Instructional Planning Yearly Update Date ___December 3, 2012____ Department ___Mathematics_____

Instructional Planning Yearly Update
Date ___December 3, 2012____
Department ___Mathematics_____
Division _________NAS_________
Goals and Recommendations from Program Plan
List the top five Goals and Recommendations from the last Program Plan and indicate whether they have been met?
Goals / Recommendations from six-year plan In progress Goal Met
(identify source
of funding)
Replace the three full-time faculty positions
lost to retirement and resignation.
In Summer 2012, one position was filled, but we will lose
General Fund another full-time instructor to retirement in Spring 2013.
Hire a full-time LIA for the Math Learning
Center (MLC).
Increase the number of group-study rooms
and general space in the MLC and the ILC, as
well as provide lighting for the tables outside
the MLC.
Increase the number of tutors for the
Integrated Learning Center (ILC).
Increase the adjunct office space.
In Fall 2012, two long-term LIAs retired. In Spring 2013, there
General Fund will be one LIA at 50%, one LIA will have been hired at 80%.
An additional LIA at 100% still needs to be hired. Ideally, the
MLC would like to have five LIAs.
Some MLC space was lost to shared space with the relocation
General Fund of DSPS. Lighting has been partially installed outside. The
MLC plans to purchase laptops to be checked out by students
and to convert the existing computer room into group-study
rooms. In the ILC, nearby classrooms and hallways are being
used to increase space during peak hours.
More tutors were hired in the MLC, but many of the tutors
General Fund only work very limited hours. There was less overall coverage
because the Math LIA reduced his contract to teach extra
Currently adjuncts have no space to discuss confidential issues
General Fund with students. Room 714 and Room 710F may become
temporarily available for adjunct office space in Fall 2013 as
the new STEM center comes online.
New Goals and Recommendations
Increase full-time office space.
List any new goals and recommendations identified by the department
Explanation/Evidence of Need
More of a prioritization
Only seven of twenty full-time instructors have private offices
than a cost.
for confidential discussions. The opening of the new STEM
center may provide as many as three additional offices.
Rehire a Laboratory Instructional Assistant
LIA: $57,122.70/full-time
Every semester approximately 78 students take a math course
(LIA) or at least a permanent tutor at the
at the Scotts Valley Center and currently there are no tutoring
O:\Instruction Office\Program Planning\Annual Updates\Annual Plans Rcvd Fall 12\NAS\Math\MATH Annual Update S2013.doc
Scotts Valley Center.
Increase the number of smart classrooms
Continue improving our curriculum and ways
of delivering it, including alignment with the
local high schools and comm. colleges and
increasing consistency between multiple
sections of a course.
Increase Supplemental Instruction
Tutor: $1752 per semester
for 10 hours per week.
$12,500 per classroom
Cost to attend
conference(s) and other
professional development
Approx $350 per tutor per
services provided.
Room 716 was converted in January 2012. Room 712 may be
converted in the near future.
The dept has come up with some guidelines for structuring our
algebra courses. Discussions have begun about the actual
content with the intent of increasing consistency across
multiple sections. The dept participated in a High-School
Math/English summit in Spring 2012.
Expand to transfer-level courses in both Watsonville and
SLO Assessment Progress: In a sentence or two, describe where your department should be on the Revolving Wheel of Assessment (what
assessment you should have done in the last year) and what was actually done. If not every thing was completed, explain why.
The department is on schedule for the assessment cycle. In Spring 2013 we will finish assessing all Student Learner Outcomes not yet assessed.
In Fall 2013 the department will begin assessing the Core Four.
SLO Assessment Results: List SLO assessments, dialogues, and priorities identified as a result of your assessment below.
Core Competency, Course
SLO, or CTE Program
SLO Assessed. Example: all
course SLOs for English 1A,
1B and 2
The third SLO for each
course was assessed
(Math 4 5ABC,7,12, 18
(SLO #1 and #2 as well),
154, 254B, 254 CM)
The fourth SLO for each
course was assessed
(Math 10 (only SLO),15 (1,2
and 4)152, 152B (1,2, and 3),
18, 254B, 254 CM)
Date of meeting where Priorities identified for program as a result of assessment. Example: Develop
analysis / dialogue took strategies for teaching research and documentation skills; share rubrics for
place. Example: Dept
research papers; provide more instructional support outside of class.
Meeting 8/27/10
2/1/12 (flex meeting)
2/3/12 (dept meeting)
8/22/12 (flex meeting)
Most of these priorities appeared in both assessments:
More time in and out of class at the basic skills level, including supplemental
Consistency between instructors in expectations and policies (while maintaining
academic freedom).
Increase students’ conceptual understanding.
Improve students’ algebra skills in the calculus sequence.
Increase tutoring; hire more tutors
Increase the number of fulltime faculty.
Target curriculum in Math 152 to meet a very diverse audience.
Make an alternative to Math 152.
O:\Instruction Office\Program Planning\Annual Updates\Annual Plans Rcvd Fall 12\NAS\Math\MATH Annual Update S2013.doc