Document 13106769

•  Breslin: ‘Understanding China’s regional rise’
•  Notion of China superseding US influence in Asia should be questioned
•  The ‘imagined’ power of China enhances actual Chinese influence
•  Regional engagement (as opposed to competition) is the logical path
given new security threats (piracy, SARS, terrorism)
•  How unique is the ‘Chinese model’ of development?
•  Acharya: ‘Seeking Security In The Dragon’s Shadow’
•  SE Asia benefits from rising China and would seek to accommodate it
•  Approaches its rise with ‘cautious optimism’
•  China needs ASEAN’s cooperation ‘to realise its leadership ambitions’
•  China’s economic relations with SE Asia are not a zero-sum game
•  ‘Counter-dominance’: Using a mix of approaches ‘to prevent the total
dominance of a region by any outside power’ (19)
•  Liru: ‘Peaceful Rise’
•  ‘China threat’ theory is a fallacy
•  Chinese model a ‘marriage between Oriental and Occidental
civilisations’ (15)
•  China should continue its integration ‘with globalisation’ while making
social reforms domestically
•  Current US dominance in the Asia Pacific untenable
•  Shambaugh: ‘Thinking about China’s future’
•  Chinese government should abandon ‘slogan diplomacy’ (19)
•  ‘China first’ foreign policy
•  There needs to be more specifics on what kind of political reforms
should be implemented; top-down or bottom-up?
•  US influence in region should not be underestimated
•  Neither should other (potential) powers such as India, Japan, Brazil, etc.
•  The power of political rhetoric & other uses of language
•  Historical constructions of China and their impact (if any) on the
current debate
•  Impact of policy advocacy on academic & wider public debate
•  Comparison to ‘Japan threat’ or other similar cases
•  Power of the media to shape understandings and
•  Election cycles and the need for political/economic scapegoats
•  Is the ‘threat’ real or imagined? If real, what kind of threat does
China pose (economic, military, ideological)?
Saint of
GB (Britannia)
France (Marianne)
Hermann Knackfuss, Völker Europas, wahrt eure heiligsten Güter
("Peoples of Europe, guard your dearest goods")