Student Services Council

Student Services Council
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Present: Dennis Bailey-Fougnier, Sandi Moore, Laura Verduzco-Thurman, Barbara Rigg,
Lyn Hood, Beth McKinnon, Rachel Mayo, David Trevino, Jay Jackson, Tama Bolton,
Tootie Tzimbal, Margery Regalado Rodriguez, Karen Reyes, Katie Dowling, Ed Greene,
Sesario Escoto, Anya Finke, Daniel Fields, Carter Frost
Veterans / Ed Plans / Student Planning
Many years ago specific ed plans for veterans were developed and it’s not certain
if they were designed for what vets needed or just how counselors set them up.
With Student Planning on the horizon, Jay wonders how this will work for
veterans’ ed plans. Ed, Patty, Jay, Francisco, and Tama will meet to discuss how
Student Planning may be able to track their progress, which would also help
Patty in the certification process. Karen asked to be included since FTTW
students also need monitoring.
The Student Planning module will be released in December. Jay reported that the
previous glitch of not being able to archive ed plans is being addressed and with
the February or March release counselors should be able to view all PDF ed
plans. Only the most recent PDF will be available for students to view. If there is
another test group, it was requested that veterans be a part of this group.
Progress Renewal (modification of AR 3860)
Jay and Rachel reviewed AR 3860 (League AP 4240). Progress Renewal was
added to the revised Academic Renewal procedure. After much discussion
pertaining to recent League updates and from Tama how this procedure affects
the Financial Aid and A&R offices, it was agreed to split the procedures.
Academic Renewal will be AP 4240 and Progress Renewal will become AP 4241.
Rachel will follow up with Jane Wright regarding the League language and new
procedure process and will send SSC an updated version the two separate
procedures via email for review before taking to December’s IC meeting.
Program Plans/Annual Updates
Dennis reminded SSSP, Assessment, and DSPS that their Program Reviews are
due by the end of the spring 2014 semester. Dennis agreed to combining
Assessment with SSSP. Everyone else will need to submit their annual update by
the end of the spring 2014 semester (preferably sooner).
NaBITA Conference – Sesario
Sesario shared part of a Power Point presentation from the National Behavior
Intervention Association conference he attended. (This information will be
posted to the Student Services shared “O” drive.) He reported how valuable it
was learning from other colleges and experts how they manage intervention. The
pros and cons of anonymous referrals were discussed and is being discussed in
the SSCT group. Reinstating CG 60A (Peer Counseling) as a class was suggested if
possible. Purchasing student retention software is on the list for the next CPC
meeting. This software will not only help the Behavior Intervention Team, but
also will help with tracking for student success. If approved, it will be purchased
in spring with Sesario’s group to use as a pilot.
Program/Department Updates
Katie made a request for a better awareness when referring students to SHS for
documentation for a past illness. Often students are referred (or self-referred)
asking staff to sign off on an illness or injury for which they weren’t treated at
SHS. Ed is working on an appeal/petition form that may help address how to
obtain proper documentation.
• Space is still available for the Welcome Home Veterans training November
22, 8-noon at the Horticulture Center.
• Flu shots are available for $12.
• Peers program is up and running. Applications are available at SHS.
• Discussions are taking place regarding a totally smoke-free campus, which
would include e-cigarettes.
• Teach-in regarding the Affordable Care Act: November 25 at 12:30 in the
• Students are now using only student ID numbers for assessments; however,
scores are not uploading automatically, so staff has been hand entering all
the scores. If a student’s scores are missing from the record, please call
Assessment so they can enter the score. Counselors may enter
equivalencies if the student has a copy of the scores.
• Running Start assessments will begin February 3.
• Renovation has stalled, but the entrance to Counseling has moved to the
Transfer Center side of the building. Signage is being piloted. A wall will be
built to close off the former entrance.
• Karen asked for referrals (unemployed or under-employed individuals) to
the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). There are openings for spring, they
need the students for their funding, and WIA pays for up to three
• The Enrollment Services group of windows is ready to open on December 9.
Staff and students are being trained to answer questions for both Financial
Aid and A&R.
• Two ES positions are open: Program Specialist in Watsonville and Evaluator.
• Appropriate referrals to DSPS should be related to academic or educational
matters. Beth reminded everyone about College Connections at Cabrillo.
Lisa Ferrari, from county mental health, is here four days a week. Students
may be referred directly to her via the DSPS office.
Student Affairs
• By popular demand, a second front office training has been scheduled for
January 10 at 10:00 AM.
• Second Harvest is collecting donations for the food bank.
• Program Plan has been turned in to the state. No change in numbers.
• Adopt a Family has begun – wish list binders in staff lounge, both
• EOPS will receive a 23% restoration increase which will increase the
students in the program by 50 or 60.