Total on Roster: 16
Votes needed for simple
majority vote: 50% + 1 = 9
Votes needed for 2/3 majority: 10
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Aptos Campus
SAC East RM 225
Date and Time:
Thursday, March 29 th , 2012
3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cabrillo College Student Senate held a meeting on Thursday March 29 th , 2012.
These are the minutes reflective of that meeting.
Motion to approve $300 from the Programs Account for the
International Student’s Scholarship.
Motion to approve $400 from the 73-Equipment Account so that a tablet device can be purchased for Student Senate presentations.
Motion to add to the bylaws “Sub article 9; ICC Funds; Each club may only receive up to $1000 per year.”
Motion to approve the proposed 2012-2013 senate account.
Motion to approve the proposed 2012-2013 73 account budget.
Motion to approve the support of the screening of the documentary Miss Representation.
9 5 0 Passed
Call to Order at 3:08pm
Roll Call
President: Charlotte Achen- Present
Treasurer: Joseph Gomez- Present
Student Trustee: Joseph Watkins- Present
Watsonville Representative: (vacant)
Stephanie Petrillo- Present
Sharon O’Connor-Present
Chris Steele- Present
Steven Culver- Present
Kyle Logan- Absent
Sesario Escoto-Absent
Flor Chacon- Absent
Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko- Present
Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila- Present
Inter-Club Council Chair: Ivan Sumano-Vargas- Present
Scotts Valley Representative: (vacant)
Laura Hunerberg-Present
Darwin Constantino- Present
James Williams- Present
Sarah Davies- Present
Aimee Cornett- Present
Adoption of the Agenda 3 minutes
Senator Davies moves to approve the agenda and Treasurer Gomez seconds the motion. The agenda is approved by a vote of 14 yeas.
Approval of the Minutes 3 minutes
March 22 nd , 2012
Treasurer Gomez moves to approve the minutes, and Senator Constantino seconds the motion. The minutes from March
22, 2012 are approved by a vote of 14 yeas.
Public Comments
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Senate on issues not already appearing on the agenda. There will be a limit of five (5) minutes per speaker.
There are no members of the public who wish to speak at this time.
Special Items
Recognition to Rebecca Garcia Information J. Gomez 5 Minutes
The senate thanked Rebecca Garcia for her help, and commended her for her service to the citizens of Watsonville and the student body. Joseph Watkins is especially grateful and feels that Rebecca is the most outspoken individual and is appreciative of all the help she has given him. Rebecca then showed her appreciation and gratitude for this recognition. She thinks the voice of the students has continued to grow strong. She feels that leadership is important and suggests giving any suggestions you have to the Governing Board, as they will listen! She congratulated the senate, as she said she brags about how we discuss things thoroughly and don’t just protest or sign away on approving things. She wishes us all well, and the senate returns that greeting to Rebecca.
Student Testimonials Presentation Information F. Chacòn 10 Minutes
Dan Czyzyk, a web developer who helps maintain the Cabrillo website, and who works for the marketing department of
Cabrillo, was present. Dan would like student senators to submit a testimonial for the “Why choose Cabrillo” page. This will include a picture of the student, with their short testimonial and their first name. There will be an opportunity in the future for students to submit a testimonial and photo right into the website, but for now they are looking for some to get it going.
This is totally optional, but if you would like to write one you can submit it to Dan via email at
or you can submit a handwritten testimonial to Charlotte. The photos used will be those on the student senator webpage unless you submit another. If you do not like the photo on the student senator page, you can let Darwin know and he can change it.
Dan also brought in peanuts for the senate. The Campus Life page is the third most visited page on Cabrillo’s website, and there are tens of thousands of visitors each day.
Textbook on Reserves Presentation Info. / Discuss. C. Achen 15 Minutes
Georg Romero was present from the library. The senate has been very gracious and generous to the library for many years.
In general, about $15,000 was given annually to the library from the senate. Currently, the money spent has exceeded the amount the senate has provided, but the library was able to cover the overage. There is a lot of benefit coming from the textbooks that are being funded every year. So far, nearly $21,000 has been spent so that every book that costs over $50 is available for the students to use. About 50% of the reserve books are from this source, and the other half comes from instructors and outside sources. Georg provided documentation that showed how when the recession hit in the fall of 2008, there was a spike in textbook reserve usage. Since that time, the numbers have continued to rise. The library is becoming so busy and so crowded, and the library staff would like to ask the senate to fund purchasing some additional chairs and tables that can be placed on the second level to provide additional comfortable study areas for the students. It would cost about
$10,000 to do this, and it would purchase about 20 chairs with tables between them. It is asked that these be comfortable chairs that are matching, as the ones scattered there now have been taken from various locations in the library, are not very comfortable and do not match. Georg mentioned he would certainly like to place a plaque stated the furniture was donated by the Student Senate should we decide to fund that. It was discussed whether lamps could be added, and Georg stated if there were specific areas that this would be beneficial it can certainly be looked into.
Semillas Presentation Info. / Discuss. J. Watkins 15 Minutes
Kaitlin, the bay area coordinator for the Semillas group was present. She originally contacted us to see if there was a way to formulate a presentation on campus, but the ICC has decided to present this in April in an amphitheater setting during Earth week, so the presentation will be taking place. Semillas is a project that was developed by two people who live in the
Yucatan. They are recent graduates from UCSC, and made a presentation with giant photos about agricultural crops and surveys done on them, that have been exhibited places, and will be coming to the bay area and UCSC too. There is a really large budget as they have to get the two students here, and they need Visas and plane tickets. The ICC has collectively given some funds. It was asked how much was remaining in the cultural events budget and Treasurer Gomez stated $925 was remaining. Kaitlin mentioned that the overall budget for this was nearly $5400 but they had raised a lot of money through private funding, and were $900 away from their goal. The ICC was able to raise $250. They are not able to do any additional things or commitments, however, regardless of funding options, as the time is very busy while they are here. This is going to be a bilingual presentation, and will be on April 17 th from 2:30-3:30pm. It is a cultural event, which is why Kaitlin feels the senate should support it. Ivan mentioned that there were quite a few clubs collaborating on Earth Week, and they came to the ICC yesterday and were going to request $200 each, but now they have decided to come back next week asking for a collective of $975 for Earth Week. Sustainability is the main group helping them out and we should discuss whether we are interested in providing more funds to them.
New Business .
Appointment of New Senators 3 min. for Speech, 3 min. for Questions
Scotts Valley Representative
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Watsonville Representative
2 Senator-at-Large Positions
There is no one present at this time who wishes to fill a senate position.
International Student Scholarship Info. / Action O. Chuiko 5 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $300.00
from the ___Account for the International
Students Scholarship.
Alex recommends we do this, and approve the money from the Programs account, and that if we fall short later on Sesario can take the money from an additional source. Interclub Council Chair Sumano-Vargas moves to approve $300 from the Programs
Account for the International Student’s Scholarship, and
Trustee Watkins seconds the motion. This is time sensitive, as if they do not have the money there will not be any rewards. It has been a tradition for the last 5 years and we are here to celebrate diversity and support individuals during their time here at Cabrillo. This would help international students, as the tuition for them is very high and one semester can cost about $2500-2700 for them. If we approve this, according to the treasurer, we will have $2,899 remaining in the Programs account. The senate votes on this, and this item is passed by a vote of 11 yeas, 3 nays.
Tablet for Presentations Info. / Action O. Chuiko 5 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $400.00 from the 73-Equipment Account so that a tablet device can be purchased for Student Senate presentations.
Carter spoke to the senate about the research he did on the tablet device and a laptop computer. This would be for the meeting room and would be used for projector purposes. It was discussed whether to consider a full blown computer that has editing software or whatever else we would want. Senator Steele moves to extend time by five minutes, and Senator Petrillo seconds the motion. By a vote of 11 yeas, 3 nays, it is approved to extend time by five minutes. The IPAD2 itself, with a video adapter, and documents-to-go will cost $401.21. There is also a Dell computer that Carter researched that was available for $127.65. This laptop would have a core 2 duo processor, 3 GB RAM, 250GB Hard Drive, DVD writing capabilities, 1 GB Ethernet Card,
Windows 7, Office 2007, and a built in camera. Carter would like to see the senate bring up the laptop in the next meeting. It is thought to consider shipping and taxes, and one senator stated the shipping would be free. Joseph Gomez expressed frustration that this item was brought back to the senate when he proposed a similar item earlier in the year, and Gaby felt that Carter should run for President and that this was a terrific idea and she was appreciative of someone taking the time to bring this item up, as it will benefit future senates. Trustee Watkins moves to approve $400 from the 73-Equipment Account so that a tablet device can be purchased for Student Senate presentations, and Senator Petrillo seconds the motion. President Achen states we cannot approve this because it is for less than the amount the item actually costs, but others in the senate stated we could proceed. It was discussed how easy Apple devices are for people who are not necessarily proficient with computers, and would be very simple for presentations. It was also discussed that approving the money for a laptop may not work as the IT department will not service any computer not purchased through them. This item moves to vote and is passed by a vote of 10 yeas, 4 nays.
Constitutional Amendment Info. / Action O. Chuiko 15 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding a constitutional amendment that would restrict executive officers from serving the same executive position for a second term. If approved, the amendment would then go to the general election to be voted on by the student body in order for it to be ratified.
This amendment would ensure the executive board members would not run for the same position in a second year. Alex recommends doing this only if 80% of the senate is in favor of this. In the executive system, there are term limits, and currently we have a flat 3-year term limit. The provision of the position is not contested, and if there is only one person running they should still be able to run. This needs to be clarified. It is important to spread the knowledge and the wealth of taking on different positions. Steven felt this would force people to run for a certain position and would take away the choice from a person, however other senators felt it should be up to the student body to decide whether this should happen or not. It would need 2/3 vote of the senate in order to be put on the ballot. It would not have to be done on the same ballot as elections, so it could take place prior to that so as not to conflict with the amendment. Sharon thought that we should allow second years in the same position, as you can learn more or less from running in the same position again. Stephanie believed having an experienced person running repeatedly may interfere with the opportunity of someone who has never run before, maybe someone new to the school.
It is a nice opportunity that would prevent tyranny. We are here to serve the students, regardless of the position we hold. By putting this on the ballot, we are giving the choice directly to the students. It was discussed to work out details and consider times when there may not be someone running for a position, in which case a second term would be allowed. Laura sees the standpoints of both views and believes we should bring it to the people to vote on, as voting this down would take away the voice of the students. Holding different positions does not affect your ability to help the students, and it would be a well-rounded experience to hold different positions. Legislative Representative Avila moves to approve putting the constitutional amendment regarding one year term limits for executive board positions onto the ballot, and it is seconded. It was recommended by President Achen and Sesario to have a bylaws meeting before we have the action item to determine this recommendation. There was an informal vote to show those in favor of seeing this come to ballot, and the vote concluded with 9 yeas, 4 nays, 1 abstain.
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Bylaws Revision Info. / Action I. Sumano-Vargas 10 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding a change to the I.C.C. section of the bylaws. This change would set a limit to the amount of funds a single club can request from the I.C.C.
The ICC last year had a discussion about restricting the amount of money each club could request each year. They came to the consensus that each club would be restricted not to exceed $1000 each year because clubs were taking advantage of the fact that there was no limit. Some clubs had been asking for money for things not related to events like paying off debts and currently some ICC reps continue saying “we are restricted to $1000,” however there is no current restriction in the bylaws. This would be the first step in adding it to the bylaws. If approved here, it will then have to be approved by the ICC. Sub article 9 in this portion of the bylaws would be “ICC Funds: Each club is only allowed to request $1000 per year.” This puts a cap on the spending. If we need to address misuse of funds, that is one thing, but putting a cap on the spending will not prevent that. Gaby would approve the cap if an incentive was there, like if they were more active they could get paid more as an incentive. It needs to be clearly defined what a collective is, as they are able to oversee the general $1000 limit. Interclub Council Chair Sumano-Vargas moves to amend the bylaws to state “Sub article 9; ICC Funds; each club may only receive up to $1000 per year,” and
Treasurer Gomez seconds the motion. This is approved by a vote of 11 yeas, 2 nays.
Senator Davies moves to take a ten minute recess, and Interclub Council Chair Sumano-Vargas seconds the motion. The senate moves to recess by a vote of 11 yeas, 2 nays.
The senate is called back to order at 4:41pm
2012-13 Student Senate Budget Info. / Action J. Gomez 20 30Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of the 2012- 2013 preliminary Student Senate budget.
The only difference from last week is that now Programs Account will be $30,000 as $3000 was removed, since it was no longer available for the budget. Senator Petrillo moves to approve the proposed 2012-2013 senate account, and Senator Constantino seconded the motion. The senate approves this budget as edited, by a vote of 10 yeas, 1 abstain. The 73 account; the M&O line will now have $1000. Senator Petrillo moves to approve the proposed 2012-2013 73 account budget, and Interclub Council
Chair Sumano-Vargas seconded the motion. The senate approves this budget by a vote of 11 yeas.
Miss Representation Co-Sponsorship Info. / Action C. Achen 5 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the Student Senate Co-Sponsoring the free screening of the documentary Miss Representation on April 30 th at 6pm in the Crocker Theater.
Laura, a marketing intern was present; they are in the process of creating a subcommittee and they need our help recruiting students and faculty to come to the presentation of Miss Representation. This is going to be the main county screening, and they have completed the marketing and PR for this already, but they need help getting the word out on campus. We already passed a constitution that we would support the Social Justice Conference and only 4 people are showing up for this, so for this item the senate will vote via roll call so the minutes may reflect who is in support of this. Supporting this will mean that you will be present to help at the event as well as promote it. Senator Petrillo moves to approve the support of the screening of the documentary Miss Representation, and Senator Hunerberg seconds the motion. The votes read: Oleksii Chuikko- Yay, Joseph
Gomez- Yay, Gaby Avila- Yay, Joseph Watkins- Yay, Ivan Sumano-Vargas- Nay, Stephanie Petrillo- Yay, Sharon O’Connor-
Yay, Chris Steele-Yay, Steven Culver- Nay, Kyle Logan-Absent, Laura Hunerberg-Yay, Darwin Constantino-Yay, James
Williams-Nay, Sarah Davies-Nay, Aimee Culver-Nay--- This motion passes by a vote of 9 yeas, 5 nays.
Bus Pass Proposal Update Info. / Discuss. D. Constantino 5 Minutes
This item is tabled.
SAC Presentation Info. / Discuss. C. Steele 10 Minutes
The Cabrillo SAC website has been updated and looks great! There are many benefits to the ID cards and we need to be notifying the students about it. There is only a few hundred who decline benefits each year, and most students accept it. The SAC committee is looking into bringing back the library card sticker so that the SAC card can be an all-in-one card. Discounts on performances are also online and you are encouraged to look at the website and become familiar with it. The Borrow-A-Book program is the best thing we offer to students because it is free and they can borrow the book for the whole semester and then give it back. If we don’t have someone to run it in the fall we will lose the service. It was discussed to consider advertising the
SAC cards at orientation. New advertising was discussed at the last committee meeting, and all senators should constantly be looking for and collecting more contracts, especially in Watsonville!!
Technology Presentation Info. / Discuss. S. Davies 10 Minutes
The campus is continuing to move in the direction towards a virtual desktop environment, which will offer students access to all their documents, and all their programs at any time from any device. The final project is steps away still, but currently the campus has incorporated the virtual desktops in two classrooms and also on a handful of computers in the CTC. The IT staff and
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172 faculty are being trained on the administration and monitoring of these networks at this time. For more information speak with
Committee Reports 3 minutes per committee
Faculty Senate met and Renee Kilmer will be out for 2 months, so Michael Mangin will come in and speak to us next week. He will explain how the budget cuts will affect us as students and would like to talk for 15 minutes and then have questions at the end. The faculty senate is in process of formulating a letter for Sacramento, and once it is complete we should either rubberstamp it or create our own to accompany it.
Student Activity Card committee will meet tomorrow from 12:30-1pm in SAC East.
Governing Board meets Monday at 4:30pm in the Sesnon house. Joseph Watkins has received the agenda and please speak with him if you have something you would like address, as Rebecca earlier reiterated that the board does listen to the students. Joseph Watkins will be informing them of the bus pass program and the Social Justice conference and would like to discuss whatever else we are sponsoring too.
The Social Justice Conference is April 21 st ! Clear your calendars!
SCCCC is May11th from 7:30-2:30pm. Everyone is encouraged to help out with tours or tabling for the senate. See Laura to sign up for your shifts.
The Bookstore committee met last Friday, and dealt mostly with duplications that do not pertain to us. However, textbook affordability is a big issue and the biggest role we can play as students is campaigning to faculty to see if there are any other cheaper options they can offer.
The Cafeteria committee will be meeting tomorrow, and Joe Lougin will be coming too. He is the director of facilities. The meeting is at 2pm in the cafeteria.
Next week, Bylaws and Elections will both meet on Tuesday. Alex will email times this weekend. Please try to be present as there will be discussion about additions and amendments. They will be printed out and our binders will be updated. Elections will talk about debates and plan the questions for the people who are running. Posters will be made and they will be printed out next week.
Volunteers are needed to post the posters at Aptos and Watsonville campuses.
Budget committee: Nice work getting everything done!
Delta Representative Report 5 minutes
Reports (Every other name is Bold for Easy Reading) 3 minutes ea.
Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers report on Senate Activities.
Executive Officers
President: Charlotte Achen – I got an email from a student in a digital media class who wants to video tape the student senate for a short time for a presentation about Cabrillo. He wants to do this right away and needs a few students to interview- I will send an email out- I believe he will interview you during the meeting. Thank you from Lois! She gave us a card and I will send it around.
Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko- no report
Treasurer: Joseph Gomez – The 71 account has $2899 remaining, the 73 account has $26124.18 remaining and the 72 account has $5111 remaining.
Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila- I want to congratulate everyone for actually speaking about ideas and not people-
CPC- I am the delegate and we talked about budget and positions being cut, and then after I went to ICC- right away I got a student who wanted to sign a letter for a position being cut. I was so glad Darwin was there- he knew more about this and the matrix- and I just want to say that, yes, we do feel for the people who are being cut- and having salary reductions, but we also need to understand we need to cut from somewhere. Try to keep an open mind about this- the item got really touchy yesterday so
I just left the meeting and the ICC chair handled it very well. Thank you Carter for bringing all that info to us
Student Trustee: Joseph Watkins Same points, we don’t just go out and protest; we weigh things out and think of all the options. Most people understand there have to be cuts coming from somewhere- we have to be able to respond to that. Fax machine – it was put in, I found the doodle poll- I will schedule the hours- if you haven’t signed this, sign it. All of our discussions were really well. Let’s keep assisting the students- we have a bunch of little programs, a lot coming up- make sure you have the time to dedicate to this and to your schoolwork. I want to commend everyone. The presentations were really informative- Sarah presented stuff to you that I presented falsely. A lot of the time we argue our points of view- sometimes you
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172 need to argue it by stepping into the other person’s point of view- it’s sometimes hard but we can do it and it makes things easier.
I look forward to the projects coming next year. I look forward to carrying over to next year. Good job!
Inter-Club Council Chair: Ivan Sumano-Vargas – ICC- The ICC reps concern was not that they were cutting from their department, but that they cut this person who was supervising a really dangerous area. Without that position, students are more likely to be endangered. The person who was cut supervised the jewelry and welding area. I just wanted to let them write the letter to give them the option to voice their concern. Sustainability got $200 for Earth Week and as a collective they will be coming back next week to ask for $975 more. I will present to them the bylaw amendment that was passed- they have to agree to it for it to become a bylaw.
Watsonville Representative: (Vacant)
Scotts Valley Representative: (Vacant)
Stephanie Petrillo- Great job, we were really productive and you all make me really happy.
Laura Hunerberg- Please remember the Social Justice Conference on April 21 st and the 4 th grade experience on May 11 th . I think it is really important and would like you to think so too.
Sharon O’Connor – no report
Darwin Constantino - I’m really glad because the PR committee is working really hard and a lot of things are coming up.
Stephanie has been working on some awesome T-shirts that are very professional with a great design. James is working on the banner and it’s great! The promo cards are being worked on- just postcard sized flyers. We had a fun experiment last Friday- we want to explore marquee and we are deciding what direction we want the sign to read- so we put a ‘honk if you can read this’ banner up and put it on different sides to determine which way was the best. One thing- I will be working on a promotional video of the senate- I will be interviewing a lot of you and will put it into a good-looking video. Arthur brought this up last semester and I want to work on it.
Chris Steele- One thing I did last semester, was visited different parts of the campus I had never been to before- went to horticulture, art studio, pool, art, - it’s pretty interesting. The Faculty senate recommended hiring 2 full time positions- if you have more questions see me after; it’s a little tricky since there are cuts too but if they don’t maintain so many full time positions they get fined, and it is more than the position costs for the salary. I also learned that the Faculty senate is not an advocacy committee- once a position has been cut by the management at Cabrillo, it is the Faculty senate’s job to see how this position will be affected- and depending on how that will affect other people. They come together to decide whether it is reasonable to make this cut. Again, the Student Activity Card committee meets tomorrow 12:30-1pm and PR from 1-2pm, and Cafeteria from 2-3pm tomorrow! Come, its lots of fun.
James Williams - I’m looking forward to coming to some of those meetings tomorrow- maybe all of them if I can manage it. I am really excited about talking to Joe Nyguen again. We have recycling problems behind the old theater- I went back there and tried to clean it up and Joe came out the door. I have taken it upon myself to clean up the area- there are a lot of irresponsible people leaving trash around there. I want access to more garbage cans and recycling in some spots.
Steven Culver- no report
Sarah Davies See me if you want more info about the technology.
Kyle Logan - absent
Aimee Cornett- no report
Advisors 5 minutes ea.
Sesario Escotoabsent
Flor Chacònabsent
Dennis- The SCCCC is coming. Shepherding 2600 kids and 500 adults seem like a frivolous thing to do, but if you look at the overall picture it is a terrific county wide initiative to raise the bar for all students. All of the K-12 schools and community colleges are a part of this, and we want to make sure every student who enrolls is excelling at English and Math. The high schools are redoing their curriculum to ensure that students are prepared for English 1A and college level math by the time they are a junior in high school. If they aren’t prepared at that time, they will be taking courses directed towards their improvement during their senior year. Most of the kids in the 4 th grade in this community will be attending the event, and it motivates people to think that college is not just an “option.” I have to do budget cuts every day, and I get excited about this because it gives an opportunity to change the way the county educates its citizens. We have some money to start a Foster Youth program, as we had an anonymous donor who gave $50,000, but it must be spent this semester. We found some mentors and will give some money directly to the students and some to support to “teach them to fish” so to speak.
Agenda Building 3 minutes
5000 for computers for senate area; service dogs on campus; bus pass proposal; announcements; Semillas (maybe); purchase recs; garbage problem spots; trained in hardware and software support- senate inefficiencies; department awards for senators for last year; bylaws and constitution, carters proposal for laptop, discussion about cabinet in meeting room; approve money for a timer; report of event knowledge distribution
Adjournment 5:55 pm
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Student Senate Executive Meeting Agenda
(To be held after the Student Senate Meeting)
Call to Order 6:07pm
Roll Call
President: Charlotte Achen- Present
Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko- Absent
Treasurer: Joseph Gomez- Present
Trustee: Joseph Watkins- Present
Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila- Present
Interclub Council Representative: Ivan Sumano-Vargas- Present
Scotts Valley Representative: Vacant
Watsonville Representative: Vacant
Flor Chacon- Absent
Sesario Escoto- Absent
Adoption of the Executive Agenda
Approval of the Executive Minutes
Regular Business
Attendance from Last Meeting 5 Minutes
James Williams was absent for medical reasons. His absence is excused.
Kyle Logan left early at 5:22pm and was marked tardy. He had to leave for a Business Club meeting at the Sesnon House. His tardy goes unexcused by a vote of 0 yeas, 4 nays in favor to excuse.
Discussion of Meeting 30 Minutes
It was a good meeting. Charlotte did a good job making sure everything was orderly. By comparison, this meeting was ten times better than last week. It was determined that announcements will be made only by the President. It was also discussed amending the orders of the day to move people who are present to discuss matters with us to the beginning. What irony that we behavior better when our advisors are not present! It was discussed trying to use first names when making a motion. For example, if Sarah were to make a motion, she would state “Sarah moves to…” which will help the secretary keep accurate minutes. When we discussed tossing out the meeting norms, it was stated that the chair would state the new ending time if a motion has been made to extend time. The president would like assistance from the time keeper on this. Dennis advises that even if you extend time, if we say we end at 6pm, we cannot require people to stay later than that. It was discussed combining both committee reports and personal reports to be more efficient. These reports will now be 5 minutes per person. If the chair of an item has decided to use a pro-con format for discussion, this must be announced at the beginning of the agenda item. It is also asked that the President remain unbiased. Ivan reported on his mentees: Sarah has been the secretary since the summer and knew the procedures and how the senate worked already. We did a quick overview together. Aimee and I met this Wednesday because class was cancelled and went over procedures and she is doing the bylaws on her own. She is doing a great job and taking initiative. Kyle is appointed to his internal, external and adhoc committees and has reviewed the bylaws hopefully will discuss this more soon, as Joseph and him had limited time. Kyle is encouraged to be in the office more as you learn by hanging out there. Darwin met with Steven and he is a tank and getting right into it. He has gone over bylaws and procedures and they have been meeting informally once a week. James and Darwin have scheduled meetings together and are working on breaking down some barriers. It is really helpful and cool that everyone is collaboratively working to support each other. When reports come, if you would like something discussed in the Faculty senate that is the time to tell Chris! Reports should be brought up at the meetings. A doodle-poll was discussed being created to determine when Chris, Gaby, Charlotte and Joseph Watkins can get together to have a subcommittee to share information.
Appoint Mentors to New Senators 5 Minutes
Advisors Reports 5 Minutes ea.
Sesario Escoto Flor Chacòn
Executive Agenda Requests
We should discuss internal committee- should they follow brown act and should they be making action items- in regards to budget and bylaws- Sesario wants us to bring this up next week
Adjournment 6:30 pm
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