Uploaded by Andrew Battersby

Platinum Jubilee Garden Party Invitation

Biggleswade Academy
Mead End
SG18 8JU
Tel: 01767 660515
Web: www.biggleswadeacademy.org
E-mail: enquiries@biggleswadeacademy.org
12 May 2022
Dear Parents/Carers,
On Friday, 27th May 2022 we are very excited to be able to invite you to our Platinum Jubilee Garden Party!
This will be a chance for you to join us as a whole school and enjoy a picnic alongside your child, to celebrate the Jubilee of
Her Majesty the Queen.
In the morning pupils will enjoy taking part in a variety of different celebration activities to learn more about about British
Values and the Monarchy system in Great Britain. During the afternoon we would like the whole school to join together for a
traditional English Tea Party.
The timetable for the afternoon will be as follows:
2.35pm –
Enter the field area via Kitelands Park gate. Children will be gathered in classes across the field for you to
collect your child/children from – please see attached map for guidance. For safeguarding purposes the
school gates will be locked after the last person enters. (Gates will be staffed in case you need to leave).
Enjoy a picnic with your child/children in the central location which will be marked out for families. Please
bring your own food, soft drinks and picnic blankets, but please bear in mind that pupils will have had their
lunch so a full picnic lunch will not be required. Due to allergies, please do not bring any form of nuts in
your picnic. Smoking and alcohol is also not permitted on the school grounds. Please also note that there
will be little access to shade on the field so please consider suitable clothing, including sun hats and sun
cream in the event of a hot day! For safeguarding reasons the filming of videos or taking of photographs
will not permitted on this occasion and access to toilets will not be available.
Tidy up time!
Please return to your children to their form groups before making your way out of the Kitelands Park gate.
We would appreciate it if you could take your rubbish home with you.
Pupils return to form classes
Usual end of day dismissal from regular places.
If you would like to join us for the afternoon please complete the form on the link below by Tuesday, 25th May, so the
necessary preparations and arrangements can be made: form
If you are unfortunately unable to join us, we would appreciate it if you could please provide your child with something to sit
on, a drink and celebratory snack that they can enjoy with their friends and class teacher.
The entire Academy looks forward to welcoming you.
Yours sincerely,
Ms Flynn and the Academy Team
Academy Principal: Ms S. E. Flynn
Part of LIFE Academies Trust
Registered in England, Company Number 07928028