ASCC Minutes 3:00PM, Room 1804 Sesnon House, Aptos Campus October 27th 2005 While this location is considered accessible to those with ambulatory difficulties, the Associated Students of Cabrillo College hope to encourage full participation in student government and advocacy. If we can provide you with disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services than would facilitate your attendance at our meetings please call Nicki or Alta at Disabled Student Programs and Services, at (831) 479-6379. Requests should be made as early as possible, though oncampus transportation can be called for at any time. I. Organizational Items 1.) Call to Order/Roll Call @ 3:01 recess until quorum Meeting resumed @ 3:05 Voting Members: Leflora David Nicki Melissa 3:11 Mario Kristina 3:08 Dawn James Chante William Jason Shannon Ryan Nicole Cris Lysette 3:08 1.1) Approval of the agenda addition to agenda about prop 76 James 5 minutes addition to agenda info item 6 special elections rally james 3 minutes addition to agenda info item 7 photos Lysette 2 minutes addition to agenda special presentation Ryan 3 minutes Mario amend peace library info item to 15 minutes Lysette motion to approve amended agenda second Cris motion carries Voting Members: 16 Voting Members Needed for Quorum(1/2+1): 9 Voting Members Needed to Pass Budgets/Bylaws(2/3): 11 2.) Approval of the Minutes addition to minutes Leflora absent Nicki motion approve minutes oct 20 2005 second dawn motion carries II. Public Comments 3 minutes(each) student senate should have a table in the quad to inform students in a non-partisan forum. also think rally is a good idea Senator Jason on behalf of Zach Woodford Mr. Woodford thinks that as a board we should vote to spend money from the legislative account to speak out against prop 76 because of its danger to California schools. Kristina on behalf of League of Women Voters There will almost certainly be a forum to discuss the propositions especially as they pertain to students Anonymous It is important for the senate to note that this body represents a large number of people and that you have a responsibility to take action. Anonymous I think it's important that this body take a stance on these propositions Anonymous I didn't even know that you existed until I was informed recently, I'd like to petition to be on the senate III. Special Presentations/President’s Report Leflora There were between 74 and 78 schools in attendance at the Presidential Summit. It was well organized but Cal SAC and its operations were poorly explained. Also disconcerting was that no explanation was given for the Chancellor‘s absence. There were excellent opening speakers. In particular, Scott Lay from the Community College League and his presentation on budget cuts and their effects on students. There is currently no statewide student representation. Individual regions will be meeting to resolve this problem. All senators agreed that See Saw Conference was a very positive and empowering experience. They found the Black Caucus to be particularly inspiring. The closing speaker also had a profound influence on the body. The senators found the conference to be an excellent opportunity to network with other members of community college representatives and get new ideas to apply to their day to day operations at home. Ryan The democratizing education conference was a very enlightening experience. People from all walks of life were in attendance. Some of the notable workshops included Neoliberalism and Globalization, Corporatization of higher education, both were very informative. For more information please go to and President’s Report make sure you're checking up on your external committees if you cannot attend please find a substitute please get other people besides us involved ski snowboard swap this Sunday black caucus conference Feb. 17th 18th calsac participate in cal sac make an effort to represent the students because if you won't no one else will Lysette motion for 10 minute recess second by Shannon Jason: lets get recharged anonymous : "holla!" 4 opposed recess at 4:20 resume at 4:30 IV. Review and Vote on Applications for New Senators name: Vidaei Applicant was very enthusiastic, however inexperienced. It was discovered that she would only be able to serve as a senator for 6 weeks time before traveling to India. In light of this information the Senators voted not to accept the applicant as a Senator but encouraged her to apply in the future when she would be able to commit more of her time to the senate’s operations. motion Cris to vote on application second Nicole Cris: she's very well spoken, on the ball I want her on the senate dawn: i think it's going to be hard since she's leaving in December and we sign up to be on the senate for the whole year not just the end of the semester Chante: i think you have so much enthusiasm for learning and i think that's great but my concern is your six month absent. have we had senators do that before? William: six months bothers me, that's most of the term James: i frequently have crazy ideas. she's great, she's qualified but she won't be here for long. perhaps she could join with the possibility of her resignation should others apply Kristina: we thoroughly reviewed Ryan’s application based upon the information that he might miss an hour and i think we should apply that same discrimination to this candidate Nicole: i think that 6 weeks is too short a time to learn the system and accomplish goals Mario: i see this as an opportunity for the applicant to learn the basics and come back later with a foundation. i respect her desire to be a proactive agent. Shannon: she doesn't have to be on the senate to learn. she would be gone a lot longer than she would be here. she could come to the meetings. if she's only here for six weeks i think that's when she would just start feeling comfortable. Jason: i would be more comfortable having her on our committees. Leflora: i don’t think six weeks is enough time to be productive Motion Fails V. Action sweatshirts Nicole Nicole motions to approve no more than 900 from programs from student sweatshirts second by Dawn. motion carries pictures Lysette motion to allocate and additional 100 to original 200 (300) from programs account second by jason dawn: why? leflora: we added two people one against motion carries VI. Information Halloween halloween is Monday 12-3 no costume contest Mario peace library item withdrawn Mario thanksgiving next week will discuss in detail Nicki cards passing around binder of styles Cris prop 76 James This proposition claims that it is designed to get California’s budget crisis under control. It repeals proposition 98 which guarantees certain levels of funding to schools. If it passes the governor can make sizable cuts in education and other programs. Motion by James to adopt resolution against prop 76 second Ryan Motion ruled out of order by Leflora James motion to upgrade to action item second by Jason one opposed motion carries James motions to make a statement that the student senate opposes proposition 76 second by Chante David Stearns yes Mario yes Dawn yes James yes Chante yes William nay Jason yes Shannon yes Ryan yes Nicole yes Cris yes Kristina abstain Lysette yes Melissa yes one against one abstention Motion carries Kristina motions to adjourn meeting Jason : aren't people allowed to leave if they want? Leflora: yes 5 in favor 7 against motion fails VII. Event Updates event updates 3 minutes James voted to approve meeting 45 mintues later next week because of the debate please tell people about it Leflora Monday, November 7 is college night Jason forum on special elections. Michael pebworth speaking Wednesday. details will be posted Mario Ernesto cardinal coming Saturday 2pm at horticulture center VIII. Committee Reports carpool Ryan giving someone a ride to school end report instructional reports Jason proposals coming in November 1st meeting after please remind people about these grants Halloween call me tonight Mario thanksgiving Nicki 3 minutes(each) sign up sheets ASAP sac Liz did a wonderful job sac binder on my desk everything is going smoothly raffle in winter Nicki budget Melissa have minutes from meetings since September 13th until October 20th submit inquiries to my box leg no report Mario net com logos in office sac on front eagle on back Nicki const bylaws looking to change something next week same place same time come and speak your peace David Watsonville Kristina someone speaking on special election icc no report Dawn campus sust David meeting soon just getting things underway ext comm Shannon student health care discussed budgets from 200 to 2007 Dawn accreditation technology resource meeting tomorrow IX. Senator Reports Nicki reimburse Cris next week Dawn no report Mario no report 3 minutes(each) James no report Chante taking journalism teacher the voice is in need of articles please email me William no report Jason glad people stayed and that we voted not to end meeting think that's important Shannon have a happy halloween Kristina I have a dog and cat excreting all over the inside of my house didn't want to miss executive meeting Melissa sorry for my laziness over these past few weeks been going through a lot of personal things it's done now Nicole no report David no report Leflora thanks for staying glad we talked about conferences think that's important to discuss we're spending money to go there and it shouldn't be treated lightly X. Advisor Reports Sesario you chose as one of your top goals election reform and I don't see that you are making any progress to it club advisor training had good turnout 3 minutes Gabe plase come see me about election forum it's a lot of work thanksgiving is coming up lets start working on it so we don't get behind like we did with halloween food drive luncheon next Thursday XI. Agenda Building info thanksgiving nicki info student trustee conference nicki action prop 76 resolution james action rally james info budget melissa info survey jason XII. Adjournment Meeting adjourned @ 6:20 Executive Meeting call to order 6:20 melissa leflora mario kristina - absent david nicki action item 1 dawn has made request for adhoc committe for black history month melissa: think that's a great idea i know some powerful speakerswould like to get involved with that second mario motion carries jason: want exec board to empower me to start a special elections committee leflora : would be happy to put that on for agenda building for next week public comment : jason: we haven't posted the mintues in watsonville leflora: we don't have to, it's not good, but we don't have to Attendance Review david: some of these may be excused that haven't been cleard up yet Ryan : 2 late Nicole : late 1 Shannon: tardy 1 Kristina : absence 1 late 1 James : late 1 Cris: late 1 Chante: tardy 1 Lysette: late 3 Melissa: 2 absence 1 late Mario: late 1 absence1 David : late 1 Leflora: absence 1 Nicki motion to excuse Leflora’s absence due to illness second by Melissa motion carries Mario motion to excuse Melissa’s absences due to illness and family emergency second by Nicole motion carries Dawn: thank you for understanding, next semester things will be less hectic Leflora: i requested this because i think people need a kick start about why they're here and what they're doing. Sometiems you need motivation to follow your senator responsibilities Officer Report Nicki glad no one argued hungry Mario recognize that I’m struggling as leg rep and i'm trying to take steps in right direction meeting next week for leg posted tonight on calendar Melissa apologize that I’ve been absent. i'm getting thigns back on track David no report Leflora Mario’s like the superstar lately I think you have really good ideas and I think your focus is too broad to make great leaps and bounds but Ifeel like you've really listened to everything I've said I really appreciate his feedback and I feel like he's used my feedback well in figuring out what he needs to do also black caucus exec board meeting, please call in if only just to witness their board’s cohesion Advisor Report Sesario Nicole, time goes by fast I sent out another reminder to instructional grants committee your advisors are here to serve you let me know if you want us to be here but you have to be on time my time is limited I recommend that you're there five mintues before and start on time Gabe Put your agenda [in Watsonville] when you have your meeting there. It wasn't posted last time and it's a courtesy to them to have it there; sometimes they complain. Agenda Building committee for special elections activities Jason meeting adjourned 6:41