ASCC Minutes 3:00PM, Room 1804 Sesnon House, Aptos Campus Watsonville Campus Room 4340 2005-10-13 While this location is considered accessible to those with ambulatory difficulties, the Associated Students of Cabrillo College hope to encourage full participation in student government and advocacy. If we can provide you with disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services than would facilitate your attendance at our meetings please call Nicki or Alta at Disabled Student Programs and Services, at (831) 479-6379. Requests should be made as early as possible, though oncampus transportation can be called for at any time. I. Organizational Items 1.) Call to Order/Roll Call @ Voting Members: Leflora David Nicole Mario Kristina Dawn Shannon Chante Nicki William James Jason Cris Lysette - 3:04 Luz - 3:19 Ryan - 3:19 1.1) Approval of the agenda added info item business cards 5 minutes added info item logo 5 minutes added info item sweatshirts 5 minutes James motions to approve agenda for October 13th second by David, motion carries. Voting Members: 16 Voting Members Needed for Quorum(1/2+1): 9 Voting Members Needed to Pass Budgets/Bylaws(2/3): 11 2.) Approval of the Minutes James motions to approve minutes from October 6th 2005, motion carries. II. Public Comments 3 minutes(each) Rhonda Martyn represents students of Cabrillo College dance department One of the most prestigious festivals is at Cal State Sacramento this year Requesting funds to attend the event which will expose students to professional feedback and criticism Phoebe Lear Second year Cabrillo student attended conference last year and it was a very positive experience She would like more students to be able to share in that experience Mario Gloria wants to work with Senate in support of ab 840 III. President’s Report Good work everyone, longer report next week 3 minutes IV. Review and Vote on Applications for New Senators None this week V. Action 1) CalSACC snacks Leflora Leflora motions to reimburse Leflora for no more than $120 from the student rep/programs account for food from the CalSACC region 4 meeting held at the horticulture center on Friday october 14th second by Mario, motion carries 2) CCCSAA Leflora Leflora motions to spend no more than $500 from the Student Rep account to send nine (9) student leaders to CCCSAA conference in San Jose on October 21-23rd second by Mario motion carries 3) Dance Conferene Nicole/Leflora Leflora motions to spend no more than $1500 from conferences account to send 15 Cabrillo College dance students to a dance conference at Cal State Sacramento second by Shannon At this time there was a motion to overturn chair decision to not upgrade metro resolution to action item motion died due to lack of second 4) Billee Paul birthday Dawn Dawn motions to spend no more than $1,000 from the Programs account to fund a birthday party for Billee Paul’s 90th birthday in honor of her work for the students of Cabrillo College second by Kristina Billee Paul is a former employee of Cabrillo College and has actively dedicated to the community for many years Motion Carries VI. Information 1) Peace Library Mario This issue will be back as an information item this week. Proposed funds will come from programs account and will go to purchasing books for use by children in the childcare enter, ECE students and Cabrillo College English students as well as updating the Peace Library database. 2)OLA Graduation no information this week Jason 3)Bus Strike Resolution Jason A resolution was proposed as a unified statement from the Student Senate. Senators discussed the resolution and action entailed by agreeing to the resolution. Jason motions to upgrade Bus Strike Resolution information item to action item President ruled motion out of order due to lack of student information Jason motions to overrule the decision second by Lysette 2 in favor 1 abstention motion fails Jason: I think that this was a tough point to take for the Senate but this has been going on since August and if we are complaining that the students are not informed then maybe we should get informed first. The resolution is important, it's the only choice that we have because no one else is doing anything with it. I'm trying to be concise here. I hope that you will support this item. Maybe we won't be in total agreement but we have to think about their [the students’] welfare. Lysette motions to recess for 10 mintues second by Shannon motion carries 4:20 Meeting called back to order at 4:30 4)Democratizing Education Conference Ryan One of the issues being discussed is the unionization of higher education. There is a similar program in Canada. Similar circumstances affect Junior Colleges as other higher education institutions, on these grounds the presenting senator wishes to represent Cabrillo College at the conference and report back on the proceedings. 5)Halloween Mario Melissa thinks we should have a theme for young kids to do a kind of Halloween event The basic ideas are: Thusday October 27th between 4:20 and 11:30, possibly in quad amphitheatre. music - live, djs, halloween music, costume party, dia de los muertos in cafeteria, pumpkin carving competition, games, possibly educational workshop element, food. 6)Thanksgiving no information Nicki 7) Business Cards Cris Kristina and i have found Vista Print and we can have completely custom cards. Please select your background you can have a glossy front for an additional charge delivery rush 3 days in time for conference should be ready by Thursday put them in Cris' box by Monday 8)Logo/Sweatshirts 3 options for logos please let me know which one you want next week we will be voting on sweat shirt colours to get your name and position will cost a little bit more you can get a zip or a pullover will be back next week as an action item VII. Event Updates VIII. Committee Reports Carpool no report Nicki 3 minutes 3 minutes(each) Ryan Halloween no report Mario Thanksgiving meeting monday Nicki jamba juice 3:30 17th Instructional Supports no report Jason SAC no report Nicki Budget no report Melissa Legislative Mario Legislative regional meeting tomorrow at Cabrillo CalSAC meeting tomorrow, there is a proposal to impeach president of CalSAC Networking and Communications meeting Tuesday 18th at 2:15 Nicki Constitution and By-laws no report David Watsonville Starting a folder for recommendation box. one helpful one: “you guys are losers will you update the board please” The board will be updated accordingly Kristina ICC More info next week Campus Sustainability Working on compost with Horticulture Center David External Committees Nicki Tuesday enrollment management test course working on improving parking possibly benefits for students who take certain number of units Kristina I can't do transfer committee because it conflicts I would appreciate it if anyone would take over it for me 1:30-2:00 Wednesday James agreed to take over the committee James After comments regarding the drug survey A third party has concluded that some figures were purposefully misleading and others were just wrong. I think the way to educate students about drugs is to be honest with them. Ryan enthusiastic about widespread use of carpool board vanpool is not feasible transportation issues seem to be resolving themselves IX. Senator Reports 3 minutes(each) Lysette Disapointed in the body with the overextension of discussion time I feel that Jason did his part and it was unfair that we didn't upgrade his motion to an action item; we could have just voted it down. We need to do something and this was a senator trying to provide that. I think it's unfair to just strike it down. Thanks. James I think it was proper that it wasn't an action item because there were major changes that the senators were not informed of. We should know more about the bus strike. I was not insincere in thanking Jason for bringing this to our attention. I would like a 30 minute info item on this issue next week if the issue is not resolved. Also, I think some things should run long. When people seem to be angry it's a result of passion; it's never personal from my end. Cris Use the senate meeting board Nicole Tegan and Sara tomorrow opening for cake Chante I think we should have more time to talk about the bus strike. I am in favor of info item next week. On a personal note, I’m trying to get tickets to see fall out boy. I’m bidding on eBay, wish me luck. Dawn Seeing social distortion, very excited Nicki I'm trying to get organized. I think we should have further discussion of bus strike. I don't think it was necessary to upgrade to action item because of changes. Luz, you look hot today. Kristina I encountered some bears over the weekend and I went to my Grandmothers 104th birthday. I still have cards in my box; please sign them and have them done right away. Shannon Thank you everyone for doing such a wonderful job. And thanks to Leflora for staying even though you're sick. I went to my grandmother's birthday party also. I’m looking forward to weekend, thank you. Mario Tomorrow is CalSAC meeting, please attend. I’m disappointed about Halloween, my dreams have been shattered. I ate a lot of cornbread and I wish more of you had eaten it. Homework is stacking up and it’s kind of scary. William Everyone, you stole my comments. Midterms are going well. The meeting ended early Thanks for bringing snacks. Luz Thanks Cris for taking care of the business cards and to Nicki for sweatshirts and to everyone for information. Don't drink and drive, be safe, take care. Ryan I will be at the meeting tomorrow. I haven't had much sleep. I have an 8am art class which i should be excited about but it's draining me so that's why I'm tired. Thanks for business cards and sweatshirts. I'm putting my myspace on my card. David I’m excited about a lot of things: cards, sweatshirts; I want my shirt to say "caww!" on it like a bird call. Leflora Thanks for a good meeting. I think if we had voted on that resolution today I would have vetoed it because it's the 15,000 students of Cabrillo College we're representing. That's why we have information items, so that when it is an action item we can feel confident about its contents. Presidential summit was excellent, very civil. Please go to the meeting tomorrow. James often steals the words out of my mouth. X. Advisor Reports 3 minutes Sesario I'm not willing to give up on vanpool yet. I apologize for being late. At the see saw conference give out half your cards. Don't stress out too much about Halloween and Thanksgiving. Thank you for the cards. I'm sorry that the keys don't work. Safety committee is meeting tomorrow. Accredidation committee is saying members aren't showing up. If you can' t make it please find a substitute. Leflora Thanks Cris for the board and taking initiative. Please be respectful and be well behaved. Also, be punctual XI. Agenda Building Nicki logos action item sweatshirts action item Cris business cards action item James 15-30 minutess bus strike info item XII. Adjournment meeting adjourned 5:45 Executive Meeting roll call Leflora David Nicole Mario Kristina Melissa - absent David motions to approve executive minutes second by Kristina, motion carries. PUBLIC COMMENTS Anonymous A professor approached me about a grant and I told him the I didn't have the information. I told him to check inside with other senators. Jason yelled at me to lower my voice and the professor walked away. I did not appreciate his outburst. Meeting Review Leflora: i apologise for being grouchy Mario: it does affect meeting thank you for waringn us Nicole : i thought it went a little too long Kristina: i think that we need to reiterate that it is not personal Leflora: i think it was a pretty good meeting Attendance Review “When the student trustee misses the board meeting they are automatically put on probation. In her defense the senator says that she was subject to family politics that were out of her control Leflora: There should be no excuse except emergency or extreme illness Sesario: My bylaws do not say who says what determines an unexcused absence. i don't see why you would want to get rid of your representative, to me this is a family emergency. to me this is significant and i think this should be excused. motion to vote to excuse Nicole's absence from Governing board meeting second by Kristina. Kristina: i think that we have to understand the rules but there is also a human aspect motion passes Senator Conflict Issue A senator has been deemed to have acted inappropriately with his/her fellow senators on multiple occasions. He/She will be presented with a corrective action plan on Monday and the issue will be further discussed next Exectutive board meeting.. Officer’s Reports Mario: this thing with the bus strike is important the student worker coalition works with the students and the unions and i want to work on developing something similar at Cabrillo disappointed in my dealing with Halloween and peace library items Kristina no report David no report Nicki thanks for taking me off probation good meeting have to get my knee checked tomorrow I'm proud of you Leflora for getting through the meeting Leflora I got a flu shot last week and I've been sleeping too much but I'm starting to feel better I just want to go to sleep and I'm sorry for being grouchy and i sympathize with you Nicki for your bad knees thanks for the card it makes me feel very happy Advisor Report Sesario five bus drivers volunteered to drive our van but for some reason four of them backed out the budget is not a big deal i'm going to talk to Ryan about that the instructional grant is going out tomorrow meeting adjourned 6:30