A joint literacy intervention between Schools and Community Learning and Development

Schools Improvement Partnership Programme
A joint literacy intervention
between Schools and Community
Learning and Development
• Alex Black (Quality Improvement Manager)
• Frances Lawson Tennyson (ASL Advisor)
• Maureen Petrie (Acting Service Manager CLD)
Getting it Right
An intensively researched transition programme that will increase
the probability of children being able to access the secondary
curriculum and achieve success
• Interventions at small group and individual level to boost value
added in literacy attainment
• Action research and CPD to increase the capacity of staff,
ensuring longer term sustainability of gains at school level
• Targeted and sensitive interventions to support family literacy,
involving CLD workers and Family Support Workers
Falkirk’s SIMD Profile
Attainment and SIMD - 2013
Falkirk Profile (1)
Falkirk Profile (2)
Falkirk Profile (3)
Falkirk Profile (4)
Example of School Profile
Participating Schools
Falkirk High School
Langlees Primary
Slamannan Primary
Bantaskin Primary
Grangemouth High School
Beancross Primary
Bowhouse Primary
Moray Primary
Identification of a target group
Identification of a control group
Baseline assessments
Longitudinal tracking P7-S2
Action research logs
School and pupil profiles
Literacy Strategy 2014-17
‘The strategy demands innovative approaches to partnership
working. It invites services, agencies and families to raise
the bar in terms of what all our children, young people and
adults can achieve’.
Involve families
Work with partners
Analyse data and act on findings
Deliver intelligence based professional learning
experiences at school, cluster and authority levels
9. Design a robust evaluation process
Action research questions
• “In what ways do targeted reading interventions by
school and community learning and development
improve literacy levels of P7 pupils who are
currently reading behind their chronological age?”
• “In what ways do joint interventions from
Additional Support for Learning and Community
Learning and Development improve access to the
secondary curriculum for children reading behind
their chronological age?”
High Five Intervention
• To provide an opportunity for children to work at their own level
on the text types used in whole class teaching
• To introduce study skills through Reciprocal Reading
techniques and discussion of text types
• To develop independent reading and writing strategies
• To encourage editing as a natural part of the writing process
• To develop a range of strategies for learning words
• To promote self-esteem through enjoyment and improvement
Pupil selection
Clusters identified by SIMD
CEM reading scores analysed
Core group of 21 children reading age 6 or 7 years
Wider group of 17 children with reading scores
between 4 to 8 years who will also access the CLD
• Control group of 21 with similar reading ages and
SIMD to our core group.
Comparative data
• Control group - S2 cohort / 21 others
• Similar SIMD profile
• Similar age group
Programme of training and networks
The Education pathfinder will:
• Liaise with schools and CLD in order to devise
school/community and pupil profiles and
• Deliver High Five training
• Provide school support with launch, intervention
and evidence gathering as appropriate
• Support peer observation arrangements
• Arrange and facilitate networking events
Evidence Gathering
• Reflective Journals
• CEM data
• Reading assessments
• Input record sheets
Looking to the future
• The project will lay the foundations of a
sustainable model for targeted and holistic
intervention in literacy
• In terms of ‘practice into policy’, the research
will inform the new Falkirk Literacy Strategy
• Other upper primary pupils
• Wave 3 intervention at the primary 2 stage
alongside a similar partnership with Community
Learning and Development
• Scottish Survey of Adult Literacies 2010
• 26.7% of adult population have occasional
challenges in literacies and of this group 3.7%
have serious challenges
• The lack of literacies skills in a community
mirrors the level of poverty in a community
• Social practice model
Existing CLD provision
Junior youth work
Healthy eating initiatives
Let’s Cook!
Dynamic youth awards
Senior phase
Family literacy
Improving Practice
Upper Primary/High Schools
Strengthening the links
Joint training
Changing practice
Work with parents