Document 13048663

Casey Overpass: Planning & Concept Design Study
A Common Platform for Mobility and Livability Goals
MOBILITY: the ability to reach a destination and to use, choose and transfer modes within reasonable
time and costs. Mobility is higher when average travel times, variations in travel times, and travel
costs are low. The provision of multi-modal opportunities is essential for good mobility.
LIVABILITY: the use of transportation investments to improve the standard of living, the environment,
and quality of life for all communities. Livable communities are places where transportation, housing
and commercial development investments have been coordinated so that people have access to
adequate, affordable and environmentally sustainable travel options.
Guiding Principles:
Improve safety for all users.
Address a structurally deficient bridge.
Protect and respect the design for Arborway Yards.
Develop alternatives that meet ABP budget and schedule.
Adopt the principles of Universal Design (accessible and barrier-free design).
Strive to have an inclusive process for the sharing of information.
Improve quality of life for residents.
Integrate artistic elements in designs.
Improve roadway geometry to balance circulation for all modes and all users.
Improve access and modal & intermodal connections locally & regionally to promote existing
transportation choices.
Integrate sustainability into design concepts.
Remove barriers for neighborhood and park connections and integrate transit into economic
centers and residential areas.
Create a destination and sense of place and celebrate the area’s architectural, transportation
and open space history.
Improve the visibility, connectivity and access to gateway open spaces.