2013 All- employee Picnic Campus Center

2013 Allemployee
Campus Center
and Chapin Lawn
Tuesday, July 9,
11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
A picnic lunch
will be provided by
our own dining services.
As we've done in the past, we will combine this fun
event with an opportunity to support Jessie’s House, a
shelter in Amherst that provides emergency housing and other
services to those in need, by collecting personal care and
other small items for their residents.
Bring your picnic blanket to sit on
and a hearty appetite.
Want to help? Email ksananto@smith.edu
about volunteering for a half-hour shift
on the day of the picnic.
Tables and chairs will be available to be used by those for
whom sitting on the grass is not an option. In case
of inclement weather or unbearable heat,
seating will be available in the
Campus Center.