IMPROVEMENT PLANNInG 2009-2010 -0- Overview of Priorities 2009-2010 Area and QI Target Delivery of Education Develop our curriculum to make it dynamic, innovative and flexible and so meet the needs of all our learners. Further improve the quality of pupils’ learning experiences through the effective use of ICT, including GLOW Further improve the quality of pupils’ learning experiences through the use of a greater range of AfL strategies, including the expansion of the role of Teacher Learning Communities. To better meet the needs of all learners and especially those for whom a range of factors may be barriers to learning and success. The Curriculum Delivery of Education Teaching for Effective Learning Delivery of Education Assessment for Learning Delivery of Education Meeting Learning Needs -2- Pages 3&4 5&6 7&8 9 &10 Improvement Priority Delivery of Education – The Curriculum Link to Education Service Plan Overall Responsibility 4a2: 4b1 E Muir Target Impact on Learners 1 To continue to develop our young people as successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors through the development of a curriculum which is dynamic, innovative and flexible to meet the needs of all our learners – in line with the national development, CfE. Timescale Continuity and progression in their learning will be a feature of our pupils’ experiences Our pupils will be able to demonstrate creativity, will be enterprising and will be better prepared for the world of work and their future careers. Our pupils will benefit from course and programmes that are stimulating, challenging, relevant and enjoyable. Our pupils will be able to make connections within and across their learning. June 2010 and beyond Measures of Success curriculum audit, programmes of study, teachers’ plans, classroom observations, pupil evaluations, staff evaluations, overall levels of attainment and achievement, levels of engagement, levels of motivation, ethos. Resource Requirements access to national documentation, guidance and direction from the local authority, planning time Staff Development familiarisation with key national documentation, CPD on school day structures, curriculum structures, timetabling for senior managers 3 Action Section 1a Tasks/Action Required 1 audit, refine and develop our current S1 curriculum to ensure it is fit for purpose for August 2010 2 improve articulation and progression for learners at the P7/S1 transition point. 3 build on and extend cross curricular and interdisciplinary learning for all pupils 4 supported by local authority guidance and direction, develop existing school day patterns, curriculum structures, timetabling , as appropriate 5 integrate the new National Assessment Framework principles and practices 6 continue to work in partnership to support the development of skills for life and work in our young people (winter leavers’ and vocational programmes, employer engagement) Timescale by…..) Resource Requirements June 2010 June 2010 Subject related CfE Experiences and Outcomes Literacy, Numeracy and HWB Experiences and Outcomes Planning time both internally and with a number of agencies National Assessment documentation Person Responsible each PT DHT PTs Monitoring and Evaluation Arrangements SMT will audit departmental programmes of study both individually and collectively by February 2010 Regular audit of practice by each PT across the department Regular monitoring of departmental minutes by SMT June 2010 and beyond PTs June 2010 and beyond SMT Pupil, parent, staff questionnaires/feedback sheets will be analysed to allow adjustments or amendments to be made as appropriate PTs Scrutiny of course options audited against progression pathways etc June 2010 and beyond Planning time Finance SMT June 2010 and beyond 4 Improvement Priority Link to Education Service Plan Overall Responsibility 4a2 G Birnie Delivery of Education –Teaching for Effective Learning Target Impact on Learners 2 To further improve the quality of pupils’ learning experiences across the school through effective use of ICT, including GLOW Timescale Pupils’ learning experiences/opportunities will be enhanced through access to a greater range of resources, including marking schemes and extension tasks Pupils will be more engaged with their learning through an ability to self and peer assess homework outwith school hours Pupils will be more engaged with their learning through a facility whereby teachers can provide immediate feedback during out of school hours June 2010 Measures of Success classroom observations, pupil evaluations, staff evaluations, quality of homework, teacher records, overall levels of attainment and achievement, levels of engagement, levels of motivation, ethos. Resource Requirements access to appropriate ICT facilities, staff time for uploading documentation and accessing GLOW groups, hard copy for those unable to access facility Staff Development familiarisation with GLOW facilities including methods of access and upload 5 Action Section 2a Tasks/Action Required 1 All departments will increase the range of teaching and learning strategies employed in the classroom including the use of ICT and in particular GLOW (see worked example previously issued) 2 Each department will realise the potential of Glow by integrating its features (Glowmeet, Glowchat) into its planning for effective learning and teaching. 3 Timescale by…..) June 2010 June 2010 Resource Requirements Access to technology CPD where relevant Planning time Person Responsible PT PT Monitoring and Evaluation Arrangements Monitoring of teachers’ plans by PT and SMT Termly classroom observations Monitoring of progress by the Glow mentor and the Glow Development Group Annual report by Glow Mentor Pupil, parent, staff questionnaires/feedback sheets will be analysed to allow adjustments or amendments to be made 4 5 6 6 Improvement Priority Link to Education Service Plan Overall Responsibility 4a2 G Birnie Delivery of Education – Assessment for Learning Target Impact on Learners 3 To further improve the quality of pupils’ learning experiences across the school through more consistent use of assessment for learning strategies. the further development of Teacher Learning Communities. Timescale Pupils will benefit from a stimulating learning environment in which there is a range of skilful and well paced teaching and learning approaches Pupils’ learning experiences and opportunities will be enhanced through the embedding of the five key strategies of formative assessment. Pupils will be more engaged with their learning and take greater responsibility through the positive impact of high quality written and oral feedback, exit passes, self and peer assessment, comment only marking etc Levels of pupil motivation will improve. Attainment and achievement will improve. June 2010 Measures of Success classroom observations, pupil evaluations, staff evaluations, quality of classwork, teacher records, overall levels of attainment and achievement, levels of engagement, levels of motivation, ethos. Resource Requirements commitment to participation in the departmental and cross curricular TLCs: time for meetings: TLC leaders require to access LA meetings Staff Development regular familiarisation with strategies: access to key documentation via TLC leaders. 7 3a Tasks/Action Required 1 All departments will integrate an increased number of AfL strategies (active learning, formative assessment) into their learning and teaching practices. 2 Each department will establish a GlowGroup link with at least one other department to create a larger TLC group and to exchange TLC strategy ideas and experiences. 3 All departments to feature TLC on departmental meeting agendas twice monthly 4 All departmental staff to submit a second TLC action plan 5 continue to develop a more interdisciplinary approach to the composition of TLCs Action Section Timescale by…..) Resource Requirements June 2010 November 09 Commitment to participation in the departmental TLC: Time in collegiate calendar, departmental meetings: TLC leaders require to access LA meetings CPD as appropriate Access to technology Person Responsible PT PT Monitoring and Evaluation Arrangements Monitoring of DM agendas by SMT SMT monitoring via quality calendar Bi-monthly monitoring of departmental minutes from August 09 onwards PT October 09 PT Monitoring of individual teacher action plans by PTs and TLC leaders DHTs will access Glow Groups to monitor progress Analysis of staff questionnaires/feedback from August 09 onwards DHT 6 8 Improvement Priority Delivery of Education – Meeting Learners’ Needs Link to Education Service Plan Overall Responsibility 4a1: 4a2 A McCloy/J Swan Target 4 Impact on Learners To better meet the needs of all learners, including those for whom the learning environment, family circumstances, disability or health needs or social and emotional factors may be a barrier to learning Timescale Learning activities are matched to needs and support and challenge learners to maximise progress Pupils’ learning experiences and opportunities will be enhanced through a more proactive approach to meeting their needs. Pupil potential will be maximised through effective deployment of personnel and partnership working. Pupils will be more engaged with their learning and take greater responsibility for it. Levels of pupil motivation will improve. Attainment and achievement will improve. June 2010 Measures of Success classroom observations, pupil evaluations, staff evaluations, quality of classwork, teacher records, overall levels of attainment and achievement, levels of engagement, levels of motivation, ethos. Resource Requirements planning time: audit tool: time for discussions with a range of personnel, including pupils and parents: staffing. Staff Development CPD for staff: information for staff on current research. 9 Action Section 4a Tasks/Action Required 1 continue to develop the effectiveness and role of the School Liaison Group in meeting pupils’ needs 2 review the role of all staff who have key involvement in supporting pupils’ learning 3 work with the local authority to establish an alternative learning environment for those pupils who, for a range of reasons, experience difficulties and challenges in their learning. Timescale by…..) June 2010 Resource Requirements Questionnaires Audit Time for discussion and meetings June 2010 June 2010 Person Responsible DHT SMT PTSfL PTs Guid Staffing Accommodation Time for Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Arrangements Monitoring of SLG agendas and minutes by SMT Analysis of staff, pupil and parent questionnaires/feedback Minutes of meetings HT DHT PTSfL 4 5 6 10