Student Services Council

Student Services Council
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
Present: Dennis Bailey-Fougnier, Margaret Tam, Sesario Escoto, Sandi Moore, Lyn
Hood, Lois Christos, Masina Hunnicutt, Margery Regalado Rodriguez, Tama Bolton,
Tootie Tzimbal, Anya Finke, Barbara Rigg, Charlotte Achen
Program Reviews
Dennis reminded everyone to continue working on Program Reviews. Those
overdue from last year need to be finished and ones for this year need to be
completed by the end of the year. Our next accreditation is in 2013 and
Student Services must have all Program Reviews completed before then.
Welcome Week Tables
Welcome tables will again be set up on the first Monday and Tuesday of the
semester in the Quad and SAC Plaza. Sandi and Barbara are working on the
schedules and set up.
Program/Office Updates
Dennis talked about the new emergency loan program which will begin
this semester. There’s approximately $67,000 in funding at the
Foundation, with $10,000 in a revolving account for the loans. Loans in
the amount of $100 or $200 will be for a semester only, and will be
charged to the student’s Datatel account, to be paid by the end of the
semester. Eventually an endowment will be used for emergency grants
similar to the WES grants (now only available to women). In the
beginning, all applications will come through Dennis’ office for
approval. As the kinks to this new program are worked out, new loan
approvers may be added.
Margery is wading into her new assignments. She interviewed
counselors and staff during spring as to what’s working well and what
needs attention. She talked about her overall focus of moving away
from “one size fits all” services by distinguishing between the
types/scopes of services that meet the needs of students who have
high engagement needs and those who do not (low engagement
Lois and Sesario gave details about the Second Harvest Food Bank
program on campus. Second Harvest will deliver food to the campus
and students will be able to pick up food once or twice a week.
There is also a new bus pass pilot program that will be voted on by the
Student Senate tomorrow. Cabrillo will purchase regular monthly bus
passes from the Metro at a 20 percent discount and pass the discount
to the students. Students will need to be enrolled in 12 units and must
pay with cash.
Anya’s happy to be back in Student Services and says that
assessments are going great. Office hours will be changed to be more
in line with office in Building 100. The EAP math test will now be
accepted for placement in math classes at Cabrillo. Assessment also
does test proctoring for distance education students from other
Margaret is working with Flor and Charlotte on a new Student Activities
electronic newsletter that will be emailed to students. She’s also lining
up volunteer student ambassadors to help with tours, etc. The student
volunteers will need to fill out volunteer paperwork in HR.
Charlotte announced Welcome Week activities on September 13 and
14 in Aptos, and September 15 in Watsonville. Only three spots
remain vacant on the Student Senate.
Barbara (Rigg) is glad to be here! Welcome Barbara!
Lyn has processed about 150 students to start work this semester. The
job opportunities this year are no better than last year.
Tama’s “pilot” team meets once a week in order for A&R and Financial
Aid offices to update each other. The information sharing has been
valuable. An “all 100 Building” meeting is scheduled for Friday
Tootie is managing the change of leadership and processes in the
Financial Aid office and things are looking positive. One big change is
that 1775 verified “express” students can now be paid without an
advisor reviewing the file, which is getting the students paid as fast as
possible. There was discussion regarding how students’ names must
match what is on their Social Security Card.
Masina reported the A&R Watsonville move closer to the SRC has
made for better communication at the Watsonville Center. The 75%
evaluator position will be announced publicly since there were no oncampus applicants. Per unit fees are increased to $36 for the fall, and
possibly will increase to $46 in the spring.
Next meeting: September 21, 2011