(check against delivery) WSIS+10 HIGH-LEVEL EVENT OPENING POLICY STATEMENT BY ALEJANDRA LAGUNES COORDINATOR FOR THE NATIONAL DIGITAL STRATEGY (Geneva, June 10, 2014) Dr. Hamadoun I. Touré, Secretary General of the International Telecommunications Union, Excellency Atef Helmy, Ministry of Communications & Information Technology of Egypt, Distinguished representatives, Ladies and gentlemen, Internet and technology have transformed all social structures. 10 years ago, we could not image the dimension of the changes that have taken place over this decade, changes that have altered the very foundations of our society. The challenges for the government have been enormous, but also the opportunities, and as we reunite today, we can look back and feel proud at the work and outstanding progress that we have made to build an Information Society and to achieve the development goals of the Millennium Declaration. But we cannot sit and rest. Mexico has made a bold decision: to build a complete ecosystem to foster development and achieve growth through structural reforms, policies and technology. Over one year, Mexico promoted eleven deep, transformative reforms in the following areas: Education, Labor, Energy, Taxes, Financial sector, Economic Competition, Transparency and Access to Information, Criminal Code, Social Security, “Amparo Law”, and Telecommunications. From all the reforms boosted last year by President Peña Nieto, the telecommunications reform is the cornerstone that will allow Mexico's transformation through technology, by a complete change of this sector. With this reform, Mexico became the eighth country to recognize access to Internet as a fundamental right, as it has been established in our Constitution. Also, the reform increases competition, promotes the deployment of telecommunications infrastructure and establishes the Universal Digital Inclusion Policy as an obligation of the State. Regarding policy and technology, the fundamental document that traces our goals is the National Development Plan. Its objective is to drive Mexico to its maximum potential. Within this program, the National Digital Strategy was established. It is fully in line with the objectives of WSIS, and by doing so, we will provide success stories that will contribute to the global discussion about what is the best way to promote development through the use of Internet and Technology. This is the bet we are doing: to build an ecosystem where technology can help us to achieve the millennium declaration and the post twenty fifteen development goals. We, as governments, have no other option: we owe it to our societies. As a global community, we also face new challenges in important matters such as internet governance, internet neutrality, privacy and data protection. On Internet Governance, Mexico strongly believes that what works today has to be strengthened and improved. Internet has been governed by a multi stakeholder model, that includes all of us: governments, academy, civil society, technical organizations who have, from the bottom up, in a collaborative way, defined the principles of internet governance. We cannot reduce the healthy debate that happens in a multi stakeholder environment to an intergovernmental debate. Internet is own by all the people. Mexico is happy to host the 2016 Internet Governance Forum, where we will continue the discussion in a multi stakeholder model. The challenges are there and we have to continue working to promote: that access, use and incorporation of new technologies into the daily lives of the people, improve the quality of their lives, close the inequality gaps and have a positive impact on economic wellbeing, which is the fundamental premise for building a more inclusive and prosperous Mexico and a more inclusive and prosperous world. This is something that society must do together because none of us alone is as effective as all of us together. We have to remember that technology is not going to change the world, people behind technology are. Thank you.