Student Services Program Planning Annual Update Department: Office of the Vice President of Student Services Date: May 21, 2013 Goals and Recommendations from Program Plan List the top five goals and recommendations from the last Program Plan and indicate whether they have been met Goals / Recommendations from six-year plan In progress (in clude projected timeline) In progress, projected Spring or Fall 2014 Create a 50% Division Accounting Specialist position ($22,500)_ The Vice President of Student Services Office is responsible for a highly complex budget. The component’s departments need a Division Account Specialist (DAS) position to maintain fiscal stability. Creating a DAS position would directly allow for increased efficiency and effectiveness in overseeing the budget. It would additionally reduce requests to the Business Office for support. Develop consistent and direct communication Ongoing system. ($0) Develop a regular meeting schedule for entire management team. Develop a communication tool for the entire component (email newsletter). Make sure that individual managers have and keep regularly scheduled meetings with the VPSS. Team Building and Broad Component Summer Planning ($500) 2013 The Student Services Manager’s team is fairly Revised October 22, 2012 Goal Met Comments (include any modifications to goals due to feedback, discussion and/or evaluation – refer to data when possible) CalWorks and Component funds We are in the process of doing some reorganization in Fast Track to Work. With this reorganization, we will free up funds to use toward this position. Once we accomplish this, then the VPSS will need to find the remaining funds (about 50%) to fund this position N/A We implemented a weekly senior management team meeting (Dean of Students, Dean of Counseling &ESS, and Director of Enrollment Services). Each member of this team and leaders in FTTW and Student Health also have regularly scheduled one-on-one meetings with the VPSS. VPSS Hospitality funds The Student Services managers will have a retreat in summer/fall 2013 to plan for 2013-14 and to develop some long range planning. (identify source of funding) new in their positions or at Cabrillo. A team retreat to develop a common vision for the component and to develop long-range planning is needed to move the programs forward and to look at how we can better integrate Student Services and Instruction to increase student success Create a 50% Veterans Center Program Coordinator position ($19,000) The newly created Veterans Center is being staffed by VA-supported work-study students. The center requires a Cabrillo staff member to provide continuity, consistency and training. The center will not be successful over time without permanent staff. Volunteers and students alone cannot keep the place afloat. Create a Mentor Program Specialist for Foster Youth Support Program ($19,500). For spring 2012, a donation is paying for a portion of one staff person’s time to help get the initial program off the ground. To truly provide support for this population and to stabilize the program, a dedicated staff person is needed. Move the Dean of C&ESS’s salary out of the Matriculation budget and into the General Fund. ($125,000) The college is only funding of one of the five required Matriculation services. This is due to the recent state cuts to the Matriculation budget and the colleges use of Matriculation money for salaries not services. Revised October 22, 2012 No timeline has been established Due to recent budget cuts, this is still a dream that we will keep in mind as new money is available. Fall 2013 We have applied for a Career Ladder grant. If we get the grant, it will fund this position for three years. 2014-15 The Student Success Act of 2012 requires that Matriculation funds be spent on 3 items, assessment, orientation, and Education planning. The Dean of C&ESS is current funded out of Matriculation funds. Under the new requirements we need to move the dean’s and administrative assistant’s salary out of Matric. Maybe switching with Counselor salaries. New Goals and Recommendations Since Last Program Plan List any new goals and recommendations identified by the department Goal/Recommendation (include timeline) Student Success Act implementation Cost N/A Explanation/Evidence of Need (indicate how this need was assessed) We are working on the pieces of this process that we know about, Enrollment Priorities, required assessment, orientation, and ed. Plans. Cabrillo has formed a steering committee to assist with implementation. There is still a lot we do not know and will not for month to come Status (Comment on progress of new goals/recommendations listed in last annual update) Ongoing SLO/AUO Assessment Progress In a sentence or two, describe where your department should be with ongoing assessment (what assessment you should have done in the last year) and what was actually done. If any task was not completed, explain why. Assessed our AUO in 2012 as part of our program plan. Plan on reassessing the AUO in spring 2014. Several of our goals are directly related to the AUO assessment in 2012 (team building, communication and division accounting assistant). Fill out the Assessment Results section below. SLO/AUO Assessment Results List SLO/AUO assessments, dialogues, and priorities identified as a result of your assessment below. Attach Departmental Assessment Analysis Forms completed in the last two semesters. Program AUO Assessed Revised October 22, 2012 Date of meeting where analysis / dialogue took place. Example: Department Priorities identified for program as a result of assessment. Student Services deans, directors, faculty directors, and staff utilize the communication, leadership development, advocacy and fiscal oversight support of the Vice President’s office to improve their programs and services to facilitate student success. Revised October 22, 2012 Meeting on 00/00/2012 None since completion of Program Plan. We are scheduled to assess the AUO in spring 2014. See 2012 Program Plan recommendations