MassDOT/MBTA Board 1:00 P.M. Monday, June 29, 2015 MassDOT Boardroom 10 Park Plaza, Plaza Suite 3830 Boston, MA 02116 Overview of Proposed 2015A Transaction On February y 21st , the MBTA Board of Directors approved pp the issuance of one or more series of revenue bonds ( the “Bonds”) by the Authority in an amount not to exceed $200 million to finance a portion of the capital projects contained within the Authority’s Capital Investment Program. The Bonds are expected to be issued with a senior lien on the sales tax revenues, and secured and payable by the sales tax revenues. The Authority appointed Ramirez & Co, the lead underwriters, from among its existing co‐senior underwriting group. This underwriting group was formed through an RFP selection process. process Mintz Levin serves as bond counsel and U.S. Bank National Association serves as trustee. trustee The sale of the Bonds is anticipated to occur via a negotiated sale method anticipated in August/September. August/September 1 Slide 2 Credit Profile Senior Sales Tax Bonds Ratings g (Moody’s/S&P/Fitch): y Aa2 (stable) / AAA (stable) / Not Rated The sales tax bonds are secured by a 1% statewide sales tax allocated from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' existing 6.25% sales tax, and a subordinate lien on assessment revenues Additional security is derived from a debt service reserve funded at an amount equal to 50% maximum annual debt service Supported by a Gross Pledge of the sales tax revenues and non impairment language included in legislation 1 Slide 3 Financial Profile Pledged Revenue Flow of Funds - Statutory Protections of Assessment and Sales Tax Bonds Dedicated Sales Taxes and Assessments are collected by the MBTA State and Local Contribution Fund Assessment Fund is a separate Assessments Dedicated Sales Tax MBTA State and Local Contribution Fund (monthly ) Assessments Pledged Revenue Fund (monthly Sales )Tax Pledged Revenue Fund Held and Administered by Trustee * entity than the Sales Tax Revenue Fund Senior Debt Service Fund (Includes Interest Payable under CP Program) Dedicated Payments The Dedicated Sales Tax credited to the State and Local Contribution Fund shall be deposited to the Pledged Revenue Fund as soon as possible ibl Debt Service Fund Senior DSRF DSRF Subordinated Debt Service Fund To cure deficiencies in the other Trust Agreement g Under both the assessment bond and sales tax bond trust agreements, surplus revenues released from either the assessment bond or sales tax bond flow of funds are available to fund g shortfalls in either trust agreement before remittance to the MBTA General Fund Subordinated DSRF To Pay Prior Obligations Obli ti General Fund To Pay MBTA Operating Expenses and Other Costs *In the event the Authority is otherwise unable to certify that it has provided payment for the Prior Obligations for the next fiscal year, payment of the Prior Obligations is made prior to the deposits to the Senior Debt Service Fund Slide 4 MBTA Draft FY2016 Capital Investment Program * and Financing FUNDING SOURCE Federal Funding Sources Apportionment Non-Apportionment MBTA Sources Revenue Bonds Non Revenue Bonds Non-Revenue State Sources FY16 $480,332,525 45.9% $225,476,425 21.6% $340,237,500 32.5% $352,523,585 $127,808,940 $168,806,991 $56 669 434 $56,669,434 Commonwealth Funding $340,237,500 TOTAL SOURCES $1,046,046,449 •The draft FY2016 CIP expects to be approved on June 29th Board meeting; Source: MBTA Budget Department 1 Slide 5 Credit Profile – Sales Tax Debt Debt Service Profile and Coverage Levels Prior Base Obligations Net Sales Tax Fiscal Year Revenue Net Debt Bonds Debt (6/30) Amount (1) Service Service Coverage 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 970,637,174 986,274,139 986,274,139 986,274,139 986 274 139 986,274,139 986,274,139 986,274,139 986,274,139 986,274,139 986,274,139 986,274,139 986 274 139 986,274,139 986,274,139 986,274,139 986,274,139 986,274,139 986,274,139 986,274,139 986,274,139 986,274,139 986,274,139 986,274,139 986,274,139 986,274,139 986,274,139 , , 986,274,139 986,274,139 986,274,139 986,274,139 986,274,139 986,274,139 86,638,265 39,315,785 23,993,225 31,026,700 31 347 675 31,347,675 30,298,050 30,301,400 19,422,825 18,454,700 18,457,900 18,458,250 18 457 250 18,457,250 18,456,050 18,455,450 18,455,900 18,457,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 364,517,573 336,867,509 375,693,421 376,594,435 379 421 101 379,421,101 379,402,480 366,396,346 380,964,045 295,703,259 338,335,363 294,676,903 293 564 638 293,564,638 272,776,975 263,462,641 240,905,499 230,328,043 171,953,797 132,780,111 136,136,316 116,146,252 150,549,424 81,075,968 69,831,182 67,151,513 49,672,587 , , 42,140,887 27,036,443 15,580,473 15,577,848 15,580,473 7,790,049 2.66 2.93 2.63 2.62 2 60 2.60 2.60 2.69 2.59 3.34 2.92 3.35 3 36 3.36 3.62 3.74 4.09 4.28 5.74 7.43 7.24 8.49 6.55 12.16 14.12 14.69 19.86 23.40 36.48 63.30 63.31 63.30 126.61 Prior Obligations Debt Service 1 200 1,200 S i S l T b S i Senior Sales Tax D Debt Service Base Revenue Amount 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 2015 2018 2021 2024 2027 2030 2033 2036 2039 2042 2045 Debt Service shown includes entire FY2015 Debt Service Service. Debt service is net of federal subsidies. subsidies Includes approx approx. $91 million principal amount of Senior Sales Tax Bonds Bonds, 2003 Series B that were optionally redeemed on March 5 and 19, 2008 from the proceeds of commercial paper. (1) The Base Revenue Amount was reset to $970,637,174 starting in fiscal year 2015 and will be adjusted annually by the inflation index as required by Section 4 of Chapter 359 of the Acts of 2014. The BRA for FY2016 is $986,274,139. 1 Slide 6 Proforma New Money Debt Service and Coverage • Senior Sales Tax Bonds, 2015 Series A Proforma Debt Service Profile: MBTA Sales Tax Credit $mm 400 Coverage 50.0 45.0 Summary of Proforma New Money Financing Par Amount ($mm) $190.0 Project Proceeds ($mm) $200.0 40.0 40 0 300 35.0 30.0 200 DSRF Requirement ($mm) Total Interest Cost (TIC) $9.5 4.34% 25.0 25 0 20.0 Average Life (years) 27.9 Average Annual D/S FY2016 ‐20 ($mm) $8.2 15.0 100 10.0 10 0 5.0 Average Annual D/S ($mm) $14.7 2046 2044 2042 2040 2038 2036 2034 2032 2030 2028 2026 2024 2022 2020 2018 0.0 2016 0 Fiscal Year Net D/S on Sales Tax Bonds and Prior Obligations 2015 New Money D/S New Coverage Note: Rates as of market close on June 24, 2015. Assumes FY2016 Base Revenue Amount of $986,274,139 Slide 7 P li i Preliminary Financing Fi i Schedule S h d l Preliminary y financing g schedule: Preliminary Official Statement Posting: Week of August 17th Pricing: week of August 24th Pre‐Closing September 9th followed by Closing September 10th 5 Slide 8 2015 New Money Transaction Financing Documents Execution Document: General Certificate Document: Specimen Bonds Chair, MBTA Board of Directors X X Manager MBTA General Manager, X Deputy General Manager/Chief Financial Officer, MBTA X Signatory X X General Counsel Treasurer Controller Treasurer‐Controller X 5 X Slide 9