactly that τi has arrived, E−1 (τ i ) = θ ′X i and E−1 (ψ i ) = 0 . 3. Nayak and Prabhala (2001) model setup Prior to the split date, investors know that the firm has private information τi. However, it doesn’t know its content until it is partially revealed at the event date. They form expectation about the value of τi based on public observable variables Xsi, that is ′ E−1 (τ i ) = θ s X si . Firm i announces a split if and only if a latent variable SPi = θ s′ ⋅ X si +ψ si > 0 , 2 where ψ si ~ N (0, σ ψ ) . The announcement of a split reveals the private information ψsi to the market, that is θ s ⋅ X si + ψ si > 0 . Based on this observation, investors can form updated expectations about the splitting firm’s private information. Using the results for truncated normal distribution, we get E(ψ si | θ s′ X si +ψ si > 0) = E(ψ si | ψ si > −θ s′ X si ) φ (−θ s′ X si / σ ψ ) = σψ 1 − Φ (−θ s′ X si / σ ψ ) = σψ φ (θ s′ X si / σ ψ ) Φ (θ s′ X si / σ ψ ) = σ ψ λ (−θ s′ X si / σ ψ ). If splits have positive valuation effects, the abnormal return should be positively correlated to the private information revealed by the split announcement. Therefore, coefficient bs in the regression E ( ARi SPi > 0 ) = γ s + bs ⋅ E (ψ si θ s′ ⋅ X si + ψ si > 0 ) = γ s + β s λ (− θ s′ X si / σ ψ ) should be positive. They allow an intercept in the equation, but it should be zero under the assumption they make. 4. Heckman two-stage estimation 1. Estimate the probit equation for split decision by maximum likelihood to obtain estimates of θ. For each observation in the split sample, compute the estimated inverse φ (θˆs′ X si / σˆψ ) . mills ratio as λˆ (−θ s′ X si / σ ψ ) = Φ (θˆ′ X / σˆ ) s si ψ 2. Estimate βs=bsσψ and γs by least squares regression of CAR on 1 and λ̂ . The estimated intercept is just γˆs , and the estimated coefficient on λ̂ is the partial effect of unexpected information revealed by split on split date abnormal returns times some positive constant. σ̂ψ . Acknowledgement We wish to thank Stan Hamilton, research seminar participants at NUS and two anonymous reviewers for their suggestions and invaluable comments. Notes 1. The minimum distribution requirement is reduced from 95% to 90% under the REIT Modernization Act 1999. 2. There is a vast literature on capital structure research in general (Modigliani and Miller, 1963; Miller, 1977) and pertaining to REITs in particular (Howe and Shilling, 1988; Brown and Riddiough, 2003). The trade-off theory is predicated on an optimal capital structure where firms actively target debt ratios. In contrast, the pecking order theory (Myers and Majluf, 1984; Myers, 1984) suggests that firms follow a pecking order when choosing their financing sources. Empirical tests have sought to evaluate the two competing theories (Shyam-Sunder and Myers, 1999; Murray and Goyal, 2003). 3. When calculating this variable and LAST1DIV, we find that some REITs only have two quarters of dividends per year for earlier years in our sample period. This could either mean that these REITs pay dividends semiannually or that these REITs pay no dividends periodically. We assume that the dividend stream is regular and spread the semiannual dividends over two quarters. 4. Because firms’ leverage ratios are constantly changing, a 5% criterion is set to capture situations when there is no significant change in leverage. 5% is not the absolute change in the leverage ratios, but a relative change computed from the absolute change of leverage ratio divided by the leverage ratio in previous quarter. 5. We also examined the period from 1976 to 1980, but we did not find any usable stock split events. 6. We present the median value for payout ratio and leverage ratio because of our concern about outliers. 7. A split factor of 0.25 means that one share is ‘split’ into four shares. 8. REITs that have multiple splits averaged 2.7 splits over the sample period. We do not detect any consistent pattern in the payout ratios of REITs that undertook multiple splits. 9. The results are unchanged when we removed subsequent observations of REITS that split more than once, including only the first split. 10. 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PR_PRICE is the price level on date [-5], where date [0] denotes the announcement date. VOLUME is computed as the ratio of the average number of REIT units traded in the month (approximated by 20 trading days) prior to the split to the total number of outstanding REIT units five trading days before split. VOLATL is return volatility computed as the standard deviation of returns over the six month (approximated by 120 trading days) prior to the split. PAYOUT1 is the dividend payout ratio in the year before split. CURRENTLEV is current leverage ratio calculated as the ratio between long term debt and common equity. AGE is the number of years from when a REIT was listed on a stock exchange to the split date. Panel B presents the number of REITs that have split factor ≥ 0.25, that issue more than one split, and that are both dividend increasing and with high payout, dividend non-increasing and with high payout, and so on. Dividend increasing REITs and dividend non-increasing REITs are defined by the variable LAST4DIV, which takes the value 1, 0, and -1 if 4-quarter back dividend is increased, maintained, or decreased. High payout REITs and low payout REITs are classified using the variable PAYOUT1. The Null hypothesis for mean test and group mean test is that the means of two groups are equal. Numbers in parenthesis are standard deviations. Number of observations Dividend increasing REITs Dividend nonincreasing REITs High payout REITs Low payout REITs All Split REITs All nonsplit REITs 18 27 22 23 45 3115 Panel A: Cross-sectional characteristics of split REITs PR_PRICE Mean test (p-value) RUNUP 34.47 26.32 32.89 26.41 29.58 18.05 (10.82) (12.09) (11.74) (11.94) (12.16) (9.82) 0.0234 1.2462 1.2248 0.0735 1.2601 1.2162 0.0000 1.2285 1.2378 (0.1573) (0.2090) (0.2139) Mean test (p-value) (0.2470) 0.7240 (0.2209) 0.4970 (2.2187) 0.8570 LSIZE 12.84 11.77 12.53 11.89 12.20 (1.35) (1.49) (1.57) (1.43) (1.52) Mean test (p-value) 0.0173 2.0877 1.8360 0.1617 2.1479 1.8332 0.0769 2.2333 1.9870 (1.1330) (1.1901) (1.4438) VOLUME Mean test (p-value) VOLATL Mean test (p-value) PAYOUT1[1] Mean test (p-value) CURRENTLEV[2] Mean test (p-value) AGE (1.6316) 0.5447 (1.6633) 0.4682 1.21 1.57 1.28 1.56 1.42 (0.72) (0.52) (0.70) (0.63) (5.33) Mean test (p-value) Group means test (p-value) (7.62) 0.1388 1.2715 0.6733 0.0000 0.8411 0.8693 0.2798 8.23 12.52 (6.72) 0.4305 0.1491 (1.66) (2.1872) 0.2660 (0.36) 0.0331 1.0799 0.9040 0.0777 0.7584 0.8735 0.3209 11.04 9.5 11.79 (6.26) 1.74 (1.44) 0.0018 1.1508 0.9930 0.0000 0.7971 0.8660 0.7066 8.08 10.42 (6.56) (6.77) 0.0322 0.0005 0.0260 0.0000 Panel B: Other statistics Split factor ≥ 0.25 More than one split Intersection with high payout REITs Intersection with low payout REITs Note: [1] 18 - 26 - 21 - 23 - 44 10/28 - 11 11 - - - - 7 16 - - - - PAYOUT1 is the median value instead of the mean value. [2] CURRENTLEV is the median value instead of the mean value. Table 2 Announcement Cumulative Abnormal Returns (CARs) for REIT splits over the Period 1981-2001 Table 2 reports the average split announcement effects (CARs) for REIT splits over the period 1981-2001. It also presents the results based on different classification schemes of the whole sample, such as dividend changes, dividend payout ratios, and time. Dividend increasing REITs and dividend non-increasing REITs are defined by the variable LAST4DIV, which takes the value 1, 0, and -1 if 4quarter back dividend is increased, unchanged, or decreased. High payout REITs and low payout REITs are classified using the variable PAYOUT1, which is the dividend payout ratio in the year before split. CAR is calculated as CAR i = t 0 +1 ∑ (R t = t 0 −1 i ,t − R s , m ,t ) where CARi is the cumulative abnormal return of security i from t0 - 1 to t0 + 1, Ri,t is return on date t, and Rs,m,t is the equally weighted return of size decile s to which security i belongs at the beginning of the calendar year containing t, and t0 is the date that firm announces split. The Null hypothesis for mean test is that the means of two groups are equal. Numbers in parentheses denote standard errors. *** denotes CARi is statistically different from 0 at the 1% level, ** denotes CARi is statistically different from 0 at the 5% level, and * denotes CARi is statistically different from 0 at the 10% level. N CAR All REIT splits 1981-2001 45 3.17*** (0.50) REITs that increase dividends before splits 18 2.47*** (0.68) 27 3.64*** (0.69) REITs that do not increase dividends before splits Mean test (p-value) 0.2347 REITs with high dividend payout ratio 22 REITs with low dividend payout ratio 23 Mean test (p-value) 0.0198 All REIT splits 1981-1990 25 All REIT splits 1991-2001 20 Mean test (p-value) 2.00*** (0.54) 4.28*** (0.77) 4.62*** (0.71) 1.35*** (0.43) 0.0003 Table 3 Ordered Probit Analysis of Split Decision and Future Dividend Changes for REITs over the Period 1981-2001 Table 3 presents estimates of an ordered probit regression that explores the predictability of future dividend changes by split announcement using a sample of REITs over the period 1981-2001. The dependent variable is the four-quarter forward dividend changes FUTURE4DIV, which takes the value 1, 0, or -1 if four-quarter forward dividend is increased, unchanged, or decreased respectively. FUTURE 4 DIV i = θ d 0 + θ d 1 ⋅ SPLIT i + θ d 2 ⋅ CURRENTDIV + θ d 5 ⋅ LSIZE i + θ d 6 ⋅ VOLUME i i + θ d 3 ⋅ LAST 1 DIV i + θ d 4 ⋅ PR _ PRICE + θ d 7 ⋅ RUNUP i + θ d 8 ⋅ VOLATL i i + θ d 9 ⋅ AGE i + ψ di SPLIT equals 1 if a firm announces a split, 0 otherwise. CURRENTDIV equals 1 or 0, depending on whether current dividend is increased or maintained. LAST1DIV equals 1or 0 depending on whether one-quarter back dividend is increased or maintained. PR_PRICE is the price level on date [-5], where date [0] denotes the announcement date. LSIZE is the natural logarithm of the market value of equity at date [-5]. VOLUME is computed as the ratio of the average number of REIT units traded in the month (approximated by 20 trading days) prior to the split to the total number of outstanding REIT units five trading days before split. RUNUP is the ratio of the price at date [-5] to the price at [-240]. VOLATL is return volatility computed as the standard deviation of returns over the six month (approximated by 120 trading days) prior to the split. AGE is the number of years from when a REIT was listed on a stock exchange to the split date. Numbers in parentheses are standard errors. *** denotes a coefficient is statistically different from 0 at the 1% level, ** denotes a coefficient is statistically different from 0 at the 5% level, and * denotes a coefficient is statistically different from 0 at the 10% level. Dependent variables: Four-quarter forward dividend changes Explanatory variables SPLIT CURRENTDIV 0.7235*** (0.1874) 1.0751*** (0.0526) LAST1DIV -0.1373*** PR_PRICE -0.0095*** LSIZE 0.1151*** VOLUME -0.0048 RUNUP 0.0076 VOLATL -0.6559 AGE -0.0087** χ2 Number of Obs. 545.16 3160 (0.0518) (0.0033) (0.0200) (0.0107) (0.0101) (1.7749) (0.0035) Table 4 Ordered Probit Analysis of Split Decision and Future Leverage Changes for REITs over the Period 1981-2001 Table 4 presents estimates of an ordered probit regression that explores the predictability of future leverage changes by split announcement using a sample of REITs over the period 1981-2001. Column 2 reports the results for all splits. Column 3 and column 4 report the results for two sub-samples: REITs that increase four-quarter forward dividend and REITs that do not increase their fourquarter forward dividend. The basis for this classification is the variable FUTURE4DIV, which takes the value 1, 0, or -1 if fourquarter forward dividend is increased, unchanged, or decreased respectively. The dependent variable in these models is the fourquarter forward leverage changes FUTURE4LEV, which takes the value 1, 0, or -1 if four-quarter forward leverage is increased, unchanged, or decreased respectively. FUTURE 4 LEV i = θ l 0 + θ l 1 ⋅ SPLIT i + θ l 2 ⋅ CURRENTDIV + θ l 6 ⋅ LSIZE i + θ l 7 ⋅ VOLUME i i + θ l 3 ⋅ LAST 1 DIV i + θ l 4 ⋅ CURRENTLEV + θ l 8 ⋅ RUNUP i + θ l 9 ⋅ VOLATL i i + θ l 5 ⋅ PR _ PRICE i + θ l 10 ⋅ AGE i + ψ li SPLIT equals 1 if a firm announces a split, 0 otherwise. CURRENTDIV equals 1 or 0, depending on whether current dividend is increased or maintained. LAST1DIV equals 1 or 0, depending on whether one-quarter back dividend is increased or maintained. CURRENTLEV is the current leverage ratio calculated as the ratio between long term debt and common equity. PR_PRICE is the price level on date [-5], where date [0] denotes the announcement date. LSIZE is the natural logarithm of the market value of equity at date [-5]. VOLUME is computed as the ratio of the average number of REIT units traded in the month (approximated by 20 trading days) prior to the split to the total number of outstanding REIT units five trading days before split. RUNUP is the ratio of the price at date [5] to the price at [-240]. VOLATL is return volatility computed as the standard deviation of returns over the six month (approximated by 120 trading days) prior to the split. AGE is the number of years from when a REIT was listed on a stock exchange to the split date. Numbers in parentheses are standard errors. *** denotes a coefficient is statistically different from 0 at the 1% level, ** denotes a coefficient is statistically different from 0 at the 5% level, and * denotes a coefficient is statistically different from 0 at the 10% level. Dependent variables: Four-quarter forward leverage Future dividend Future dividend nonAll REITs increasing REITs increasing REITs Explanatory variables SPLIT -0.3948** (0.1828) (0.2692) (0.2589) CURRENTDIV -0.0753 -0.1025 -0.0302 (0.0508) (0.1005) (0.0732) LAST1DIV 0.0332 -0.0592 0.0608 (0.0520) (0.1001) CURRENTLEV -0.0034 0.0004 (0.0021) (0.0025) PR_PRICE -0.0059* -0.0030 (0.0033) (0.0079) LSIZE 0.0609*** 0.0296 0.0622*** (0.0196) (0.0465) (0.0219) VOLUME 0.0082 -0.0055 0.0169 (0.0203) (0.0130) RUNUP (0.0109) -0.0265* (0.0152) 0.0588 -0.0293* (0.0822) (0.0165) VOLATL 0.8371 -10.9593* 1.9827 AGE -0.0199*** χ2 Number of Obs. (1.7603) -0.3324 (6.3151) -0.0117 -0.5348** (0.0616) -0.0313*** (0.0064) -0.0077** (0.0037) (1.8873) -0.0222*** (0.0034) (0.0080) (0.0038) 71.98 3160 10.38 739 96.38 2421 Table 5 Heckman 2-Stage Analysis of the “Information Substitute” Hypothesis Using Dividend Increasing and Dividend Non-increasing REITs over the Period 1981-2001 Table 5 reports Heckman 2-stage analysis of the “information substitute” hypothesis using dividend increasing and dividend nonincreasing REITs over the period 1981-2001. Dividend increasing REITs and dividend non-increasing REITs are defined by the variable LAST4DIV, which takes the value 1, 0, and -1 if 4-quarter back dividend is increased, maintained, or decreased. Panel A reports probit estimates of REITs’ split decisions on a set of explanatory variables. Empirically our model for SPLITi, the dummy variable for split decision, is SPLITi = θs 0 + θs1 ⋅ PR_PRICEi + θs 2 ⋅ LSIZEi + θs 3 ⋅VOLUMEi + θs 4 ⋅ RUNUPi + θ s 5 ⋅VOLATLi + θ s 6 ⋅ AGEi +ψ si SPLIT takes on the value 1 or 0 depending on whether there is a split announcement or not respectively. PR_PRICE is the price level on date [-5], where date [0] denotes the announcement date. LSIZE is the natural logarithm of the market value of equity at date [-5]. VOLUME is computed as the ratio of the average number of REIT units traded in the month (approximated by 20 trading days) prior to the split to the total number of outstanding REIT units five trading days before split. RUNUP is the ratio of the price at date [-5] to the price at [-240]. VOLATL is return volatility computed as the standard deviation of returns over the six month (approximated by 120 trading days) prior to the split. AGE is the number of years from when a REIT was listed on a stock exchange to the split date. Panel B reports estimates of the regression: CARi = γ s + β s ⋅ λs + η i where the dependent variable CARi is the cumulative abnormal return of security i from t0 – 1 to t0 + 1, t0 is the date that firm announces split. Λs is the unexpected information revealed by split and is computed as the inverse mills ratio based on the probit model reported in panel A. Numbers in parentheses are standard errors. *** denotes a coefficient is statistically different from 0 at the 1% level, ** denotes a coefficient is statistically different from 0 at the 5% level, and * denotes a coefficient is statistically different from 0 at the 10% level. All REITs Dividend increasing REITs Panel A: First-stage regression (Probit) Dividend nonincreasing REITs Dependent variable: SPLIT Explanatory variables: Constant PR_PRICE LSIZE -1.2884** -0.8424 -1.1135* (0.5919) 0.0636*** (0.0077) -0.2146*** (0.0556) (1.6105) (0.6711) 0.1016*** 0.0534*** (0.0193) (0.0090) -0.3109** -0.2197*** (0.1340) (0.0645) -0.1521 0.0162 VOLUME -0.0263 (0.0375) (0.1052) (0.0406) RUNUP -0.0227 -0.0157 -0.0217 (0.0872) (0.5982) (0.0784) VOLATL 1.9721 2.9490 1.2699 (5.5627) AGE 0.0312*** 0.0288** (0.0098) (23.9694) 0.0406* (0.0211) 3160 836 Number of Obs. (5.8896) (0.0115) 2324 Panel B: Second-stage regression Dependent variable: CAR Explanatory variables: Constant -0.0280 -0.0046 (0.0235) (0.0185) (0.0413) λs 0.0276*** 0.0170* 0.0342** (0.0105) (0.0098) (0.0173) 45 18 27 Number of Obs. -0.0434 Table 6 Heckman 2-Stage Analysis of the “Information Substitute” Hypothesis Using High Dividend Payout Ratio and Low Dividend Payout Ratio REITs over the Period 1981-2001 Table 6 reports Heckman 2-stage analysis of the “information substitute” hypothesis using high dividend payout and low dividend payout REITs over the period 1981-2001. High payout REITs and low payout REITs are classified using the variable PAYOUT1, which is the dividend payout ratio in the year before split. Panel A reports probit estimates of REITs’ split decisions on a set of explanatory variables. Empirically our model for SPLITi, the dummy variable for split decision, is SPLITi = θs 0 + θs1 ⋅ PR_PRICEi + θs 2 ⋅ LSIZEi + θs 3 ⋅VOLUMEi + θs 4 ⋅ RUNUPi + θ s 5 ⋅VOLATLi + θ s 6 ⋅ AGEi +ψ si SPLIT takes on the value 1 or 0 depending on whether there is a split announcement or not respectively. PR_PRICE is the price level on date [-5], where date [0] denotes the announcement date. LSIZE is the natural logarithm of the market value of equity at date [-5]. VOLUME is computed as the ratio of the average number of REIT units traded in the month (approximated by 20 trading days) prior to the split to the total number of outstanding REIT units five trading days before split. RUNUP is the ratio of the price at date [-5] to the price at [-240]. VOLATL is return volatility computed as the standard deviation of returns over the six month (approximated by 120 trading days) prior to the split. AGE is the number of years from when a REIT was listed on a stock exchange to the split date. Panel B reports estimates of the regression: CARi = γ s + β s ⋅ λs + η i where the dependent variable CARi is the cumulative abnormal return of security i from t0 - 1 to t0 + 1, t0 is the date that firm announces split. λs is the unexpected information revealed by split and is computed as the inverse mills ratio based on the probit model reported in panel A. Numbers in parentheses are standard errors. *** denotes a coefficient is statistically different from 0 at the 1% level, ** denotes a coefficient is statistically different from 0 at the 5% level, and * denotes a coefficient is statistically different from 0 at the 10% level. All REITs High payout ratio REITs Panel A: First-stage regression (Probit) Low payout ratio REITs Dependent variable: SPLIT Explanatory variables Constant -1.2884** 0.6895 -2.3269*** (0.5919) 0.0636*** (0.0077) -0.2146*** (0.0556) (1.0933) 0.1119*** (0.0171) -0.5096*** (0.1104) VOLUME -0.0263 -0.0794 (0.0375) (0.0562) (0.0581) RUNUP -0.0227 0.3742 -0.1258 (0.0872) (0.2580) (0.1964) VOLATL 1.9721 3.6100 0.5993 (5.5627) (13.0501) (7.3612) AGE 0.0312*** 0.0140 0.0310** (0.0098) (0.0174) (0.0139) 3160 2157 1003 PR_PRICE LSIZE Number of Obs. (0.8103) 0.0442*** (0.0099) -0.0635 (0.0751) -0.0036 Panel B: Second-stage regression Dependent variable: CAR Explanatory variables: Constant -0.0280 0.0001 -0.0616 (0.0235) (0.0180) (0.0404) λs 0.0276*** 0.0099 0.0497*** (0.0105) (0.0085) (0.0184) 45 22 23 Number of Obs.