Associated Students of Cabrillo College

Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Total on Roster: 17
Votes needed for simple
majority vote: 50% + 1 = 9
Votes needed for 2/3 majority: 11
Aptos Campus
6500 Soquel Dr, Aptos, CA
Sac East
Date and Time:
Thursday, August 11 2011
3:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Senator Collins moves to approve $6,500.00 from the Programs Account to
V. B
go towards a pilot monthly Bus Pass Program where we would purchase 150
Santa Cruz Metro 31-day Passes at $40.00 a piece, 20% off the normal rate
($50). Money acquired selling purchased passes may be used to purchase
new passes, ongoing through the semester. Senator O'Connor seconds.
Representative Avila motions to approve $3,000 from Programs Account
V. F
V. G
V. H
V. I
V. J
for food during the 2011-2012 Senate meetings, with a limit of $100.00 per
meeting. Senator Steele seconds.
Senator Barlow Motions to approve $2,000.00 from the Cultural Events
Account for both the Halloween and Dìa De Los Muertos events. Senator
Petrillo seconds
Senator Petrillo motions to approve up to $300.00 from Programs Account
for snacks during the first few days of classes. Representative Avila
Senator Barlow moves to approve up to $8,000.00 from the Student Center
Account to pay for the relocating of Advisor Chacòn's door. Treasurer Gomez
Senator Petrillo moves to approve $500.00 from Supplies Account
(preferred) or Programs Account for Student Senate T-Shirts. Senator
Barlow seconds.
Call to Order – 4:36pm
A. Roll Call
Executive Officers
President: Charlotte Achen ------------------------------ Present
Treasurer: Jospeh Gomez -------------------------------- Present
Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila -------------- Present
Vice President: Olekseii Chuiko ------------------------ Absent
Trustee: Joseph Watkins ---------------------------------- Absent
ICC Chair: Ivan Sumano-Vargas ----------------------- Absent
Watsonville Representative: Joshua Riparetti ----- Absent
Scotts Valley Representative: Stephan Venegas - Absent
Stephanie Petrillo -------------------- Present
Sharon O’Connor -------------------- Present
Arthur O’Reilly ------------------------ Present
Kathybelle Barlow ------------------- Present
Chris Steele ---------------------------- Present
Jesse Collins -------------------------- Present
Jerry Peters --------------------------- Absent
Darwin Constantino ----------------- Absent
Jennifer Venegas -------------------- Absent
Sesario Escoto ------------------------ Present
Flor Chacòn ----------------------------- Present
Adoption of the Agenda
3 minutes
Senator Steele motions to approve the agenda
Treasurer Gomez seconds
8 yeas - unanimous
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Approval of the Minutes
A. July 21 , 2011
Treasurer Gomez motions to approve the minutes
Senator Petrillo seconds
8 yeas - unanimous
Committee Reports
3 minutes each
3 minutes per committee
T-shirt committee
Can’t order them until we raise the amount requested.
SAC Committee
Talking about an iphone ap that prompts the carrier about a discount when they are nearby a participating
business. Will be a free ap. So far have 20 businesses signed on.
Welcome Week
Waiting for replies for food from Watsonville. Next meeting Thursday, August 18 at 1:00pm.
Retreat Committee next meeting August 18 at 2:00pm
Our lodging facility changed and is much closer to the food area; will save a lot of time. Meeting facility changed
as well, and will save large amounts of time. Meeting area is smaller, but will be worth it for the time saved. We
can change to a larger location if needed.
Food Service Committee
In VAPA and Watsonville Campus new vending machines will hold sandwiches, hot pockets and hot beverages.
A microwave will be nearby. Watsonville campus has traditionally had no food service. Pepsi is providing them
for us. Taher contract may end; could have an open bidding process that allows different vendors to come on
campus. Food service and beverage service are merging; traditionally both contracts were very restrictive.
Strategic Enrollment Committee
Next meeting Monday August 15th 2:30 to 3:30pm
College Planning Council
Next CPC meeting Wednesday August 17 2-4pm
State Student Senate
Online workshop: good idea for all of us to do it. It takes about 2 hours. Will help if problems or disagreements
should arise. Information will be forwarded. Senate website was updated.
Governing board
Around $5 million in budget cuts for 12-13. ‘Will devastate programs and people’
3 bookstore positions eliminated
8 bookstore positions reduced
Reduced positions agreed to take reduction
Governing board initiating program that will involve K-12 schools with community colleges. Young students will
visit the campus.
Chinese language program will be back in the fall; private donations funded it.
Next meeting is September 12th at 6:00pm in Sesnon house.
Bookstore committee
There won’t be a coffee shop or print on demand in the bookstore until next year.
New Business
Appointment of New Senators
1. 3 Senator-at-Large Positions
3 min. for Speech, 3 min. for Questions.
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Pilot Santa Cruz Metro 31-day Pass Program Discussion / Possible Actio S. Escoto 10 Minutes
This item is up for discussion and possible action regarding the approval of $6500.00 from the Programs Account to
go towards a pilot monthly Bus Pass Program where we would purchase 150 Santa Cruz Metro 31-day Passes at
$40.00 a piece, 20% off the normal rate ($50). As we will be taking in the same amount of money, there should be no
loss or gain.
Senator Collins motions to approve $6500.00 from the Programs Account to go towards a pilot monthly Bus
Pass Program where we would purchase 150 Santa Cruz Metro 31-day Passes at $40.00 a piece, 20% off the
normal rate ($50)
Senator O’Connor seconds
Senator Barlow amends to add that the money acquired selling may be used to purchase new passes,
ongoing through the semester.
Senator O’Reilly seconds
8 yeas - unanimous
Amendment passes
8 yeas - unanimous
Main motion carries
Bylaws Amendments
Discussion / Possible Action
O. Chuiko
30 Minutes
Tabled for next meeting
Thanksgiving Community Dinner Discussion / Possible Action
S. O’Connor 5 Minutes
This item is up for discussion and possible action regarding the approval of $10,000.00 from the Programs Account
for the Thanksgiving Community Dinner held on Nov. 21 in Watsonville and Nov. 22 in Aptos.
Want to change account, so tabled until next meeting.
Food Pantry in SAC East Discussion / Possible Action S. Escoto
5 Minutes
This item is up for discussion and possible action regarding the co-sponsorship (ASCC & Student Affairs) of the Food
Bank that will be located in SAC East and will help assist students who are in need of food.
Need it to be staffed. Want to run it Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9am -12pm. Senate will need to help with
staffing. Will get food from Second Harvest; we will simply be a distribution point.
Senator Petrillo moves to establish student senate as official partner of Second Harvest.
Senator O’Reilly seconds
8 yeas - unanimous
Food for the 11-12 Senate Meetings Discussion / Possible Action S. O’Connor
5 Minutes
This item is up for discussion and possible action regarding the approval of $3,000.00 from the Programs Account
so that food can be made available at the senate meetings for both senators and Students.
Representative Avila motions to approve $3,000 from programs account for food during the 2011-2012
Senate meetings.
Senator Steele seconds
Representative Avila amends to limit it to $100 per meeting
Senator Steele seconds
8 yeas - unanimous
Amendment passes
8 yeas - unanimous
Main motion carries
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
G. Halloween Event
Discussion / Possible Action K.Barlow
5 Minutes
This item is up for discussion and possible action regarding the approval of $2,000.00 from the Cultural Events
Account for both the Senate Halloween and Dìa De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead), which is traditonally held every
yeasr. $1,000 will be for the Halloween Party, $1,000 for Dìa De Los Muertos.
Senator Barlow motions to approve $2,000.00 from the Cultural Events Account for both the Senate
Halloween and Dìa De Los Muertos events.
Senator Petrillo seconds
Each event should have something happen at both campusses. Traditionally the event only occurs on the
Aptos campus. President Achen will talk with the relevant clubs. Senate is doing the Halloween event; a club
will probably handle Dìa De Los Muertos.
8 yeas – unanimous
Motion carries
New Semester Hospitality (first Two days of School) Discussion/Possible Action S. Escoto 5 Minutes
This item is up for discussion and possible action regarding the approval of up to $300.00 from the Programs
Account for snacks to hand out during the first few chaotic days of school (August 29th and 30th). We would be in
the quad, SAC East, and in Watsonville Center.
Senator Petrillo motions to approve up to $300 from Programs Account for snacks during the first few days
of classes.
Representative Avila seconds
Would like to have senators volunteer to table and hand out snacks
8 yeas – unanimous
Motion carries
Relocating Flor’s Door
Discussion / Possible Action F. Chacon
5 Minutes
This item is up for discussion and posible action regarding the approval of up to $8000.00 from the Student Center
Account to pay for the relocating of Flor’s door, which includes the rerouting of several electrical panel.
Senator Barlow moves to approve up to $8000.00 from the Student Center Account to pay for the relocating
of Flor’s door.
Treasurer Gomez seconds
Have been issues getting to flor’s office. Want to make a new door through the wall; because of electrical
wires running through the wall, will cost a lot to do.
8 yeas - unanimous
Motion carries
Discussion / Possible Action
10 Minutes
This item is up for discussion and possible action regarding the approval of $500.00 from the ____Account for
Senate T-Shirts
Senator Petrillo moves to approve $500 from Supplies or Programs Account for T-Shirts
Senator Barlow seconds
8 yeas – unanimous
Motion carries
Reviewing Sustainability Resolution
Information / Discussion
10 Minutes
This item is up for discussion on the review of the Sustainable Purchasing resolution, specifically that as we already
agreed on said resolution, we can no longer purchase bottles of water.
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Noted that this was passed under the impression there would be loose interpretation. Some senators were not aware as to the
full implications of passing the resolution. There was concern rescinding the proposal could make us look flip-floppy. It is
possible to strike through certain portions we don’t like without rescinding the entire proposal. The item will be brought back
for consideration if solid reasons for its necessity are presented to president Achen.
Overview of all Committees
Information / Discussion
20 Minutes
M. Meeting Norms / Goals Signing
Information / Discussion
10 Minutes
This item is up for discussion and possible action regarding the signing of our Meeting Norms and goals for the year
Sign the sheet to agree to follow the meeting norms and work towards the established senate goals.
Reports (Every other name is Bold for Easy Reading)
Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers and Committees report on Senate Activities.
3 minutes ea.
Executive Officers
President: Charlotte Achen
Senate Retreat is next week. If going alone contact President Achen for directions and instructions. Please attend All College
Day. Senators will be asked to go up on stage, but not to speak. President Achen will speak. September 1 is first meeting of
semester, and will be happening on the quad.
There will be town hall meetings regarding the Cabrillo budget in the Sesnon House.
Charlotte has been volunteering for ACE. There are students in the program who are homeless, or with rough pasts, and they
are undergoing transformations.
It is good that we are meeting many times during summer and ironing out bumps before semester meetings begin.
Treasurer: Jospeh Gomez
Fall meetings for budget committee will be Thursday 2:00-2:45pm weekly starting September 8 .
Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila
There is a General Assembly meeting in September. There is a Region IV meeting next Saturday. They are good ways to
network. Meetings are long. Send her edits for the web page if needed.
Stephanie Petrillo
Thanks people for their patience in regard to T-shirts
Sharon O’Connor
Wants help with welcome week activites (tabling, setup, etc.)
Chris Steele
SAC committee going well. Getting better at it.
Jesse Collins
Has a more detailed version of July 21st minutes if desired.
5 minutes ea.
Sesario Escoto
Senate Retreat will be much easier to manage with new accommodations (lodging and meeting room location
Flor Chacòn
Is part of state executive leadership for SEESAW conference.
Thinks sustainability issue is a good lesson for the senate. Doesn’t think it should be brought back without a solid
reason, with acknowledgment of what the issue was that led to it requiring reconsideration.
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Agenda Building
3 minutes
Will wait to put sustainability issue back on the agenda until someone asks for its return with valid and solid
reasons why it should be reconsidered.
Region IV presentation
SSCCC presentation
My edu presentation
Meeting adjourned at 6:12pm
Student Senate Executive Meeting Agenda
(To be held after the Student Senate Meeting)
Call to Order
No quorum - unofficial meeting
Regular Business
A. Discussion of Meeting
30 minutes
Still having trouble getting called on before speaking.
Quorum issue and whether or not to include president should be dealt with once and for all in bylaws or by
constitutional amendment.
It is good to have these discussion now; during semester it would look very unprofessional.
Review of Sustainability Resolution
Funding Gaby’s travel expenses as a State Senator
10 minutes
10 Minutes
Confusion about Representative Avila's voting ability at state meetings. She is a Cabrillo representative, but
also a legislative representative. If she only gets 1 vote, and uses it as a legislative representative, Cabrillo
loses its vote.
Advisors Reports
5 Minutes ea.
Flor Chacòn
The senate benefits from Gabby being in the General Assembly.
Executive Agenda Requests